Memo Als
Memo Als
Memo Als
Department of Education
1. Per Division Memorandum No. 393, s. 2021 Re: Area of Assignment of Alternative
Learning Center System (ALS), School Learning Centers (SLCs) and Community
Learning Centers (CLCs) for School year 2021-2022 as basis for the Learners
Information System (LIS).
2. This policy provides guidance on implementation of ALS Programs. To reiterate, the
ALS Program guided by the mandates from the Curriculum and Instruction with ALS
Task Force, shifted from the Calendar Year to School Year with emphasis on
establishing ALS School Learning Centers(SLCs) aside from the Community
Learning Centers (CLCs) to continually deliver Basic Education amidst challenges of
Covid-19 Pandemic.
3. This office further reiterates that, ALS Mobile teacher is under the supervision of
School Head/Principals as well as ALS Manager (PSDSs/PSDIs) assigned. The
submission of reports shall be signed by School Heads/Principals and ALS Manager.
4. However, if observed that for several times the ALS Mobile Teacher is difficult to
contact by all means of communication, and unable to submit necessary reports
demanded, also legally perceived in the Division Memorandum 393, s. 2021: