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Design of Traffic Light Controller Using Timer Circuit

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Proceedings of National Student Paper and Circuit Design Contest - 2012

Design of Traffic Light Controller Using Timer Circuit

Sohum Misra
Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata

Abstract Since the entire experiment depends on the working of the

NE-555 timer, it was necessary at first to check the
In order to maintain the steady flow of vehicles when their functioning of the timer using a CRO.
numbers are increasing by leaps and bound each day, an
efficient controlling of traffic is extremely required. This III. Design Implementation
work provides a simple schematic model with which a very
basic level of safe unmanned traffic signaling with
pedestrian crossing request has been accomplished by Monostable
Human Input Multivibrator
using simple electronics circuits without the help of
computer programs. The work also illustrates the design,
the outputs and test cases used to implement the model. At Decade Counter RYG
the end the scope of improvement of the model has been
discussed. Decade Counter RYG

I. Introduction
Human Input Monostable
The aim of this project is to model and implement traffic Multivibrator
signaling system in a discrete cross-road using NE-555
timer circuit. The design would also need to facilitate
pedestrians to request for crossing the road as and when Figure 1: Block Diagram
required by pressing a switch. This model of traffic
signaling system is now being implemented across several 2nd NE-555
metro and second tier cities of India. Human Input (One Shot)
Most of the crossings handle the automated traffic signaling 4200 +
using fixed duration intervals between the Red, Yellow, 1st NE-555
Green and Pedestrian Pass Signal. The uniqueness of this (Astable)
model lies in the implementation of on-demand Pedestrian- CMOS 4017 CMOS
Pass signaling, thereby transforming the design into 4200 +
dynamic controller. LED
Human Input 3rd NE-555
(One Shot)
II. Design Methodology

The heart of the signaling system in this case is a timer Figure 2: Implementation using ICs
which would go on endlessly. This is implemented using a
NE-555 timer set in astable configuration. The Pedestrian
Pass is initiated and maintained for a fixed time. This is Astable Configuration: The 1st 555 timer was set in astable
implemented using another NE-555 timer set in monostable mode. The RC was chosen to be RA = 100 KΩ, RB = 33 KΩ
configuration. and C = 10 μF. The pulse interval obtained was around 1
The duration of the timer pulses are controlled by
judiciously selecting the resistance and capacitance (RC)
combination. The duration of the traffic signals (Red,
Yellow, and Green) is managed using a decade counter
which fires after every N number of pulses.
Proceedings of National Student Paper and Circuit Design Contest - 2012

was connected to the reset inputs of the two 4017 ICs so as

to make two independent pedestrian pass requests.

LED: The LEDs were connected in series with a low

resistance (125 / 220 ohms) to protect the LED from being
damaged and then connected to NOR gate (4002). The
LEDs were connected in a way that the positive terminals
were connected to the ground and the negative terminals
T=0.693(RA + 2RB ).C T=1.1(R.C) were connected to the IC 4002 NOR gates via the current
limiting resistances.
(a) (b)

Figure 3: (a) Astable (b) Monostable Configuration

Monostable Configuration: The 2nd and 3rd 555 timers were

set in monostable mode. The RC was chosen to be R = 200
KΩ, C = 19.7 μF. The pulse interval obtained was around 5

Counter: A decade counter (4017) was used with 4-1-4-1

time interval configuration which mapped to R-Y-G-Y
colors respectively. The first 4 signifies 4 pulses of astable
multivibrator for red followed by one pulse for yellow. The
second four corresponds to green and the last one again for
yellow. So the timing sequence corresponds to Red-Yellow-
Green-Yellow-Red and so on.
Figure 6: Complete Circuit Diagram

Figure 4: IC 4017 Chip

Figure 7: Prototype Controller


 Diodes are used for connecting the yellow LEDs since

we want to show that an OR logic can be established
using diodes as well. Moreover, for the yellow lights,
which would glow for a shorter duration, a four input
OR IC won’t be necessary. So using a diode saves
Figure 5: Decade Counter Output
space and power, as for every IC we are using, a Vcc
and ground has to be provided to activate the IC.
The 1st timer chip was used as the clock inputs of two 4017
ICs to provide same pulse durations. The monostable circuit
Proceedings of National Student Paper and Circuit Design Contest - 2012

 In this model, pedestrians are getting the facility to If the RC values of astable and monostable configurations
request for Pedestrian Pass signal to cross the road are so chosen that the system’s rhythm is maintained.
when needed. However, we can change the duration of the control signal
by proper choice of RC values.
IV. Result
VII. References
The rhythm is initiated by delaying either of the one shot
manually by 5 seconds approximately so that when one 1. Traffic light project of the electronics club
would reach green, the other signal would be red. (www.kpsec.freeuk.com/projects/trafficlight.htm)
2. A.Malvino, Electronic Principles, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
The normal rhythm of lights continues to glow until a 3. CMOS Integrated Circuit Data Book, National
pedestrian arrives at any one direction of the cross-road and Semiconductor Corporation.
breaks the circuit. With this model, the pedestrian is given 5
seconds to cross the road after which the normal rhythm will
start again. The pedestrian should use the circuit breaker
only when the signal is green, preferably at the 4th count of
green, in this case because of some constrain in the design.

V. Testing

The response time of the astable connections were measured

with the help of CRO and LEDs. The testing of the pins and
sequence of the decade counter that they were activated at
proper order whenever a train of pulses were fed to the
clock of 4017 chip from the astable timer was verified by
connecting 10 LEDs to its pins via resistances of low

By keeping the reset of 4017 grounded, it was seen that red

glowed for approximately 4 seconds, yellow for 1 second
followed by green for 4 seconds, yellow for 1 second and so
on. This complete cycle was repeated over and over. When
the monostable output was fed to the reset of 4017 IC, and a
pulse was provided to monostable input, the rhythm was
disturbed and the position was reset back to the red light.
The monostable circuit held that state for approximately 5
seconds. This value can be changed by varying the values of
resistances and capacitances.

Breaking the signal at the second count of green would

result in exact matching of the rhythm for our configuration
after waiting for approximately 5 counts. In any other cases,
an offset in the initial rhythm was observed.

VI. Conclusion and Scope for Future


A traffic light control system based on 555 timer circuit has

been designed. The novelty of this design includes the
facility of Pedestrian Pass as and when required.

The little defect in the proposed model can be overcome in

such a way so that any time a pedestrian presses the switch
for crossing, the initial rhythm remains unperturbed. Also,
logic can be provided for the case in which two pedestrians
use the circuit breaker simultaneously at both the crossings.

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