Quarterly Income Tax Return: Schedule 1
Quarterly Income Tax Return: Schedule 1
Quarterly Income Tax Return: Schedule 1
14 Are you availing of tax relief under Special Law or International Tax Treaty? 15 ATC
Yes No If yes, specify IC010
Part II Computation of Tax
Declaration This Quarter EXEMPT TAXABLE
Special Rate Regular Rate
35A________________________________________________________________________ 35B___________________________________
President/Vice President/Principal Officer/Accredited Tax Agent/ Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (If not filed with the bank)
Schedule 1 Computation of Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) for the Quarter(s)
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter Total
Total Gross Income (except Gross Income
Taxable under Special Rate) for MCIT 1,304,078.65 0.00 0.00 1,304,078.65
Tax Rate 2%
Minimum Corporate Income Tax (to Item 28) 26,081.57