Vapor-Liquid Equilibria: Experimental
Vapor-Liquid Equilibria: Experimental
Vapor-Liquid Equilibria: Experimental
Sixty-four isothermal data sets for vapor—liquid equilibria (VLE) for polymer + solvent binaries have
been obtained using a gravimetric sorption technique, in the range 23.5—80 °C. Solvents studied were
acetone, acetonitrile, 1-butanol, 1,2-dichloroethane, chloroform, cyclohexane, hexane, methanol, octane,
pentane, and toluene. Copolymers studied were poly(acrylonitrile-co-butadiene), poly(styrene-co-acry-
lonitrile), poly( styrene-co-butadiene), poly(styrene-co-butyl methacrylate), poly( vinyl acetate-co-ethylene),
and poly(vinyl acetate-co-vinyl chloride). All copolymers were random copolymers. Some homopolymers
were also studied: polyacrylonitrile, polybutadiene, poly(butyl methacrylate), poly(ethylene oxide),
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.
polystyrene, and poly(vinyl acetate). The composition of the copolymer may have a surprising effect on
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VLE. Normally, deviation from ideal behavior lies between those of the constituent homopolymers,
according to the copolymer composition, as observed for cyclohexane + poly(ethylene-co- vinyl acetate)
and chloroform + poly(styrene-co-butyl methacrylate). However, the strong nonideal behavior observed
for systems containing hydrocarbons and poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) shows that the effect of
acrylonitrile is in excess of that expected from the copolymer composition. The perturbed hard-sphere
chain (PHSC) equation of state was used to represent VLE of the copolymer solutions studied here.
m m
Figure Experimental apparatus for VLE measurement of
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CD o °C t 80 °C
12.7 0.009 54.8 0.062 81.3 0.128 91.5 0.183 2.7 0.007 8.0 0.022 12.3 0.040 15.2 0.046
26.4 0.021 68.5 0.092 84.8 0.147 97.9 0.231 5.2 0.016 10.8 0.033 13.9 0.044
40.7 0.037
1,2-Dichloroethane + Polyacrylonitrile
Acetone + Poly(styrene 45%-co-butadiene)
t = 70 °C
t = 50 °C 16.3 0.025 30.8 0.043 40.7 0.050 46.0 0.058
13.7 0.004 45.3 0.074 51.1 0.088 59.6 0.137 21.2 0.031 36.5 0.046 43.9 0.054 49.1 0.061
26.5 0.022 46.5 0.078 52.3 0.092 59.7 0.130 26.7 0.040
36.3 0.046 47.2 0.074 53.3 0.095 61.3 0.141
41.5 0.061 47.3 0.071 55.2 0.105 t =
80 °C
22.4 0.017 36.3 0.024 50.1 0.044 59.5 0.057
o O 27.3 0.020 45.7 0.038 57.6 0.053 60.7 0.060
12.7 0.009 54.8 0.069 81.3 0.140 91.5 0.197
26.4 0.023 68.5 0.101 84.8 0.163 97.9 0.258 1,2-Dichloroethane + Polystyrene
40.7 0.044
t = 70 °C
Acetone + Poly(50% styrene-co-butyl methacrylate) 16.3 0.064 30.8 0.152 40.7 0.244 46.0 0.306
21.2 0.092 36.5 0.209 43.9 0.289 49.1 0.352
t =
60 °C 26.7 0.127
8.9 0.005 43.3 0.044 81.7 0.133 95.9 0.201
16.8 0.013 51.6 0.053 85.3 0.144 98.7 0.224 t = 80 °C
23.5 0.022 60.3 0.071 90.4 0.164 100.4 0.254 22.4 0.070 36.3 0.125 50.1 0.257 59.5 0.360
34.7 0.027 67.6 0.090 27.3 0.090 45.7 0.221 57.6 0.331 60.7 0.377
t 60 °C
t = 70 °C
6.7 0.011 18.3 0.032 32.5 0.061 37.9 0.076 16.3 0.009 30.8 0.139 40.7 0.243 46.0 0.296
13.3 0.022 23.2 0.041 21.2 0.026 36.5 0.196 43.9 0.281 49.1 0.339
26.7 0.048
Acetonitrile + Poly( acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
t 80 °C
Acetonitrile + Poly(21% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene) 22.4 0.009 36.3 0.090 50.1 0.279 59.5 0.376
27.3 0.039 45.7 0.251 57.6 0.348 60.7 0.389
t 60 °C
6.8 0.011 26.1 0.065 34.1 0.112 39.3 0.187 Chloroform + Poly(33% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
13.7 0.026 30.1 0.085
t =
60 °C
Acetonitrile + Poly(33% acrylonitrile-co -butadiene) 13.6 0.080 26.9 0.172 52.8 0.372 66.3 0.485
26.8 0.170 39.6 0.262 59.9 0.424 73.3 0.563
t =
60 °C
6.7 0.023 18.3 0.065 32.5 0.148 37.9 0.206 Chloroform + Poly(cis-l ,4-butadiene)
13.3 0.043 23.2 0.091
t =
60 °C
Acetonitrile + Poly(51% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene) 13.6 0.114 26.9 0.228 52.8 0.444 66.3 0.548
26.8 0.224 39.6 0.336 59.9 0.494 73.3 0.615
t 60 °C
6.8 0.021 26.1 0.111 34.1 0.182 39.3 0.293 Chloroform + Poly(butyl methacrylate)
t 60 °C
t 60 °C =
14.0 0.082 53.2 0.459 66.1 0.540 79.2 0.585 13.7 0.007 26.1 0.024 32.0 0.032 39.7 0.060
28.1 0.276 58.4 0.497 72.3 0.567 87.1 0.609 19.1 0.011 26.4 0.024 35.6 0.047 43.1 0.091
40.1 0.379 19.6 0.015
t 70 °C
= t =
60 °C
13.3 0.078 40.1 0.222 65.5 0.369 86.0 0.512 13.5 0.082 26.9 0.189 33.6 0.272 38.1 0.338
26.4 0.148 53.6 0.292 78.8 0.455 20.3 0.134
t = 50 °C t =
60 °C
8.5 0.040 31.6 0.272 47.6 0.489 53.7 0.580 4.8 0.027 19.9 0.120 29.5 0.189 37.6 0.276
16.3 0.106 38.3 0.341 50.0 0.537 56.4 0.638 10.5 0.057 24.8 0.152 33.7 0.233 40.7 0.323
25.5 0.204 45.5 0.457 16.9 0.103
t = 50 °C t =
8.5 0.046 31.6 0.270 47.6 0.482 53.7 0.566 2.00 0.015 4.53 0.074 7.64 0.197 10.03 0.328
16.3 0.111 38.3 0.338 50.0 0.514 56.4 0.621 2.99 0.035 6.83 0.141 9.03 0.276
25.5 0.206 45.5 0.449
t = 60 °C
Chloroform + Poly(45% styrene-co-butadiene) 4.8 0.018 16.9 0.088 29.5 0.168 37.6 0.244
10.5 0.052 24.8 0.136 33.7 0.208 40.7 0.287
t 50 °C
8.5 0.043 31.6 0.272 47.6 0.500 53.7 0.592 Cyclohexane + Poly(45% styrene-co-butadiene)
16.3 0.107 38.3 0.343 50.0 0.534 56.4 0.650
25.5 0.205 45.5 0.463 t = 23.5 °C
2.00 0.011 4.53 0.063 7.64 0.176 10.03 0.301
Chloroform + Poly( vinyl acetate) 2.99 0.028 6.83 0.127 9.03 0.253
t 60 °C
= t 60 °C =
14.0 0.088 53.2 0.334 66.1 0.416 79.2 0.466 4.8 0.021 19.9 0.103 29.5 0.163 37.6 0.240
28.1 0.150 58.4 0.371 72.3 0.444 87.1 0.490 10.5 0.050 24.8 0.130 33.7 0.200 40.7 0.282
40.1 0.245 16.9 0.087
t = 60 °C t =
80 °C
14.0 0.031 53.2 0.147 66.1 0.196 79.2 0.235 7.5 0.011 39.7 0.140 55.5 0.238 64.1 0.300
28.1 0.067 58.4 0.168 72.3 0.216 87.1 0.253 14.4 0.037 54.9 0.228 60.7 0.277 70.4 0.369
40.1 0.104 26.5 0.074
t = 60 °C t =
80 °C
13.9 0.062 39.9 0.228 59.9 0.358 73.1 0.441 7.5 0.005 39.7 0.104 55.5 0.170 64.1 0.225
26.7 0.140 53.2 0.320 66.5 0.401 79.3 0.481 14.4 0.025 54.9 0.159 60.7 0.205 70.4 0.287
26.5 0.046
Chloroform + Poly(50% vinyl acetate-co-ethylene)
Cyclohexane + Poly(70% vinyl acetate-co-ethylene)
t = 60 °C
13.9 0.098 39.9 0.303 59.9 0.439 73.1 0.512 t 80 °C =
26.7 0.202 53.2 0.398 66.5 0.477 79.3 0.552 7.5 0.004 39.7 0.081 55.5 0.133 64.1 0.191
14.4 0.026 54.9 0.123 60.7 0.156 70.4 0.242
Chloroform + Poly(70% vinyl acetate-co-ethylene) 26.5 0.042
t = 60 °C Hexane + Polyacrylonitrile
13.9 0.059 39.9 0.287 59.9 0.450 73.1 0.526
26.7 0.161 53.2 0.403 66.5 0.489 79.3 0.573 t = 60 °C
12.4 0.001 25.1 0.007 36.0 0.007 43.3 0.009
Cyclohexane + Poly( acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
Hexane + Poly( acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
Cyclohexane + Poly(21% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
Hexane + Poly(21% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
t 60 °C
Table 2. (Continued)
P/kPa Wi P/kPa W1 P/kPa w i P/kPa W1 P/kPa wi P/kPa w i P/kPa w\ P/kPa w\
Hexane + Poly(33% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene) Pentane + Poly{acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
t =
60 °C Pentane + Poly(21% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
12.4 0.002 25.1 0.017 36.0 0.026 43.3 0.037
t = 60 °C
Hexane + Poly(51% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene) 22.8 0.008 65.5 0.033 97.3 0.055 124.8 0.078
36.0 0.016 84.0 0.046 113.3 0.070 137.6 0.089
t =
60 °C 46.8 0.021
12.9 0.018 38.8 0.029 50.8 0.041 63.7 0.062
25.6 0.020 44.5 0.033 57.5 0.044 64.9 0.062 Pentane + Poly(33% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
Hexane + Poly(cis-l,4-butadiene) t 60 °C
t =
80 °C Pentane + Poly(23% styrene-co-butadiene)
13.6 0.021 39.9 0.041 65.7 0.062 79.1 0.080
28.4 0.030 52.5 0.053 t = 60 °C
22.8 0.008 65.5 0.033 97.3 0.055 124.8 0.078
Methanol + Poly(10% vinyl acetate-co-vinyl chloride) 36.0 0.016 84.0 0.046 113.3 0.070 137.6 0.089
46.8 0.021
t = 80 °C
13.6 0.029 39.9 0.032 65.7 0.037 79.1 0.038 Pentane + Poly(45% styrene-co-butadiene)
28.4 0.030 52.5 0.037
t 60 °C
Octane + Poly( acrylonitrile-co-butadiene) 22.8 0.010 65.5 0.019 97.3 0.022 124.8 0.027
46.8 0.013 84.0 0.022 113.3 0.026 137.6 0.034
Octane + Poly(21% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene)
Toluene + Poly(styrene-co-butadiene)
t = 60 °C
2.90 0.036 5.08 0.064 6.91 0.111 8.41 0.158 Toluene + Poly(23% styrene-co-butadiene)
4.19 0.052 5.91 0.079
t =
35 °C
Octane + Poly(51% acrylonitrile-co-butadiene) 0.90 0.029 3.04 0.032 4.83 0.037 5.48 0.038
2.08 0.031 4.36 0.037
t 60 °C
2.85 0.007 5.08 0.013 6.91 0.021 8.41 0.026 Toluene + Poly(5% styrene-co-butadiene)
4.19 0.010 5.91 0.015
t =
35 °C
Pentane + Polyacrylonitrile 0.93 0.043 3.04 0.184 4.83 0.416 5.48 0.513
2.08 0.099 4.36 0.319
t 60 °C
by varying the solvent, copolymer composition, and tem- theory successfully reproduces all types of observed liquid-
perature. liquid equilibrium phase diagrams, including upper or
lower critical solution temperatures (UCST or LCST), or
Brief Summary of Theory for Correlation. To model
VLE of copolymer solutions, we have used a perturbed both, and closed partial-miscibility loops (Song et al.,
hard-sphere chain (PHSC) equation of state (Song et al.,
1993, 1994a—c). For ordinary VLE at low pressures, it is The PHSC equation of state is applicable to fluid
often possible to use the Flory—Huggins theory for a mixtures containing any number of components over the
reasonable correlation of polymer + solvent VLE data, but entire range of fluid conditions. Since the PHSC equation
we would like to use a model that can describe both upper of state uses molecular parameters that have physical
and lower critical solution temperatures and VLE phase significance, it provides a potentially useful method for
diagrams at high pressures and account for solvent com- predicting thermodynamic properties outside the range of
pressibility. For binary polymer solutions, the PHSC available data.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 40, No. 4, 1995 789
The PHSC equation of state for heteronuclear chains is
££* */ k=ll=l
m ri—1 mm ri rj
*; ^,µ+i
i=l k=l
-u- ^ ^ ^(2)
i=l/=l A:=1Z=1
b =
(2/3WFb(kBT/e) (4)
(1/2)( + Ug)(l A^) (7)
binary parameters ( and A), are needed for the mixture;
(1 KAB^ (8) these can be determined from experimental mixture prop-
Parameters and eA pertain to segment A; kab and Aab
are adjustable intersegmental parameters. Results and Discussion
The pair correlation function is
The PHSC equation of state has been applied to some
data sets from the Experimental Section. The experimen-
1 2 ^ij,ki 1 ^ijM tal molecular weights of the polymers were used in the
--: --= +
3 (1 2 (1
(1 v) ? calculations; however, if these were not available, a 100 000
- -
wi wi
4. VLB for cyclohexane + poly(cis-l,4-butadiene) and poly- Figure 6. VLB for pentane + poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)
(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) solutions: w i, mass fraction cyclohex- solutions: un, mass fraction pentane; points, new experimental
ane; points, new experimental data; lines, calculation using PHSC data; lines, calculation using PHSC equation of state param-
equation of state parameters [cyclohexane + polyacrylonitrile, eters: [pentane + polyacrylonitrile, 0, -0.06; pentane +
= =
0.082, —
+ polyacrylonitrile, =
0.027, =
-0.021; poly(c¿s-1,4-butadiene) + polyacrylonitrile, =
has negligible solubility in polyacrylonitrile due to strong
repulsion between nonpolar cyclohexane segments and
highly polar acrylonitrile segments. Binary parameters for
the PHSC equation of state were regressed from the VLB
data for cyclohexane in polybutadiene and poly(butadiene-
co-21% acrylonitrile) as shown in Figure 4. VLB for
cyclohexane in poly(butadiene-co-51% acrylonitrile) were
predicted; the prediction is in excellent agreement with the
experimental data.
Figure 5 shows results for hexane + poly(butadiene-co-
acrylonitrile). In this case, VLB behavior is similar to that
for cyclohexane + poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) shown
in Figure 4. The solubility of hexane decreases dramati-
Figure 5. VLB for hexane + poly(c¿s-1,4-butadiene) poly(buta- cally with the acrylonitrile content in the copolymer. PHSC
diene-co-acrylonitrile) solutions: wi, mass fraction hexane; points, can successfully correlate this behavior with adjustable
experimental data; lines, calculation using PHSC equation of state binary parameters given in Figure 5. The predicted VLB
parameters [hexane + polyacrylonitrile, = 0.168, = -0.33; for hexane + poly(butadiene-co-51 % acrylonitrile) is in good
hexane + poly(cis-l,4-butadiene), = -0.023; = -0.02; poly(c¿s-
1,4-butadiene) + polyacrylonitrile, = 0.027, =
0.0]. agreement with experiment.
Finally, Figure 6 shows results for pentane with poly-
poly(butyl methacrylate). Figure 3 shows relative pressure (butadiene-co-acrylonitrile). Results are similar to those
P/Psat (PSat= saturation pressure of the solvent at the given for hexane (Figure 5) and cyclohexane (Figure 4). The
temperature) instead of P because data at 50 °C are solubility of pentane decreases dramatically with acryloni-
trile content in the copolymer. The PHSC equation of state
compared with data at 70 °C; normalizing pressure with
can successfully correlate the data for pentane with only
Psat tends to eliminate the temperature effect in a small
one binary parameter for each pair as shown in Figure 6.
temperature range such as here. Going from polystyrene
to poly(50% styrene-co-butyl methacrylate) to poly(butyl Polybutadiene + polyacrylonitrile binary interaction pa-
rameters were the same as those used in Figures 4 and 5.
methacrylate) increases the solubility of chloroform because
of favorable polar interaction between chloroform and butyl
methacrylate segments. Chloroform also has some polar
interaction with styrene segments, but these are not as New VLB data have been obtained for 43 copolymer +
strong as those with the butyl methacrylate segments. The solvent binaries and for 14 homopolymer + solvent bina-
solubility of chloroform rises in proportion to the butyl ries, using a gravimetric absorption technique. “Expected”
methacrylate content in the polymer. nonideal behavior has been obtained for systems such as
For the system shown in Figure 3, all binary parameters cyclohexane + poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) and chloro-
were set equal to zero. Solvent + homopolymer form + poly(styrene-co-butyl methacrylate). However,
parameters were obtained from their VLB experimental strong nonlinear nonideal behavior has been observed for
data. The polystyrene + poly(butyl methacrylate) pa- systems containing hydrocarbons and poly(butadiene-co-
rameter was obtained from the copolymer + solvent VLB acrylonitrile).
data. With only one adjustable parameter for each data
The perturbed hard-sphere chain (PHSC) equation of
set, the PHSC equation of state can correlate the VLB state for mixtures of heteronuclear chains can represent
vapor—liquid equilibria of real copolymer solutions using
Figures 4-6 show VLB data for hydrocarbons with poly- one or at most two binary parameters for each pair of
(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) at 60 °C. For these systems, unlike segments.
solubility is not a simple function of copolymer composition.
Figure 4 compares VLB data for cyclohexane + poly- Acknowledgment
(butadiene-co-aciylonitrile) with theory. At a given pres-
sure, progressing from polybutadiene to poly(butadiene- For experimental assistance, the authors are grateful to
co-12% acrylonitrile) to poly(butadiene-co-51% acrylonitrile), Gary Yeung, Bin W. Zhao, and Kathy Yi. Helpful discus-
the solubility of cyclohexane decreases dramatically with sions with David Soane, Toshiaki Hiño, Yuhua Song, and
the acrylonitrile content in the copolymer. Cyclohexane Stephen Lambert are much appreciated.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 40, No. 4, 1995 791
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