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Conversation Topics

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Conversation Topics

 Age _______

 Annoyances _______

 Animals _______

 Art _______

 Birthdays _______

 Books _______

 Business _______

 Cars _______

 Clothes _______

 Controversial Opinions _______

 Current Affairs _______

 Eating Out _______

 The Enviornment _______

 Fame _______

 Food _______
1 Age
“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's
ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the heck she is.”
― Ellen DeGeneres

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) the time when you were young ___ mature

2 (n) someone aged between 13 and 19 ___ toddler
3 (n) someone who has finished their working life ___ retirement
4 (adj) to be neither young nor old ___ teenager
5 (adj) behaves like an adult, not childish ___ childhood
6 (n) the period after you finish your working life ___ pensioner
7 (n) a very young child ___ middle-aged

Idioms and collocations

Ben wants to be an archaeologist when he grows __________.

He’s getting on a __________ but he’s still got a great voice.
you look good for your __________, what’s the secret?
The 1930s were the __________ age of Jazz.
Disneyland was fantastic, we had the __________ of our lives there.

up bit age time golden

Grammar bit

If I could retire tomorrow, I would. I would spend my time travelling around the world
and learning about different cultures.
2 Annoyances
“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.”
― Isaac Asimov

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (v) to make someone annoyed ___ furious

2 (n) someone or something annoying ___ calm down
3 (adj) unhelpful ___ pest
4 (adj) how you feel when you have trouble doing something ___ bad mood
5 (adj) very angry ___ frustrated
6 (n) the feeling you have when you are not happy ___ irritate
7 (v) what you might tell someone who is feeling angry or annoyed ___ inconvenient

Idioms and collocations

The new traffic lights are a pain in the __________.

My supervisor is driving me __________today.
This weatherman gets on my __________, he’s always so jolly.
My boss hit the __________ when she found out about the missing money.
it really __________ me when you eat with your mouth open.

crazy bugs neck nerves roof

Grammar bit

My neighbours can be very annoying. Last night I was very irritated because they were
playing techno music so loud that I couldn’t hear the television. It was very irritating, I
think the other neighbours were annoyed too but no-one said anything.
3 Animals
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are
― Mahatma Gandhi

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) a doctor who looks after animals

2 (n) dogs often wear one of these around their necks
3 (v) some animals have a long sleep in the winter
4 (v) cats do this when they’re happy
5 (n) animals that feed milk to their young (e.g. humans, cows, cats)
6 (n) animals that have cold blood and lay eggs (e.g. snakes, lizards, turtles)
7 (v/n) the noise a dog makes

___ purr ___ bark ___ mammal ___ vet ___ collar
___ hibernate ___ reptile

Idioms and collocations

She crept out as quiet as a __________ but the baby woke up and started crying.
John is the black __________ of the family, he’s always in some kind of trouble.
This is a tough business. It’s a dog eat __________ world.
I’m so hungry, I could eat a __________.
Who let the _________ out of the bag and told Ann about her surprise birthday party?

sheep horse mouse dog cat

Grammar bit

Ostriches can run almost as fast as lions and their kick is as powerful as a kangaroo’s.
However their brains are only as big as a walnut.
4 Art
“Football is an art, like dancing is an art - but only when it's well done does it become an
― Arsene Wenger

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) colourful liquid which is used to make pictures with

2 (n) a picture made with a pencil
3 (n) a place you go to see art
4 (n) a painting or drawing of a person (usually only their head and shoulders)
5 (n) a great piece of art, the artist’s best work
6 (n) the material a painting is painted on
7 (n) a special method which an artist may use

___ portrait ___ paint ___ masterpiece ___ technique

___ drawing ___ canvas ___ gallery

Idioms and collocations

A __________ is worth a thousand words.

Maybe he’s nice, don’t judge a __________ by its cover.
I’ll give him one more chance but we have to draw a __________ somewhere.
It’s my birthday so we’re going out to paint the __________ red.
The boss didn’t like it so I’m afraid it’s back to the drawing __________.

board picture town book line

Grammar bit

The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century. It was stolen from
the Louvre in 1911 and it was another two years before the painting was recovered by
5 Birthdays
“You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.”
― George Burns

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) what you hope to receive lots of on your birthday

2 (n) people often eat a piece of this on their birthday
3 (n) there’s one for every year and you have to blow them out then make a wish
4 (n) it’s like money but you can only spend it in one particular shop
5 (n) your birthday is a good excuse to have one of these
6 (n/adj) something unexpected and nice
7 (n) there are often some of these around at a child’s birthday party

___ party ___ ballons ___ gift voucher ___ cake

___ candles ___ presents ___ surprise

Idioms and collocations

In the UK you come of __________ on your 18th birthday.

Martin was the __________ of the party, he didn’t stop dancing all night.
I hope you have a __________ at your party tonight.
Come on Mick! It’s a party, let your __________ down and have a drink and a dance.
The test was really easy, it was a piece of __________.

hair cake age ball life

Grammar bit

The party was so great, we had such a fun time. Tom was so drunk that he fell asleep on
the sofa. I got such a lot of presents and later the police came because the music was so
6 Books
“We shouldn't teach great books; we should teach a love of reading.”
― B.F. Skinner

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) usually found at the front of a book, it tells you what is in the book
2 (n) books are often divided up into these
3 (n) what happens in a book, the story
4 (n/adj) a book with a soft cover, not a hardback
5 (n) usually at the back of the book, this lists in detail what’s in the book
6 (v) to read something quickly in order to find information
7 (adj) a book about a real life subject, not a work of fantasy

___ chapter ___ plot ___ paperback ___ skim

___ non-fiction ___ contents ___ index

Idioms and collocations

I helped her move house at the weekend so I’m in her good __________.
The team completely lost the __________ after they let in the second goal.
Moving to New York was the start of a new __________ in my life.
I couldn’t believe it either, but sometimes __________ is stranger than fiction.
Reading between the __________ , I don’t think he’s enthusiastic about the idea.
chapter books plot lines truth

chapter books plot lines truth

Grammar bit

I think this book is very underrated. I was overwhelmed by this story about
underprivileged children growing up during the industrial revolution.
7 Business
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning
from failure.”
― Colin Powell

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) making people aware of a company and its products or services ___ meeting
2 (n) a person who is in charge of a team, project or department ___ marketing
3 (v) you need to do this if you want people to know about a product ___ break-even
4 (n) the money you make after deducting your costs ___ manager
5 (n) if you don’t make enough money, you probably made a... ___ advertise
6 (v) if you don’t make money or lose money ___ loss
7 (n) a get-together with colleagues to discuss business matters ___ profit

Idioms and collocations

I’m on holiday next week, but please keep me in the __________ while I’m away.
Joshua was late for the meeting again so he can take the __________.
I’m going to have to work all weekend in order to meet the __________.
If we release it this quarter, I’m certain we can corner the __________ in smart-wallets.
That was Tom on the phone, we’ve got the green __________ to start the Omega project.

deadline light market loop minutes

Grammar bit

If we lower the price by $3, I think we can increase sales two fold.
- Yes, if we sell it for $9.99, we’ll definitely increase sales but we won’t make as much
8 Cars
“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone
going faster than you is a maniac?”
― George Carlin

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) a lot of cars on the road, all going nowhere ___ spare tyre
2 (n/v) use this to slow the car down ___ engine
3 (n/v) use this gear to go backwards ___ traffic jam
4 (n) it’s made of glass and the driver looks through it ___ brake
5 (n) you should keep one of these in the boot in case you get a flat ___ road sign
6 (n) these tell you where you’re going and how fast you can drive ___ reverse
7 (n) the bigger this is, the faster the car ___ windscreen

Idioms and collocations

This new log-in procedure is driving me round the __________ .

Ok, it’s time to change __________ and practise some of this new grammar.
After eight hours of talks, negotiations seemed to have come to a dead __________.
Sandra, you’re in the driving __________ on this project.
Fasten your __________, things are about to get interesting.

seatbelt end bend seat gear

Grammar bit

The bigger the engine, the faster the car; the later you are, the more red traffic lights
you hit; the faster you drive, the more petrol you will use.
9 Clothes
“Expensive clothes are a waste of money.”
― Meryl Streep

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) smart business clothes, usually worn by men ___ tight

2 (n) clothes which aren’t usually visible ___ heel
3 (n) a type of cupboard where you hang your clothes ___ plain
4 (adj) the opposite of loose, maybe you should get a bigger size ___ suit
5 (adj) another word for loose clothing ___ underwear
6 (adj) not striped, not patterned, not bright, just a single colour ___ baggy
7 (n) on the bottom of your shoe, they can make you seem taller ___ wardrobe

Idioms and collocations

Oh, not another meeting! The new Head of Sales bores the __________ off me.
Wow, look at you! You’re dressed to __________ tonight.
Basically, he got the __________ from his last job because he was too lazy.
That was below the __________ , don’t talk about my family like that .
Come on, there’s still 250 to do, let’s roll up our __________ and get on with it.

kill belt sleeves boot pants

Grammar bit

Well this jacket looks nicer than the last one, but the last one was cheaper and a better
- I think I prefer the first one, it’s the trendiest and the most comfortable.
10 Controversial opinions
“If an individual wants to be a leader and isn't controversial, that means he never stood
for anything.”
― Richard Nixon

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) an emotional discussion ___ point of view

2 (v/n) to forbid something or make it illegal ___ compromise
3 (n/v) to come to an agreement where neither side wins or loses ___ abolish
4 (n) the subject which is being discussed ___ debate
5 (v) to officially get rid of something such as a tax or a law ___ ban
6 (n) a person’s perspective or opinion ___ argument
7 (v/n) a discussion where different opinions are expressed ___ issue

Idioms and collocations

You’re on my __________ , aren’t you? You think the logo should be blue too?
I spoke to Ian, we’ve agreed to __________ on the overtime issue.
I had a heated __________ with my manager, I told him what he could do with his job.
She told me I would get her office over her dead __________.
I’m sitting on the __________ on this one, I can see both points of view.

body side fence differ debate

Grammar bit

I think soft drugs should be legalised and as a result many prisoners could be released
from jail.
- No, I don’t agree. Anti-drug laws must be tightened or there will be chaos in the streets.
11 Current affairs

“People everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.”

― A. J. Liebling

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) television, radio, and the press are all examples of this
2 (n) a terrible event
3 (n) when people vote for something e.g. a new political leader
4 (n) people marching in the street to show their feelings about an issue
5 (n) an event where prizes are given, for example the Oscars
6 (adj) the opposite of important
7 (n) a process which decides if a person is innocent or guilty

___ demonstration ___ trivial ___ media ___ disaster

___ court case ___ election ___ award show

Idioms and collocations

Smith hit the __________ last month when he won the under 18s golf championship.
Miguel added fuel to the __________ by accusing his former boss of taking bribes.
The recession has hit us hard, we’re all in the same __________ in facing these cutbacks.
Only once in a blue __________ do these two teams meet in a cup game.
Is Bitcoin a flash in the __________ or the future of money?

fire headlines moon pan boat

Grammar bit
Clark said that he expected to see the economy improve and hoped to have some good
news to announce soon. He promised that he would do all that he could to improve the
job situation.
12 Eating out
“When you go to a restaurant, the less you know about what happens in the kitchen, the
more you enjoy your meal.”
― Jeffrey Wright

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) in the US you ask for this at the end of a meal, in Britain they say bill
2 (n) this part of the meal follows the starter
3 (n) you need to make one of these before visiting a popular restaurant
4 (adj) one way of ordering your steak
5 (n/adj) someone who doesn’t eat meat
6 (n) collective name for knives, forks, spoons, etc.
7 (n) something you wipe your mouth with during or after a meal

___ cutlery ___ vegetarian ___ reservation ___ napkin

___ main course ___ check ___ well done

Idioms and collocations

Put your money away. It’s your birthday so dinner is my __________ .

I can’t eat all this steak, please can you put it in a __________ bag for me?
I shouldn’t have ordered the large portion, my eyes were bigger than my __________ .
I can’t eat a single thing more, I’m completely __________ .
I have a sweet __________ , I can’t resist dessert.

treat belly tooth doggie stuffed

Grammar bit

If I’d known the portions were so small, I would’ve had a bigger lunch.
- Yes, and if you’d read the restaurant review you would’ve known that the portions here
aren’t very big.
13 The environment

“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land,
purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. ”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) a dense area of trees, usually in places with a tropical climate

2 (v/n) to avoid buying a particular product or from a particular company
3 (n) not towns and cities
4 (n) animals and vegetation in their natural environment
5 (n) The Earth is one of these and so are Mars, Saturn and Jupiter
6 (v) to make the environment unclean and poisonous
7 (n) a layer of oil floating on the surface of water

___ rain forest ___ slick ___ wildlife ___ pollute

___ countryside ___ boycot ___ planet

Idioms and collocations

I’ve been working on this for too long, I can’t see the __________ for the trees anymore.
It wasn’t me! It’s not in my __________ to take people’s things without asking.
Studies say 5% of under 14s are smokers, some fear that this is the tip of the
The pool cost him $100,000 to build but for him that’s a ____________ in the ocean.
That’s typical of the newspapers, always trying to make a mountain out of a __________.
trees drop iceberg molehill nature

trees drop iceberg molehill nature

Grammar bit

In my opinion most people aren’t doing enough to reduce the amount of energy they use.
They also use too much water and buy too many things that they don’t really need.
14 Fame
"In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes."
― Andy Warhol

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (n) someone who is famous

2 (n) this is rolled out for VIPs to walk on
3 (n/v) to talk about the personal life of other people
4 (n/adj) a newspaper which has a lot of trivial stories about famous people
5 (n/v) a word which is used to describe some very famous singers and actors
6 (adj) to be attractive, often in an expensive way
7 (n/v) the first showing of a new movie

___ gossip ___ glamorous ___ star ___ tabloid

___ celebrity ___ premiere ___ red carpet

Idioms and collocations

I like Jack, he seems so down to __________ for a big movie star.

My claim to __________ is that I once met Madonna at a party.
I hate speaking in public, I get terrible __________ fright.
Manchester United’s star player was back in the __________ after scoring three goals.
Amy Texas made front __________ news last year when she won a Grammy for best song.
fame stage spotlight earth page

fame stage spotlight earth page

Grammar bit

I’ve never met anyone really famous. The most famous person I’ve spoken to is my cousin
Joe, he plays guitar in a rock band. They were on TV once. I’ve never been on TV, have
15 Food
“It's easy for Americans to forget that the food they eat doesn't magically appear on a
supermarket shelf.”
― Christopher Dodd

Vocabulary: Matching

1 (adj) a way to describe healthy food

2 (adj) very tasty
3 (n/v) vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are all different __________s of ice cream
4 (adj) food which tastes boring is this
5 (n) a formula for making a particular meal
6 (n) - how food feels in your mouth when you eat it
7 (n) the amount of food you get

___ flavour ___ delicious ___ bland ___ recipe

___ portion ___ nutritious ___ texture

Idioms and collocations

Growing up is hard, life isn’t always a bowl of __________ .

He walked in, as cool as a __________ , and told the boss he wanted a pay rise.
We’re going to try using a __________ and stick approach with the development team.
I’m not a fan of free jazz, it’s not my cup of __________ at all.
To put it in a __________ , you’re fired!

cherries nutshell cucumber carrot tea

Grammar bit

I prefer Indian food to English food. I’d rather have a good spicy curry than boring old
meat and potatoes.

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