Diseases of Potato
Diseases of Potato
Diseases of Potato
Early blight
Small pale brown spots first appear on leaves. Lowest leaves are
attacked first followed to upper parts of the plant. Concentric rings on leaves
surrounded by chlorotic areas are the characteristic symptom of the disease.
In dry weather spots become hard and leaves are curled but in humid weather
big rotted patches are formed and leaves may fall down. Similar patches are
developed on stem resulting in the whole plant to collapse. The rotting may
reach upto the tuber. Affected plants develop less and smaller size tubers.
Favourable Conditions:
Disease Cycle:
The mycelium of the pathogen remains viable on dry infected leaves for
10– 12 months. Conidia are also viable upto 17 months at room temperature.
Initial infection therefore takes places either by mycelium or conidia surviving
in soil on dead plant debris. Contamination of seed tubers with conidia or
mycelium may be another source of primary inoculum. The infection starts
from lower most leaves and further spread of the disease takes place from the
conidia formed on these leaves. The conidia are disseminated by water, wind
and insects. Under favourable conditions of rains followed by warm and dry
weather the disease spreads very rapidly.
Disease Management:
1. As the pathogen is soil– borne, crop rotation should be followed for 2– 3
years with non– solanaceous crops.
2. Dead haulms should also be raked band burnt after harvesting.
3. Provide conditions favourable for vigorous growth of the crop.
4. Use of certified seed are important measures to avoid infection.
5. Regular sprays with fungicides at an interval of 10– 21 days depending on
severity of the disease should be done.
6. Fungicides like Dithane M– 45 @ 0.2%, Blitox– 50 @ 0.25%, Captan @ 0.2%
etc. have also been recommended for disease control.
Late blight
Usually infection starts in 6 weeks old plants. First reported from Andes
mountains of South America. In India, the disease was first reported in
Darjeeling district in India (1880). The famous Irish famine of 1845– 46 was
due to failure of potato crop by a disease which was later identified as late
blight of potato. In this famine, millions of people died due to starvation as
potato was staple food of Irish people. Several epiphytotics have been reported
due to late blight in different parts of the world. In India, the disease is found
in all the potato growing areas. The disease also occurs on tomato.
The disease usually appear late in the season than early blight. Initially
starts from leaf tips or margins and spread inward. Brownish black areas
develop on leaves which can cover the whole leaf surface. The disease spreads
very fast when high humidity is there and cover the whole leaf within 1– 4
days. The disease can cover all the leaves and stem of the infected plant and
sometimes the whole crop is blighted. The tubers can also be infected while
in soil or during harvesting or in storage. Most of the tubers of infected plants
are rotted showing brown to purple discoloration on the skin of tubers. Moist
atmosphere is suitable for wet rot and dry weather causes dry rot.
The pathogen, Phytophthora infestans is the causal pathogen of the
disease. The mycelium is endophytic and intercellular. Sporangiophores
develop from the mycelium and come out through stomata or lenticels of
tubers. Sporangia are pear shaped and papillate and develop at the tips of
sporangiophores. The sporangia germinate and form secondary sporangia
which produce zoospores upon germination. The zoospores are biflagellate
and cause infection to the host. Sexual reproduction is not known. Several
physiologic races are known in the pathogen.
Favourable Conditions:
Late blight progress rapidly when relative humidity is > 90 % and
temperature between 10- 250C.
In hills, occurrence of the disease generally coincides with the onset of
monsoon rains. In plains it appears whenever low temperature prevails in
combination with high humidity brought about by rain, dew or irrigation.
Disease Cycle:
Disease Management:
Stem – Galls form at the base of the stem; initially white, but turning black
when decaying; may be as small as a pin or as large as a fist; surface is rough
and corrugated– warty in appearance
Tubers – Eyes develop cauliflower– like swellings; when formed underground,
they are the same colour as the potato skin, darkening with age, or green if
exposed to light. Typical warts are soft and pulpy and easier to cut than a
healthy tuber.
Aerial buds – Small greenish warts form in the position of the aerial buds at
the stem bases.
Favourable Conditions:
Disease Cycle:
Disease Management:
Favourable Conditions:
The disease favours high soil temperature (25–350C) and soil moisture
>50% for disease development.
Disease Cycle:
Disease Management:
The disease is widely distributed in cool and hilly places. The disease
decreases the maket value of tubers due to rough skin.
Superficial or deep seated lesions are formed on the skin of tubers. The
areas of lesions become rough and are raised over the skin. The lesions have
darker corky tissues of different shape and size. Sometimes the lesions join
together covering the complete surface of the skin.
The causal pathogen of the disease is Streptomyces scabies. The spores
are smooth walled and cylindrical measuring 0.8– 1.0 x 1.2– 1.5μ in size.
Disease Cycle:
The pathogen survives in soil and get distributed through movement
of soil by wind and cultural operations but main distribution is through
contaminated seed tubers. Infection occurs through newly formed
unsuberized lenticels, stomata, wounds and may be directly through the
cuticle when skin is thin. The pathogen develops in dead cells and causes the
development of lesions. The pathogen is most active in dry soil, and hence the
disease can be suppressed by irrigation. Optimum infection takes place at 20-
220 C.
Disease Management:
1. Use of healthy seed tubers, seed treatment with mercurial fungicides like
agalol– 6 and aretan etc. by dipping for 5 min in 0.25% solution are useful
for elimination of disease.
2. Crop rotation, growing of legume crops before potato planting.
3. Application of 20– 30 kg / ha of PCNB (Brassicol) will reduce common scab.
Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV)
Reddening of leaf margins and tips of leaves, leaf rolling, usually leaflets
rolled upwards and starts from lower and oldest leaves are the major
symptoms of the disease on leaves of potato caused by PLRV. Affected plants
remain stunted and yield of tubers is greatly reduced.
Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) is the causal pathogen and belongs to
luteovirus group. The virions are isometric, 24 nm in diameter and have 30%
nucleic acid and 70% proteins. The genome is ssRNA, linear and unipartite.
The most efficient and important vector of PLRV is Myzus persicae. The
virus is also transmitted by grafting.
Disease Cycle:
The primary inoculum comes through infected tubers used as seed and
also from natural hosts. Further spread of the PLRV takes place by insect
Disease Management:
The Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) was the first viroid to be
Plants appear erect, spindly and dwarfed. Leaves small, erect and
leaflets dark green. Tubers elongated with tapering ends. Tuber eyes are
numerous and more conspicuous.
1. Use of PSTVd free potato seed tubers.
2. Disinfestation of cutting knives.