3ME05 Fluid Mechanics: Course Learning Objectives
3ME05 Fluid Mechanics: Course Learning Objectives
3ME05 Fluid Mechanics: Course Learning Objectives
Course Learning Objectives:
1. To introduce and explain the fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics used in applications of
Hydraulics, Aerodynamics, Gas dynamics, etc.
2. To give fundamental knowledge of fluid, its properties and behavior under various conditions
of internal and external flows.
3. To develop understanding about hydrostatic law, principle of buoyancy and stability of a
floating body and application of mass, momentum, and energy equation in fluid flow.
4. To imbibe basic laws and equations used for analysis of static and dynamic fluids.
5. To inculcate the importance of boundary layer flow and its applications
6. To determine the losses in a flow system, flow through pipes, impact of jet
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:
1. identify importance of various fluid properties at rest and in motion
2. derive and apply general governing equations for various fluid flows
3. understand the concept of boundary layer theory and flow separation.
4. calculate energy losses in pipe flow.
5. evaluate the performance characteristics of hydraulic jets
Subject Incharge
Prof. N. A. Kharche
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
1. Basic properties of fluid such as Density, Specific weight, Specific Volume, Specific gravity, Viscocity of fluid,
Surface Tension, Capilarity, vapour pressure & cavitation.
2. pressure & its measurement: Pascals law, Hydrostatic law of pressure & pressure variation in fluid, measurement
of pressure by Manometer. (10 Hours)
1. Hydrostatic pressure force on plane & curved surfaces. Measurment of total pressure & centre of pressure. 2.
Buoyancy & floatation: Concept of buoyancy, centre of buoyancy. Stability of floating body, Metacentre &
metacentric height. Condition of equilibrium of floating & sub-merged body. (08 Hours)
1. Kinematics of fluid flow, Methods of describing fluid motion, Types of flow, rate of flow, streamline, potential
line, flow net, velocity & acceleration, continuity equation in three dimensional flow. 2. Dynamics of fluid flow:
Eulers equation of motion, Bernoullis equation measurement of fluid flow with venture meter. (08 Hours)
Flow through pipes: Losses in pipe, major losses, Darcy’s Weisbach equation, monor losses due to sudden
enlargement, contraction, entry, exit & pipe fitting. Hydraulic gradient & total energy line, flow through series &
parallel pipes, concept of water hammer in pipes. (08 Hours)
Motion of viscous fluid: Introduction to Laminar & Turbulent flow, Concept of Boundary layer & its type. Drag &
Lift force on object. Boundary layer separation, Reynolds number & its significance. (08 Hours)
Principal of fluid machinery: Force exerted by fluid jet on plane, curved, stationary & moving vanes. Velocity
diagrams, work done & efficiency. (08 Hours)
Books Recommended :-
Text Books:-
1. Fluid Mechanics & Machinery by Modi & Sheth.
2. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R. K. Bansal.
3. Engineering fluid Mechanics by R. K. Rajput.
4. Fluid mechanics & Machinery by CRSP. Ojha, R. Berndtsson.
5. Fluid Mechanics by Strecter; Tata Macgraw Hill.
Reference Books:-
1. R.K.Rajput; Engineering Fluid Mechanics; S. Chand publications.
2. Dr. Mody & Seth; Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics; Standard book house
3. S. Ramamrutham, Hydraulic, Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines, Dhanpatrai publishing company.
4. Strecter, Fluid Mechanics, Tata Mc-Graw Hill