History of Science and Technology
History of Science and Technology
History of Science and Technology
Societies Philosophical Transactions
one of the world's oldest peerreviewed
scientific journals.
Where is science now? • Nullius in Verba - Meaning
“no one's word”
In the pursuit of knowledge, human keeps
- The Royal Society based their
on asking questions like, “what is matter?”, “what
is life?”, “where are we?”, or even “where are unambiguous motto to “scientific method”
we?” These questions were asked and is which the founding members
continuously being asked today. developed into:
"Don't believe something just because someone tells you
1.1 – INTRO TO HISTORY OF SCI & TECH it's true. Test out each new hypothesis or educated guess
What is matter?
• William Whewell
Science is not a single idea; it is not as stable as
- termed the word “science” in 1840.
other disciplines are. It covers compounding
contributions of different natural philosopher and - an English scientist who also served as
scientists all throughout the history. What was true a historian and priest.
then can "not be true" now, and what is true now, • Before 1840, scientists are called natural
can be "not true" in the future. philosophers.
for a teacher"
"If Socrates and his students find the wrong, they will see it a good. This meant that hypothesis
they are leaning further towards truth and away If Socrates shares the success of Plato, Plato
-star student of Plato.
-had a great impact on what is now called - only Greek that has
more written
“Metacognition” philosophies than him.
▪ thinking about your own - a mentee and a rival to Plato in terms of thinking. Philosophies.
- his establishment of physical schools - his philosophy is more on the common called Academy
is still being used to sense unlike Plato whose philosophy is describe philosophical learning for
higher abstract.
education. - his work is passed on ideas that are
- he emphasized in the academy the grounded on empirical evidences.
training of how to think properly over - he observes and then explain as he the door of the
academy. develops his own theories.
- he was inspired by Pythagoras basing his ▪ this order of operations is being philosophy on
geometry. used in the practice of modern ▪ he taught inspired idealism, or a science.
theory of nature based on the - he came from Macedonian roots and abstracts of the world.
studied in the Academy of Plato for 20 - he fit his observation to the theories of years, until Plato died.
idealism rather than the other way around - he later took a job as the tutor of the son making him
regarded as philosopher of King Philip II of Macedonia, Alexander than a scientist, but the truth
is he is both. the Great.
▪ conquered parts of three continents Inscribed at the doors of the original Academy of
Plato: of Asia, Africa, and Europe.
- he is known for writing books on "Ethics"
"Let no one enter here who is ignorant of
but supported his student Alexander the
Great, to invade Persia, kill barbarians, and
- he was inspired by the pre-Socratics but conquer other states.
developed a more complete lens on how - he remained as Alexander's teacher and to view the
material and natural world. adviser until he died in a young age. - his system on cosmos was perfect. -
He then went back to Athens and put up his - believed that the natural world is governed own school,
Lyceum. by perfect rules.
- Platonic Solids
▪ all materials were made of atoms that varied geometrical shapes.
Tetrahedron - fire
Cubes - earth
Octahedron - air
Icosahedrons - water
Dodecahedron - whole universe
2. Lyceum of Aristotle
- not a building, a classroom of
environment field with grove trees
- and plants outside the city. centuries and across the world. It ended in the
- they "walk and talk" about their
Roman conquest in 146 BC.
- was called "Peripatetic" which
means walkie. An informal 1.4 – THE ENGINEERS
- this was influenced because of The Engineer: The Artist
Aristotle's interest of plants and
living organism.
- Infrastructure before serves as a portal for
Aristotle wrote many of his books and works the modern world to have a glimpse of
on meta-physics. their lives in the past.
- On the heavens, On the soul. - Engineers are known for being the
▪ this book was a primeval book that artist than for being a scientist.
married protobiology and - Romans are known for being the
psychology. engineers.
- Physics
▪ his most influential natural Egyptians
philosophy textbook.
- The “great builders”
- he posed a complete system by joining
- They created measurement mathematics
the elements of the heavens which
for constructions purposes.
became the basic European
▪ Invented cubit system for building
understanding on the physical world for
the Pyramids of Egypt.
2000 years.
- There is a certain level of sophistication in
Plato saw the world of idealism while Aristotle had their living based on their infrastructures.
accepted some of the concepts of discord, and that - Pyramid use torches to light and they
things naturally messes up, but always trying to go back
to its original position or situation.
used the concept of reflection to light the
insides of the pyramids.
- he also loved looking at living things; he
looked at them very closely and
discovered details about it. - They were great builders and architects
- Aristotle trusted his senses as he is the - They built the Hanging Gardens of
first one to write down his observations Babylon’s during the time of
of animals and classified them in their Nebuchadnezzar as a testament of power.
kinds. - Hebrews became their slaves and eventually
- the taxonomy he created we based on became their builders as well.
what he called “system of souls”
▪ Plants - has the simplest soul, Mesoamericans
they have vegetative soul. - Great builders of temples and houses.
▪ Animals - have a mobility soul, - Construction of the city of Machu Picchu in
they have a vegetative and Peru.
sensitive animal soul. - They also have very good sophistication
▪ Humans - has the highest form of when it comes to engineering because
soul, combination of vegetative, they were able to create not just simple
sensitive, and the rational soul. pyramids but also multi-step pyramids.
Both Plato and Aristotle's views on the material - Roman civilization has contributed
and natural world influenced many natural massively when it comes to engineering
philosophers. They both inspired centuries of and architecture.
scholars to think about thinking, observe the - Romans as great builders:
laws of nature, and to reflect on the universe.
HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The quest in understanding how the days and
nights happen, and understand the heavenly
There were many scientists bodies like stars, moon, and sun.
who contributed to the body of knowledge
all through history and across the world.
This quest was primarily attempted by Greek
Scientist today seeks knowledge and aims to
Philosophers. In intellectual revolution, there are
contribute to the large pool of body of
two major concepts needed to be understood in
knowledge through research and
understanding the universe.
FIRST CONCEPT: GEOCENTRISM “The heliocentric view was not accepted,
instead, the geocentric view was more accepted
because it is more reasonable during the time of
Claudius Ptolemy Aristarchus.”
• Proposed geocentrism at around 150
BCE, and that is why it is sometimes
referred as the Ptolemaic model of
Nicole D’ Oresme
• The geocentric view flagged the
• He is a Greek mathematician, astronomer,
understanding of the universe, this was
geographer, and astrologer.
challenged once again by him at around
• Lived in the city of Alexandria in the
Roman province of Egypt under the rule of
• A Philosopher Astronomer who wrote
the Roman Empire.
“The Book of Heaven and Earth”,
• Used Babylonian Observation &
supporting the heliocentric view of the
Babylonian Lunar Theory in understanding
the universe.
• He provided more evidence and
mathematical equations. But the concept
was against the church, and it was once
• Geocentrism or the Geometric view is
again rejected by the community.
belief that the earth if fixed at the center
of the Universe.
“The geocentric view was once again prevailed,
• Claudius proposed his cosmological but in the 16th century, a Polish mathematician
almagests, also called as the and astronomer revisited the concepts of
“mathematical syntaxes” and it was said Aristarchus and Nicole D’ Oresme, this
that his almagests were edited by Hypatia, was
a female natural philosopher. Nicolaus Copernicus.”
• The almagests stated that the heavens
move like a sphere, the earth and the Nicolaus Copernicus
heavenly bodies are spheres, and the • He reintroduced the concept of
Earth is the center of the universe. heliocentric view with his book “De Rev”
or “De Revolutionubus Orbium
SECOND CONCEPT: HELIOCENTRISM Colestium” or The Revolution of the
Heavenly Spheres.
Heliocentrism • The book stated cosmological theories
• Heliocentrism or the heliocentric view is like the Earth is not the center of the
the astronomical model in which the universe, the center of the universe is
Earth and Planets revolved around the near the sun and the earth-sun
sun at the center of the Solar System. distance is negligible compared to the
• The Earth is not the center of the universe, distance to the stars.
but rather just part of the universe. • He did not publish this book because he
knew that his book will be controversial.
Aristarchus of Samos Upon his death, came the rise of the
• He initially introduced the heliocentric Copernican intellectual revolution.
view of the universe at around prior to
the formal proposal of the geocentric Tycho Brahe
view at around 310 C to 230 BC. • A Danish nobleman, astronomer, and
• He is an Ancient Greek mathematician writer known for his accurate and
and astronomer of Ionia who came up comprehensive astronomical observations,
with the revolutionary hypothesis. together with his sister Sophia Brahe.
• Because of lack of evidence, the concept • Took some concepts from geocentric view
was refuted and not accepted by the and heliocentric view and fused these two
community. concepts and proposed the
geoheliocentric view.
• The Dutch king provided him a fully funded The Copernican intellectual revolution did
research island with two observatory not die along with Copernicus, in fact this has
castles. become a progressive series of events which
a. Uraniborg – the castle of the eventually led to birth of modern astronomy.
b. Stjerniborg – the castle of the stars; Science is not a one man team, this is a
here he wrote his book “De Nova team effort, based on the series of events,
Stella” or the New Star. contributions of various astronomers, this has led
to our current understanding of the universe, and
until now, the humanity still seeks to further
In 1956, at age 20, Tycho lost part of his nose at understand the universe.
a sword fight with his third cousin, Manderup
Parberg. They were fighting because of a
mathematical equation. “The Copernican intellectual revolution did
not only change the way how we view the world
but also the universe.”
Johannes Kepler
• A German astronomer, mathematician and 2.2 – DARWANIAN REVOLUTION
astrologer wrote a book “Astronomia Nova”
or the New Atronomy, where he also “What is life?”
proposed three laws of Planetary motion.
• He provided evidence to strengthen the In the early 18th hundreds, the English society
heliocentric view and he in his own way is slowly moving away from the traditional way of
introduced the concept to the church thinking about life, which was called Natural
saying that his “faith, empirical data and Theology.
elegant math, all sync.”
William Paley wrote a book in 1802, the
Natural Theology, which inspired Charles
The heliocentric view is slowly being known Darwin in his pursuit of trying to understand the
across Europe, this concept was further “how” of life.
strengthened because of strong evidence,
brought by the invention of the telescope.
Charles Darwin
Galileo Galilei
• Was born from a wealthy family where
• In 1609, Galileo Galilei did not invent the
he afforded to go to Cambridge
telescope, this was invented by a Dutch
University to study beetles and he
spectacle maker Hans Lippershey in
graduated in the age of 22 without
definite plan.
• The first person to enhance the scientific
• His family sent him to South America
instrument and the first to use the
through the ship named Beagle for 5
telescope to understand the universe.
years where he eventually became a
• An Italian astronomer, physicist, and
theorist because of his experiences.
engineer, sometimes described as a
• He was able to collect different fossils
polymath, from Pisa.
and compare it. He started to think
• Called as the:
about the possibilities of ancestral
⎯ Father of observational astronomy lineage of the species.
⎯ Father of Modern Physics • His most notable experience was his
⎯ Father of the Scientific Method travel in the Galapagos Island, where
⎯ Father of Modern Science he took accounts on iguanas,
• He has provided more evidences mockingbirds, thrushes, tortoise, and
supporting the heliocentric view of the different finches.
universe. • He became obsessed with finches and
collected it, this turned out to be one in
several clues that would lead to
developing the theory of evolution by • After surviving the incident in his ship, he
natural selection. still ventured his way to naturalism and
• Upon his return to London, he published went to Southeast Asia in 1854 to
his book on “The Voyage of the Beagle” collect specimens and pay for his dept.
where he became a naturalist. ⎯ He traveled different islands of what
• John Gould a fellow naturalist attested is now Malaysia, Indonesia, and
that the finches he found in the Singapore, where he observed
Galapagos Island are different species different environments produce
not varieties of one species. different populations.
• He then was inspired once again by the • He then coined the term self-acting
“Essay on the Principle of Population” process where the fittest would
by Thomas Robert Malthus, a survive then he sent a letter to Charles
proponent of the Malthusian theory of Darwin, where they both published a joint
population. letter.
• He stated that living beings compete • In 1869 after their joint publication, he
over resources and the most fit for a continued working in Southeast Asia and
certain region survives, where coined the later published his work on Malay
term Natural Selection. Archipelago.
• Darwin haven’t published his theory • He observed that there seems to be an
then because he had to collect invisible line now called as the
incontrovertible proof, for many years Wallace’s Line in Indonesia, where he
he ventured on studying pigeons and stated that resemblance of species
collecting further evidences. based on its geographic location.
• In 1858, he received a letter from Alfred • He invented the principle of biography,
Russel Wallace asking for his advice. a field where the biological species and
⎯ They both published a joint letter in geological formations together.
the Linnaean Society of London,
The Darwinian intellectual revolution was
presenting the summary of a
initially intended to challenge the “how” of life of
theory of natural selection.
living organisms.
• In 1859, he published his 500-page book
on The Origin of Species by means Both naturalists have agreed on the principle
Natural Selection. of natural selection
⎯ The book stated that the natural
In 1864, a fellow biologist, Herbert Spencer
selection modifies the current
re-coined the term as the “Survival of the
population where the fittest
Fittest”. This principle was initially intended for
survive and reproduce, then
animals but has slowly been applied to the
passing their traits.
human society by the “Social Darwinism”, in
⎯ In this book he also stated a chapter a way Darwin and Wallace would not agree off.
on the difficulties in his theory, and
he only presented things he knew “The Darwinian intellectual revolution did not
mostly about beetles, finches, only challenge the way how we view the life, but
pigeons, barnacles, and fossils. the HOW of life.”
- This is a proof that the
women in the ancient
Philippine society are
TECHNOLOGY IN THE specially regarded in their
PHILIPPINES ⎯ According to Zeus Salazar, a
Filipino historian and archaeologist:
- In the sinaunang lipunan,
the babaylans are the core
in terms of culture, religion
and medicine, and
Science and Technology developments in the
maintains the flow of life.
Philippines began in the ancient times of the
⎯ Babaylans have 3 major roles. • The Ancient Filipinos have also practiced
1) They serve as the this techne, with the evidence of various
spiritual leaders. They uses whether it be cooking or even for
communicate with the burying.
ancient Filipino deities or • The art of burying in some of the areas
“Anitos” as liaisons for the in the Philippines involved
people. mummification. This practice was
2) They are the teachers. preserved until the arrival of the
They memorize the ancient Spaniards, and the caves of the
culture and literature and is containing mummies remained
responsible for knowledge untouched until the 19th century.
transfer to the • Manunggul Burial Jar and Maitum
next generations. Burial Jar are some of the numerous
3) The alchemists of the jars discovered in caves which were
ancient Philippine believed to
civilization. They are the be burial sites of the ancient Philippine
physicians that practices civilization.
healing techniques with the ⎯ Most of the Manunggul Burial Jars
use of plants by were found from the Tabon Cave
understanding the natural Complex in Lipuun Point, Quezon,
world. They are also Palawan.
responsible in ancient ⎯ These jars were excavated in March
astronomy and astrological 1964. The jar has a unique and
practice of the society. creative covering feature – a boat
⎯ The died during the Spanish of the dead – which can be related
conquistadors in the to ethnological and cultural link,
Philippines. these jars contain mummified
The Babaylans practiced ⎯ This is an evidence that “the art of
natural philosophy (episteme) while useful science” plays a vital role in
the Panday practiced the art of the culture of the ancient Philippine
building or useful knowledge (techne). society.
Both are part of the three major figures in
the Philippine culture that embodies
The Panday were the Masters of Art and
characteristics of understanding on scientific
craftmanship, they practiced the techne of
knowledge. They are the evidence that the
creating pots and jars. They are also responsible
regard to science and technology in the ancient
in iron melting and regarded as the blacksmiths of
Filipino civilization is considerably high.
the community.
Philippines is not a political empire but a
The word “Panday” similar to the
social unit.
Indonesian word “Pande” means skillful hands,
• There were numerous, scattered,
this may also mean that they are builders in
thriving, relatively sufficient, and
Javanese. Usually the Pandays are men, but
autonomous community in the ancient
similar to babaylans, the title is not exclusively
Philippines, though not united by name,
gendered, though most women practice the craft
but united in culture and in practice.
of weaving.
• The relationship of Philippines with other
countries along Asia also influenced the
Panday are also responsible in the art in
prevailing culture and scientific practices
and science and agriculture, and both men and
in the country.
women, share the tasks of in farming.
• The manufacture of potteries is one of
Ancient Philippine Engineering
the most known technological practice
that came from Asia.
One of the engineering features of the It does not have one empire; it was formed
ancient Philippine society can be observed in the of autonomous villages called the barangays
Cordilleras, they built the rice terraces, not that scattered all over the archipelago.
exclusively the Banaue rice terraces, but the
sophistication in engineering and agriculture These were social units rather than a
can be seen in the entire region. political unit, a self-sufficient community. Each
community exhibited uneven technological and
The structure and art of farming of the scientific advancements depending on the
Filipinos allowed them to cultivate crops on the exposure and need of the community.
mountain side in spite being in a cold
temperature. they have sufficient understanding The communities settled along the coastal
of engineering and hydraulic engineering to areas which exposed them to trading and
control the rise and flow of water, through the crosscultural contacts, such as Mindoro, Cebu,
irrigation system, the water from the forests and Southern Mindanao, Sulu and even Manila,
mountains were used to water all the crops. showed evidences of sophistication as product
of trading.
Unlike other infrastructures in the ancient
world, the function or the “useful knowledge” Ancient Philippine
diminished all throughout the history, but the rice Writing
terraces, still serves its purpose up to date. The Laguna
copper plate
The art of farming and agricultural dated 900 AD on
engineering is still evident today, the rice display at the
terraces continue to serve its purpose as one of Nat’l Museum of the Philippines.
the major sources of food production and a The Philippines also has its own system of
portal to the rich ancient Philippine society. writing, called the baybayin which was richly used
by the ancient Philippine society as mode of
The Pandays are known builders, in the communication and writing documents. many
coastal regions of the country. they built boats colonizers, like the Spaniards, claimed that they
for sailing and trading called balangay. During brought education in the country. But, prior to their
the 10th century AD, this art of craftsmanship arrival, the Philippines already has its own system
became highly developed technology. of education.
The Babaylans practiced “It took hundreds of years before the Spaniards provided
scientific medical arts, they use hands on free education to the Filipinos, but it only took more than
healing art that involves plants, intuitions, and 20 years to spark a revolution.”
massage with rituals.
They scan the body to diagnose the areas of 3.2 – PATH OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
energy imbalance, just like other oriental
medicine practices of Asia and principles of ARTICLE READING 01
Ayurveda, they believe that the diseases are
caused of imbalance. The advancement of science and
technology of the Philippines increased
The art and science of healing in the ancient during the American occupation as they rise of
Philippines existed for more than thousands formal education arrived in the country.
of years. Each social unit has different
techniques of healing, they use the elements of In 1901, the Act No. 74 was
nature in the practice. promulgated by the Philippine Commission,
which acted as the executive and the legislative
The ancient Philippine society has a very body of the Philippines until 1907.
rich and colorful culture and tradition.
• The act paved the way to the creation of
The writing system, textile patterns, ancient
the Department of Public Instructions in
engineering, metal works, artifacts, and medical
the Philippines, providing the
arts, are some of the traditional practices of the
establishment of public schools that would
give free primary education using English
language as mode of instruction. • They pioneered the research on
diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis,
Followed by the development of the cholera, dengue fever, malaria, and
Philippine Normal School, which is now the beriberi; and the results were readily
Philippine Normal University, to train Filipino available for the purpose of research
teachers by the Thomasites. advancements and for the Bureau of
In the same year, the Manila Trade School
was established, which is now known as the In 1906, the Bureau of Science published
Technological University of the Philippines, to the Philippine Journal of Science which
provide instructions for the Filipinos on useful served as the official publication of the bureau
trades. for reports and results of scientific
In 1904, the establishment of the Manila
Business School, which is now known as the The Bureau of Science and the Bureau of
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, in Health were not the only science and technology
order to address the growing business in related bureaus.
government and private services.
In order to foster further the advancement of
In 1908, by Act No. 1870, the University of science and technology, the Philippine
the Philippines was established to give Commission and the American colonial
advance instructions on philosophy, arts, and authorities developed different scientific
sciences. There were many public and private related bureaus:
academic institutions established during the
American occupation, paving the way for further a. Bureau of Mines (1900)
advancements. b. Bureau of Forestry (1900)
c. Weather Bureau (1901)
The Philippine Commission introduced the d. Bureau of Agriculture (1901)
study of science subjects and the e. Bureau of Geodetic Survey (1905)
industrialvocational education to the f. Bureau of Plant Industry (1927)
Philippine school systems, but because of the g. Bureau of Animal Industry (1927)
more than 300 years of colonization, the practice
of science and technology was a challenging There were many professional societies
paradigm shift. abroad that urged for the development of
National Medical Research Council and the
In 1905, the Bureau of Science was National Research Council, the process started
established, which served as the principal in 1927.
government research establishment. It had
biological laboratories, chemical laboratories, In 1933, the act for the creation of the
serum laboratory to produce vaccine virus, National Research Council of the Philippine
serums and prophylactics. Islands (NRCP) was passed by the Philippine
Commission – Legislative.
• Most of the senior scientists of the
bureau were initially Americans but In 1934, the NRCP actively participated on
eventually, Filipino scientists rose up the the deliberations and discussions in drafting
ranks and took over the position. the “commonwealth constitution”, which had
anything that will affect science and the technical
The Bureau of Science served as training industry.
ground for the Filipino Scientists, performing
biological and chemical examinations for the In 1935, the Philippine Commonwealth
Philippine General Hospital and the Bureau of inaugurated towards full political
Health, which became a springboard for the independence. Since the NRCP was part of the
development of serums and prophylactics. deliberations for the constitution, the science and
technology development were given importance
as stipulated in its Article XIII, sec. 14, “The state • The board is responsible for the
shall promote scientific research and development of policies pertaining to
invention, Arts and Letters shall be under its science and coordinating the work to
patronage…” science allied agencies.
• The Act also created the Philippine
The following year (1936), many private Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
academic institutions were established, Centro and the National Institute of Science
Escolar University, Far Eastern University, and Technology (NIST) and placed
National University, etc. Together with the along the NRCP, under the NSDB.
previously established universities in the
American occupation and the reformed In 1960s, the role of National Science
universities established in the Spanish regime, Development Board (NSDB) expanded into
these academic institutions helped in training organizations and different functions; paved
scientists and engineers in the Philippines the way for the establishment of the:
before the World War II.
a. Philippine Inventors Commission (1964)
After the second world war, in 1946, the b. Philippine Coconut Research Institute
Philippines obtained its full liberty. In the same (1964), Philippine Textile Research
year, the number of academic institutions Institute (1967)
(colleges and universities) increased together with c. Forest Product Institute and Industries
the rise of government scientific agencies. Development Commission (1969).
In 1947, the Bureau of Science was While the National Research Council of
renamed and reorganized as the Institute of the Philippines (NRCP) also expanded and
Science, in the same year the Institute of Nutrition reorganized, forming the Metal Industry
was established. Research and Development Center (MIRDC),
as well as the development of the Philippine
In 1952, under the National Research Council Science High School (PSHS), and the
of the Philippines (NRCP), was the Philippine Council for Agriculture and
establishment of the Commission on Resources Research (PCARR).
Volcanology, for basic research on volcanology.
In 1967, science was necessary for the
In 1957, a report submitted to the President development programs, making the
pointed out that the advancement of science Department of Education responsible for
and technology in the Philippines started to revitalizing science subjects in public
deteriorate, and based on the analysis of the science high schools. The Department of
causes of the decline were: Education together with the National Science
Development Board (NSDB) organized a
a. Lack of government support. project to develop selected high schools
b. Scarcity of scientists which were highly with science teaching experiments over four
trained and skilled. years which paved for Philippine Science
c. Low morale of scientists. High School (PSHS).
d. Lack of public awareness of science.
In 1968, technology was regarded as a
• This report became a springboard for leading factor in the economic development,
recommendations towards long range hence additional funds were channeled to new
development of science in the science and science education. Programs and
country. trainings were provided to science teachers in
both public and private schools, whether high
In 1958, the Congress promulgated and school and college teachers, these trainings
enacted the Science Act, R.A. 2067 of 1958, were taken place in order to support the
this act created the National Science advancement of the science and technology, the
Development Board (NSDB). program also awarded scholarship grants.
Department of Agriculture, Department of
In 1972, by virtue of the Presidential Decree Trade and Industry, Department of
No. 49, s. 1972, this decree paved a way for the Transportation and Communication, and
development of another science agency, the other academic institutions involved in
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and science and technology.
Astronomical Services (PAGASA) under the
Department of National Defense, the function of The Science and Technology Agenda for
the agency was to provide environmental National Development (STAND) prioritizes:
protections and to utilize scientific knowledge
to assure the safety of the country. a. Exporting the winning products identified
by the DTI.
In 1976, the National Academy of Science b. Domestic needs identification by the
and Technology was established, the academy Presidential Council for Countryside
is composed of scientists with innovative Development.
achievements in both pure and applied sciences c. Support Industries.
to serve as scientific and technological experts of d. Coconut industry etc.
the country.
During this period, several science and
In 1982, the National Science Development technology related laws were enacted, among
Board (NSDB) further reorganized into a the following were:
National Science and Technology Authority
(NSTA) composed of four research agencies a. R.A. No. 8439 – Magna Carta for
and development councils: Science and Technology Personnel
b. R.A. No. 7687 – Science and
a. Philippine Council of Agriculture and Technology
Resources Research and Development Scholarship Law of 1004
b. Philippine Council for Industry and Energy c. R.A. No. 7459 – Inventors and
Research Development Inventions
c. Philippine Council for Health Research and Incentive Act
Development d. R.A. No. 8293 – Intellectual Property
d. National Research Council Code
of the of the Philippines
In 1999 the R.A. No. 8749, The Philippine
• The NSTA has eight research Clean Air Act was enacted, designed to
development institutes and supports protect and preserve the environment, as well
the agencies under it, these were the as to ensure the sustainability and
former organic and attached agencies of development of natural resources.
NSDB which were reorganized.
In 2004, R.A. No. 9275, The Philippine Clean
In 1993 to 1998, a five-year development plan Water Act was enacted, it aims to protect the
of the administration under the Department of bodies of water of the country from any
Science and Technology initiated a Science and possible pollution from the land-based
Technology Agenda for National Development sources, such as industries, commercial
(STAND). establishments, etc
• A presidential task force was formed, it There were many laws and policies
was tasked to formulate a science and enacted across different political bodies, among
technology program that would support the the following are:
national development goal of attaining the
New Industrialized Country (NIC) as the a. R.A. No. 9367 – Biofuels Act of 2006,
21st century approaches. this is an Act to direct the use of
• The task force was composed of the Biofuels, establishing for the purpose
Department of Science and Technology,
of biofuel programs, and appropriate h. Forest Products Research and
funding. Development Institute (FPRDI)
b. R.A. No. 9513 – Renewable Act of i. Advanced Science and
2008, this act aims to accelerate the Technology
development of the country’s Institute (ASTI)
renewable energy resources. j. Industrial Technology Development
c. R.A. No. 10612 – An Act expanding Institute (ITDI)
the coverage of Science and k. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Technology Astronomical Services Administration
Scholarship Program and (PAGASA)
Strengthening the Teaching of Science l. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
and Mathematics in the Secondary Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
Schools and for further purpose. m. Science Education Institute
d. R.A. No. 10844 – An Act Creating the n. Science and Technology
Department of Information and Information
Communication Technology (DICT), Institute Advisory Bodies
which was enacted as a law in 2016. o. National Academy of
Science and
There were numerous acts enacted for the Technology (NAST)
advancement of science and technology in the p. National Research Council
country. There were also major science and of the
technology development plans, among the Philippines (NRCP)
following were:
These agencies work together towards
a. Science and Technology Master Plan the advancement of the Philippines in
(STMP) Science and Technology. The development of
b. Science and Technology Agenda for science and technology of the Philippines was
National Development (STAND) of up and down for more than a century of liberty
1993-998 from Spanish colonization.
c. National Science and Technology Plan
(NSTP) of 2002-2020 ARTICLE READING 02