How Human Groups Lived Hundreds or Thousands of Years Ago and What Was Important To Them
How Human Groups Lived Hundreds or Thousands of Years Ago and What Was Important To Them
How Human Groups Lived Hundreds or Thousands of Years Ago and What Was Important To Them
The third one is Political Science. According to the Department of Social Sciences
and Philosophy, Political science is a classical discipline that deals with the study of
political phenomena. Its goal is to deepen human understanding of the forms and
nature of political action and to develop theoretical tools for interpreting politically
meaningful phenomena. It focuses on fundamental values of equality, freedom, and
justice and its process linked with the dynamics of conflict, resolution, and cooperation.
Sociology is the study of society, it is the study of social life, it is the study of
everything that goes around us. Its like when you go to a new city and you see
the different architecture, different shops, you see the different people, that is the
function of our society, of our values of society, of how we think, of how we
Sociology is a systematic study of human behaviors, social interactors, social institutions and
Political science is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and
comparative perspectives.
I have gained knowledge on anthropology, sociology and political science. Sociology,
anthropology and political science complement each other in showing different facets of how
humans structure their societies. I enjoyed most on all activities. I want to learn more on various
cultures, Being exposed to diverse cultures can help you appreciate more in life.