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Mantenimiento Compresor Blackmer

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Blackmer compressor service and maintenance shall be performed by qualified technicians only. Service
and maintenance shall conform to all applicable local and national regulations and safety standards.

Daily Weekly Monthly 6 Months Yearly
Overall Visual Check X
Check Crankcase Oil Pressure X
Check Suction Pressure X
Check Discharge Pressure X
Drain Distance Piece (Double-Seal Models) X
Drain Liquid From Accumulation Points X
Clean Compressor Cooling Fins X
Check Crankcase Oil Level * X*
Check Mounting and Anchor Bolts X
Check V-Belt Tension X
Change Oil and External Oil Filter * X*
Check Inlet Filter/Strainer Element X
Inspect Valves X
Lubricate 4-way Valve X
Lubricate Motor Bearings per Manufacturer's Suggestions X
Inspect Motor Starter Contact Points X
* Change oil every 1,000 hours of operation, or every 6 months which ever occurs first. If the oil becomes unusually dirty,
change oil and external filter as often as needed to maintain clean oil.
Table 5 - Service Schedule

Description Used For:
Blackmer Wrench 790535 Valve Hold-down screw
Blackmer Packing Installation Tool Rod-packing protection during installation.
790536 for 160 and 360 Series Compressors
790538 for 600 Series Compressors
3" Adjustable Spanner with 1/4" pins Piston Nut, Piston, Packing Box Hold-down Ring
(Blackmer PN 790316)
9/16", 5/8" or 3/4" End Wrench Cylinder and Crosshead Guide
1-1/16" Wrench or Socket Valve Caps
Allen Wrenches: 3/16", 1/4", 3/8" Valves
Sockets: 7/16", 1/2", 9/16", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8" Various
Internal Snap Ring Pliers Seal Replacement
Feeler gauges or Depth Micrometer Piston Clearance
Screwdriver, Flat Blade Nameplate screws, Packing Installation
Rubber Mallet
Arbor Press Wrist Pin Removal
Bearing Puller Crankshaft Bearings
Torque Wrench Various
Hoist (useful) Cylinder and Crosshead Guide
Table 6 - TOOL LIST

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Bearing Crankcase Valve Valve
Connecting Bearing Crosshead Piston Valve
Size Cover Inspection Cylinder Head Cover Hold Down
Rod Bolt Carrier Guide Nut Cap
Plate Plate Plate Screw
30 30 35 7 25 25 20 40 120 80
160 --
(40.7) (40.7) (47.5) (9.5) (33.9) (33.9) (27.1) (54) (163) (108)
35 30 35 7 35 35 40 40 35 80 80
(47.5) (40.7) (47.5) (9.5) (47.5) (47.5) (54)) (54) (47.5) (108) (108)
45 30 40 7 40 40 40 60 35 80 80
(61) (40.7) (54) (9.5) (54) (54) (54) (81) (47.5) (108) (108)
Table 7 - Bolt Torque

Change the crankcase oil every 1,000
hours or 180 days, whichever is shorter.
Under severe dusty or sandy operating
conditions, the oil should be changed
every 500 hours or every 90 days.
A high quality non-detergent oil is
recommended. The oil used should
be of high quality such as API grade
SF, SG, SH or similar. API grade SA,
SB, SC or similar oils should never
be used. Recycled oils should
never be used.
Consult factory for special lubricating
Before changing the oil, bring the
compressor up to normal operating
temperature. Remove the crankcase
drain plug and drain the oil into an
adequately sized container. Remove
the oil pickup screen and clean in a
suitable solvent. When reinstalling the
Figure 8 - Compressor Lubrication System
pickup screen, inspect the metal gasket
and the O-ring for damage, replacing as
necessary. If equipped, replace the
external oil filter. See Figure 8.
Refill the crankcase via the dipstick opening. DO NOT Models Quarts
LB161B, LB162B 2
The oil pump on these models will operate in either LB361B, LB362C 3
direction of crankshaft rotation. LB601B, LB602B 7
Table 8 - Oil Capacity
1. The oil pressure should be about 25 psig
(173 KPa). Air Temperature Oil Viscosity
2. Loosen the locknut. Below 0qF (-18qC) SAE 5W
3. Increase the pressure setting by turning the 0 to 32qF (-18 to 0qC) SAE 10W
adjusting screw inward, CLOCKWISE. 32 to 80qF (0 to 27qC) SAE 20W
Decrease the pressure setting by turning the 80qF (27qC) and above SAE 30W
adjusting screw outward, COUNTER-CLOCKWISE. Table 9 - Oil Viscosity
4. Retighten the locknut.

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6. Packing Box Removal
a. Using an adjustable spanner wrench, remove
FAILURE TO DISCONNNECT AND the packing box hold-down rings. (Replace the
LOCKOUT ELECTRICAL POWER OR nylon locking inserts in the hold-down rings
during reassembly.)
PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH b. Remove the packing box and packing box O-
machinery can ring from each piston rod. Double-Seal models
cause serious
personal injury.
will have a spacer ring and a second packing
box O-ring to remove from each piston rod.
c. For disassembly of the packing boxes, refer to
FAILURE TO RELIEVE SYSTEM the "Seal (Packing) Replacement" section of
7. Remove the crosshead guide capscrews, and lift
PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY the crosshead guide and gasket off.
Hazardous pressure
can cause serious DAMAGE. 8. To remove the connecting rod assemblies, with the
personal injury or
property damage crossheads attached, it may be necessary to drain
the oil from the crankcase. The piston rod is
permanently attached to the crosshead to form a
VENTING PRESSURE FROM THE single assembly. Do not attempt disassembly.
COMPRESSOR PIPING COULD a. Remove the inspection plate from the
b. Remove the locknuts from the connecting rod
CAUSING SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY bolts. This will release the connecting rod cap
Hazardous gases
can cause property OR DEATH. (the lower half of the connecting rod) and the
damage, personal
injury or death
two halves of the bearing insert. The
connecting rod and the connecting rod cap are
NOTICE: marked with a dot on one side so that they can
Before starting work on the compressor, make sure be properly aligned when reassembling.
all pressure is bled off on both the suction and c. Lift the crosshead assembly and connecting
discharge. rod off the top of the crankcase.
1. Remove the center head capscrews from the NOTICE:
cylinder head. Remove the outer cylinder head The connecting rod parts are not interchangeable
capscrews. and must be reassembled with the same upper and
2. Remove the cylinder head assembly and cylinder lower halves. To avoid confusion, work on one
head O-rings from the cylinder. The suction and connecting rod at a time, or mark the individual
discharge valve assemblies will come off with the halves with corresponding numbers.
cylinder head. For valve replacement instructions, 9. Remove the opposite connecting rod and
refer to the "Valve Replacement" section of this crosshead assembly in the same manner as
manual. outlined in step 8.
3. Removal of the piston requires a 3" adjustable 10. Rest the crosshead assembly on a bench.
spanner wrench with 1/4" pins, such as Blackmer Carefully drive the wrist pin and wrist pin plugs out
PN 790316. of the crosshead and connecting rod using a
a. Rotate the flywheel by hand to bring a piston to suitable pin driver or an arbor press. Removal of
top dead center of the cylinder. the pin releases the crosshead assembly from the
b. Remove the piston nut by turning the nut connecting rod.
counterclockwise. (The nylon locking insert in 11. If necessary, the wrist pin bushings can be replaced
the piston nut must be replaced during after the crossheads are removed. New bushings
reassembly.) must be honed to the proper size after installation.
c. To remove the piston from the cylinder, turn it
counterclockwise with the use of the adjustable
spanner wrench. For removal and replacement
of the piston rings, refer to the "Compressor
Assembly" section.
d. Remove the thrust washer and any shims.
Keep the shims and piston together.
e. Repeat these steps for the other piston.
4. Remove the cylinder capscrews.
5. Lift the cylinder and cylinder O-rings from the
crosshead guide (or distance piece).
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12. To replace the crankshaft bearings, the crankcase Compressor Bushing I.D.
must be disassembled, and the crankshaft Model Inches (mm)
removed. Refer to the "Bearing Replacement" LB161B, LB162B 0.8753 to 0.8756
section of this manual. LB361B, LB362C (22.233 to 22.240)
1.2511 to 1.2514
LB601B, LB602B
(31.778 to 31.786)
Table 10 - Wrist Pin Bushing Dimensions

Compressor assembly is generally the opposite of 2. CROSSHEAD GUIDE
compressor disassembly. Before reassembling, clean a. Place the crosshead guide gasket on top of the
each part thoroughly. Check all machined surfaces for crankcase.
burrs or roughness, and file lightly if necessary. b. Lubricate the inside bore of the crosshead
Replace any O-rings or gaskets that are removed or guide with light oil.
disturbed during service. c. Set the crosshead guide over the piston rods
and the crossheads, and slowly lower it against
1. CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY the crankcase. Make certain that the
After replacing the crankshaft, bearing carrier, and crosshead assemblies are started straight in
bearing cover plate, the connecting rod and the bores of the crosshead guide to prevent
crosshead can be assembled in the crankcase. See binding when lowering the crosshead guide into
the "Bearing Replacement" section. position.
a. To attach the connecting rod to the crosshead d. Install the crosshead guide capscrews. DO
assembly, first coat the wrist pin, the wrist pin NOT tighten.
bore in the crosshead assembly, and the wrist
3. Fill the crankcase with oil. Refer to the "Crankcase
pin bushing in the connecting rod with grease.
Lubrication" section. Squirt oil into the crankshaft,
b. Start the wrist pin in the bore of the crosshead
roller bearings, crankshaft journals, and crosshead
assembly and tap lightly until the pin begins to
assemblies to ensure proper lubrication at start up.
project through to the inside of the crosshead
assembly. 4. Attach the inspection plate and the inspection plate
c. Slide the connecting rod up inside of the gasket to the crankcase.
crosshead assembly and align the bushing with
the wrist pin. 5. PACKING BOX ASSEMBLIES
d. Lightly tap the wrist pin through the connecting Before installing the packing boxes into the
crosshead guide, inspect the piston rods for scoring
rod until it is centered in the crosshead
assembly. The wrist pin should be snug in the or roughness. Remove any burrs or sharp edges.
crosshead assembly. The connecting rod Lubricate the piston rods and packing box O-rings
with light oil. Do not damage the packing when
should rotate freely on the wrist pin, but should
not be loose. starting it over the rod. Use of a Blackmer
e. Dip the wrist pin plugs in grease and press packing installation tool is recommended.
them against the ends of the wrist pin. Single-Seal Models
f. Place the bearing halves into each half of the a. Insert the packing box O-ring into the
connecting rod, aligning the bearing tangs with crosshead guide.
the slots in the connecting rod. Coat the b. Start the packing box assembly, short end
bearing with grease. down, over the piston rod and into the counter-
g. Set the top of the connecting rod over the bored hole of the crosshead guide.
crankshaft journal. Replace the connecting rod c. Install the packing box retainer ring, with new
cap with the dots on the connecting rod and nylon locking inserts, and tighten securely.
cap on the same side. d. Repeat the above steps for the remaining
h. Start the nuts on the connecting rod bolts and packing box.
torque per Table 7 - "Bolt Torque." Double-Seal Models
i. Follow this same procedure for the opposite a. Insert the lower packing box O-ring into the
connecting rod. crosshead guide.
b. Start the packing box assembly, short end
down, over the piston rod and into the
crosshead guide.

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c. After the lower set of packing is started over the 11. PISTON CLEARANCE
piston rod, make sure the oil deflector ring is a. Rotate the flywheel by hand to bring one piston
properly aligned (with the flat side down) over to the top.
the piston rod. Use the hole in the side of the b. Measure the distance from the top of the piston
packing box to center the deflector ring. Once to the top of the cylinder.
the deflector ring is over the rod, the packing
box can be fully inserted. LB161B .010" to .025"
d. Install the upper packing box O-ring on the end (.254 to .635 mm
of the packing box.
e. Place the packing box spacer ring over the LB162B .015" to .030"
O-ring. (.381 to .762 mm)
f. Install the packing box retainer ring, with new LB361B .020" to .035"
nylon locking inserts, and tighten securely. (.508 to .889 mm)
g. Repeat the above steps for the remaining
LB362C .025" to .040"
packing box.
(.635 to 1.016 mm)
6. Rotate the crankshaft by hand a few times, then LB601B .020" to .035"
uniformly tighten the crosshead guide capscrews (.508 to .889 mm)
per Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."
LB602B .030" to .045"
7. Break in new packing per the "Seal (Packing) (.762 to 1.143 mm)
Replacement" section of this manual.
Table 11 - Piston Clearance
a. Install new O-rings in the bottom of the cylinder. c. If necessary, remove the piston and add or
A small amount of grease may be used to hold subtract shims accordingly.
the O-rings in place during assembly. d. Install new nylon locking inserts in the piston
b. Set the cylinder over the piston rods and retainer nuts.
against the crosshead guide. e. Thread the piston nut onto the piston rod and
c. Install the cylinder capscrews. DO NOT tighten securely with the spanner wrench.
tighten. f. Follow this same procedure for the second
a. Place an expander in the top groove of the 12. CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY
piston. Place an expander in the second If the valve assemblies have been removed from
groove with the break in this expander 180 the cylinder head, refer to the "Valve Replacement"
degrees from the break of the top expander. section of this manual.
Place the third expander in the bottom groove a. Place the cylinder head O-rings in the grooves
with its break in the same position as the top located on top of the cylinder.
expander. b. Place the cylinder head assembly on top of the
b. Place piston rings in all three grooves of the cylinder.
piston. Align the breaks in the piston rings c. Hand tighten the outer capscrews and center
directly opposite the breaks in the capscrews into the cylinder head.
corresponding expanders. d. Gaskets MUST be used on the center
10. PISTONS capscrews of the LB161 and LB162 models.
a. Rotate the flywheel by hand to bring one piston e. Uniformly torque the cylinder head capscrews
rod to top dead center of the cylinder assembly. per Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."
b. Set the thrust washer and one shim on the 13. Rotate the compressor by hand to verify that it turns
shoulder of the piston rod. freely. Ensure that the pistons are not hitting the
c. With light pressure, squeeze the piston rings cylinder head assembly.
inward while threading the piston clockwise
onto the rod. Tighten with the 3" adjustable 14. Follow all procedures listed in the "Pre-Startup
spanner wrench. Check List" and "Startup Procedure" sections of this
d. Follow this same procedure for the second manual.
piston. 15. Start the compressor and bring to normal operating
e. Rotate the crankshaft by hand a number of temperature. Stop the compressor, allow it to cool
times to verify that the pistons are centered in and retorque the valve hold down screws per Table
the cylinder bores. Adjust the cylinder so that 7 -"Bolt Torque."
the pistons DO NOT touch the cylinder walls.
f. Using an alternating pattern, torque the cylinder
capscrews per Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."

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Figure 9 - Valve Location

Suction and discharge valves MUST be installed in the
correct cylinder head locations. See Figure 9.
The valves may be removed without removing the
cylinder head from the cylinder. Be sure to remove and
replace the valve gaskets.


VALVES PROPERLY CAN LEAD TO Figure 10 - LB161 or LB162 Valves
Hazardous pressure
can cause serious
6. Ensure that the old gasket is removed, then install a
personal injury or
property damage
new valve gasket.
7. To reinstall the suction valves:
a. Install the valve assembly in the cylinder head.
FAILURE TO INSTALL COMPRESSOR Ensure the correct orientation and location of
LEAKAGE OF EXPLOSIVE GAS b. Center the liquid relief body on the valve
POSSIBLY CAUSING SEVERE c. Install the hold down screw and tighten per
Hazardous gases
can cause property Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."
damage, personal
injury or death d. Drop the liquid relief ball and the liquid relief
spring into the opening of the liquid relief body.
FAILURE TO INSTALL COMPRESSOR e. Insert the liquid relief adjusting screw and
VALVES PROPERLY CAN RESULT IN adjust clockwise until the top of the screw is
EXTREME DISCHARGE approximately 3/8" (9.5 mm) above the top of
TEMPERATURES. THIS COULD BE AN the liquid relief body. Add the locknut and
tighten securely.
Hazardous gases
can cause property
CAUSING SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY 8. To reinstall the discharge valves:
damage, personal OR DEATH. a. Install the valve assembly in the cylinder head.
injury or death
Verify the correct valve orientation and location.
MODELS LB161B or LB162B - see Figure 10. b. Center the valve cage on the valve assembly.
1. Remove the valve cap and O-ring from the valve c. Install the hold down screw and tighten per
being serviced. Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."
2. Remove the valve hold down screw with a spanner 9. Install the valve cap and O-ring. A little oil or
wrench, such as Blackmer PN 790535. grease on the O-ring will help hold it in place during
3. Suction valve - Remove the liquid relief valve body,
valve assembly and gasket. DO NOT drop the 10. After replacing the valves, rotate the flywheel by
liquid relief ball and spring into the head interior. hand to check for interference between the pistons
and the valves.
4. Discharge valve - Remove the discharge valve
cage, valve assembly and gasket. 11. After 60 minutes running time, remove the valve
cap and retorque the hold down screw. Replace
5. Inspect the valve for wear or breakage.
the valve cap and O-ring.

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MODELS LB361B, LB362C, LB601B or LB602B
7. To reinstall the suction valves:
a. Adjust the liquid relief valve adjusting screw
clockwise until the screw is flush with the top of
the liquid relief valve body, or no more than
1/16" (1.6 mm) above the top of the liquid relief
valve body.
b. Ensure that the old gasket is removed, then
install a new valve gasket.
c. Install the valve assembly with the liquid relief
valve upward. Verify the correct valve
orientation and location.
d. Install the valve spacer.
e. Ensure the valve hold down screw is removed
from the cover plate, then place the cover plate
and new O-ring in position.
f. Install the valve cover plate capscrews and
tighten per Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."
g. Install and tighten the hold down screw per
Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."
h. Install the valve cap with a new gasket.
8. To reinstall the discharge valves:
a. Ensure that the old gasket is removed, then
install a new valve gasket.
b. Install the valve assembly with the plug
downward. Verify the correct valve orientation
and location.
Figure 11 - c. Install the valve post, small end first.
LB361, LB362, LB601 & LB602 Valves
d. Install the valve spacer.
e. Ensure the valve hold down screw is removed
from the cover plate, then place the cover plate
1. Remove the valve cap and gasket from the valve and new O-ring in position.
being serviced.
f. Install the valve cover plate capscrews and
2. Remove the valve hold down screw with an allen tighten per Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."
wrench. g. Install and tighten the hold down screw per
3. Remove the valve cover plate capscrews then lift Table 7 - "Bolt Torque."
off the cover plate and O-ring. h. Install the valve cap with a new gasket.
4. Suction valves: remove the spacer, suction valve 9. After replacing the valves, rotate the flywheel by
assembly and valve gasket. hand to check for interference between the pistons
5. Discharge valves: remove the spacer, post, and the valves.
discharge valve, and valve gasket. 10. After 60 minutes running time, remove the valve
6. Inspect the valve for wear or breakage. Repair or cap and re-torque the hold down screw. Replace
replace as necessary. the valve cap and gasket.

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Follow steps 1 through 6 of the "Compressor b. Install the packing rings, spring, washers, and
Disassembly" section of this manual. the second retainer ring. To ease installation
on the second retainer ring, use a screwdriver
1. Remove the upper and lower retainer ring from the
handle and press on the last washer to
packing box being serviced. Disassemble the
compress the seal spring slightly.
packing box and discard the old packing sets and
c. Insert the oil deflector ring through the top of
packing springs.
the packing box, flat side down, into the cavity
between the upper and lower packing. The oil
deflector ring will be positioned between the
two sets of packing.
d. Install the upper packing set starting with the
inner retainer ring.
6. Packing Break-in
The lower packing MUST be manually lubricated
with oil several times during the first 60 minutes of
compressor operation to prevent overheating of the
piston rods and potential damage to the packing
To lubricate the packing:
a. Remove the inspection plate from the
crosshead guide.
b. Run the compressor for 5 minutes then stop
Figure 12 - Typical Seal Assembly the compressor for 5 minutes to allow adequate
cooling of the piston rods.
c. Using a small oil can, lubricate the piston rods
each time the compressor is stopped.


machinery can
cause serious
personal injury.

Figure 13 - TYPE 1 Seal Orientation

2. Clean the packing box in a suitable solvent. Inspect COULD RELEASE EXPLOSIVE GAS TO
the bore for wear, roughness, or corrosion. Clean THE ATMOSPHERE CREATING AN
or replace as necessary. EXPLOSION HAZARD, POSSIBLY
3. Ensure that the 6th digit of the Compressor ID Hazardous gases
can cause property
number is a "1", indicating a TYPE 1 packing damage, personal
injury or death
arrangement. See "Nameplate Data" in this
manual. Refer to Figures 12 and 13 for proper
TYPE 1 component location and orientation. 7. Proceed according to steps 5 through 15 of the
"Compressor Assembly" section.
4. Single-Seal Packing Boxes
a. Install the lower retainer ring.
b. Install the packing rings, spring, washers, and
the upper retainer ring. To ease installation on
the second retainer ring, use a screwdriver
handle and press on the last washer to
compress the seal spring slightly.
5. Two-Seal Packing Boxes
a. Install the inner retainer ring of the lower

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NOTICE: When replacing the bearings, the entire c. Note the proper orientation and carefully press
bearing assembly, including the bearing cup and the outboard bearing cup into the bearing
the bearing cone, must be replaced. carrier assembly.
d. Press a bearing cone onto each end of the
1. Follow steps 1 through 12 of the "Compressor crankshaft with the tapered end outward. The
Disassembly" section. bearing race should rest against the shoulder
on the crankshaft.
2. Remove the Oil Pump per the section titled "Oil
Pump Replacement." e. Lubricate the bearings with grease.

3. Remove the flywheel. 8. Install the crankshaft through the outboard end of
the crankcase.
4. Remove the bearing carrier and gasket from the
outboard end of the crankcase. The outboard 9. With the oil pump assembly removed, install the
bearing cup will come off with the bearing carrier bearing carrier and new gasket. The bolt hole
and will need to be removed with a bearing removal positions ensure proper orientation. Tighten the
tool. bolts evenly per Table 7 - Bolt Torque."

5. Remove the key from the crankshaft and slide the 10. If the bearings have not been replaced, reinstall the
crankshaft through the outboard end of the inboard bearing cover plate using the existing shim
crankcase. The bearing cones can then be set. If the bearings have been replaced, use a
removed with a bearing puller. thicker set of shims.

6. Remove the bearing cover plate from the inboard 11. Rotate the crankshaft by hand to verify free
end of the crankcase. The inboard bearing cup is movement of the shaft.
pressed into the crankcase and can be removed a. If the crankshaft has an excessive amount of
with the use of a bearing removal tool. end play, too many shims have been used.
Lateral crankshaft movement (end play)
7. To install the bearings:
between the bearings should be 0.0015 to
0.0030" (0.038 to 0.076 mm) . If necessary,
remove shims until the end play is within
b. If the crankshaft binds, or will not turn, not
enough shims have been used pushing the
bearing cup too tight against the bearing cone.
Remove the crankshaft from the crankcase and
drive the inboard bearing cup out toward the
inboard side of the crankcase. Reinstall the
crankshaft and the bearing cover plate using
additional shims as required.
12. Install the oil pump per the "Oil Pump Replacement"
Figure 14 - Bearing Locations section of this manual.
13. Reassemble the compressor according to the
a. Grease the outer edges of the bearing cups. "Compressor Assembly" section.
b. Referring to Figure 14 for the proper
orientation, carefully press the inboard bearing
cup into the crankcase until it is flush with the
outer surface of the crankcase.

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4. Place the spring and the drive cone in the end of

the crankshaft.
5. Note the slot in the end of the crankshaft and the
drive tab on the back of the oil pump assembly.
Install the oil pump assembly into the bearing
carrier with the tab and slot aligned.
6. Note the groove around outer edge of the oil pump
assembly and the stop pin in the oil pump cover.
Position the oil pump cover and new gasket with
the pin in the oil pump groove, rotating the oil pump
as needed. The bolt hole positions ensure proper
orientation of the oil pump cover.
7. BY HAND, tighten the oil pump cover bolts while
the pump cover is held flush with the bearing
Figure 15 – Oil Pump carrier.
NOTICE: If by hand tightening, the oil pump
1. Remove the oil pump cover bolts and oil pump cover cannot be drawn flush with the bearing
cover. carrier, the drive tab or the stop pin are
improperly aligned. DO NOT WRENCH
2. Remove the oil pump assembly, drive cone and
3. Clean and inspect parts for wear or damage,
8. Once the oil pump cover is secured by hand, the
replace as necessary.
bolts may be evenly tightened per Table 7 - "Bolt


If a compressor is not to be put into service for some 4. If a purge gas is not available, fog oil into the
time, or if a compressor is to be taken out of service for compressor suction while rotating the unit. Then
an extended period, care must be taken to protect the plug all openings to keep out moisture, insects, etc.
compressor. The following steps must be taken for both
5. Turn the flywheel by hand a few revolutions
bare compressors and those already piped into a
once a month to distribute the oil.
6. Store the unit under a plastic wrap on its wooden
If proper storage procedures are not followed,
shipping base up off the ground. If the unit was
damage to the compressor may occur. Complete
boxed for export shipment, leave it in its box. An
compressor disassembly and replacement of rod
indoor or covered storage area is preferable.
packing, bearings and other parts may be required.
7. Placing the Compressor back in service.
When the compressor is to be put in service, vent
1. Keep a written record storage procedures
the remaining purge gas and change the crankcase
performed – preferably on the unit itself.
oil. Follow the "Pre-Startup Checklist" and "Startup
2. Fill the crankcase with rust inhibiting oil. (New Procedure" sections in this manual.
compressors leave the factory without oil.) Squirt
oil on the piston rods and crossheads through the
nameplate opening. Loosen the V-belts to relieve
the load on the bearings. Rotate the compressor by Hazardous pressure can

hand a few times to distribute the oil. cause property damage,
3. Plug all openings and purge the compressor with serious personal injury
an inert gas such as nitrogen or dry air at about 50 or death.
psig (3.5 bar-g). This may be done at the factory if
requested. Leave the compressor pressurized to Compressor is pressurized with inert gas.
prevent air or moisture from entering the unit. CAREFULLY bleed off gas BEFORE
Check the unit monthly and add additional purge attempting any service.
gas as needed.
NOTICE: Tag the unit with a warning that it is Figure 16 – Pressurized Compressor Tag

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