Aops Community 1991 Imts
Aops Community 1991 Imts
Aops Community 1991 Imts
IMTS 1991
by Silverfalcon, tt, pbornsztein, darij grinberg, Singular
Day 1
1 For every positive integer n, form the number n/s(n), where s(n) is the sum of digits of n in
base 10. Determine the minimum value of n/s(n) in each of the following cases:
(i) 10 ≤ n ≤ 99
(ii) 100 ≤ n ≤ 999
(iii) 1000 ≤ n ≤ 9999
(iv) 10000 ≤ n ≤ 99999
2 Find all pairs of integers, n and k, 2 < k < n, such that the binomial coefficients
n n n
, ,
k−1 k k+1
3 On a 8 x 8 board we place n dominoes, each covering two adjacent squares, so that no more
dominoes can be placed on the remaining squares. What is the smallest value of n for which
the above statement is true?
4 Show that an arbitary triangle can be dissected by straight line segments into three parts in
three different ways so that each part has a line of symmetry.
5 Show that it is impossible to dissect an arbitary tetrahedron into six parts by planes or portions
thereof so that each of the parts has a plane of symmetry.
Day 2
1 What is the smallest integer multiple of 9997, other than 9997 itself, which contains only odd
2 Show that every triangle can be dissected into nine convex nondegenrate pentagons.
3 Prove that if x, y and z are pairwise relatively prime positive integers, and if 1
x + 1
y = z1 , then
x + y, x − z, y − z are perfect squares of integers.
4 Let a, b, c, d be the areas of the triangular faces of a tetrahedron, and let ha , hb , hc , hd be the
corresponding altitudes of the tetrahedron. If V denotes the volume of tetrahedron, prove that
(a + b + c + d)(ha + hb + hc + hd ) ≥ 48V
5 Prove that there are infinitely many positive integers n such that n × n × n can not be filled
completely with 2 x 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 x 3 solid cubes.
Day 3
1 Note that if the product of any two distinct members of 1,16,27 is increased by 9, the result
is the perfect square of an integer. Find the unique positive integer n for which n + 9, 16n +
9, 27n + 9 are also perfect squares.
2 Note that 1990 can be ”turned into a square” by adding a digit on its right, and some digits
on its left; i.e., 419904 = 6482 . Prove that 1991 cannot be turned into a square by the same
procedure; i.e., there are no digits d, x, y, .. such that ...yx1991d is a perfect square.
4 Let n points with integer coordinates be given in the xy-plane. What is the minimum value of
n which will ensure that three of the points are the vertices of a triangel with integer (possibly,
0) area?
5 Two people, A and B, play the following game with a deck of 32 cards. With A starting, and
thereafter the players alternating, each player takes either 1 card or a prime number of cards.
Eventually all of the cards are chosen, and the person who has none to pick up is the loser.
Who will win the game if they both follow optimal strategy?
Day 4
1 Use each of the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 exactly twice to form distinct prime numbers whose sum
is as small as possible. What must this minimal sum be? (Note: The five smallest primes are
2,3,5,7, and 11)
2 Find the smallest positive integer, n, which can be expressed as the sum of distinct positive
integers a, b, c such that a + b, a + c, b + c are perfect squares.
3 Prove that a positive integer can be expressed in the form 3x2 + y 2 iff it can also be expressed
in form u2 + uv + v 2 , where x, y, u, v are all positive integers.
4 Let 4ABC be an arbitary triangle, and construct P, Q, R so that each of the angles marked is
30◦ . Prove that 4P QR is an equilateral triangle.
5 The sides of 4ABC measure 11,20, and 21 units. We fold it along P Q, QR, RP where P, Q, R
are the midpoints of its sides until A, B, C coincide. What is the volume of the resulting tetra-