Manual Database Creation On Oracle 10G
Manual Database Creation On Oracle 10G
Manual Database Creation On Oracle 10G
2 {admin,oradata folder and in flash recovery folder } ex. Our database name
is amlngp1
3 Open the “admin” folder open your amlngp1 folder now create other six
folder’s that is
4 Open the pfile folder & copy the “init.ora” file from an existing other
databse.In the pfile
of amlngp1 database
5 Then rename these “inti.ora” file and erase the numeric value of that file.
6 Now open the init.ora file and replace the previous database name with the
database name using replace command save the changes which we have
7 Now open the “db_1” folder open the “database” folder now copy
(initsid.ora )here sid
stand for (system identifier of the database)then rename these file with
your database (initamlngp1.ora) this is known as “I file” open the file
change the database name by replace command save the changes
11 now connect to SQLPLUS & enter the user name as (sys as sysdba)
13 then type the command startup pfile=’complete path of your pfile’ you can
give that
14 now run the database creation script which is previously created & saved as
an .sql file
15 Database creation script is as follows. Write this script on notepad file and
save as .sql
sysaux datafile
'D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\oran\sysaux.dbf'size 10M
datafile 'D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\oran\undo01.dbf'size
17 Now for utilizing the other utility of oracle we have to run some other
supporting files
from “db_1” folder of oracle which have the following path these files are
(catalog.sql,catproc.sql & pupbld.sql)path for catlog & catproc.sql is
(D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN) and for pupbld.sql path
is (D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\sqlplus\admin)