Tutorial 2 Hci 20B10G013
Tutorial 2 Hci 20B10G013
Tutorial 2 Hci 20B10G013
Ergonomics is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human
body, its movements, and its cognitive abilities.
2. Choose ONE (1) product and describe details. Consider all the physical aspects. Eg:
any products such as computer screen, vehicle seat, file cabinet, mats etc
A file cabinet is a piece of office furniture used to keep paper documents organized
in file folders. In its most basic form, it is a container for drawers that hold items.
Vertical files and lateral files are the two most common types of filing cabinets. file
cabinets can provide the much-needed storage space for the files and papers that
tend to pile up on your desk. File cabinets are made for a wide variety of uses and
come in all kinds of sizes.
3. Describe the interaction styles used to accommodate the dialog between user and
Interaction involves at least two participants user and the system. Both are complex,
and very different from each other in the way that they communicate and view the
domain and the task. The use of models of interaction can help us to understand
exactly what is going on in the interaction and identify the likely root of difficulties.
They also provide us with a framework to compare different interaction styles and to
consider interaction problems.
4. What is widget?
A widget is a reusable piece of code that can be plugged into any website or
operating system. For example, if you run a blog, you could use WordPress widgets
to design the layout of your website. You can also include widgets on your blog or
personal website that allow users to share your content on social media.
What is gadget?
A gadget functions similarly to a widget and frequently serves the same purpose. The
only distinction is that gadgets are proprietary, which means they only work on
specific devices, websites, or operating systems.
Gadgets Widgets
A device or control that is very useful for a It is the simplest form of features which can
particular job. be added on your websites and blogs.
act like a small application where people People have to visit the website to avail the
can use features without visiting a website. features.
Easily installed in the devices. More complicated in the way they can be
can be used for desktop and tablets in mostly used for websites and blogs.
addition to the other stuff.