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Physics For SSC Exams in English

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The word Physics comes from the Greek word Phusis meaning Some physicists from different countries of the
nature. Its Sanskrit equivalent is Bhautiki that is used to world and their major contributions
refer to the study of the physical world. We can broadly
Name Major contribution/ Country of
describe Physics as a study of the basic laws of nature and
discovery Origin
their manifestation in different natural phenomena. We can
get some idea of the scope of Physics by looking at its Archimedes Principle of buoyancy; Greece
various sub-disciplines. Basically, there are two domains of Principle of the lever
interest: macroscopic and microscopic. Galileo Galilei Law of inertia Italy
The macroscopic domain includes phenomena at the
laboratory, terrestrial and astronomical scales. The Christian Huygens Wave theory of light Holland
microscopic domain includes atomic, molecular and nuclear Isaac Newton Universal law of U.K.
phenomena. Classical Physics deals mainly with the gravitation; Laws of
macroscopic phenomena and includes subjects like motion; Reflecting

Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Optics and Thermodynamics. telescope
Mechanics is founded on Newton’s laws of motion and
Michael Faraday Laws of electro- U.K.
the law of gravitation is concerned with the motion (or
magnetic induction
equilibrium) of particles, rigid and deformable bodies, and
general systems of particles. The propulsion of a rocket by a James Clerk Electromagnetic theory U.K.
jet of ejecting gases, propagation of water waves or sound Maxwell Light as an electromagnetic
waves in air, the equilibrium of a bent rod under a load, etc., wave
are associated with the phenomenon of Mechanics.
Heinrich Rudolf Generation of electro- Germany
Electrodynamics deals with electric and magnetic
Hertz magnetic waves
phenomena associated with charged and magnetic bodies.
Its basic laws were given by Coulomb, Oersted, Ampere and J.C. Bose Ultra-short radiowaves India

Faraday, and encapsulated by Maxwell in his famous set of W.C. Roentgen X-rays Germany
equations. The motion of a current-carrying conductor in a
magnetic field, the response of a circuit to an AC voltage J.J. Thomson Electron U.K.
(signal), the working of an antenna, the propagation of radio Marie Sklodowska Discovery of radium and Poland
waves in the ionosphere, etc., are associated with the Curie polonium; Studies on
phenomenon of Electrodynamics. natural radioactivity
Optics deals with the phenomena involving light. The
Albert Einstein Explanation of photo- Germany
working of telescopes and microscopes, colours exhibited
electric effect; Theory
by thin films, etc., are topics in Optics.
of relativity
Thermodynamics, in contrast to mechanics, does not
deal with the motion of bodies as a whole. Rather, it deals Victor Francis Hess Cosmic radiation Austria
with systems in macroscopic equilibrium and is concerned R.A. Millikan Measurement of U.S.A.
with changes in internal energy, temperature, entropy, etc., electronic charge
of the system through external work and transfer of heat.
The efficiency of heat engines and refrigerators, the direction Ernest Rutherford Nuclear model New
of a physical or chemical process, etc., are phenomena of of atom Zealand
interest in Thermodynamics. Niels Bohr Quantum model Denmark
The microscopic domain of Physics deals with the of hydrogen atom
constitution and structure of matter as the minute scales of
C.V. Raman Inelastic scattering India
atoms and nuclei (and even lower scales of length) and their
of light by molecules
interaction with different probes such as electrons, photons
and other elementary particles. Louis Victor Wave nature of matter France
de Borglie
M.N. Saha Thermal ionisation India

Physics l 1
S.N. Bose Quantum statistics India Hydroelectric power Conversion of
gravitational potential
Wolfgang Pauli Exclusion principle Austria
energy into electrical
Enrico Fermi Controlled nuclear Italy energy
Aeroplane Bernoulli’s principle in fluid
Werner Heisenberg Quantum mechanics; Germany dynamics
Uncertainty principle
Particle accelerators Motion of charged
Paul Dirac Relativistic theory of U.K. particles in
electron; Quantum electromagnetic fields
statistics Sonar Reflection of ultrasonic
Edwin Hubble Expanding universe U.S.A. waves
Ernest Orlando Cyclotron U.S.A. Optical fibres Total internal reflection of
Lawrence light
James Chadwick Neutron U.K. Non-reflecting coatings Thin film optical
Hideki Yukawa Theory of nuclear Japan interference
forces Electron microscope Wave nature of electrons

Homi Jehangir Cascade process of India Photocell Photoelectric effect
Bhabha cosmic radiation Fusion test reactor (Tokamak) Magnetic confinement of
Lev Davidovich Theory of condensed Russia plasma
Landau matter; Liquid helium Giant Metrewave Radio Detection of cosmic
S. Chandrasekhar Chandrasekhar limit, U.S.A. Telescope (GMRT) radio waves
structure and evolution Bose-Einstein condensate Trapping and cooling of
of stars atoms by laser beams and
John Bardeen Transistors: Theory U.S.A. magnetic fields
of superconductivity There are four fundamental forces in nature, which have

C.H. Townes Maser, Laser U.S.A. been described below.

Abdus Salam Unification of weak Pakistan Gravitational Force

and electromagnetic
interactions The gravitational force is the force of mutual attraction
between any two objects by virtue of their masses. It is a
Link between technology and physics universal force. Every object experiences this force due to
Technology Scientific Principle(s) every other object in the universe. All objects on the earth,
Steam engine Laws of thermodynamics for example, experience the force of gravity due to the earth.
In particular, gravity governs the motion of the moon and
Nuclear reactor Controlled nuclear fission
artificial satellites around the earth, the motion of the earth
Radio and Television Generation, propagation and planets around the sun, and, of course, the motion of
and detection bodies falling on the earth. It plays a key role in the large-
Computer Digital logic scale phenomena of the universe, such as formation and
evolution of stars, galaxies and galactic clusters.
Laser Light amplification by
stimulated emission of
Electromagnetic Force
Production of ultra height Superconductivity Electromagnetic force is the force between charged particles.
magnetic fields In the simpler case, when charges are at rest, the force is
governed by Coulomb’s law: attractive for unlike charges
Rocket propulsion Newton’s laws of motion
and repulsive for like charges. Charges in motion produce
Electric generator Faraday’s laws of magnetic effects and a magnetic field gives rise to a force on
electromagnetic induction a moving charge. Like the gravitational force, electromagnetic
force acts over large distances and does not need any

2 l Physics
intervening medium. It is enormously strong compared to that protons and neutrons are built out of still more
gravity. The electric force between two protons is 1036 times elementary constituents called quarks.
the gravitational force between them, for any fixed distance.
Since the electromagnetic force is so much stronger than the Weak Nuclear Force
gravitational force, it dominates all phenomena at atomic
and molecular scales. Thus it is mainly the electromagnetic The weak nuclear force appears only in certain nuclear
force that governs the structure of atoms and molecules, processes such as the beta decay of a nucleus. In beta decay,
the dynamics of chemical reactions and the mechanical, the nucleus emits an electron and an uncharged particle
thermal and other properties of materials. called neutrino. The weak nuclear force is not as weak as the
Gravity is always attractive, while electromagnetic force gravitational force, but much weaker than the strong nuclear
can be attractive or repulsive. The charge comes in two and electromagnetic forces. The range of weak nuclear force
varieties: positive and negative. is exceedingly small, of the order of 10-16 m.
Fundamental forces of nature
Strong Nuclear Force Name Relative Range Operates among
The strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons in a
nucleus. It is evident that without some attractive force, a Gravitational 10-39 Infinite All objects in
nucleus will be unstable due to the electric repulsion between the universe
its protons. This attractive force cannot be gravitational since Weak nuclear 10-13 Very short, Some elementary

the force of gravity is negligible compared to the electric sub-nuclear particles,
force. A new basic force must, therefore, be invoked. The size (10-16 m) particularly
nuclear force is the strongest of all fundamental forces, about electron and
100 times the electromagnetic force in strength. It is charge- neutrino
independent and acts equally between a proton and a proton, Electromagnetic 10-2 Infinite Charged particles
a neutron and a neutron, and a proton and a neutron. Its
Strong nuclear 1 Short, Nucleons,
range is, however, extremely small, of about nuclear
size (-10-15m) heavier than
dimensions (10–15 m). It is responsible for the stability of
nuclei. The electron, it must be noted, does not experience
this force. Recent developments have, however, indicated particles

KUNDAN Units and Measurements

Physical Quantity: The quantities which can be measured
are known as physical quantities. The measurement of any
physical quantity involves comparison with a certain basic,
The International System of Units
In earlier times scientists of different countries used different
arbitrarily chosen, internationally accepted reference standard systems of units for measurement. Three such systems, the
called unit. The units for the fundamental or base quantities CGS, the FPS (or British) and the MKS system were in use
are called fundamental or base units. The units of all other extensively till recently. The base units for length, mass and
physical quantities can be expressed as combinations of the time in these systems were as follows:
base units. Such units obtained for the derived quantities are  In CGS system they were centimetre, gram and second
called derived units. A complete set of these units, both the respectively.
base units and derived units, is known as the system of units.  In FPS system they were foot, pound and second
Scalars and Vectors respectively.
A scalar physical quantity has magnitude only and no  In MKS system they were metre, kilogram and second
direction. It is specified completely by a single number, along respectively.
with a proper unit, e.g. mass, length, time, temperature etc. The system of units which is at present
A vector quantity has both magnitude and a direction and internationally accepted for measurement is Le Système
obeys the vector laws of addition (triangle law, parallelogram International d'Unités (French for International System
law), e.g. displacement, velocity, acceleration etc. of Units), abbreviated as SI. The SI, with standard
scheme of symbols, units and abbreviations, was

Physics l 3
developed and recommended by General Conference Electric ampere A Ampere is that constant
on Weights and Measures in 1971 for international current current which, if maintained
usage in scientific, technical, industrial and commercial in two straight parallel
work. Because SI units used decimal system, conductors of infinite
conversions within the system are quite simple and length, of negligible circular
convenient. cross-section, and placed 1
metre apart in vacuum,
SI Base Quantities and Units
would produce between
Base SI Units
these conductors a force
quantity Name Symbol Definition
equal to 2×10-7 Newton per
Length metre m Metre is the length of the
metre of length. (1948)
path travelled by light in
Thermo- kelvin K Kelvin, is the fraction
vacuum during a time
dynamic 1/273.16 of the thermodyna-
interval of 1/299,792,458 of
temperature mic temperature of the triple
a second. (1983)
point of water. (1967)
Mass kilogram kg Kilogram is equal to the mass
Amount of mole mol Mole is the amount of sub-
of the international
substance stance of a system, which
prototype of the kilogram (a
contains as many elemen-
platinum-tridium alloy

tary entities as there are
cylinder) kept at
atoms in 0.012 kilogram of
international Bureau of
Carbon-12. (1971)
Weights and Measures, at
Luminous candela cd Candela is the luminous
Sevres, near Paris, France.
intensity intensity, in a given
direction, of a source that
Time second s Second is the duration of
emits monochromatic
9,192,631,770 periods of the
radiation of frequency
radiation corresponding to
540×1012 hertz and that has
the transition between the
a radiant intensity in that
two hyperfine levels of the
direction of 1/683 watt per

ground state of the
steradian. (1979)
Caesium-133 atom. (1967)

 Motion has been defined as a change in position of a changes with respect to time.
body with respect to time.  Velocity: Velocity is displacement per unit time.
Motion may be classified into two types: Unit : m/s
1. Linear Motion  Acceleration: Acceleration is the rate of change of
2. Non-Linear motion velocity or change in velocity per unit time.
 Linear Motion: When a body travels along a straight Unit: m/s2
line. For example, when a car travels on a straight road  Negative acceleration is called retardation or
without changing the direction. deceleration.
 Non-Linear Motion: When a body travels along a non-  Types of acceleration: There are two types of
straight line. acceleration:
Further motion can be classified into two types: (a) Uniform acceleration
(i) Uniform motion (b) Non-uniform acceleration or variable acceleration
(ii) Non-Uniform motion  Uniform acceleration: A body is said to possess uniform
 Uniform motion: When the velocity of a body does not acceleration if there are equal changes in its velocity in
change with respect to time. equal intervals.
 Non-Uniform motion: When the velocity of a body  Variable acceleration: A body is said to possess non-

4 l Physics
uniform or variable acceleration if there are unequal change its state of motion is called inertia of motion; e.g.
changes in its velocity in equal intervals of time. (i) If a horse suddenly stops galloping, the rider receives a
 Speed: The speed of a body is the distance covered per forward jerk. This is because the lower part of the rider
unit time. in contact with the horse comes to rest whereas the
Unit: m/s upper portion of his body remains in a state of motion.
(ii) When a rotating fan is switched off it continues to rotate.
Laws of Motion (iii) A ball thrown vertically upwards in a moving train comes
back into the hands of the thrower when the train is
Galileo proposed the concept of acceleration. From having a uniform motion.
experiments on motion of bodies on inclined planes or falling (iv) A person falls when he alights a moving train. This is
freely, he thus arrived at the law of inertia. because inside the train his body is in a state of motion.
Newton built on Galileo’s ideas and laid the foundation But when he jumps out of the train the lower portion of
of mechanics in terms of three laws of motion that go by his his body is at rest while the upper motion remains in
name. Galileo’s law of inertia was his starting point which he motion due to inertia of motion.
formulated as the First Law of Motion.
Inertia of Direction
Newton’s First Law of Motion or The inherent property of a body by virtue of which it cannot
Law of Inertia or Galileo's law change its direction of motion is called inertia of direction;

Every body in the universe stays in a state of rest or in
(i) Vehicles are provided with mudguards to save them from
uniform motion along a straight line until and unless
being spoilt. This is due to the reason that the mud
compelled by an external force to change its state.
sticking to the wheels flies off tangentially.
 Newton’s first law gives the qualitative definition of
(ii) A stone tied to a string and whirled along a circular path
force, as it tells us about an agent without which,
flies off tangentially when its string is suddenly broken.
acceleration is not possible. According to the law, force
(iii) While sharpening a knife, sparks fly off tangentially
is an agent which tends to change the state of rest or of
from the grinding stone.
uniform motion of a body; e.g. a moving car stops only
when brakes are applied. Inertia and Mass
The concept of inertia The heavier or more massive objects offer larger inertia.
Quantitatively, the inertia of an object is measured by its

Inertia can be understood in the following two ways:
 It is the inability of a body to change, by itself, its state
of rest or uniform motion. Momentum
 It is the property of a body by virtue of which it opposes The momentum p of an object is defined as the product of its
any change in its state of rest or of uniform motion. mass m and velocity v.
Inertia is of three types: i.e. p = mv
1. Inertia of rest Momentum has both direction and magnitude.
2. Inertia of motion The SI unit of momentum is kilogram-metre per second
3. Inertia of direction (kms-1).
Inertia of rest By the definition of momentum, it is clear that a moving
object can have a large momentum if either its mass is large
The inherent property of a body by virtue of which it cannot
or its velocity is large or both are large. A truck has more
change its state of rest is called inertia of rest; e.g.
momentum than a car moving with the same speed as that of
(i) When we dust a carpet, the dust moves out of the carpet.
the truck. Huge objects having a small speed usually have a
This is because the dust is set into motion whereas the
large momentum.
carpet remains in a state of rest due to inertia of rest.
Example: During the game of table tennis if the ball hits a
(ii) If a horse suddenly starts galloping, the rider receives a
player it does not hurt him. On the other hand, when a fast
backward jerk.
moving cricket ball hits a spectator, it may hurt him.
(iii) An apple falls down from the tree when its branch is
shaken. Newton’s Second Law of Motion
(iv) When a train starts suddenly, the passengers receive a
backward jerk. It states that the rate of change of momentum is directly
proportional to the applied force and the change takes place
Inertia of Motion in the direction of the applied force.
The inherent property of a body by virtue of which it cannot Newton's second law gives the quantitative definition

Physics l 5
of force. The mathematical form of Newton's second law of Law of Conservation of Momentum
motion may be written as
m × a = rate of change of momentum, therefore, The momentum of an object is the product of mass and
Force = rate of change of momentum direction. Momentum is also a vector. Therefore the direction
or, F = ma of the object is important for the determination of the total
momentum of a system of objects. The Law of Conservation
Units of Force
of Momentum infers that the total momentum of a system of
(i) Newton (N) in SI system (ii) Dyne in CGS system (iii) Pound
objects remains the same. Therefore, if two objects collide
(Lb) in British Engineering System.
the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total
If m = 1g, a = 1 cms-2 then F = 1 dyne
momentum after the collision. The velocities of the objects
Newton's Third Law of Motion involved in the collision can change in both magnitude and
direction. There are two types of collisions: elastic, where
According to this law, forces appear in pair. An isolated the objects are only in contact with each other for a brief
force does not exist. Whenever one object exerts a force on period of time; and inelastic, where they remain fixed together
another, the second object exerts an equal and opposite and move as one object with one velocity. The equations
force on the first. This law states that to every action there is for the conservation of momentum are given below:
an equal and opposite reaction. It can be expressed m1v1i + m2v2i = m1v1f+ m2v2f
mathematically. where i and f are initial and final velocities.

Consider two bodies A and B. Let FAB be the force
experienced by body A due to body B, and FBA be the force Applications of Law of Conservation of Momentum
experienced by B due to A. If the system is isolated, then by  When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gases produced in
Newton's third law we have F AB = –F BA. This is the the barrel exert a tremendous force on the bullet (action
mathematical representation of the third law. force). As a result, the bullet moves forward with a great
velocity called the muzzle velocity. The bullet at the
Examples of Newton's Third Law same time exerts an equal force on the gun in the
1. When a person throws a package out of a boat, the boat opposite direction (reaction force). Due to this the gun
moves in the opposite direction. The person exerts a moves backwards. This backward motion of the gun is
force on the package. The package exerts an equal and called the recoil of the gun. The velocity with which the
opposite force back on the person, and this force propels gun moves backwards is called the recoil velocity.

the person (and the boat) backward slightly.  The motion of a rocket is an application of Newton's
2. Rockets work on the same principle. A common third law of motion and law of conservation of linear
misconception is that rockets accelerate because the momentum. A rocket is a projectile that carries the rocket
gases rushing out of the back of the engine push against fuel and the oxidiser, which supplies the oxygen needed
the ground or the atmosphere. Actually, a rocket exerts for combustion. Liquid hydrogen, liquid paraffin, etc.,
a strong force on the gases, expelling them. The gases are used as rocket fuels. Hydrogen peroxide, liquid
exert an equal and opposite force on the rockets and it oxygen etc., are used as oxidisers. The fuel-oxidiser
is this force that propels the rocket forward. Thus a combination in a rocket is called the propellant. The
space vehicle moves in empty space by firing its rockets simplest form of rocket consists of a combustion
in the direction opposite to that in which it wants to chamber in which a solid or liquid propellant is burnt.
move. There is a nozzle at its tail through which the gaseous
3. A person begins walking by pushing with the foot products of combustion can escape. The rocket forces
against the ground. The ground then exerts an equal a jet of hot gases downwards through the nozzle. This
and opposite force back on the person and it is this is the action. The jet of gases exerts an equal force on
force on the person that moves him or her forward. the rocket, pushing it forward. This is the reaction. This
4. An automobile moves forward because of the force force gives the rocket a forward acceleration.
exerted on it by the ground which is the reaction to the
force exerted on the ground by the tyres.

6 l Physics
Work, Energy and Power
Work Potential Energy
Potential energy is the energy possessed by a body by virtue
Work is said to be done only when the force applied on a
of its position or when the body is at rest or in deformed
body makes the body move, i.e., there is a displacement of
state. It may also be defined as the amount of work done on
the body.
a body to change its position against the force of gravity.
The amount of work done (W.D.) by a force is equal to
P.E. = mgh,
the product of the force and the displacement of the point of
where h is the height through which the body is lifted.
application of the force in the direction of the force.
m= mass of the body.
The amount of W.D. by a force is zero
g= acceleration due to gravity.
(i) When there is no displacement
(ii) When displacement is normal to the direction of Kinetic Energy
force ( = 90°),
 cos 90° = 0. Kinetic energy is possessed by the body when it is in motion.
The amount of W.D. will be maximum when the It may also be defined as the amount of work done (W.D.) in

displacement is in the direction of force applied increasing the velocity of the body from zero to some value.
 W.D. = f × s cos  = f × s cos 0° K.E. = ½ mv2
W.D. = f × s ( cos 0° = 1) where v is the velocity of the body.
The amount of W.D. will be positive when the angle
between force and displacement will be less than 90°.
Different forms of Energy
The amount of W.D. will be negative when the angle Thermal Energy: Thermal energy is the energy of an object
between force and displacement will be 180° or greater than because of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the
90°. molecules. The higher the temperature, the faster the
 W.D. = f × s cos 180° molecules move, the greater the thermal energy of a
= f × s(–1) substance. It is commonly called heat energy.

W.D. = –f × s ( cos 180° = –1) Chemical Energy: The energy released or absorbed
during a chemical reaction, depending on whether the total
SI unit: Joule energy of the reactant is more or less than the product, e.g.
CGS unit: Erg hydrolysis, burning of coal.
Work is a scalar quantity. Electrical Energy: Work needs to be done with respect
Joule to attraction or repulsion of electrical changes. The energy
1 Joule of work is said to be done when a force of 1 Newton by virtue of this work is electrical energy.
displaces a body through 1 metre in its own direction. Nuclear Energy: The energy produced due to fission of
1 erg of work is said to be done when a force of 1 dyne a heavy nucleus molecule to two lighter fragments or fusion
displaces a body through 1 cm in its own direction. of two light nuclei to give a heavier nucleus, is called nuclear
1 Joule = 1 Nm 1 N = 105 dyne energy.
1 m = 10 cm  1 Joule = 107 ergs
Conservation of Energy
Energy According to the law of conservation of energy, energy can
neither be created, nor be destroyed; it can only be converted
Energy of a body is its capacity to do work.
from one form to another, i.e. total energy in a closed system
When a body does work, its energy decreases, while if work
is constant.
is done on the body, its energy increases.
The general law of conservation of energy is true for all
Unit of energy: forces and for any kind of transformation between different
SI unit – Joule CGS unit – Erg forms of energy.
Commercial unit – kWh Energy related to Mass: According to Einstein's
There are two types of energy: hypothesis, mass can be converted into energy according to
1. Potential energy the relation E = mc2, where 'm' is mass and 'c' is the speed of
2. Kinetic energy light. The value of 'c' = 3 × 10 m/s. The law cannot be proved

Physics l 7
mathematically, but is an empirical one. It forms one of the SI unit: Watt or Joule/s or 1 kg m2s–3. The other unit is horse
fundamental principles of physics. power (hp).
1 hp = 746 watt
Equipment/Instrument Transformation of energy
1 KW = 1000 watt
Loudspeaker Electrical energy into Sound
1 MW = 106 watt
CGS unit: erg/s
Musical Instruments Mechanical energy into Sound
1 W = 1 J/s or 107 erg/s
Bulb/Tube Electrical energy into Light energy
Heater Electrical energy into Thermal
energy The effect of a force applied for a very short period of time is
Coal Chemical energy into Thermal called impulse. It is equal to the change in the momentum of
energy a body.
Electric Cell Chemical energy into Electrical Impulse = F × t = mv – mu
energy Units: kg m/s or Ns
Heat Engine Thermal energy (Heat energy) into
Mechanical energy Application of Impulse
Solar cell Light energy into Electrical energy  Thick mattresses with soft surfaces are used in events
Petrol engine Chemical energy into Mechanical

such as high jump so that the time interval of impact on
energy landing is extended, thus reducing the impulsive force.
Microphone Sound energy into Mechanical This can prevent injuries to the participants.
energy  Goalkeepers will wear gloves to increase the collision
time. This will reduce the impulsive force.
Power  A high jumper will bend his legs upon landing. This is to
The rate of doing work is called power. It depends on two increase the time of impact in order to reduce the impulsive
factors: (i) Amount of work done (ii) Time taken to do work. force acting on his legs. This will reduce the change of
Power is also calculated from the product of force (f) getting a serious injury.
and average speed (v).  A baseball player must catch the ball in the direction of
the motion of the ball. Moving his hand backwards when

W.D. catching the ball prolongs the time for the momentum to
P  f v
time change so as to reduce the impulsive force.

Force and Pressure

Force Non-Contact Force: The force which does not involve
physical contact between the two objects but acts through
Force is that physical cause which changes or tends to empty space is called a non-contact force.
change the state of rest or the state of motion of the body. It
can also bring about a change in the dimension of the body.
Contact Force: The force between two bodies
when they are physically in contact is called a contact

 Force/Weight is a vector quantity.

 1 Newton is the force which when acting on a body of
mass 1 kg produces an acceleration of 1 ms-2 in it.
 1 dyne is the force which when acting on a body of mass
1 g produces an acceleration of 1 cms-2 in it.
8 l Physics
 1 kgf is the force with which the earth attracts a mass of Thus, the same force acting on a smaller area exerts a
1 kg. larger pressure, and a smaller pressure on a larger area.
 1 gf is the force with which the earth attracts a mass of Examples which show that decrease in area increases the
1 g. pressure:
 Relation between Newton and dyne:  A sharp knife has a very small surface area on its cutting
(i) 1 N = 105 dyne (ii) 1 kgf = 9.8 N edge so that high pressure can be exerted to cut the
(iii) 1 gf = 980 dyne (iv) 1 kgf = 1000 gf meat.
Centripetal Force: For a body to move in a circle, there  The studs on a football boot have only a small area of
must be a force on it directed towards the centre. This is contact with the ground. The pressure under the studs
called the centripetal force and is necessary to produce in high enough for them to sink into the ground, which
continuous change of direction in a circular motion. In case gives extra grip.
of the moon, the gravitational force between the earth and  Nails, needles and pins have very sharp ends with very
the moon acts as the centripetal force. When a stone tied at small surface areas.
one end of a string is whirled in a circle, the pull in the string  The sole of an ice skater is a fixed narrow metal bar. The
provides the centripetal force. high pressure on the surface of the ice makes the ice
The magnitude of the centripetal force, Fc, required to melt and allows the ice skater to glide smoothly.
cause an object of mass m and speed v to travel in a circular  Racing bicycles need very high air pressure inside the
path of radius r is given by the relation tyres, because the narrow tyres have a very small

mv 2 contact area with the road. The hard road surface can
Fc = support the high pressure under the wheels.
It is a real force. Examples which illustrate that increase in area decreases
Centrifugal Force: This force is supposed to be acting the pressure:
on a body revolving in a circle. Centrifugal force is equal and  Skis have a large area to reduce the pressure on the
opposite to the centripetal force, i.e. it acts outwards. snow so that they do not sink in too far.
It is not a real force.  A wide shoulder pad of a heavy bag will reduce the
pressure exerted on the shoulder of the person carrying
Application of Centrifugal Force the bag.
Centrifuge: A device by means of which light particles and Pressure in Liquids

heavy particles are separated from each other.
Cream Separator: In a cream separator, a vessel A liquid in a container exerts pressure because of its weight.
containing milk is rotated fast. Being lighter, the cream collects The pressure in a liquid is directly proportional to the
in a cylindrical layer around the axis, whence it is drawn off depth. The pressure in a liquid increases with depth.
and the skimmed milk is drained through an outlet fitted on The pressure in a liquid is directly proportional to the density
the wall of the vessel. The particles whose density is less of the liquid.
than that of the liquid are driven towards the axis of rotation Pressure in liquid (P) = gh
and those whose density is greater than that of the liquid are Where  = density, h = depth, g = gravitational
driven away from the axis. Cream is lighter than milk, so it is acceleration
separated from milk and collected at the axis.
Characteristics of pressure in a liquid
Centrifugal Drier: In laundries, wet clothes are dried
by packing them in a cylindrical vessel with perforated walls  The pressure at any point in a liquid, at a particular
which is rotated at a very high speed. Water particles stick depth, acts equally in all directions.
to the clothes with a certain force which is called adhesive  The pressure in a liquid does not depend on the area of
force. The water particles are not sufficient to keep them its surface.
moving uniformly in a circle.  The pressure in a liquid acts equally in all directions
and does not depend on the shape of the container.
Applications of pressure in a liquid
The force acting on a unit area of a surface is called pressure.  The wall of a dam is much thicker at the bottom than at
Pressure = the top because it must withstand the increased lateral
pressure in the depths of water.
F  Normally a water tank is placed at a higher level so as to
or, P
A supply water at a greater pressure.
SI unit: Nm-2 = Pascal = Pa

Physics l 9
 The submarine is built with a thick wall so as to surface is airtight, the sucker will stick permanently.
withstand enormous pressure at a greater depth.  Pulling up the piston reduces the atmospheric pressure
 The liquid solution is at a higher pressure so that it has inside the cylinder. The atmospheric pressure on the
sufficient pressure to flow into the veins of the patient. liquid surface then pushes the liquid up into the syringe.
If we then hold the plunger in place and lift the syringe
Pascal’s Law out of liquid, none will fall out. This is again due to
The pressure exerted on an enclosed liquid at one place is atmospheric pressure.
transmitted equally throughout the liquid. This is called  Fountain pen: Ink can be filled in a fountain pen with
Pascal’s law. Hydraulic presses, hydraulic brakes, hydraulic the help of atmospheric pressure. When the tube of the
door closers, etc. are applications of this principle. pen is squeezed, the air in it rushes out of that and the
Atmospheric Pressure and Gauge Pressure: The pressure in the tube decreases. The air pressure outside
pressure of the atmosphere at any point is equal to the weight the tube now pushes the ink into the pen. When we go
of a column of air of a unit cross-sectional area extending to a higher altitude, the atmospheric pressure decreases,
from that point to the top of the atmosphere. At sea level it is and the pressure inside the pen in comparison to the
1.013 × 105 Pa (1 atm). Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli atmospheric pressure increases. That is why fountain
(1608-1647) devised for the first time a method for measuring pens leak at higher altitudes.
atmospheric pressure. This device is known as a mercury  A vacuum cleaner produces only a partial vacuum. The
barometer. By experiment it is found that the mercury column fan inside the cylinder blows air out of the vents. With

in the barometer has a height of about 76 cm at sea level less air inside, the air pressure drops. The atmospheric
equivalent to one atmosphere (1 atm). pressure outside then pushes the air up the cleaner
 Atmospheric pressure varies with the height of the hose, carrying dust and dirt with it.
object above sea level. It decreases with the altitude or  In an aircraft flying at high altitude, normal atmospheric
the height above sea level. At higher altitudes, the pressure is maintained by the use of air pumps.
density and the temperature of the air are lower. As a  The atmospheric pressure is measured with an
result, the frequency of collisions of the molecules is instrument called the barometer.
lower. Hence, atmospheric pressure is lower.  Since atmospheric pressure varies with altitude, a
barometer can be used for determining altitudes. An
Common Manifestations of Atmospheric aneroid barometer calibrated for determining altitudes
Pressure is called an altimeter. Barometers are also used for

weather forecasting. If the barometric height falls
 When we suck through a straw, the air pressure in the suddenly, it indicates the coming of a storm. A gradual
straw is lowered. Then the pressure of the atmosphere fall in the barometric height indicates the possibility of
acting on the surface of the drink in the glass pushes rain. A gradual increase in the barometric height indicates
the water up the straw and into our mouth. fair weather.
 When the sucker is pressed into place, most of the air  An open-tube manometer is a useful instrument for
behind it is squeezed out. The sucker is held in position measuring pressure differences.
by the pressure of the atmosphere on the outside surface  1 bar = 105 Pa
of the rubber. If the seal between the sucker and the

Archimedes’ Principle
Upthrust and Buoyancy body usually floats in water, and a helium-filled balloon
floats in air.
 The upward force experienced by a body immersed  Upthrust depends upon two factors:
partially or fully in a fluid (liquid or gas) is called upthrust (i) Volume of the body
or buoyant force (FB). (ii) Density of the fluid
 Buoyancy is a familiar phenomenon: a body immersed  It is found that the greater the volume of a body, the
in water seems to weigh less than when it is in air. When greater the upthrust it experiences when placed inside a
the body is less dense than the fluid, it floats. The human fluid.

10 l Physics
 It is also found that the greater the density of the fluid rest anywhere within the fluid. The apparent weight of
the greater the upthrust it applies on the body. For the body is zero for all such positions.
example when a piece of wood is pushed into different
fluids, different forces have to be applied to do so. The Density
denser the fluid, more is the force required to push the
body into it. This is the reason that we apply more force The density of a substance is defined as its mass per unit
to push a body into salt water than into ordinary water. volume.
Examples: mass (m)
(i) If we place an iron nail on the surface of water, it sinks. Density () =
volume (V)
This is because the density of iron is greater than that
of water, so the weight of the nail is more than the The density of most of the substances decreases with
upthrust of water on it. On the other hand a ship made an increase in temperature and increases with a decrease in
of iron does not sink. This is because the ship is hollow temperature. Water is an exception. Water contracts when
and the empty space contains air which makes the cooled upto 4°C and expands when cooled further, below
average density of the ship less than that of water. 4°C. Thus the density of water is a maximum at 4°C. At 4°C,
Therefore, even with a small part of its submerged into the density of water is 1 gcm-3 or 1000 kg m–3.
water, the weight of the water displaced becomes equal
to the total weight of the ship and hence the ship floats. Law of Floatation

(ii) Due to the presence of minerals, the density of sea water A floating body displaces its own weight of the fluid in
is more than the density of river water, therefore upthrust which it floats. The Archimedes' principle and the law of
is large. Therefore, it is easier to swim in sea water than floatation can explain several phenomena.
in river water. An iron nail sinks in water whereas a ship made of iron
(iii) Dead bodies always float on the surface of water, but and steel floats. This is due to the fact that a ship is hollow
the head stays within water. The reason is that when and contains air and, therefore, its density is less than that
the dead body decays its volume increases. Thus, it of water.
becomes lighter than water and, hence, floats. However, The density of sea water, due to the presence of
the head being heavy cannot displace water more than impurities like salt, etc. is greater than that of river water.
its own weight, hence it remains under water. Therefore, lesser volume of ship will be immersed in sea
(iv) The mass of a balloon filled with helium is less than the

water to balance its weight. So the ship sinks to a great
mass of the air displaced by it. Hence upthrust acting depth in river water than in sea water.
on the balloon is more than its weight. As a result the It is because of the higher density of sea water that it is
balloon experiences a net upthrust which makes it rise. easier to swim in the sea.
As the balloon rises it experiences lesser and lesser A submarine has large ballast tanks. When these tanks
upthrust due to the fact that with height the density of are filled with water, the average density of the submarine
air decreases. At a certain point the weight of the balloon becomes more than that of water and it can dive easily. When
may be completely balanced by the upthrust acting on the submarine is ready to surface, compressed air is forced
it. Therefore the balloon stops rising. into the ballast tanks, forcing the water out, thus reducing
the density of the submarine, which can then rise.
Archimedes' Principle A solid chunk of iron will sink in water but float in mercury
The principle states that when a body is wholly or partially because the density of iron is more than that of water but
immersed in a fluid, it experiences an upthrust equal to the less than that of mercury.
weight of the fluid displaced. When an object is immersed in Ice, being less dense than water, floats in it with one
a fluid, two forces act on it: (i) the weight (W) of the object tenth of its volume above the surface. When ice melts it
acting downward through the centre of the body, and (ii) contracts by as much of its volume as was above the surface
upthrust (U) acting upward through the centre of gravity of and, therefore, the level of water remains unchanged.
the body. It is due to upthrust that objects apparently weigh
less when immersed in fluids. Hydrometer
Effect of buoyancy on bodies of different weights: A hydrometer is an instrument used for measuring the density
1. When W < U, the body floats. or relative density of liquids. It is based on the principle of
2. When W > U, the body sinks. floatation. A special type of hydrometer is used to measure
3. When W = U, the resultant force acting on the body the density of acid in a car battery. Another special type of
when fully immersed in the fluid in zero. The body is at hydrometer called lactometer is used for testing the purity
of milk by measuring its density.
Physics l 11
Flow in Fluids
Streamline Flow less, while the pressure of air under the roof is very
large, i.e. P1 > P2. This pressure difference gives an
The flow of a fluid is said to be steady if at any given point, erratical lift to the roof and it is blown off.
the velocity of each passing fluid particle remains constant  Bernoulli’s principle helps in explaining blood flow in
in time. The path taken by a fluid particle under a steady flow artery.
is a streamline. It is defined as a curve whose tangent at any
point is in the direction of the fluid velocity at that point. Capillarity
The word capilla means 'hair' in Latin; if the tube were hair-
Bernoulli’s Principle thin, the rise would be very large. The phenomenon of rise or
This states that for all points along a streamline in an fall of a liquid in a capillary tube is known as capillarity.
incompressible and non-viscous fluid flowing steadily, the The melted wax of a candle is drawn up into the wick by
sum of pressure energy, potential energy and kinetic energy capillary action. Oil rises up a lamp wick for the same reason.
per unit volume is constant. If one end of a sugar cube is dipped into tea, the entire cube

Thus, if p be the pressure energy per unit volume,  be is quickly wet on account of capillary action.
the density of the fluid, h be the height from the ground level, The fine pores of a blotting paper act as tiny capillary
then by Bernoulli's theorem, tubes. The ink rises into the blotting paper through these
1 pores. The capillary action in soil is important in bringing
p  v 2  gh = constant
2 water to the roots of plants.
In fact, Bernoulli’s theorem is nothing but the law of Bricks are porous and, therefore, subsoil water can seep
conservation of energy for an ideal fluid. up them by capillary action. To avoid dampness in a building,
a layer of nonporous material, such as slate, is necessary in
Note: Bernoulli’s equation ideally applies to fluids with zero its foundation.
viscosity or non-viscous fluids. A towel soaks water due to capillary action.

Applications of Bernoulli's Theorem Viscosity
 Dynamic Lift: Dynamic lift is the force that acts on a Most of the fluids are not ideal ones and offer some resistance
body, such as airplane wing, a hydrofoil or a spinning to motion. This resistance to fluid motion is like an internal
ball, by virtue of its motion through a fluid. In many friction analogous to friction when a solid moves on a surface.
games such as cricket, tennis, baseball and golf, a It is called viscosity.
spinning ball deviates from its parabolic trajectory as it The viscous force exists when there is relative motion
moves through air. This deviation can be partly explained between layers of the liquid. Suppose a fluid like oil is enclosed
on the basis of Bernoulli’s principle. When a bowler spins between two glass plates. The bottom plate is fixed while the
a ball, it changes its direction (swings) in the air due to top plate is moved with a constant velocity v relative to the
unequal pressure acting on it. fixed plate. If oil is replaced by honey, a greater force is required
 Lift on an Aeroplane Wing: The shape of the aeroplane to move the plate with the same velocity. Hence we say that
wings is such that the upper surface is more curved than honey is more viscous than oil.
its lower surface and its head is thicker than its tail. As It is measured in terms of the coefficient of viscosity, .
the aeroplane moves forward, the speed of air above the Its SI unit is pa–s (Pascal second).
wings is larger than the speed of the air below the wings. Generally thin liquids like water, alcohol etc. are less
According to Bernoulli's theorem, the pressure above viscous than thick liquids like coal tar, blood, glycerin etc.
the wings is less than the pressure below the wings. Due The viscosity of liquids decreases with temperature while
to the pressure difference, the aeroplane gets the vertical it increases in the case of gases. In a gas, the temperature rise
lift, which is sufficient to overcome the force of gravity increases the random motion of atoms and viscosity increases.
and the aeroplane is lifted up. The viscous force F acting on an object falling through
 Blowing Off the Roofs During Storm : During storms or a fluid of coefficient of viscosity  depends on its size r (in
cyclones, the roofs of the huts or tinned roofs are blown case of a ball, r is its radius) and its velocity .
off because of the high-speed wind. According to F = 6r
Bernoulli's theorem, the pressure over the roof becomes This is Stokes' law.

12 l Physics
Surface Tension
Intermolecular force: The force of attraction or repulsion  Similarly, insects can walk on the free surface of water
acting between the molecules is known as intermolecular without drowning.
force. The nature of intermolecular force is electromagnetic. The liquid surface tries to have minimum surface area,
Cohesive force: The force of attraction between the and for a given volume, the sphere has minimum surface area.
molecules of the same substance is called cohesive force. Surface tension of a liquid is measured by the force acting
Adhesive force: The force of attraction between the molecules per unit length on either side of an imaginary line drawn on
of different substances is called adhesive force. the free surface of liquid, the direction of this force being
perpendicular to the line and tangential to the free surface of
Examples of Cohesive Force
liquid. So if F is the force acting on one side of imaginary line
1. Two drops of liquid coalesce, i.e. join into one, when of length (L), then
brought in mutual contact.
2. It is difficult to separate two sticky plates of glass welded T=
with water. L
Note:1. It depends only on the nature of the liquid and is
3. It is difficult to break a drop of mercury into a small

independent of the area of surface or length of line
droplet because of large cohesive force between the
mercury molecules.
2. It is a molecular phenomenon and its root cause is
Examples of Adhesive Force the electromagnetic forces.
1. Adhesive force enables us to write on the blackboard SI unit of surface tension is N/m.
with a chalk. The value of surface tension depends on temperature.
2. A piece of paper sticks to another due to large force of Like viscosity, the surface tension of a liquid usually
adhesion between the paper and gum molecules. falls with temperature.
3. Water wets the glass surface because the force of
Applications of surface tension
adhesion between glass molecules and water molecules
(a) Manufacture of lead shots
is greater. But mercury does not wet glass because force

(b) Oils and paints: they spread easily and uniformly.
of cohesion is greater than force of adhesion.
(c) Destruction of mosquito breeding
Surface Tension: The property of a liquid to have minimum
surface area and behave as if it were under tension, Effect of impurity
somewhat like a stretched elastic membrane, is called surface It is found that when inorganic substances such as sodium
tension. chloride (common salt) are dissolved into water, the surface
Phenomena due to surface tension: tension of water increases. On the other hand, when organic
 A small liquid drop/raindrop has spherical shape due to substances such as soap solution is added to water, the
surface tension. surface tension of water decreases. Generally, if a highly
 Lead balls are spherical in shape. soluble substance is added to a liquid, its surface tension
 The bristles of shaving brush/painting brush, when increases.
dipped in water, spread out; but as soon as the brush is
taken out of water, its bristles stick together.

Simple Harmonic Motion

 A motion that repeats itself at regular intervals of time is Its SI unit is second.
called periodic motion. The reciprocal of T gives the number of repetitions that
 The smallest interval of time after which the motion is occur per unit time. This quantity is called the frequency
repeated is called its period. of the periodic motion. It is represented by the symbol  
 The period is denoted by the symbol T. The relation between  and T is  = 1/T

Physics l 13
 The unit of  is thus s–1. It is also known as Hertz Simple Pendulum
(abbreviated as Hz).
 If a body in periodic motion moves back and forth over An ideal simple pendulum consists of a heavy point mass
the same path, then the motion is said to be vibratory or (called bob) tied to one end of a perfectly inextensible, flexible
oscillatory. and weightless string.
 Every oscillatory motion is periodic, but every periodic Amplitude
motion need not be oscillatory. It is the maximum displacement of the pendulum from its
For example: mean position.
Circular motion is a periodic motion, but it is not Factors on which T of a pendulum depends
oscillatory. The motion of the earth around the sun is The time period of a simple pendulum is given by the
periodic but not oscillatory.
 There is no significant difference between oscillations L
expression T  2 g . It follows, from this formula, that
and vibrations. It seems that when the frequency is small,
we call it oscillation (like the oscillation of a branch of a  The time period of a pendulum depends directly upon
tree), while when the frequency is high, we call it
vibration (like the vibration of a string of a musical the square root of its length (L), i.e. T  L . The
instrument). larger the length of a pendulum the more is its time period.
 Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is the simplest form of  The time period of a pendulum depends inversely upon

oscillatory motion. This motion arises when the force the square root of acceleration due to gravity (g), i.e.
on the oscillating body is directly proportional to its 1
displacement from the mean position, which is also the T 
equilibrium position. g . Since g is different at different places,
 In SHM, forces acting on the particle is always directed therefore even for the same length, the time period will
towards a fixed point known as equilibrium position and be different at different places.
the magnitude of force is directly proportional to the  The time period of a pendulum does not depend upon
displacement of the particle from the equilibrium position the mass of the bob.
and is given by  The time period of a pendulum also does not depend
F = -kx upon its amplitude of vibration so long as it remains
where k is the force constant, x = displacement of the

particle from the fixed point and the negative sign shows  If a pendulum clock is brought inside an artificial satellite,
that force opposes increase in x. then due to the state of weightlessness inside the satellite
The SI unit of force constant k is N/m and the magnitude (g = 0), the time period of the clock becomes infinite
of k depends on elastic properties of the system under (  ). That's why such clocks don't work inside artificial
consideration. satellites.
 In summer season, the effective length of the pendulum
Characteristics of SHM clock is lengthened (increased length), so its time period
is also increased and consequently the clock becomes
 It is also known as restoring force, which takes the
slow. But in winter season the effective length is reduced,
particle back towards the equilibrium position, and
thus the time period is decreased and the clock becomes
opposes increase in displacement.
 The period of SHM does not depend on amplitude or
 On the moon the value of acceleration due to gravity is
energy or the phase constant.
g/6, where g is acceleration due to gravity on the earth's
surface. Thus, the period of oscillation of the pendulum
clock is increased on the moon and so it (pendulum
clock) is slowed down.

14 l Physics
Heat and Thermodynamics
Temperature metals together. When the system gets hotter, one metal
expands more than the other, so the composite strip
Temperature is a relative measure or indication of hotness or bends when the temperature changes. This strip is
coldness of a body. usually formed into a spiral, with the outer end anchored
to the thermometer case and the inner end attached to a
Concept of Heat pointer. The pointer rotates in responses to temperature
Energy transfer that takes place solely because of a 2. Platinum resistance thermometer: In a resistance
temperature difference is called heat flow or heat transfer, thermometer, the changing electrical resistance of a coil
and the energy transferred in this way is called heat. of fine wire, a carbon cylinder, or a germanium crystal is
On the basis of kinetic model of matter, heat energy is measured. Because resistance can be measured very
the sum of total kinetic and potential energies of all the precisely, resistance thermometers are usually more
molecules of a given substance. precise than most other types.

In other words, heat is the form of energy transferred 3. Optical pyrometer: To measure very high temperatures,
between two (or more) systems or a system and its an optical pyrometer can be used. It measures the
surroundings by virtue of temperature difference. The SI intensity of radiation emitted by a red-hot or white-hot
unit of heat energy transferred is expressed in Joule (J) substance. The instrument does not touch the hot
while the SI unit of temperature is Kelvin (K), and °C is a substance, so the optical pyrometer can be used at
commonly used unit of temperature. temperatures that would destroy most other
Calorie: The amount of heat required to raise the thermometers.
temperature of 1 gm water by 1° C is called a calorie. 4. Thermoelectric thermometer: The thermoelectric
By Joule's experiment, it was observed that heat is a thermometer works on the principle that the difference
form of energy by which various works can be performed. in temperature between two junctions produces a
Joule also asserted that heat and mechanical work are inter- current. This current can be measured and the

transferable and the ratio of mechanical work to heat energy temperature can be estimated.
by which work is done is a fixed ratio called mechanical 5. Mercury-in-glass thermometer: It uses mercury and is
equivalent of heat and basically it is a conversion unit. If based on the volume expansion of mercury. Mercury is
mechanical work W is produced by amount of heat H, then J mainly used in thermometers because it does not stick
= W/H or W = JH, to the glass surface.
where J = mechanical equivalent of heat 6. Alcohol-in-glass thermometers: It is based on the
= 4186 Joule/kilo cal. = 4.186 Joule/cal expansion of alcohol.
= 4.186 × 107 erg/cal. 7. Constant volume gas thermometers: It is based on the
concept of increase in pressure of a gas with rise in
Thermometry temperature.
Introduction Temperature Scales
A thermometer is a device for measuring the The two most commonly used temperature scales are:
temperature of a body, often a sealed glass tube that contains 1. Celsius scale and 2. Fahrenheit scale
a liquid, such as mercury, that expands and contracts with 1. Celsius Scale (°C): The Celsius (earlier called
rise and fall in temperature. centigrade) was put forward by Anders Celsius in 1742.
Its minimum point (freezing point of pure water at
Types of Thermometer
atmospheric pressure or melting point of pure ice) is at
Thermometers are classified in accordance with the type of 0°C and its upper end is at 100°C (boiling point of pure
thermometric substance used and on the type of property water at atmospheric pressure). It is divided into 100
which varies with temperature. They are of the following equal divisions. Each division is called one degree
types: Celsius. A degree on the Celsius scale is 1/100th of the
1. Bimetallic thermometer: A bimetallic thermometer uses fundamental interval.
a bimetallic strip made by bonding strips of two different

Physics l 15
2. Fahrenheit Scale (°F): It was devised by Daniel heating and contracts on cooling (with the exception of water
Fahrenheit in 1717. Its lower point (freezing point of that contracts from 0°C to 4°C).
pure water at atmospheric pressure) is at 32 °F and the The expansion of a solid with change in temperature is
upper point (boiling point of pure water at atmospheric called thermal expansion. If there is change in the length of
pressure) is at 212°F. It is divided into 180 equal a solid due to expansion it is termed as linear expansion. If
divisions. Each division is called one degree Fahrenheit. there is a change in the surface area of the solid then the
A degree on the Fahrenheit scale is 1/180 th of the expansion is called superficial expansion. When volume
fundamental interval. undergoes a change in the expansion then it is called cubical
Kelvin or Absolute Scale (K): It was devised by Lord expansion. With a small change in temperature, there is a
Kelvin. Its lower point (freezing point of water at atmospheric large change in the volume of liquids and gases, therefore
pressure) is at 273.15 or 273 K and the upper point (boiling liquids and gases have cubical expansion.
point of water at atmospheric pressure) is at 373 K. It has
100 divisions. Simple examples of the uses of
Relation between the Celsius and the Fahrenheit scales of expansion of solids
temperature 1. Iron tyres of horse-carts: Many bullock-carts and horse-
TC  0 T  32 T  273 carts (tongas) have large wooden wheels with iron rims.
 F  K
100  0 212  32 373  273 To fit an iron rim tightly on the wheel, it is made with its
diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the wheel.

TC TF  32 TK  273 It is then heated until it expands and has its diameter
 
100 180 100 slightly greater than the diameter of the wheel. The hot
iron rim is then made to slide over the wheel and left to
Thermal equilibrium cool. As iron rim cools, it contracts and fits very tightly.
Steel rims are fitted on railway carriage wheels in a similar
Thermal equilibrium is a situation in which two objects in manner. The rim is heated until it slides easily on to the
thermal contact with each other cease (stop) to have any net wheel; when it cools it fits very tightly.
energy exchange due to a difference in their temperatures. 2. The jam bottle and its metal cap: A metal screw cap on a
In other words, temperature can also be defined as a glass bottle (or on a jam bottle) is sometimes very
quantity which determines the direction of flow of heat when difficult to remove. If the metal cap is slightly heated

two bodies are placed in contact. (carefully turning it around to avoid direct heating of
Heat always flows from a higher to a lower temperature. the glass), the metal will expand more than the glass and
In SI, temperature is measured in kelvin (K) and in CGS system will unscrew very easily.
in Celsius (°C). The two scales are related as 3. Riveting: A rivet is a metal pin or bolt used for fastening
T K = 273 + t°C metal plates. Riveting is the act of using rivets to secure
Absolute zero: Theoretically there is no limit to maximum two overlapping plates very tightly so that the joint
temperature but there is a limit or restriction on the minimum becomes leak-proof. Steel plates, such as those used in
temperature. The lowermost temperature is –273.15°C and it ship-building or in large boilers, are usually riveted
is called absolute temperature. together using red-hot rivets. This provides a good seal
The temperature on various scales against sea water for ship plates and against water and
steam in large boilers.
Temperature Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin (K) 4. Fixing a metal wire into glass: Platinum and soda glass
Freezing of water 0°C 32°F 273 K have equal expansion coefficients. This is made use of
in fixing a platinum wire into soda glass. Changes in
Normal temperature 27°C 80.6° F 300 K temperature will not affect the seal as both materials
of the room expand at approximately the same rate.
Normal temperature 37°C 98.6°F 310 K 5. Railway tracks: The rails are made of steel, which expands
of the human body in summer due to rise in atmospheric temperature.
Therefore, a little space is left between the two rails to
Boiling point of 100°C 212°F 373K accommodate their expansion on the railway track. If no
water gap is left the expansion will cause the rails to bend
Thermal expansion 6. Similarly, in an iron bridge, one end of the girder (beam)
Matter (solids, liquids and gases), in general, expands on is fixed while the other end is left free and supported by

16 l Physics
rollers. In summer, when the iron girder expands, the Change of State
rollers roll forward, and in winter when the girder
contracts, the rollers roll backwards. Thus, there is less Matter is found usually in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
pressure on the girders. Water exists in the solid state as ice, in the liquid state as
7. Error in metal measuring scales: Measuring tapes and water, and in the gaseous state as steam.
metal scales are calibrated accurately by the maker at a A transition from one state (or phase) to another is called
particular temperature. A rise or fall in temperature causes a change of state (or a phase change or phase transition). For
the tape/scale to expand or contract and introduces error any given pressure, a phase change takes place at a definite
in the measurements made. temperature, usually accompanied by absorption or emission
8. Telegraph/Telephone/Electric lines: The wires used in of heat and a change in volume and density.
these lines expand or contract as the weather changes A familiar example of a change of state is the melting of ice.
and temperature rises or falls. Therefore, these are kept When we slowly heat ice, the temperature of ice does not
slightly sagging in summer so that when they contract increase until all the ice is melted. The effect of adding heat to
in winter, these do not break. ice is not to raise its temperature but to change its phase from
9. Pendulum of a clock: In summer, the pendulum of a solid to liquid. Thus, the two states of a substance coexist in
clock, which is made of metal, expands. Therefore, time thermal equilibrium during a phase transition.
taken for one oscillation increases and the clock loses A change of state from solid to liquid is called melting and
time. In winter, the length of the pendulum decreases from liquid to solid is called freezing.

and the clock gains time, i.e. it becomes fast. Melting Point: “The temperature at which a solid changes to
liquid state without any change in its temperature, is called
Anomalous Behaviour of water its melting point”.
While most substances expand when heated, a few do  Heat is absorbed from the surroundings in melting.
not. For instance, if water at 0°C is heated, its volume  Melting point depends on pressure. The melting point
decreases until the temperature reaches 4°C. Above 4°C water at standard atmospheric pressure of 76 cm of mercury is
behaves normally, and its volume increases as the called normal melting point.
temperature increases. Because a given mass of water has a  Normal melting point of ice is 0°C.
minimum volume at 4°C, the density of water is greatest at  The melting point of substances which contract on
4°C. This behaviour of water is called its anomalous melting like ice, cast iron, antimony, bismuth, brass etc.
behaviour or its unusual behaviour. decreases with increase in pressure.

 Due to absorption of heat, melting of ice increases the
Consequences of anomalous expansion of water internal energy without change in temperature. Due to
1. Bursting of water pipe in winter: When water freezes it removal of heat, the internal energy decreases in freezing.
expands and exerts a great pressure inside the pipe as a  The melting point of other substances which expand on
result of which the pipe bursts. So, enough space is left melting like wax, glass, gold, silver, copper etc. increases
in the pipe for the expansion to take place and prevent with increase in pressure.
bursting.  Melting point decreases on adding impurity.
2. Other effects: Expansion on freezing causes weathering  At the melting (or freezing) temperature, the liquid and
of rocks (as water in its crevices freezes) and weathering solid phases can coexist in a condition called phase
of soil. Vegetables and plants get damaged in winter as equilibrium, hence water at 0°C cannot be converted
the water inside them, expands on freezing and bursts into ice by adding any amount of ice at 0°C.
the cell walls.  Cooling a liquid below freezing point without turning it
2. Aquatic animals are able to survive in frozen ponds: into solid is called supercooling. Water can be
The temperature of water falls in lakes, ponds etc. till supercooled up to -12°C.
4°C, at which its density becomes the maximum. Due to Vaporisation and Condensation
the anomalous expansion of water, its density decreases
when the temperature drops to 0°C. At this temperature The phase transition from liquid or solid to gas (or vapour) is
water changes to ice, which floats on the surface. Water vaporisation and from gas to liquid is called condensation.
inside the pond does not freeze completely since ice Vaporisation has three types: boiling, evaporation and
formed on the top is a bad conductor of heat. Thus sublimation.
fishes and other aquatic animals can easily survive in Boiling Point: It is the transition from liquid phase to gas
the lower layers of the frozen lakes as the water below phase which takes place at or above the boiling temperature
stays at 4°C. and it occurs below the surface.
We have similar concepts (as of melting and melting point)

Physics l 17
for vaporisation and boiling as well. Latent heat of fusion: The latent heat of fusion of a substance
1. At a given pressure, the temperature of boiling and is the quantity of heat absorbed by (or removed from) the
condensation are always the same. At this temperature, substance to change a unit mass of it from solid state to
the liquid and gaseous phases can coexist in phase liquid state (or from liquid state to solid state), while
equilibrium. temperature remains constant. It is also called heat effusion.
2. The boiling point always increases with increase in Latent heat of vaporisation: The latent heat of vaporisation
pressure. Hence, the cooking in a pressure cooker is of a substance is the quantity of heat absorbed by (or removed
faster but cooling becomes difficult on hills. from) the substance to change a unit mass of it from liquid
3. Normal boiling point of water is 100°C. It decreases by state to gaseous state (or from gaseous state to liquid state),
1°C for a decrease in pressure by nearly 26.8 mm of while temperature remains constant. It is also called heat of
mercury, i.e., with an increase in elevation above the vaporisation.
earth’s surface by 300 metres. Specific Latent Heat: The amount of heat required to change
4. Water can be made to boil at 0°C if the surrounding the phase of 1 kg of the substance at a constant temperature.
pressure is 4.6 mm of Hg.
5. Impurity increases the boiling point. l=
6. The internal energy of a body in vapour phase is greater m
than that in liquid phase. Q = latent heat absorbed or released by the substance
Sublimation: There are some substances which normally pass m = mass of the substance.

from the solid state to the vapour state directly and vice SI unit: J kg-1
versa. The process of changing from solid state to vapour Applications of Specific Latent Heat
state without passing through the liquid state is called  Drinks can be cooled by adding in several cubes of ice.
“sublimation” and the solid is said to sublime. When ice melts a large amount of heat is absorbed and
this lowers the temperature of the drink.
Evaporation  The freshness of fish and meat can be maintained by
The phenomenon of change of liquid into vapour at any placing them in contact with ice. With its larger latent
temperature below its boiling point is called evaporation. heat, ice is able to absorb a large quantity of heat from
Factors Affecting Evaporation the fish as its melts. Thus, food can be kept at a low
temperature for an extended period of time.
You must have observed that the rate of evaporation

 Water has a large specific latent heat of vaporisation.
increases with
This property enables steam to be used for cooking by
 An increase of surface area: If the surface area is
the method of steaming. When steam condenses on the
increased, the rate of evaporation increases. For example,
food, the latent heat is released directly onto the food
while putting clothes for drying up we spread them out.
and enables the food to be cooked at a faster rate.
 An increase of temperature: With the increase of
 Our bodies feel cool after sweating. This is because
temperature, more number of particles get enough kinetic
latent heat of vaporization is absorbed from the body
energy to go into the vapour state.
when sweat evaporates. As a result, the body is cooled
 A decrease in humidity: Humidity is the amount of water
by the removal of heat.
vapour present in the air. If the amount of water in air is
Specific Heat Capacity (c): The amount of heat that
low, the rate of evaporation increases.
must be supplied to increase the temperature by 1°C for a
 An increase in wind speed: It is a common observation
mass of 1 kg of a substance is called its Specific Heat Capacity.
that clothes dry faster on a windy day. With the increase
in wind speed, the particles of water vapour move away Q
with the wind, decreasing the amount of water vapour in Specific heat capacity (c) =
the surrounding. Q = heat absorbed/released, unit J
m = mass of the substance, unit kg
Latent Heat  = temperature difference, unit °C
Latent heat of a substance is defined as the amount of heat SI unit: J kg–1 °C-1
absorbed or given out by a unit mass of it during the change Note: A substance with a small value of specific heat capacity
of state while its temperature remains constant. It is of two 1. heats up and cools at a faster rate. For example, metals
types: like iron, steel, copper and aluminium are used for pots
(i) Latent heat of fusion and pans because they can be quickly heated up when
(ii) Latent heat of vaporisation there is only small heat absorption.

18 l Physics
2. is sensitive to temperature changes. A thermometer has Thermal conductivities of some materials
low specific heat capacities, so it enables heat to be Materials Thermal conductivity
easily absorbed and released even when small quantities (J s–1 m-1 K-1)
of heat are involved. Metals
Silver 406
Heat Transfer Copper 385
Heat is energy transfer from one system to another or from Aluminium 205
one part of a system to another, arising due to temperature Brass 109
difference. Steel 50.2
There are three distinct modes of heat transfer: Lead 34.7
1. Conduction Mercury 8.3
2. Convection and Non-metals
3. Radiation Insulating brick 0.15
Concrete 0.8
Conduction Body fat 0.20
Glass 0.8
The process by which heat is transferred from the hotter end Ice 1.6
to the colder end of an object is known as conduction. In Wood 0.12

other words, conduction is the mechanism of transfer of Water 0.8
heat between two adjacent parts of a body because of their Gases
temperature difference. In conduction, heat is transferred Air 0.024
between neighbouring parts of a body through molecular Argon 0.016
collisions, without any flow of matter. If one end of a metallic Hydrogen 0.14
rod is put in a flame, the other end of the rod will soon be so
hot that we cannot hold it with our bare hands. Application of conduction
Gases are poor thermal conductors while liquids have
conductivities intermediate between solids and gases.  Drinking tea in a metallic cup is somewhat painful but
drinking tea in a ceramic cup is pleasant. The simple
Good Conductor reason behind it is that heat from the tea goes into the

The materials which allow heat to pass through them easily metallic cup, which becomes hot and one’s lips have a
are good conductors of heat. Metals like aluminum, iron and painful and bitter experience due to good conduction of
copper, human body, acidic water are the examples of good heat. But due to bad conduction of heat in ceramic or
conductors. fibre cup, heat doesn't travel from tea to the cups and
Bad Conductor does not make the cup hot.
 Refrigerators and ice-boxes have similar double walls to
The materials which do not allow heat to pass through them
minimise heat gain by conduction.
easily are bad conductors of heat. Poor conductors are known
 Eskimos live in snow huts called igloos. Snow, being a
as insulators. Examples: water, air, wood, fibre, glass, rubber
poor conductor, shields them from cold. It prevents the
and plastic.
heat they generate from escaping and keeps them warm.
Thermal insulator
The substances through which heat is not transmitted by Convection
any means (method) are called thermal insulators. In fact Convection is a mode of heat transfer by actual motion of
bad conductors are sometimes synonymously used as matter. It is possible only in fluids (liquids and gas).
thermal insulators. Examples: Ebonite, asbestos etc. Convection can be natural or forced.
Houses made of concrete roofs get very hot during In forced convection, material is forced to move by a
summer days, because thermal conductivity of concrete pump or by some other physical means.
(though much smaller than that of a metal) is still not small Examples of forced convection systems – air heating
enough. Therefore, people usually prefer to give a layer of systems in home, the human circulatory system, and the
earth or foam insulation on the ceiling so that heat transfer is cooling system of an automobile engine. In the human body,
obstructed and it keeps the room cooler. the heart acts as the pump that circulates blood through
different parts of the body, transferring heat by forced
convection and maintaining it at a uniform temperature.
Natural convection is responsible for many familiar

Physics l 19
phenomena. During the day, the ground heats up more quickly liquids or gases. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by a
than large bodies of water do. This occurs both because the body by virtue of its temperature, like the radiation by a red
water has a greater specific heat and because mixing currents hot iron or light from a filament lamp, is called thermal
disperse the absorbed heat throughout the great volume of radiation.
water. The air in contact with the warm ground is heated by When this thermal radiation falls on other bodies, it is
conduction. It expands, becoming less dense than the partly reflected and partly absorbed. The amount of heat
surrounding cooler air. As a result, the warm air rises (air that a body can absorb by radiation depends on the colour
currents) and other air moves (winds) to fill the space, of the body. Black bodies absorb and emit radiant energy
creating a sea breeze near a large body of water. Cooler air better than bodies of lighter colours. Note the following
descends, and a thermal convection cycle is set up, which examples:
transfers heat away from the land. At night, the ground loses  We wear white or light-coloured clothes in summer so
its heat more quickly, and the water surface is warmer than that they absorb the least heat from the sun. However,
the land. As a result, the cycle is reversed. during winter, we use dark-coloured clothes, which
Another example of natural convection is the steady absorb heat from the sun and keep our body warm.
surface wind on the earth blowing in from north-east towards  The bottoms of the utensils for cooking food are
the equator, the so called trade wind. blackened so that they absorb maximum heat from the
Heating elements in geysers and water heaters are fitted fire and give it to the vegetables to be cooked.
near the bottom so that water can be heated by convection  The base of an electric iron is highly polished so that it

currents. Heating elements in electric ovens are fitted near does not lose heat by radiation.
the bottom to heat the entire enclosed air by convection.  A cloudy night in winter is warmer than a night with
The cooling unit (freezer) in a refrigerator is fitted near clear sky.
the top to cool the whole of the interior. The air near the top  In a desert, days are too hot and nights too cold.
cools and descends due to increased density. Its place near Note: Convection and conduction are not possible in vacuum
the top is taken by warm air and in this way convection while radiation is possible in vaccum.
currents are set up, which cool the entire interior. Newton's Law of Cooling: This law states that the rate
To avoid the burning of the filaments of the electric at which a hot body loses heat is directly proportional to the
bulbs, which are made of tungsten (high atomic weight and difference between its temperature and the surrounding
high melting point), the bulb is evacuated (creation of temperature. For example, hot water takes much less time in
vacuum). Also, to avoid the melting of filaments in the bulb, cooling from 90°C to 80°C than in cooling from 40°C to 30°C.

some inert gases like argon or krypton are filled up and thus If hot water and fresh tap water are kept in a refrigerator,
thermal radiations generated by filaments form a convectional the rate of cooling of hot water will be faster than that of tap
current inside the bulb and a tremendous quantity of thermal water. Suppose a person is served hot coffee with added
energy produced doesn't melt the filament. cream (at room temperature), but he wants to drink it after a
while. It is then advisable to add cream right in the beginning
Radiation rather than at the time of taking the coffee because this way
The third mechanism for heat transfer needs no medium; it is the coffee will remain hotter.
called radiation and the energy so radiated by
electromagnetic waves is called radiant energy. Thermodynamics
Electromagnetic waves can travel in vacuum with the same
It is the branch of natural science concerned with heat and
speed as the speed of light, i.e. 3 × 108 ms–1.
its relation to other forms of energy and work. It defines
Heat transfer by radiation does not need any medium
macroscopic variables (such as temperature, internal energy,
and it is very fast.
entropy, and pressure) that describe average properties of
Examples of radiation material bodies and radiation, and explains how they are
 The heat is transferred to the earth from the sun through related and by what laws they change with time.
the empty space. Thermodynamics does not describe the microscopic
 When we sit in front of a room heater, we get heat by constituents of matter, and its laws can be derived from
this process. statistical mechanics.
 A hot utensil kept away from the flame cools down as it Applications
transfers heat to the surroundings by radiation. Thermodynamics can be applied to a wide variety of topics
 Our body, too, gives heat to the surroundings and in science and engineering, such as engines, phase
receives heat from it by radiation. transitions, chemical reactions, transport phenomena, and
All bodies emit radiant energy, whether they are solids, even black holes.

20 l Physics
Much of the empirical content of thermodynamics is –459.67 °F (Degrees Fahrenheit) or 0 K (kelvin).
contained in its four laws: 2. Entropy is a thermodynamic property that is the
 The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is a generalization measure of a system's thermal energy per unit
principle of thermal equilibrium among bodies, or temperature that is unavailable for doing useful
thermodynamic systems, in contact. It states: If two work.
systems are each in thermal equilibrium with the third, Several commonly studied thermodynamic processes are:
they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.  Isobaric process: It occurs at constant pressure.
 The First Law of Thermodynamics is simply the law of  Isochoric process: It occurs at constant volume (also
conservation of energy applied to the thermodynamic called isometric/isovolumetric).
system. According to this law, if a substantial amount of  Isothermal process: It occurs at a constant temperature.
thermal energy is supplied to a thermodynamic system,  Adiabatic process: It occurs without loss or gain of
then it is partially utilised in changing its internal energy. energy as heat.
U = Q – W Examples:
Q = Thermal energy supplied When a motor tyre bursts, the sudden expansion of air
U = Change in internal energy into the atmosphere is an adiabatic process in which the
W = External work done tyre is cooled down.
 The Second Law of Thermodynamics concerns a To prepare dry ice (solid CO2), carbon dioxide is
quantity called entropy that expresses limitations, arising suddenly expanded and consequently it converts into ice

from what is known as irreversibility, on the amount of called dry ice.
thermodynamic work that can be delivered to an external On shaking, a thermos containing tea becomes warm,
system by a thermodynamic process. It states: Heat because on shaking the existing viscous forces between
cannot spontaneously flow from a colder location to a various layers of the tea do external work and this work is
hotter location. transformed into thermal energy. So its internal energy
 The Third Law of Thermodynamics is a statistical law of increases and consequently the temperature rises.
nature regarding entropy and the impossibility of  Isentropic process: A reversible adiabatic process that
reaching absolute zero of temperature. This law provides occurs at a constant entropy, but is a fictional
an absolute reference point for the determination of idealisation.
entropy.  Isolated process: It occurs at constant internal energy
Note: 1. Absolute zero is –273.15 °C (Degrees Celsius), or and elementary chemical composition.

KUNDAN Elasticity
A rigid body generally means a hard solid object having a
definite shape and size. But in reality, bodies can be stretched,
compressed and bent. Even the appreciably rigid steel bar
The elastic behaviour of materials plays an important
role in engineering design. For example, while designing a
building, knowledge of elastic properties of materials like
can be deformed when a sufficiently large external force is steel, concrete etc. is essential. The same is true in the design
applied on it. This means that solid bodies are not perfectly of bridges, automobiles, ropeways etc.
rigid. A solid has definite shape and size. In order to change Note: Steel is more elastic than rubber, copper, brass
(or deform) the shape or size of a body, a force is required. and aluminium. It is for this reason that steel is preferred in
The property of a body, by virtue of which it tends to regain heavy-duty machine and in structural designs.
its original size and shape when the applied force is removed,  By the process of hammering or rolling, the elasticity of
is known as elasticity, and the deformation caused is known a body increases.
as elastic deformation. Examples: steel, rubber and quartz.  By the process of annealing, the elasticity of a body is
However, if we apply force to a lump of putty or mud, it reduced.
has no gross tendency to regain its previous shape, and it
gets permanently deformed. Such substances are called Stress and Strain
plastic and this property is called plasticity. Examples: putty, When a force is applied on a body, it is deformed to a small
clay, mud, wax, lead and chewing gum. Putty and mud are or large extent, depending upon the nature of the material of
close to ideal plastics. the body and the magnitude of the deforming force.

Physics l 21
When a body is subjected to a deforming force, a Shear Modulus
restoring force is developed in the body. This restoring force The ratio of shearing stress to the corresponding shearing
is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the applied strain is called the shear modulus of the material and is
force. The restoring force per unit area is known as stress. represented by G. It is also called the modulus of rigidity.
If F is the force applied and A is the area of cross-section of The SI unit of shear modulus is N m–2 or Pa. It can be
the body, magnitude of the stress = F/A seen that shear modulus (or modulus of rigidity) is generally
The SI unit of stress is Nm–2 or Pascal (Pa) and its less than Young’s modulus. For most materials G = Y/3.
dimensional formula is [ML–1 T–2 ].
Bulk Modulus
Strain When a uniform pressure is applied all over the surface of a
When a body suffers a change in its size or shape under the body, the volume of the body changes. The change in volume
action of external forces, it is said to be deformed and the per unit volume of the body is called volume strain and the
corresponding fractional change is called strain. The strain applied pressure is called normal stress. Thus the ratio of
is a ratio and it has no unit, no dimension. normal stress to volume strain is called bulk modulus of the
There are three types of strain — longitudinal (linear) material of the body.
strain, volume strain and shearing (shape) strain. B = – p/(V/V)
Hooke’s Law v
For small deformations, stress and strain are proportional to Where p = normal stress = volume strain

each other. This is known as Hooke’s law. The negative sign indicates the fact that with an increase
Thus, stress  strain in pressure, a decrease in volume occurs. That is, if p is
or, stress =  × strain positive, V is negative.
where  is the proportionality constant and is known as Thus for a system in equilibrium, the value of bulk
modulus of elasticity. modulus B is always positive. The SI unit of bulk modulus is
Hooke’s law is an empirical law and is found to be valid for the same as that of pressure, i.e. Nm–2 or Pa.
most materials. The reciprocal of bulk modulus is called compressibility
Elastic Moduli and is denoted by k. It is defined as the fractional change in
The ratio of stress to strain, called modulus of elasticity, is volume per unit increase in pressure.
found to be a characteristic of the material. There are three k = (1/B) = – (1/p) × (V/V)

types of elasticity: Note: 1. The bulk moduli for solids are much larger than for
1. Young’s Modulus 2. Shear Modulus 3. Bulk Modulus liquids, which are again much larger than the bulk
modulus for gases (air). Thus solids are least
Young’s Modulus compressible whereas gases are most compressible.
The ratio of longitudinal stress () to longitudinal strain (L Gases are about a million times more compressible
is defined as Young’s modulus and is denoted by the symbol than solids. Gases have large compressibility, which
Y. vary with pressure and temperature.
Y = (F/A)/(L/L) 2. The Young’s modulus and Shear modulus are
= (F × L) /(A × L) relevant only for solids since only solids have
Since strain is a dimensionless quantity, the unit of lengths and shapes.
Young’s modulus is the same as that of stress, i.e. Nm–2 or
Pascal (Pa).

Gravitation: It is the force of attraction between any two due to gravity. It is denoted by g. It is independent of the
bodies in the universe. mass of the body. It varies with altitude and depth.
Gravity: It is the force of attraction between a planet The value of acceleration due to gravity is taken as 9.8
and a body. ms-2 at 45° latitude at the sea level.
Acceleration due to gravity: The acceleration produced Weight: It is defined as the force with which a body is
in a body due to the force of gravity is called acceleration attracted towards the centre of the earth.

22 l Physics
Newton's Law of Gravitation It should be noted that the acceleration due to gravity
1. decreases with height from the surface of the earth.
The law of gravitation states that the force of attraction 2. decreases with depth from the surface of the earth.
between any two objects is proportional to the product of 3. is a maximum at the surface of the earth.
their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the 4. is more at the poles than at the equator.
distance between them. The law applies to objects anywhere
Difference between mass and weight
in the universe. Such a law is said to be universal.
Mass Weight
Consider two particles of masses m1 and m2 separated
It is the amount of It is a force equal to the
by a distance r, then by Newton's law of gravitation we have
matter contained in gravitational pull exerted
F  m1m2 .... (1)
a body. by a planet.
F  .... (2)
r2 It is a constant quantity It is a variable quantity and
Combining equations 1 and 2, we have and does not change changes with the change in
with respect to position acceleration due to gravity at
m1 m 2 or place. a place.
Mass of a body can Weight of a body can be zero
Gm 1m 2
or, F = ... (3) never be zero. during free fall.

Here G is a constant called the universal gravitational It is measured by using It is measured by using a
constant. In SI it has a value 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2, which is a a physical balance. spring balance.
small value. The above expression is valued only for bodies
having spherical shape. The gravitational unit of force in SI It is measured in It is measured in Newton.
is kilogram weight (kgwt). 1 kgwt = 9.8 N kilogram.

Acceleration due to Gravity at Applications of Newton’s

the Surface of the Earth Law of Gravitation

Suppose a body of mass m is placed on the surface of the Newton's law of gravitation has a large number of
earth. Let the mass of the earth be M and its radius be R. applications. Some of these are:
Since the radius of the body is very small, the centre-to- 1. It can be used to estimate the mass of the earth by using
centre distance between the bodies is R. Now, by Newton's
gravitational law, the force of attraction between these two GM
the expression g  .
bodies is R2
GMm 2. It can also be used to estimate the mass of the moon,
F= ... (1) the sun and other planets.
Now, the weight of a body is defined as the force with 3. It is used to study the binary stars — a system of two
which a body is attracted to the centre of the earth. Therefore, stars orbiting around their common centre, the
the Weight (W) of the body is given by centripetal force being provided by the gravitational
W = mg ... (2) force of attraction between them. Any distortion in the
Therefore, from equations 1 and 2, we have orbit of a star indicates the presence of a companion
such that the system moves as a double star. Newton's
GMm GM law of gravitation can be used to estimate the masses of
mg = 2 or g =
R R2 these stars.
If the body lies at a distance r from the centre of the 4. The wobbling (irregularity in the motion) of a star can
earth then the acceleration due to gravity is given by the be detected by modern techniques. By using the law of
GM gravitation we can estimate the mass of these stars.
expression g = Weight of an Object on the Moon: The weight of an object
The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the on the surface of the moon would be the magnitude of mass
in kilograms multiplied by 1.67 N.
earth is given by g  .

Physics l 23
Escape Velocity v e  2g R e
and the orbital velocity of the body around the earth
The escape velocity is the minimum required velocity of a
body through which it is projected. It goes beyond the v 0  gR e
gravitational pull and never comes back.
v e  2v0
If m be the mass of a body projected from the earth's
surface of radius Re and mass Me, the kinetic energy of the Thus, if the velocity of an orbiting satellite close to the
body must be equal to the gravitational potential energy. earth is increased 2 times or 41%, then the satellite will
leave the orbit and will escape. In other words, if the kinetic
1 GM e m energy of an orbiting satellite is doubled immediately, then
Thus; mv 2e 
2 Re the satellite will escape. The escape velocity is maximum on
the sun and it is 614 km/sec. That's why even lighter gases
2GM e like hydrogen and helium do not escape. The moon has the
or, ve = Re where ve = escape velocity..
least volume of escape velocity, i.e. 2.4 km/sec. So, no gases
exist on the moon. That's why the moon has no atmosphere
Gm e
But g  and, from the surface of the moon, the sky appears black.
R 2e The escape velocity of the gaseous molecules must be more
than the root mean square (rms) velocity for the existence of
ve = escape velocity = 2gR e  11.2 km / sec

the atmosphere.
This implies that if a body is thrown from the earth's Note: An astronaut experiences weightlessness in a space
surface with the velocity of 11.2 km/sec, then the body will satellite. This is not because the gravitational force is
never come back to the earth. small at that location in space. It is because both the
Here we observe that escape velocity of a body on the astronauts and the satellites are in “free fall” towards
earth's surface is the Earth.


Waves can occur whenever a system is disturbed from its
equilibrium position and when the disturbance can travel or
propagate from one region of the system to the other. Sound,
light, ocean waves, radio and television transmission, and
earthquakes are all wave phenomena.
The waves are mainly of three types: (a) mechanical
waves, (b) electromagnetic waves and (c) matter waves.
Mechanical wave: Mechanical waves require a material
medium for their propagation, i.e. they cannot travel in
or (transmits) along the perpendicular direction of the particle's
vibration, it is called transverse mechanical wave.
Transverse mechanical waves can be generated in solids
and upper surfaces of the liquids. But it cannot be generated
through gases and inside liquids due to lack of rigidity. The
transverse wave propagates in the form of crest (max. upward
displacement) and trough (max. downward displacement).
The distance between two adjacent crests or trough is called
wavelength and it is represented by .
vacuum. Example: Water waves, sound waves, seismic waves, Longitudinal mechanical wave: If, in an elastic medium,
etc a wave propagates (transmits) along the direction of particle's
Types of mechanical wave: vibration, it is called longitudinal mechanical wave.
(a) Transverse mechanical wave Longitudinal waves can be generated (produced) in all
(b) Longitudinal mechanical wave mediums — solids, liquids and gases — and such waves
Transverse mechanical wave: If in an elastic medium transmit through compression and rarefaction. In
wave propagates compression, the pressure and the density of the medium is
maximum, while in rarefaction, the pressure and the density
of the medium is minimum. Examples — Sound waves in air,
earthquake waves, water waves etc. are longitudinal
mechanical waves.

24 l Physics
Electromagnetic wave  The orderly distribution of electromagnetic radiations
according to their frequency or wavelength is termed as
 An electromagnetic wave is a wave generated by the electromagnetic spectrum.
oscillations of electric and magnetic fields oscillating  For an electromagnetic wave, the frequency, wavelength
mutually perpendicular to each other. Electromagnetic and the velocity of the wave are related by the
waves do not require a medium to propagate. expression; c = v.

Types of Electromagnetic Waves

The various types of electromagnetic waves (in the order of increasing wavelength) are:
Name Wavelength Discoverer Origin
-13 -10
Gamma rays 1 × 10  1 × 10 Becquerel and Curie Nuclei of atoms
X-rays 1 × 10-10  3 × 10-8 Roentgen Bombardment of high Z targets
Ultraviolet rays 3 × 10-8  4 × 10-7 Ritter Excitation of atoms
Visible light 4 × 10-7  8 × 10-7 Newton Excitation of atoms
Infrared rays 8 × 10-7  3 × 10-5 Herschel Heating
Microwaves 1 × 10-3  3 × 10-1 Hertz Oscillating circuits

Ultra High Frequency (UHF) 1 × 10-1  1 Marconi Oscillating circuits
Very High Frequency (VHF) 1  10 Marconi Oscillating circuits
Radio Frequency (RF) 10  104 Marconi Oscillating circuits
Power Frequency (PF) 5 × 106  6 × 106 Marconi Weak radiations from ac circuits

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves The following properties are common to all

electromagnetic waves:
 The study of gamma rays provides valuable information
(i) They are produced by accelerated charges.
about the structure of the atomic nucleus.
(ii) They do not require any material medium to travel.
 X-rays are used as a diagnostic tool in medicine and
(iii) An electromagnetic wave consists of an electric and

used in the study of crystal structure.
a magnetic field which are mutually perpendicular
 UV radiations are used for sterilisation, to check the
and also perpendicular to the direction of motion.
purity of gems, eggs, etc., and to check counterfeit
(iv) Both the electric and magnetic field vectors vary
both with respect to time and space.
 UV radiations are the cause of sun tanning and skin
(v) They are transverse in nature.
(vi) They exhibit the phenomenon of reflection,
 Infrared radiations are used in physical therapy, infrared
refraction, polarisation and diffraction.
photography, and vibrational spectroscopy, in warfare,
(vii) They are unaffected by electric and magnetic fields.
for looking through haze, in greenhouses and in the
(viii) All the components of the electromagnetic spectrum
electronic industry as infrared remote control.
have a velocity of 3 × 108 ms-1 in vacuum. However
 Microwaves are used in communication, navigation,
their velocity decreases in other medium.
studying atomic and molecular structure, and also in
Thus all electromagnetic waves travel through vacuum
microwave ovens.
at the same speed c, given by c = 3 × 108 ms–1 (speed of light).
 Radio waves are used in radio and TV communication.
Unlike the mechanical waves,the electromagnetic waves do
not require any medium for their propagation.
Properties of Electromagnetic waves Note: Cathode rays, sound waves, alpha, beta and ultrasonic
The range of wavelength of the visible part of the spectrum waves are not electromagnetic waves.
is as below: Matter wave: Matter waves are associated with moving
Violet/Indigo 400 to 440 nm electrons, protons, neutrons and other fundamental particles,
Blue 440 to 480 nm and even atoms and molecules. Because we commonly think
Green 480 to 560 nm of these as constituting matter, such waves are called matter
Yellow 560 to 590 nm waves. Matter waves are conceptually more abstract than
Orange 590 to 630 nm mechanical or electromagnetic waves.
Red 630 to 790 nm

Physics l 25
Sound Wave
Sound and its production Dis tan ce travelled by the wave 
V   v
Sound is a form of energy which excites in our ears the time taken T
sensation of hearing. It is a longitudinal wave that is created
 1
by a vibrating object, such a guitar string, the human vocal  v  
cords, or the diaphragm of a loudspeaker.  T 
Thus velocity = frequency × wavelength
Sound needs a medium to travel
Sound is a mechanical wave and needs a material medium
The frequency range of a sound wave
like air, water, steel etc. for its propagation. It cannot travel Sound is produced by a vibrating body. But not all vibrating
through vacuum. bodies produce sound which we can hear.
On the moon, there is vacuum, i.e. there is no air,
therefore sound cannot propagate on the moon. Thus the Audible Range

astronauts cannot hear each other. A sound with a single frequency is called a pure tone.
A healthy young person hears all sound frequencies in the
Terms related to sound wave range from approximately 20 to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). This range
Air is the most common medium through which sound travels. of frequency is called the audible range. The ability to hear
When a vibrating object moves forward, it pushes and high frequencies decreases with age, however, and a normal
compresses the air in front of it, creating a region of high middle-aged adult hears frequencies only up to 12-14 kHz.
pressure. This region is called a compression (C). This Sound waves whose frequency lie above 20 kHz are
compression starts to move away from the vibrating object. called ultrasonic waves while those with a frequency below
When the vibrating object moves backwards, it creates 20 Hz are called infrasonic waves. Infrasonic waves are
a region of low pressure called rarefaction (R). As the object produced by a vibrating pendulum, whales, elephants and

moves back and forth rapidly, a series of compressions and earthquakes.
rarefactions is created in the air. These create sound wave It is observed that some animals get disturbed before
that propagates through the medium. earthquakes. Earthquakes produce low-frequency infrasound
Compression is the region of high pressure and before the main shock waves begin. It is possibly this that
rarefaction is the region of low pressure. Pressure is related alerts the animals. These waves are extensively used for
to the number of particles of a medium in a given volume. drilling purposes.
More density of the particles in the medium gives more Ultrasound is produced by dolphins, bats and porpoises.
pressure and vice versa. Thus, propagation of sound can be Rats also play games by producing ultrasound.
visualised as propagation of density variations or pressure
Applications of Ultrasound
variations in the medium.
 Ultrasounds are high-frequency waves. They are able
Relation between velocity, to travel along well-defined paths even in the presence
of obstacles. They are used extensively in industries
wavelength and frequency and for medical purposes.
Frequency (): It is defined as the number of waves per  Ultrasound is generally used to clean parts located in
second. hard-to-reach places; for example, spiral tube, odd-
Wavelength (): It is defined as the distance travelled shaped parts, electronic components etc.
by a wave when the particles of a medium complete one  Objects to be cleaned are placed in a cleaning solution
vibration. It is also defined as the distance between two and ultrasonic waves are sent into the solution. Due to
consecutive crests or troughs or two consecutive the high frequency, the particles of dust, grease and dirt
compressions or rarefactions. The particle takes time T equal get detached and drop out. The objects thus get
to the time period to complete one vibration. In this time, the thoroughly cleaned.
wave travels a distance . Let v be the velocity of the wave,  Ultrasounds can be used to detect cracks and flaws in
then metal blocks.

26 l Physics
 Metallic components are generally used in construction E
of big structures like buildings, bridges, machines and v

also scientific equipment. The cracks or holes inside
Newton assumed that the propagation of sound waves
the metal blocks, which are invisible from outside,
through air (a gas) takes place at a constant temperature, i.e.
reduces the strength of the structure.
it is an isothermal process. For such a process, the elasticity
 Ultrasonic waves are allowed to pass through metal
is equal to the pressure (P) of air/gas. Therefore, the speed
blocks and detectors are used to detect the transmitted
of sound, according to Newton, is
waves. If there is even a small defect, the ultrasound
gets reflected back, indicating the presence of the flaw P
or defect. 
 Ultrasonic waves are made to reflect from various parts This formula gives the value of the speed of sound at
of the heart and form the image of the heart. This 0°C as 280 ms–1, which is much lower than the experimental
technique is called echocardiography. value.
 An ultrasound scanner is an instrument which uses This discrepancy was overcome by Laplace. According
ultrasonic waves for getting images of internal organs to Laplace, the propagation of sound through air is an
of the human body. It helps the doctor detect adiabatic process (no exchange of heat) and not an isothermal
abnormalities such as stones in the gall bladder and process. In this process we have
kidney, or tumours in different organs. These waves are E = P

converted into electrical signals that are used to generate where  is the ratio of the specific heat at constant
images of the organ. These images are then displayed pressure to the specific heat at constant volume of the
on a monitor or printed on a film. This technique is called
ultrasonography.  CP 
 Ultrasound may be employed to break small ‘stones’ gas    C  .
 V 
formed in the kidneys into fine grains. These grains
Hence, according to Laplace, the speed of sound in air
later get flushed out with urine.
is given by
The acronym SONAR stands for Sound Navigation and 
Ranging. Sonar is a device that uses ultrasonic waves to

measure the distance, direction and speed of underwater For air,   1.4
objects. Sound travels through gases, liquids and solids at
Sonic boom: When the speed of any object exceeds the considerably different speeds as revealed. At room
speed of sound, it is said to be travelling at supersonic speed. temperature, the speed of sound in air is about 343 ms–1 and
Bullets, jet aircraft, etc. often travel at supersonic speeds. is markedly greater in liquids and solids. For example, sound
When a sound-producing source moves with a speed higher travels more than four times faster in water and more than
than that of sound, it produces shock waves in air. These seven times faster in steel than it does in air. In general,
shock waves carry a large amount of energy. The air pressure sound travels slowest in gases, faster in liquids and fastest
variation associated with this type of shock waves produces in solids.
a very sharp and loud sound called sonic boom. The shock The speed of sound depends on the nature of the
waves produced by a supersonic aircraft have enough energy medium. In air, the speed of sound depends upon its
to shatter glass and even damage buildings. temperature, its density and its humidity.
Frequency is an objective property of a sound wave,
because frequency can be measured with an electronic Factors on which the velocity of sound depends
frequency counter. The velocity of sound depends upon the following factors:
(i) Pressure (ii) Density (iii) Temperature (iv) Humidity (v)
Speed of Sound Velocity of wind.
Effect of pressure: Pressure does not affect the velocity
The speed of sound in a medium depends upon
of sound because an increase in pressure increases the
1. the elasticity of the medium (E) and
density and a decrease in pressure decreases the density of
2. the density of the medium ()
According to Newton, the velocity of sound in an elastic
Effect of density: Velocity of sound varies inversely as
medium is given by
square root of density.

Physics l 27
Ex: Velocity of sound is more in H2 than in O2 as the For articulate sounds, the condition of echo is that the
density of oxygen is greater than the density of hydrogen. reflecting surface should be at a minimum distance of 34m
Effect of temperature: The velocity of sound in air from the source of sound.
depends upon temperature as v  T , where T is the The phenomenon of echo is utilised by bats and
dolphins. The phenomenon of echo is used in fishing boats
absolute temperature. Therefore, if other factors remain the
and in SONAR and RADAR and in ultrasonography.
same, the velocity of sound in air increases with an increase
Ultrasonography is the technique in which the ultrasonic
in the temperature of the air.
waves are used for taking the photograph of uterus, gall
Effect of humidity: The velocity of sound increases with
bladder, liver etc. Using ultrasonic waves, a detailed
humidity. This shows that the velocity of sound in moist air
photograph of human heart can also be taken. This is called
is greater than the velocity of sound in dry air. As a result,
the velocity of sound is more during the night than during
the day. Also, it is more during the rainy season than during
the dry season.
Pitch (Shrillness) and Frequency
Speeds of sound in various media Pitch is that characteristic of sound by which an acute or
When sound travels in a denser medium its velocity shrill note can be distinguished from a flat or grave note.
increases. Therefore, velocity of sound is more in solids The frequency of note produced by a string in stringed
than in liquids or gases. instruments can be changed by changing the place of
Medium Speed of sound in

plucking or by increasing the tension on the string or by
m/s at 0°C using the string of less or more thickness. The pitch of a
CO2 260 woman's voice is higher than that of a man.
Air 332 The pitch of sound depends on (i) frequency and (ii)
Vapour (100°) 405 relative motion between source and listener. Pitch is a
Alcohol 1213 sensation only.
Hydrogen 1269
Mercury 1450 Reflection of Sound
Water 1493
Sea water 1533 Sound bounces off a solid or a liquid like a rubber ball bounces
Iron 5130 off a wall. Like light, sound gets reflected at the surface of a

Glass 5640 solid or liquid and follows the same laws of reflection. The
Aluminium 6420 directions in which the sound is incident and is reflected
make equal angles with the normal to the reflecting surface,
Echo and the three are in the same plane. An obstacle of large size
which may be polished or rough is needed for the reflection
An echo is the phenomenon of repetition of sound of a of sound waves. The rolling of thunder is due to the
source by reflection from an obstacle reaching ear drum after successive reflections of sound from a number of reflecting
0.1s. Let d be the minimum distance of a reflector from the surfaces, such as the clouds and the land.
source, v the velocity of sound in air at room temperature,
and t the total time taken by sound to reach the listener after Uses of Multiple Reflection of Sound
reflection. 1. Megaphones or loudhailers, horns, musical instruments
Now, total distance travelled (2d) such as trumpets and shehnais, are all designed to send
= velocity (v) × total time (t) sound in a particular direction without spreading it in all
Therefore, we have directions.
Total distance travelled 2 d 2. Stethoscope is a medical instrument used for listening
t 
Speed of sound v to sounds produced within the body, chiefly in the heart
For simple sounds, the condition of echo is that the or lungs. In stethoscopes the sound of the patient’s
reflecting surface should be at a minium distance of 17m heartbeat reaches the doctor’s ears by multiple reflection
from the source of sound. The sensation of sound persists of sound.
1 3. Generally, the ceilings of concert halls, conference halls
in our ear for th of a second, so to hear an echo, the and cinema halls are curved so that sound reaches all
corners of the hall after reflection. Sometimes a curved
sound after reflection should fall on the eardrum after th sound board may be placed behind the stage so that the
10 sound, after reflecting from the sound board, spreads
of a sound.
evenly across the width of the hall.
28 l Physics
Hearing Aid the handle of the vibrating tuning fork is held against a
table, it sets up forced vibrations in the table top. As the
People with hearing loss may need a hearing aid. A hearing
table top has a larger surface area, large volume of air is
aid is an electronic, battery-operated device. The hearing
set into vibrations, thereby producing a loud sound.
aid receives sound through a microphone. The microphone
(v) A large sound box contains a large amount of trapped
converts the sound waves to electrical signals. These
air. When the vibrations of the vibrating string are
electrical signals are amplified by an amplifier. The amplified
impressed upon the air, it sets up forced vibrations in
electrical signals are given to a speaker of the hearing aid.
the air column. As a large volume of enclosed air
The speaker converts the amplified electrical signal to sound
vibrates, a loud sound is produced.
and sends to the ear for clear hearing.

Reverberation Loudness and Intensity

A sound created in a big hall will persist by repeated Loundess is the property by virtue of which a loud sound
reflection from the walls until it is reduced to a value where it can be distinguished from a faint one, both having the same
is no longer audible. The repeated reflection that results in pitch and quality.
this persistence of sound is called reverberation. In an
auditorium or big hall, excessive reverberation is highly Loudness depends on the following:
undesirable. To reduce reverberation, the roof and walls of (i) It is directly proportional to the square of amplitude.
the auditorium are generally covered with sound-absorbent

(ii) It is inversely proportional to the square of distance.
materials like compressed fibreboard, rough plaster or (iii) It is directly proportional to the surface area of vibrating
draperies. The seat materials are also selected on the basis body.
of their sound-absorbing properties. (iv) It is directly proportional to the density of the medium.
(v) The more the resonant bodies nearby, the more will be
Resonance the loudness.
The unit of loudness is phon.
When the frequency of an externally applied periodic force
The unit of intensity level is decibel.
is either equal to or an integral multiple of the natural
Intensity is a measurable quantity whereas loudness is
frequency of the body, the amplitude of oscillation is
a sensation.
increased to a high value. This phenomenon is known as
L = K log I, where L = Loudness

I = Intensity
The phenomenon of resonance occurs in:
K = Constant
(i) Machine parts
Intensity is proportional to (i) square of amplitude, (ii)
(ii) Radio and TV reception
square of frequency and (iii) density of air.
(iii) Air columns and
Source of sound Intensity (db)
(iv) Sound boxes of musical instruments
Whisper 15-20
Applications of Resonance Ordinary conversation 40-60
Loudspeaker 70-80
(i) When the soldiers walk in step, they produce some fixed Hot discussion 70-80
frequency. If this frequency corresponds to the natural Heavy motor vehicle, 90-95
frequency of the bridge, resonance can take place. This motor bike
will make the bridge vibrate violently, and hence it may Press 100-105
collapse. To avoid such a situation, the soldiers are Orchestra 100-110
asked not to march in step. Rocket 160-170
(ii) When the glass rattles, its natural frequency Missile 180-190
corresponds with the frequency with which the piano is Siren 190-200
being played. Thus, resonance takes place, which makes
the glass to vibrate violently. Doppler Effect
(iii) When the frequency of the engine of a motorbike
corresponds with the natural frequency of the rear view The Doppler effect is the change in frequency of a wave
mirror, resonance takes place. Thus, the rear view mirror (sound or light) due to the motion of the source or observer.
vibrates with larger amplitude. The frequency (and hence pitch) of a sound appears to be
(iv) A tuning fork held close to the ear, disturbs a small higher when the source approaches the listener and lower
amount of air and thence sound heard is faint. When when the source recedes from him. It is due to the Doppler

Physics l 29
effect that the whistle of a train appears shriller when it lower frequency than other colours). Thus, the fact that the
approaches a listener than when it moves away from him. light emitted by the stars of distant galaxies suffers a red shift
Speed guns (or radar sets), used by police to measure when observed from the earth means that these galaxies are
the speed of vehicles, use Doppler effect. A radar set sends receding from our galaxy. This is the principle evidence in
out a radio pulse and waits for the reflection. Then it measures favour of the hypothesis of expanding universe.
the Doppler shift in the signal and uses the shift to determine Doppler effect can also be used to detect or even
the speed. measure the rotation of a star, e.g. the sun.
The Doppler effect is very useful in astronomy. It can The effect can be used to track a moving object, such
be used to find out whether a star is approaching towards us as a satellite, from a reference point on the earth. The method
or receding away from us. When a star is receding from us is remarkably accurate; changes in the position of a satellite
the light emitted from the star appears more red (red light is of 10m away can be determined to a fraction of a centimetre.

Light is a transverse, electromagnetic wave that can be seen gathering and focussing mechanism of light by the eye-lens

by humans. The wave nature of light was first illustrated are well described by the wave phenomena. But the light
through experiments on diffraction and interference. Like all absorption by the rods and cones (of the retina) requires the
electromagnetic waves, light can travel through a vacuum. photon phenomena of light.
The transverse nature of light can be demonstrated through
polarisation. The human eye has the sensitivity to detect Speed of light
electromagnetic waves within a small range of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic radiation Firstly Romer (an astronomer) obtained the value of the
belonging to this region of the spectrum (wavelength of speed of light with the help of the motion of the satellite of
about 400 nm to 750 nm) is called light. the planet Jupiter. In different media the speeds of light are
The speed of light is finite and measurable. Its presently different. It depends upon the refractive index of the medium.

accepted value in vacuum is c = 2.99792458 × 108 m s–1. For The medium which has a larger refractive index has a smaller
many purposes, it suffices to take c = 3 × 108 m s–1. The speed speed of light.
of light in vacuum is the highest speed attainable in nature. The refractive index or index of refraction (µ)
A light wave can be considered to travel from one point speed of light in vacuum
to another, along a straight line joining them. The path is =
speed of light in medium
called a ray of light, and a bundle of such rays constitutes a
beam of light. The speed of light is maximum in vacuum and it is 3 × 108
The scientific study of the behaviour of light is called metre/sec (1,86,310 miles/sec or 2,99,776 km/sec). In any
optics. denser medium the speed of light is always smaller than that
of vacuum. In air the value of the speed of light is 0.03%
Dual (Wave-Particle) Nature of Light lesser than the value of the speed of vacuum; in water it is
smaller than 25% and in glass it is lesser than 35%.
The wave nature of light shows up the phenomena of Values of the speeds of light in various media
interference, diffraction and polarisation. This phenomena Medium Speed of light (m/s)
shows that light is an electromagnetic wave consisting of Vacuum 3 × 108
electric and magnetic fields with continuous distribution of Water 2.25 × 108
energy over the region of space over which the wave is Oil of turpentine 2.04 × 108
extended. Glass 2 × 108
On the other hand, photoelectric effect and Compton Rock salt 1.96 × 108
effect, which involve energy and momentum transfer and Nylon 1.96 × 108
radiation, show the particle nature of light. (Particles exist
in the form of photon.) Reflection of light
For example: In the familiar phenomenon of seeing an
object by our eye, both descriptions are important. The The bouncing back of light when it strikes a smooth or
polished surface is called reflection of light.

30 l Physics
 The light ray that strikes the surface of the mirror is 1. The image is as far behind the mirror as the object is in
called incident ray. front.
 The light ray that bounces off from the surface of the 2. The line joining the image to the object is perpendicular
mirror is called reflected ray. to the mirror.
 The normal is a line perpendicular to the mirror surface 3. The image is of the same size as the object, virtual and
where the reflection occurs. erect.
 The angle between the incident ray and the normal is 4. The image has right-left reversal.
called the angle of incidence (i). 5. If a plane mirror is rotated in the plane of incidence by
 The angle between the reflected ray and the normal is an angle , then the image rotates by an angle 2, the
called the angle of reflection (r). reflected ray rotates by an angle , while the incident
The image formed by reflection in a plane mirror is ray remains fixed.
1. laterally inverted 6. If the object is displaced through a distance x away
2. same size as the object from the mirror, the image is also displaced by a distance
3. virtual x away from the mirror.
4. upright 7. If a mirror moves through a distance x towards or away
5. as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it. from an object, then its image moves by a distance x
Note: Real image: Image that can be seen on a screen. towards or away from the mirror.
Virtual image: Image that cannot be seen on a screen. 8. If a person moves with a velocity v towards or away

from the mirror, then his image appears to move with a
Laws of Reflection velocity 2v towards or away from the mirror to him, but
The reflecting surfaces obey the following two laws called if a stationary observer observes the image then it
the laws of reflection: appears to move with a velocity v.
1. The angle of incidence (i) is equal to the angle of 9. If the mirror moves with a velocity v towards or away
reflection (r). from a stationary observer, then the image will appear to
2. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal at the move with a velocity 2v towards or away from the object.
point of incidence all lie in the same plane. Note: If an object is placed between two mirrors lying parallel
to each other then infinite number of images are formed.
Application of plane mirrors

Plane mirrors have many applications. Some of these are:
1. The most common use is that of a looking mirror in the
bathroom or dressing room.
2. It is used in showrooms to increase the effective length
of the room.
Application of Reflection of Light 3. It is used in the optician’s room to increase the effective
length of the room.
The reflection of light is useful in the functioning of modern-
4. Large plane mirrors are mounted at the corners of a blind
day equipment like in the operation of laser printers. In fact,
curve on highways to enable drivers to see the
the reflection of laser light is used widely, in applications
approaching traffic.
ranging from measuring the speeds of automobiles to reading
5. A plane mirror is used below the pointers of instruments
price information from bar codes at the supermarket.
such as voltmeter, ammeter and galvanometer to remove
Plane Mirror parallax error.
6. It is used in instruments such as periscope, sextant,
One surface of the mirror is plane and another surface has a photocopier, overhead projector, solar cooker and
sharp metallic polish, which is pasted. This is done to avoid kaleidoscope.
polish decay. The backside of the mirror with silver or mercury
layers (metallic polish) works as reflective surface. The object Periscope
and image both are located at equal distance. In a plane
A periscope is an optical instrument which enables us to see
mirror, the image formed is always imaginary and equal to
objects over or round an obstacle. It can be used to view
the size of the object laterally inverted.
objects from above the head of people in a crowd. Its most
Characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror common use is in the submarine.
It is worthwhile to remember the following in case of a plane

Physics l 31
Uses of Periscope Both concave and convex mirrors are constructed from
A periscope is used to view objects the same spherical glass. The centre of the glass sphere is
(i) from above the head of people in a crowd. called the centre of curvature (C) and the middle point (O) of
(ii) on the other side of a high wall. the spherical mirror is called the pole. The line passing
(iii) from a trench in a war. through the centre of curvature and the pole is called the
(iv) from a submarine. principal axis. The middle point of the straight line drawn
from the pole to the radius of curvature is called focus (F).
Spherical mirrors radius of curvature
The mirror constructed in a spherical plane is called a The focal distance (f) =
spherical mirror. One side of the mirror has a layer of mercury The focal distances (f) for both concave and convex
or coating of lead oxide. mirrors are evaluated by the following formula
Spherical mirrors are of two types: If the inside or the
concave side of the spherical surface is polished, it is a 1 1 1
  where u = Object distance
concave mirror or a converging mirror. If the outside or the v u f
convex surface is polished, it is a convex mirror or a v = Image distance
diverging mirror. f = Focal length of the mirror

Images by a Concave mirror
Position Position Nature Use
of object of image of image
At infinity At the principal Real, inverted To collect heat
focus or in the focal and extremely radiations in solar
plane diminished in size devices
Beyond the centre of Between the principal Real, inverted and ————
curvature focus and centre of curvature diminished

At the centre of At the centre of Real, inverted and Reflecting mirror for
curvature curvature equal to the size of projector lamps
the object
Between focus and Beyond centre of Real, inverted and In flood lights
the centre of curvature bigger than object
At the principal focus At infinity Real, inverted and In torches, head lights
extremely magnified
Between the pole and the Behind the mirror Virtual, erect and Shaving mirror, dentist
principle focus magnified
Note: A convex mirror always forms a virtual and erect image no matter at what place in front of the mirror the object is placed.
The image is always situated between the pole and the focus, irrespective of the position of the object in front of the
For a Convex Mirror
Position of object Position of image Nature of image Uses
At infinity Appears at the Virtual, erect and Used as a rear view mirror
principal focus extremely diminished and reflectors in street lights
Between infinity and the Appears between the Virtual, erect and Used as a rear view mirror
pole principal focus and the diminished and reflectors in street lights

32 l Physics
Uses of Spherical Mirrors Laws of Refraction and Refractive Index
Concave Mirror Incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal at the point of
incidence lie in the same plane. The ratio of the sine of angle
1. To collect heat radiation in solar devices: Heat radiation
of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is a constant
from the sun coming from infinity is brought to focus
value which is known as refractive index for the pair of media.
by the concave mirror in its focal plane or at the focus.
It is also equal to the inverse ratio of the two indices of the
2. Reflecting mirror for projector lamps: The object is
two media, i.e.,
placed at the centre of curvature to obtain an image of
the same size. sin i  2 1
  2
3. In floodlights: The source of light is placed just beyond sin r 1
the centre of curvature. This illuminates a certain section
where 1 is the refractive index of the 2nd medium
of the ground. 2
4. In torches and headlights: The source of light is placed with respect to the 1st medium.
at the focus to obtain a parallel beam of light. This law is also known as Snell’s law. Refractive index has
5. Shaving mirror or dentist's mirror: It produces an no unit as it is a ratio. It is equal to unity for vacuum.
erect virtual and highly magnified image of an object
placed between its pole and focus. Speed of light in vacuum
6. It is used in the ophthalmoscope by doctors to Speed of light in medium

concentrate light on a small region which is to be When a ray of light goes from a rarer medium to a
examined. denser medium,
Convex Mirrors >1
When a ray of light goes from a denser medium to a
1. Rear view mirror: It is used in automobiles. This is due
rarer medium.
to the reason that a convex mirror provides a wider field
of view than a plane or concave mirror. It produces an
The refractive index of a medium depends on
erect, diminished and virtual image. It does not give the
(i) Nature of the two media in contact
exact distance of the vehicle coming from behind.
(ii) Temperature of the medium
2. Street light reflector: It is used as a reflector in street
(iii) Wavelength of light
lamps so as to diverge light over a large area.
The refractive index of the two media and the

3. Security mirror: It is used as a security mirror in shops
wavelength of light in those media are related as:
and on roads at sharp bends and concealed entrances.
11 = 22
Snell’s law and hence laws of refraction fail if
Refraction of light i = r = 0, i.e. when a ray of light falls normally on the
It is the phenomenon of light in which a ray of light bends surface.
from its path when it travels from one medium to another. Critical Angle
When a ray of light travels from an optically rarer medium
Critical angle is the angle of incidence in the denser medium
into an optically denser medium, it bends towards the normal
for which angle of refraction in the rarer medium is 90°, when
i.e., i > r.
the ray of light is travelling from the denser to the rarer medium.
Critical Angles of Some Transparent Media
Substance Refractive Critical
medium index angle
Water 1.33 48.75°
Crown glass 1.52 41.14°
Dense flint glass 1.62 37.31°
Diamond 2.42 24.41°

When a ray of light travels from a denser medium to a Applications of Refraction of Light
rarer medium, it bends away from the normal that is i > r.
1. Twinkling of stars at night: The light from stars suffers
If the ray is incident normally on the surface separating
a series of refractions due to atmospheric layers of
the two media, it goes undeviated i.e, i = 0, r = 0.
different densities and different refractive indices.
Cause of refraction: Light has different speeds in
different media.

Physics l 33
Applications of total internal reflection
S Mirage
On hot summer days, the air near the ground becomes hotter
than the air at higher levels. The refractive index of air
increases with its density. Hot air is less dense and has
Rarer layer
smaller refractive index than cool air. If the air currents are
small, that is, the air is still, the optical density at different
layers of air increases with height. As a result, light from a
tall object such as a tree, passes through a medium whose
Denser layer Earth Observer refractive index decreases towards the ground. Thus, a ray
of light from such an object successively bends away from
the normal and undergoes total internal reflection, if the angle
Due to this reason, a ray of light starting from a star S of incidence for the air near the ground exceeds the critical
bends more and more towards the normal before reaching angle. When shown in to a distant observer, the light appears
the observer on the earth. But the observer sees the star to be coming from somewhere below the ground. The
in the direction of the ray reaching finally in the eye, so observer naturally assumes that light is being reflected from
star appears to him at S1 instead of S. On account of the ground, say, by a pool of water near the tall object. Such

change in temperature and density the apparent position inverted images of distant tall objects cause an optical illusion
of the start changes continuously, which gives the to the observer. This phenomenon is called mirage.
twinkling effect to the star. Mirage is especially common in hot deserts. It is noticed
2. A harpoon used to kill a fish is aimed at a point below the that while moving in a bus or a car during a hot summer day,
apparent position of the fish because the fish appears to a distant patch of road, especially on a highway, appears to
be raised up due to refraction of light from denser medium be wet. But, you do not find any evidence of wetness when
(water) to rarer medium (air) at the surface separating the you reach that spot. This is also due to mirage.
two media. Diamond
3. When a coin is kept inside a water container, the
Diamonds are known for their spectacular brilliance. Their
phenomenon of refraction takes place and the coin kept
brilliance is mainly due to the total internal reflection of light
in the container seems upwardly uplifted.

inside them. The critical angle for diamond-air interface
4. A fish inside water seems lifted up from its original
(24.4°) is very small, therefore once light enters a diamond,
it is very likely to undergo total internal reflection inside it.
5. A straight rod partially sunk inside water seems to be
Diamonds found in nature rarely exhibit the brilliance for
which they are known. It is the technical skill of a diamond
6. When the sun is below the horizon before sunrise and
cutter which makes diamonds to sparkle so brilliantly. By
after sunset, the region around the sun appears red due
cutting the diamond suitably, multiple total internal reflections
to refraction.
can be made to occur.
7. Water in a pond appears to be only three-quarters of its
actual depth. Prism
Prisms designed to bend light by 90º or by 180º make use of
Total Internal Reflection total internal reflection. Such a prism is also used to invert
When a ray of light travels from a denser to a rarer medium images without changing their size.
and the angle of incidence in the denser medium for that pair
of media is more than the critical angle, the ray of light, instead Optical fibres
of going into the rarer medium, comes back in the denser Optical fibres too make use of the phenomenon of total
medium and follows the laws of reflection, i.e., i = r. In this internal reflection. They are fabricated with high-quality
case, no ray of light is refracted or absorbed. It is totally composite glass/quartz fibres. When a signal in the form of
reflected and the image formed is very bright. That’s why it is light is directed at one end of the fibre at a suitable angle, it
known as total internal reflection. undergoes repeated total internal reflections along the length
Due to total internal reflection, diamonds sparkle, mirage of the fibre and finally comes out at the other end.
occurs in hot countries and looming occurs in cold countries. Since light undergoes total internal reflection at each
stage, there is no appreciable loss in the intensity of the
light signal. Optical fibres are fabricated such that light
reflected at one side of inner surface strikes the other at an

34 l Physics
angle larger than the critical angle. Even if the fibre is bent, Note: 1. The focal length of a mirror does not depend upon
light can easily travel along its length. Thus, an optical fibre the nature of the medium in which it is placed whereas
can be used to act as an optical pipe. A bundle of optical the total length of a lens depends upon the medium
fibres can be put to several uses. Optical fibres are extensively in which it is placed. Thus, there will be no change
used for transmitting and receiving electrical signals, which in the focal length of the concave mirror whereas
are converted to light by suitable transducers. Obviously, the focal length of the convex lens will change.
optical fibres can also be used for transmission of optical 2. The type of lens (converging and diverging lens)
signals. For example, these are used as a ‘light pipe’ to changes, if it is placed in a medium having a higher
facilitate visual examination of internal organs like refractive index than that of the material of the lens.
oesophagus, stomach and intestines.
A commonly available decorative lamp has fine plastic Refraction through a lens
fibres with their free ends forming a fountain-like structure.  Lens is a portion of a transparent refracting medium
The other end of the fibres is fixed over an electric lamp. bounded by one or two spherical surfaces, i.e. convex
When the lamp is switched on, the light travels from the lens (converging lens) and concave lens (diverging lens).
bottom of each fibre and appears at the tip of its free end as  The power of a lens is a measure of deviation produced
a dot of light. by it in the path of rays refracted through it. Thus, power
The fibres in such decorative lamps are optical fibres. of a lens in dioptre (D) is the reciprocal of its focal length
The main requirement in fabricating optical fibres is that in metre.

there should be very little absorption of light as it travels for  The power of a convex lens is taken as positive, i.e. a
long distances inside them. This has been achieved by person suffering from long-sightedness (hypermetropia)
purification and special preparation of materials such as uses lens of positive power in his/her spectacles.
quartz. In silica glass fibres, it is possible to transmit more  The power of a concave lens is taken as negative, i.e. a
than 95% of the light over a fibre length of 1 km. (Compare person using spectacles for short-sightedness (myopia)
with what you expect for a block of ordinary window glass 1 has negative power of spectacles.
km thick.)  The least distance of distinct vision is the distance of
Nowadays optical fibres are extensively used for the nearest point up to which the normal human eye can
transmitting audio and video signals through long distances see distinctly without strain.
like telephone and other transmitting cables.  The power of accommodation is the ability of the eye-
lens to focus the objects at different distances by

Terms related to lens changing its focal length.
Optical centre: It is the mid point in a lens and any light  Persistence of vision is the time up to which the
ray which passes through it doesn’t deviate. impression of an image persists upon the retina (1/16 of
Focus: The point at which the light rays coming parallel a second) after the object has been removed.
to the principal axis meet or appear to meet after refraction is  Simple Microscope: A simple microscope is based on
called focus. the principle that a convex lens produces an erect, virtual
Focal length: The distance between the optical centre and highly magnified image of the object when it is placed
and the focus is called focal length. between the principal focus and the optical centre of the
Image formation by convex lens: The nature of image lens. It consists of a single converging or convex lens of
formed, its size and position etc. depend on the distance of short focal length.
the object kept from the focus.

Physics l 35
Formation of images by a convex lens and a concave lens for different positions of the object
In case of convex lenses
S. No. Position of object Figure Position of image Nature of image Uses
1. Between the optical On the same side Virtual, erect Magnifying
centre and the as that of the object and magnified glass, eye-lenses,
principal focus spectacles for long-
sightedness or

2. At the principal At infinity Real, inverted Spotlights

focus and extremely

3. Between F and 2F Beyond 2F Real, inverted Projector,

and bigger than microscope

the object

4. At 2F At 2F Real, inverted Photocopier

and equal to
the size of the object

5. Beyond 2F Between F Real, inverted In a camera,
and 2F and diminished in eye while reading

6. At infinity At the principal Real, inverted Telescope, camera

axis and extremely lens, burning glass

In case of concave lenses

1. At infinity Appears at the Virtual, erect Spectacles for short-

principal focus and extremely sightedness

2. Between infinity Appears between Virtual, erect Spectacles for short-

and the optical the principal focus and diminished sightedness
centre and the lens or myopia

36 l Physics
Dispersion of light the visible spectrum is called the invisible spectrum. These
do not produce any sensation of vision but their presence
The process of splitting of white light (polychromatic light) can be detected with suitable instruments. They are: (a)
into its constituent colours is known as dispersion. Infrared spectrum (b) Ultraviolet spectrum.
When different colours or wavelengths are present in (a) Infrared radiations are long-wavelength radiations
the incident light, different colours are deviated to different having wavelength 8000Å–400,000Å (where 1Å = 10–10 m).
extents in a medium other than air or vacuum. In vacuum, all They cause heating effect. They do not affect ordinary
colours move with the same speed and so appear white, but photographic films.
when they are made to pass through prisms or lenses, the (b) Ultraviolet radiations have short wavelengths
violet colour, whose refractive index is the maximum, is ranging from 4000Å–100Å. They strongly affect
deviated the most, and the red colour, whose refractive index photographic plates. They produce fluorescence. Their
is the least, is deviated to the least extent. The deviations of penetration power is large.
other colours lie between those of red and violet.
Dispersion of white light through a prism
Scattering of Light
The deflection of light by fine particles of solid, liquid or
gaseous matter from the main direction of beam is called
scattering. The scattering of light by the earth’s atmosphere
depends upon the wavelength of light and the size of the

particles. For large-sized particles, reflection and refraction
are more prominent. For particles whose size is much smaller
than the wavelength of light, scattering is more pronounced.
According to the fourth-power law of Rayleigh, the intensity
of scattered radiation is inversely proportional to the fourth
Violet is deviated the most while red is deviated the least. power of wavelength. This means that short wavelength will
 1 
Visible Spectrum be scattered more  I  4  . Very fine particles scatter blue
  
A band of colours obtained on the screen when a light while particles of large size scatter red light more. The
polychromatic (white) light splits into its constituent colours

blue colour of the sky is due to the scattering by air molecules
is called a spectrum. and the sun appears red is because of the removal of blue
Wavelength is the main characteristic of colour. The from the direct beam. Chalk dust particles are whitish because
light of a certain colour has a fixed wavelength. The portion their size is quite large and reflection is more prominent. The
of the spectrum ranging from 8000Å to 4000 Å is visible to scattered light appears to be white. It is for this reason that
human eye and is called the visible spectrum. In the visible clouds are white.
spectrum, the wavelength of red colour is the maximum and Rainbow is an example of dispersion of light. The rainbow
that of violet the minimum. The frequency of red colour is is formed due to dispersion of light by water drops hanging
the minimum and that of violet the maximum. In vacuum, all in the atmosphere after the rainfall. The sunrays are incident
colours have the same speed, but the velocity of visible on the raindrops and get dispersed and are then totally
colours changes in different mediums. In glass, red colour reflected internally and transmitted to form a rainbow.
has higher speed than violet.
Examples of Visible Spectrum Colour of Objects
(i) Rainbow: The seven-coloured spectrum which is
We see objects because of the light they reflect. Most of the
formed opposite the sun after rain.
objects around us reflect only a part of the light that is incident
(ii) Colour of an object changes on heating: The colour
upon them and it is the reflected part which gives the objects
of iron ball is red at low temperature. When it is further
their colour.
heated its colour changes from red to orange to yellow. At
When a rose is viewed in white light, its petals appear
very high temperature it glows with bluish white light,
red, and the leaves appear green, because the petals reflect
because its colours shift from red to violet side of the
the red part of the white light and the leaves reflect the green
spectrum as temperature increases.
part. The remaining colours are absorbed. When the same
Invisible Spectrum rose is viewed in green light, the petals will appear black and
the leaves green. In blue or yellow light, both the petals and
The portion of the spectrum which extends on either side of the leaves will appear black.

Physics l 37
This page appears white because it reflects all the waves. Since the wavelength of light is much smaller than the
colours and the print appears black because it absorbs all dimensions of most obstacles, we do not encounter diffraction
the colours. effects of light in everyday observations. Indeed the colours
Mixing Coloured Light: White light can be produced that we see when a CD is viewed is due to diffraction effects.
by a mixture of red, green and blue lights. In fact all colours When a beam of light passes through a narrow slit or an
can be produced by a suitable mixture of these three colours. aperture, it spreads out to a certain extent into the region of
Red, green and blue are therefore called primary colours. geometrical shadow. This is an example of diffraction, i.e. of
Others, such as yellow, are secondary colours. the failure of light to travel in a straight line. If one uses
Thus, Red + Green = Yellow monochromatic light for diffraction, bright and dark bands
Red + Blue = Magenta are observed in the region of geometrical shadow. With white
Green + Blue = Cyan light, coloured bands are observed. Diffraction is a particular
Also, case of interference and is due to the wave nature of light.
Green + Magenta = White A diffraction grating is a device used to disperse a
Red + Cyan = White beam of light for producing its spectrum. Gratings may be
Blue + Yellow = White prepared by ruling equidistant parallel lines onto a glass
Two colours which give white light when put together (transmission grating) or metal surface (reflection grating).
are called complementary colours. Blue and yellow are Note: In interference and diffraction, light energy is
complementary colours. redistributed. If it reduces in one region, producing a

By adding various amounts of red, green and blue, we dark fringe, it increases in another region, producing
can produce any colour in the spectrum. For this reason, a bright fringe. There is no gain or loss of energy,
they are called the additive primary colours. Yellow, magenta which is consistent with the principle of conservation
and cyan, which are obtained by mixing two additive primary of energy.
colours, are called subtractive primary colours. The colours
obtained by mixing two subtractive colours are: Polarisation
Cyan (Peacock Blue) + Yellow = Green
Magenta + Yellow = Red Polarisation is a feature of transverse waves only. Longitudinal
Cyan + Magenta = Blue waves can never be polarised. A wave is plane-polarised if all
the vibrations in the wave are in a single plane, which contains
Interference of light the direction of propagation of the wave. Suppose we have

a rope and make waves down it, we could make waves in any
The superposition of two (or more) waves of the same kind direction we liked. But if we made waves through a narrow
that pass the same point in space at the same time is called vertical slit, we would find that the waves would only pass
interference. through if they were vertical. This would be a vertically
At some points the intensity is maximum and the polarised wave.
interference at these points is called constructive Light waves are easily polarised using polaroid filters.
interference. At some other points the intensity is minimum Light waves, like all electromagnetic waves, consist of an
(possibly even zero) and the interference at these points is electric field component perpendicular to a magnetic field
called destructive interference. component, which are always in phase. We normally consider
Interference is the most fundamental characteristic of a only the electric field component in polarisation, because the
wave and there is no loss of energy in it; there is only electrical effects are those that dominate.
redistribution of energy from maxima to minima. The A light wave that is vibrating in more than one plane is
phenomenon of interference was firstly demonstrated by referred to as unpolarised light. Light emitted by the sun, by
Thomas Young in his experiment called Young’s double slit a lamp in the classroom, or by a candle flame is unpolarised
experiment. light.
Examples related to interference It is possible to transform unpolarised light into polarised
(i) The kerosene oil spread on the water surface seems to light. Polarised light waves are light waves in which the
be coloured due to interference of light. vibrations occur in a single plane. There are a variety of
(ii) The soap bubbles have a brilliant colour in sunlight due methods of polarising light. For example,
to interference of light. 1. Polarisation by Transmission
2. Polarisation by Reflection
Diffraction of light 3. Polarisation by Refraction
4. Polarisation by Scattering
Diffraction is a general characteristic exhibited by all types of
waves, be it sound waves, light waves, water waves or matter

38 l Physics
Polaroid fibres that can bend like cables.
Light waves are transverse in nature; i.e., the electric field 5. A laser beam is used as a non-wearing ‘optical’ needle
associated with a propagating light wave is always at right for video and phonograph records, as a knife to rapidly
angles to the direction of propagation of the wave. This can and accurately cut cloth in garment factories, as a tool
be easily demonstrated using a simple polaroid. You must for meat inspection, and for fingerprint detection.
have seen thin plastic-like sheets, which are called polaroids. 6. Police use special guns emitting short bursts of infrared
A polaroid consists of long-chain molecules aligned in a laser lights to measure the speed of vehicles. A laser
particular direction. The electric vectors (associated with speed gun measures the round-trip time for light to reach
the propagating light wave) along the direction of the aligned a vehicle and reflect back. If the gun takes a large number
molecules get absorbed. (say 1000) of readings per second, it can compare the
Thus, if an unpolarised light wave is incident on such a change in distance between readings and calculate the
polaroid then the light wave will get linearly polarised with speed of vehicles.
the electric vector oscillating along a direction perpendicular
to the aligned molecules. The Eye
Applications of Polarisation Human eye consists of a natural convex lens which forms
 Polarisation has a wealth of other applications besides real, inverted and diminished image on the retina. Ciliary
their use in glare-reducing sunglasses. muscles can change the focal length of the human eye. For a
In industry, polaroid filters are used to perform stress grown-up person, the separation between the retina and the


analysis tests on transparent plastics. lens is about 2.5 cm, which is the image distance.
 Polarisation is also used in the entertainment industry A normal eye can see up to maximum distance of infinity
to produce and show 3-D movies. and the minimum distance of clear vision is about 25 cm. For
 Polaroids are used in headlights and windscreens of seeing at maximum distance of infinity, eye muscles are fully
cars to cut off the dazzling light of a car approaching relaxed having maximum focal length and for seeing at
from the opposite side. minimum distance, muscles are strained, having minimum focal
Coherence and incoherence
 Coherent radiation originates from a single oscillator, or Some Common Defects
a group of oscillators in perfect synchronisation (phase- (A) Shortsightedness or Myopia: A person suffering from
this defect cannot see a distant object but near objects

locked), e.g., microwave ovens, radars, lasers, radio
towers (i.e., artificial sources). are clearly seen. In this, fmax is less than the distance
 Incoherent radiation originates from independent from the lens to the retina and hence the image of a
oscillators that are not phase-locked. Natural radiation distant object is formed short of retina (see figure a).
is incoherent. For remedy, a divergent lens is given to a myopic
person (see figure c). This lens forms the image of a
Light Amplification by Stimulated distant object at a distance x, which is maximum distance
of clear vision.
Emission of Radiation (LASER)
A laser is an optical device that produces an intense beam of
coherent monochromatic light. A laser is not a source of
energy. It is simply a converter of energy, taking advantage (a) (b) (c)
of stimulating emission to concentrate a certain fraction of (B) Farsightedness or Hypermetropia: A person suffering
energy (commonly 1%) into radiation of a single frequency, from this defect cannot see a near object (see figure
moving in a single direction. (a)). For remedy, a convergent lens is used (see figure
1. Eye surgeons use lasers to ‘weld’ detached retinas back (c)).
into place without making incision. If y is the minimum distance up to which the eye can
2. Laser beams have been used to measure the exact clearly see, the converging lens should form the image
distance between the earth and the moon and to provide of an object at distance y = 25 cm.
information on continental drift.
3. The detection and measuring of pollutants in vehicular
exhaust gases is accomplished with lasers.
4. Communications can be carried in a laser beam directed
through space, through atmosphere, or through optical (a) (b) (c)

Physics l 39
(C) Presbyopia: In this defect, both far-off and nearer Astronomical Telescope: It consists of two converging
objects are not clearly seen. This is corrected by using lenses placed co-axially. The objective has large aperture and
bi-focal lens. large focal length. The eyepiece has smaller aperture and
(D) Astigmatism: Such a person cannot see all directions smaller focal length. The separator between the two lenses
equally well. This is corrected by using cylindrical can be changed.
lenses. Magnifying Power (M): It is the ratio of the angle
subtended by the image at the eye when it is at the least
Optical Instruments distance of distinct vision to the angle subtended by the
object at the eye.
Terrestrial Telescope: It is used to see the objects on
the earth. It forms the final image erect.
It is an optical instrument used to see the small objects which
cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Simple Microscope: It consists of a single convex lens
of small focal length. Hence, a magnifying glass may be called
a simple microscope. It forms the final image magnified and
In general, for a microscope or for a telescope, remember

that when the final image is formed at infinity (also called
normal adjustment) our eyes are most relaxed and It consists of three converging lenses, namely, objective
magnification is minimum. But if the final image is formed at (O), eyepiece (E) and field lens (F). The focal plane of the
the least distance of distinct vision (D = 25 cm), our eyes are objective is at a distance of 2f from the field lens so that A'B'
most strained and magnification is maximum. = AB (see fig above).
Magnifying Power: It is the ratio of the angle subtended Galilean Telescope: It is a terrestrial telescope having
by the image at the eye to the angle subtended by the object very small field of view due to the concave lens used as an
at the eye when both are placed at the least distance of distinct eyepiece.
vision independently. Lens Camera: Basically, a camera consists of lightproof
Compound Microscope: It consists of two convex lenses box with a lens system in front and photographic film at the
placed co-axially and the distance between them can be back. The lens system, which converges light onto the film,

changed. The lens towards the object is called objective (O) consists of a number of lenses. The purpose of using more
and that near the eye is called eyepiece (E). The objective has than one lens is to minimise defects or aberrations of the
small focal length and small aperture. The eyepiece has large image. Objects at different distances are focused on the film
aperture and large focal length compared to the objective. by moving the lens system. Like the pupil in the eye, a camera
also has an opening or aperture whose diameter can be varied
Telescope by the camera iris. There is a shutter placed between the lens
Telescope is an optical instrument to observe a distant object system and the film. When a photograph is taken, the shutter
clearly. Basically, they are of two types, refracting and opens and closes rapidly. The time for which the shutter
reflecting. remains open can be adjusted.

Static Electricity
The word electricity comes from the Greek word electron, Example: We may have felt a shock when we touched a metal
which means “amber”. door knob after sliding across a car seat.
Amber is petrified tree resin currently used in jewellery Charge: Charge is the property associated with matter
and if amber rod is rubbed with a piece of cloth, it attracts due to which it produces and experiences electrical and
small pieces of dry leaves or paper. This is known as static magnetic effects.
electricity or amber effect. There are two types of electric charges termed as positive
The branch of Physics that deals with the interaction and negative charge.
between stationary charges is called Electrostatics. Unlike charges attract while like charges repel each other.

40 l Physics
Charge is conserved in nature. Charge is neither created particle is brought, experiences a force. This region or space
nor destroyed; it is merely transferred from one body to other. is called electric field.

Charging by Friction, The concept of potential difference

Conduction and Induction The positive charge flows from a body at a higher potential
to a body at a lower potential and the negative charge flows
 Franklin is the smallest unit of charge while Faraday is
from a body at a lower potential to a body at a higher potential.
the largest.
The flow of charge continues until the potential between
 Friction causes one object to gain electrons from another
the two bodies becomes equal.
The electric potential difference between two
 Charging by conduction occurs when excess charges in
conductors is defined as the amount of work done in moving
one object are transferred through contact to another
a unit positive charge from one conductor to the other.
Mathematically, suppose the charge is q; then the
 Charging by induction occurs when a charged object
electric potential difference between the two conductors is
influences the charge distribution in another object.
given by
Note: Benjamin Franklin was the first to assign positive
and negative signs of charge. W
 The existence of two types of charges was discovered q

by Duafog.
Since work (W) is measured in joule and charge (q) in
Modern concept or principle of electricity : According
coulomb, the electric potential difference is measured in joule
to this theory, when two bodies are rubbed, the electrons of
per coulomb (JC-1). This unit occurs so often in our study of
the outermost orbit of the atoms of one body transfer to the
electricity that it has been named as volt, in honour of the
atoms of another body, and thus, the first body has lesser
scientist Alessandro Volta (the inventor of the Voltaic cell).
number of electrons than the second body. Thereby, the first
body becomes positively charged and the second body
becomes negatively charged. This is the latest concept of 1 joule
1 volt 
electricity. 1coulomb
Electric Field: If an isolated charge is kept anywhere,
Potential difference is a scalar quantity.
the region or space around it, up to which if any other charged

Electric Current
Current Electricity

Electric current is defined as the amount of charge per unit

Electromotive force (emf)
Electromotive force is the work done in establishing the flow
of unit charge in the circuit. This requires an arrangement.
time that crosses the surface. Current is measured in ampere Such an arrangement is called a source of emf.
(A). Charge is measured in coulomb (C).

charge Electric cell
1 ampere current flows when 1 coulomb of charge flows The electric cell is an equipment which maintains a potential
for 1 sec. or 6.25 × 1018 electrons flow in 1 second through a difference between any two points of the conducting wire so
conductor. that the flow of electric current is continuously sustained. In
electric cells, the chemical energy which is produced by
 Q = n × e (number of electrons × charge present on 1
electron) various chemical reactions transforms into electrical energy.
There are two metallic rods in every electric cell which are
Q ne called electrodes and which have opposite nature. The metallic
I 
t t rod which is positively charged is called anode and the
Current always flows from positive potential towards collected ions are called anions, while the metallic rod which
negative in the circuit. is negatively charged is called cathode, and the collected

Physics l 41
ions are called cations. These metallic rods (electrodes) are ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and carbon are kept and in the
kept inside the solvent called electrolyte. middle of this mixture a carbon rod is kept. Here, the carbon
Usually electric cells are of two types : rod acts like an anode while the zinc container acts like a
(i) Primary cell cathode. The dense paste of ammonium chloride is kept inside
(ii) Secondary cell the mixture of MnO2 and carbon. The value of emf this cell is
(i) Primary cell: In a primary cell, chemical energy is directly also 1.5 volt. Such cells are used frequently in torch,
converted into electrical energy, and when all the chemical transistor, radio etc.
energy is exhausted (used up), the cell becomes dead. The
Electromotive force of cells
Voltaic cell, Leclanche cell, Dry cell, Daniel's cell etc. are the
examples of primary cell. Cell EMF
(ii) Secondary cell: In a secondary cell, first the electrical Voltaic cell 1.08 volt
energy is converted into chemical energy. Then this chemical Daniel’s cell 1.08 volt
energy is converted into electrical energy. The entire process Dry cell 1.50 volt
is completed by charging, and during its use, it is discharged, Leclanche cell 1.50 volt
then it is again charged, and this is the process (way) of its Lead container cell 2.00 volt
functioning. That's why all the secondary cells are Battery of six cells 12.00 volt
rechargeable. The process of recharging is done through an
external source of electrical energy. The battery or cell Resistance

attached in motor vehicle, motor bike, emergency light etc. It is the obstruction to the flow of electrons. The more the
are the examples of secondary cell. resistance in the circuit, the less will be the current flowing
Voltaic cell: The Voltaic cell was invented by Professor through the circuit. Increase in resistance causes electrical
Alessandro Volta in 1799. In this cell a zinc rod and a copper energy to get converted into heat energy.
rod are kept inside the glass container of sulphuric acid R  length (l)
R 
area of cross  section (a)
R a

A long and thin wire offers more resistance than a short
and thick wire. It is measured in ohm ().
The resistance of a conductor is said to be one ohm if
under a potential difference of one volt a current of one
In this cell the copper rod acts like an anode and the zinc rod ampere flows through the conductor.
acts like a cathode. The value of emf in this cell is 1.08 volt. Materials chosen for making
Leclanche cell: In this cell a saturated solution of
(1) Connecting wires: Materials having a flow value of
NH4Cl is taken in a glass container, in which the zinc rod acts
resistivity, e.g., copper, aluminium.
like a cathode and the carbon rod kept in a mixture of
(2) Resistance boxes: Materials having a high value of
manganese dioxide (MnO2) acts like an anode.
resistivity but whose resistance does not increase with
increase in temperature, e.g., constantan, manganin,
German silver.
(3) Resistors and filaments: Materials having large value
of resistivity, not pure metals but alloys, e.g., nichrome,
(4) Fuse wire: Material having low melting point and high
resistivity, e.g., solder, an alloy of lead and tin.
In the electrical case, resistance (R) is defined as the
The value of emf is 1.5 volt. This type of cell is used where ratio of the voltage V applied across a piece of material to the
electric current is not regularly available. Such cells are mainly current I through the material, or R = V/I. When only a small
used in electric alarm, siren, telephone etc. current results from a large voltage, there is a high resistance
Dry cell: In this cell the electrolyte used is not in the to the moving charge. For many materials (e.g., metals), the
form of solution but it remains in the dry form. In it there is a ratio V/I is the same for a given piece of material over a wide
zinc container (vessel) in which manganese dioxide (MnO2), range of voltages and currents. In such a case, the resistance

42 l Physics
is a constant and the relation R = V/I is referred to as Ohm’s (ii) The potential difference across all resistors is the
law, after the German physicist George Simon Ohm (1789- same.
1854), who discovered it. (iii) The current through each branch is inversely
The above relation is an empirical formula which relates proportional to the resistance of that branch.
the current flowing through a conductor to the potential (iv) The reciprocal of the equivalent resistance equals
difference applied across it. the sum of the reciprocals of the individual
It states that “Physical conditions remaining the same, resistances.
the electric current flowing through a conductor is directly (v) If two resistors R1 and R2 are in parallel, then the
proportional to the potential difference across the two ends current I1 and I2 in them will be distributed as:
of the conductor.”
R 2I R 1I
Mathematically I1  and I 2 
V  I or R1  R 2 R 1R 2
V = IR or
where R is a “constant” and is called the resistance of
the conductor. I1  and I 2 
The SI unit of resistance is volt per ampere, which is R1 R2
called ohm and is represented by the Greek capital letter Where I is the total current in the circuit.
omega ().
1 1 1 1

(vi)    
Internal Resistance R P R1 R 2 R 3
The internal resistance of a cell is defined as the opposition About combination of resistors, we have:
of electrolyte to the flow of current through it. It is always in (i) Using n conductors of equal resistances, the number
series in a circuit. If a number of cells are in series, then the of combinations one can have at a time is 2n-1.
internal resistances of all the cells are added according to (ii) If resistances are different, then the number of
series combination. But if a number of cells are connected in combinations is 2n.
parallel then internal resistance is also calculated according RS
to reciprocal law of parallel combination. (iii) For n equal resistances,  n2
1 1 1 1
i.e.,    

rP r1 r2 r3 Resistivity
The internal resistance of a secondary cell is always
 The resistivity of a material is the resistance of a
less than that of a primary cell.
conductor of this material of unit length and unit cross-
Electric current, resistance and potential difference
sectional area.
in series and in parallel circuits:
 Resistivity is independent of the length and cross-
For a series combination of resistors sectional area of the conductor and depends upon the
(i) The current is the same in every part of the series nature of the material and the temperature.
circuit.  The connecting wires are usually made of a material
(ii) The equivalent resistance is the sum of the having a low value of resistivity, e.g., copper, aluminium.
individual resistances, including the internal  Resistors are made of wires having a large value of
resistance of the cell in the circuit. resistivity. Usually, they are made of alloys, e.g.,
(iii) Current in the circuit is independent of the relative nichrome, manganin and constantan.
positions of the resistors in series.  The resistance and resistivity of a conductor is directly
(iv) The equivalent resistance is greater than any proportional to its absolute temperature.
individual resistance in the series combination.  With rise in temperature, the resistance and resistivity
(v) The potential drop across each resistor is of
proportional to its resistance. (i) Conductors increase
(vi) In series combination of resistors, we have (ii) Alloys increase
RS = R1 + R2 + R3 + … (iii) Semiconductors decrease
(iv) Electrolytes decrease
In parallel combination of resistors
 Resistance of certain alloys does not increase much or
(i) Total current through the combination is the sum of
remains almost the same with rise in temperature, e.g.,
the individual currents through the various

Physics l 43
manganin, constantan, German sub silver etc. That’s Since a conductor, say a resistance wire, offers resistance
why they are used for making resistance boxes. to the flow of the current, work must be done by a current
continuously to keep itself flowing. We will calculate the
Factors affecting the resistance of a conductor work done by a current I when it is passing through a
The electrical resistance of a conductor depends upon the resistance R for time t. Now when an electric charge Q moves
following factors: against a potential difference V, the amount of work done is
 Effect of length of conductor: On increasing the length given by
of a wire, its resistance increases, and on decreasing the W = Q×V
length of a wire, the resistance will reduce. Actually, the From the definition of current, we have
resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length. I = Q /t or Q = I t
 Effect of area of cross-section of conductor: It has been And from Ohm’s law, we have V/I = R
found that the resistance of a conductor is inversely or potential difference , V = I × R
proportional to the area of the cross-section of the Now putting Q = I × t and V = I × R,
conductor which is used in the circuit. we have W = I2 × R × t
 Effect of nature of material of conductor: The electrical or Heat produced, H = I2 × R × t joules
resistance of a conductor depends on the nature of the It is clear that the heat produced in a wire is directly
material of which it is made. proportional to
 Effect of temperature: The resistance of conductors of Square of current

pure metals increases on increasing the temperature and Resistance of wire
decreases on decreasing the temperature. Time for which current is passed
Domestic electric circuits series or parallel: When Applications of the heating effect of current
designing an electric circuit, we should consider whether a The important applications of the heating effect of electric
series or parallel circuit is better for the intended use. For current are the following:
example, if we want to connect a large number of electric  The heating effect of current is utilised in the working of
bulbs for decorating buildings and trees as during festivals electrical heating appliances such as electric iron, kettle,
such as Diwali or marriage functions, then the series circuit is toaster, oven, room heater and water geyser.
better because all bulbs connected in series can be controlled  The heating effect of current is utilised in electric bulb
with just one switch. A series circuit is also safer because the for producing light.
 The heating effect of current is utilised in electric fuse

flow of current in it smaller. But there is a problem with this
circuit. This is because if one bulb gets fused, then the circuit for protecting household wiring and appliances.
breaks and all the bulbs are turned off. An electrician has to
spend a lot of time in locating the fused bulb form among Electrical Instruments
hundreds of bulbs, so as to replace it and restore the lighting.
1. Electric Bulb: It is based on the principle that when a
The parallel electric circuit is better for connecting bulbs
current is passed through the resistor filament, it gets
in house because then we can have separate switches for
very hot and emits light. To retain such a high
each bulb and hence operate it separately. In addition to
temperature, the filament must be made of a metal of
having ease of operation, parallel domestic circuits have many
high remelting point. Generally, a filament is made of a
other advantages over the series circuits.
thin wire of tungsten enclosed in a glass bulb containing
Electric power: We know that the rate of doing work is
some inert gases like nitrogen and argon. Tungsten
known as power. So electric power is the electrical work done
has a high melting point of nearly 3380 °C. The inert
per unit. That is
gases prolong the life of the filament. Due to high
Power = Work done/time taken
resistance of the filament, a large amount of heat is
Or              P  =  W/t
produced which raises the temperature and hence it
Unit of power: The SI unit of electric power is watt, denoted
begins to emit light at high temperature much below its
by the letter W. The power of 1 watt is the rate of working of
melting point. For every watt of electrical power
1 joule per second. That is
consumed, the luminous intensity of bulb is nearly 1
1 Watt = 1 joule/1 second
Heating effect of current: When an electric current is
2. Electric Fuse: It is a protective device which prevents
passed through a high-resistance wire like nichrome wire, the
excessive current. It is always connected in series with
resistance wire becomes hot and produces heat. This is known
an electric circuit or an electric appliance. It consists of
as the heating effect of current. The role of resistances in
a piece of wire generally made of lead-tin alloy having
circuits is the same as that of friction in machines.
very low melting point and high resistance. If a current

44 l Physics
larger than the specified value flows, the fuse wire melts Voltmeter: It's a device to measure potential difference
and breaks the circuit and hence the electric appliance across a circuit element and hence is always connected in
is saved from damage. The melting point and the parallel to that element. Ideally the resistance of a voltmeter
resistance of fuse wires are different for different electric is infinite so that it doesn't draw any main-circuit current and
appliances. the potential difference across the circuit element remains to
When an electric heater of 2kW is operated at 220V, a its true value. (The ideal voltmeter has alternatively been
2000 realised in practice in the form of potentiometer.)
current of A = 9.1A will be obtained in the circuit.
So, a fuse wire of 10A should be used. Types of current
3. Tube light: Basically it is a long tube of glass and the
There are two types of electric current: Direct Current (DC)
inside wall of the tube is coated with a thin layer of
and Alternating Current (AC).
fluorescent material. The tube glass has mercury along
a) If the magnitude and direction of current does not vary
with some inert gas like argon inside it. The two ends
with time, it is known as direct current (DC).
of the tube have two terminals on which a thin layer of
b) If a current is periodic, i.e. its magnitude varies periodically
barium oxide is coated. Whenever these two terminals
and its polarity reverses after each half cycle, it is known
of the tube are activated to pass an electric current, the
as alternating current (AC).
electrons are emitted, which are directly respondent to
ionise the gas present inside the tube. Consequently, Alternating current

through ionisation of the gas, ions generate a flow of
current inside the tube. The mercury confined inside An alternating current is the one which has the following
the tube gets sufficient thermal energy and it (mercury) characteristics:
starts to vaporise and finally, due to the electron l Its magnitude is not constant but is constantly varying.
emission, UV rays are emitted. When these UV rays are l Its direction also reverses after every half a cycle.
incident on the inside wall of the tube on which l In one cycle of A.C. the current rises from zero to
fluorescent material is coated, they are absorbed by maximum and then decreases to zero and again rises to
the wall and visible rays, or light of lower frequency, maximum in the opposite direction before again
seem to appear. becoming zero.
The fluorescent material coated is used in such a way l The frequency of an A.C. is the number of cycles of the
that light produced from the tube light appears similar A.C. produced in one second. In our houses, we use 50

to a white visible sunlight. In the tube light internal cycles of A.C. in 1 second.
energy is produced in smaller amount, so 60% to 70% l Alternating current and alternating emf are those whose
electrical energy transforms into light energy. That's magnitude and direction vary periodically with time.
why the power of tube light is sharper than that of an l The simplest types of alternating current and alternating
ordinary bulb. A 40-watt tube light provides 6 to 8 emf have a sinusoidal variation, given respectively by
times more light than an ordinary bulb of 40 watts. i=i0sint and  =  0sin t
where i0 and  0 are called peak values of current and
Measurement of Voltage, voltage respectively and  is the angular frequency.
l The time taken by an alternating current to go through
Current and Resistance one cycle of change is called its period (T) and T=2/
l The number of cycles per second of an alternating
Galvanometer: It is a very sensitive instrument to detect
current is called its frequency, n =1/T= /2
very small current, as small as 10-3 A. The deflection in the
l The phase of an alternating current at any instant
instrument is directly proportional to the current passing
represents the fraction of the time period that has elapsed
through it.
since the current last passed through the zero position
Ammeter: It measures current and hence is always
of reference. Phase can also be expressed in terms of
connected in series to the element through which the current
angle in radians.
has to be measured so that the total current of the element
l An alternating current or emf varies periodically from a
goes into the ammeter. Ideally the resistance of an ammeter
maximum in one direction through zero to a maximum in
will be zero so that it doesn't introduce any resistance into
the opposite direction, and so on. The maximum value
the main circuit and the main circuit is not affected. (An ideal
of the current or emf in either direction is called the peak
ammeter has been impossible so far.) In practice, the resistance
of an ammeter is approximately 1 , so the current measured
is always slightly less than what is flowing into the main

Physics l 45
Comparison between AC and DC example, electric press, toaster, table fan, refrigerator, etc.
(a) The generation of AC is more economical than that of The metallic body is connected to the earth wire, which
DC. provides a low-resistance conducting path for the current.
(b) AC voltages can be easily stepped up or stepped down Thus, it ensures that any leakage of current to the metallic
using transformers. body of the appliance keeps its potential to that of the earth,
(c) AC can be transmitted to longer distances with less and the user may not get a severe electric shock.
loss of energy. In each separate circuit, different appliances can be
(d) AC can be easily converted into DC by using rectifiers. connected across the live and neutral wires. Each appliance
(e) The phenomenon of electrolysis cannot be performed has a separate switch to ‘ON’/‘OFF’ the flow of current
through an AC, so for the extraction of metals in through it. In order that each appliance has equal potential
metallurgy and other works in the industrial workshops, difference, they are connected parallel to each other. Electric
only DC, and not AC, can be used. fuse is an important component of all domestic circuits.
(f) In electroplating, AC is not used; it can be done by A fuse in a circuit prevents damage to the appliances
using DC only. and the circuit due to overloading. Overloading can occur
(g) Unlike DC, AC cannot be stored in an accumulator cell. when the live wire and the neutral wire come into direct
(h) Electromagnets can only be prepared through DC. contact. (This occurs when the insulation of wires is damaged
In India, the AC changes direction after every 1/100 or there is a fault in the appliance.) In such a situation, the
second, that is, the frequency of AC is 50 Hz. current in the circuit abruptly increases. This is called short-

circuiting. The use of an electric fuse prevents the electric
Disadvantages of AC
circuit and the appliance from a possible damage by stopping
(a) AC is more fatal and dangerous than DC. the flow of unduly high electric current. The Joule heating
(b) AC always flows on the outer layer of the conductor that takes place in the fuse melts it to break the electric
(skin effect) and hence requires stranded wires. circuit.
(c) AC cannot be used in electrolysis, e.g. electroplating Overloading can also occur due to an accidental hike in
etc. the supply voltage. Sometimes overloading is caused by
Closed and Open Circuits connecting too many appliances to a single socket.
Open circuit: A circuit is said to be open if no current passes Based up on electrical properties, crystalline solids are
through the circuit. The resistance of such a circuit is infinite. classified as (i) conductors, (ii) semi-conductors and (iii)

This happens if the key is not plugged.
Closed circuit: A circuit is said to be closed if current
passes through the circuit. The resistance of such a circuit Insulators and Conductors
is finite. This happens if the key is plugged. 1. Conductors: These are the substances which easily
allow the passage of electricity through them. These
Domestic Electric Circuits materials have a large number of free electrons (–1028 m–
In our homes, we receive supply of electric power through a ) and very small resistivity (–10–8  m).
main supply (also called mains), either supported through The resistivity of an ideal conductor is zero and it
overhead electric poles or by underground cables. One of increases with the rise in temperature in metals (copper,
the wires in this supply, usually with red insulation cover, is aluminium, silver, gold etc) and decreases in non-metals
called live wire (or positive). Another wire, with black (graphite). In case of alloys of metals such as nichrome,
insulation, is called neutral wire (or negative). In our country, manganin or constantan, resistivity is more than that of
the potential difference between the two is 220 V. metals but varies slowly with temperature.
At the metre-board in the house, these wires pass into 2. Insulators: These are the substances which have
an electricity meter through a main fuse. Through the main practically no free electrons and have very high
switch they are connected to the line wires in the house. resistivity (–10 16 m). The resistivity of an ideal
These wires supply electricity to separate circuits within the insulator is infinity and decreases with the rise in
house. Often, two separate circuits are used, one of 15 A temperature. Mica, rubber, glass and porcelain are some
current rating for appliances with higher power ratings such examples of insulators.
as geysers, air coolers, etc. The other circuit is of 5 A current
rating for bulbs, fans, etc. The earth wire, which has insulation
of green colour, is usually connected to a metal plate deep in A semiconductor is a material that has a resistivity value in
the earth near the house. This is used as a safety measure, between that of a conductor and an insulator.
especially for those appliances that have a metallic body, for The conductivity of a semiconductor material can be

46 l Physics
varied under an external electric field. Devices made from connected to –ve terminal (relatively low potential) of the
semiconductor materials are the foundation of modern battery and n-region is connected to the +ve terminal
electronics, including radio, computer, telephone, and many (relatively high potential) of the battery then it is said to be
other devices. Semiconductor devices include transistor, reverse biased.
many kinds of diodes including the light-emitting diode,
Semiconductor devices
silicon-controlled rectifier, and digital and analog integrated
Semiconductor devices are electronic components that exploit
circuits. Solar photovoltaic panels are large semiconductor
the electronic properties of semiconductor materials,
devices that directly convert light energy into electrical
principally silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide, as well
as organic semiconductors. Semiconductor devices have
In a metallic conductor, current is carried by the flow of
replaced thermionic devices (vacuum tubes) in most
electrons. In semiconductors, current can be carried either
by the flow of electrons or by the flow of positively charged
Semiconductor devices are small in size, consume low
holes in the electron structure of the material. Silicon is used
power, operate at low voltages and have long life and high
to create most semiconductors commercially. So many other
materials are used, including germanium and gallium arsenide.
The Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) used in television and
In semiconductor production, doping intentionally introduces
computer monitor that works on the principle of vaccum tube
impurities into an extremely pure (intrinsic) semiconductor
is being replaced by LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitors
for the purpose of modulating its electrical properties. The
with supporting solid-state electronics.

impurities are dependent upon the type of semiconductor.
The best examples of the semiconductor devices are:
Intrinsic semiconductors are those in which impurities
Diode and Transistor.
are not present and are therefore called pure semiconductors.
Extrinsic semiconductors are those in which impurities Diode
are present in large quantities. Diodes are made from a single piece of semiconductor material
Based on the impurities present in the extrinsic which has a positive P-region at one end and a negative N-
semiconductors, they are classified into two categories: region at the other, and has a resistivity somewhere between
1. n-type semiconductors and that of a conductor and an insulator.
2. p-type semiconductors
Application of Diode as a device
n-type semiconductors  PN diode as a rectifier

When a pentavalent substance (Group V elements) like  Zener diode as a voltage regulator
Phosphorus, Arsenic or Antimony is added in sufficient  Photodiodes used for detecting optical signals (photo
quantities to the pure form of Si or Ge crystal, it is said to be detectors)
n-type.  Light emitting diodes (LED) which convert electrical
l In n-type semiconductor, electrons are majority carriers energy into light
and holes are minority carriers (ne>nh).  Photovoltaic devices which convert optical radiation
p-type semiconductors into electricity (solar cells)
When a trivalent substance (Group III elements) like Boron,  Laser Diode
Aluminium, Gallium or Indium is added in sufficient quantities  GUNN Diode as a sensor and measuring instrument
(1 in 10 or less) to the pure form of Si or Ge crystal, it is said to Light Emitting Diodes: Light emitting diodes or LEDs
be p-type. are among the most widely used of all the types of diodes
l In p-type semiconductor, holes are majority carriers and available. They are the most visible type of diode that emits a
electrons are minority carriers (nh>ne). fairly narrow bandwidth of visible coloured light, invisible
p-n junction: When a semiconducting material such as infrared or laser type light when a forward current is passed
silicon or germanium is doped with impurity in such a way through them. A light emitting diode or LED, as it is more
that one side has a large number of acceptor impurities and commonly called, is basically just a specialized type of P-N
the other side has a large number of donor impurities, the junction diode made from a very thin layer of fairly heavily
resulting semiconductor is called p-n junction. doped semiconductor material.
Forward biased: In a p-n junction diode, if p-region is Unlike normal diodes, which are made for direction or
connected to +ve terminal (relatively higher potential) of the power rectification and which are generally made either from
battery and n-region is connected to –ve terminal (relatively Germanium or Silicon semiconductor material, light-emitting
lower potential) of the battery then it is said to be forward diodes are made from compound-type semiconductor
biased. materials such as Gallium Arsenide (GaAs), Gallium Phosphide
Reverse biased: In a p-n junction diode, if p-region is (GaP), Gallium Arsenide Phosphide (GaAsP), Silicon Carbide

Physics l 47
(SiC) or Gallium Indium Nitride (GaInN). In terms of power consumption, reflective LCDs, due to
LEDs have the following advantages over conventional the absence of an artificial light source, are more power-
incandescent low-power lamps: efficient than their transmissive counterparts.
(i) Low operational voltage and less power There are now LCDs, which combine the basic features
(ii) Fast action and no warm-up time required of both transmissive and reflective LCDs. They are called
(iii) The bandwidth of emitted light is 100 Å to 500 Å or in transflective LCDs and they operate transmissively or
other words it is nearly (but not exactly) reflectively depending upon the ambient light conditions.
(iv) Long life and ruggedness Transistor
(v)Fast on-off switching capability
A transistor is formed by sandwiching a thin layer of a p-
Liquid Crystal Display type semiconductor between two layers of n-type
semiconductors or by sandwiching a thin layer of an n-type
An LCD or Liquid Crystal Display is a flat, thin display semiconductor between two layers of p-type semiconductors.
device consisting of any number of pixels aligned in front of Transistor means “transfer of resistance” and is invented
a reflector or source of light. The LCD has been widely hailed by John Bardeen, WH Brattain and William Shockley in 1948.
as a prized invention as it is relatively cheap and it consumes Transistors are of two types:
less power to function than competing technologies, making i) n-p-n; ii) p-n-p

it almost indispensable in battery-powered electron devices. A transistor mainly consists of three sections:
i) emitter, ii) base, iii) collector.
Types of LCD
A transistor has three doped regions forming two p-n
LCDs are broadly classified as either transmissive or
junctions between them. There are two types of transistors:
reflective, depending upon the position of their source of
(i) n-p-n transistor: Here two segments of n-type
light. A transmissive LCD is illuminated by a light source
semiconductor (emitter and collector) are separated by a
from the base and is viewed from the front.
segment of p-type semiconductor (base).
Such LCDs are used in applications where high luminal
(ii) p-n-p transistor: Here two segments of p-type
levels are required, such as computer displays, personal digital
semiconductor (termed as emitter and collector) are separated
assistance televisions, and mobile phones.
.by a segment of n-type semiconductor (termed as base).
On the other hand, reflective LCDs, usually found in Uses:

digital displays of watches and calculators, are illuminated 1. Transistor acts as an amplifier.
by an external light, which in turn is reflected back by a An electronic device which can raise the magnitude of
diffusing reflector located behind the display. As the light current or of voltage input signals is called as amplifier.
has to pass twice through the liquid crystal layer, it is 2. Transistors are used in electronic circuits called
attenuated twice and hence reflective LCDs produce darker ‘oscillators’.
blacks than their transmissive counterparts. But, since the 3. Transistors are also used in stabilized power supplies.
same attenuating phenomenon, to an extent, happens in the 4. Transistors form important components of micro
translucent part of the liquid crystal layer as well, the contrast electronic systems called ICs (Integrated Circuits) or
of the display image will be less than a transmissive LCD. ‘Chips’.

Magnetic phenomena are universal in nature. Vast, distant ancient times. A thin long piece of a magnet, when suspended
galaxies, tiny invisible atoms, men and beasts all are permeated freely, pointed in the north-south direction. The name
through and through with a host of magnetic fields from a lodestone (or loadstone) is given to a naturally occurring ore
variety of sources. The earth’s magnetism pre-dates human of iron magnetite. The technological exploitation of this
evolution. The word magnet is derived from the name of an property is generally credited to the Chinese texts dating 400
island in Greece called Magnesia, where magnetic-ore BC that mention the use of magnetic needles for navigation
deposits were found as early as 600 BC. on ships.
The directional property of magnets was known since

48 l Physics
Magnet Magnetic Field and
A substance which attracts substances like iron, nickel, cobalt, Magnetic Field Lines
etc. is called a magnet.
Magnetic field: The region or space around a magnet through
Properties which any other magnetic material experiences a force of
l When a magnet is freely suspended or pivoted, it comes attraction or repulsion is called magnetic field.
to rest, showing north and south directions. Characteristics of magnetic lines of force
l Like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other . l Magnetic lines of force start from North Pole and ends
l A magnet attracts substances like iron, nickel, cobalt on the South Pole outside the magnet.
and steel. l Inside the magnet, magnetic lines of force run from South
l A magnet imparts its properties to other magnetic Pole to North Pole.
substances. l They are closed loops.
Magnets are of two types. They are: l No two magnetic lines of force intersect each other.
(i) Natural magnets l They have a tendency to repel each other laterally (they
(ii) Artificial magnets have lateral elongation).
l They contract longitudinally.
Natural magnets
l The tangent drawn to the magnetic line of force at any
l Magnets which are available in nature are called natural point gives the direction of magnetic field at that point.

magnets. l In a uniform magnetic field, lines of force will be straight
l Magnetite is a natural magnet. and parallel lines.
l It is also called lodestone. l The number of lines of force at a region represents the
l It is the magnetic oxide of iron. intensity of magnetic field at that region, i.e., if the field
l Its formula is Fe3O4. is strong, the lines of force are crowded, whereas in weak
Natural magnets have no regular shape. They have less fields they are spaced apart.
magnetic power. Magnetic flux: The number of lines of force passing
Artificial magnets through any area in a magnetic field is known as magnetic
Magnets which are made by artificial methods are called flux.
artificial magnets; e.g. bar magnets, cylindrical magnets, Magnetic field induction

horseshoe magnets, Robinson magnets, pot-shaped l The number of magnetic lines of induction passing
magnets, etc. through unit area normal to the surface is called magnetic
l Artificial magnets have regular shape. Their magnetic flux density or magnetic field induction (B).
power is more. l The unit of B is tesla (T).
l Horseshoe magnets are used in cycle dynamos.
l Pot-shaped magnets are used in loud speakers. Magnetic susceptibility
l Magnets are also used in magneto-therapy to cure some l The ratio of magnitude of intensity of magnetization (I)
diseases. in a material to that of magnetizing field (H) is called
magnetic susceptibility of that material.
Bar magnet
l The two poles of the magnet are generally of equal I
strength and lie just below the ends. H
l The straight line joining the two poles of a magnet is l The intensity of magnetization inducted in a material by
called axial line. unit magnetizing field is known as magnetic
l The line passing through the midpoint and normal to the susceptibility.
axial line is called equatorial line. l  has no units and no dimensions.
l The straight line joining the poles of the magnet is known Note: The intensity of the magnetic field or magnetising field
as magnetic length. strength (H): ‘H’ is an auxiliary field which is measured
l Magnetic length is about 5/6 times or 83.3% of the as the ratio of magnetic induction to the permeability of
geometric length. the medium at the given point.
Magnetic lines of force: A line of force in a magnetic
field is the path or curve along which a free unit North Pole Absolute magnetic permeability (m)
travels. l The ratio of magnitude of magnetic induction to
magnetising field is defined as magnetic permeability.

Physics l 49
B Diamagnetic Substance
H Diamagnetic substances are those which have tendency to
l Magnetic permeability of a medium is the extent to which move from stronger to the weaker part of the external magnetic
magnetic lines of force can enter a medium. It is the field. In other words, unlike the way a magnet attracts metals
characteristic property of the magnetic material. like iron, it would repel a diamagnetic substance.
l Magnetic permeability represents the amplification of Some diamagnetic materials are bismuth, copper, lead,
magnetising field in that material. silicon, gold, zinc, air, hydrogen, nitrogen (at STP), water and
l  is always positive and is different for different materials. sodium chloride. Diamagnetism is present in all the
l The value of depends on magnetising field. substances. However, the effect is so weak in most cases
that it gets shifted by other effects like paramagnetism,
The Earth’s Magnetism ferromagnetism, etc.
Our earth behaves as if it were a powerful magnet. Within it The most exotic diamagnetic materials are
the south pole is towards the earth’s north pole and the north superconductors. These are metals cooled to very low
pole is towards the earth’s south pole. It is supported by the temperatures which exhibit both perfect conductivity and
following facts: perfect diamagnetism. Superconducting magnets can be
(i) A freely suspended magnetic needle stays in north-south gainfully exploited in a variety of situations, for example, for
direction. If a magnetic needle is suspended so that it is running magnetically levitated superfast trains.
Note: Diamagnetism is universal. It is present in all materials.

free to move in the horizontal plane, then its north pole
rests pointing north and the south pole pointing south. But it is weak and hard to detect if the substance is
(ii) On drawing the lines of force of a magnet, we get neutral para- or ferromagnetic.
points, where the magnetic field due to the magnet is
Paramagnetic Substance
exactly neutralised by the earth’s magnetic field. Had
there been no earth’s magnetic field, neutral points would Paramagnetic substances are those which get weakly
not have been available. magnetised when placed in an external magnetic field. They
(iii) An iron piece buried in earth becomes a magnet. If we have tendency to move from a region of weak magnetic field
bury an iron rod in the earth in the direction in which a to strong magnetic field, i.e., they get weakly attracted to a
freely-suspended magnetic needle stays, then after some magnet. The individual atoms (or ions or molecules) of a
time the rod becomes a magnet. paramagnetic material possess a permanent magnetic dipole

moment of their own.
Magnetism in medicine Some paramagnetic materials are aluminium, sodium,
calcium, oxygen (at STP) and copper chloride. Experimentally,
An electric current always produces a magnetic field. Even one finds that the magnetisation of a paramagnetic material is
weak ion currents that travel along the nerve cells in our inversely proportional to the absolute temperature T.
body produce magnetic fields. When we touch something,
our nerves carry an electric impulse to the muscles we need Ferromagnetic Substance
to use. This impulse produces a temporary magnetic field.
Ferromagnetic substances are those which get strongly
These fields are very weak and are about one-billionth of the
magnetised when placed in an external magnetic field. They
earth’s magnetic field. Two main organs in the human body
have a strong tendency to move from a region of weak
where the magnetic field produced is significant, are the
magnetic field to strong magnetic field, i.e., they get strongly
heart and the brain. The magnetic field inside the body forms
attracted to a magnet. The individual atoms (or ions or
the basis of obtaining the images of different body parts.
molecules) in a ferromagnetic material possess a dipole
This is done using a technique called Magnetic Resonance
moment as in a paramagnetic material. However, they interact
Imaging (MRI). The analysis of these images helps in medical
with one another in such a way that they spontaneously
diagnosis. Magnetism has, thus, got important uses in
align themselves in a common direction over a macroscopic
volume called domain.
Alnico, an alloy of iron, aluminium, nickel, cobalt and
Magnetic Classification of Substances copper, is one such material There are a number of elements,
On the basis of magnetic behaviour of different materials, which are ferromagnetic: iron, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium, etc.
they are divided into categories: The ferromagnetic property depends on temperature. At
(1) diamagnetic substances, high enough temperature, a ferromagnet becomes a
(2) paramagnetic substances and paramagnet.
(3) ferromagnetic substances

50 l Physics
The temperature of transition from ferromagnetism to field may change due to a relative motion between the
paramagnetism is called the Curie temperature (TC). coil and a magnet placed near to the coil. If the coil is
placed near a current-carrying conductor, the magnetic
Electromagnetism field may change either due to a change in the current
1. The phenomenon of production of a magnetic field through the conductor or due to the relative motion
around a current-carrying conductor is called magnetic between the coil and the conductor. The direction of the
effect of currents. The direction of magnetic field is induced current is given by Fleming’s right-hand rule.
found by Snow rule or Ampere's swimming rule. l In the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction,
2. When the current flows through a straight conductor, mechanical and magnetic energy are converted into
the conductor behaves like a magnet. electrical energy.
3. If the direction of current flowing through coil is anti- Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction are:
clockwise, then north polarity is created, and vice versa. (i) Whenever there is a change in magnetic flux within a
conductor, an induced emf is set up in it which gives rise to
induced current. The direction of induced current is always
A coil of many circular turns of insulted copper wire wrapped opposite to the cause which produces it. (Lenz's law)
closely in the shape of a cylinder is called a solenoid. (ii) The magnitude of the emf induced is directly
The intensity of the magnetic field of a solenoid can be proportional to the rate of change of magnetic field, the
increased number of turns in the coil and the area of cross-section of

(i) by increasing the number of turns on the solenoid, the coil.
(ii) by increasing the strength of current flowing through The direction of induced emf is given by Fleming's right
the solenoid, and hand rule. Fleming's right hand rule states that if the thumb,
(iii) by placing soft iron core along the axis of the the middle finger and the forefinger of the right hand are
solenoid. stretched mutually perpendicular to each other and if the
Electromagnet: A coil wound over a soft iron piece is forefinger indicates the direction of the magnetic field and
usually called an electromagnet. The advantage of such a the thumb indicates the direction of motion of conductor
magnet is that when the current is switched off, the soft iron then the middle finger will indicate the direction of induced
core loses most of its magnetism. current.
Electromagnets are used in electrical applicances such Transformer: A transformer is a device used to change

as electric bell, electric fan, etc. They are used for magnetic the AC voltage. It converts a low voltage at a high current to
separation and for lifting heavy iron loads. A permanent a high voltage at a low current, and vice versa.
magnet is made from steel. Once magnetised, it cannot lose A transformer is of two types:
its magnetism easily. (i) Step-up and (ii) Step-down
Electric motor: An electric motor is a device which A step-up transformer increases the emf whereas the
converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It is step-down transformer decreases the emf. Transformer
based on the principle that when a current-carrying works on the principle of mutual induction, i.e., whenever
conductor capable of moving freely is placed in a magnetic the magnetic flux linked with a coil changes, an induced emf
field, it experiences a force and begins to move in a direction is produced in the neighbouring coil.
given by Fleming's left hand rule. The energy loss in a transformer takes place in the
It does not work on the principle of electromagnetic following ways:
induction. (i) Increasing the current through it
Electric motor is used as an important component in (ii) Heating in the coils
electric fans, refrigerators, mixers, washing machines, (iii) Eddy currents in the core
computers, MP3 players, etc. (iv) Hysteresis loss in the core
The speed of rotation of an electric motor can be Eddy currents are induced circular currents in the soft
increased by (i) increasing the number of turns in the coil, (ii) iron core itself, tending to oppose the change in the magnetic
increasing the area of cross-section of the coil, (iii) increasing flux through it. Eddy currents produce a heating effect and
the current flowing into the coil, (iv) increasing the strength lower the efficiency of the transformer.
of the radial magnetic field and (v) using soft iron core.
Electromagnetic induction The ratio of the turns is called the transformation
l The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is the
production of induced current in a coil placed in a region ratio where NS is the number of turns on output or secondary
where the magnetic field changes with time. The magnetic winding and NP is the number of turns on the input or primary

Physics l 51
NS Electric generator
winding. For a step-up transformer, > 1 and for a step-
NP Based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction,
the experiments studied above generate induced current,
down transformer, < 1. which is usually very small. This principle is also employed
NP to produce large currents for use in homes and industry. In
In a step-up transformer, the primary coil consists of an electric generator, mechanical energy is used to rotate a
smaller number of turns of thin wire. In a step-down conductor in a magnetic field to produce electricity.
transformer, the primary coil consists of a large number of A generator of dynamo is a device which converts
turns of thin wire and the secondary coil consists of a smaller mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is based on the
number of turns of thick wire. principle of electromagnetic induction.
Transformer is used in a) power station, b) television, c)
telephone, d) telegraph and e) radio.

Modern Physics

Emission of electrons
There are four types of emission of electrons:
(i) Thermionic emission
(ii) Photoelectric emission
(iii) Field emission and
(iv) Secondary emission
The emission of electrons from a metal surface when
heat is supplied to it is called thermionic emission.
Photoelectric effect
Photoelectric effect is the phenomenon of emission of
electrons by metals when illuminated by light of suitable
The minimum energy needed by an electron to come out
from a metal surface is called the work function of the metal.
Energy greater than the work function (f) required for electron
emission from the metal surface can be supplied by suitably

The phenomenon due to which the surface of a metal
heating or applying strong electric field or irradiating it with
ejects free electrons by absorbing some kind of energy is
light of suitable frequency.
called photoelectric emission.
Certain metals respond to ultraviolet light while others
Work function
are sensitive even to the visible light. Photoelectric effect
The minimum energy required to emit electron from the metal
involves conversion of light energy into electrical energy. It
surface is called work function or threshold energy.
follows the law of conservation of energy. The photoelectric
The number of electrons emitted per second depends
emission is an instantaneous process and possesses certain
on: (i) Material of the surface, (ii) Temperature of the surface,
special features.
(iii) Its surface area.
Photoelectric current depends on (i) the intensity of
Thermionic emitters should have the following
incident light, (ii) the potential difference applied between
properties: (i) High melting point, (ii) Low work function, (iii)
the two electrodes, and (iii) the nature of the emitting
Mechanically rugged, (iv) Low vapour pressure.
Some practical thermionic emitters are: (i) Pure
tungsten, (ii) Thoriated tungsten, (iii) Alkali metal oxide
coated tungsten.
Photoelectric Cell
Work function is measured in electron volt (eV). The device which converts light energy into electric
1eV = 1.6 × 10–19 C × 1V or 1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J. energy is called photoelectric cell.
The work function of tungsten = 4.52 eV and that of A photoelectric cell uses the photoelectric effect. It
thoriated tungsten = 2.6 eV. converts light energy into electric energy. A photocell
The minimum frequency at which a given metal can emit consists of a cathode coated with an alkali metal. Opposite
photoelectrons is called threshold frequency. to it a collector is placed. These are arranged in an evacuated
When light falls on alkali metal photoelectrons are
liberated. They are attracted by the collector due to the

52 l Physics
positive potential on it and current flows through the circuit. Radioactivity
The changes in current are according to the changes in the
light falling on alkali metal. Natural radioactivity is defined as the spontaneous
disintegration of a nucleus with the emission of certain
Uses of photocells:
particles and radiations.
l In automatic switching on and off of street lights
Radioactivity is unaltered by: (i) Strongest chemical or
l In photometry, they are used to compare the illuminating
physical treatments, (ii) Excessive heating or cooling, (iii)
powers of two sources.
Strong electric or magnetic fields.
l They are used in fire alarms and burglar’s alarms.
In radioactivity, ,  and  rays are emitted.
l In meteorology, they are used to record the intensity of
In radioactivity, the nucleus which breaks is called the
day light.
parent nucleus and the one which is formed as a result of
l The photocells inserted in the street light electric circuit
decay is called the daughter nucleus.
are used to switch on and off the street lighting system
 and  are positively and negatively charged particles
automatically at dusk and dawn.
respectively but -rays is an electro-magnetic wave
l Photocells are used in the control of a counting device,
(uncharged radiations).
which records every interruption of the light beam. So
During  and  particles emissions, the emitting nucleus
photocells help count the persons entering a temple or
undergoes a change in its atomic number and mass number,
but during -emission no such change takes place.
l They are used to reproduce sound in cinematograph

Alpha and beta particles are deflected by electric and
and in the television camera for scanning and telecasting
magnetic fields.
Radioactivity is used to cure diseases like leukemia and
l They are also used in automatic opening and closure of
cancer by radiation therapy. The radio isotopes are used as
fertilisers for plants. They are used to study wear and tear of
l They are used in solar arrays to generate electricity.
piston rings and gears in engine. They are used to provide
l They are used in controlling the temperature of furnaces.
electric power.
l They are used in industries for detecting minor flaws of
The isotope of carbon-14 has been used for carbon
holes in metal sheets.
dating to estimate the age of rocks and trees.
l They are used for detection of traffic law defaulters.
Properties of  radiations: Some properties of a,
l The temperature of celestial bodies is measured and
 and  are as shown in the table below:

their spectra are studied by photocells.

S.No. Property Alpha Particles Beta Particles Gamma Rays

1. Nature These are helium nuclei These are fast moving These are electromagnetic
electrons radiations
2. Charge +3.2 × 10-19 C (+2e) –1.6 × 10–19 C (e) Zero
3. Rest mass 6.6 × 10–27 kg (4m) 9.1 × 10–31 kg Zero
4. Penetrating power Minimum, can hardly 100 times that of alpha, 100 times that of beta, can
penetrate can travel 10 cm through penetrate through several
matter cm of lead
5. Ionising power 100 times that of beta 100 times that of gamma Minimum
6. Effect of electric Are deflected by electric Are deflected by electric Undeflected by electric
and magnetic fields and magnetic fields and magnetic fields and magnetic fields
7. Photographic Can blacken a photo- Can blacken a photo- Can blacken a photo-
effect graphic plate graphic plate graphic plate
8. Fluorescence Can cause fluorescence Can cause fluorescence Can cause fluorescence
9. Burning effect Causes burning effect Harmful to mankind Very harmful
10. Speed Speed of 15,000 km per About 33% to 99% of Travel with the velocity
second the velocity of light of light

Physics l 53
Nuclear Energy (iii) A control device to control the flow of neutrons by
absorbing some of them. Generally, boron or cadmium
Fission is the splitting up of the nucleus of a heavy atom into rods, that can be moved in or out of the reactor, are used
two roughly equal fragments, accompanied by the release of for this purpose.
energy. For example, uranium-235 splits up when it captures a When proper adjustments are made in a reactor such that
slow neutron according to the fission reaction every fission reaction leads to, on an average, one further
235 1 141 92 1 reaction, the reactor is said to have become 'critical' and is
92 U  0 n  56 Ba  36 Kr  3 0 n
ready to produce controlled energy.
In this reaction, the total mass on the left-hand side is In several countries, including India, nuclear reactors are being
more than the total mass on the right-hand side. This excess used to produce electricity. Besides, reactors are used to
mass is converted into energy in accordance with Einstein's produce radioisotopes. Reactors are also used to convert
mass-energy relation, E = mc2. The energy released in the uranium-238 into plutonium-239, which is fissile and used for
fission of one nucleus of uranium-235 is nearly 200 million atomic bombs.
electron volts (1 electron volt = 1.6 × 10-19 joules). This is an Breeder Reactor: A reactor that produces more fissionable
enormous amount of energy. The energy produced on material than it burns is called a breeder reactor. These reactors
complete fission of just one gram of uranium-235 is equivalent fuelled initially with 238U  239Pu or 232Th  233U operate
to that from an electric power plant operating at one megawatt subsequently with the addition of 235U or 232Th, which are
for nearly one day. much more abundant than the only naturally occurring

If the neutrons produced in the fission reaction are slowed fissionable material, 235U.
down, they may produce further fission and, thus, start a Nuclear Fusion: The combining of the nuclei of light atoms
chain reaction. However, if the uranium-235 lump is small, to form heavier nuclei with the release of energy is termed
many neutrons escape from its surface without producing nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion takes place in the sun and
fission and, therefore, a chain reaction does not develop. other stars and is one of the important sources of stellar
The size of the material that sustains a chain reaction is called energy. A typical fusion reaction is
the critical size, the mass of which is called critical mass. If 2 3
the mass of fissile material is greater than the critical mass, 1 H  1H  42 He  10 n  energy
the chain reaction takes place so fast that an explosion occurs. As in a fusion reaction, here also, the surplus mass is
Atomic Bomb: In an atomic bomb, two subcritical masses of converted into energy. An extremely high temperature, such
uranium-235 (or plutonium 239) are brought together in less as that in the sun, is required for fusion to take place. On the

than a microsecond. Since the combined mass exceeds the earth, fusion reaction occurs during the explosion of a
critical mass, a violent explosion takes place. In such hydrogen bomb, which requires an atomic bomb for its
explosions, temperatures as high as 107° C or even more are detonation.
produced. Tremendous air blasts and intense radioactivity Research is currently going on to evolve the technique of
cause destruction. It is interesting to note that uranium-235 controlled fusion. Efforts are being made to achieve fusion of
used in the Hiroshima blast was only of the size of a cricket the hydrogen isotope using laser beams.
Uncontrolled fusion reactions
Enriched Uranium: For an atomic bomb, fissile uranium-235
Hydrogen bomb: It is based on the phenomenon of nuclear
is needed. Natural uranium contains only 0.7% of uranium-
fusion and was made in 1952 by American scientists. The
235. The rest of it is uranium-238, which is not fissile. Therefore,
central core of a hydrogen bomb is a uranium (or plutonium)
uranium-235 has to be separated from natural uranium as far
fission bomb which is surrounded by a compound of heavy
as possible. Uranium with an abundance of the uranium-235
hydrogen, like lithium hydride (LiH2). When the fission bomb
isotope is known as enriched uranium.
is exploded, it produces such a high temperature and pressure
For nuclear reactors, enriched uranium having nearly
that the heavy hydrogen nuclei come extremely close and
6% U-235 is required. However, for nuclear bombs, highly
fuse together, liberating huge energy.
enriched uranium (HEU) containing nearly 90% U-235 is used. 3 2 4 1
Nuclear Reactor: A nuclear reactor is a device in which fission 1H + 1H  2He + 0n + 17.6 MeV

occurs at a controlled rate. Common features of a nuclear Solar Energy

reactor are: The sun has continuously been emitting light and heat at a
(i) Nuclear fuel, generally uranium, that has been somewhat very high rate for crores of years. The emission of such high
enriched in uranium-235 isotope energy by chemical reactions is impossible. The reason is
(ii) A moderator to slow down fast neutrons. Usually, that even if the sun was made entirely of carbon, its complete
graphite or heavy water is used as moderator. combustion would have supplied energy at such a high rate
only for a few thousand years.

54 l Physics

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