Unit 5 OOAD
Unit 5 OOAD
Unit 5 OOAD
Object Oriented Methodologies – Software Quality Assurance – Impact of object orientation on Testing –
Develop Test Cases and Test Plans
The basic steps of system designing using OOM may be listed as:
System Analysis
System Design
Object Design
Booch Methodology [1994]: He developed the Object Oriented Analysis and Object
Oriented Design (OOA/OOD) concepts.
RDD Methodology [1990]: Wirfs-Brock, Wilkerson, and Wiener developed Responsibility
Driven Design (RDD) methodology.
OMT methodology [1991]: James Rumbaugh led a team at research labs of General Electric
to develop the Object Modeling Technique (OMT).
OOSE [1994]: Ivar Jacobson developed the Object Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE)
Rumbaugh’s Object Modeling Technique (OMT)
state transition diagram for Bank application user interface.
Object Modeling Techniques (OMT)
It was one of the first object oriented methodologies and was introduced by Rumbaugh in 1991.
OMT uses three different models that are combined in a way that is analogous to the older structured
OMT - Object Design:
Object design specifies all of the details needed to describe how the system will be
All of the classes, associations, attributes and operations are fully defined, together with the
operations and data structures and any internal objects needed for implementation.
OMT - System Design:
The system design phase deals with the high-level structure of the system
Identify global resources
Organize the system into subsystems
Identify boundary conditions
Identify concurrency
Allocate subsystems and tasks
Establish trade-off priorities
Choose a strategy for implementing data stores
Choose a strategy for implementing software controls
a. Analysis
The main goal of the analysis is to build models of the world.
The requirements of the users, developers and managers provide the information needed to develop
the initial problem statement.
II. Developing: It involves the detailed analysis, design and implementation of the system.
III. Deploying: It introduces the system to the user and subsequent maintenance of the system.
It consists of four phases which can be broken down into iterations.
Each iteration consists of nine work areas called disciplines.
A discipline depends on the phase in which the iteration is taking place.
For each discipline, RUP defines a set of artefacts (work products), activities (work undertaken on the
artefacts) and roles (the responsibilities of the members of the development team).
1. It represents the problem domain, because it is easier to produce and understand designs.
3. It provides nice structures for thinking, abstracting and leads to modular design.
4. Simplicity:
The software object's model complexity is reduced and the program structure is very clear.
5. Reusability:
It is a desired goal of all development process.
It contains both data and functions which act on data.
It makes easy to reuse the code in a new system.
Messages provide a predefined interface to an object's data and functionality.
6. Increased Quality:
This feature increases in quality is largely a by-product of this program reuse.
7. Maintainable:
The OOP method makes code more maintainable.
The objects can be maintained separately, making locating and fixing problems easier.
8. Scalable:
The object oriented applications are more scalable than structured approach.
It makes easy to replace the old and aging code with faster algorithms and newer technology.
9. Modularity:
The OOD systems are easier to modify.
It can be altered in fundamental ways without ever breaking up since changes are neatly encapsulated.
10. Modifiability:
It is easy to make minor changes in the data representation or the procedures in an object oriented
The Booch Methodology
Widely used OO method
Uses the object
paradigm Covers the design and analysis phase of an OO system
Criticized for his large set of symbols
Diagrams of Booch method
Class diagrams- describe roles and responsibilities of objects
Object diagrams- describe the desired behavior of the system in terms of scenarios
State transition diagrams -state of a class based on a stimulus
Module diagrams -to map out where each class & object should be declared
Process diagrams -to determine to which processor to allocate a process
Interaction diagrams -describes behavior of the system in terms of scenarios
Booch method prescribes:
Macro Development Process
Micro Development Process
An alarm class state transition diagram with Boochnotation. This diagram can capture the state of a
classbased on a stimulus. For example, a stimulus causes theclass to perform some processing, followed by
atransition to another state. In this case, the alarmsilenced state can be changed to alarm sounding stateand
vice versa.
Use Cases.
Object Oriented Software Engineering.
Object Oriented Business Engineering.
Use Cases
Understanding system requirements
Interaction between Users and Systems
Some uses of a library. As you can see, these are externalviews of the library system from the actor such as
amember. The simpler the use case, the more effective itwill be. It is unwise to capture all of the details right
atthe start;
Object Oriented Software Engineering.
Objectory is built around several different models:
1. Use case model- The use-case model defines the outside (actors) and inside (use case) of the
systems behavior.
2. Domain object model- The objects of the “real” world are mapped into the domain object model.
3. Analysis object model- The analysis object model presents how the source code (implementation)
should be carried out and written.
4. Implementation model- The implementation model represents the implementation of the system.
5. Test model -The test model constitutes the test plans, specifications, and reports.
The use case model is considered for every model and phase.
Object Oriented Business Engineering .OOBE is object modeling at the enterprise level.
Analysis phase
Design and Implementation phase
Testing phase
E.g. Unit testing, integration and system testing.
Why modeling
Blue print
Advantages of modeling
Easy to express complex ideas
Reduce complexity
Enhance & reinforce learning and training
Low cost
Easy to change the model
Software quality assurance (SQA) is a process which assures that all software engineering processes,
methods, activities and work items are monitored and comply against the defined standards. SQA
incorporates all software development processes starting from defining requirements to coding until
It is a set of activities for ensuring quality in software engineering processes. It ensures that developed
software meets and complies with the defined or standardized quality specifications. SQA is an
ongoing process within the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that routinely checks the
developed software to ensure it meets the desired quality measures.
SQA practices are implemented in most types of software development, regardless of the underlying
software development model being used. SQA incorporates and implements software testing
methodologies to test the software. Rather than checking for quality after completion, SQA processes
test for quality in each phase of development, until the software is complete. With SQA, the software
development process moves into the next phase only once the current/previous phase complies with
the required quality standards.
SQA generally works on one or more industry standards that help in building software quality
guidelines and implementation strategies.
It is simply a way to assure quality in the software. It is the set of activities which ensure processes,
procedures as well as standards suitable for the project and implemented correctly.
Software Quality Assurance is a process which works parallel to development of a software. It
focuses on improving the process of development of software so that problems can be prevented
before they become a major issue. Software Quality Assurance is a kind of an Umbrella activity that
is applied throughout the software process.
software Quality Assurance is the set of activities which ensure that the standards, processes and
procedures are suitable for the project and implemented correctly. It defines the fitness for use of the
total software product”. A good quality software does exactly what it is supposed to do and is interpreted
in terms of satisfaction of the requirement specification laid down by the user .
Quality - Quality of the software is checked to see if it meets the requirements, expectations and
demands of the customer and free from defects.
Assurance - It means ensuring the correctness of the results and security of the product, as it works
without any bug and according to the expectations.
Software quality assurance is a methodology that determines the extent to which a software product is fit for
The activities that are included for determining software quality are
Development of standards and guidelines
Production of reports
Review of quality system
Process definition
Process training
Process implementation
Process audit
SQA Processes
SQA includes the following processes:
Project Management
Project Estimation
Configuration Management
Requirements Management
Software Design
Software Development [Refer to SDLC]
Software Testing [Refer to STLC]
Software Deployment
Software Maintenance etc.
Quality Factors
Correctness − Correctness determines whether the software requirements are appropriately met.
Usability − Usability determines whether the software can be used by different categories of users
(beginners, non-technical, and experts).
Portability − Portability determines whether the software can operate in different platforms with
different hardware devices.
Maintainability − Maintainability determines the ease at which errors can be corrected and modules
can be updated.
Reusability − Reusability determines whether the modules and classes can be reused for developing
other software products.
5. Manage Good Relations:
In the working environment managing the good relation with other teams involved in the project
development is mandatory. Bad relation of sqa team with programmers team will impact directly and
badly on project. Don’t play politics.
It combines the ability to extend the program, adaptability, serviceability. These three term define
Testability, compatibility and configurability are the terms using which a system can be easily
installed and the problems can be found easily.
Supportability also consists of more attributes such as compatibility, extensibility, fault tolerance,
modularity, reusability, robustness, security, portability, scalability.
Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is an industry standard model. This model is used to develop and
refine processes of an organization.
This model is organized into the five levels of maturity.
Each level ranks the organization as per standardization of process assessed in the subject area.
The subject area can be software engineering, system engineering, project management, risk
management, system acquisition, information technology services etc.
A maturity model is a structured collection of element and explains the characteristics of effective
It is used as benchmark for accessing various organizations for equivalent comparison.
i) Initial
The software processes at this level are ad hoc and do not give a stable environment.
The success of project depends on the capability and braveness of the people in the organization.
There are no actual applications required to adopt planning, monitoring or controlling the process.
It is not possible to estimate the time and cost to develop the software.
ii) Repeatable
The software development processes are repeatable. They are not repeated for all the projects in the
An organization may use basic and constant project management processes to track cost, schedule and
The minimum process discipline is used to repeat earlier success of project with same applications.
iii) Defined
In defined level of maturity model, common engineering and management activities are standardized
and documented.
These standards are adapted and accepted for use on various projects.
Test documents and plans are reviewed and accepted before testing starts.
The groups of testers are independent from the developers.
The test outputs are used to determine when the software is ready.
iv) Managed
In managed level of maturity, detailed measure of the software process and product quality is
The software process and product are quantitatively understood and controlled.
v) Optimizing
This level show continuous improvement from previous levels and hence it is called as
The processes and new technologies are attempted, the outputs are measured and the evolutionary
and incremental changes are achieved for better quality levels.
ISO 9001 covers all the key processes in business i.e design, develop, create, install, service and
Processes are observed to verify that they are effective.
The records which are satisfactory are kept for further use.
The results are checked for defects. Proper and corrective action is taken, as necessary.
Separate process are reviewed regularly and quality process for the effectiveness. It makes continual
improvement easier.
ISO 9000-3
ISO 9000-3 covers key points in business i.e develop, supply, install and maintain computer software.
Develop detailed quality plans and procedures to control verification and validation, configuration
management, bugs and fixes.
Construct and receive approval for software development plan. Iit consists of definition of project, a
list of project objectives, schedule, specification and organization of a project and discussion about
risks, assumptions and strategies.
The software design review procedures are planned, developed, documented and performed.
Software test plans are developed and documented.
A method is developed to ensure tha it meets customer requirement.
The output records of test are maintained.
The procedures are developed to control the software's release process.
Define and recognize what type of quality information is necessary to collect.
The statistical techniques are used to analyze the software development process. These techniques are
also used to analyze the product quality.
Benefits of Software Quality Assurance (SQA):
Disadvantage of SQA:
There are a number of disadvantages of quality assurance. Some of them include adding more resources,
employing more workers to help maintain quality and so much more.
Testing Issues
To identify the testing issues raised by OO software
Testing issues related to OO software
1. Question of levels of testing
It requires clarification of OO units
Advantage of class-as-unit
1. Helpful in test case identification
2. OO integration testing can have clear goals
Namely – To check the cooperation of separately tested classes
Levels of testing – 1
Individual methods are units
Four levels Method
Unit testing- Class Intraclass
integration testing- Integration Interclass
integration testing-System At port level
traditional testing
Levels of testing – 2
Classes are units
Three levels Class
Unit testing
Interclass testing
Dataflow testing
Need analogue to dataflow testing of units in traditionalprograms Use a revised Petri net definition to
handle method calls between classes.
increased reusability
As classes form the main unit of object-oriented program, testing of classes is the main concern while
testing an OO program. At the class level, every class should be tested as an individual entity.
But UniqueTable class would need to evaluate the equivalence of elements and this could vary
depending on the representation of elemType. Example: class UniqueTable extends Table
insert(elemType entry); endclass;
4.)Implications of Polymorphism
Each possible binding of polymorphic component requires a seperate set of test cases.
Many server classes may need to be integrated before a client class can be tested.
It is difficult to determine such bindings.
It complicates the integration planning and testing.
5.)Implications for testing processes
to pursue and accomplish quality goals. Each phase provides a better way of implementation. The STLC life
cycle may vary from organizations to organizations, but the perspective to meet goal remains the same.
Test Case:
A test case is a document, which has a set of test data, preconditions, expected results and postconditions,
developed for a particular test scenario in order to verify compliance against a specific requirement.
Test Case acts as the starting point for the test execution, and after applying a set of input values, the
application has a definitive outcome and leaves the system at some end point or also known as execution
Let us say that we need to check an input field that can accept maximum of 10 characters.
While developing the test cases for the above scenario, the test cases are documented the following way. In
the below example, the first case is a pass scenario while the second case is a FAIL.
Verify that the input field that Login to application and Application Application accepts all 10
can accept maximum of 10 key in 10 characters should be able characters.
characters to accept all 10
Verify that the input field that Login to application and Application Application accepts all 10
can accept maximum of 11 key in 11 characters should NOT characters.
characters accept all 11
If the expected result doesn't match with the actual result, then we log a defect. The defect goes through the
defect life cycle and the testers address the same after fix.
During the process of software testing, test case defines the preconditions for test execution and offers an
insight into the various specification and requirements that are stated before the commencement of the
testing. An integral part of the process, this document is used to define various important components of the
software testing such as, testing inputs, execution conditions, testing procedures, and the expected results.
The main purpose of this document is to help testers meet the objective of testing as well as the
requirements stated before the commencement of the process.
1. Formal Test Case: For designing formal test cases, the team follows a standard format, which
allows them to create a test case that offers ease of understanding to other members of the team and that
cover all the possible tests completely. Formal test cases are further divided into two types of test cases-
positive and negative, which are mainly designed to ensure that all the requirements of the application are
tested properly by the team. Formal test case also offers various details about the software such as
preconditions, input & output data, among other things.
2. Informal Test Case: These test cases are mainly designed for applications and software without any
formal requirement or specification. Informal test cases can be written in a manner that is considered fit by
the team or by the individual responsible for creating test case. Moreover, in this type of test case the input
and output are now known to the team.
Importance of Test Case:
In software testing the relevance and importance of test case is monumental. It is a vital document prepared
during the early stages of software testing that specifies the inputs, execution conditions, testing procedures,
etc, of a testing process. With the assistance of this document, the team can offer an insight into the testing
process to other members of the team as well as the client and the concerned stakeholders. Test case allows
them to establish transparency among members and improves communication within the team.
Other reasons that make test case an integral part of software testing are:
With the assistance of test cases testers can find defects and issues in the test design, which is
covered by requirements.
Helps identify usability issues, as the whole process is monitored.
Enables the team to record the testing procedure and activities, which can be helpful in
It organizes the complete testing process.
Helps validate if all requirements are fulfilled or not.
It ensures accurate test coverage.
A test case document offers miscellaneous information about the software testing process. From the basic
requirements to the testing procedure, everything is covered in this document, which offers the team an
opportunity to communicate major details about the process with other members of the team as well as the
Test title.
Test scenarios.
Test descriptions.
Steps & procedure.
Actual & expected results.
Test environment.
As one of the most significant document prepared during the software testing life cycle (STLC), the
document for test case needs to be designed with great care and accuracy. The details or information
included in it should be described in a manner that is understandable and precise. Hence, following are some
factors that need consideration while preparing the test case document.
A test plan is a detailed document that describes the test strategy, objectives, schedule, estimation and
deliverables and resources required for testing. Test Plan helps us determine the effort needed to validate the
quality of the application under test. The test plan serves as a blueprint to conduct software testing activities
as a defined process which is minutely monitored and controlled by the test manager.
A test plan is a document describing software testing scope and activities. It is the basis for formally testing
any software/product in a project.
Test planning, the most important activity to ensure that there is initially a list of tasks and milestones in a
baseline plan to track the progress of the project. It also defines the size of the test effort.
It is the main document often called as master test plan or a project test plan and usually developed during
the early phase of the project.
In Software Testing there are numerous components and documents that help testers in executing the
process of testing. From creating a particular plan to resolving issues and retesting the software, the
importance of these documents is immense and without them the team can encounter various issues
and challenges which can impact the performance and functionality of the software under
development. Test case and test plan are two important documents that play a significant role in
defining as well as managing the procedure of testing and offering the team vital information
Preparing a detailed plan is always helpful and advised by people all around the world. It simplifies
the process and helps keep a track of the activities that are performed based on it. Similarly, test plan
is a document prepared during the early stages of software testing life cycle (STLC), based on which
the process of testing is executed. This document describes the scope and objective of testing along
with the steps taken to achieve it. In short, test plan can be termed as the blueprint for software
testing, wherein the numerous testing techniques, methodologies, tools, approaches, testing activities,
Derived from the Software Requirements Specification document which is prepared by the team lead
or manager, the test plan includes a detailed description of all the steps taken to meet the stated
Types of Test Plan:
Test plan document is the most important and the first document published by the team before the process of
testing is initiated. It defines the strategy and philosophy behind testing and is mainly created to simplify
communication among team members and to monitor various activities performed during the process. Test
plan document can be categorized into three types, which consist different levels of information and details
and cater to different types of testing performed by the software testers. These types of test plans are:
Master Test Plan: This is a high level test plan that is created to plan and manage projects with
multiple level of tests. This includes a summary of required resources, responsibilities, and tools &
Level Specific Test Plan: Second type of test plan is the level specific test plan, wherein the plans
are prepared for each level of software testing, such as performance testing, unit testing, system
testing, etc.
Type Specific Test Plan: Here, the plans are prepared for major types of testing which require
Whether you are preparing for your exam or shifting to a new city, plans are always there to help us out in
difficult situations and processes. Likewise, in software testing also test plan help testers in numerous ways,
which make it a vital part of the whole process. Therefore, following are some reasons that increase the
Help people outside the test team such as developers, business managers, customers understand the
details of testing.
Test Plan guides our thinking. Important aspects like test estimation, test scope, Test
Strategy are documented in Test Plan, so it can be reviewed by Management Team and re-used for
other projects.
With the assistance of test plan testers can determine the efforts required to validate the effectiveness
Testers use test plan document to communicate important features, components, and details about the
software testing process with various members of the team, client, and other stakeholders of the
It guides the team and the testing process.
Helps the team monitor the process of testing as well as identify any deviances.
Allows the team to document and report various important details about the process, such as the
Test plan document covers a vast section of the testing process and offers great insight into it. From defining
the main scope & objective of testing to offering a comparison between the expected and actual output, the
3. Test items A test item is a software item that is the application under test.
5. Features not to be tested Identify the features and the reasons for not including as part of testing.
7. Item pass/fail criteria Documented whether a software item has passed or failed its test.
8. Test deliverables The deliverables that are delivered as part of the testing process,such as test
plans, test specifications and test summary reports.
9. Testing tasks All tasks for planning and executing the testing.
10. Environmental needs Defining the environmental requirements such as hardware, software, OS,
network configurations, tools required.
11. Responsibilities Lists the roles and responsibilities of the team members.
12. Staffing and training Captures the actual staffing requirements and any specific skills and training
needs requirements.
13. Schedule States the important project delivery dates and key milestones.
14. Risks and Mitigation High-level project risks and assumptions and a mitigating plan for each
identified risk.
15. Approvals Captures all approvers of the document, their titles and the sign off date.
Test Planning Activities:
To determine the scope and the risks that need to be tested and that are NOT to be tested.
Documenting Test Strategy.
Making sure that the testing activities have been included.
Deciding Entry and Exit criteria.
Evaluating the test estimate.
Planning when and how to test and deciding how the test results will be evaluated, and defining test
exit criterion.
The Test artefacts delivered as part of test execution.
Defining the management information, including the metrics required and defect resolution and risk
Ensuring that the test documentation generates repeatable test assets.
Sample of a Test Case
Here is an example of a test case:
Precondition: the user must already be registered with an email address and password.
Test Steps:
1. Navigate to gmail.com
2. In the ’email’ field, enter the email address of the registered user.
3. Click the ‘Next’ button.
4. Enter the password of the registered user
5. Click ‘Sign In’
Expected Result: A page displaying the gmail user’s inbox should load, showing any new message at the
top of the page.
Types of testingTools:
S.No. Tool Type Used for Used by
4. Test data Preparation Tools Analysis and Design, Test data Testers
You already know that making a Test Plan is the most important task of Test Management Process. Follow
the seven steps below to create a test plan as per IEEE 829
Step 1) Analyze the product
How can you test a product without any information about it? The answer is Impossible. You must learn a
product thoroughly before testing it.
The product under test is Guru99 banking website. You should research clients and the end users to know
their needs and expectations from the application
Test Strategy is a critical step in making a Test Plan. A Test Strategy document, is a high-level document,
which is usually developed by Test Manager. This document defines:
Back to your project, you need to develop Test Strategy for testing that banking website. You should follow
steps below
Before the start of any test activity, scope of the testing should be known
The components of the system to be tested (hardware, software, middleware, etc.) are defined as "in
The components of the system that will not be tested also need to be clearly defined as being "out of
Defining the scope of your testing project is very important for all stakeholders. A precise scope helps you
Give everyone a confidence & accurate information of the testing you are doing
All project members will have a clear understanding about what is tested and what is not
Now should clearly define the "in scope" and "out of scope" of the testing.
As the software requirement specs, the project Guru99 Bank only focus on testing all
the functions and external interface of website Guru99 Bank (in scope testing)
Nonfunctional testing such as stress, performance or logical database currently will not be tested.
(out of scope)
Problem Scenario
The customer wants you to test his API. But the project budget does not permit to do so. In such a case what
will you do?
Well, in such case you need to convince the customer that Api Testing is extra work and will consume
significant resources. Give him data supporting your facts. Tell him if Api Testing is included in-scope the
budget will increase by XYZ amount.
The customer agrees and accordingly the new scopes, out of scope items are
A Testing Type is a standard test procedure that gives an expected test outcome.
Each testing type is formulated to identify a specific type of product bugs. But, all Testing Types are aimed at
achieving one common goal “Early detection of all the defects before releasing the product to the customer”
Step 2.3) Document Risk & Issues
Risk is future’s uncertain event with a probability of occurrence and a potential for loss. When the risk
actually happens, it becomes the ‘issue’.
In the article Risk Analysis and Solution, you have already learned about the ‘Risk’ analysis in detail and
identified potential risks in the project.
Risk Mitigation
Team member lack the required skills for website Plan training course to skill up your members
The project schedule is too tight; it's hard to complete Set Test Priority for each of the test activity.
this project on time
Test Manager has poor management skill Plan leadership training for manager
A lack of cooperation negatively affects your Encourage each team member in his task, and
employees' productivity inspire them to greater efforts.
Wrong budget estimate and cost overruns Establish the scope before beginning work, pay a lot
of attention to project planning and constantly track
and measure the progress
Step 2.4) Create Test Logistics
In Test Logistics, the Test Manager should answer the following questions:
You may not know exact names of the tester who will test, but the type of tester can be defined.
To select the right member for specified task, you have to consider if his skill is qualified for the task or not,
also estimate the project budget. Selecting wrong member for the task may cause the project to fail or delay.
Person having the following skills is most ideal for performing software testing:
In your project, the member who will take in charge for the test execution is the tester. Base on the project
budget, you can choose in-source or outsource member as the tester.
You will start to test when you have all required items shown in following figure
Test Objective is the overall goal and achievement of the test execution. The objective of the testing is
finding as many software defects as possible; ensure that the software under test is bug free before release.
1. List all the software features (functionality, performance, GUI…) which may need to test.
2. Define the target or the goal of the test based on above features
Let’s apply these steps to find the test objective of your Guru99 Bank testing project
You can choose the ‘TOP-DOWN’ method to find the website’s features which may need to test. In this
method, you break down the application under test to component and sub-component.
In the previous topic, you have already analyzed the requirement specs and walk through the website, so you
can create a Mind-Map to find the website features as following
This figure shows all the features which the Guru99 website may have.
Based on above features, you can define the Test Objective of the project Guru99 as following
Step 4) Define Test Criteria
Test Criteria is a standard or rule on which a test procedure or test judgment can be based. There’re 2 types
of test criteria as following
Suspension Criteria
Specify the critical suspension criteria for a test. If the suspension criteria are met during testing, the active
test cycle will be suspended until the criteria are resolved.
Example: If your team members report that there are 40% of test cases failed, you should suspend testing
until the development team fixes all the failed cases.
Exit Criteria
It specifies the criteria that denote a successful completion of a test phase. The exit criteria are the targeted
results of the test and are necessary before proceeding to the next phase of development. Example: 95% of
all critical test cases must pass.
Some methods of defining exit criteria are by specifying a targeted run rate and pass rate.
Run rate is ratio between number test cases executed/total test cases of test specification. For
example, the test specification has total 120 TCs, but the tester only executed 100 TCs, So the run rate
is 100/120 = 0.83 (83%)
Pass rate is ratio between numbers test cases passed / test cases executed. For example, in above
100 TCs executed, there’re 80 TCs that passed, so the pass rate is 80/100 = 0.8 (80%)
This data can be retrieved in Test Metric documents.
Example:Your Team has already done the test executions. They report the test result to you, and they want
you to confirm the Exit Criteria.
Resource plan is a detailed summary of all types of resources required to complete project task. Resource
could be human, equipment and materials needed to complete a project
The resource planning is important factor of the test planning because helps in determining the number of
resources (employee, equipment…) to be used for the project. Therefore, the Test Manager can make the
correct schedule & estimation for the project.
Human Resource
System Resource
For testing, a web application, you should plan the resources as following tables:
This includes a separate web server, database server, and application server if
2. Test tool The testing tool is to automate the testing, simulate the user operation,
generate the test results
There are tons of test tools you can use for this project such as Selenium,
3. Network You need a Network include LAN and Internet to simulate the real business
and user environment
4. Computer The PC which users often use to connect the web server
A testing environment is a setup of software and hardware on which the testing team is going to execute test
cases. The test environment consists of real business and user environment, as well as physical
environments, such as server, front end running environment.
Back to your project, how do you set up test environment for this banking website?
To finish this task, you need a strong cooperation between Test Team and Development Team
what is the maximum user connection which this website can handle at the same time?
What are hardware/software requirements to install this website?
Does the user's computer need any particular setting to browse the website?
Step 7) Schedule & Estimation
In the article Test estimation, you already used some techniques to estimate the effort to complete the project.
Now you should include that estimation as well as the schedule to the Test Planning
In the Test Estimation phase, suppose you break out the whole project into small tasks and add the estimation
for each task as below
Making schedule is a common term in project management. By creating a solid schedule in the Test
Planning, the Test Manager can use it as tool for monitoring the project progress, control the cost overruns.
To create the project schedule, the Test Manager needs several types of input as below:
Employee and project deadline: The working days, the project deadline, resource availability are
the factors which affected to the schedule
Project estimation: Base on the estimation, the Test Manager knows how long it takes to complete
the project. So he can make the appropriate project schedule
Project Risk : Understanding the risk helps Test Manager add enough extra time to the project
schedule to deal with the risks
Step 8) Test Deliverables
Test Deliverables is a list of all the documents, tools and other components that has to be developed and
maintained in support of the testing effort.
There are different test deliverables at every phase of the software development lifecycle.
Test Scripts
Test Data
Test Traceability Matrix
Error logs and execution logs.
Test Results/reports
Defect Report
Installation/ Test procedures guidelines
Release notes
You’ll find gaps in the design early
You’ll find usability issues
New hires can pick up and test the application without much, or any training
It builds empathy for the users of your product
It helps you and others learn the product