BDP - Assignment
BDP - Assignment
BDP - Assignment
Level CQHRM (Level IV)
Assignment No. 01
Contact Number
30th January 2021
Date of Submission
There is no any other company have implemented such type of a open source software
for small to large enterprises in one platform. These software can be assessed by a
business man to a high professional chartered accountant.
The Team members and management of the company have talented and strong skilled
background in hardware,software,finance and marketing. The CEO was a Finance and
HR Professional for ABC Company,The Product development vice president worked
as a senior software engineer at REC Company. The vice president of Marketing was
a Managing Director for RBO software Company. The vice president of Finance was
a former Director Finance for EGP Company.
All Vice President of the company are partners of the company 60% will be provided
by Vice president of Finance,Marketing and Production per person contributes 20%.
25% will be contributed by the owner of the company.
WebzFinance® is a Financial Software developed for accounting professionals and
non Professional using a friendly and easily handling methods to users.
The Silver includes features additional to Browns package such as Auto creation of
Profit and Loss and Balance sheet which includes charges monthly. The Gold
Package includes more features related to FIFO,LIFO and Weight-age where a store
keeper too can handle this software for stock reviewing.
Finally, Platinum Packages include more additional features than, all the rest
packages which support a chartered accountant and large firms to maintain many
companies accounts easily.
Company Vision
“Every Industry have to become digitalized.”
I webz R is one of the tremendous software company that helps to transform all the
industries into digitalized enterprise. It helps to differentiate all the competitors in the
market with a better and focused engagement among our clients,employees and
partnership understand and analyze our clients needs and provide them a end to end
solution form purchasing to after sales support 24H.We help all business to drive
towards a digital environment and support IT firms to align with their goals towards
vision of the company.
Our main aim is to develop rapidly and become a leading IT Industry among global
competitive market. We have talented crew professionals to sharp and create a
collective knowledge and experience to process a outstanding results which helps to
grow as an organization.
Company Mission
To enhance our customers business with innovative,development and deliver a high
quality solutions that create reliable competitive advantages and value to our
customers around the world.
Our Objectives are:
1. To see a positive return on Investment by January 2023.
2. Increase Finance software by 25% for financial industry by 2023.
3. To occupy 25% of the market among the IT industry by January 2023
4. To expand the financial software to all the industries from shops to companies by
January 2024.(All small to large scale sectors)
The management team for I webz R is a diverse group with strong skills in
marketing,Finance,Sales,Technology,Operations and Sales. Our primary criteria of
our executive position is listed for you.
Organization Structure
Vice President
Vice President Product Vice President
development Finance
Sales and Marketing
Software Engineer 1 Accounts Assistant
Business Analyst
Software Engineer 11
Data Modifier Sales Representative 1
QA Analyst Sales Representative 2
During the research phase a preliminary investigate taken place to find out the
essential resources to start up the business operation. A detailed analysis of employees
needed for first five years is analyzed on our requirement for starting the business
Staffs Requirements - 2021 (First year)
Designation No of staffs
Software Engineer 1
Data Modifier 1
Market Analysis
The primary research conducted findings has indicated that financial software with
low cost is essential for professional and no professional executive staffs and the
added capability of this finance software will benefit 75% of those findings.To find
out the sum of potential buyers in the market purchased financial software,Initially we
researched the number of finance software currently on the market and combined
those information with finance professional managers.Using both flexible
employment and industries as a indicator for future z generations. The tables listed
below shows significant opportunities for future sales if finance software. Application
Software development will be one of the demanded jobs in 2025.
SWOT Analysis
WebzFinance® software has certain strengths,
1. Additional features than can be used easily and export documents according to their
business template
2. It has wireless features to switch into different interface. This can be viewed in
desktop and smartphones.
3. Easy payable methods and cost efficient low rate for financial institutes.
4. Customer support 24 Hrs.
Although this technology can be spread quickly and will improve in next
10 to 12 months. Certain expectation related to the pandemic situation has increased
the financial expect for normal business men. WebzFinance® can be sync with
manual data by scanning the documents into the software. It automatically generates
the manual scanned data by inputting it. This could cause certain issues that we will
have to work on it more.
There were analysis of the design and conduct of competition policy in the financial
sector. And the “special nature” of finance, with its emphasis on stability, always
meant that competition policy was considered more complicated in the financial
services industry. Changes in financial services industries create their own set of new
competition issues.We have many top competition among the financial software
development companies.
Competitors - Srilanka
Andout Global Inc
Konekt Holdings (Pvt)Ltd.
Silver Fox
Competing Financial Software Products
Intuit Quick Books Online
Fresh Books Accounting Software
Zoho Books
Marketing Strategies
WebzFinance® is demonstrated as a finance software as its additional features and
wireless usage technology will be a key factor in the market. Our main strategy is to
build a strong relationship and loyalty among our clients before moving to next stage
of phase in the market.
Our products are priced lined with other financial software. A pricing chart is listed
with the leading financial software competitors highest graded packages is as below.
We will promote this software during the first three months as a free software to all
users getting registered in our website. The only thing they have to do is to register it
with their email. We also promote it byCompany Website,Accounting managers
campaign,Finance institutes sales promotions,Though email,Google store,Microsoft
teams,google adds,,Facebook,Google Ads.
Apart from this we will print and do it via multi media presentations to bring
awareness of the software for all the financial professionals. WebzFinance® will be
promotes highly in 2022.We will also promote it by financial colleges and institutions
in 2022 February.
Printed advertising campaign will be held by January 2022. Email and web campaign
will be conducted from August 2022. The site will not limited audience and we keep
on ads viewing without limitation.
WebzFinance® product will be sold by our sales team and through company website
initially.Gradually we can increase it to the retails markets. We will use the finance
software before introducing it to the market internally to make our sales team
knowledgeable on it. All related training will be provided related to the software for
our sales team before introducing it to the market.
Strategic Alliance
WebzFinance® is aligned strategically with the financial institutions and charted
companies to be a software vendors of choice for their members and staffs. This
product will be provided for them with 20% of discount rate from the price which
means a Platinum package consist of 20$/month = 4000 LKR/month will be
discounted and provided for these vendors for 16$/month = 3200 LKR/month. These
will also provide us a sales revenue from each vendors as 38400 LKR/yrs.
Sales Strategies
Our sales team will be educated on finance software and we will make them to use it
to have a clear idea about the software. A completed training will be provided them
on financial software and market types with comparison to other software. A long
training session will be provided to them and they will be also tested with their
knowledge before putting them into the field.
Our sales team will be provided a for first year to work from office with a basic salary
and commission. Later based on their performance we will facilitate them to select
work from home,part time or full time options. Special product training will be also
provided for retails sellers.
According to the evaluation we are forecasting our sales for the first twelve months.
Sales Unit sold
First Quarter 150
Second Quarter 250
Third Quarter 500
Fourth Quarter 750
Total 1650 units
Since we are providing our software freely in the first three months the revenue
earned will be less and the introduction of out software will be higher. After first three
month we expect following revenue income in first year.
Sales Unit sold Revenue Expected (First Year)
First Quarter 1500 0$
Second Quarter 2500 50000$
Third Quarter 3800 76000$
Fourth Quarter 10000 200000$
Total 1650 units 326000$ = 65,200,000 LKR
We assume that 30% of our software will be sold with the support of contracts will
will increase our revenues from second quarter of the year by 20000$.
Investment is essential for capital expenses for the first year of operation in the
Computer & electrical items 500,000LKR
Furnitures 200,000 LKR
Laptops 500,000 LKR
Broad band connection 6000 LKR
Printer 20,000 LKR
Scanner 30,000 LKR
Utilities 720,000 LKR
Internet connection 850,000 LKR
Office leasing 2,000,000 LKR
Rent 120,000 LKR
Office Assistant 20,000 LKR
Refreshments 120,000 LKR
Salary 7,460,000 LKR
Total 12,546,000 LKR
Model of Revenue
WebzFinance® revenue will be brought in to the company from the sales,annual
revenue and contracts. Revenue in future can be obtained from workshops,magazines
and training campaigns.