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MetabolicRenewal Roadmap

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metabolic RENEWAL



Copyright © 2017 Metabolic Living

This publication contains the opinions and ideas of the author. It is intended to provide helpful and informative materials on the subjects in
the publications. It is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, health, psychological, or
any other kind of personal professional services in the program. If the reader requires personal medical, health, or other assistance or advice, a
competent professional should be consulted.
The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise that is incurred as a consequence,
directly or indirectly of the use and application of any of the contents of this program.
Chapter 1: How Metabolic Renewal Works...........................................................................8
Chapter 2: The Three Laws of Metabolism...........................................................................21
Chapter 3: Is it Really All About Hormones?........................................................................24
Chapter 4: Understanding Your Hormone Type...................................................................30
Chapter 5: Redefining the Metabolism and the 4 Metabolic Toggles....................................44
Chapter 6: Meals..................................................................................................................49
Chapter 7: Become a Metabolic Detective to Pinpoint the Right Diet for You....................62
Chapter 8: Metabolics..........................................................................................................69
Chapter 9: Mindset..............................................................................................................84
Chapter 10: Movement........................................................................................................94
Chapter 11: How to Get Started on the Metabolic Renewal Program..................................99
Chapter 12: Weight Loss Acceleration Phase (Optional)....................................................105
Chapter 13: Most Frequently Asked Questions..................................................................111
Chapter 14: What Happens When the 12 Weeks are Over?...............................................116


ello, and welcome to Metabolic Renewal. I could not be more excited that you are embarking
on this revolutionary program designed specifically to help women tap into the unique
attributes of their female metabolisms, and to use that as an advantage to lose weight, look
great, and thrive.
This program is literally like no other on the market. It is the culmination of 25+ years of working in
the trenches with women of all ages as a personal trainer, across the desk as a physician, and as a life
coach and counselor for women in all stages of life.
Metabolic Renewal is the first hormone-focused body change program ever developed specifically
for women. It is also architected to be the last diet and exercise program you will ever need. That’s
because it gives you the tools and knowledge needed to personalize the program so you can adapt
how you eat, exercise and live in response to how your body’s natural cycles, rhythms and hormones
change as you age.
If you don’t know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Jade Teta. I know, it is a strange name.
My mom, who is also my best friend, loved the name and when she found out she was pregnant with
me she decided that it was the going to be my name whether I turned out to be a boy or a girl. I am
sure she had no idea I would turn out to be a big, burly, linebacker-looking dude, but I have learned to
embrace the name nonetheless.
You might be wondering: How did a guy like me become such an expert in female metabolism? That is
an interesting story…

I have been in the fitness industry for almost 30 years now, and over 75 percent of my clients are women.
As you know, women are a lot more proactive when it comes to health and fitness than men are.
Women also learn from the time they begin menstruating that their hormones are directly related to
the way look, function, and feel. Typically, men don’t figure that out until close to their fifth or sixth
decade, when they begin to see their testosterone levels fall.
As a result of working with women, I was forced to learn all I could about female metabolism. I made
it my business to learn everything there is to know about the unique attributes of female metabolism
and its hormonal strengths and challenges. I’ve built my results and reputation on that knowledge.
In this program, you are finally going to get a program designed for women, and most importantly, a
specific woman: You.
You are going to learn things you have never been told, and this understanding will forever change the
way you think about dieting. For example, did you know that estrogen is a lot like the female version
of testosterone? And that during certain times of the month when it is a little bit higher you can eat
more, tolerate more stress, and your workout results will be intensified?
Did you know that progesterone is a hormone that helps stabilize mood, blocks the action of stress
hormones like cortisol, and results in the body being less able to tolerate extreme diet and exercise
Did you know that at menopause the female metabolism becomes more reactive to certain types of
foods and far more sensitive to stress? Because of this, the diet and exercise approaches that worked
when you were younger will not work now. However, there are simple and powerful changes you can
make to turn menopausal metabolism back on and begin restoring metabolic fat burning.
You might be wondering why you have never heard this information before. There is a good reason
for that, and I am going to explain it. But first you should understand that this is just the tip of the
One of the most profound things you will learn about your female metabolism is how it has an
advantage over men when it comes to one of the most powerful fat-burning, anti-aging hormones
known. Human growth hormone (HGH), especially when combined with estrogen, is the female
fat loss secret. In this program, you are going to learn exactly how to harness this powerful hormonal
Why don’t you know this already?
I will be honest. Research on women as it pertains to health, fitness, and weight loss is not easy to
find. It may not be that surprising for you to learn that the vast majority of fitness research is done on
young males. In fact, I am not aware of a single commercial exercise program that understands the
unique hormonal strengths of being female, and how to leverage that.
Think about that for a minute. You have been following advice and doing programs built on research
that was done on men, NOT women. Not only that, but these men were mostly college-aged. Not

only is a young man light years different from a young woman, but he has almost nothing in common
with a more mature woman.
In fact, most of these programs are using information gleaned from studying twenty-year-old male
bodybuilders. When women are addressed, it is young fit female athletes who represent a tiny sample
of the women out there.
What about women who are new moms? What about high-level executive women under stress? How
about women in their late thirties and early forties who are seeing metabolism slow down?
What about women going through the tumultuous swings of perimenopause? How about the women
who are actively in menopause or past menopause? How about women who have unique hormonal
situations that men don’t ever deal with, things like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), estrogen
dominance, hypothyroid and others?
If you have felt like you are following all the so called “rules” and not getting any results, it is because
you have been following the wrong rules for you.
All this male-dominated research and rhetoric is going to change in this program. I am going to teach
you how to turn your natural female hormonal cycles into fuel that fires your fat loss efforts.
And if you are menopausal, or have other metabolic challenges like PCOS or estrogen dominance I
am going to teach you how and why they are slowing you down, and why going harder with exercise
or more extreme with diet is the exact wrong approach.
You see, as a woman, you have hormonal strengths you are not aware of and are not exploiting. Notice
how I said “hormonal strengths”? You are probably not used to thinking about female hormonal
changes as a strength, but they are.
The hormone estrogen is the key. This hormone does everything testosterone does for men. It helps
you sculpt lean tissue. It provides that beautiful hourglass shape. It buffers against stress-induced fat
gains, and it even amplifies fat burning.
You have probably never heard estrogen talked about in this way, but it is true, and all of these effects
are amplified by using one small hack into the female cycle. That hack is HGH.
HGH builds muscle and burns fat at the same time, something notoriously difficult to do. It also
tightens connective tissue and may enhance the quality and look of your skin. This is why many
researchers call it the “youth hormone.”
As I alluded to, women produce more HGH than men during exercise. This is the empowering insight
that has allowed me to get amazing results with countless women around the world.
But not just any type of exercise will do. Female-specific workouts that leverage your hormonal cycle
and special techniques aimed at HGH production are needed to get the most out of this hormone.
That is what you will get in this program. This is female-targeted fat loss at its finest that will help you
reach your full female metabolic potential.

You are also going to be given an upgraded understanding of your metabolism that will put the
outdated articles on the Internet and those ancient diet books in your local bookstore to shame.
The real secret to understanding your metabolism is this…
Diet and exercise are not the only thing you need to be aware of. In fact, as a woman, there are two
other areas that are even more important.
Imagine your metabolism as a pyramid made of four sections. I call these four sections the “4 Ms”.
The base is large and strong, with each section becoming narrower until you reach the pronounced
peak at the top.

When it comes to your female metabolism, the strong base you need to be focusing on is not diet or
exercise. The base is mindset or mindful living.
What you don’t realize is that your metabolism, compared to a man’s, is far more stress-sensitive. This
makes sense, given that women are the child-bearers. The female metabolism needs to be more in tune
with its environment, because in ancient times this is what allowed female intuition to know whether
becoming pregnant would be a good idea or not.
This means that to achieve optimal health and tap into your full fat-burning potential, you need to
learn how to reduce stress and live life in tune with the natural rhythms of your environment. In this
program, you are going to learn how to master stress and turn it to your advantage.

The next section of the pyramid is movement. I am NOT talking about exercise here. You have been
wrongly led to believe that movement and exercise are the same thing. They are not, and as a woman
this is an especially important distinction.
Exercise research has told us that a component of metabolism called non-exercise associated
thermogenesis (NEAT) makes up 15% of our changeable metabolism. Exercise is only 5%. And this is
huge for your female metabolic expression.1
This why women who walk a lot remain so thin compared to women who don’t, whether they exercise
or not. As a woman, walking and other activities that are not exercise—gardening, walking, fidgeting,
taking the stairs, etc.—sensitize the body to your hormonal system and reduce cortisol.

The next two blocks on the pyramid are meals (what you eat) and metabolics (how you exercise.)
These are powerful movers of your body if and only if you get the mindfulness and movement pieces
correct. Once the lower bases of the pyramid are solid, a sustainable diet and smart exercise program
can turn on the most stubborn female metabolism.

The diet you will follow will be unlike anything you have ever seen. This is because rather than making
you follow a restrictive diet that eliminates entire food groups, you will instead focus on finding the
foods that work for you. You are unique metabolically, psychologically, and in your personal preferences.
This dietary approach teaches you how to be a metabolic detective rather than a dieter. You will learn
a cyclical eating approach that flows with the wisdom of your natural hormone cycle and rhythms and
works with your exercise efforts. In the end, you will create a diet built for you, by you.

Finally, there are the metabolics, or exercise. The workouts in this program are designed to turn on
every advantage you have as a female. The most striking aspect is the “smarter, not harder” approach.
In just 15 minutes, only three times a week, you will amplify your metabolic output so you are
burning fat and tightening your body even on the day you are not working out.
The exercises are engineered and sequenced in specific ways to create a simultaneous breathless and
burning response. It’s these exercises that amplify HGH production and produce the body you want.
Whether you are a young woman with a normal menstrual cycle or a more mature women who is
menopausal, this program will take advantage of your hormonal state and teach you how to combine
diet and exercise in just the right way.
What you have been taught in the male-dominated world of health and fitness is all wrong. It is time
to get it right once and for all.
For a woman, it is not about working harder or longer or more often. That is the male approach, and
it almost always results in overtraining. The female approach is to work smarter, not harder, to leverage
your unique hormonal attributes in a way that harmonizes your health and fitness. This is what I am
going to teach you.
I can’t wait to see your changes. Let’s get started.


ost people think exercising to burn fat is simply about working harder. It’s not.
Most people think that optimizing your diet simply means eating less. That isn’t true
Eat less, exercise more. It’s the conventional wisdom. The problem is, it doesn’t work for most people
in the long run. You can be as diligent and consistent as you like, but if you are working harder at the
wrong things you are increasing your odds of failure, not success.
Most people view metabolism like it’s a calculator—just punch in a lower number of calories consumed
by eating less, and a higher number of calories burned by exercising, more and voila, you’ll lose weight.
But it’s more like one of those video games that reacts and gets more difficult the better you do.
You push on your metabolism by exercising harder or eating less, and what does your metabolism
do? It pushes back, and makes you hungry and tired, increases cravings, and saps your motivation.
It adapts and reacts. You think you’re burning more fat, but in reality you are setting yourself up for
failure later on.

You know that old game you used to play when you were a kid, the one where you would try to run
up an escalator that was going down? Imagine that escalator matching your speed and always staying
one step ahead. You would be in for the ride of your life with nowhere to go but down. That is what
following the standard diet and exercise advice will get you.
Exercise is not just about quantity. Longer is not better.
Diet is not just about quantity either. Less is not better.
And it’s not a simple matter of quality either. Harder, shorter workouts don’t guarantee success either.
Better quality food is certainly important, but that alone won’t shift the scales for good either. There is
something else that is required. Something that determines whether or not your diet and exercise plan
will make a difference in the way you look, feel and function.
Fat-burning exercise is about efficiency. It is about doing the maximum amount of intelligent exercise
in the shortest amount of time while adjusting to your specific fitness level. It’s about eating in a
realistic way—a way you can stick to for life—that accounts for your personal metabolic needs.
The most important word here is “intelligent.” Intelligent exercise is exercise that provides just the
right type of stimulus, in just the right amounts, to get your body to do what you want. Intelligent
eating is sustainable and takes into account your individualized biochemistry and how it may react in
unique ways to different foods.
How do you eat and exercise more intelligently as a woman? Well, you need to work with your unique
female physiology. That means paying attention to your natural rhythms and how they impact your
hormones, whether from changes in your menstrual cycle or as you progress through different stages of
menopause. You need to understand your hormone type.


Does being a woman mean you should diet and exercise differently than men? In my opinion, yes.
In fact, you should eat and exercise in a way that makes sense for your body and your hormone
type. I’ll get to what your hormone type is in a minute, but first let’s look at why a female-specific
approach is important.
Research into the metabolic effects of exercise has been dominated by the male perspective for years.
This is mostly because, historically, exercise research has been geared toward young male athletes or fit
college-aged males. This has changed in the last 30 to 40 years, but research into female metabolism
still lags behind that of men.
It is commonly understood that men enjoy more muscle mass, greater strength and a lower percentage
of body fat compared to women, largely due to testosterone. Men have higher resting levels of
testosterone, and get a greater testosterone surge from exercise.

What you may not realize is that women also have hormonal advantages. Two of the most important
are estrogen and HGH. Later in the program, I will explain in detail how balancing these and other
hormones in your body can create the perfect environment for fat burning.
The key thing to understand now is that you, as a woman, have your own biochemical fat-burning
advantage. But how do you access it? You need to understand your hormone type.


Estrogen and progesterone influence nearly every other hormone in your body, including those
involved in the speed of your metabolism, your ability to regulate blood sugar, and more. Of course,
your estrogen and progesterone levels are, themselves, influenced by many things, including whether
or not you are menstruating, which stage of menopause you’re in, how you currently eat, exercise, and
live, and more.
And here’s another little secret that the weight loss community isn’t telling you: A one-size-fits-all
approach doesn’t work—for anyone, really—but it is especially problematic for women, because they
change hormonally and biochemically on a week-to-week and month-to-month basis throughout the
course of their reproductive lives, and they change as they age, under stress or illness, and for many
other reasons.
You need to take these factors into account if you want to burn fat and keep it off permanently. You
need to stop thinking of metabolism as a calculator and get smart so you can react and adapt just as it
does. You need to eat, exercise, and live in a way that makes sense for where you are in your menstrual
cycle and your time of life.
But if estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate over the course of a woman’s life, how do you know
where you stand right now? How you can you design a program that is specific to your personal
biochemistry if you don’t even know what that is?
This is where your hormone type comes in. Understanding your hormone type is a convenient and
efficient way to get a sense of where you are with estrogen and progesterone balance, which allows you
to further customize this program to your unique female metabolism.
To help you identify your hormone type, I have developed a quiz that I will explain more about in a
moment. First, I want you to understand one very important idea.
We humans can be funny creatures, and whenever someone says we are a particular “type” we get
attached to that and start to believe it as gospel. This is the wrong way to view your hormone type.
In reality, there is no great or definitive science that tells us what type you are. These types are just
a clinical tool that I (and other doctors) use to help our patients get a general idea of how their
metabolisms are operating at the current moment.
They are a starting point. They provide a very good structure for you to build on, but the major goal is
for you to use them as a launching pad to discover your unique metabolic or hormone type. In reality,

there is no such thing as a “hormone type” or a “metabolic type.” There are infinite types and your job
in this program is to discover yours.
The Hormone Type Quiz will help you do that by giving you a nice starting point based on your
current symptoms. The rest of the program will help you tweak, adjust, and manipulate four major
metabolic parameters to fit your unique, specific needs.


To take the hormone type quiz go to http://www.metabolicrenewal.com/quiz.
We built this quiz as an online tool only, because it is sophisticated and takes into account various
factors about your life stage, cycle, environment, and hormones to help develop an accurate picture of
how your hormones and metabolism are currently operating.
Once you understand your hormone type, there are many things we can do to create a program
specifically for your hormone type. When you think about making these adjustments to your
metabolism, I want you to imagine a pyramid—a metabolic pyramid—and this pyramid has four
main areas you can influence. I call them the 4Ms.


Metabolic Renewal draws on my 25 years of experience in health and fitness to deliver a program that
does in 12 weeks what the programs I wrote a mere three years ago would have taken six months to
I refer to the approach I’ve developed as the 4 Ms. They are:
✓✓ Mindset or mindfulness (which helps combat stress)
✓✓ Movement (which controls stress and helps the body produce less fat storing hormones)
✓✓ Meals (which help control calories and assures good nutrition)
✓✓ Metabolics (this is the stuff that stimulates and moves our metabolism like exercise, supple-
ments and drugs).

Let me tell you a little about each part of the program.

As I have already mentioned, women are typically more stress-reactive than men. That means the
lifestyle portion of this program is absolutely critical.
One of the most frustrating things for any woman is to be doing everything right and feel like it’s not
working. Have you ever had that feeling when it comes to diet and exercise? Well, the clients I have
worked with my entire career often feel this way when they first come to my clinic and they are often
resistant to the truth of what is happening.

There are two reasons this happens. The first I have already explained: It has to do with the very wrong
belief that you can follow an off-the-shelf, one-size-fits all program and magically see results. It does
not work that way. You have to discover what works for YOU, and then design your own program
built around that knowledge.
The second reason people can be doing everything right and not see results is a little bit harder to
take. You see, body change is not just about diet and exercise. This is the reason you could be doing
everything you think you are supposed to do and still see little for your effort.
Your metabolism is very much like a stress barometer and it measures more than just what you
eat and how you exercise. Metabolism needs times to be fed, times to be without food, times
to move intensely and most of all it needs time for rest and recovery. That last part is the most
critical aspect of metabolic healing that everyone misses. They wrongly assume they can just work
harder at diet and exercise and magically make a shift. I am here to tell you that this is wrong,
wrong, wrong.
The most important part of this entire program is learning to live what I call a “rest-based lifestyle.”
One where you have plenty of recovery time.
We are talking about relaxing strolls through a park. A hot Epsom salt bath. Supportive
conversations with close friends over coffee or wine. Plenty of cuddling and sex (orgasm is
incredibly healing to the metabolism.) Time with pets (as long as they are not stressing you out,)
naps, quality sleep, time at the spa, and every other activity that lowers stress hormones and allows
your metabolism to take a much needed relaxing sigh.
These behaviors are so important that I call them “rest and recovery workouts,” because without them
it does not matter what you eat or how much you exercise even if you are doing exactly what you have
found works for you.
You must learn to chill the hell out.
When you do, you lower the constant onslaught of cortisol and other stress hormones in your body.
Your hypothalamus and pituitary (the command and control center of your metabolism) start to rest
and reboot your hormonal software. That’s when the magic begins to happen.
You see, Metabolic Renewal is much more than a simple exercise or fat-loss program. It is meant to be
a holistic, comprehensive guide to developing a way of eating, exercising, and living that works for
YOU. When you find that path, extraordinary things can happen.
In addition to burning fat, you may find that mood swings, cravings, cramps, and bloating disappear.
You may feel more energetic and focused than you have in a long time. You will be ready to tackle life
again—maybe even in a way you never have before.
After all, life is short. We all want to make the most of it. This program will help you do that.

Science now tells us that exercise and movement should be thought of as slightly different things.
In metabolic research, we have something we call non-exercise associated thermogenesis (NEAT.)
This constitutes all the movement you do in a day. Walking to the mailbox, taking the stairs, parking
further away, doing the dishes, washing the laundry, gardening and everything else.
Believe it or not, this walking/movement impacts your metabolism 10% more than exercise does.2
It’s huge. And it helps balance estrogen and progesterone deficiency by helping the body reduce
stress—walking lowers cortisol—and be less reactive to high calorie foods, since it makes you more
I’ll go into more details about all of this in Chapter 11, which is dedicated to movement. For now,
suffice it to say that daily movement is a tremendously important part of this program, and one of the
healthiest things you can do.
In case you haven’t noticed, you are not a man. Well, of course I know you know that, but the rest of
the health and fitness world seems to forget it. However, you are also unique among women as well. You
might be in your twenties, recently had your first child, going through the early stages of menopause or
struggling with female specific metabolic issues like PCOS, hypothyroid or estrogen dominance.
This plan is built for you as a woman and as an individual.
You will learn how to adjust your eating, exercise and lifestyle to fit in with your monthly hormonal
fluctuations if you are still menstruating. You will learn how to tackle the metabolic changes of
pregnancy and menopause. You will learn how the modern-day stressors in your life can create
metabolic challenges to which you may be especially susceptible.
One-size-fits-all programs do not work. You have to understand that, as a woman, you need to do things
differently than a man. You also need to understand that not every woman can handle a diet and exercise
program built for twenty-something female fitness competitors. You are a woman, yes, but you are a
unique individual as well. In this program, you will learn how to stop trying to find “the right program”
and instead build a diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle that is perfectly suited to you and your hormone type.
I am going to teach you how to stop being a dieter and start being a metabolic detective. This way
you will know how to deal with your current metabolism and also learn a tried and true process that
will allow you to adjust to the metabolic changes every woman goes through, whether that’s stress,
pregnancy, female specific issues, or menopause.
The end result will be a set of guidelines you will be able to tweak, mold, adjust and use to your
advantage, working with, rather than against, your unique metabolic expression, psychology, and
personal preferences.

By “metabolics” I mean anything that stimulates or attempts to push on your metabolism. Remember,
metabolism is an adaptive reactive system and that gives us the ability to try to “make it” do certain things.
We can exercise and try to stimulate the metabolism to burn fat or build muscle. We can take
supplements to try to support a particular biochemical pathway. We can also take drugs to block or
stimulate a certain biochemical reaction.
The metabolics category is important and powerful, but it works best under the right metabolic
conditions. This is why it comes last in the 4Ms hierarchy. You can’t out-train a poor diet. You can’t
expect to lose weight if you exercise but never move. And you can’t sustain change in anything if
you have not cultivated the right mindset and are mindful about stress. Metabolic stimulation is
seductive for many because it “feels like” you are doing something, and you are. But it is only as
powerful as the other 3 Ms.
I have built the exercise portion of the program in four phases, each containing three workouts and
each lasting three weeks. The workouts are just 15 minutes, three times a week, and the exercises are
just 45 seconds each. They’re hyper-efficient and hyper-effective, helping you to burn fat, tone muscle
and stay young. That’s it. Simple, but powerful.
Each phase is designed to gradually upgrade your body and your metabolism, enhancing your nerves,
muscles, coordination, strength and conditioning in a safe and methodical way. So many women try
to do too much too soon without properly preparing their bodies, at which point your metabolism
fights back, forcing weight gain and energy loss. That won’t happen with Metabolic Renewal’s
strategically-designed, gradual, phased approach.
Here is what you can expect in each phase.
Phase 1: Harmonize
This phase is all about getting your hormonal system back into balance and harmony. We do this by
working on the command and control centers of your metabolism, the hypothalamus and pituitary
gland, areas of the brain that govern your metabolism, reaction to stress, and more.
Why is this important?
Women are typically more stress-reactive than men. From an evolutionary standpoint this makes
sense, as they are the reproductive gender. The body needs to be very clear if it’s under too much stress
to safely have a baby or not. So the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in women is hypersensitive.
The problem is that in the modern world, most women are overstressed. Over-exercising, extreme
dieting, sleep deprivation, not to mention the daily stresses of a career, parenting, and more, cause
a lot of women to be very stressed out. This sends your whole metabolism out of control, because it
impacts you at a deep biochemical level. Since your hypothalamus and pituitary are responsible for
hormonal balance, you can imagine what happens when they aren’t functioning properly. Hormonal
messages either don’t get released or don’t get communicated effectively, and your entire metabolism
breaks down at the very root.

We need to manage that stress and rebalance the body if we are going to help you burn fat. We need
to rebalance your hormones, and make sure your little cellular messengers are delivering their messages
properly. We need to get you ready for the more intense exercise that is to come. Which is precisely
what Phase 1 does.
In the beginning, you may feel a little off balance or be unsure about the movements. This is normal
and by design. In fact, in this phase I purposely expose you to exercise and movement patterns
that challenge you differently than other types of exercise, specifically so we can stress the body in a
systematic way to prepare it for the next phase.
You will soon learn that there are four critical components of the Metabolic Renewal workout. I call
them the Bs and Hs. They are:
✓✓ Breathless
✓✓ Burning
✓✓ Heavy
✓✓ Heat

I’ll explain more about why these Bs and Hs are so important for a high-intensity workout in
Chapter 8. For now, just be aware that this program hits all four of them, but it specifically focuses on
“breathless” and “burning” because these are the two biochemical feedback signals that indicate that
you are taking advantage of your unique female fat-loss advantage.
You can think of this like an athlete going into spring training. You will be getting the metabolic
benefits from day one, but we also have to lay the metabolic framework and rebalance your hormones
so you can benefit maximally from Phases 2, 3, and 4.
Phase 2: Inspire
Once your hormones and the control and command center of your brain are rebalanced, the next step
is to get your cells ready to receive the messages being sent.
This helps turn on your metabolism’s ability to burn fat for energy, giving you the metabolic flexibility
to burn either carbs or fat for energy based on what your body needs at the time. That’s important
because most women (and men) are stuck with metabolisms that can mostly only burn carbs for
energy, causing them to eat frequently and suffer from major ups and down of energy. Adding the
ability to burn fat allows you to eat less while stabilizing your energy.
Think of your hormones like mailmen—they carry messages around the body. But the cells need to
receive these messages if your metabolism is to function correctly. Phase 2 inspires your cells to wake
up, clearing out the cobwebs that are gumming up your cellular machinery right now. It increases
receptor sensitivity at the cellular level, meaning your metabolic mailmen (your hormones) can deliver
their messages more efficiently and effectively.
This impacts your metabolism all the way down to the mitochondrial level. Your mitochondria are the
little powerhouses in your cells that burn fat and create energy. If your cells can’t get messages from
your hormones, your mitochondria won’t function optimally.

That means reduced fat loss, reduced energy, poor mood, and more. So in this phase we ramp things
up a little bit to prevent that problem. We get your cells inspired to “hear” the fat burning messages
they receive.
Phase 3: Enhance
Now that we have your hormones rebalanced and your cells ready to hear their messages, it’s time
to turn up the heat. At this point in the program your body will be better able to handle the stress
hormones that are so important to enhancing the effects of exercise.
Did I just say stress hormones can be a good thing?
I did, and they can. You see, your stress hormones—the catecholamines—are a critical component of
the fat-burning hormonal cocktail. They aren’t inherently bad. In fact, under the right circumstances,
they can have a tremendous positive impact on your fat-burning metabolism.
The problem is that most of us are too stressed out too much of the time, our hormones are out
of balance, and our cellular machinery isn’t functioning properly. When you add more stress in a
situation like this—even otherwise healthy stress like exercise—you can set the stage for disaster.
But in the last two phases we have systematically upgraded your metabolism to handle more and more
intense exercise, which is exactly what you are going to get in Phase 3. This phase will leave you breathless—
a very good sign that it is doing its job, releasing those catecholamines, and burning up fat like crazy.
Phase 4: Symphony
This is where the rubber meets the road. Your hormones have been harmonized, your cells inspired,
and you’ve enhanced your fat-burning machinery. Now it’s time to bring the entire metabolic
symphony together so it can play its beautiful music.
Phase 4 is a culmination of all the work we’ve done in the last three phases. The big metabolic benefit
is that you will be taking advantage of your unique female ability to tap into and use human growth
hormone (HGH).
You see, women release more HGH in response to exercise than men do, and this is a very good
thing. HGH is the primary metabolic multi-tasker, enhancing the effects of all the other fat-burning,
muscle-sculpting hormones in the body. It delivers its muscle-shaping messages by amplifying the
effects of estrogen and testosterone in building and tightening lean muscle.
But unlike testosterone, HGH won’t make you bulky. It’s responsible for lean muscle, not bulky
muscle, so you won’t start looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger. HGH also happens to impact
collagen, which means your skin may look healthier and tighter than it has in decades—one of the
wonderful side benefits you will get from the Metabolic Renewal program.
By the time Phase 4 is over, your metabolism will be functioning on a whole other level. It will be
completely different from where it was when you started. It will be renewed. That means that you will
not only burn fat and shape lean muscles, you will reinvigorate your body and feel healthier than you
have in a long time.

Speaking of health, let’s take a few minutes to look at some of the health benefits, aside from fat
burning, that you are bound to experience on this program.


It is important to remember that looking good and feeling better are not the only things Metabolic
Renewal will help you accomplish. It will also help you get healthier and live longer. If there is one
thing exercise excels at, it is extending the quality and quantity of life.
The strategies we use for the nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle components of Metabolic Renewal have
repeatedly been shown in multiple studies to enhance health, protect you from chronic disease, and
even reverse the progress of some illnesses. What follows is not a comprehensive review of the health
benefits of the program. It’s just a sample to show you what a powerful effect Metabolic Renewal has,
not only your fitness levels, but also on your overall health.
Ultimately, you want to look good, feel good and live longer. I want to take a brief moment to point
out to you some of the amazing science we now have on how short, intense workouts like the ones you
will do in this program can not only reduce the risk of disease, but also treat it.
The biggest health concerns for most of the women I have worked with are heart disease, cancer,
diabetes and brain and memory concerns like Alzheimer’s.
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer of both women and men, and I want you to know that the
workout you will be doing in Metabolic Renewal is incredibly powerful at helping to keep your heart healthy.
One of my favorite studies to demonstrate this was published in 2007 in the highly-respected journal
Circulation.3 This study compared interval-style training to standard aerobic training in about 20
patients with heart failure.
I realize that you may not have heart failure, but that is why I like this study so much. If this style of
exercise can help those with the most unhealthy hearts, it can definitely help you. The patients received
three workouts a week for 12 weeks and then were compared one to the other.
While both groups saw improvements, the interval group saw more benefits in almost all the areas
examined. What was most striking was the interval workout’s ability to impact left ventricular
remodeling. This is a measure of how efficient and functional the heart is. The workout using
intense bursts followed by rest actually improved heart function, while the traditional workout had
no effect.
This same study showed improvements in cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood flow kinetics as well.
Cancer is typically cited as the second leading cause of death among women. Like cardiovascular
disease, some believe cancer to be a disease of poor lifestyle. It is widely recognized that exercise in

general reduces the risk of cancer, but do high-intensity workouts using rest intervals have any special
effects in this realm?
It appears these types of workouts may have an advantage here as well. Again, I like to quote studies of
those already dealing with the issue. My rationale is that if the workout helps those already diagnosed,
it should be even more beneficial for those not yet dealing with cancer.
Here 24 women were prescribed a similar type of workout to Metabolic Renewal two years after cancer
diagnosis. They were followed for 12 weeks, did three workouts a week, and were randomized to
either a short-burst and then rest group or a traditional aerobic group.
The interval group exercised for 20 minutes, although only 3.5 minutes of that time was work, the
remainder was active rest (similar to the slow walking you do during the Renewal workouts). The
traditional cardio group worked out for 30 minutes and all 30 minutes were work.
The interval group outperformed the traditional aerobic group in most all parameters studied,
including increased fitness, quality of life scores, and most importantly, enjoyability of the workout.
This study was published in the October 2016 issue of the journal PeerJ.4
Type II Diabetes
Type II Diabetes is an interesting condition because most doctors agree that it is an issue itself, but
also increases the risk of the two major killers of women: heart disease and cancer.
In a study, 28 diabetes patients were followed for 12 weeks to assess the outcomes of a short duration,
high-intensity workout utilizing rest. The study was published in 2016 in Volume 59 of one of the
most prestigious journals specializing in diabetes: Diabetologia.5
This study involved a mix of cardio bursts and weight lifting exercises very similar to what you are
doing in the Metabolic Renewal workouts. The participants exercised only three times per week.
The workout produced some pretty substantial changes. Blood sugar levels improved, abdominal fat
decreased and liver function—a major issue in diabetics—improved substantially.
Brain Health
When I talk to my female patients who are around the age of forty, they invariably admit their fear
about decreasing brain function as they age. Alzheimer’s is one of those conditions that makes all of
my patients a little worried.
So will Metabolic Renewal help your brain? According to a 2014 article in the Journal of Rehabilitation
Medicine, it definitely does.6
Obese subjects were put on a workout regime that combined short bursts of activity followed by rest
with circuit weight training. Metabolic Renewal uses a similar approach, combining both of these
modalities into a single workout.

After four months brain function—as measured by short-term and working memory, attention
and processing speed, and long-term verbal memory—was significantly improved. Some of these
parameters improved by over 30 percent!
Musculoskeletal Health
If you asked me what I thought the number one killer of women and men is, I would say frailty. The
reason? Those who have strong physical bodies fare much better when they get sick and are more likely
to recover. A strong woman who falls will be less likely to break a hip. If she does, she will be more
likely to recover.
You may be aware of this, but hip fractures are fairly common in women as they age, and can be a
deadly event due to severe complications.
Exercise of all types helps the bone, muscle, and nervous system, which are all required to keep you
from falling and minimize damage if you do. But do Metabolic Renewal workouts do a better job than
traditional workouts?
Yes, they do. Not only do weight-training workouts like this help burn fat and build bone, they help
you become stronger and more flexible. The combination of strong and flexible is the holy grail of
muscle and bone health.
A 12-week weight training program not only increased bone mineral density by 2.1%, something that
research has shown no other type of exercise can do, it also increased flexibility by well over 100%
(150% to be exact) compared to traditional stretching. I bet that puts an entirely new spin on what
type of exercise you should be doing for flexibility, doesn’t it?
These two studies were published in the April 2014 and December 2011 issues of The Strength and
Conditioning Journal (my favorite journal).7,8
There are, of course, a ton of other benefits to this type of training. There are literally thousands of
studies demonstrating the impact of this type of workout on health parameters. I just wanted to
provide some of my favorite studies and address some of the major concerns I know women wonder
You may not be a science nerd like me, but I hope this gives you the confidence to know that you
are doing something great for your body. You also may want to share this information with your
doctor, so he or she knows that you are in good hands and using a scientifically sound, evidence-based
workout program.
Alright, now that we’ve laid the foundation, let’s start digging into the juicy details and talk about why
Metabolic Renewal works the way it does. I can’t think of a better place to start than the three laws of

✓✓ “Eat less, exercise more” doesn’t work for most people.
✓✓ You need to diet and exercise smarter, not harder.
✓✓ Your cycle and your hormone type have a tremendous influence on your ability to burn
fat, and this program will teach you how to leverage that advantage.
✓✓ There are 4Ms when it comes to fat loss: mindset, movement, meals, and metabolics.
Historically, diet programs have focused too much on diet and exercise to the exclusion
of the others.
✓✓ Better diet and exercise is ultimately about pulling specific metabolic and hormonal
triggers that will reprogram your body to burn fat.
✓✓ Metabolic Renewal achieves this by utilizing a technique called rest-based training that
allows you to tailor each exercise session to your personal physiology and needs, and it
provides a customizable dietary program you can fit to your own needs as woman.
✓✓ It is a 12-week, four-phase program that will systematically provide you with a meta-
bolic makeover.
✓✓ The plan also has a wide variety of positive effects on your health.
✓✓ Despite what you might have heard, when it comes to exercise, men and women are
different. This program is designed specifically to give women a hormonal advantage.


hen it comes to fitness, harder is not better, smarter is better.
Metabolic Renewal is a better program because it changes the key metabolic hormones
that act as the control switch for fat burning. Other programs focus on calories first.
This program focuses on metabolic balance first. I am going to teach you exactly how it works.
But before you can understand why this program works so well, we have to cover some basic rules of
fat loss. We will call these the three laws of metabolism.


Some people compare the metabolism to a calculator. Others compare it to a chemistry lab. Both of
these models are wrong. There is no standard math equation or chemical recipe that unlocks fat loss.
The metabolism is most like a thermostat or seesaw. It adjusts and responds in the opposite direction
to stimuli, always seeking balance. This is why when you eat less and exercise more, your metabolism
will produce changes that make it so you will compensate with more hunger, lower energy, increased
cravings and a slower metabolic rate. All these changes ensure that you will soon end up eating more,
exercising less and regain any lost fat and possibly more.

When your sleep, hunger, mood, energy and cravings—what I call SHMEC (pronounced “shmeck”)—
are out of balance, you know that the law of metabolic compensation is working against you. Smarter,
more intelligent programs work with, rather than against, this metabolic compensation. They keep
your SHMEC in check and your metabolism humming. You will learn why in a minute.


The two dominant models for body change are “eat like a bird and run for miles” and “eat less carbs
and more protein plus lift weights.”
The first approach burns fat, but also breaks down muscle. The result is you get smaller but flabbier.
What is often referred to as “skinny fat.” The second approach builds or maintains muscle, but does
little to burn fat. This results in a bigger, more bulky appearance. When you gain muscle under a layer
of fat that is not burned, it is like putting a jacket on top of two sweaters. Of course, you look bulky.
The body likes to be burning or building, and does not do well managing both at the same time.
That’s why you see athletes or more advanced fitness buffs do separate workouts for cardio to burn
fat and weight training to build muscle. There’s just one problem – that burns up a lot of time we
probably don’t have given that we’re all juggling competing priorities at work and at home and
struggling to find the time to really do anything consistently for ourselves.
Smarter programs primarily burn fat, and utilize special metabolic tactics that shape and firm muscle
as well. You are going to learn exactly how this program accomplishes both. It’ll save you a ton of time
and deliver results that you can both see and feel surprisingly quickly.


Your metabolism is not wasteful, and, as you have learned, is highly reactive to changes. Doing more
exercise or longer exercise can easily become a stress to the body, especially if you are just starting out.
Eating less while exercising more only worsens the problem.
When your body is stressed you create the opposite changes from what you are after. Rather than
getting a faster, healthier metabolism with less fat and better muscle tone, you will get a slower, more
sluggish metabolism with more fat and flabby muscles.
Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to finding the sweet spot of health and fitness. It is
like Goldilocks. You don’t want too much or too little. You want it just right.
This program combines optimal intensity that is individualized to you, with short, directed exercise
sessions. Its nutrition plan is built so that it can be tailored to your needs, and the focus on rest-based
living gives you the structure and space to cool down stress overall. You do just the right amount to
get the result, but not too much to throw your metabolism out of balance.
The three laws of metabolism have to be honored if you want to make sure you burn fat and keep
it off. Violating these laws for any length of time almost ensures rebound fat gain and wasted effort.

Metabolic Renewal works with these three laws to make sure your metabolism stays balanced, SHMEC
stays in check and you slowly build your body into a fat-burning furnace.
One of the chief ways it does this is by paying special attention to your hormonal balance. After all,
your hormones have a tremendous impact on your metabolism. Most women know this. They realize
hormones impact fat-burning. But here’s the secret: The most important hormones for fat-burning are
not the ones you think they are.


✓✓ There are three laws of metabolism that constitute the basic rules for how you burn fat.
✓✓ Law #1 tells us that your metabolism is more like a thermostat or seesaw than a calcula-
tor. It adjusts and responds to your diet and lifestyle. This is why the classic “eat less,
exercise more” advice for weight loss doesn’t work.
✓✓ Law #2 tells us that your metabolism doesn’t like to multitask. It likes to be building
or burning, not both. This is why we must trick your body with specialized metabolic
techniques that will allow you build or shape muscle while burning fat at the same
✓✓ Law #3 tells us that your metabolism is not wasteful. Efficiency is the name of the
game. This is why you want neither too much nor too little exercise.
✓✓ These three laws must be obeyed if you want to burn fat and keep it off.


ost women know instinctually that their hormones influence their weight. But here’s the
thing… It’s not the hormones you think.
Yes, it is true that estrogen and progesterone—the hormones most intimately related to
your menstrual cycle—are important. But what many women think is that estrogen and progesterone
are the most important fat-burning and fat-storing hormones. They aren’t. Insulin, cortisol, thyroid,
and your adrenals are all more important when it comes to fat loss.
In fact, estrogen and progesterone constitute the smallest part of what I call
the Female Hormonal Triad. Here’s an easy way to understand it:
At the base of the pyramid are insulin and cortisol. These are the primary
hormones that influence your ability to burn fat. Just above them are
thyroid and your adrenals. Then, all the way at the top—at the very
smallest part of the pyramid—are estrogen and progesterone.
Why are they all the way at the top? Because they are not as
important as the others, but they do influence each of the other

You see, your hormones all play together like a symphony. When one part of the symphony
overwhelms another part, it impacts the harmony of the whole thing. And, like in a symphony,
the instruments (in this case hormones) can have different effects. Sometimes they work one way,
sometimes another, just like a violin can make you feel happy one moment and melancholy the next.
The best symphonies play in tune together. They are balanced, and that is exactly what you want with
your hormones. It’s what I call the Goldilocks effect. Not too little and not too much—but just right.
Of course, calories matter too. If they were pictured here, they would share the base of the pyramid
with insulin and cortisol. However, if you get your hormones right, often the calories take care of
I don’t want to write a textbook on hormones here. But I do want you to understand how some of the
key hormones—including your female hormones—impact your ability to burn fat.


In the hierarchy of hormonal influencers for fat loss, insulin still reigns as king. This hormone, relative
to the others, is most strongly influenced by carbohydrate intake and overconsumption of food, both
of which cause a detrimental increase in blood sugar.
For the average American who tends to be sedentary and also overconsumes, insulin will increase and
remain high. Chronic high levels of insulin will eventually cause your body to become resistant to this
hormone, meaning you will have difficulty burning fat.
With the epidemic of type II diabetes and obesity, this means that most Americans are insulin resistant
and thus unable to burn fat. Interestingly, estrogen makes you more insulin sensitive. As you age,
estrogen naturally declines until you reach menopause, when it plummets and your whole female
physiology changes. Think about what that means when it comes to your cycle and time of life.
As these hormones fluctuate over the course of your menstrual cycle and as you move through various
phases of life—from normal menstruation to compromised menstruation for some to pregnancy and
eventually menopause—you will become more or less insulin sensitive as your levels of estrogen and
progesterone rise and fall. This program takes into account this fluctuation allowing you to maximize
your results by taking advantage of these changes instead of falling victim to them.


Cortisol, secreted from the adrenal glands, has a split personality in the body. In other words, it is not
all bad or all good. Acute stressors on the body tend to cause a short-term increase of this hormone.
It gets the body primed to either fight or flee from the stress. This served us well in paleolithic times
when we were not at the top of the food chain.
A lion jumping out at us requires metabolic messengers that are quick acting to prime us to fight or
flee for our lives. Cortisol, along with adrenaline, serves this purpose. Once we get out of danger,
these hormones allow us to get stronger and better for the next time a predator thinks we are food.

Unfortunately, these days our hectic lifestyles cause our adrenal glands to think there are dangerous
creatures everywhere jumping out at us, thus cortisol levels tend to be either chronically elevated or
very, very low, both of which can create a fatty, fatigued body.
Interestingly, estrogen and progesterone both cause cortisol to be less detrimental. When levels fall you
become more sensitive to cortisol and its negative effects, which is one of the reasons women are more
stress reactive. However, that also means that there are certain times in your life and in your cycle
when you are super buffered against cortisol. As you’ll see in this program, you can take advantage of
this fact to get even better results.


Thyroid hormone, secreted from the thyroid gland, helps to manage the body’s metabolic processes,
including your fat-burning potential. It is like the thermostat on your metabolism. This hormone is
also keenly sensitive to your daily lifestyle choices, including sleep (how long and how deep), nutrition
(types and amounts), stress (acute or chronic), and exercise (longer moderate intensity or shorter high
Unfortunately, your thyroid gland is primed to think food will be scarce like it tended to be long ago
in prehistoric times. This is why when someone goes on an “eat less and exercise more” program your
thyroid will cause your body to slow down its metabolism.
If you’ve experience rebound weight gain after dieting, this may very well be why. When you eat less,
your thyroid slows down to accommodate the reduction in calories. Then, when you go back to a
regular diet, your metabolism is still operating in this downregulated state. Think about that: You’re
eating the same calories you did before your diet, but now your metabolism is burning even fewer
calories than it did before. That’s the perfect storm for fat gain, making fat loss next to impossible.
Estrogen and thyroid hormone have a special relationship. Higher than normal levels of estrogen
increase a thyroid binding hormone called TBG. High levels of TBG make thyroid less effective.
So while estrogen levels that are too low are not a good thing, estrogen levels that are too high can
negatively impact thyroid hormone production as well.
I know all of this can get a little confusing, but it will all make sense soon. For now just realize that
when thinking about hormones you don’t want too much or too little, but levels that are just right,
like Goldilocks.


Epinephrine and norepinephrine, referred to as catecholamines, along with cortisol, get secreted by
the adrenal glands any time you are stressed. This happens especially when you exercise. The great
thing about the catecholamines is that they tell the body to get ready to start burning fat.
But again, too much of a good thing is not healthy for the female metabolism, which likes balance.
When it comes to the catecholamines, you want them elevated during exercise, but turned off during

rest. This is going to be a recurring theme throughout
this program and why the section on rest-based living is
going to be so important for you to master. THE PROBLEM
These catecholamines also signal to other hormones, REPLACEMENT THERAPY
like HGH, cortisol and testosterone, encouraging them
to go into fat burning mode. As you might imagine, This idea of hormonal balance
is one of the most important
the catecholamines have a close working relationship
lessons you can take from this
with cortisol, given they are both secreted from the program. Hormones influence
adrenal gland. Their effects can be blunted if cortisol each other and your metabolism
levels are not optimal. in complex ways.
And, as we saw with insulin and thyroid, estrogen and It’s almost never just about one
progesterone have an influence on adrenal hormones hormone or another, but how the
as well. They do this by blunting the negative effects of whole symphony plays together.
cortisol and other stress hormones. This is especially important
for women, because during
menopause or when you are
ESTROGEN: FAT LOSS HORMONE, OR metabolically challenged, the
FAT GAIN HORMONE? conventional wisdom says,
“re-establish estrogen and
Estrogen is a growth hormone. It’s primarily progesterone and you’ll start
responsible for the growth of the breasts and the losing weight”.
uterine lining, but it plays a role in growth throughout
The traditional way to do that?
the female body and can even impact the growth of Hormone replacement therapy
muscle, brain cells, and other areas. So, estrogen is not or HRT.
just about reproduction; it’s also about healthy growth
I’ve seen hundreds of women
all over the female metabolism.
come through my clinic on HRT,
Estrogen is an interesting hormone from the and in my experience it rarely
standpoint of weight loss and fat loss, because it works the way they want it to.
causes weight loss globally but may cause fat gain Why?
locally on specific parts of the body. There is some Synthetic hormones dock on
evidence9 showing that estrogen amplifies the your cellular receptors differently
number and activity of alpha-adrenergic receptors. than natural ones do. And these
These special fat cell regulators are concentrated in hormones aren’t delivered
the lower body of women, especially in the hips, cyclically the way they naturally
butt, and thighs. occur in your body.
When you don’t take into account
These receptors are responsible for slowing the release
the hormonal hierarchy and the
of fat, so stimulating their activity can slow down fat hormonal symphony, and simply
loss. This is one of the reasons estrogen causes women use HRT to solve your problems, it
to have that beautiful hourglass shape. It keeps their usually doesn’t work.
waist smaller and their hips, bust, butt and thighs

At the same time, these receptors are also the reason many women lose weight faster from certain
parts of the body than others. If estrogen levels and other hormones are not attended to, women can
develop other, less flattering, shapes, like the pear or apple shape.
Similarly, these receptors explain why shape change can be so difficult, and why many women go from
a large pear or apple shape to a smaller but more pronounced pear or apple shape, when they follow
traditional diets. They restrict calories, but do nothing to impact hormones, and lack of real shape
change is the reward.
This is also why measuring your hourglass shape (which you will do in this program) is a critical
indicator of your estrogen and progesterone levels and balance. You can learn more about that in the
bonus The Metabolic Renewal Transformation Tracker.
Estrogen may have the opposite effect on visceral adipose tissue or VAT. This is the fat that lies deep
inside your body. It’s not that stuff you can pinch an inch of. It’s fat that surrounds your organs,
especially your liver. Estrogen helps you effectively burn this fat, because it controls the two major
hormones that store it—insulin and cortisol. That is why optimizing estrogen levels—not too much
or too little—keeps you healthy and sexy.
It’s also worth mentioning again that estrogen can negatively impact the action of thyroid. That means
if you have too much estrogen your whole metabolism could slow down, leading to many negative
downstream consequences beyond weight gain, including hypothyroidism.
In fact, estrogen dominance is an increasingly common problem—one that I talk about more below.
But too little estrogen isn’t good either, and here’s why. Estrogen makes the female metabolism more
insulin-sensitive and less stress-reactive. You’ll recall that insulin and cortisol are at the very base of our
hormonal hierarchy for fat loss. If you are more insulin-sensitive and less stress-reactive, this is a very
good thing for your body composition.
This is one of the key reasons young women who menstruate normally have an easier time burning fat
and keeping it off than women in menopause or those who are metabolically challenged do.
When estrogen drops at the time of menopause, fat distribution changes, and women are more likely
to gain weight, especially right around the middle. If you are metabolically challenged and dealing
with a condition like PCOS, your hormones may fluctuate all over the place, making it very difficult
to maintain the balance needed to burn fat and keep it off.
But there are ways you can better manage these situations. I’ll show you how in this program.


Progesterone doesn’t get the attention it deserves. But estrogen and progesterone are like sisters. They
need each other. They balance each other out. Unfortunately, many people think of progesterone as
the unrecognized or even the “ugly” stepsister in this equation. To me, this is the wrong way to think
about progesterone.

If estrogen sends the “growth signals” to the breast, uterine lining, and other areas, progesterone comes
along and says, “okay, not too much growth.” Remember, it’s all about Goldilocks here.
But progesterone has other effects as well, particularly on stress. When progesterone is out of
balance, the first thing we see is women becoming more reactive to stress. Stress can cause drops in
progesterone, which can cause a maladaptive stress response, creating a vicious cycle. When a woman
is stressed out, this is usually how it is reflected in the metabolism.
Remember that stress leads to more cortisol, and chronically high cortisol levels have a serious impact
on fat gain. Progesterone can help blunt that effect if it is balanced. Unlike estrogen, progesterone has
little to no direct effect on insulin. But it does influence it indirectly, because it opposes the action of
estrogen. As you know, estrogen makes you more insulin sensitive. Since progesterone opposes the
action of estrogen, it can make you more insulin resistant if it is too high for too long.
This is obviously not a good thing, because insulin resistance can lead to weight gain.
The important takeaway when it comes to progesterone is that it impacts fat loss or fat gain indirectly,
due to how it influences cortisol and, more importantly, its balancing effects on estrogen. Estrogen and
progesterone ARE important. But they ARE NOT your most important fat-burning hormones. That
said, they do influence your most important fat-burning hormones, and that means you can mitigate
any negative effects they have on your fat-burning potential by learning to live, eat and exercise in a
way that is in tune with your hormone type
To do that you need to understand a little more about your specific hormone type and how it
influences your metabolism.


✓✓ Estrogen and progesterone do impact fat loss, but not the way you think.
✓✓ They are not your primary fat loss hormones, but they are important.
✓✓ Insulin, cortisol, thyroid and adrenals are also essential.
✓✓ Insulin is the king of fat loss hormones. Estrogen makes you more insulin sensitive.
✓✓ Cortisol can also lead to fat gain. Estrogen and progesterone protect you against it.
✓✓ Thyroid is like the gas pedal on your metabolism. It defines the speed at which it runs.
Balanced female hormones affect thyroid positively.
✓✓ Adrenals also play a role in stress and fat gain. Estrogen and progesterone protect you
against them.
✓✓ Estrogen is related to fat loss in complex ways. It may actually cause fat retention in cer-
tain tissues like the butt, hips, thighs and breast. But it helps you burn belly fat.
✓✓ Progesterone is estrogen’s sister. It doesn’t impact fat loss directly, but indirectly through
its effect on cortisol and estrogen.


ll women experience the hormonal fluctuations that go along with menses and the
changes that occur during a regular menstrual cycle, through pregnancy, and then through
menopause. Even if you don’t menstruate regularly or are somehow hormonally or
metabolically challenged, you most likely remember a time your cycle was stable and smooth.
But not all women are aware of the precise way that estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones ebb
and flow. This is important because these hormones influence all of the other hormones in your body,
especially your fat-burning hormones.
Your hormone type has a tremendous influence on your overall metabolic balance. These hormones,
in turn, impact your metabolism. However, you can influence them based on how you eat, exercise,
manage stress, and move. This turns what is normally seen as a fat-burning disadvantage for women
into a kind of female “superpower”. But to take advantage of it, you need to know a little bit more
about your specific hormone type.
IMPORTANT: I encourage you to read this whole chapter even if a specific hormone type doesn’t
apply to you. Your hormonal balance and hormone type are bound to change over time, maybe
even over the course of this program. Understanding the different types will arm you with critical
information you need as these changes occur.

All of you should read the section on the normal
menstrual cycle, unless you are already very well
versed in the biology of menses. Understanding the
basic mechanics of female menstruation will inform Premenstrual syndrome is
everything you read in the rest of this program. believed to occur due to falling
levels of either estrogen and/or
progesterone in the week leading
ESTROGEN AND PROGESTERONE It is important to remember that
BALANCED there are receptors for estrogen
and progesterone all over the
The menstrual cycle begins with the first day of menses body, including the brain, breast,
or bleeding. About halfway through (day 14) ovulation muscle and fat cells.
occurs. The egg is then available for insemination for
One theory about what causes
an additional 14 days, and the cycle repeats. For the
PMS in some are levels of
first 14 days of your menstrual cycle, progesterone estrogen that are always
is relatively flat. In fact, young women have similar a bit more prevalent than
amounts of progesterone in their body as men do prior progesterone.
to ovulation. During this time estrogen slowly rises and Remember that female
peaks right around ovulation. metabolism is exquisitely balanced
in its cyclical fluctuations of
At this point in your cycle, you have more estrogen in
estrogen and progesterone. Any
your body relative to progesterone. This is called the change in this system—usually
“follicular” phase of your cycle, because this is when due to poorly designed diets or
the follicle that hosts the egg begins to develop. Two poor stress management—can
other important hormones influence the development result in symptoms of poor
of the follicle: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and metabolic function.
luteinizing hormone (LH). As a result, SHMEC can go out of
check and other uncomfortable
Toward the end of the follicular phase of the cycle (right
symptoms can manifest including
around day 14), you experience a spike in LH. This anxiety, depression, breast
causes the follicle to rupture and the egg to be released. tenderness, cramping and other
During this same period, the uterine lining begins to effects.
thicken under the influence of estrogen. If you are a woman who has dealt
Once ovulation occurs, and the egg is released, what’s with PMS, realize that this is a clue
that your hormonal system may be
left of the follicle becomes the corpus luteum, which is
out of balance, and you will want to
the source of the name of the next part of the cycle: the use these symptoms as clues, like
“luteal phase”. The corpus luteum becomes the source a detective, about how to design
of progesterone. So, progesterone starts to rise and your new lifestyle in this program.
estrogen starts to fall after ovulation. Midway through
As you make progress, you may be
the luteal phase you end up with more progesterone surprised to see that these symptoms
than estrogen. There is still a lot of estrogen around, but begin to dramatically improve.
it’s not dominant as it was before.

If the egg is not fertilized and implanted (attached to the wall of the uterus), progesterone and
estrogen levels fall and the uterine lining is shed. Bleeding commences, and the cycle starts over.
I know that may seem a bit complicated, so here’s a graphic that illustrates this process.


LH ESTROGEN Progesterone
Dominant Dominant





As you can see, there is a natural ebb and flow of estrogen and progesterone throughout the cycle.
This is important to understand, so I’m going to say it again… The first 14 days of your cycle is a time
of more estrogen relative to progesterone. Then, after ovulation, there is a time of more progesterone
than estrogen. Both hormones are still high, but progesterone dominates.
This ebb and flow of hormones, and the way it fluctuates throughout the life of a woman (from
pregnancy through menopause), causes all the changes associated with female metabolism.
What this means is that if you learn to live, eat, and exercise in harmony with your hormones, you can
take your fat-burning potential to a whole new level.

Estrogen dominance occurs when you have too much estrogen relative to progesterone for too long. A
younger woman who menstruates normally will be estrogen dominant in the first half of her cycle and
progesterone dominant in the second half of her cycle. This is not a problem. In fact, this ebb and flow
of hormones is exactly as nature intended. However, if you remain estrogen dominant for too long it
can have many negative downstream consequences on your health, including fat gain.
You should know there are really no good measurements for this that you can get at your doctor’s
office. Estrogen dominance is what we call a “clinical manifestation”—it makes sense, it is consistent
with the science, but we don’t have an accurate way of measuring it.
Estrogen dominance can occur for many reasons. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
You Remain Estrogen Dominant Throughout Your Cycle
This can happen for many reasons, including not ovulating. Since the corpus luteum is the source of
progesterone, and it is only formed if ovulation occurs, lack of ovulation means no progesterone. The
two major reasons this happens are stress and menopause. In fact, a young woman undergoing a lot of
stress can push her metabolism into a state that closely resembles menopause.
It is useful to remind yourself that your female metabolism is exquisitely tuned to stress reactions. This
is a requirement since your metabolism is built to prepare you for an optimal pregnancy. If it were not
for the female metabolism’s ability to finely tune itself to stressors, the human race would not have
fared very well.
Too much stress, whether through chronic dieting, extreme exercise or any other source, will register
in your metabolism and disrupt the natural rhythm of estrogen and progesterone, leading to lack of
ovulation and all the downstream negative effects.
Chronic stress can place younger women in a menopause-like state too. This happens for
many complex biochemical reasons, but here is the short version. Chronic stress “agitates” the
hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis. This is the highway of information that runs from your brain to
your reproductive organs and governs the whole process of menstruation and ovulation.
When there is too much traffic on this highway, or the traffic is “driving like crazy,” it causes changes
in FSH and LH, and therefore can impact ovulation in ways that are similar to what we see in
menopause. If a young woman is presenting with menopause-like symptoms, it’s almost always a sign
that she is under extreme stress.
Environmental Toxins
We are awash in a sea of exogenous estrogens, which just means anything that comes from
outside the human body. Exogenous estrogens are chemicals in the environment that mimic
the actions of estrogen in the body. These endocrine-disrupting compounds are often referred

to as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). They include things like pesticides, plasticizers, and
industrial chemicals.
Some of these environmental hormones even come from our food and water. Milk is a major source
of bovine (cow) estrogen and progesterone, and the global use of contraceptive pills may have made
our water a source too. This is because women ingest the pills and then trace amounts of estrogen are
urinated out. This is not completely removed by water treatment facilities, so it may end up in the
water supply. The impact of this widespread estrogen in our environment is unknown, but it certainly
can impact individuals who are most sensitive.
These estrogens have all kinds of consequences. Some can directly mimic estrogen, making your body
think it has far too much of it. Others affect the estrogen receptors on your cells, blocking them so
your real estrogen can’t do its job. When this happens, you can enter a state called estrogen resistance.
Since some cells can’t hear the message estrogen is trying to send, and others hear the message too
loudly, your body’s own hormonal regulation gets confused and disrupted.
Because your tissues can’t hear the messages estrogen is trying to send, your body may begin to
produce more and more of it. The usual outcome is that progesterone levels fall even further and take
a back seat to estrogen effects. At this point you enter a state of estrogen dominance, which can set off
a cascade of hormonal imbalances.
As estrogen increases, progesterone may start to plummet further. Testosterone gets in on the action as
well, often becoming relatively higher compared to progesterone and estrogen than it should be. This
is when women start looking more like men, and you see patterns of male fat distribution (more fat
around the belly) and hair growth (as can be the case with PCOS).
The symptoms of estrogen dominance vary from woman to woman, but they include:
✓✓ Overproduction of uterine lining tissue
✓✓ Heavy periods
✓✓ Fibroids
✓✓ Endometriosis
✓✓ Pronounced hip, butt, and thigh tissue
✓✓ Being overly stressed out
✓✓ Anxiety and/or depression
Basically, what you end up with is a dysregulation of the hormonal symphony, with all kinds of bad
downstream consequences. How do you get estrogen back into balance? Well, this program will take
you a long way toward doing that.


Whereas estrogen is a growth promoter, progesterone is a growth trimmer. If estrogen and
progesterone were landscapers, estrogen would grow the hedges and weeds and progesterone would

trim the hedges and weed the garden. Estrogen and progesterone work together to keep the female
physique lean and toned. Both hormones work together to keep fat from accumulating around the
middle of the body. But when progesterone levels fall this becomes much more difficult.
Progesterone interacts with receptors all over the body, including in the fat tissues, muscle cells,
brain, ovaries, uterus and breasts. So long as progesterone is in the Goldilocks zone, everything works
beautifully. But when progesterone drops too low it can lead to issues.
When a hormone like progesterone declines it impacts other hormones as well. For example,
progesterone levels prime your tissues for other hormones to act—hormones like estrogen and
thyroid. This means that when progesterone levels decline, these other hormones are negatively
impacted as well.
As a result, you may experience hypothyroid-like symptoms. These include cold intolerance,
constipation, hair loss, decreased quality of skin and nails, thinning of the eyebrows, depression, fatigue,
slow thinking, and memory issues. What this means for you is you may have periods of time where you
feel tired, lethargic and sluggish and other times where you feel wired, anxious and buzzing inside.
Another area progesterone is crucial for is your brain and mood. Normal progesterone levels
help maintain good levels of the GABA, the number one relaxing brain chemical that calms you
and helps you get to sleep. Low progesterone can cause GABA levels to fall, spiking anxiety and
causing insomnia. The outcome of all of this is that you may be feeling confused and frustrated as
to why things just seem slightly off. You may even experience ovarian cysts, irregular menses, and
unpredictable menstrual symptoms, and not have an explanation as to why.
You probably also notice a more difficult time keeping stomach fat at bay. Your body may feel more flabby
and less toned. And the shape of your body may start to resemble something you no longer recognize.
The good news is that I can help you with these problems. Luckily, there are some things we can do to
control this.


If you are estrogen and progesterone deficient, you have entered a state I refer to as “ovarian burnout.”
Whether by choice or circumstance your metabolic system is hyperactive, and as a result has depleted
the strength of both estrogen and progesterone. This often happens after a period of extreme stress,
illness, dieting or over-exercising.
That could be the cause, but just as often the stress is more silent and sneaks up on you without
you realizing it. Typically when this happens progesterone falls first, but if the stress continues, both
hormones end up in a depressed flat line.
The female metabolism is very sensitive to stress. Too much stress to the female metabolism signals
that it’s not a good time to try to get pregnant. As a result, your metabolism becomes indifferent and

This is much like what ovarian burnout feels like as well. It feels like some days you just want to lie in
bed and do nothing, or stare at the wall and veg. Being indifferent and having no energy feels like life
just isn’t as exciting or enjoyable as it once was. Believe it or not, lack of estrogen and progesterone can
cause this.
It can also lead to fat gain and difficulty burning fat. Without progesterone’s cortisol-blocking effects,
you may see a redistribution of fat around your waist even if your weight does not change. This
problem is compounded when you have a lack of estrogen since that hormone balances both the
effects of cortisol and insulin.
Some women also experience hypothyroid-like symptoms when they are both estrogen and
progesterone deficient. This is because both hormones influence thyroid. As a result, you may be
feeling tired but at the same time wired, with a lack of interest in things you used to love. You may feel
you just don’t have the energy or drive to do much at all. You may even lose interest in sex too.
What this means is that you will likely have short stints of feeling energetic, motivated and focused,
but more times than not you will feel tired and wired with anxious buzzing inside. But we can resolve
those problems and rebalance your hormones, and this is precisely what you will learn to do in the
next few chapters.

Interestingly, younger women What begins to happen when you move into perimenopause
under extreme stress can actually (the time just before you are in full-blown menopause) is
enter a menopause-like state.
that you have times when ovulation does not occur. This
Stress impacts the hypothalamus happens, in part, because you get improper amounts of FSH
and pituitary ovarian axis of and LH to help the follicle grow and mature. The outcome
women. When stress is extreme is that the follicle won’t rupture. It also happens as the
or prolonged the first effect is
number of viable eggs become diminished. This means no
that progesterone falls. If the
stress continues, estrogen levels egg (thus no ovulation), but it also means you don’t get the
fall as well. This is almost like self- corpus luteum.
induced menopause, since the
Remember that the corpus luteum is the source of
changes are very similar.
progesterone, so if it isn’t there, your progesterone levels
This is essentially what happens plummet. This can lead to extended periods of estrogen
in the athlete triad and PCOS to exposure without progesterone to balance it out. Sometimes
some degree.
estrogen will be dominant and take over the show. At other
If this describes you, see the times it will become completely wiped out since it is never
section on The Metabolically getting any help from progesterone. This is one of the reasons
Challenged Woman below.
perimenopause It feels so unpredictable, uneasy, unbalanced,
even bipolar.

Under normal circumstances, estrogen and progesterone work together. Estrogen causes fat stor-age
around the hips, butt, breast and thighs, and when acting with progesterone, keeps fat from being
stored around the middle of the body. Both hormones also interact with receptors all over the body
including in the fat tissues, muscle cells, brain, ovaries, uterus and breasts.
When estrogen and progesterone are working together in harmony they are responsible for that
beautiful hourglass shape that is the hallmark of the gorgeous female body. But when progesterone is
no longer exerting influence, and estrogen is forced to do all the work itself, its levels will rise and fall
When estrogen is high sometimes and low other times, the tissues it signals become irregular in their
function too. One minute the tissues and cells of the body see high estrogen and the next they see low.
Rarely do they see normal levels. This is not a good outcome for the metabolism.
My point is that perimenopause can feel incredibly random, and it can drive your metabolism and
your mind crazy as you try to keep up. As a result, you may be feeling motivated and clear one second,
wired and anxious the next and depressed the next. No two days will feel exactly the same. You can
feel like you are going a little crazy. This chart shows just how wild the estrogen rollercoaster ride can
be during perimenopause:



Your ovarian and uterine tissue are not getting the proper signals and rhythms anymore. Your periods
will become irregular, unpredictable, lighter in flow and fewer in frequency. You may notice your
eating habits change as well. While they may have been easier to maintain before, now it may be
extremely difficult to manage unpredictable cravings and hunger that can range from ravenous to zero
appetite at all.
You may also notice other areas of the body start to fare worse than before. Unpredictable digestion
can ensue. Foods you tolerated previously may now cause heartburn or gas. You may find your thyroid
and adrenal glands also take a beating. You may begin to experience symptoms like bowel changes,
cold intolerance, irritability, frustration fatigue at times and excess energy at other time. This is all
mainly due to the volatile nature of your fluctuating hormones.

One of the most impacted areas is the brain. Fluctuating estrogen levels create an unstable influence
on serotonin and dopamine, leading to lack of motivation (dopamine) and feelings of insecurity
or depression (serotonin). At the same time, low progesterone levels lead to falling levels of GABA,
the number one relaxing brain chemical in the body. This, along with your estrogen levels bouncing
around like a ping pong ball, make for increased risk of worry and midnight monkey-mind where
you can’t shut your brain off to go to sleep.
So, it is no wonder you are feeling so unstable, volatile and out of balance—your hormonal system
is partly to blame. But the good news is that by managing the 4 Ms in a way to accommodate for
your fluctuating hormones, you can regain your energy, stabilize your mood, and even burn off the
stubborn fat that piles up for many women during this period.


As perimenopause progresses and you move into menopause, ovulation stops completely and estrogen
starts to decline as well. This means that both estrogen and progesterone fall over the course of
perimenopause and menopause. But that doesn’t happen in a nice smooth downward slope.
Instead, there are long periods of time when you have more estrogen than progesterone. This is
very different than what happens during the normal menstrual cycle where there’s an estrogen
dominant time and a progesterone dominant time. This results in a period during which you’re at
risk for becoming more estrogen dominant, since while both progesterone and estrogen are falling,
progesterone is falling faster than estrogen, as this chart shows:


risk period
hormone levels

estrogen to
gap pronounced

25 35 50 60 75

Because these key female hormones fall during this time, testosterone, insulin, and cortisol begin to
have a greater impact since there is less progesterone and estrogen to buffer their effects.
This is really important. During menopause you end up in a situation where there’s a decrease in
estrogen, a decrease in progesterone, an increase in testosterone relative to these two hormones, and

you become more stress-reactive and more insulin-resistant. This is a perfect fat-gain formula. And it’s
why many women pack on the pounds—especially around the belly—during menopause.
To add insult to injury, your brain chemistry changes during this time as well. GABA, your major
relaxing neurotransmitter, the brain-focusing chemical dopamine, and your self-esteem and relaxing
neurotransmitter, serotonin, all decrease. One of the reasons this happens is because there are receptors
for both estrogen and progesterone all over the body, including in your brain.
Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels therefore impact brain chemistry, and this can lead
to mood changes and cravings, making it even more difficult for women at menopause to maintain
their weight.


After menopause is over and your cycle stops completely, you enter post-menopause. At this point
your metabolism looks more like a man’s—you have higher testosterone relative to estrogen and
progesterone. There are two likely outcomes at this point.
If you weren’t able to manage your weight during menopause, you will end up with lots of extra fat—
especially around the middle—and you’ll have a harder time losing it, because you are no longer in a
position to take advantage of your unique female fat-loss physiology. The other scenario is that you
start looking like a man: you become more flat-chested and lose that hourglass shape.
The good news is that both of these situations can be managed by using the Metabolic Renewal
program. If you learn to live, eat, and exercise in harmony with the hormonal changes you experience
during and after menopause you can not only maintain your weight, but even burn fat.
I’ve seen it happen over and over again. I have seen hundreds (maybe thousands) of women go
through this process, most with incredible results.

In addition to the various hormone types outlined above, this program can help you more effectively
manage other special cases you may find yourself in. Pregnancy is a unique time in a woman’s life where
her metabolism acts slightly differently than it otherwise would. And some women don’t have normal
cycles, or suffer from other kinds of metabolic challenges. So let’s look at some of these cases and how this
program can help you.


Most women view pregnancy as a time where their metabolism abandons them in favor of their
growing little one. They almost resign themselves to a ruined metabolism post-partum and start
strategizing how to deal with this reality after they give birth.

Here’s what most people don’t know: pregnancy is one of the best things that can happen to a
woman’s metabolism. That is, if you do it right.
What Happens During Pregnancy?
If the egg is fertilized and implantation occurs, HCG levels will rise and keep the corpus luteum
around long enough for the placenta to take over progesterone production. Interestingly, HCG is
the first hormone of pregnancy and is used clinically to diagnose pregnancy. After about 8 weeks the
corpus luteum degrades and HCG levels fall off as the placenta takes on full-time duties of keeping
estrogen and progesterone around.
Pregnancy is a unique time since it is one of the few times in a woman’s life that she remains
progesterone dominant. The only other times are during the second half of the menstrual cycle and
when a woman is breastfeeding. From pregnancy through breastfeeding is certainly the most extended
period of progesterone dominance a woman experiences.
This has many implications, one of which is to increase glucose intolerance and promote insulin
resistance. Remember, estrogen makes women more insulin sensitive, so when it is suppressed for any
length of time, insulin resistance can result. This sounds bad, but remember that an insulin-resistant
and glucose-intolerant metabolism means more food for the growing baby.
Of course, many doctors and health coaches completely get this wrong. The old advice of telling
women to “eat for two” is very stupid. There is no need to do this at all. In fact, if you want to heal your
metabolism and be better off after pregnancy than before, you will not follow this bad advice.
Your body is intelligent and will increase your hunger as needed without your conscious effort. By
consciously going into pregnancy thinking you now have a license to eat as much and whatever you
want, you turn a great metabolic opportunity into a disaster.
It is estimated that a growing baby only requires about an extra 300 (second trimester) to 500
(third trimester) calories per day. There is no extra caloric requirement for the first trimester. There
is no real need to count these calories, as your body will naturally and gently increase its SHMEC
(sleep, hunger, mood, energy and craving) signals, allowing you to adjust your intake without
much thought.
Studies show that more than half of pregnant moms gain more weight than is required for their
pregnancy and subject themselves to metabolic issues like gestational diabetes along the way. Most
expert resources give the following guidelines related to pregnancy weight gain.
✓✓ Underweight pre-pregnancy - BMI of less than 18.5 should gain 28-40 pounds
✓✓ Normal weight pre-pregnancy - BMI of 18.5-24.9 should gain 25-35 pounds
✓✓ Overweight pre-pregnancy - BMI of more than 25 should gain 15-25 pounds

The idea is to let the baby gain most of the weight while the mother adds enough fat and resources
to sustain long-term breastfeeding. It is the combination of enough but not too much fat gain with
breastfeeding that is such a powerful metabolic reset for women.

I will provide specific guidelines on how to eat and exercise if you are pregnant in Chapters 6 to 8. The
key thing to understand for now is that pregnancy is not a metabolic disaster. At least, it doesn’t have to
be as long as you follow the Metabolic Renewal plan.
In fact, pregnancy can be a powerful metabolic reset, especially for women who breastfeed. First, it
allows the woman to relax and recover. In fact, this is one of the only times relaxation and recovery
are encouraged over the celebrated “stay busy and active” mindset of the Western world. Second, the
progesterone dominance that persists through pregnancy and breastfeeding allows the body to be in
more of an “eat more, exercise less” state without accumulating body fat, since the extra calories are
being used for the baby.
Assuming you follow an intelligent diet and exercise plan (like the one outlined in this program) you
will supply your baby with all it requires, and you will set the stage for a metabolic reset once the baby
is born.
It is important to understand two points here. First, this metabolic reset is contingent on breastfeeding
for at least six months, but longer is probably better—9 to 24 months may be optimal. Next,
breastfeeding will slow fat loss in the short term but significantly accelerate fat loss later.
Research tells us that women who choose to bottle feed end up losing weight a little faster than
their breastfeeding counterparts, but after about three months they are quickly surpassed by the
breastfeeding moms. Most importantly, breastfeeders are shown to have leaner bodies—especially
bellies and thighs—at all points after about six months. And those changes last.10,11
One of the reasons for this has to do with changes your body goes through when you first start
breastfeeding. Lactation requires your caloric intake to remain a little higher than it would be if you
weren’t breastfeeding. Again, there is no reason to count calories, your SHMEC will naturally dictate this.
During this time, the insulin resistance and glucose intolerance experienced during pregnancy reduces,
but prolactin levels rise, and this hormone can slow fat release down a bit while lactating. All of this
is beneficial and healing to the metabolism if you give it time and patience, and you eat, exercise,
and live in a way that makes sense for what your body and your hormones are going through. This
program will help you do that.


What if you are one of the many women who do not follow the normal arc of menstruation,
pregnancy, and menopause? What if you don’t menstruate normally and haven’t in some time?
Perhaps you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)—where your metabolism responds with a
heightened stress response leading to insulin resistance, estrogen dominance, testosterone excess and
fertility issues. Maybe you suffer from the athlete triad—a state where the stress from exercise shuts
down your production of estrogen and progesterone. Or you might suffer from some other condition
that impacts your cycle.

What do you do then?
The good news is that I have a program that will help you too. It may not return you to normal
menstruation, but it will help you achieve and maintain your body shape and fat-loss goals. In my
experience, the key to conditions like these is are the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland—the areas
in the brain that are the command and control center for your metabolism.
Your hypothalamus reads all the signals inside your body (from your thyroid, adrenals, ovaries and
more) and outside your body (temperature, exercise, emotional stress, diet quality and quantity),
integrates this information, and sends messages to your body on the proper way to respond. This
hypothalamus connection to the rest of the metabolism is known as the hypothalamus-pituitary axis
or the HPA. It is sort of like the information highway for your entire body.
There are three major parts to it: the HPT (hypothalamus pituitary thyroid axis), HPA (hypothalamus
pituitary adrenal axis) and the HPG (hypothalamus pituitary gonadal axis—this includes your
ovaries and testes). The HPA system is like a highly sensitive thermostat. When the body encounters
metabolic extremes through illness, injury or stress this system reacts, creating metabolic dysfunction
and damage.
Most of the women I have seen who are metabolically challenged suffer from imbalances in the HPA,
whether it is due to PCOS, the athlete triad, or some other condition. Typically, when you focus on
rebalancing the HPA, the problem disappears.
That is precisely what this program is designed to do.
Obviously, I can’t promise to treat each and every different case in a program like this. But I can tell
you that Metabolic Renewal is specifically designed to help you rehabilitate your metabolism. So if you
are metabolically challenged and suffer from one of the issues above (or others), this program is one of
the best things you can do to heal.
Alright, I know that was a lot of scientific details and you didn’t get this program to read a medical
textbook. But hopefully you got a lot of education along the way about how your menstrual cycle
works and how it influences your hormones.
How do you leverage this information to burn fat? How can you take what you learned here and
create a program that fits your unique hormone type? The remainder of this program is designed to
help you do just that.

✓✓ The regularly menstruating woman has two phases to her cycle, each of which is pre-
dominated by either estrogen or progesterone.
✓✓ Eating and exercising in a way that honors this cyclic fluctuation of hormones can dra-
matically increase your fat-burning potential.
✓✓ Because each woman is different, each has a different hormone type. In some cases es-
trogen may be dominant, in others it may be deficient. In still others progesterone may
be deficient.
✓✓ These different hormone types further influence a woman’s ability to burn fat and over-
all health.
✓✓ As a woman approaches menopause first progesterone and then estrogen fall off. This
leads to many different symptoms, including weight gain in some cases.
✓✓ When menopause occurs and the cycle stops completely, estrogen and progesterone are
both depressed, and there is a relative increase testosterone.
✓✓ As a woman enters post-menopause, her metabolism looks more like a man’s.
✓✓ Honoring this change in your hormones with diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes can
make all the difference in maintaining your hourglass shape and burning fat.
✓✓ Pregnancy is not a time to stop exercising and eat for two. In fact, it can be a time of
metabolic reset, when approached correctly.
✓✓ Metabolically challenged women typically have imbalances in HPA. When you address
these imbalances, the problem often resolves itself.


istinctions matter, and when it comes to your metabolism, you have been given the wrong
framework in which to understand it. This is why, before we go any further, I need to
redefine metabolism for you.
Your metabolism is nothing but one big stress barometer. Its primary job is to register what is going
on in the outside world, translate that information, and then tell your cells how to respond.
Obviously, your metabolism is registering all kinds of things, but two of the biggest influencers are
eating and exercising. The energy you take in through food, combined with the energy you exert
through exercise, can push metabolism into or out of balance.
Think of this like jumping from one end of a stream to another. If the gap is narrow, you can step over
comfortably. If the gap is too wide, you are likely to land face down in the mud.
The trick to keeping your metabolism happy is making sure that the gap between energy intake and
output remains narrow most of the time. If the gap widens on occasion, or for short periods of time,
it’s no big deal for the metabolism. But do this too often and that little stream will turn into a raging
river with class five rapids you can never get control of.

This is why you need to understand the four different ways you can manipulate energy intake and
output. I call these “the 4 metabolic toggles” and you need to understand how they work so your
eating and exercising make more sense from here on out.


The way you are used to thinking about weight loss is a battle between eating more and exercising less
(EMEL) and eating less and exercising more (ELEM).
EMEL is the couch potato who sits around watching TV all day freebasing Doritos and crushing cokes.
ELEM is the dieter who eats salads non-stop and runs around exercising all day like a chicken on speed.
The truth is these two metabolic states are not unique to the modern era. Your distant female hunter
gatherer ancestors encountered times where they definitely overate and sat around. They also had times
where food was scarce, and they had to move a ton to find it.
The eat more, exercise less (EMEL) times probably came in a narrow window of time during late
summer and early fall when fruits were abundant and easily harvested, and animals were slower, fatter,
and easier to catch as they prepared for winter.
The eat less, exercise more (ELEM) situation likely manifested in late winter and early spring when the
weather was warming up but food and animals were harder to find.
There were two other metabolic states that were likely more prevalent to your ancient female
metabolism, but you hear about them almost nowhere in the modern exercise and nutrition literature.
The eat less, exercise less state (ELEL) and the eat more, exercise more condition (EMEM).
During most of the spring and summer your female ancestors would have been eating plenty and
working plenty too (EMEM). During the late fall and most of winter, they would have been eating
less and conserving the energy they expended (ELEL).
I don’t want to bore you with an anthropological history lesson, but this insight is incredibly
important for you to understand. What it tells you is that your metabolism is a flexible, adaptable
system. If you want it to stay flexible and responsive, the last thing you want to do is try to subject it
to a single metabolic state forever.
And that is exactly what the health and fitness world has been telling you to do. They want you to eat less and
exercise more (ELEM) and they want you to try to live in this state forever. This is very bad advice, because
eating less and exercising more is not something any female in the history of womankind would voluntarily do.
If your female ancestors were forced to be in an eat less, exercise more (ELEM) state for very long, it
would have been a very stressful time. As a way to compensate, their metabolisms would have induced
strong hunger and craving responses, and it would become more rigid by slowing metabolic rate and
increasing metabolic efficiency to absorb more calories and expend less.
In other words, eating less and exercising more (ELEM) is not something the metabolism likes to do
for too long. That metabolic outcome signals starvation, and results in extreme binge eating behavior.

As soon as the situation is corrected (i.e. when food is readily available) it also triggers a wild swing
back to eating more and moving less (EMEL).
It is important for you to understand that the advice to eat less and exercise more (ELEM) is actually
priming your metabolism to get fat. Staying in this metabolic state more than a few weeks or months
is convincing the metabolism it should start eating more and moving less as soon as possible.
This was a reasonable protective response for the realities of your ancient sisters: It kept them from
starving to death. In today’s world of fattening fast food, sugar-laced mocha lattes, and all-you-can-eat
buffets, it has become an unmitigated disaster. It would have been rare and unlikely for your ancestors
to eat more than a few thousand calories in a day. Today it is not only possible but easy to consume
2,000 to 4,000 calories in just one meal.
What was once a genius adaptation primed by evolution for thousands of years has become a
metabolic catastrophe.
Modern day research has now proven that dieting for long periods of time, using the eat less and
exercise more approach (ELEM), may be one of the primary causes of getting fat. The metabolism sees
the wide gap of energy intake compared to output and decides that it better make adjustments for the
future and push the energy gap back the other way to just as extreme an extent. It’s trying to protect
you. It registers all of this as a stress and thinks you are starving.
Have you ever wondered why the couch potato and the dieter both struggle with increased hunger,
elevated cravings and unpredictable, unstable energy? It’s because that is what a stressed out
metabolism does. SHMEC goes out of check, and that is the last thing you want to have happen if
you hope to make a sustainable lifestyle change.
To get sustainable and lasting results out of your metabolism, you want to stop ping-ponging back
and forth between ELEM and EMEL and instead move to an ELEL and EMEM strategy.
ELEL is a lot like Europeans of the last century. They ate just a little, they moved a lot, and they exercised
sparingly, if at all. This is a very relaxed, non-stressful, and healthy lifestyle. The calorie deficit created is
more narrow and easily managed by the metabolism. You can live in the ELEL state for a long time.
EMEM is equivalent to the modern day athlete. No athlete in her right mind cuts calories while
trying to excel in her sport. And isn’t the lean, tight and toned athlete the most sought after body
type? EMEM, like ELEL, is far more balancing and sustainable for the metabolism.
Understanding these four different metabolic toggles gives you the tools required to escape the dieting
mentality and the miserable consequences of dieting. The idea is to live most of your life cycling back
and forth between ELEL and EMEM and only every so often move to EMEL or ELEM.


Let me give you an example of how this works. Imagine a busy executive who travels most of the
week, is home on the weekends and then takes the occasional vacation and holiday. She might

choose to use an ELEL approach Monday through Thursday, because she is busy and has difficulty
getting to the gym.
Friday through Sunday she lives more of an EMEM lifestyle since she is not working, can hit the gym,
and likely eats and drinks a little more when she is socializing with friends and family.
She takes two or three vacations a year that last between one and two weeks. During this time she
follows an ELEM approach, because she loves to hike, bike, climb, and stay very active and does not
think much about food. Since this is only for a week or two, the metabolism not only handles this
but actually benefits from this approach.
When she goes up north for her holidays she follows more of an EMEL approach since the
weather is cold, she is away from her gym, and she wants to eat and enjoy time with her family.
Again, because this is only for a few weeks at most, the metabolism can use this time as a healing
and restorative time.
Following a cyclical approach like this makes sense, is more intuitive and in line with her lifestyle, and
far more beneficial to her health and fitness goals.
There are other ways to do it of course. Many young women who menstruate normally can adjust the
toggles according to their cycle. During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (the two weeks after
menses begins) when estrogen is higher, the body can tolerate more food and more exercise. EMEM
works great to help maintain tight lean tissue and perhaps lose some fat.
The luteal phase, the two weeks preceding menses when estrogen and progesterone are high together
and progesterone dominates, is a great time for ELEL. Towards the end of the luteal phase the body is
more insulin-resistant and more stress-sensitive. ELEL works wonderfully here.
There are many different ways to approach this. The main point is to realize that your metabolism gets
stressed very easily when energy intake and energy output are more extreme. By matching intake and
output more closely you can create a sustainable and more enjoyable lifestyle.

Now that you understand how the different metabolic toggles work, and you understand the idea
of cycling, you will better understand how to apply the different toggles in the real world. But don’t
worry, I’m going to give you some more guidance in the next chapter on how to apply all of this in
your own life to give yourself even more of a metabolic advantage.
What I want you to realize is that following a one-size-fit-all diet and exercise program does not and
cannot work. The major goal of this program is to teach you how to be a metabolic detective, not a dieter.
To help you accomplish this I am going to give you a structure to begin with. Your job is to be flexible
within that structure to create the perfect diet and lifestyle that works for you. I call this “structured
flexibility,” and it is the way you will work this process. It is the equivalent of teaching you to fish
versus just giving you a fish.

To make it easier for you, I am going to provide a structure to follow in the beginning. You can
think of this structure just like training wheels on a bike. You are not meant to follow this structure
forever. Instead, you will use the structure only as a blueprint and beginning point. From there,
your job is to begin to tweak, adjust, and mold it to fit your unique metabolism, psychology and
personal preferences.
Now that you understand the basics we can get into giving you a little more structure.
I just want to leave you with one last important message: do not do the same thing everyone else does
and think you have to follow things to the letter. I not only expect you to adjust things to fit your
needs, I want you to.


✓✓ Your metabolism is a stress barometer. Its job is to take information from the outside
world and translate that into how your cells respond.
✓✓ Eating and exercising are two of the major inputs your metabolism reads.
✓✓ There are four metabolic toggles you can pull to shift your metabolism around.
✓✓ Most people are stuck in the battle between eat less and exercise more (ELEM) and eat
more and exercise less (EMEL).
✓✓ There are two other toggles that are more efficient: eat less, exercise less (ELEL) and eat
more exercise more (EMEM).
✓✓ You don’t want to do any one thing for too long or your metabolism will adapt.
✓✓ The most important thing you can learn from this program is how to become a meta-
bolic detective and create a plan that works for you.


start with diet, because, frankly, it’s more important than exercise.
If you only follow the exercise plan in this program you may get some results. But if you follow
the diet and lifestyle portions, I guarantee you’ll get results. And when you follow the full 4M
framework, those results will come faster than you thought possible, and stick for good.
There is an old saying from bodybuilding circles that you can’t out-train a bad diet. Truer words have
rarely been spoken. I don’t care how hard you work out, if you’re living on doughnuts, hot dogs, soda
pop and pizza, you are not going to be healthy, and you are not going to lose weight.
However, finding the right diet for you can be tricky. We are each unique metabolically,
psychologically and in our personal preferences. This means it’s a fallacy that every person should eat
the same diet.
As we have discussed throughout this program, you need to eat in a way that matches your hormone
type. Your menstrual cycle, your time of life, and other factors can impact how you should eat.
Do you remember the Goldilocks effect? Well, diet is another place where this idea is important. You
want to find the diet that is just right for you. Doing that largely comes down to carb balance.
This is not because carbohydrates are some evil junk food, like you’ve been told, but rather because
they are powerful movers of metabolism both for better and for worse. Too much and you raise insulin
levels, which makes it more likely that you will be in caloric excess, making it more likely those extra

calories get stored as fat rather than muscle. Too little and you may induce your body’s deprivation
signals, raising cortisol and cravings while slowing your metabolic rate.
One of the best things you can do is find the right type, amount and timing of carbs for your body. I
call this the “carbohydrate tipping point.” It is the amount that is enough to keep SHMEC in check
without going too far and causing excess calorie intake and insulin production.
I will teach you how to do that in this program. In fact, the entire program is designed to help you, as
an individual, discover what works to optimize your metabolism.
To help you dial in your diet to your personalized needs, you’ll take 3 steps:
1) Step 1 – Start with the Base Meals Plan: First, I am going to introduce you to the core dietary
plan that I start everyone on. This is your starting point, and it’s the place you come back to if you
ever get confused about what to eat or if you stop getting the results you want.
2) Step 2 – Modify Based on Your Hormone Type: Next I am going to teach you how to modify
this diet based on your hormone type or if you are in a special case scenario like those we discussed
in Chapter 4.
3) Step 3 – Customize Based on Your Unique Metabolism: Finally, I will teach you how to take all
of this further and personalize the program for your specific metabolism.
Let’s get started.


The quality of your food is also
crucial to your health and weight The starting point for all of the diet variations in this plan is
loss efforts. Pesticides and other what I call The 3-2-1 Diet. This is the ELEL approach.
non-organic compounds can
have hormone-like effects that ✓ 3 meals.
wreak havoc on your metabolism. ✓  2 of those meals have protein and veggies only (a
Most of the protein we get in the little fruit is allowed)—alternatively, these meals can
supermarket comes from what’s be shakes.
called factory farms, or CAFOs.
✓ 1 of those meals contains a small portion of starch.
These animals are fed a diet they
were never meant to eat, not to ✓ Simple, right?
mention exposed to extraordinary There is no calorie counting on this program. You will know
amounts of antibiotics and other you are in a caloric deficit if you are burning fat and you are
chemicals meant to keep them moving toward that hourglass shape, regardless of your age or
“healthy” in the rather criminal
current body shape.
conditions in which they live.
As often as your budget allows, As you will learn in your Metabolic Renewal Transformation
choose organic produce and Tracker, the easiest way to know whether this is happening is
pasture-raised, grass-finished by measuring, which I strongly encourage you to do weekly.
meat products. It’s good for you Taking those measurements provides a steady stream of
and good for the environment. motivating feedback to keep you going.

Portion control is important, but easily managed by eating more foods with the right levels of water,
fiber and protein. You don’t need special containers or a food scale.
When it comes to your first two meals of the day, I don’t want to be too dogmatic about protein and
veggies only. Some fruit is allowed too. What you need to understand here is the framework. Start
thinking about protein and veggies as the core of your diet.
The easiest way to think about it is this: put veggies on
three-quarters of your plate and protein on one quarter.
Of course, these meals can also be healthy shakes if 25%
you prefer. Whole foods are typically better for the PROTEIN
metabolism, but shakes offer a quick and healthy
alternative for many time-strapped people. You will 75%
see that they are featured prominently in the 12-Week
Metabolic Renewal Meals Plan, where you will find many
healthy and delicious options.
For the last meal of the day—your meal with starch—the
easiest way to think it is as follows:
Take half of your plate and fill it with veggies. Then place
a small piece of protein on about a quarter of it, and add
a small portion of starch to the other quarter. 25%
Again, you don’t have to be dogmatic about it. You could
have a shake here too, but most people want to eat a 25%
meal at dinner time.
When it comes to starch portion, it is best if you eat
starches naturally rich in water compared to those that
are more dry. This means tubers, squashes, beans, rice
and oats. These foods will be better choices compared to the drier starches like breads and cereals. Of
course, the refined junk food stuff should be avoided except on rare occasions.
Which veggies should you choose? What forms of protein? How do you know which foods to focus
on and which to avoid? This is all spelled out in the “Roll Your Own Meal Plans” section of the 12-
Week Metabolic Renewal Meal Plan.
Or you can make all of this even easier on yourself and follow the actual menus and recipes in the
meal plan. They were specifically designed to go with this program and include mouthwatering recipes
like Coconut Herbed Frittata and Savory Steak with Mushrooms.
Remember, this 3-2-1 Diet is the basic meal plan you can always return to if you get lost, don’t get the
results you want, or are otherwise confused.
But if you want to take full advantage of your female fat-burning potential, you will fine-tune this diet
as follows.

All menstruating women—regardless of their hormone type— REPLACEMENT THERAPY?
can take The 3-2-1 Diet and modify it as follows. If you are taking birth control or
hormone replacement therapy,
During the first two weeks of your cycle (the follicular phase), dietary cycling will still work.
you can add one additional meal of protein, veggies, and starch. However, there are a couple of
As you’ll learn in the next chapter, you can also exercise a little things to be aware of.
more in this part of your cycle. This is an EMEM approach.
First, your metabolism will behave
Why would you want to add a meal and additional exercise more like it does in the second
during the follicular phase of your cycle? half of your cycle.
This means you will be a little
The follicular phase is a time of estrogen dominance which
more stress reactive and carb
makes the body more insulin-sensitive. This means it will store sensitive.
less fat in a calorie surplus, opting to gain lean muscle instead.
It will also burn less muscle in a calorie deficit leaning towards So pay careful attention to
your SHMEC, and your body
fat loss instead. composition goals. If your SHMEC
Remember that a lean, fit and healthy female body has tight goes out of check (learn more
about this below), or if you aren’t
toned muscle and a lean midsection. That is precisely the body
burning fat, go back to The 3-2-1
type that cycling your diet this way will help you achieve. Diet, and work through the AIM
The menus in your 12-Week Metabolic Renewal Meal Plan offer protocol below to adjust this diet
to your personal needs.
an optional additional meal for women in the follicular phase
of their cycle. You can add this meal, or you can simply create
an additional “roll your own” meal during your day.
During the last two weeks of your cycle—the luteal phase—you will dial back your exercise a bit
(details to follow in chapter 8), and you will stick to The 3-2-1 Diet.
This is an eat less, exercise less approach (ELEL), and you want to do this in your luteal phase because
at this point progesterone dominates making the body a little more insulin-resistant.
Also, the week before menses can see sharp declines in both estrogen and progesterone leading to
a more stress reactive physiology. Most women will do best with eating less and doing less stressful
exercise during this time.
In the health and nutrition world, this pattern of eating is often referred to as “cycling”, and it’s
especially powerful, because it works with the natural compensatory nature of the metabolism.
Remember, the metabolism is adaptive and reactive to everything. If you constantly use the same
approach, it will react quickly and all fat loss efforts will stall or reverse. Using the cycling approach
allows you to change with your metabolism, working with it rather than against it.
Just cycle your diet along with your menstrual cycle, and you will kick your fat-burning furnaces into
high gear.

Then you can add the following modifications based on your
specific hormone type to take all of this a step further. WHY IS THIS DIET
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen and OTHER PROGRAMS?
Progesterone Balanced If you’ve purchased The Metabolic
If you fall into this hormone type, the thing you want Factor, Metabolic Aftershock, or
Metabolic Prime, you may wonder
to focus on is adjusting your diet as your estrogen and why this approach is different and
progesterone adjust. Your system is designed to have elevated how it fits with our other programs.
estrogen during the first part of the cycle, and a progesterone-
The truth is that it isn’t all that
dominant time after ovulation.
different. It just looks that way on
When estrogen is elevated, the metabolism is building up the surface.
its resources, allowing you to tolerate food better. When Most people do not do well with
progesterone is high, it switches gears, encouraging you take too much carbohydrate.
it easy so you can support a potential child.
But the idea that you should
If you want to look good and feel great, simply duplicate starve your body of carbs forever
this in your life. Cycle your diet so you are eating more and isn’t right either. Your metabolism
adapts and reacts, compensating
exercising more (EMEM) when estrogen is high, and relaxing
for this reduction in carbohydrate.
and being more careful with your diet and exercise (ELEL)
when progesterone takes over. The result?

You are also going to want to make one big change, if Your metabolism can slow way
possible, that will help rebalance your insulin levels. Women
are more insulin-resistant during the second half of their Cycling the diet prevents this.
cycle. To adjust for that, you can: The Metabolic Factor is our entry
level program, and introduces
✓ Count up the amount of carbohydrate grams you eat you to cycling with what you can
per day; let’s say it is 200 g. think of as mini-cycles. It cycles
carbs every few days to keep the
✓ Now simply replace half of those carbohydrate metabolism guessing.
grams with grams of protein during the second half
Metabolic Aftershock and
of your cycle only. Whey protein is an especially
Metabolic Prime are both eat less,
good way to make this switch. exercise less (ELEL) approaches that
focus on the 3-2-1 Diet (we just
Now, I don’t want you stressing about measuring everything
didn’t call it that) with an optional
precisely, as that’s not practical, so instead, use this rule of carb refeed thrown in.
thumb: Each bite of starch (about the size of a tablespoon) is
around 10g of carbohydrate. So 100g of carbohydrate would If you’ve been following any of these
program, moving in the direction
be 10 bites of starch in a day. outlined here will take your results
This one change can immediately put you in a better to the next level and it will help you
more effectively integrate this way
nutritional state to work with the unique hormones in each of eating and living into your life.
the two parts of your menstrual cycle.

Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen Dominant
Recall from our earlier discussion that estrogen causes fat storage around the hips, butt, breasts and
thighs and, when acting normally, works with progesterone to keep fat from being stored around the
middle of the body. When estrogen gets too high and starts to dominate, it can lead to issues.
Estrogen dominance can manifest in your metabolism as excesses in some places and deficiencies
in others. For example, you may notice increased blood flow, cramping and clotting during menses
(excess), but also lack of energy and mental depression at the same time (deficiency). You probably
notice a thickening layer of fat, and a more stubborn area, around the hips, butt and thighs. Cellulite
may be more pronounced as well.
This is all due to estrogen’s impact on small cellular receptors called alpha receptors that slow fat
release from certain areas of the body. The hips, butt and thighs are notorious for being rich in these
alpha receptors.
So, you need to adjust to take in less estrogen, stop making as much estrogen in your own
metabolism, and help your body eliminate estrogen. The body gets rid of extra estrogen by processing
it in the liver and then kicking it out into the digestive tract via the gallbladder. From there, it latches
onto fiber to be carried out of the body. Too little fiber hinders this flushing.
This is why you must focus on fiber, fiber and more fiber, along with water, water and more water, if
you are estrogen dominant. Shoot for a minimum of 30 g of fiber per day and really try to get closer
to 100 g. Be careful though—fiber needs to be added slowly into the diet to avoid digestive upset. Too
much too quickly and you will have traffic overload.
To make this easier for you it might be helpful for you to know that a cup of vegetables contains
about 8 g of fiber. A piece of fruit contains about 3 g of fiber. Although you can find other foods that
contain more fiber, most of these also contain way more starch and sugar as well. It is always wise to
get your fiber from vegetables first (they contain very little starch or sugar) and fruit next (they contain
a lot of water).
There are some things about fiber you need to understand. There are foods that contain fiber but are
also devoid of water and loaded with starches and sugar. These types of fibers include breads and are
not what you want. To get all the benefits of fiber, without any downsides, stick with green vegetables
and low-sugar fruits like berries, apples, pears and citrus.
One of the best ways to accomplish your fiber goals is to set the goal of having one large salad per day
and one small salad before dinner each evening.
In addition to increasing your fiber intake, here are a couple of additional suggestions if you are
estrogen dominant:
✓✓ High-fat foods concentrate hormones, so getting your fats from vegetable sources versus ani-
mal sources may help.
✓✓ Organic foods may also be a consideration. Non-organic foods are sprayed with chemicals that
can work as estrogen mimics in the body. Eliminating these chemicals can help.

I know these things can be a little bit of a pain, and if you are not able to take these additional steps,
just know that the extra fiber step is the most critical.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Progesterone Deficient
You could easily call progesterone the stress barometer hormone. As stress levels rise, progesterone
levels are the first to fall. So when it comes to meals, your goal is to help reduce or compensate for
In terms of diet, you want to focus on what I call the “carbohydrate tipping point.” A lot of people
avoid carbohydrates because they have heard that they make you fat. This is not true. The trick is to
get enough but not too much, and to eat them during times when they may have more benefit.
One of the reasons the body releases stress hormones is to help release stored sugar so it can be used.
By giving your body more complex carbohydrates preemptively we can help reduce some stress.
Begin by having your carbohydrates in and around the times you feel most volatile and not at any
other times. This will be most useful toward the end of the day.
Here’s the rule I want you to follow, which I call the “half-in-half rule”, which will easily begin to get
you closer to a level of blood sugar that will be less stressful for you:
✓✓ I want you to consume half of the amount of carbohydrates you are currently eating, and only
eat them in the second half of the day (after 3 p.m.), especially at night.
✓✓ If you are already cutting carbs (<100 g per day), then I want you to double the amount of
carbs you are eating and eat them in the second half of the day (i.e. after 3 p.m.)

As mentioned before, there’s no need for stressing about measuring everything precisely; just use this
rule of thumb: Each bite of starch (about the size of a tablespoon) is around 10 g of carbohydrate. So
100 g of carbohydrate would be 10 bites of starch in a day.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
Estrogen and progesterone sensitize each other’s hormone receptors. This means they are so
interdependent that when one falls the other can act irregularly even if its levels are normal.
When these hormones fall, you can often feel mood issues that are best described as an anxious
depression—always worried, with a racing mind, but unable to get anything done.
Here the rule I want you to follow—I call it the “front load, back load” carb approach. This is a very
simple way of giving you carbs when you most need them, at the beginning of the day (the first meal)
and the end of the day (the last meal of the day):
✓✓ If you are currently eating 200 grams of carbohydrates a day, I want you to split those carbs up
evenly between your first meal and last meal of the day (i.e., 100 g in the morning and 100 g
in the evening).
✓✓ If you are carb restricting, then double the amount of carbs you are currently eating (up to
200 g per day) and split them as outlined.

Again, I don’t want you stressing about measuring everything precisely. Remember that each bite of
starch (about the size of a tablespoon) is around 10 g of carbohydrate. So 100 g of carbohydrate would
be 10 bites of starch in a day.
This approach will control high rises in stress hormones in the morning as well as keep them
suppressed in the evening so you can sleep as well.


Perimenopause is a time when progesterone starts to drop off due to the fact that you are no longer
ovulating regularly. As you progress into menopause, estrogen falls off as well, and eventually your
period stops altogether. At this point you are in post-menopause.
Perimenopause and menopause are especially challenging times for women for many reasons. Many
experience fat gain, especially around the belly, butt, and thighs, and watch in horror as their beautiful
hourglass shape disappears. Mood swings, cravings, brain fog, and other symptoms that are a result of
fluctuating hormone levels make things worse.
What do most women do to counteract this? They do what society tells them, and they eat less and
exercise more (ELEM). Which is extremely unfortunate, because menopause is one of the worst times
you can do this.
Your body is acutely sensitive to stress during this time. Eating less and exercising more (ELEM) is a
stressor on the body. Cortisol goes up, and then you pack on fat for all of the reasons we discussed in
Chapter 3.
In addition, many women become very carb-sensitive during this time, and may even enter a state
of insulin resistance due to their changing body chemistry. This means you have to carefully monitor
your carb intake.
To account for all of this, the dietary plan I recommend for women during this time of life is a little

✓✓ Start with The 3-2-1 Diet.

✓✓ After that, the first thing you will want to do is add a snack. This strategic snack is important
at this stage, because the menopausal metabolism is far more stress-reactive.

In fact, it is so stress-reactive that going longer than 4 hours without food can result in blood sugar
changes and stress hormone elevations that throw SHMEC out of check (you’ll learn more about
SHMEC in the next chapter). This preemptive strategic snack helps blunts these effects beautifully.
Next, I recommend that you replace your morning veggie and protein meal with a shake. Obviously
whole foods are always preferred, but protein shakes provide a convenient and repeatable fuel source

for women during this transition, which often comes with a feeling of being overwhelmed and doing
too much.
Of course, this morning shake approach is a convenient option for younger women too, but it can be
especially useful in menopausal changes.
You will find many delicious and filling shake recipes in your 12-Week Metabolic Renewal Meal Plan.
In fact, you will see that most of the menus include a shake for breakfast for everyone on the program.
My last recommendation for women in perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause is to make
sure your starch meal is at night. The reason for this is that eating a little starch at night can help you
sleep, and many women have problems with insomnia during this time of life.
The reason starch helps with sleep in many women is because at this stage of life blood sugar levels are
less stable and may drop sooner and faster when skipping meals or foregoing starch.
What does the body do to combat this blood sugar effect? It releases stress hormones like adrenaline,
which increase blood sugar and also turn on your monkey mind (that worrying part of your brain that
won’t shut up). These can both keep you up at night.
Having a little bit of starch preemptively at night can raise blood sugar enough to keep this effect from
Now, don’t worry, all of this is laid out in detail in your 12-Week Metabolic Renewal Meal Plan. There
are menus you can follow, options to help you roll your own meals, and simple tips on how to add
snacks and starch to your program where necessary.
Perimenopause—Estrogen Fluctuating, Progesterone Deficient
The key to remember with perimenopause is that your two female hormones that are designed to work
in tandem are upset by the deficient level of progesterone, with estrogen levels rising to compensate,
then crashing when depleted.
Because of this estrogen rollercoaster, perimenopause can feel incredibly random in its effects, driving
your metabolism and your mind crazy as you try to keep up. You may notice your eating habits—
which may have been easier to maintain before—become extremely difficult to manage due to
unpredictable craving and hunger that can range from ravenous to zero appetite at all.
Your entire system is forever losing its cyclical rhythm, meaning you are more sensitive to fat storage
from food and more reactive to fat storage from stress. It’s a double whammy.
You need to focus on fiber, protein and water. These foods fill you up quickly, keep you full for a
longer time and balance blood sugar so you will have fewer cravings. To make this simple for you,
think salads, soups, shakes and scrambles.
There is one other thing you can do that is super-powerful, and that is to use cocoa powder. Now
remember, cocoa is different than chocolate. Chocolate is cocoa powder combined with fat and sugar.
I am just talking about the cocoa powder. It contains serotonin and dopamine mimickers along with

other compounds that relax and focus the mind by undoing some of the negative brain effects caused
by fluctuating estrogen and low progesterone.
Take 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder and put it in a cup. Then gently pour hot water on top while
stirring to avoid clumping. Drink this to avoid cravings and stabilize your volatile system. You can use
this every day, multiple times per day. It works wonders.
Menopause—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
Estrogen and progesterone work together, aiding each other to keep fat from accumulating around
the middle of the body. When progesterone and estrogen levels fall, this becomes much more difficult.
This is why you may be dealing with the dreaded menopause belly. Your weight may not have
changed, but your body shape definitely has.
Estrogen and progesterone also act to block the actions of the stress hormone cortisol. Take these hormones
away and insulin levels and cortisol levels rise together along with a usual increase in calories due to cravings
and hunger elevations. This is a deadly combination that can quickly lead to increased belly fat.
In terms of diet, your approach should be to use the front load, back load carb approach. This gives
you carbs when you most need them, at the beginning of the day (the first meal) and the end of the
day (the last meal of the day):
✓✓ If you are currently eating 200 grams of carbohydrates a day, I want you to eat almost all of
the carbs first thing in the morning, or the last thing at night.
✓✓ If you are carb restricting, then I want you to double your carbs (up to 200 g per day) and
then split them as outlined.

This approach will control high levels of stress hormones in the morning as well as keeping them
suppressed in the evening so you can sleep as well.
As always, don’t worry about measuring everything precisely, just use the rule of thumb that each bite
of starch (about the size of a tablespoon) is around 10 g of carbohydrate, so 100 g of carbohydrate
would be 10 bites of starch in a day.
Post-Menopause—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
Post-menopause can be particularly troubling for the female physique since testosterone, which
is normally much lower than estrogen and progesterone before menopause, can, in some women,
continue to be produced at its previous levels. This means that testosterone is relatively high compared
to estrogen and progesterone—not a good hormonal combination for women.
This results in a metabolism that resembles more a man’s than a woman’s, resulting in a physique
that takes on more male traits. Don’t worry, life’s fair: the reverse happens to men as they age! Their
testosterone falls while estrogen levels rise and they become more like a woman than a man. I know, it
sounds like a cruel joke of nature, right?
Due to the suppression of estrogen and progesterone and the relative increase in testosterone, insulin
and cortisol levels typically rise during this time. This, along with a usual increase in calories due to

cravings and hunger elevations, further contributes to postmenopausal belly fat. Your body may feel
more flabby with less tone. Of course, there are the health issues too: thinning bones, increased risk of
heart disease and cancer, and the rest.
Due to the suppression of estrogen and progesterone, cortisol and insulin effects are amplified. Add
to this the relative increase in testosterone and you have the perfect scenario for fat gain around the
middle as well as elevated risk of heart-related conditions.
For meals, you must again focus on the carbohydrate tipping point. One of the reasons the body
releases stress hormones is to help release stored sugar so it can be used. By giving your body more
complex carbohydrates preemptively we can reduce some of this stress.
Complex carbohydrates are starch sources that provide long chains of starch, such as those found
in potatoes, rice, beans, bread and pasta. Remember, eating enough of these foods, but not too
much, allows you to control stress hormones and insulin while providing some enjoyability
to the diet.
You should use the front load, back load approach, giving you carbs when you most need them,
at the beginning of the day (the first meal) and the end of the day (the last day of the meal.) So, if
you are currently eating 200 grams of carbohydrates a day I want you to eat almost all of the carbs
first thing in the morning and last thing at night. In other words, divide the amount of carbs you
are eating between those two meals and try not to eat them anywhere else. This will control surges
in stress hormones in the morning and suppress them in the evening so you can sleep.


Your hormone type isn’t the only thing that impacts the diet you design for yourself. Some special
metabolic cases can also influence your best course of action. Here is some dietary information specific
to pregnant women and those who are metabolically challenged.


Most new research on pregnancy and exercise shows that we may have gotten a little too carried away
with telling women to “take it easy,” especially when that message is combined with “eat for two.”
The real message should be to listen to your body, keep yourself healthy and happy, and support your
growing baby. Then focus on body composition goals after you give birth. Doing things intelligently
during pregnancy allows that process to be much easier.
Every woman will be different, but my clinical experience has been that women following The 3-2-1
Diet do wonderfully during pregnancy and after, as long as they keep a couple of things in mind.
First, when you are pregnant, you need to pay careful attention to your hunger signals and follow
them. So you need to tune in to your SHMEC (sleep, hunger, mood, energy, and cravings), and adjust
your diet as necessary. I’ll explain more about SHMEC later in this chapter, but for women who are
pregnant, the solution is simple…

Follow The 3-2-1 Diet, and eat more when you are hungry. You can add a snack. You can add a meal.
You can even add a snack and a meal if your hunger dictates.
Your body will naturally indicate how many calories you need to consume to support your growing
baby. How will it do this? By making you hungry. So, follow those hunger signals, and add snacks or
meals as needed.
If you wish, you can follow the menus and recipes in your 12-Week Metabolic Meals Plan, and add
any meal or snack you wish as necessary. You can also simply “Roll Your Own” meals and snacks if
you like.
Breastfeeding Eating Style
After baby is born, things will change a little bit…
Research shows that the longer you breastfeed the healthier it is for your baby and future
metabolism.12 The longer a woman breastfeeds, the more insulin-sensitive they become. Studies have
shown that if you bottle feed, you may lose weight faster at first. But this slows down, and we know
that most women lose more weight by breastfeeding longer.
You will want to start with the 3-2-1 Diet, and then begin cycling as described above after 4-8 weeks.
Even if menstruating hasn’t resumed, this is safe for you to do post-pregnancy. Your metabolism
thrives on change, so use the cycling approach to work with it instead of against it and you’ll find
post-pregnancy can be a great time for a metabolic reset.


Women who are metabolically challenged are those with a rigid, stubborn, or inflexible metabolism.
Usually this will manifest itself as some kind of “disease state”—PCOS, hypothyroidism, the athlete
triad syndrome, adrenal fatigue, and others.
The nutrition protocol is the same for all of them, because the root cause of all these issues is the same:
namely an imbalance in the hypothalamus and the pituitary.
The downstream effects vary, but the way to bring this axis back online is to follow The 3-2-1 Diet,
and then add a few supplements based on which condition you suffer from.
Remember, the HPA is the command and control center of the metabolism. This area is extremely
sensitive and responsive to stressors. One of the major stressors to the metabolism is meals that come
too frequently or infrequently. There is that Goldilocks principle again. The 3:2:1 approach strikes the
perfect balance and has been proven in my clinic.
Here are the supplements I recommend for the main conditions I see women suffer from.
Ashwagandha 500 to 1500 mg per day. This herb helps thyroid hormone function better with the
cells it interacts with. Ashwagandha also aids the hypothalamus and pituitary. It is best for those who
feel what we call “wired but tired”—wired on the inside but physically tired in the body.

Berberine 500 to 1500 mg per day and alpha lipoic acid 200 to 600 mg per day. Berberine has been
shown in studies to outperform the insulin-sensitizing drug metformin specifically in those with
PCOS.13 Alpha lipoic acid works synergistically with berberine to help the liver and cells manage the
effects of insulin issues.
Adrenal Fatigue
Rhodiola rosea 300 to 600 mg per day. This is one of the best supplements I have found to restore
balance to the HPA. Research has shown that it is an excellent aid to those dealing with fatigue due to
overwork, overtraining or long periods of excess stress and strain.14
Athlete Triad
Rhodiola rosea 300 to 600 mg per day and L-glutamine powder 5 to 15 g per day. Rhodiola works on
the HPA as noted above, while L-glutamine works on the 3-, 4- and 5-star generals of the metabolism:
the immune system, muscles and the gut respectively. Glutamine is a key player in all these areas and
can make a huge difference.
Menopause and menstrual issues
Vitex (aka chaste berry) 200 to 400 mg per day. This herb acts on the hypothalamus to restore
normal function of the HPA and its signaling to the ovaries. In this way vitex can deliver estrogen and
progesterone balancing effects.
Look, I know this isn’t as straightforward as some of the other dietary dogma that’s out there. But the
truth is rarely simple. The fact is that you need to learn how to eat and live in accord with your unique
metabolism. You need to become a dietary detective. Which leads me to what I want to talk about in
the next chapter.


✓✓ Listening to your body, no matter what hormone type, is key to finding the best meal
plan for you.
✓✓ The importance of SHMEC (sleep, hunger, mood, energy, and cravings) at all times,
especially when pregnant.
✓✓ Introduction of the base diet, called The 3-2-1 Diet, which will help to reset the meta-
bolic cycle.
✓✓ Variations in dietary needs based on hormone type.
✓✓ The use of meal replacement shakes can be a benefit to resetting the metabolic rate for a
busy lifestyle, but whole foods have the greatest positive impact.
✓✓ What supplements are best recommended for those who are metabolically challenged.


his chapter is the most important one in the program for a very important reason: we want
the changes you make to last a lifetime.
You have likely heard about the recent and now famous study of the biggest losers from the
television series The Biggest Loser.15 These contestants spent three months losing as much weight as
possible under an extreme eat less, exercise more program (ELEM). They were then followed for six
years after they left the show. What do you think they got for their efforts?
They regained almost all the weight and had lasting negative metabolic changes still impacting them
six years later. Part of the reason for this was the extreme and wrong use of the eat less, exercise
more approach (ELEM) to weight loss.
Another issue was the one-size-fits-all approach. You are not like every other woman on the
planet. You are unique metabolically, psychologically, and in your personal preferences. To be
successful and make it stick, you must stop studying programs and diets and start studying
yourself. This is the only way to know how eating carbohydrates affects you versus your
girlfriend, mom or sister.

My goal is to give you the tools so that you will never, ever diet again. Instead, you will learn to
view this as a journey where each step along the way teaches you more and more about your own
needs and reactions, so that, in time, you know exactly what works and what does not for you.
Even after you create this unique approach for yourself, guess what? Metabolism is changing
all the time, so you may need to periodically readjust. This is why learning to be a metabolic
detective is so important. This is not about following a protocol, but instead about learning
a process. Following a diet is like being given a fish. Learning to be a metabolic detective is
teaching you to fish.
It’s like my hero Bruce Lee says, absorb what is useful, discard what is not, and add what is uniquely
your own. This is what the metabolic detective process will teach you.
Start by choosing the diet program in Chapter 6 that matches your hormone type. If you follow
it (as well as the exercise plan in the next chapter) as outlined for 7-14 days but don’t start seeing
changes, feel different, or your SHMEC is out of check, you may need to fine-tune your nutrition
plan a little further for your personal needs. Here’s how to do that.


SHMEC is an acronym that stands for sleep, hunger, mood, energy and cravings. During the first
7-14 days of this program you may notice fluctuations in these five parameters. This is normal as your
metabolism adapts.
After 14 days, if you are experiencing any combinations of poor sleep, lots of hunger, unbalanced
mood, unpredictable energy and/or increased cravings, this is a sign that your metabolic hormones
have not adapted. At this point you will need to play detective a bit and begin tweaking and adjusting
your approach. Here are some recommendations.

If you happen to be a lean, fit, athletic person already, it is possible that you may want to increase
your starchy foods slightly to help maintain muscle. Being highly insulin-sensitive gives you an
advantage with these foods. With your metabolism, they are unlikely to lead to fat gain and more
likely to result in muscle shaping.
If your SHMEC is not stable and you feel you could use the extra fuel, add a little bit of starch, first
after your workout (e.g., ½ banana) and next at your dinner (e.g., a bit of sweet potato with your
salmon and kale.)
While many carbohydrates will work based on your tastes and needs, the four best and cleanest
carbohydrates to consider are oats, potatoes, rice (especially brown rice) and sweet potatoes.
Balanced with ample vegetable and protein intake they are uniquely suited to body change and
resetting the body’s dietary needs. Balancing this within your carbohydrate tipping point, based on
your hormone type, allows you enough energy to get the job done without storing fat.

When thinking about amounts, think in bites. Three regular bites of a highly starchy food, each about
the size of a tablespoon, will provide 15 grams or so of carbohydrates. So when adding in starches, add
in 3 bites post workout (e.g., ½ banana), and 3 bites for dinner (e.g., 3 bites of a baked sweet potato).
You can then slowly increase your starch intake by 3 bites (3 tablespoons or 15 g) at a time at each of
these times until your SHMEC is back in check.
Here are some options you can choose from for your post-workout or dinner-starch options.
Best Options
• ½ cup of brown rice • ½ large sweet potato
• ½ cup oats • ½ potato
Additional Possibilities
• ½ banana added to your smoothie • 1 cup black beans
• ½ cup quinoa • 1 cup pumpkin or other starch
• ½ cup brown rice • ½ medium sweet potato
• ½ medium baked potato • ½ cup quinoa

But what if you aren’t a fit, athletic person or adding a little starch doesn’t resolve imbalances in your
SHMEC? It’s time to move on to Step 2.

There are two things required for sustained and lasting fat loss: hormonal balance and consuming
fewer calories. You have learned that it is rarely, if ever, necessary to count calories. When you eat
intelligently to balance hormones, the calories almost always take care of themselves by way of
automatically reduced hunger.
Still, this can be a bit disconcerting to those so used to the dieting mentality. After all, you can
count calories, which makes you feel like you are more in control. But how the heck do you get a
quantitative assessment of what is going on with your hormones?
Well, now you know you can. It’s called your SHMEC.
Remember, your sleep, hunger, mood, energy, and cravings are biofeedback cues. Hormones impact
these sensations either directly or indirectly. So by paying attention to how your body feels, you can
understand whether your metabolism is balanced or not.
For the first 14 days your SHMEC may be out of check. That’s normal. It takes some time for
your body to adjust to this new way of eating and exercising. If, after 14 days on the program, your
SHMEC is in check, then your metabolic hormones are in balance. If you are losing fat, then you are
achieving the caloric deficit you need. It’s a win-win.

But if this isn’t happening for you, it may be time to make adjustments to your approach. To do this,
you can use a technique I have been using in my clinic for years that I call the AIM process.


AIM stands for:
✓✓ Assess
✓✓ Investigate
✓✓ Modify

By using this process, you will officially give up the mentality of a dieter and instead learn how to be a
metabolic detective. Here is how it is done.
First review your SHMEC from the tracking worksheet in your Metabolic Renewal Transformation
Tracker. SHMEC is in optimal balance when you score 20 on all five sensations for a total score of
100. The lower your score, the worse your metabolism is functioning.
After assessing SHMEC, you will want to check your fat loss. You will know if you are losing fat if
the hourglass shape test that you take once a week is changing in desirable ways. You should be losing
inches from the fatty places on your body. Over time you will also gain muscle in your thighs, chest, etc.
So, review your tracker and see if there is any change in those figures. It will be very clear to you
whether or not you are losing fat.
Now that you have your results for SHMEC and your fat-loss measurements, it is time to investigate
your results. Did you get good results or poor results?
Remember, there are two things required for sustained and lasting fat loss: calorie reduction and
hormonal balance. SHMEC tells you about hormonal balance and fat loss tells you about calories.
Once you know where you stand, it is time to make modifications.
There are four possible outcomes to your SHMEC assessment and fat-loss tracking:
1. SHMEC is in check, and you are losing fat.
2. SHMEC is in check, but fat is not lost.
3. SHMEC is not in check, but you are losing fat.
4. SHMEC is not in check, and fat is not lost.

Depending on which of these outcomes applies to you, you will want to modify this program as


Congratulations! You have discovered the holy grail of body change. This means the program as
outlined is working for you, and you don’t need to make any changes.
However, there are two critical mistakes many make that I want you to avoid:
1. Do not try to speed things up by pushing your metabolism harder—you are more likely to
push yourself right out of this balanced state.
2. Do not start looking for another way. We humans are funny; often when we find something
that works, we promptly stop doing it. Your job now is practice, practice and more practice.


Some part of the program must be working for you, as you’ve gotten the hormonal balance side of the
equation right—after all, your SHMEC is in check. But what if your SHMEC is in check, but your
fat-loss results are either not coming or heading in the wrong direction? Surprisingly this is not as bad
as you think. All you need to do is focus on the two biggest components of your nutrition that will
increase calories and send your hormones out of balance: fat and starch.
Here is what I do with my patients when I encounter this scenario in my clinic:
1. Cut starchy foods back at each meal.
2. Move all your starch intake to one meal only (best at breakfast, dinner or post-workout).
3. Cut back on fat.
4. Eat less frequently.
5. Search for trigger foods.
6. Start closely monitoring calories.

Which of these steps work is highly individualized, so I encourage you to experiment. Try the first step
for 7 to 14 days, and see if it works for you by tracking your SHMEC and fat loss. If it does, you’ve
found the ticket. If not, move on to the next step, and so on until you find what works for you.


You may think this is a desirable state, but it is the classic dieter’s trap. It is alluring because you are
getting some short-term results. But the fact that your SHMEC is out of check tells you that you are in
metabolic compensation and will soon suffer the same fate as 95 percent of dieters—yo-yo weight regain.
Here’s what to do to get your SHMEC in check and avoid the yo-yo diet trap:
1. Add more protein, fiber and water (such as lean protein and veggies).
2. Add in fat.
3. Add in starch and subtract out fat.
4. Add starch and fat.
5. Add one or two snacks between meals.

Again, you will need to experiment to see what works for you. Start with the first step and test it for
7-14 days. If it works, great. If not, move on to the second step, and so forth.
DO NOT be lazy about this. It’s easy to think that if you are losing weight and your body shape is
changing that all is good in the world. But until you get your SHMEC in check, there is no way
you will be able to sustain your weight loss. I STRONGLY encourage you to take these steps, and
make sure you get your SHMEC in check. It’s actually more important than fat loss.


Obviously, this is the worst of the scenarios and requires the most serious intervention. It can also
happen for many different reasons. The first order of business is to get SHMEC in check. This is most
important as obtaining hormonal balance is going to help you keep fat off long term. There’s no point
going to the work of burning fat if your hormones are out of balance.
So here are the steps you need to take to get SHMEC back in check.
6. Add more protein, fiber and water (such as lean protein and veggies).
7. Add in fat.
8. Add in starch and subtract out fat.
9. Add starch and fat.
10. Add one or two snacks between meals.

How much of each should you add? Again, that varies from person to person, but here are some
✓✓ Protein and Fiber: Consider adding five more bites of each. That is about 4 ounces of protein
or 20 grams and approximately eight ounces or one cup of vegetables.
✓✓ Starch: Consider adding three big bites of starch. That is about ½ cup or 15 grams.
✓✓ Fat: Consider adding one extra tablespoon or 10 grams.

Remember, stay flexible in your approach and be open to trial and error. There is no more important
skill to have than this type of metabolic mastery. Once your SHMEC is in check, then you can start
working on burning fat. Here are the steps to take:
1. Cut starchy foods back at each meal.
2. Move all your starch intake to one meal only (best at either breakfast, dinner or post-workout).
3. Cut back on fat.
4. Eat less frequently.
5. Search for trigger foods.
6. Start closely monitoring calories.

The bottom line is simply this: Most of you will be able to follow the diet plan for your cycle in
Chapter 6, match that with the Metabolic Renewal exercise routines, and your fat-burning engines will
shift into high gear. However, for a few of you it may take a little extra detective work to figure out

the best eating plan for you. If your SHMEC is out of check, or you aren’t losing fat within 14 days
of starting this program, it’s time to reassess and figure out what you need to change to find that fat-
burning holy grail you are looking for.
It may take a little time and detective work, but I know you can make it happen.


✓✓ We are all metabolically and hormonally different, and the idea that there is a one-size-
fits all diet that works is simply wrong.
✓✓ That means you need to design a diet that works for you.
✓✓ That starts with the diet plans based on your hormone type in Chapter 5.
✓✓ Then, if you don’t start seeing results in 7-14 days, use the AIM protocol to further tai-
lor the program to your needs.


emember, when I refer to “metabolics” I am talking about things you do to intentionally
influence the metabolism. This can include exercise, drugs, and supplements. In this chapter
we will focus on exercise specifically.
Here’s the secret about exercise that almost no-one realizes: Most people exercise too much and for too
long. The key is intensity, efficiency and rest.
That’s right, I said rest. Let me explain.
Any old type of exercise will burn calories. And pretty much any type of movement is healthy for you
to do. But only certain forms of exercise literally force your body to change, adapt and turn on your
fat-burning potential. To get this effect requires a unique form of metabolic intensity that not just any
type of exercise can accomplish.
The magic is partly in the intensity. Metabolic Renewal is able to accomplish all of this because, unlike
traditional cardio or slow-motion weight training, it breaches what exercise science calls the anaerobic
threshold. This threshold is reached when exercise intensity becomes so high that the body is forced
to mobilize resources in the moment and make metabolic alterations to meet the same or similar
demands in the future.
This is why it blows traditional approaches away.

Traditional exercise, like cardio and weights, either don’t get your body to reach this state at all or
do not reach it long enough or frequently enough to make a difference. These old approaches may
burn some calories—and muscle, too—but they don’t always make much of a difference in the way
you look.
Sure, if you run every day for miles or lift super intense weights, you may notice a few changes. If you
are a runner, you will lose some fat, but you could lose muscle as well. Instead of getting the change
you want, you can become skinny and flabby, and be a less efficient fat burner. If you lift weights,
you may gain muscle but you probably won’t burn much fat. You could wind up looking bulky. And
again, you will only marginally change your ability to burn fat.
Neither of these scenarios are what people are after, yet they are so prevalent in the exercise world.
To burn fat, sculpt muscle and change your fat-burning potential for good, there is a much better
approach. Not just shorter and more intense, but one that is carefully structured and specifically
tailored to your individual metabolism.


Many studies have shown that shorter, more intense workouts burn fat more effectively. The following
are just a few. There are literally dozens of studies out there that have shown similar results.
A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise in 1996 showed that an anaerobic
trained interval group burned significantly more fat than their aerobically trained counterparts.16
Not only did the interval group burn greater amounts of fat during exercise, but they also exhibited
increased fat burning effects that persisted for 24 hours after the exercise had stopped. The interval
group was able to accomplish this with an exercise session that was a full 15 minutes shorter than the
aerobic group.
Another study in the journal Metabolism17 tracked two groups of people—one group doing aerobic
training for a period of 20 weeks and another doing HIIT for 15 weeks. The researchers wanted
to see how each program would impact body composition. The aerobic group burned 48 percent
more calories than the interval group. However, the interval group enjoyed a 9-fold greater loss
in subcutaneous fat. At the conclusion of the study muscle biopsy analysis showed resting levels
of 3-hydroxyacyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (HADH), a marker of fatty acid oxidation, were
significantly elevated in the interval group, but not the aerobic group.
A 2008 study in the International Journal of Obesity looked at intense intermittent exercise compared
to steady state aerobics.18 Forty-five healthy women between the ages of 18 and 30 were recruited for
the study, divided into 3 groups, and studied for 15 weeks.
One group did HIIT, where they sprinted on a bike for 8 seconds followed by 12 seconds of rest. This
was repeated for 20 minutes. Another group did moderately intense peddling that was sustained for
40 minutes. The final group did no exercise. At the end of the 15 weeks, the high intensity interval
group lost 2.5 pounds of fat while the steady-state aerobic group actually gained .6 pounds of fat. A
measure of the fat-related hormones leptin and insulin were also positively affected in the HIIT group

compared to the steady state group. This was accomplished with a workout that was half as long—20
minutes vs. 40 minutes.


You may be familiar with some of these concepts through a training technique called interval
training.19 This technique has been growing in popularity because it is so much more effective than
traditional exercise. It’s more impactful because it makes use of some of the same physiological changes
that Metabolic Renewal does. But it is not scalable to the individual. It works very well for those who
are super fit and can do it, but most can’t.
Metabolic Renewal puts interval training’s positive effects on steroids by generating the cardiovascular
component through fast-paced weight training and by teaching you to know when to rest and for how
long. This takes Metabolic Renewal to an entirely different level.
And unlike interval exercise and aerobic fat-burning zone formulas, Metabolic Renewal is tailored to
you. It adapts immediately to your fitness level and metabolic state. This means you will get more
metabolic benefits from the workouts, the sessions will be safer, and you will recover much more
quickly between sessions. The individual aspects of the sessions work so well that we have had elite
athletes in the same sessions as seventy- and eighty-year-old grandparents.
How is this possible? The key is knowing when to rest and for how long. As you will hear me say over
and over again in the exercise videos, rest is success in this program. I want you to rest. I LOVE IT
when you rest. Here’s why.


Did you ever have a pet hamster as a kid? If not, you’ve surely watched squirrels or other animals
and seen this phenomenon: They run, they stop and rest, and then they run some more when they
are ready. This is the essence of rest-based training, and it turns out that humans have this same
built-in ability to regulate movement. We seem to know when to push hard and when to rest, just
like other animals.
This was explained in a January 2011 study published in the journal Psychophysiology.20 Researchers
wanted to see how traditional interval training (where work-to-rest ratios were pre-set and standardized
to be the same for everyone) compared to self-paced interval exercise (where work and rest intervals
were self-defined by each participants).
Three different methods of gauging exercise intensity and recovery were used in this study:
1. Heart rate recovery intervals: Exercisers resumed exercise when the heart rate returned to 130
beats per minute.
2. Defined rest intervals: Exercisers resumed exercise after the rest period equaled the work pe-
riod. A 1:1 work to rest interval ratio.
3. Self-paced intervals: Exercisers resumed exercise when they felt “ready.”

The self-paced interval group performed slightly better, was
shown to have worked just as hard as the traditional interval
HOW TO CHOOSE THE group, and finished the session slightly faster. The heart-rate
recovery interval group had the lowest intensity levels.
Choose bands that allow you to Interval training is all about maximizing the work-to-rest
do 5 to 10 repetitions with the ratio to maximize performance and intensity. Self-paced or
weakest muscles that the bands rest-based interval training was able to accomplish a better
will be used for. In this workout, outcome. Research has also shown rest-based or self-paced
those movements are going exercise is psychologically easier.21,22,23,24,25
to be the side or rear shoulder
raises. Choose a tension that The common notion that letting people self-select their
allows you to complete at least 5 exercise intensity and rest periods will result in less effective
reps, but no more than 10 reps workouts is wrong. It actually makes the workouts more
with these bands. effective and more psychologically pleasing.
Keep in mind that if the bands
you have chosen are too light,
Traditional interval training is like someone grabbing your
“choking up” on the bands by hand and sticking it on a hot stove, giving you little control
wrapping them around the of when it will be taken off. Naturally, you would resist this
hands one or two times works and there would be more of a chance of getting burned. But
great. if you were free to quickly touch the stove and pull your
For dumbbells, the same concept hand off as fast as possible, or leave it on for as long as you
applies but the formula is slightly felt comfortable, there would be no resistance necessary. Nor
different. Start out by finding would you get burned.
a 3-rep max for the weakest
exercise you will encounter We call rest-based training “interval training on steroids,”
during metabolic prime. Again, because it gives you all the metabolic benefits of traditional
that will be the side raise for interval training, but allows you to work even harder than
most people. you would otherwise since you are in complete control.
A 3-rep max (3RM) is a weight Prioritizing rest over work is what allows this magical effect
you can do 3 times with good to happen. Harder work leads to more fat calories burned
form, but not a fourth time. during exercise. And quality rest is required to produce
Find a 3RM on the dumbbell quality work. It is win-win for the metabolism.
side raise exercise. Once you
have found your weight, cut So how do you integrate this style of rest-based training into
that weight in half. That is your your life?
weight for the workout.
For example, I can do 50 lbs. 3
times but not 4 on a dumbbell
side raise. Fifty is my 3RM. Now BASE EXERCISE PLAN
I will divide that number by 2 to As with the nutrition program, we will start with a base
get the weight I will use for the
exercise plan everyone can do, and then make modifications
workout, 25 lbs.
depending on where you are in your cycle and in your life.
The base plan is an ELEL approach and is simply this:

✓✓ Do the 15-minute routines on the videos that came with this program 3 times per week...
✓✓ And walk one to two hours on all or most days. This is about 5,000 to 10,000 steps per day.
Remember, walking is not exercise. Do it slowly and relax. It lowers cortisol and works synergistically
with your exercise sessions. Most women DO NOT need to do more than this. It simply isn’t
necessary, and overdoing it actually compromises your fat loss results in some cases.


When you play the videos, there are a few things you will notice. First, you will see that there are three
variations—one that is bodyweight only, one with bands, and one with weights. Select the version that
matches your fitness level.
If you have never done a workout like this before, you will probably want to start with the
bodyweight-only versions. If you are a super-fit, go for the dumbbells. If you are somewhere in the
middle, go for the bands. Test it out, and see what works for you.
If you try the bands or dumbbells don’t get too caught up on them. Try to see this equipment as an
extension of your body, and don’t worry about perfect form so much.
The bands can be a bit tricky in some exercises and will require some experimenting. Watch the
trainers to see if the position is correct. On many of the pressing movements you will want the bands
behind the elbows. Another hint on the bands is that you may at times need to “choke up” on the
band to get the correct tension. This is easily done by wrapping the band around your hand one or
two times.
The dumbbells are far easier to manage. The major thing to remember with dumbbells is making
sure that they are clear of your floor space when not in use during a workout. You don’t want to
inadvertently twist an ankle.
The next thing you will notice is that there are burnout sessions for each workout. These 5-minute
bonus routines are completely optional. They are designed to burn up a little extra fat. I encourage you
to try them, but you don’t have to do them. These are great for those of you fitness buffs who love to
go for it.
Finally, you will see that even the super-ripped fitness instructors in these videos rest. If they need to
rest, that means you are going to need to rest too. Pushing to the point of rest is your goal in a rest-
based workout. I do not want you to pace. The mantra of Metabolic Renewal is this:
Push until you can’t, then rest until you can.
I really can’t overstate the importance of this component of the program. Rest is the key to success. If
you force yourself to go on or you start pacing yourself, you will not get the results you desire. These
workouts are designed to force your body to rest. You should never feel guilty about taking too much
rest. Sufficient recovery is the key to sufficient intensity.
For those of you who are just starting with this style of training, that may mean you are exercising

for only a few minutes of the entire 15-minute workout. The remainder may be rest. Others who
are more advanced may only rest for 2-3 minutes during the entire time. The amount you need to
rest will naturally decrease as your overall fitness level and ability to recover increases.

The key point is that the whole workout is only 15 minutes, INCLUDING rest, and
you should rest as much as you need to. Do not pause the video to rest, keep it going
and just pick back up when you are ready. The 15 minutes is truly 15 minutes of
elapsed time, which includes both your exercise and your rest time.

This confuses people initially as they are used to pausing the workout video to rest and recover.
That’s one area where this workout is very different as the rest is a critical part of the overall workout.
This is of critical importance, since the more you like the workout, the more consistent you can be.
When you realize you have permission to rest, you will voluntarily work harder without even being
consciously aware you are doing so.
That’s really all there is to it. Watch the videos. Follow along. Push hard. Rest hard. Try to do the
burnouts. Cool down with a walk after the workout is over. However, if you want to dial this in a little
further and take your results to another level, you can modify the program to fit with your cycle and
where you are in your life as follows.


If you are a younger woman and you menstruate normally, start with the exercise videos as noted
above. However, in the follicular phase (the first two weeks) of your cycle you can take an EMEM
approach—adding more workouts to your plan. Here’s why…
During the follicular phase estrogen is rising and more dominant. Estrogen makes the body more
stress-resistant. It also will allow you to get a little more fat burning and muscle building out of your
workouts, the same way testosterone works for men.
Combine this with the HGH-stimulating effects of the Renewal workouts, and you have a perfect
hormonal mixture for optimizing fat loss and muscle shaping. You don’t have to do more during this
phase of your cycle to see great results, but some women may want to. If you want to try this cycling
approach, here is what you do.
1. Do the Metabolic Renewal workouts three times a week as usual.
2. Add up to three additional workouts per week.

It’s as simple as that. Here are some options for the additional workouts.:
✓✓ Extra Metabolic Renewal workouts. You can just repeat the Metabolic Renewal workouts: do
them up to 6 times per week instead of 3 times per week.

✓✓ Cardio-centered workouts (intervals or traditional cardio). Take a single cardio activity—
running, rowing, biking, jumping rope, calisthenics, or any other cardio centered activity—
and add a few of these workouts in to the regimen if you wish to and find them enjoyable.
✓✓ Your personal favorite. Do you love yoga or Pilates? Crossfit? Are you a runner? If you already
have an activity you love, now is the time to add it in and really push it.
✓✓ Do the burnouts or add weights. This is another way to increase the intensity during your
follicular phase. Try adding in the burnouts or do the routines with weights if you don’t al-
✓✓ Any combination of these. Maybe you want to add one cardio workout, one yoga workout,
and one additional Metabolic Renewal workout. That’s totally fine as well. The key is finding a
combination of workouts that you’ll enjoy and look forward to.

The point of all of this is to leverage the fat-burning potential during the follicular phase of your cycle
in a way you enjoy and makes sense for you. That part is very important. Do what you love. Don’t make
yourself run if you hate it. Find something you enjoy and add that to your plan.
Now, there are a few additional tips I have for you based on your hormone type. Let’s check them out.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen and Progesterone Balanced
Your metabolism is balanced and cyclical, and as a result you can better tolerate exercise in general.
What may work best for you is splitting time between EMEM for the first two weeks of your cycle
and ELEL for last two weeks. You may want to consider adding three traditional weight training
workouts during your EMEM times. This will provide the most substantial and pronounced results in
terms of tone and tightness.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen Dominant
Because estrogen has effects similar to testosterone, allowing you to be less impacted by stress, you may
want to consider adding additional cardio workouts during your EMEM phase (the first two weeks of
your cycle). This can amplify some of the fat loss you will achieve and your more estrogen dominant
state may allow you to handle it better.
Also, because cardio workouts typically induce more sweating than weightlifting workouts, and
sweating is a prime mechanism by which the body gets rid of estrogen-mimicking pollutants, try to
work up a good sweat. This means upping the temperature in your workout area and avoiding fans. A
good sweat is a great way to detox from exogenous estrogens.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Progesterone Deficient
Because estrogen and progesterone work together to keep cortisol levels down and progesterone is the
first to fall during times of stress, including exercise stress, you may want to keep your extra workouts
Adding three very short high-intensity interval training sessions during your EMEM times (the first
two weeks of your cycle) can be a great approach for you. These workouts are intense, yes, but they are
also short and minimize stress. This is a great approach for this hormone.

Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
Stress is your major nemesis and you want to be extra careful to help your body rest and recover. It
is a great idea for you to add relaxing and restorative exercise sessions like yoga, Pilates, or Tai Chi
during your EMEM (the first two weeks of your cycle). These will still give you a good workout,
but also allow you to work on some of the relaxing aspects of things, by breathing, stretching, and
training your ability to relax and be present.


I have two recommendations for women in this phase of life when it comes to exercise.
First, walking is more important than your workouts. Actually, this is probably true for everyone,
but it’s especially important for menopausal women. Remember, your body is more stress reactive
at this time of life. Walking is one of the only forms of physical exercise you can do that is actually a
stress reducer.
So please don’t underestimate this part of the program. I’d rather see you follow the nutrition plan
and walk one to two hours a day on all or most days than train intensely and stress yourself out
even further.
Which leads to my second recommendation: If you need to, you can dial the base plan back a little
by only working out twice per week. For most women, this won’t be necessary. But if you find your
SHMEC remains out of balance, you have worked through the AIM protocol in Chapter 7, and you
feel stressed out, this may be a sign that you are overdoing it on exercise.
If your metabolism can handle it and SHMEC remains in check, do the Metabolic Renewal workouts
three times per week. If you find SHMEC goes out of check, try scaling back to only two Metabolic
Renewal workouts per week and see how that goes.
And keep the following in mind when it comes to your specific hormone type.
Perimenopause—Estrogen Fluctuating, Progesterone Deficient
Because there are times when your estrogen is up and then down and because your body finds itself
in a new metabolic reality of low progesterone, this is one of the most stressful times of a woman’s
life. You will want to pay extra attention to any kind of activity or exercise that helps to lower stress
I suggest yoga, Pilates, or new modalities like MovNat or Animal Flow on days off from the renewal
workouts. These should not get you out of breath and should feel relaxed and easy. Not all yoga classes
are created equal, so make sure you find the ones that feel like nap time versus yoga time.
Menopause—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient

At this point you are likely beginning to see a shift of fat storage around the middle despite no or little
change in what you are eating. It is important that you don’t try to over-exercise to compensate for
this. That will just stress you out further and ironically make matters worse.
One great approach you can use is to simply make sure you take a nice long walk for 30 to 60 minutes
after your workouts. By timing this walk right after a workout you will be able to lower cortisol and
further burn fat released during the workout.
Post-Menopause—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
You are dealing with a unique condition where estrogen and progesterone are low and testosterone,
while it may be lower as well, is still higher relative to what it was previously. This can lead to a
metabolic state that may cause reduced muscle mass and bone mineral density.
As a result of this, you will want to pay extra attention to using weights heavy enough to challenge
your system. There are several ways you can do this. You can increase the weights you use during your
workouts. You can consider adding one or two separate weight training only workouts and/or do loaded
walks by putting 20 to 40 pounds in a backpack and walking for 60 minutes 2 to 4 times per week.
All of this will coax your body into developing more lean tissue, adding fat loss, and decreasing the risk
of bone loss, falling, and fractures.


The great thing about this program is that it can work for all kinds of special cases as well: pregnancy,
post-pregnancy, and various kinds of metabolic challenges. So let’s look at each of these situations.


The idea that a healthy pregnant woman should be resting in bed is ridiculous. Do you think our
pregnant ancestors laid down for nine to ten months? Not on your life.
Pregnancy is not the time to start exercising like crazy if you have not been, but it is also not the time
to stop if you have been. With the right modifications (more on this below), many of the routines
in this program can be done by pregnant women. However, if this is your first time considering rest-
based interval training, I would wait until after baby is born to start following the videos in earnest.
One great strategy to use if you are not used to exercise is to do the walking along with a light, non-
weighted version of the workouts (meaning bodyweight only). In this approach, you follow along with
the workouts without weights and move through the exercises slowly almost like you would see someone
move if they were doing Tai Chi. This slow movement will provide benefit to you and the baby with little
risk. Obviously if you are an exerciser this workout is perfect to do after speaking with your doctor.
A few guidelines to keep in mind. During the first trimester minimize intense jumping exercises.
Just take them out and do a non-jumping version. For example, squat jumps just turn into squats.
During the third trimester avoid any exercise that has you laying on your stomach or crunching on
the abdomen. This is pretty obvious at this point in the pregnancy, but it bears mentioning. If you are

breastfeeding, you can enjoy the workouts just as is. You may want to wear a little more breast support
if you experience tenderness in that area.
Whatever you choose, I strongly encourage you to speak with your physician about your particular


Metabolic Renewal is specifically designed to awaken the sleeping metabolism. I can’t think of a better
program for women with metabolic challenges like hypothyroidism, PCOS, and others. However,
there are a few things to keep in mind if you are metabolically challenged. Exercise can be your
greatest ally in getting your metabolism back, but it also can be too much too soon.
One way you can tailor this program to fit your needs is to use your heart rate recovery as a guide.
After an intense bout of movement the heart rate will spike. When you take your rest it will fall.
The degree to which it quickly spikes and falls is a window into the balance of your sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems.
Optimally, your heart rate should fall at least 20 beats in 1 minute after intense exertion. If this doesn’t
happen, it usually is an indication that your metabolism is overtaxed and has had enough for the day.
Often in those with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia or other issues, this will start out being the case, and
then at some point in the workout stop being the case. Stopping your workout at the point where
your heart rate is no longer dropping quickly can be an extra guide for those who know exercise often
wipes them out. This keeps you in the safe zone.
Now you know how to modify the base plan to your personal needs. However, there are a few other
things I want to explain before we move on.


When it comes to performing the exercises in Metabolic Renewal, there are a few things you should
be aware of. We are all uniquely different and this applies to our level of fitness and physical abilities.
Some of us have current or past injuries making it difficult to perform certain exercises. Some of us
have athletic backgrounds and a refined level of coordination, and some of us don’t.
One of the biggest mistakes people make with exercise is overly focusing on these considerations.
Despite what you have been told, there is no perfect way to do each exercise. There are generalizations,
and you should try to duplicate the form exhibited by the trainers in the videos as much as you are
able to. However, you should also allow your body some leeway in terms of how it moves.
If you need to adjust the exercises in any way, do not be afraid to do that. I’ll tell you more about how to
do that in a moment, but first I want to share a realization I’ve had about exercise form over the years.
Moving More Almost Always Leads to Moving Better
Your body improves at exercise when you exercise. Coordination and balance come from actually
exercising. You don’t become proficient at squats from being hypervigilant over the way you are

squatting. The best way to become proficient at squats is to simply do more squats, and let your body
learn the rhythm of the movement.
There was an old story I heard where a pottery instructor told her students to make the perfect
pot. Half of the class was instructed on how to make the pot and told to focus making the
best pot. The other half of the class was told to make as many pots as possible. After a period
of time the class presented their pots to be judged. Guess who won? The group that was
instructed to just make lots of pots had succeeded in not only making more pots, but also in
making better pots.
In other words, practice makes perfect. The more opportunity you have to move, the better you
will be able to move. This is almost always the case with exercise. So give yourself permission to
move more, even if the exercise is not completely perfect just yet. Your body will “get it” in time,
and it will happen faster than stressing over every little angle of movement.
With this in mind we can now talk about how to adapt this program to your specific needs.
Regressions and Progressions
In the field of exercise we have ways to make exercises easier. We call these regressions. We also
have ways of making exercises harder. These are called progressions.
Let’s use a push-up as an example for regression. You can do a push-up on your toes. You can
regress the push-up down a level by doing it from your knees. You can go down another level by
doing the push-up off a wall. You can even regress one more level still by rolling over on your back
and doing a chest press with light dumbbells.
On the other end of the spectrum we have progressions. Let’s use the squat as an example. You
can do a regular body weight squat. You can progress that by holding bands and doing a band-
weighted squat. The exercise can be progressed again by using dumbbells. It can be progressed
further by doing a one-legged squat or adding a heavy barbell.
You should feel absolutely free to regress or progress an exercise to a level that fits you. In this
program you will see that I have already added a level of regression and progression to play with.
The bodyweight exercises are easiest. The bands progress it one level and dumbbells add another
level of progression. The trick is to use your judgement as to which degree of resistance you will
use and which exercise regression or progression most suits you.
I obviously can’t outline every possible option for every possible person, nor would I want to. You
know your body better than I do. Tune into it and listen to what it’s telling you. Do what works
for you. However, if you need more assistance on learning specifically how to progress or regress
an exercise to fit your needs, we have a special bonus for you.
In the videos you received, you will find a dedicated segment where I show you how to progress and
regress the major movements in the program. Check that out, listen to your body, and adjust these
exercises to fit your needs.

One question I get all the time is “what do I do if I have an injury?” or “what if I am too overweight?”
The answer to these questions is very simple, although not always something people like to hear.
If you have bad knees, then work out using your arms and skip the leg exercises. If you have injured
shoulders, then go lighter on the arm stuff (or avoid it altogether) and just focus on the legs. Can’t
use your right arm? Then use your left. Can’t use the left? Use the right. In other words move the
body parts you are able to use. It may surprise you to know that research suggests that moving the
non-injured limb actually does have some benefit in strengthening the limb you can’t move. This
has to do with “nervous system crossover.”
If you are overweight and have difficulty moving up and down off the floor, I encourage you to do
it anyway. One of the most demanding, useful and metabolically stimulating activities a big person
can engage in is getting up and down off the floor. In some ways, this is more beneficial than almost
any other exercise.
You may notice that I have purposely programmed things in a way that requires up and down
movements. They are so effective, and that is why I like to take advantage of them. So don’t feel
defeated if you are slow to get up and down—instead, pat yourself on the back and realize that you
are getting a more effective workout than you would otherwise.

One of the things you will notice about Metabolic Renewal is the specific design of the exercises
and other workout elements. The workout makes judicious use of several techniques all designed to
generate the Bs and Hs—breathless, burning, heavy, and heat.
As a woman, two of these four are more important than the others. Breathless and burning. When
a workout generates these two sensations simultaneously it is an indication of adrenaline and HGH
release. These hormones work synergistically with estrogen and progesterone to create the lean
beautiful hourglass shape the female form is known for.
One of the cornerstone techniques is called “metabolic chains”. These are exercises that string
separate movements into one single activity. You can think of the separate exercises as one link
in the chain. Then one or more of the links is “compacted” by adding reps each time. This is a
devastatingly effective way to increase the density of a workout.
The Metabolic Renewal workouts are dense because they stuff a crazy volume of exercise into such
a short period of time. This is one of the key reasons they have such a beneficial metabolic effect.
Achieving this density would be nearly impossible to do without the metabolic chain system.
The other thing that is great about metabolic chains is that you have to keep your own rep count.
You might think that is because I am lazy and don’t want to count for you, but in reality, it is a key
part of keeping you focused on extrinsic factors, rather than intrinsic feelings. This is a sleight-of-
hand tactic I use to get you to push a little harder without even realizing it.

There are a few subsets of the metabolic chains as well. You will also be using “rep chains” and
“squeeze chains.”

Rep chains alter a single exercise’s range of motion in a series. On the first round, you do one of each
movement, on the second round you do two of each movement, on the third round you do three
of each movement, and, finally, on the fourth round you do four of each movement. Then you reset
back to one and work your way up to four again. This is repeated again and again as many times as
possible in the allotted time.
An example of rep chains that you will encounter in the workout is the push-up rep chain. In this
case, each rep variation is a link in the chain and each can be added to or “compacted” each time
through the sequence. You also alter the range of motion so that you can keep more tension on the
muscles and achieve more vascular occlusion (a concept I discuss below).
For example, the push-up rep chain consists of three different movements:
1. Bottom to ¼ of the way up (a “pulsing rep”).
2. Bottom to ½ of the way up (a “half rep”).
3. Bottom to the top (a “full rep”).
To complete the push-rep chain, you do as follows:
✓✓ Round 1 = 1 pulsing rep, 1 half rep, 1 full rep
✓✓ Round 2 = 2 pulsing rep, 2 half rep, 2 full rep
✓✓ Round 3 = 3 pulsing rep, 3 half rep, 3 full rep
✓✓ Round 4 = 4 pulsing rep, 4 half rep, 4 full rep
Then you start back at round 1, and on it goes until the allotted time expires. As always in rest-based
training, you rest whenever you need to and then begin again right where you left off. These rep chains
sequences are powerful metabolic stimulators and unique in the exercise world.

Squeeze chains use seconds as links in the chain instead of reps. The movement stays exactly the same,
you just hold it for varying lengths of time. An example of the squeeze chains you will see in this
program is the shoulder front-raise squeeze chain. This exercise is deceptively simple, but done right,
you’ll be burning, sweating and breathing heavy in no time.
To do this exercise, you simply raise your arms out in front of your body, bringing them up to
shoulder height. At this point, you squeeze your fists, chest, shoulders upper arms and forearms as
tight as you can. At the top of the first rep you hold the squeeze for one second. On the second rep
you hold for a count of two seconds. The third round is a three-second hold and squeeze. Finally, the
fourth round is held for four seconds. You then go back to a one-second hold before working your way
up the squeeze chain again.

And on it goes until the time for that movement expires. Just as with rep chains, you should always
keep in mind that this is rest-based training, so you should rest when you need it, then start again
when you are ready, right where you left off.
The Metabolic Renewal chains use a four count. That means they are compacted only up to four
before starting over again. Rep and squeeze chains help generate more burning and make use of
vascular occlusion.

Another thing you will notice about the Metabolic Renewal workout that is different from other types
of exercise is the use of squeezing, tension reps, holding reps and other techniques designed to produce
burning. These workout techniques make use of how the body circulates blood. Blood moves through
your arteries due to the pressure created by the pumping heart, and because arteries contain small
muscles that can push and squeeze the blood along.
Once the blood gets into your capillaries and drops off its nutrients and oxygen to your working
muscles, it enters your veins to return to the heart. But veins don’t get the benefit of the beating
heart, and they are not lined with muscles. Veins rely on your skeletal muscle. When your muscle
contracts and relaxes, this acts like a pump to move blood along. Veins also contain valves so the
blood can’t move backwards.
When you squeeze down on a muscle by contracting and holding it, or do not allow it to completely
relax, you are holding the blood in place for a longer period of time and slowing its return to the
heart. You may think this is a bad thing, but the muscles are constantly releasing signaling molecules
that are carried away by the blood to distant areas.
You can think of these molecules as metabolic smoke signals. These compounds speak to your muscle,
fat, brain and liver cells, and send signals for optimizing performance, recovery, repair and adaptation.
The longer they are hanging around your muscles, the more time they have to stimulate beneficial fat-
burning and muscle-sculpting events in those muscles.
You know you are creating the effect when your muscles burn and feel swollen and heavy (called
the muscle pump). When scientists study these techniques in the laboratory, they slow blood flow
by applying tourniquets, like that little rubber strip that the nurse wraps around your arm when
drawing blood.26
In the Metabolic Renewal workouts, we use squeezing, holding and tension reps to duplicate this
effect. Dumbbells and bands take vascular occlusion to another level, which is why they are included
for the more advanced practitioners. When you do this workout you will immediately feel something
different compared to any other workout you have ever done. That is the vascular occlusion effect
and it is best achieved when you focus hard on the squeezing I will ask you to do during some of
your workouts.
That’s all you need to know to get started with the exercise program in Metabolic Renewal. Go check
out the videos and get after it!

✓✓ The base exercise plan is simply to follow the videos. This means you will be doing rest-
based interval training 3 times a week for 15 minutes and walking one to two hours on
all or most days.
✓✓ If you are a normally menstruating woman, you can add additional exercise in the fol-
licular phase of your cycle.
✓✓ Menopausal women may need to dial the program back a little, and only do it 2 times
per week. Follow your SHMEC. It will tell you what to do. And make sure you get
your walking in!
✓✓ Pregnant women can do the program as is, if they are already fit. If you are not an exer-
ciser already, slow the program down or wait until post-pregnancy.
✓✓ If you are metabolically challenged, use your heart rate recovery as a guide to how
much you should exercise.


ne of the most prevalent questions I get asked goes something like this. “Dr. Jade,
I have done everything right and I am still not losing weight; why?” The answer is
simple to me, but complex for everyone else. It is simple to me, because I have had
the benefit of working with thousands of people over several decades. This gives me a unique
These people who say they have been “doing everything right” are typically focused on meals (what
and how they are eating) and metabolics (exercise). What they miss is movement and mindset. We
will discuss movement in Chapter 10. Here I want to talk about the critical importance of mindset.
The human body is one big stress barometer. Everything your metabolism does is designed to do one
major thing… measure and react to stress. It is the metabolism’s prime directive. Your mindset around
stress is so important and almost no one pays any attention to it.
How many people do you know who say to themselves, “I am having trouble losing weight, I should
take a nap or a hot bath or go have some relaxing sex?” Usually they are doing the exact opposite,
aren’t they? I need to take this supplement, drink this magic elixir, exercise twice daily doing the new
tangerine theory interval workout and eat nothing but organic kale and wild line-caught salmon.
Stress is the thing. Mindset around a lifestyle of rest, recovery and relaxation is the cure. Let’s talk
about stress and why it can kill your results.

How many calories does stress have? I agree that this is a ridiculous question, but ask almost any health
and fitness expert if stress can make a person fat and you will hear a resounding “yes.” But if we agree
that stress has no calories, and we also believe that fat gain is about nothing but calories, then how in
the world does stress stimulate fat gain?
The truth is that the calorie model is not the whole story on fat loss. Stress and other lifestyle factors
work through complicated hormonal and metabolic mechanisms that alter not only the amount of
calories we eat, but also where on the body we store them and most importantly which type we burn:
sugar, fat, or muscle.
I realize not everyone likes to delve into the deep biochemistry that is required to truly understand
how stress causes fat gain, so I will do my best to make this as simple as I can.
A Historical Frame of Reference
Before I can even begin to talk about stress, it is important to understand what it is and how humans
have adapted to deal with it. Humans have evolved on this planet for millions of years. We have had to
deal with predators, food shortages, ice ages, natural disasters, rugged terrain, an uncertain future, and
countless other “stressful” things.
If you think you have it tough today, imagine walking down the street and having a pack of hungry
wolves jump out from behind a dumpster and decide you are dinner. Or walking into a food store
where the cashier hands you a spear and points you towards the wild boar living in aisle 4. This may
seem laughable right now, but understanding the physiological reaction of that kind of stress is exactly
what is needed to decipher the impact stress has on fat gain.
The bottom line is that humans are designed for acute stress like running away from a hungry
predator, fighting off an intruder, or catching dinner. That is because during the millions of years we
have been on the planet, we encountered these stressors all the time.
Your physiology is hard-wired to the realities of your historic ancestors. Whether you are being chased
by a pack of wolves, fighting a wild boar, under a severe deadline at work, facing financial uncertainty,
or stuck in traffic, your response to stress is exactly the same as far as your physiology is concerned.
The Brain-Adrenal Axis
The stress response is regulated by a closely orchestrated communication between the hypothalamus,
the pituitary gland, and your adrenal glands. Is this starting to sound familiar? There is that HPA
again. You can begin to see how it controls so many functions in the body.
You can think of the brain as an army’s central command center. When it gets a warning that there
is an incoming threat, it sends an immediate signal to the adrenal glands. In a fraction of a second,
the adrenal glands flood the body with hormonal signals like adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol,
whose job is to give the body the energy required to stay and fight or run like hell.

You know what this feels like. If you have ever been in or near a car accident, you probably felt an
intense surge of energy travel through your body that allowed you to slam on the brakes or swerve out
of the way. That was your HPA axis in action. This is where things can go wrong.
In the modern day there is nothing to run from and there is no giant Twinkie monster you have to
kill to get lunch. So instead of moving in response to stress, you just sit there with large amounts of
adrenal hormones surging through your body. This is not a good thing.
The major action of adrenal hormones is to raise the amount of sugar and fat in the blood to supply
the body with energy. The whole body mobilizes all at once to supply the body with everything it
needs to survive. The liver is instructed to kick out stored sugar as well as make some extra. Muscle
and fat aid the creation of new sugar through the release of amino acids from muscle and glycerol
from triglyceride (fat) respectively.
In other words, stress burns fat, sugar, and muscle under normal circumstances. But when it becomes
recurrent and chronic, fat is usually spared while muscle is taken. Historically, when your body
became stressed out, you were able to run your way to safety or fight your way out of danger. The
process of intense movement to run away or fight is just what the body needs, because that triggers the
release of other hormones like testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH).
Those hormones act to repair damaged tissue and partition energy usage towards fat metabolism while
at the same time sparing and even building muscle. The repair mechanisms of these two hormones
rebuild the body leaner, faster, and stronger, improving the chances that the next stressful encounter
will result in another success.
All of this together feeds back on the brain and the adrenals allowing them to stop the alarms and go
back to a rest and recovery physiology.
Chronic Stress
The problem starts when stress, whether real or perceived, becomes constant and continuous, is not
followed by intense activity, is not controlled through relaxing walking, or never ends. Chronic stress
is different, because the stressors continually force the body to work harder and harder to compensate
for the physiological disruptions.
One of the first and most important things to change is the relative amounts of cortisol in your blood.
Relative is an important term, because it means how much cortisol you have in relation to other
The most important thing to remember here is that cortisol (one of your major stress hormones)
exerts actions on the body that are beyond your awareness. High amounts of continuous cortisol
secretion induce serious changes in our physiology. Two important changes occur in relation to
hunger and cravings. Excess cortisol impacts hunger and increases the urge for sweets and fatty foods.
A sure sign that you have high stress levels is a lack of appetite in the morning.
Two studies, one in Endocrinology27 and another other in Psychoneuroendocrinology,28 show how
cortisol can decrease hunger in the short term and increase binge eating with a desire for highly

palatable foods later. In other words, cortisol makes you eat less often, but makes you overeat the
wrong foods when you get the chance.
This makes complete sense when you think about stress from a historic perspective. If walking out of
your house could result in you getting swept away by a giant pterodactyl, you would likely make fewer
trips to the grocery store and seek out the most energy-dense foods to sustain you for longer. In other
words, you would eat less frequently and avoid the danger lurking outside as much as possible.
A comprehensive review by Dr. Pecoraro of UCLA San Francisco was published in 2006 in the journal
Progress in Neurobiology. In that paper, he cited research that showed that this is exactly the case.29
This review showed that through several overlapping mechanisms, chronic stress caused animals to
decrease the number of times they ate, opting for a few big meals over lots of smaller ones. Stress also
forced a preferential desire for sugar and fat over regular mixed composition meals.
The study showed that this happens at the level of the brain, because glucocorticoids, like cortisol,
affect brain chemicals, specifically dopamine and opioids. These can lead towards depression or
anxiety, lack of motivation, lack of spontaneous movement, and a desire for high calorie foods. Sounds
a lot like what we call “emotional eating,” right?
The bottom line here is that stress, when chronic and persistent, affects brain chemistry in a way that
changes behavior. These behaviors are directly correlated to obesity and appear to be coming from
more unconscious centers of the brain.
Stress and Women
Stress is definitely a menace when it comes to metabolism, and it is even more an issue for women.
You have to remember that your metabolism is a stress barometer, and, as a woman, one of the major
things it is measuring is the safety of diverting resources to reproduction.
If the metabolism deems things are “too stressful,” it begins to downregulate the female hormones.
Typically progesterone drops first, which removes some of a woman’s ability to cope with stress and
begins to make estrogen less effective as well (progesterone primes estrogen receptors and vice versa.)
Next estrogen falls, leaving the female metabolism exposed to the full onslaught of cortisol and chronic
stress as described above. This is one of the reasons I say that taking diet and exercise to the extreme is
a huge contributing factor in lack of results in body change, and may be the major cause of fat gain or
the inability to lose fat.
What is a woman to do? Listen to your body, and consider where you are in your life and your
hormone type.


The body handles stress in unique ways, and one of the ways it can impact some people is to make
the metabolic see-saw shift in unexpected ways. This causes the command and control center of
your metabolism—your hypothalamus – to send signals to the thyroid, adrenal glands, and ovaries.

This can compromise your hormones even further, and you can end up in a downward spiral of
metabolic dysfunction.
As a younger woman with a normal cycle, your estrogen and progesterone levels are exquisitely
attuned to this, and that can be a problem. We live in an environment that is stress-heavy, and most of
us typically prioritize doing more and going harder over resting appropriately and working smarter.
I like to think of the ovarian system as a woman’s most sensitive stress barometer. As stress levels rise,
ovarian function becomes compromised. This results in falling progesterone, fluctuating estrogen, and
then complete ovarian fatigue.
What you need to do is adjust your 4Ms so that you are reducing stress exposure, combatting stress
excess (through relaxing and restorative behaviors) and not overdoing diet and exercise, which you
may be prone too.
There are many things you can do to reduce stress: meditation, massage, naps, sleep, hot baths, sauna,
Tai Chi, relaxing stretching, and a lot more (there is a full list at the end of this chapter). However,
there are some specific activities that can benefit your stress levels depending on your hormone type.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen and Progesterone Balanced
In your case stress is not much of an issue in the first half of the month, but begins to really make
an impact in the weeks leading up to menses. To help balance that we want to do things to decrease
stress, especially in the premenstrual period.
There are two things that might be especially useful for you, and they are walking in nature and warm
Epsom salt baths. Research has shown that relaxed, slow-paced walking is able to lower stress and that
doing this in green areas is even better.30 The Japanese even have a name for this. They call it shirinyoku
or “forest bathing.”
When you add Epsom salt to your bath it takes an already wonderfully relaxing activity and puts its
stress reducing effects on overdrive. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate and magnesium is very relaxing
to the nervous system.
Both of these things dramatically counter stress and keep the hunger and cravings at bay.
Here is what I want you to do: In the two weeks leading up to menses, I want you to take either a 30
to 90 minute walk, preferably in a green setting, or a bath. Do this every day and you will be priming
your metabolism to respond in a way you never imagined.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen Dominant
There are many ways you can become estrogen-dominant. Regardless of how it happens, decreasing
stress will help you rebalance your estrogen levels.
There is one thing that might be especially useful for you, and that is hot baths and/or sauna therapy.
These therapies get you sweating, which is one of the main ways you get rid of some of the persistent
organic pollutants that can have estrogen-like effects in the body.

Here is what I want you to do: Begin taking a hot bath or sauna, hot enough to get you sweating but
cool enough to remain relaxing and allow you to sweat lightly for 20 to 60 minutes. Do this at least
three times per week and preferably five or six times per week.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Progesterone Deficient
In your case, this command-and-control signal may be getting jumbled a bit because progesterone
levels are required to keep this entire system prime and sensitized. If progesterone levels fall, this
system can become less dependable and more prone to issues.
To help balance that we want to do things to decrease stress or lessen its effects. This is the best way to
maintain adequate progesterone levels.
However, there is one thing that might be especially useful for you, and that is learning to use your
breath to adjust your physiology as needed. You can calm your mind by focusing on your breathing.
This can produce a relaxation response in your brain and body that will wipe the stress away.
The technique I want you to do involves taking ten deep breaths:
✓✓ Count eight seconds on the inhale…
✓✓ Hold your breath for two seconds…
✓✓ Then exhale for four seconds.
✓✓ After completing these ten breaths close your eyes, take a big deep breath in, and hold it for as
long as you comfortably can.

Use this time to reset your senses and still your mind. Listen to your heartbeat or watch the color
changes dance around in the back of your eyelids. Repeat this up to three times per day, including
before bed to help you sleep.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
In your case the command-and-control signal has either lost its ability to communicate to the ovaries,
or the ovaries have lost their ability to respond. It is almost always a combination of both, but most
issues start in the brain and end in the ovaries.
That is why we want to do things to decrease stress and reduce its effects on the brain first. This is the
best way to reboot the ovarian system and get estrogen and progesterone back in line.
In your case, getting your body in restorative relaxation mode is going to be the key. You can think
of this as a reboot to your metabolic hard drive. The best way to do that is to sleep. There is only one
problem, of all the hormonal types you may have the most difficult time getting to sleep at night. To
combat this, you can use two other reboot techniques alongside sleep: naps and meditation.
Research shows that even a 10 to 30 minute nap can undo many of the hormonal problems caused by
sleep loss.31 Meditation has also been shown to restore function in the body and brain similar to how a
nap does. By focusing on your breath, I mean counting the breaths. In, then out, that’s one. Continue
focusing on and counting your breath until you reach a count of 10, then start back over at one.

If your mind wanders and you forget your count, just go back to one. The counting allows you to
catch your mind when it drifts. By the way, mental drift is normal in meditation, and with practice
you can focus for much longer.
I want you to prioritize sleep by taking three steps:
✓✓ First, go to bed one hour earlier and rise one hour later to start. Shoot for 9 hours of sleep ev-
ery night.
✓✓ Second, I want you to take a brief 10 to 20 minute nap between the hours of noon and 4:00
pm five days a week.
✓✓ Finally, I want you to meditate for 5 minutes by focusing on your breath at least 3 times per week.


Due to fluctuating estrogen and falling progesterone during this time of life, your entire system is
forever losing its cyclical rhythm. This means that you are now becoming more sensitive to fat storage
from food and more reactive to fat storage from stress. It’s a double whammy.
Learning how to cope with stress more effectively is essential. That being said, the modern Western
lifestyle has a completely dysfunctional attitude toward stress. It is crucial that you do things to reduce
your stress load. You can try meditation, massage, naps, sleep, hot baths, sauna, Tai Chi, relaxing
stretching, and a lot more (see the full list at the end of this chapter).
However, I do have specific suggestions based on your hormone type.
Perimenopause—Estrogen Fluctuating, Progesterone Deficient
One thing that might be especially useful for you are social activities with friends while engaging in
relaxing treatments like spa facials, pedicures, and massages. Social support is critical during this time
of life as it helps buffer against some of the unpredictable symptoms you are dealing with.
Spending more time with friends going through the same thing is a great way to vent, connect, and
reduce stress. Try doing this while getting your nails done, getting a massage, or doing anything you
can do to treat yourself and relax. You’ll get double the benefit. Plan at least two to four relaxing social
outings with friends and/or family per week. Walking groups are great for this, as are creative groups
like book clubs or other creative outlets.
In addition, I want you to engage in spa treatments as much as possible—at least three times per
week. I realize this can become an issue in terms of time and finances, and I don’t want you to stress
about that. If finances are an issue look for lower cost alternative such as self-massage and stretching
classes (like restorative yoga).
Menopause—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
As estrogen and progesterone levels drop, your already exquisitely attuned stress barometer gets even
more sensitive, because you become more reactive to the stress hormone cortisol. Reducing stress is

the best way to deal with this new reality of reduced estrogen and progesterone. But our society doesn’t
make that easy.
Probably the most important thing a woman in your time of life can do to get her body in restorative
relaxation mode is to get enough sleep. Sleep is like a reboot to your metabolic hard drive. There
is only one problem: you may have a great difficulty falling asleep at night due to your changing
hormones. To combat this you can use two other reboot techniques alongside sleep: naps and
Research shows that even a 10 to 30 minute nap can undo many of the hormonal problems caused by
sleep loss.32 Meditation has also been shown to restore function in the body and brain similar to a nap.
I want you to prioritize sleep by taking three steps:
✓✓ First, go to bed one hour earlier and rise one hour later to start. Shoot for 9 hours of sleep ev-
ery night.
✓✓ Second, I want you to take a brief 10 to 20 minute nap between the hours of noon and 4:00
pm five days a week.
✓✓ Finally, I want you to meditate for 5 minutes by focusing on your breath at least 3 times per week.
Post-Menopause—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
At this point in your life, age has caused your ovaries to lose their ability to respond to the demands of your
metabolism. That means that you need to learn how to anticipate those demands, and take action to respond.
The most important step you can take is to reduce stress, and for post-menopausal women sleep is the
number one best stress reducer you can engage in. The irony is, you may find it harder to sleep now
than you did in your younger years due to the changes in your hormone levels.
When sleep is problematic, naps and meditation work wonders. Research shows that even a 10 to 30
minute nap can undo many of the hormonal problems caused by sleep loss.33 Meditation has also been
shown to restore function in the body and brain similar to how a nap does.
I want you to prioritize sleep by taking three steps:
✓✓ First, go to bed one hour earlier and rise one hour later to start. Shoot for 9 hours of sleep ev-
ery night.
✓✓ Second, I want you to take a brief 10 to 20 minute nap between the hours of noon and 4:00
pm five days a week.
✓✓ Finally, I want you to meditate for 5 minutes by focusing on your breath at least 3 times per week.


Of course, your options for relaxation go way beyond those outlined for your specific hormone type.
The solution to a stress-filled life lies in understanding that the fast-paced, get-it-done-now, never-take-
a-break, harder-faster-longer mindset is the problem. Lifestyle choices matter. There are many, many
choices you can make that lower stress hormones and help the metabolism get back into balance.

Connection Therapy
✓✓ Laughing lowers cortisol. This is why time with friends, connection to family, hanging with
pets, and anything else that puts you in a happy mood is key.
✓✓ Sex and cuddling, both separately and more powerfully when combined, are powerful stress
✓✓ Orgasm, whether through masturbation or sex, immediately puts the metabolism in relax and
recovery mode. Add a long cuddle to that and you are in stress-relieving bliss.

Water Therapy
✓✓ Long showers and relaxing baths are an excellent option.
✓✓ Relaxing spa-like music with candlelight is a perfect way to amplify the stress-relieving benefits
of water therapy.
✓✓ Hot baths happen to be a wonderful way to detoxify your body, eliminating toxins through
the sweat while relaxing. Sweating, in particular, may be especially beneficial to a subset of tox-
ins called persistent organic pollutants or POPs. These compounds can act in the body as hor-
mone disruptors and therefore their removal has the potential to rebalance hormone function.

Relaxation Therapy
✓✓ Get plenty of sleep. Sleep deprivation elevates stress hormone production and sends SHMEC
out of check.
✓✓ Take naps. Research has shown that even a 10 minute nap can undo much of the dysfunction
associated with sleep deprivation. And it is much better than adding in another work out.
✓✓ Get a massage. Massage has benefits due to its ability to focus the mind on the present, relax
the metabolism and release muscular tension and strain.
✓✓ Even self-massage techniques like foam rolling are wonderful for stress.
✓✓ Practice meditation. The relative contribution of sympathetic (stimulation) and parasympa-
thetic (relaxing) activity is balanced out. Mindfulness has also been shown to help those who
practice it become more stress-resistant over time.

Movement Therapy
✓✓ Avoid heavy exercise. Pilates and exercise classes are typically not relaxing, so you don’t need to
do more than what is outlined in this program. If you want to integrate these kinds of activi-
ties into your daily plan, follow the steps to do this outlined in Chapter 8.
✓✓ The yoga of the Western world is typically intense and stimulating. Things like power yoga are
not going to do the trick, but relaxing and stretching yogas are great.
✓✓ Tai Chi is a wonderful option. This activity integrates mindfulness and slow rhythmic move-
ments of the body. The outcome is very similar to walking in its ability to calm and center the

✓✓ Take a walk. Take many walks. Walking lowers cortisol. It can’t be huffing puffing, arm-swing-
ing power walking, that is more akin to running. This type of walking is slow and relaxing.
Taking in the scenery. This is why walking is so central to this program.

The idea is to schedule these rest, recovery, and relaxation sessions into your daily life as much as
possible. Specifically, making walking the central focus of your stress reduction and then using other
modalities daily or even multiple times per day are going to make all the difference in the world.
Find and use as many different tools and techniques as you can. The modern day provides increasing
options in this regard. Spas, deprivation chambers, massage therapists, saunas, the list goes on and on.
The point is to find what works for you and do it. Use the techniques to decrease your stress output
and your body will thank you. Do not neglect this portion of the program. It’s one of the worst
mistakes you can make for your body shape goals.
And, if you’re “doing everything right” but still feel stuck, I hope this chapter helps you get unstuck in
a way you may not even have realized was so important.


✓✓ Chronic stress is devastating for your health and body shape. It forces your body to pile
on fat, especially around the middle.
✓✓ Integrating rest-based living into your life is one of the most important things you can
do for fat loss. It’s more important than exercise, and maybe even more important than
✓✓ So reducing your overall stress profile, by integrating daily relaxing activities into your
program is crucial.
✓✓ Walking and other forms of non-exercise movement are essential. They are a key factor
in the fat-loss equation and can help you relax as well.
✓✓ Do not skip this part of the program. It may be more important than everything else
you have learned so far.


ost people don’t understand why I would distinguish movement from metabolics. They
wonder: “What’s the difference?”
Exercise, or metabolics, is certainly a type of movement. It is a structured, planned event
with the distinct goal of stimulating the metabolism for some defined goal. Burn fat, build muscle, get
faster, get stronger, or train longer.
Movement is just what you do when you are living. It is what you do when you walk down to the
store, fidget, garden, clean the house, have sex or type on your computer. All that stuff is what
researchers call non-exercise associated thermogenesis (NEAT).
It turns out this kind of movement is a huge component of total daily energy use. Research looking at
a person who sits all day long and then does a 30-minute workout (metabolics) compared to a person
who moves all day long but does not do structured exercise suggests that the mover is far better off
health and fitness wise than the metabolic exerciser.34,35
This NEAT movement is also dramatically impacted by eating less and exercising more. The less you
eat and the more you exercise, the more the body compensates by decreasing NEAT.
If you are not taking NEAT into account, then you are not doing everything right, no matter
what you think. This is one of the reasons why policy makers suggest walking 10,000 steps per
day. It is a way to make sure that we move more in the way that our naturally thin ancestors did.

Up until the 1960s the only people who exercised were athletes. Everyone else just carried on with
the activities of daily living. And, surprisingly, these people were much leaner, fitter and healthier
than we are today.
By all accounts, more people do structured exercise today than at any other time in the history of
mankind, yet the modern day exercising man or woman is heavier than past generations.
At first this discrepancy may seem to make little sense until you look at the statistics on moving. Our
ancestors moved all day every day. Research shows that our hunter-gatherer ancestors walked from 7
to 20 miles every single day, often carrying babies and hauling gear in the process. In contrast, modern
day men and women sit for 95% or more of their waking day.
This has profound implications on health.


Recently a rash of research has shown that inactivity may be the biggest risk factor of all for diabetes
and heart disease, two of the end-stage consequences of a damaged metabolism.
In one recent study published in the May 2013 issue of the journal Diabetologia,36 researchers showed
that movement was a far better predictor of health than either moderate or even intense physical exercise.
In other words, sitting all day long and then going for a vigorous 30-minute run was not nearly as
effective for health and metabolic function as just moving more.
This research, and other studies like it, have led many experts in the health and fitness fields to begin
focusing much of their efforts on getting people to move more rather than exercise more.
Some of the new recommendations coming out of this research hints that organizations such as
the American Heart Association, The American Diabetes Association and The American College of
Sports Medicine should set a daily limit on sitting time. Many believe this limit should be no more
than 90 minutes.
I realize this information can be a little confusing, but once you think about it, it starts to make intuitive sense.
But can simply moving more really help with weight loss and be better than exercise?
A study in the October 2005 issue of the journal Chest showed that jogging for 12 miles a week was
not much different than walking for 12 miles a week from a weight loss perspective and that both
dramatically enhanced cardiovascular health.37
You may be surprised by that finding, but when you consider that many studies have shown that
intense exercise, while healthy, can cause compensatory reactions that increase hunger and cravings
leading to food compensation, studies like these begin to make sense.
Some believe this effect is mediated by the stress hormone cortisol. Intense exercise releases more
cortisol into the body, and this can have damaging effects. These effects seem to be mitigated by low-
intensity movements like walking.

Walking allows you to move far more often without extra stress to your body and is one of the only
forms of exercise that has been shown to lower cortisol and have a minimal impact on hunger. It also
seems to be even more effective when done in a natural setting.
The take home is that more exercise is not really that beneficial, but more movement is. You would
be better off moving all day than sitting all day and then doing an intense bout of exercise. Walking
lowers cortisol and does not stimulate the appetite.
That is why I recommend you try to get at least 10,000 steps per day. This should be a major focus of
your program. Even if you follow the meals and metabolics guidelines to a T, I can almost guarantee
that you will not see the results you want if you don’t walk. We are built to move. So do what you
were made to do and get your steps in.
Keep in mind that 5,000 steps is a little less than an hour a day for most people. If you shoot for two
hours of walking, you’ll be golden. Don’t worry, this is not two hours at one time. When I say two
hours, this is just total accumulated time walking around. A better way to measure this is to use a step
counter. Two hours is about 10,000 accumulated steps during the day.


Here are a few tips you can integrate based on your hormone type. These may help you take your
movement a bit further.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen and Progesterone Balanced
Given your more balanced and stable hormonal rhythms, you should be able to benefit from as much
walking as you like. As long as the walking is slow and relaxed you really can’t do too much.
In fact, this is one of the few places where more may be better. That being said, even walking can be
overdone, so pay attention to changes in SHMEC to determine whether you are taking it too far.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen Dominant
Given the extra estrogen you may be dealing with, you will want to shoot for the upper limit of
walking. For you 10,000 steps a day should be a minimum, while 20,000 steps per day is probably the
maximum you need. Try to keep your steps in this range.
Normal Menstrual Cycle—Progesterone Deficient
Because you are dealing with stress issues—one of the major causes of progesterone falling—you will
want to make sure walking is done enough but not too much. Shoot for 10,000 steps per day at first.
Then every few weeks you can increase the walking load by 1,000 to 2,000 steps per day. Just make
sure you add steps slowly.

Normal Menstrual Cycle—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
The major thing impacting you is stress. You may be more sensitive to stress than perhaps any other
hormonal type.
Remember, both estrogen and progesterone work together to keep a lid on the negative effects of
cortisol. When both fall, it is not going to be a good thing for the way your body looks. This is one of
the major causes of being normal weight but still dealing with belly fat issues.
You will want to use walking very carefully since for you it can be more easily overdone. Start with
5,000 steps per day and then slowly increase that by 5,000 steps per day each week. If SHMEC goes
out of check, dial it back. Try to keep your walking to less than 20,000 steps per day.
You also may want to consider walking while listening to slow relaxing spa music to make sure you go
slow and take your time. Walking in greenery and forest settings is even more beneficial.
Perimenopause—Estrogen Fluctuating, Progesterone Deficient
This is a volatile time where some days you will feel balanced and productive and other days you may
feel crazy.
Walking a little faster and more briskly (somewhere between a slow walk and powerwalking, i.e. 3 to
4 mph) first thing in the morning when you wake up can have an energizing and balancing effect on
your entire system. Reducing the speed at night to a slow meander while practicing deep breathing
along with the walking can help with sleep and anxiety. Walking for you can be done whenever, but is
best done morning and evening. Shoot for 10,000 steps per day.
Menopause—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
Now that you have made it through perimenopause, things are a lot less volatile. You can and should
definitely ramp up your walking to between 10,000 and 20,000 steps per day, which means 2 to 4
hours daily. I realize this seems like a lot, but this can be accumulated in all daily activity. Walking
around at work, laundry, gardening, etc.
To make your movement work best for you try to do two to three 30 to 40 minute walks throughout
the day in addition to staying active and on your feet. Remember, SHMEC will guide you. Walking is
hard for you to overdo and is one of the few things where more is almost always better. But sometimes
it can be too much. If SHMEC is in check you are on the right path.
Post-Menopause—Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient
At this stage of life you are still dealing with low estrogen and progesterone, but also a higher relative level of
testosterone. This may thicken and amplify the belly fat issues women dread. Walking is the belly fat killer,
because it helps buffer against the insulin and cortisol effects induced by the loss of female hormones.
Shoot for 10,000 to 20,000 steps per day. You can do this through 2 two hour walks, four 1 hour
walks, or just accumulate the steps through your general daily activities. To help count your steps,
consider looking at an activity tracker.

And remember, this does not mean that exercise is not important. In fact, there may be a synergistic
effect when walking is combined with intense exercise.
This is why I recommend a slow 30-minute walk after your workouts. While elevated cortisol is good
and beneficial for fat-burning during exercise, it is not great for it to remain high after exercise.
Walking can immediately bring down cortisol after a workout. Doing your walk after your workout
also gets you up and moving more without an exorbitant time investment. And it’s just flat out
So make time to go for a walk after your workouts if you can, and don’t forget to get up and move
around more throughout your day. Walk to the market, take the stairs at work, go out for a gentle
hike with your family, or do whatever else gets you up and moving more!


✓✓ Movement is different than exercise.
✓✓ Moving all day and not exercising may be better than sitting still all day and then exer-
✓✓ Walking mixed with intelligent metabolic-enhancing exercise may be the most power-
ful combination of all.
✓✓ While elevated cortisol is good and beneficial for fat burning during exercise it is not
great to have high cortisol after exercise.
✓✓ Walking can immediately bring down cortisol after a workout.


t is time to get started with the program, but before you do, I want to give you a brief overview and
a few pointers.

To get going on the meals plan, here is what to do:
✓✓ Step 1: Select the diet that’s right for you based on where you are in your life. Menstruat-
ing women can cycle, menopausal women should stick to the ELEL approach.
✓✓ Step 2: Optimize based on hormone type. Add the tips I outlined for how to further opti-
mize the meal plan based on your hormone type.
✓✓ Step 3: Follow the AIM protocol. Later on you can further personalize this program by tun-
ing into SHMEC and adapting the diet to fit your unique metabolic needs.

Of course, there is one question I haven’t answered, and that’s what specific foods you should eat.
That’s because I have laid all of that out for you in your 12-Week Metabolic Renewal Meals Plan. You
have a few options on how to use that:

1. Follow the delicious menus and recipes in the 12-Week Metabolic Renewal Meal Plan.
2. “Roll your own” meals using the guidelines for doing this in the meal plan.
3. Do some combination of the two.

Whatever you choose, all of the details are in the meal plan. We have included specific guidelines on
what foods to eat, what foods not to eat, added some suggestions for snacks and additional meals if
that applies to you, and more.
The recipes we have developed are not only spectacularly delicious, but we have kept them to the
absolute highest nutritional standards we could. I’ll tell you, it’s not an easy task to create restaurant-
quality meals that are still extremely healthy, but that is precisely what we have done with this
Basically, all of the work is done for you. Just select the nutrition plan based on where you are in your
cycle or time of life, optimize it for your hormone type, check out the 12-Week Metabolic Renewal
Meal Plan, and then use the AIM process to fine-tune the diet to your personal needs.
If you did this—really followed the nutrition plan I have laid out in this program—and nothing else,
you’d get results, and you’d change the whole way you think about food and dieting. You’d move from
a dieter’s mindset to that of a metabolic detective. Does that sound like something you’re interested in?
It won’t be easy… but I know you can do it. So what have you got to lose? Study your metabolism.
Enjoy delicious food. And figure out what works for you.

Everyone will start with the core Metabolic Renewal workouts on the videos that are included in your
program. You will do these three times a week for 15 minutes. Then you can adapt this as follows:
✓✓ If you are a menstruating woman, you can add up to three additional workouts of your choos-
ing during the follicular phase of your cycle when you shift to a EMEM approach.
✓✓ If you are a menopausal woman, you may need to dial this back and only do two workouts a
week if SHMEC goes out of check.
And, of course, I added some additional tips for each hormone type.
A few things you should know about the Metabolic Renewal workouts…
These routines were designed in a specific sequence. There are four phases in total and each phase lasts
for three weeks.
• Phase 1 Harmonize: Phase 1 gets your hormone-signaling systems working properly so you can en-
joy the benefits of exercise without overloading you with too much stress. The simple moves gently
restore your brain’s “command and control center,” which awakens your metabolism.

• Phase 2 Inspire: Now that you’ve awakened your metabolism and reset your hormones, phase 2 will
inspire your body’s cellular machinery to burn body fat for fuel. A new set of moves wake up your

cells and your mitochondria (your cellular energy factories)
to turn fat into energy at top speed. THE CRITICAL
• Phase 3 Enhance: Your metabolism is humming, your
It is important to remember that
hormones are in harmony, and your fat-burning machinery this style of training is different
is firing… you’re now ready to turn up the dial in Phase 3 from the way most approach
with a new set of more intense movements. Without taking exercise. I do not want you to
the steps you did in Phases 1 and 2, your body wouldn’t be pace yourself in these workouts.
able to handle the increased fat-burning intensity for long, You goal is to push yourself as
but now you can. hard as you can within your
fitness level until you are forced
• Phase 4 Symphony: Now you can crank up the intensity to stop and rest. You then rest as
dial to the fullest setting your body is ready for. This taps long as is required to exert strong
intensity once again.
into the unique hormonal advantage that is the hallmark of
the female metabolism: human growth hormone (HGH). The key point is that the whole
The signature “burn” movements stimulate HGH, your workout is only 15 minutes,
primary metabolic multi-tasker, to tighten your belly, butt, INCLUDING rest, and you should
rest as much as you need to. Do
hips, and arms.
NOT pause the video to rest,
Each phase contains three different workouts. One workout keep it going and just pick back
up when you are ready. The 15
for Monday, one for Wednesday and one for Friday. If the
minutes is truly 15 minutes of
Monday, Wednesday and Friday schedule doesn’t suit you, elapsed time, which includes both
feel free to adjust to a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday your exercise and your rest time.
schedule or any other schedule that works for you. For best
The most beneficial workouts
results, leave one day of recovery between workouts. will have you resting almost as
One final consideration on the exercises is to make sure you frequently as you are working.
Beginners may even find that they
pay close attention to my cues during the workouts. For
rest more than they work. Some
example, to get the most out of the squeezing exercises, you people will naturally gravitate to
will need to stay focused. I’ll help you. Do your best not to longer rests that are less frequent
rush the exercises and really work on squeezing tight on the and others will prefer shorter,
areas you are working. more frequent rest periods.
Whatever allows you to generate
If you keep these pointers in mind, you will get the most out the greatest intensity is best.
of the workout.
Feel free to experiment based
The Burnout Session on your preferences, but rest
is essential. Without rest,
I have also included a little something extra in the Metabolic the workout quality will be
Renewal workouts. The burnout session is a super-intense compromised and you will revert
callisthenic and plyometric workout that is designed to back to a less efficient style of
accentuate the breathless component of the workout. training.
The mantra to burn into your
This does two beneficial things. It creates an even greater
mind is “push until you can’t, rest
metabolic effect, but it also makes doubly sure that we can until you can.”
burn up all the fat that was released during the workout.

Just because stored fat is released from fat cells, that does not necessarily mean it will be burned;
fat cells can suck it back in if the muscles don’t burn it up for energy. The burnout session is extra
insurance that your muscles can mop up all the fat that was mobilized from the main workout.
The best way to make sure this fat is burned and not restored is to put a little more demand on your
metabolism at the end. You need to convince your body that it not only needs to burn the fat that is
released, but do it quickly. But don’t be worried. The truth is that the burnout session is not required. It
is there for those who feel like they have a little extra in them, and love and want a different challenge.
And remember, as a woman your metabolism is a little more stress-reactive. Depending on where you
are in your cycle or phase of life, these burnout sessions can either be just right or a little too much.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking more is always better.
Finishing with a Walk and Cool Down
In reality, the best way to ensure that the workout has maximum benefit is to include a leisurely walk
after the workout, if you have time. Unlike intense exercise, this walking will lower cortisol and stress
hormones. While we want cortisol and catecholamines high during the workout, we want to shut
them down when the workout is over. Leisurely walking is a great way to do this.
It’s also a great way to get in your steps and fulfill the movement part of this program.
After the workout, a leisurely walk for 30 to 60 minutes is great. But you will get the benefits even
if you do it for 5 to 10 minutes. Any little bit counts. Ideally, I’d like to see you walking one to two
hours on all or most days of the week. If that isn’t practical, do what you can. Always do your walking
last and don’t forget to stretch, too. I did not include a standard cooldown in the Metabolic Renewal
workouts because I have found a lot of people do their own thing anyway. But if you want my
number one recommendation for a post-workout cooldown, it’s a leisurely walk.

To really produce benefits from the Metabolic Renewal program, you actually have to learn to do just
that; renew. Diet and exercise are only 50% of the equation. The rest is about mindset and movement.
Your lifestyle should be constantly programming your body to handle stress better. There are so many
different types of activities that optimize the metabolic process through reprogramming stress reactions. I
call these rest and recovery activities and you should be shooting to include at least one of these activities
per day. If you can’t fit that many in, try for a bare minimum of three per week. I have provided specific
recommendations for each hormone type as well as a bunch of others you can try if you want.
These activities include creative pursuits like writing, painting or other artistic activities. Meditation
and mindfulness activities are a huge piece as well. Don’t worry, it is not necessary to become a
monk. Sitting quietly with herbal tea looking out the window watching the birds, listening to
relaxing music, sitting quietly on a park bench watching the world go by, or reading a book, are all
forms of mindfulness and meditation. Massage, spa therapies, hot baths, and long showers all lower
stress hormones.

One taboo topic of the Western world is sex and orgasm. For some reason, we get a little
uncomfortable talking about it. It may be one of the most restorative and relaxing things you can do.
Orgasm, whether through masturbation or sex, is one of the more enjoyable ways to maximize results
in this program.
In fact, women compared to men have unique brain changes after orgasm that result in more focus,
greater pain tolerance, and lower levels of stress hormones. It may be that due to changes in focus and
pain reduction, that orgasms both before exercise and after may have benefits for women, where only
after may benefit men.
Use all these activities to your advantage by scheduling, prioritizing and emphasizing them in your
life. Unfortunately, TV and computer time don’t seem to have the same relaxing effects, unless they are
shows and media that make us laugh.

Daily movement is crucial. NEAT is now known to be a huge component in weight loss and health.
Look for every opportunity to move. Exercise is often not enough to overcome a lifestyle that involves
sitting all day every day.
When you can stand, stand. When you can move, move. Make a game out of it if possible. Investing
in an activity tracker and seeking to accumulate 30,000 to 70,000 steps a week is a great start.


Another critical part of this plan is tracking your results. Why is this so important? Well, there are
several reasons and I explain them all in your Metabolic Renewal Transformation Tracker. But basically it
comes down to this… We humans are capable of incredible delusion, and the only way to get around
that is to have objective data and feedback. That is what tracking gives you.
I’ve seen this over and over again with clients. (Heck, I’ve even experienced it myself.) One day you
may wake up feeling crappy and when you look in the mirror you think, “man, I look fat as hell!”
Then the next day you wake up on the right side of the bed and think, “aw, I don’t look that bad. In
fact, I’m looking pretty hot.” Psychology plays an enormous role in how we perceive our bodies.
Tracking takes psychology out of the equation and allows us to make choices about our diet and
exercise habits based on objective data. Plus, tracking your results provides you immediate, highly
motivating feedback on improvements that are actually happening underneath the hood, but that you
can’t quite see yet.
With Metabolic Renewal your body, mind and overall health will start to improve rapidly, so the more
closely you track this process, the more positive feedback you’ll receive and the more motivated you’ll
be to keep going. This is why I want you to track your results throughout this program. The day before
you begin you will take your first measurements. Then each week over the course of the program you
will track your results to see how much progress you have made.

And I’m not just talking about weighing yourself here. In fact, that is the absolute least important
parameter I want you to track. I’m talking about checking in with yourself and seeing how your sleep,
hunger, mood, energy and cravings (your SHMEC) are doing. I’m talking about tracking changes in
your health, your body shape, your hourglass figure, and more. All of the details are in your tracker.
So, go check that out before you start the program as well.
Okay, let’s get started. After you’ve reviewed the nutrition guide and taken your initial measurements,
load up the first workout and get it on.
Don’t worry. I will be there to guide you throughout. Good luck.


✓✓ You can’t out-train a bad diet, so make sure to work on your nutrition using the infor-
mation I have provided for that.
✓✓ The Metabolic Renewal program is a 12-week, 4-phase system that contains 3 different
workouts per week.
✓✓ You do each phase for three weeks, progressing from one to the next sequentially.
✓✓ After each workout you can complete the burnout session if you want to burn up a
little more fat.
✓✓ My favorite cooldown is a leisurely walk, but you can also cool down with full-body
✓✓ Lifestyle changes—especially walking, relaxation, and detoxification—are extremely
important as well. So make sure you integrate those changes into your life.
✓✓ Tracking your results is one of the most important things you can do, as it takes psy-
chology out of the equation, providing you with objective feedback and data.


nce you’ve been on Metabolic Renewal for 8 weeks, your body and metabolism should be
primed and ready to take your fat loss efforts to the next level, should you deem that path right
for you. In this section, you will learn how to both amplify and speed your fat loss results.
Now I know what you are thinking. “But Jade, I thought the entire purpose of this program was to not
be thinking about fast, unrealistic body change.” That is true, but what I did not tell you before is that
when the body is primed appropriately, it can respond in very big ways.
Your metabolism is now perfectly prepared to be stimulated for big time fat loss. Let me explain.


One of the most important things you have learned is that the metabolism is not what you thought it
was. It does not care about your vanity concerns, your timetables, or whether things are convenient for
you or not. This is a point you must never forget.
The metabolism is an adaptive-reactive system that thrives in an environment where food intake and
exercise output are more closely aligned. This is why the eat less/exercise less (ELEL), and eat more/
exercise more (EMEM) protocols work so well. Add to this the cyclical approach to dieting you have
now learned, and you can greatly amplify your results.

I hope these concepts are seared into your subconscious by now, so you never again will make the
mistake of following the old way as a long-term strategy.
The old way, of eat less and exercise more (ELEM) is only effective for a short period of time. It is too
stressful for the metabolism to maintain for long. That being said, when the metabolism is healthy
and primed, both the eat less/exercise more protocol (ELEM) and the eat more/exercise less protocol
(EMEL) can provide some benefit.
The reason they backfire on almost everyone is due to one simple fact: That is all people know and so
that is all they do.
However, you have now learned that there are four distinct metabolic toggles. Two of these toggles
should be used only for short periods of time (ELEM and EMEL). Two of these protocols can be used
for much, much longer periods of time, perhaps even as a lifelong approach depending on the person
(EMEM and ELEL).
My rule of thumb based on my clinical experience is that EMEM and ELEL can be used for months
before any metabolic compensation kicks in. In some people, these protocols never result in metabolic
compensation and thus can be followed for life.
Eat more and exercise less (i.e. EMEL, the couch potato approach) can be very useful if done for a
very short period of time. Usually this approach will start causing issues within 2 to 7 days. This is
why I don’t typically recommend anyone take this approach for more than a week or two weeks at the
most. When limited to a very brief period (e.g.. the holiday period or vacations are my two favorites),
this can be beneficial in the context of an otherwise balanced ELEL or EMEM approach.
The eat less/exercise more (ELEM) model can be pushed for a little bit longer. Most people will begin
to compensate on this approach after 10 to 14 days. Some can go longer, but virtually everyone will
start seeing negative metabolic effects after 4 weeks of this approach.
But here is the beautiful thing for you. Your metabolism has now had 8 weeks to reprogram and
restore some of the flexibility it lost. This newfound metabolic power means going back to an EMEL
approach for a short time will result in less fat storage and more metabolic benefits.


Imagine a historical female hunter-gatherer who has been moving day in and day out and eating
adequately throughout the summer. Or perhaps she is just coming out of late winter or early spring.
Food has been sparse and she has been on the move relentlessly to supply herself and her tribe with
food. Perhaps she and her tribe then make a particularly rewarding hunt-and-gather session. They
have enough food for everyone to eat heartily for the next few weeks.
At that point, her metabolism’s natural intelligence will cause her to eat, rest and recover. In this
context, EMEL is not only healthy, but also will aid lean tissue and help her stay fit and functional.
Of course, in the natural world, it would be virtually impossible for this condition to endure beyond a
few days or a few weeks.

Eat less, exercise more (ELEM) can be very beneficial as well in the right context and when the
metabolism is primed for it. Think about the female hunter living with her tribe in natural settings.
She will likely spend the summer and early fall in more of an eat more / exercise more approach
(EMEM). She will then likely have a middle to late fall with plenty of foods, fruits and fatty animals
storing up for the winter months.
She may encounter an EMEL state more often than normal. But that is useful because winter is
coming and will almost certainly result in spending time in an eat less / exercise less (ELEL) state.
Then early spring comes. Animals are lean. Fruits and vegetables are slim pickings. She is forced for a
short time to be in an eat less / exercise more state (ELEM). This won’t last too long though, as she will
slowly drift back into plenty of food and plenty of movement.


This type of seasonal cyclical approach is an amazing way to continue to keep the metabolism healthy
and get extra lean.
So, after 8 weeks on the program, we are going to purposely expose your female metabolism to this eat
less / exercise more approach (ELEM). At this point, not only can your body handle it, but it becomes
an amazing way to amplify your results.
But remember that this is a very tricky time. You do not want to make the mistake everyone else makes
and take this to the extreme of doing it for too long. SHMEC must always continue to guide you.
You must realize the only reason this is going to work is because of the ELEL and EMEM approach
you have been following. Without this context, ELEM will likely backfire, giving you short-term
results and then long-term weight gain.
So, as we purposely begin to move in the ELEM approach, you must keep two things in mind. First,
realize that this is temporary and can, depending on your unique metabolism, cause serious imbalances
in your metabolism. This will vary and SHMEC will tell you. If this happens, then you move back to
a more balancing EMEM or ELEL until you feel stable enough to try again.
Second, this should only be done for 4 weeks at the longest, even if you feel great the entire time.
Going to extremes or continuing the regimen too long with any dietary regime will, without a doubt,
backfire on you.
So, I want you to agree with me right here that you will not fall back into old patterns and start
becoming the dieter again. Remember, this is about leaving that dieting mentality behind. You cannot
follow one-size-fits-all meal plans, food lists and recipes and expect that they will not become a crutch.
The idea is to follow the axiom that one of my heroes, Bruce Lee, advocated: “absorb what is useful,
discard what is not and add what is uniquely your own.”
This is the way it works. You don’t find a diet; you create a lifestyle. The faster you learn that, the better
off you will be.

And believe it or not, that is the real reason I want you to switch gears this last 4 weeks. I want to see
if you have gotten what I wanted you to get. If you don’t get the practice now, then what’s going to
happen when you get out in the “real world.”
To refine your metabolic detective skills, you need to expose your metabolism to things that may be
challenging for it and then learn to adjust and react. There is no way in hell you are going to be able to
accomplish complete body change and make it last in 12 weeks.
But, do that 12 weeks properly, by learning a process rather than following a protocol, and you can grow,
learn, and get better over time. That is the exact opposite of what happens in most other approaches, isn’t it?
So we are going to give you some real-world practice now by switching you into an eat less / exercise
more approach (ELEM). Why? Because I want you to see that there is nothing evil or wrong about
this approach. In fact, done the right way, in the right context, with a flexible metabolism, it can be a
great way to make progress… as long as you don’t go too far.


When it comes to eating less, there are a lot of things you could eat less of. We could focus on carbs.
We could focus on fat. Or we could focus on calories. In truth, if you reduce any food group without
increasing others you will be automatically decreasing calories.
And that’s what we really want. We want to give your new, more flexible metabolism a challenge by
widening the gap between food intake and energy output.
This will do several things. For a short period of time, the body will be forced to supply itself with
energy because of this greater caloric deficit. This will hopefully result in speeding up fat loss.
Of course, you have learned that this will only last a short time before the body starts to throw
SHMEC out of check and purposely slow its fat loss to compensate. But if we take this approach
consciously for a short period of time, we can burn some extra fat and be back in a balanced EMEM
or ELEL approach before the metabolism knows what hit it.
I am going to suggest that we cut carbohydrates instead of fat. I also think this works better than just
indiscriminately cutting calories down. But please, don’t jump to the conclusion that we are cutting
carbs because they are “bad” or a “fat-storing food.” In reality, that is a completely false idea and not
helpful for you in your long-term journey.
I like cutting carbs for several reasons. One reason is that carbs are widely available and the easiest
food group to get access too. I like focusing on cutting back on carbs because it helps you practice
being more mindful of all the places they show up.
I also like to focus on carbs because carbohydrates increase your storage of glycogen in the liver and
muscle. This stored sugar acts like a biological sponge soaking up about 2-3 times its weight in water.
This means that you will see a pretty big reduction in water weight when you cut carbs. When you
add them back, you will see a similar rise in body weight. I want you to experience this so you can

understand that a lot of the “miracle weight loss” diets out there that taught “low carb magic” are
nothing but a method of creating this water effect.
You can use this “water effect” to look better for a short time, but it is not fat and it won’t last. I want
you to understand this and get used to the idea that wild, extreme fluctuations in weight are only
water, and will almost always be transitory. This is very useful to know since it saves you from being
duped by the low-carb advocates. It will also help you learn to obsess less about food as you learn that
these water fluctuations are normal.
Finally, carbs and protein are both powerful stimulators of the hormone insulin. Insulin, when it is
functioning correctly, is a great hormone. It helps us feel full. It helps us build muscle and it helps to
make sure we can store extra calories in times of excess.
Because many people come from a standard western diet, they eat a very carb- and protein-heavy
diet. This combination causes the body to produce too much insulin, which then leads to insulin
By cutting down on carbs, but leaving protein the same, we can continue to benefit from the hunger
suppression of adequate protein while reducing some of the insulin production by trimming carbs.
This can help us restore insulin’s function and feel full for longer after meals. We also store less fat.
So, for this next 4 weeks, I want to take a one-size-fits-all approach of reducing your total carb intake
(fiber included) to between 100 and 120 grams per day.
That word “one-size-fits-all” should make your eyebrows go up. You have already learned that this is
the exact wrong approach. So, of course, you are going to adjust and we are going to use the structured
flexibility approach.
We start with this low-carb intake without changing anything else. This will immediately put you in
an eat less / exercise more (ELEM) state without doing anything with your exercise.
From there, you do what you have learned. You monitor SHMEC and results. If SHMEC goes out of
check, you adjust by following the 5-step AIM process you have already learned.
In this way, we force the metabolism to deal with fewer carbs, and then we get to watch with keen
interest how it responds. Then we adjust by first adding more protein, fiber and water-based foods. If
that does not correct the SHMEC issues, we add fat. If that does not work, we follow the rest of the 5
And if things go really sideways, you always have ELEL or EMEM as your home base to return to,
right? By now, you know which of these two approaches produces the most stability.
I realize that the idea of counting and weighing food is daunting. In truth, I don’t want you to count
at all. I have a very simple way for you to “count” without doing any math at all.
Here is the way to really think about this. Open up your hand and look at your palm. Now imagine a
small measure of rice about the size of a large scoop of ice cream sitting in your palm. This serving of
starch will cover your palm and be about 1 to 2 inches high. A serving of starch such as this will have

about 30 g of carbohydrate in it. This is also the rough equivalent of one cup of cooked rice, boiled
potato or boiled pasta. It is the size of a small potato or a large piece of fruit.
All you need to do is limit yourself to three small handfuls of starchy foods per day. Each of these
handfuls will represent about 30 g or 120 calories per day.
In addition, you will not want to consume any packaged or processed foods that contain any more
than 10 g of carbohydrates after subtracting out the fiber.
This allows you to be able to easily reach this low level of carbohydrate intake without needing to
count calories or measure grams of food.
So, that’s it. No more than three small handfuls of starchy food (including all fruits) per day. Limit your
packaged food intake to one serving only of foods containing 10 g or less of carbs after subtracting out the fiber.
In case you are wondering which foods are considered starches and fruits, here is a small list: potatoes,
sweet potatoes, all squashes (yellow, zucchini, spaghetti squash, etc.), rice, oats, quinoa, corn, beans, all
fruits, pasta, breads and all boxed and packaged foods.
In addition, do not try to add on fat or protein to account for this drop in starchy foods. Simply
reduce the starch intake and make no other food changes up or down.
Some may wonder, “but Jade, what if I am already eating very low levels of carbs?” For example, what
if you are already eating less than 120 g of total carbohydrates?
In this case, I want you to cut the current amount you are eating in half. Let’s say your total
carbohydrate intake is 75 g. Take half of that and now you are consuming about 37 g per day of
Does that make sense? Super simple, right?
I am very excited for you to tackle this last 4 weeks. You now have all the tools necessary to make this
4 weeks productive and solidify your metabolic detective credentials.
Just remember, we are purposely exposing you to this to give you practice living this new lifestyle.
Consider this as your graduation, and now you are doing your internship.
Let’s get after it.


✓✓ An eat less exercise less (ELEL) approach can work if your metabolism is primed for it.
✓✓ After 8 weeks on this program, you should be ready to start leaning on your metabo-
lism with an ELEL diet.
✓✓ Do this for only four weeks.
✓✓ Cut carbs down to 100 to 120 grams a day or half of what you are currently eating if
it’s less than that.


know some of you will have questions that have not been answered, so in this chapter I wanted to
address the most frequently asked questions I get in my clinic. Scan through them and see if any
apply to you. Or you can just move onto the next chapter if you are ready.


If you are in menses and experiencing symptoms like cramping, breast tenderness and other physical
symptoms, you may want to consider a couple of supplements.
The first is krill oil, which I view as almost a female-specific essential fat. It’s good for men
too, but it seems to have an especially nice effect on women. There’s a nice study on PMS and
krill oil consumption showing that women who take krill oil suffer from fewer symptoms.38
I recommend trying one to three grams of krill oil daily. This may help allay some of your
menstrual symptoms.
I also like the compound Vitex. Its common name is chaste berry. Between 400 and 800
milligrams per day is a really nice hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis promoter. It balances the
hypothalamus and can allay some of your symptoms. Note that it takes about four to eight weeks to
begin seeing the effects of Vitex.

The important point to understand here is that contraceptives have synthetic hormones in them that
bind more strongly to certain estrogen and progesterone receptors and more weakly to others.
The research is mixed, but it leans toward oral contraceptives speeding up the metabolism. Now,
you might think this would be a good thing, but it typically results in SHMEC going out of check
as well. As a result, many women hold more water and also end up having their hunger, energy, and
cravings go out of check when they are on birth control. That’s part of why they gain weight. This is
not necessarily something that the hormones themselves are doing. The issue is that they can trigger
changes in SHMEC.
The good news: By following the program, and keeping your SHMEC in check, you should be able to
get the benefits of the oral contraceptive without the negative effects.


There’s two types of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), synthetic and bio-identical, and they
are slightly different. The synthetic hormones bind to the estrogen and progesterone receptors more
strongly in some tissues and more weakly in others. They’re not exactly equivalent to natural estrogen
and progesterone in the human body. So their effects can vary with different women.
The research on HRT suggests that they may have a slight weight-gain effect. However, they also
seem to have a waist-slimming effect. That means women who are on HRT tend to maintain their
hourglass shape a little bit better, but might end up getting a little heavier in the process. This is largely
related to the fact that HRT will raise metabolic rate, which most people think is a good thing, but
the metabolism compensates and can cause some women to eat more.
If you are on HRT, you can be happy with the idea that you’re more likely to maintain your hourglass
shape. You’ll also probably have less signs and symptoms of menopause. But you have to be even more
diligent with your diet than other people will need to be. Watch out for hidden increases in caloric
consumption—particularly carbs—because this is bound to send SHMEC out of check and stall your
fat loss attempts.
My bias is toward bio-identical hormone replacement, because they are bio-identical, and so behave
the same as the estrogen and progesterone you make in your own body. The problem is that most
prescription bio-identical hormones don’t cycle like they do in a normally menstruating woman. The
result is that you don’t get the same results as you do with your naturally occurring hormones that
fluctuate month to month. But they can definitely help for some, are better than synthetics in my
opinion, and are nothing to be afraid of if your doctor recommends them. Just pay careful attention
to SHMEC, follow the program, and you will be fine.


There’s nothing wrong with going on HRT, especially when you consider that many women who are
good candidates for it are suffering pretty dramatically with signs and symptoms that may keep them

from working out or eating appropriately. HRT is not something to be afraid of. When possible, my
bias is to use bio-identicals.
One thing to be aware if you are starting out on hormone replacement is that estrogen has a special
relationship to thyroid hormone. If estrogen levels are too high, it can make thyroid hormone less
effective. This has to do with how it changes the proteins that carry thyroid hormone around the body.
I suggest being screened for any thyroid-related issues before going on HRT. If you have low thyroid
function you may want to have your thyroid closely monitored when you go on HRT.


This program will typically aid the healing of the metabolism. That’s what we’re trying to do. When
the female metabolism is healed, it’s more likely to sense that it’s safe to carry a baby. So, oftentimes
in my clinical experience, women who lose weight and optimize metabolic function actually have an
easier time getting pregnant.


Research has come a long way in this area, and it now shows us that women who stay active through
pregnancy usually have better pregnancy outcomes. However, there are a couple of things to think
about as you start the program.
First, if you have never exercised intensely before, pregnancy is probably not the time to start. In
that case, you may want to wait until baby arrives to begin the exercise portion of the plan. You can
start all the rest right away. There aren’t many (if any in this plan), but you may want to avoid any
ballistic, jumping movements during the first trimester of your pregnancy. I also wouldn’t suggest lots
of running, pounding, or jostling of the abdominal organs. It’s a small risk, but it does exist. So you
should know. In the third trimester, you should avoid doing lots of crunches or similar movements. Of
course that is common sense, but worth mentioning.
With those caveats, this program is going to be very beneficial for most pregnant women. Of course,
you should check with your physician and discuss the suitability of doing this program in your specific


It’s beyond the scope of this program to address every individual case or medical condition out there.
Rely on the judgment of your personal physician. And be aware that research shows that diet, exercise,
and lifestyle changes are among the most reliable healing modalities when it comes to all causes of
morbidity and mortality.
By changing your lifestyle, you’re doing a tremendous amount of good.


Female libido is a little bit different than male. Women are more stress-reactive. Women who are
stressed out are going to see a drop in libido. That makes the rest-based living portion of this program

even more important. Now in the context of exercise, metabolic dysfunction, and libido, both eating
less and exercising more will cause problems with libido because the body says, “well, there’s not
enough resources to produce a baby.”
Being overweight also is a stress on the body, so the body says, “yeah, it’s not really conducive to
producing a baby.” That means being overweight can also cause your libido to suffer.
This particular program balances the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, adrenal axis, and thyroid
axis. That means it is basically optimizing female sexuality as well. You should not be surprised by an
increased drive for both desire and performance sexually.


If you have a cold or flu that is just affecting your upper respiratory tract, you’re safe to do exercise. If
it’s in the lungs or you have a fever, you want to stay in bed and take time off for your body to heal.
One thing that can be highly beneficial and help aid recovery from a cold or a flu—as well as provide
some of the benefits of movement—is a hot hyperthermia bath. Pour a bath as hot as you can
stand it. Add four cups of Epsom salts optionally. Soak in the tub until you can’t—until it gets too
uncomfortable. Then get out and wrap yourself up in sheets and blankets, get in bed and sweat.
The heat will increase blood flow throughout the body, giving you somewhat of a metabolic stimulus.
Also, viruses and bacteria do not like hot environments. It’s one of the reasons why our body mounts
a fever in response to infection. So this will often delay or decrease the duration of a cold or a flu. Plus
you get some of the benefits of exercise.
When you have a cold or the flu that’s bad, it’s a great opportunity to give your body good quality
healing. Don’t make the mistake that most people make and decide it’s time to eat a bunch of junk
food. Instead, consider illness is an opportunity for a metabolic reset. Feed your body correctly,
with nourishing foods that are easy on the digestion like chicken soup and things like that. One
supplement you can use when you’re sick to support your immune system is glutamine powder.
Glutamine is a fuel for the immune system. We use anywhere from 5 to 20 grams per day of
powdered glutamine clinically.
If you have to take a break from exercise there’s nothing wrong with just picking right back up where
you left off if it’s only been a week or two. But if it’s been longer than that, you should start from the

You’re going to “fall off the wagon” sometimes. It’s just something life does to all of us. The thing to do
is to take it as a learning opportunity.
The number one thing I want to teach you in this program is that there is no wagon. There is just life
happening. The more you can learn the skill of just starting back up when you fall off, the more you
will make this into a lifestyle that fits your needs.

Don’t tell yourself, “I’ll start on Monday.” Just start again, right now. There’s no reason not to. Go back
to the 3-2-1 Diet and work the program. Watch the videos and work out. Re-engage in rest-based
living. Easy is earned. Nobody—NOBODY—gets good at this overnight. Success comes with starts
and stops, successes and failures, ups and downs, and plateaus and valleys.
You should assume you’re going to have some mess-ups, missteps and setbacks along the way. That’s
life. It’s the same with any program. The more you can get out of the mindset of, “oh, I failed, and
now I’ve got to start over,” and instead be like, “okay, good, I knew this was going to happen, this is
life, I’ll just pick up right where I left off,” the higher chance that this is going to become a lifestyle for


Typically when someone’s not getting results it’s almost always a result of not understanding the four
major pillars of body change—movement, meals, metabolics, and mindset. And usually when people
aren’t getting results, it’s usually because they’re putting too much emphasis on metabolics and meals
and not enough emphasis on movement and mindset.
That means you need to pay closer attention to rest-based living and your basic daily movement—
walking and things like that. Remember, non-exercise associated thermogenesis (NEAT) is the number
one thing that we can do to create a sustainable calorie deficit. Most people want to “eat less, exercise
more,” or go on a detox, or something like that. If you aren’t getting the results you want, I can almost
guarantee this won’t work.
The real thing you should be focusing on is more daily movement through walking and more rest-
based living. The other thing I would say is this… If you’re not getting results, then you’re not eating
and exercising the right way for you. You have to play metabolic detective. And when you do, it’s not a
matter of if, it’s a matter of when.
The truth of the matter is that some people’s metabolism requires far more walking, meal planning,
and so on than others. Your metabolism doesn’t particularly care that it is inconvenient for you to
make these changes. So keep playing metabolic detective, and try to be patient and stay disciplined
with the process.


Anytime you try to speed up results, you should remember that the metabolism is very much like a
boomerang. Trying to push on it harder is going to make it push on you harder. So it’s a big mistake to
think about speeding things up.
A better question is: “How do I maintain nice, slow, steady weight loss, and learn the skills I need to
make it last?” That’s going to come from building a base of movement and rest-based living, because
those things together are restorative and healing for the metabolism and keep it revved up, whereas
constantly focusing on diet and exercise can lead to issues.


fter going through Metabolic Renewal you will likely emerge feeling stronger and leaner than
you have in a very long time. This is a great place to be and is highly motivating. It’s also a
place where many people fall off the wagon.
Humans are weird. Once we find something that works, all of a sudden we want to change it. I see it
in my clinic all the time. People see results, then they think they are done with the program and it’s
time to change to something else. This is exactly the wrong approach.
What you want to do is continue to work with your metabolism to make it even stronger, tighter and
leaner. Ultimately that means challenging the metabolism. It’s a little like math. Once you learn basic
arithmetic you go into geometry and algebra. Eventually you even get to trigonometry and calculus.
You want to keep progressing this way physically as well. That ultimately means three things:
• More weights.
• Higher intensity.
• Watching your SHMEC and altering your diet and lifestyle to fit these changes in weight
and intensity.

Here is how I recommend you do that.

Given the way these workouts are structured, you can and should turn right around and start the
sequence again. That means doing the exact same version you just did (body weights, bands, or
dumbbells) again.
This time you will be more fit and more accustomed to the workouts. This time you’ll know what’s
coming and you can focus on pushing yourself hard as follows:
1) Squeezing Harder – The squeezing movements are deceptively powerful but when you
really squeeze hard, it’s extraordinarily taxing and really stimulates your metabolism to
become even more powerful, so on your next round, try squeezing even harder on those
2) Increase Speed – I never want you to go so fast that it sacrifices your form but increasing
your speed while maintaining correct form can be a fantastic way to boost the intensity of
your workout. Just try to progress through each move faster while keeping your form solid
and you’ll be able to complete more cycles of each movement in each round and set your
metabolic fire ablaze. Remember, because this will tire you out even more quickly, you may
need to rest more, which is fine!
3) Burnout Sessions – If you didn’t do the burnout sessions your first time around, you can
kick things up to the next level by giving them a try. When you are done with those, all four
of the Bs and Hs will be cranking and you’ll have created an absolute metabolic fat-burning
inferno inside your body.
Once you have repeated the 12-week session you are doing 3 times (that means doing it for an entire
year), you can move on to the next level of difficulty. For those of you who are starting out with the
body weight versions of the exercises, that means you will do it with body weight alone 4 times (one
year), then with bands 4 times (one year), then with dumb bells 4 times (one year).
If you think about it, this means you have 3 years of state-of-the-art metabolism rehabilitating exercise
in this program alone.


As you make these changes in weight and intensity, make sure to continue monitoring your
SHMEC. If it goes out of check, you may need to alter your diet and lifestyle to fit this new way of
exercising. Remember, your metabolism is constantly adjusting. So if you press on it one way—by
increasing the intensity of your exercise, for example—it’s likely to push back in a different way. That
means you may find you are more hungry, grumpy, tired, you crave foods you didn’t, and so on.
You know what to do when this happens. Just go back to the AIM process, and figure out how to
change your diet to fit the new demands on your body. You may need a little more starch or fat. Or
maybe you need a little more fiber. Work the process.

Periodically you should also retake the Hormone Type Quiz to check in with where you are.
Remember, you can take that online at http://www.metabolicrenewal.com/quiz.
Your hormone balance can and will change as you integrate all of the steps in this program, restore,
rebalance and renew your body from head to toe. Going back to the Hormone Type Quiz will help
you continue to modify and optimize this plan for your ever-changing metabolism.
However, there are a few things to remember as you do this…
First, don’t get so stuck in the idea of a “hormone type” that you start taking that idea as law. Your
metabolism is uniquely your own. The Hormone Type Quiz is just a place for you to see how things
are progressing for you.
SHMEC should always be your real guide. Tune in to what is going on for you with your body.
How do changes in the 4Ms impact SHMEC for you? What happens when you get super stressed
out? Tune in and become that metabolic detective so you can always have a program that suits your
particular needs.
Of course, when you hit post-menopause these fluctuations will dramatically decrease and your
hormone type won’t change all that much. That means you need to rely on SHMEC and the wisdom
of your body and brain that much more. By this time in life, you’ll have gained enough of that
wisdom so you should be able to do this more effectively.


Also pay attention to how to how much you are walking, resting, and detoxifying. This is another area
where we humans get funny. We suddenly think it’s okay to stop doing activities that rejuvenate us.
Don’t do that. After all, life is short. Make it count. Do things that make you feel happy, relaxed and
at peace. Why wouldn’t you? Are your “responsibilities” really so important you can’t take some time
for yourself?
Assuming you repeat the program increasing intensity as you go, find a diet that works for your body
using the AIM approach, and give your spirit the gift of rest and relaxation, I can almost guarantee
you will be in the best shape of your life. At that stage, you might consider changing up the program a
bit. You could try one of our other programs: Metabolic Aftershock or Metabolic Prime, for example.
On the other hand, those program may have been your way into this one, and that’s fine too.
You’ll notice that there are nuances in each of these different programs. The diet is a little different.
Some don’t focus as much on lifestyle. This is partially by design, and it’s partially just the nature
of this business.
The fact is that I can’t provide the perfect program for every single person on the planet. That just isn’t
possible. So every one of these programs is meant to be a set of guidelines you take and adapt to fit
your personal needs.

If Metabolic Prime worked for you, and you want to try this Metabolic Renewal program and see how
nutrition cycling works, go for it. On the other hand, if you’ve done Metabolic Renewal several times
and you want to try some other workouts, switch it up with Metabolic Aftershock or Metabolic Prime.
But when you do, always remember this: Study how your body reacts and adapts to the nuances built
into these plans.
A lot of people have a tendency to “program hop.” “Oh, I’m done with this program, now I’ll do
that one.” Don’t do that. Investigate how each of these different plans works for you. It’s not about
changing all the time. It’s about creating, rather than finding, the right diet, exercise and lifestyle plan
for you. That will change over time and is always a work in process. You’ll lose weight, burn fat, get
more fit—and you’ll need to adapt to that. You’ll also get older, go through menopause, and need to
adapt to that too.
The key is to react and adapt, just like your metabolism does, not by program hopping, but by
continuing to work with your metabolism to seek the best solution for your personal needs. If there
is one message I want you to take away from this program, that would be it. Don’t keep looking for
the next best thing on TV or the Internet. Create what works for you and keep doing that. Become a
metabolic detective and leave the dieter’s mindset behind once and for all. You won’t regret it.
And I’ll be here to support you every step of the way. Good luck!


✓✓ When the 12-week program is over, repeat it 4 times and enhance the workout by
squeezing harder, increasing your speed, and integrating the burnout sessions.
✓✓ Then you can progress to the next level and repeat that cycle 4 times.
✓✓ Assuming you are starting with the body weight exercises that means you have 3 years’
worth of workout routines in this program alone!
✓✓ Continue to AIM for good nutrition as you alter your exercise intensity.
✓✓ And make sure you are continuing your walking, relaxation, and detoxification rou-
✓✓ Most of all, learn how to become a metabolic detective and leave the dieter’s mindset
behind once and for all.


ell, that’s it. You have just completed reading through another program and have likely
been following the Metabolic Renewal workouts for several days or even weeks.
At this point I want you to think about a few things. I want you to reflect on all the
times in your past when you have started and completed a program. Or maybe you started and never
What I want you to understand is that starting something is one of the easiest things you can do in
this process. Finishing, of course, is much harder. But the idea of a finish line at least makes the hard
work a little easier, right? Everyone loves having an end in sight.
That is what I want you to think about. In what other endeavor could you possibly spend only 8-12
weeks and expect to be a master at it? If you wanted to be a great pianist you would be working at it
for years. If you wanted to learn to speak another language fluently, again, you would be at it for years.
If you wanted to become a master chef it would require hours and hours and hours of cooking.
That is the way of the world. The path to mastery is not easy. And why would we expect it to be or
even want it to be?
Nothing is easy. Easy is something you earn. It is something you figure out. Easy is a process of failure,
discomfort, discovery, getting knocked down, and getting up again.
In fact, if you asked anybody who is a master at their craft, “When did you reach the finish line?” Or,
“How long did it take?” They would likely be confused or annoyed with the questions.

People who master a thing, don’t look for a finish line and never consider themselves done. They don’t
want to be done. They have fallen in love with the process. It is part of who they are. It is what they
love, and they relish the journey.
Why am I telling you this? Because I am incredibly excited for you. For your results. For the changes
you will experience. For all the amazing benefits of a new body, revitalized metabolism, and renewed
But I am also a little worried, because I know there is always the temptation to jump to the next new
thing and forget what you have learned. It’s just human nature. I am susceptible to it as well.
Just remember this: there is nothing wrong with trying new things. In fact, as a metabolic detective
that can be very beneficial. But you must know how to do it correctly.
The famous martial artist, philosopher, and actor Bruce Lee describes the process perfectly. When it
came to learning anything new he said we must, “absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add
what is uniquely our own.” This is the exact way I want you to view your body change and health
endeavors from this moment on.
As you wrap up this experience you will no doubt be exposed to all kinds of new information. It will
be a constant barrage. Don’t eat this, never eat that. This is good, and that is bad.
By now you should know to avoid paying too much attention to all of this noise. Your job—your only
job—is to do what works for you. What works for you is different than what works for someone else.
You are a woman, not a man. You are a unique woman with a metabolic expression as individual as
your finger print, a psychology that is nuanced, and personal preferences you must honor.
When you get confused, curious or overwhelmed remember the process is where to point your effort.
Always follow the process over any protocols. Structured flexibility, remember?
Start with any new thing you want to do, but then pay attention SHMEC and keep it in check.
If SHMEC is check, you’re are burning fat (or maintaining your lean physique). If your vitals and
blood labs are in a healthy range, then whatever you are doing is right for you.
This is the only way it works. It is the only way it has ever worked. You must continually build a diet
and lifestyle uniquely suited to you—one built by you for you.
I wish you much luck and continued success.
With gratitude,
Dr. Jade Teta

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