Taxation 1 Prelims Reviewer
Taxation 1 Prelims Reviewer
Taxation 1 Prelims Reviewer
1. It is an enforced proportional contribution from - Tax laws were still effective during the Japanese
persons and properties occupation
2. Imposed by the State, in its sovereign capacity
3. Levied for the support of the government. To distinguish these doctrines:
Impact and Incidence of Taxation - The basic sources of tax law in the Philippine's are
the nation's constitution, the National Internal
- IMPACT OF TAXATION is the point where the
Revenue Code, administrative issuance, and local
tax is originally imposed or the one on whom the laws.
tax is formally assessed.
- INCIDENCE OF TAXATION is the point on
whom the tax burden finally rests.
It is important to note the impact and incidence of taxation
because these determine the proper party to claim a tax - A tax cannot be imposed unless it is supported in
refund or whether the indirect taxes can be passed on to an clear and express language of a statute. It is the
exempt buyer. burden of the State to first prove that the taxpayer
is covered by a tax statute.
Based on the possibility of shifting the Incidence of - State is estopped from collecting the difference
Taxation, taxes can be classified into two categories: between the deficiency tax assessment and the
amount already paid by the taxpayer pursuant to a
1. Direct taxes
tax amnesty.
- Those that are exacted from the very person who
- A tax-exempt buyer is not exempted from the
should pay them
payment of indirect taxes because he is not the one
- Direct liability
statutorily liable for the payment of the tax in the
2. Indirect taxes
first place. The proper party is the statutory
- Liability for the payment of tax falls on one person
taxpayer (the vendor). Except when he is
but the burden thereof can be shifted or passed on
specifically exempted from payment of indirect
to another person
1. National tax
- A national tax is imposed by the national - Tax laws must be applied prospectively, except by
government. express provision of the law
2. Local tax - Accordingly, exemption statutes are not retroactive
- A local tax is imposed by the municipal NON-RETROACTIVITY OF RULINGS
corporations or LGUs.
- Rulings, circulars, rules, and regulations
V. AS TO THE DETERMINATION OF promulgated by the CIR do not have retroactive
AMOUNT application if they would prejudice the taxpayers
1. Specific tax - This rule does not apply if the rulings were
- A specific tax is a tax of a fixed amount imposed nullified by a court, not the CIR (then the ruling
by the head or number or by some other standard retroacts).
of weight or measurement. It requires no
assessment other than the listing or classification
of the objects to be taxed. DOUBLE TAXATION
2. Ad valorem tax
- a fixed proportion of the value of the property with Two kinds:
respect to which the tax is assessed. It requires the
1. Direct
intervention of assessors or appraisers to estimate
- Prohibited: a person is taxed twice on
the value of such property before due from each
(1) the same property or subject matter,
taxpayer can be determined.
(2) for the same purpose,
(3) by the same authority,
(4) within the same jurisdiction,
1. Proportional tax
(5) during the same tax period.
- Tax based on a fixed percentage of the amount of
2. Indirect
the property receipts or other basis to be taxed.
- Not prohibited: there are two or more pecuniary
Example: real estate tax.
impositions on a subject matter
2. Progressive or graduated tax
- Tax the rate of which increases as the tax base or
bracket increases.
3. Digressive tax rate: FORMS OF ESCAPE FROM TAXATION
- Progressive rate stops at a certain point.
Progression halts at a stage.
4. Regressive tax - Legal; involves saving on taxes using legal means
- Tax the rate of which decreases as the tax base or
bracket increases. There is no such tax in the TAX EVASION
Philippines. - Illegal
- Connotes three factors:
1. The end to be achieved
3. Unlawful action - Deals with Double-Taxation, found in US-RP Tax
- Intent to defraud need not be shown for a Treaty, Article 13:
conviction of tax evasion.
(1) Royalties derived by a resident of one of the
- Only thing that needs to be proven is that the
Contracting States from sources within the other
taxpayer was aware of his obligation to file the tax
Contracting State may be taxed by both Contracting States.
return, but he nevertheless voluntarily, knowingly,
and intentionally filed the required returns. (2) However, the tax imposed by that other Contracting
State shall not exceed:
(b) (iii) The lowest rate of Philippine tax that may be
- Items formerly taxable are now classified as non-
imposed on royalties of the same kind paid under similar
circumstances to a resident of a third State.
The applicable tax in international indirect double taxation
- See INDIRECT TAXES above. is the lowest rate based on Philippine laws.
- The immunity or freedom from a charge or burden Distinguished from a Citizen Suit:
to which others are subjected. It is a waiver of the
In a taxpayer's suit, one can sue where there is an assertion
government’s right to collect what would have
that (1) public funds are illegally disbursed or deflected to
been otherwise collectible.
an illegal purpose, or that there is a (2) wastage of public
- Any claim for tax exemption is strictly construed
funds through the enforcement of an invalid or
against the taxpayer. unconstitutional law.
- Tax refunds and tax exclusions are tax exemptions.
On the other hand, in a citizen's suit, the person
complaining must allege that he has been or is about to be
denied some right or privilege to which he is lawfully
entitled or that he is about to be subjected to some burdens
or penalties by reason of the statute or act complained of
- This doctrine allows the government to collect a (GR No. 183591, October 14, 2008).
tax or a taxpayer to collect a refund of tax after the
running of the statute of limitations for such cases
where the statute of limitations creates an DOCTRINE OF TRANSCENDENTAL
inequitable result. IMPORTANCE
- There can be no off-setting of taxes against the
claims that the taxpayer may have against the Transcendental importance is a judicial construct which has
government at least two variants. The first variant states that courts may
- Taxes are not in the nature of contracts between decide a case even though the person who instituted it has
the party and the government. Taxes grow out of a no standing if the issues raised are of transcendental
duty to the government. Taxes are positive acts of importance as held in Araneta v. Dinglasan.
the government; the personal consent of individual
The second variant states that if the issues raised are of
taxpayers is not required for the making and
transcendental importance, courts may recognize a person’s
enforcement of taxes.
standing. Thus, in Kilusang Mayo Uno v. Garcia, the Court
held that: [a]ssuming arguendo that petitioner is not
possessed of the standing to sue, this court is ready to brush
COMPROMISE AND TAX AMNESTY aside this barren procedural infirmity and recognize the
legal standing of the petitioner in view of the
- Tax amnesty is a limited-time opportunity for a
transcendental importance of the issues raised.
specified group of taxpayers to pay a defined
amount, in exchange for forgiveness of a tax 1st variant - they can hear a case even if no locus standi if
liability (including interest and penalties) relating issues are TI
to a previous tax period or periods and without fear
of criminal prosecution. 2nd variant - they can grant a person locus standi if issues
are TI