Changing Dimensions of Drug Patents of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
Changing Dimensions of Drug Patents of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
Changing Dimensions of Drug Patents of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
The Patents Act, 1970 which provided for process patenting led to pharmaceutical revolution in the country as India
witnessed a spectacular increase in generic manufacturers. The Patent Act, 2005 however is considered to be a major game
changer as it provides for both process and product patents and will set the tone to shift away from reverse engineering to
forward engineering. The growth in Patent activity reflects the development in science and technology of the nation. With
the passing of Patent Act, 2005 and increase in Intellectual Property (IP) awareness amongst the Indian companies, they
seem to be taking IP protection more seriously on a global level. The paper aims to bring about trend, growth and prospects
of patenting in Indian Pharmaceutical Sector. Relative Specialisation Index (RSI) for pharmaceutical patents in India vis-à-
vis the whole world has been calculated to concur if its trend is uphill. An inter-country RSI analysis of top ten
pharmaceutical markets in the world has been conducted to project India’s strength at the world level.
Keywords : Relative Specialization Index, World Trade Organization, Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement,
Gross Domestic Product, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Bolar provision, Patent Office Journal, Economic
Survey, Drug patents, Pharmaceutical sector, Patent laws, Patent trends, Pharmaceutical markets
Economic policy and law collectively govern the framework to protect valuable inventions from being
socio-economic development of a nation. Various imitated and misused.
economists and lawyers such as Trubek,1 Davis & Intellectual property (IP) states to creations of the
Trebilcock,2 have examined the relationship between mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works;
law and development, confirming a correlation designs; and symbols, names and images used in
between these practical and social sciences. It has commerce.8 For all WTO member countries, the
been empirically validated that an improvement of existing framework of intellectual property laws are
one standard deviation of laws and governance of a identified by the
country would result in an increase in income per Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
capita of as much as 300 percent in the long Agreement (TRIPS) governed by WTO. This has
run– which is true for the likes of Chile and India.3 strengthened India’s capacity to invest in research and
Development is interrelated to law partially by the development, especially in the pharmaceutical sector.
elucidation that without intellectual property rights, The laws governing IP in India originate from the
the society would not produce scientific, cultural and mid-19th century. Henceforth, various laws have been
technological entities at the optimum level.4 From as implemented and modified to protect inventions
early as Adam Smith,5 to Schumpeter6 and Ulku,7 (1856, 1859, 1872, 1883, 1888 and 1911). The first
stress has been laid on the undeniable relationship milestone of IP rights in independent India was The
between innovation and development. The scope of Patents Act, 1970, which came into force on 20 April
innovations has widened to a plethora of activities in 1972. The Act gave rise to reverse engineering
the modern day, spanning through the whole supply through product patenting, resulting in a flourished
chain from raw materials to the final product. This is Indian pharmaceutical industry. However, the Act
why governments give incentives and benefits to exempted ‘food or medicine or drug’ from product
inventors, all the while providing a suitable patenting.9 With time, global competition increased
______ tremendously and there was a need to amend laws.
Corresponding Author: Email: With the formation of World Trade Organization
(WTO) and consequential introduction of Trade five years to execute the provisions of TRIPS for
Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) developing countries. Under Article 65.4, an
Agreement in 1995, all member countries were additional five years were granted to the countries that
required to follow TRIPS Agreement laws. The laws did not require product patent protection in any field
included providing product patent protection within a when TRIPS was imposed. A system of Exclusive
period of 10 years. To meet its TRIPS obligations, Marketing Rights (EMRs) was introduced which
India amended its Patent Laws on 22 March 2005, remained in operation during the transition period
abolishing its ‘process’ Patents Law and introducing until TRIPS requirements were fully adopted. The
‘product’ Patent Law. Patent Law in India was amended in years 1999, 2002
and 2005 to provide for TRIPS Agreement
requirements and incorporate country specific
Objective and Hypotheses
changes in new Patent Law. India wholly complied
The study aims at analysing the changing trends of
with all agreements of the WTO by January 2005.12
growth of drug patents in India and its relationship
The pharmaceutical industry in India reached new
with GDP growth and R&D growth. The study further
prospects of growth with the advent of the TRIPS
endeavours to estimate the relative specialization of
Agreement. Chaudhuri analysed the TRIPS Law and
drug industry of India.
forecasted its socio-economic implications, keeping in
Hypotheses view India’s pre-TRIPS Patent Regime.9 The adoption
H : There is significant relation between R&D of Bolar provision by India has allowed generic
expenditure, drug patent applications and GDP producers to enter the market even before the expiry
growth in the country for the period under study. of patents. The amendment of Section 107A (a)
: The Relative Specialization Index for the enables pharmaceutical corporations to execute
Indian pharmaceutical Industry has increased during further R&D over patented products to prepare for
the period under study. regulatory consent. The companies utilise this
exemption to generate generic version of drugs before
Methodology the patent expires.
The study has been conducted for the time period Dhar and Gopakumar investigated the performance
of 19 years from 1997-98 to 2015-16. The study is of firms in the Indian pharmaceutical sector in wake
based on the secondary data which has been collected of the TRIPS Agreement.13 Data from both domestic
from the Patent Office Journal, Economic Survey and firms and international regulatory authorities were
WIPO reports for various years. The data of R&D for utilized for this study. They concluded that generic
all pharmaceutical firms (876 in number) has been firms have shown tremendous growth after 1995 and
collected form CMIE Prowess database. Growth rate that emphasis has been laid on keeping the patent
comparisons in patent applications, GDP growth and regime flexible contrary to exclusive rights being
R&D expenditure have been done on the basis of year provided to major players so that domestic players in
on year growth computations. Correlation and the pharmaceutical industry can thrive along
regression techniques have been applied to find out international competition. The Indian Pharmaceutical
the relation and degree of impact among variables. To sector has hence emerged as a global giant during
capture the concentration in drug innovation or a post-TRIPS period.
higher propensity to drug patenting, relative Drug Patents Trend in India
specialization index (using Balassa)10 has been Ghai attempted to analyze Indian patent regime
constructed. with special reference to TRIPS and establish its
impact on the Indian pharmaceutical sector.14 He
WTO, TRIPS and India inferred that for the 60% of Indians who are the
Intellectual property protection was not a part of deprived of pharmaceuticals, demand sensitivity and
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade’s (GATT) price rise owing to patent introduction is trivial.
objectives. With the conception of WTO in the Although Indian economy is witnessing a steady rate
Uruguay Round, TRIPS Agreement was included and of growth, only a small part of the market would be
new Patent Act came in force from 1 January, 1995.11 covered under the new patent law. Nevertheless, the
Article 65.2 of TRIPS granted a transition period of drugs and pharmaceutical industry has an important
place in the Indian economy due to its positive economy cannot be unheeded. One of the customary
technological spill-over to other sectors of the ways to measure economic growth is by measuring
economy.15 the growth of GDP. The comparison between
Indian Pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest innovation, GDP and increase in Patent applications
in the world and ranks 3rd in terms of volume today. project a three way nexus – increase in the number of
From its nascent stages in the 1970s, it has matured patents is a result of technological and/or scientific
immensely over time. Presently, the industry has advancement of the economy. As this advancement
differentiated into myriad spheres comprising takes place, an increase in GDP is consequential. On
research and development (R&D), manufacturing the other hand, as an economy advances as whole, its
APIs, manufacturing of branded, generic and branded GDP rises, resulting in greater expenditure on
generic drugs and clinical research.16 It is expected to research and development. This results development
grow to US $45 billion by the end of 2020. The of mind and matter, following which more patenting
industry also attracts high FDI in India and is activity can be anticipated. Thus, patent growth and
definitely one of the components determining GDP growth can be said to have a cyclical pattern,
progress of the nation. where each has an effect on the other.
Figure 1 shows that for drug patent applications as Shilpi Tyagi and D.K. Nauriyal applied regression
a percentage of total patent applications, an increasing using ordinary least squares method with six
trend can be observed initially up to 2004. After that, independent variables with profits as the dependent
the percentage dropped significantly with the variable.19 They observed that export intensity, R&D
implementation of TRIPS Agreement. The Agreement intensity and post TRIPS era have had a significantly
replaced process patenting with product patenting. positive impact on pharmaceutical industry profits.
While process patenting allowed for production of the Michele Boldrin and David K Levine conducted a
same drug through different processes, product review of readings that study the macroeconomic
patenting put a stop to reverse engineering causing a effect of IPRs on R&D and economic growth.20 They
fall in patent applications. From 1997-98 to 2015-16, concluded that international cooperation is necessary
a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.39% for a globalized economy and that there is a positive
was seen in total patent applications and of 3.72% in correlation between innovation and IPR protection. In
pharmaceutical patent applications. Total patent another study by Ravi Kiran and Sunita Mishra, it was
applications witness a roughly increasing trend post established that R&D activity and pharmaceutical
TRIPS. However, the absolute number of drug patent patents had seen higher growth in the post-TRIPS
applications per year has remained more or less period compared to the pre-TRIPS era.21 Their paper
stagnant in the last decade. Yaeko Mitsumori emphasized on how the share of Indian companies in
analysed the bearing of new patent regime (post 2005) the total drug master files (DMFs) filed with the
in India.17 The study established that there could be USFDA had increased dramatically from 14% in 2000
two major reasons that might have helped shrink the to 50% in 2007. An attempt has been made to
negative effect of a stringent patent system- Article compare and contrast growth rates of total patent
3(d) in the Patent Law (2005) and secondly the applications, drug patent applications, GDP and
transitioning business models embraced by the Indian pharmaceutical R&D expenditure in India.
pharmaceutical countries. At the same time, drug There is a consistent increase in the growth of drug
patent applications have not increased due to patent applications as well as total patent applications
government policies. Keeping in mind that around initially after 1998 (Fig. 2). Year 2003-04 witnessed
70% of Indians do not have health insurance, the sharp increase owing to clarification of rules and their
government has made efforts to issue fewer patents in
the past few years.18 It must also be noted that a large
number of drugs have price caps in India, acting as
another disincentive for applicants.
Patents, R&D and GDP: A Three-way Growth
In order to materialise an innovation-friendly Fig. 1 — Total patent applications and drug patent applications
patent regime, its role in overall growth of the (1997-2016)
enforcement under The Patents (Amendment) Act A peculiar result to be noticed above is that there
2002, accompanied by a similar trend in R&D exists a negative relationship between growth rate of
expenditure growth. However, this was followed by a R&D expenditure and growth rate of GDP (Fig. 2).
parallel decline the succeeding year. Post 2003 up to R= 0.247 signifies no relationship concerning growth
2011, there was high economic certainty in India as rate of drug patent applications and that of GDP. It
real GDP grew roundabout 8%. This certainty was can be seen that Pearson coefficient of correlation
albeit not enough to inculcate in the investors a between growth rates of drug patent applications and
positive attitude and R&D growth rate fell during the pharmaceutical R&D equals 0.474, which is
period, partly owing to the long wait involved significant at the 0.05 level for two-tailed test. It is
between patent applications to grants. Hence, growth clear from the table that p< 0.05, and indicates that
of total patents and drug patents (except 2006-07) also overall, the R&D expenditure significantly predicts the
showed a negative trend for the period. Post 2010, no drug patent application number in the country for the
clear trend is observed in the growth rate of drug period 1998-99 to 2015-16 (Table 2).
patents in spite of an increasing trend in R&D.
Growth rate of GDP declined marginally in 2011-12 Relative Specialization Index (RSI)
and further slowdown was seen thereafter, only to get The concept of specialisation was first introduced
stabilized again after 2014-15. in terms of trade theory – Ricardo’s Comparative
Advantage,25 and Ohlin’s Factor Endowment.26
The potential of the patent system has been widely
However, it was Balassa who pioneered the concept
recognized in the context of dynamic innovation
of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) which
activities.22 Hulya Ulku in an IMF working paper has
later matured and developed into a function of
plotted time series data considering per-capita
innovation economics.10 The Relative Specialization
patents with per-capita R&D expenditure and with
Index (RSI) corrects for the effects of country size
per-capita GDP of various countries from 1981-97.7
and focuses on the concentration in specific
He concluded that there is a strong positive
technology fields; it captures whether a given country
correlation between patent stock and per capita GDP.
tends to have a lower or a higher propensity to file
The analysis supports endogenous growth theories
patents in certain technology fields.8 Vollrath
by confirming a significant relationship between
suggested applying logarithmic transformation to
R&D and innovation, and between innovation and
per capita GDP. Another study by Albert G.Z. Hu Table 1 — Correlations
and I.P.L Png showed that the stronger effective
Growth Rate Drug Patent R&D Real
patent rights promoted industry growth through Applications Expenditure GDP
technical progress in the 1981-85 and 1996-2000 Drug Patent Pearson 1 0.474* 0.247
periods and through more rapid factor accumulation Applications Correlation
in the 1986-90 and 1991-95 periods.23 Mahajan Sig. (2-tailed) 0.047 0.323
analysed R&D intensification of Indian N 18 18 18
pharmaceutical firms in the post-TRIPS period, to R&D Pearson 0.474* 1 -0.265
find out that the changes in Patent laws due to Expenditure Correlation
TRIPS reforms have acted as a catalyst in increasing Sig. (2-tailed) 0.047 0.288
innovative R&D activity in Indian firms.24 Tables N 18 18 18
tend to analyse the three-way relationship between Real GDP Pearson 0.247 -0.265 1
drug patents, R&D and GDP. Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.323 0.288
N 18 18 18
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
remove the problem of asymmetry in RSI.27 The laws in 1999 to accommodate the TRIPS Agreement,
logarithmic conversion clusters the values around pharmaceutical companies held back R&D investment to
zero. If a country’s share in a given technological assess the changing market conditions.40 William Greene
field is equal to all patents filed in all fields, then the stated that around year 2000 (Fig. 3), patenting activity
index is equal to zero, implying no specialisation. decreased in India as domestic drug companies relied
Else, a positive index implies specialisation. essentially on generic and bulk production to maintain their
Relative indices of specialisation, according to low cost advantage.41 This explains a falling RSI in the
Nicole Palan focus on the variation of a nation’s aforementioned period (Table 3).
industry arrangement from the mean industry While the total number of patent families depicts a
arrangement of the concerned set of nations.28 Some comprehensive depth of the nations’ R&D intensity, the
version of these indices have been used by various RSI analyses strength of a country in a specific domain
researchers such as Amiti,29 Gilles Duranton and of technology. India’s relative specialization in drugs
Diego Puga,30 Dirk Frantzen,31 Frank Bickenbach never fell below zero. The falling trend does not negate
et al,32 Dag W. Aksnes et al.,33 etc. growth and prospects of the industry. Analysts have
D. Archibugi and M. Pianta studied the found that the transition to R&D oriented growth by the
technological index (taking into account technological generic drug manufacturers will be slow owing to the
proximity along with patent filings) for 13 major high risks involved in discovery of drugs.42 The
OECD economies.34 They found that countries like transition shall be classic- slowly but surely.
UK and USA were doing well but were far behind It can be argued that the introduction of TRIPS has
other nations like Japan and Germany in terms of had a discouraging effect on Indian pharmaceutical
innovation. Other economists like Malerba and innovation. However, conclusions based on studying
Montobbio,35 and Verspagen,36 analysed input output a nation in solidarity are incomplete and sometimes
relations and specialisation patterns using slightly trivial. A comprehensive and relative position of India
modified versions of RCA index. Dr. Viola Peter and with the world must be analysed so as to infer the
Nelly Bruno,37 in their report for the European effects of TRIPS (Table 4).
Commission calculated RSI for EU, USA, Japan and
other OECD economies. They concluded that change
in RSI over time, if any, occurs very gradually and is
not easily observable over short periods of time. The
Australian Government in its report on the Australian
Pharmaceutical Industry calculated RSI values of all
countries (excluding those with less than 100 patents) Fig. 3 — Relative Specialization Index of Indian pharmaceuticals
in the world.38 According to their results, India stands
Table 3 — India’s cumulative RSI Post-TRIPS and Pre-TRIPS
on 2nd rank following Cuba in the pharmaceutical
sector. In a WIPO Statistical Review too, India is far RSI Pre-TRIPS (1998-2004) RSI Post-TRIPS (2005-2016)
ahead of other developed economies like Denmark, 0.56345 0.33813
UK and USA in terms of RSI.8 Although RSI fell in Table 4 — Top 10 Pharmaceutical markets worldwide in 2016
2005, Indian pharmaceutical companies stood at being
S. No. Country Sales 2016 % Growth
far more efficient when compared to those in other over 2015
(billions, US $)
countries. Given its comparative advantage, India
1 United States 450.6 5.6
specializes in pharmaceutical invention.39 This
2 China 80.3 7.8
implies that India definitely enjoys benefits owing to
3 Japan 80.1 -1.6
allowance of 100% FDI and its bio-diversity.
4 Germany 40.7 4.1
The RSI for Indian Pharmaceutical Industry has
5 France 33.1 3.2
been calculated using the following formula: RSIij =
6 Italy 28.6 6.0
Log (Fij * ∑Fij / ∑Fi * ∑Fj) 7 United Kingdom 23.8 4.6
where, Fi and Fj are applications from country i and 8 Brazil 21.0 13.1
in technology field j. 9 Spain 20.9 2.1
India’s RSI was very high during 1997-2000 wing to 10 Canada 19.3 3.5
process patenting. With the first amendment in Indian patent Source: Quintiles IMS MIDAS, MAT December, 2016
Pharmaceutical industry of India is the greatest
exporter of generic drugs owing to its cost
effectiveness. But every industry has its own set of
challenges, and those of pharmaceutical industry in
India include lack of infrastructural facilities,
regulatory hindrances, lack of monetary incentives,
expensive research equipment, underdeveloped
Fig. 4 — RSI Pharmaceutical Pre-TRIPS (1998-2004) technical knowhow etc. The post TRIPS period
witnessed a fall in patent applications as well as
grants in the Indian pharmaceutical sector. There
exists an internal divide in terms of pharmaceutical
industry growth in this period – expansion and
benefits are still restricted to large scale companies
which can finance R&D activities, while the small
scale manufacturers are labouring to establish
themselves. Despite a decrease in pharmaceutical
patent applications after the pinnacle in 2007-08, a
CAGR of 3.72% is observed. The three-way
nexus between GDP, Patent numbers and R&D
growth rate does not hold true for India as
compared to other countries. Our analysis confirms
Fig. 5 — RSI Pharmaceuticals Post- TRIPS (2005-16) that the growth of pharmaceutical patent
Globally, the pharmaceutical RSI has seen a applications is not significantly affected by growth
decrease Post 2005. Explosive growth of other sectors of GDP whereas growth in R&D expenditure is
like IT, Biotechnology etc. are also factors positively correlated to pharmaceutical patents. RSI
contributing to the fall in pharmaceutical RSI. Our for India never fell below zero implying
analysis harmonises in that India does hold a strong specialisation advantage over the global
position in relative specialisation of pharmaceutical pharmaceutical industry. Taking the top 10
industry. Only Canada is above India with an RSI of countries with respect to pharmaceutical market
0.4+ (Fig. 4). This can be attributed to its value, India stands only second to Canada in our
specialisation in clinical research. Of the total R&D period of analysis. The post-TRIPS decline
spending in Canada, 45% is directed towards clinical in Indian pharmaceutical RSI does not negate
research.43 industry prospects and growth. The decline
France, Germany and Italy have a highly negative reflects the impact of global financial crisis and
RSI in pharmaceuticals, as all three countries focus on euro zone crisis. Notwithstanding the impact
infrastructure development and transport innovation of crisis, the erratic growth rate of drug patents vis-
(Fig. 5).23 As per the report, those countries which a vis growth rate of GDP and falling RSI are areas
have above average concentration in a particular of concern which need the policy attention. The
technology field are easily identifiable (i.e. those falling trend in RSI in the recent years, however,
having a positive RSI value). Few examples of these does not negate the growth potential of this
are India in pharmaceuticals, USA and Denmark in sector as the global pharmaceutical industry
biotechnology and Israel, Denmark and India in is changing landscape and moving towards M&A,
medical technology etc. The large pharmaceutical contract manufacturing and contract R&D.
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