SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Industries in India
SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Industries in India
SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Industries in India
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2 authors, including:
Ramprasad T.P.
Sourashtra College
All content following this page was uploaded by Ramprasad T.P. on 15 April 2021.
SWOT (Strength, Weakness,
Opportunities and Threats) Analysis of
Volume: 8 Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
Industries in India
Issue: 1
T.T. Karthik
Month: January Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce &
Research Centre, Sourashtra College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Year: 2020
T.P. Ram Prasad
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce &
P-ISSN: 2320-4168
Research Centre, Sourashtra College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
E-ISSN: 2582-0729
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is the fourth biggest sector in the Indian economy. There
Received: 20.10.2019 are three primary segments in the sector food and refreshments, which represents 19 percent of the
sector; medical services, which represents 31 percent of the offer; and family unit and individual
consideration, which represents the staying 50% offer. FMCG market is relied upon to grow 5-6
Accepted: 18.11.2019 percent in 2020. FMCG’s metropolitan segment developed by 8 percent, though, its rustic segment
grew 5 percent in the quarter finishing September 2019, upheld by moderate swelling, increment in
Published: 01.01.2020 private consumption and country pay. Indian online basic food item market is assessed to surpass
deals of about Rs 22,500 crore (US$ 3.19 billion) in 2020, a noteworthy hop of 76 percent over the
earlier year. FMCG organizations are hoping to put resources into energy productive plants to profit
Citation: the general public and lower cost in the long haul. Dabur had plans to contribute Rs 250-300 crore
Karthik, TT, and TP Ram (US$ 38.79-46.55 million) in FY19 for limit extension and potential acquisitions in the homegrown
market. The sector saw sound FDI inflow of US$ 16.28 billion during April 2000-March 2020.
Prasad. “SWOT (Strength,
Investment goals identified with FMCG sector emerging from paper mash, sugar, fermentation,
Weakness, Opportunities food handling, vegetable oils and vanaspati, cleansers, beautifiers, and toiletries businesses worth
and Threats) Analysis of Rs 19,846 crore (US$ 2.84 billion) was implemented until December 2019. Developing mindfulness,
simpler access, and changing way of life are the key development drivers for the consumer market.
Fast Moving Consumer
The attention on farming, MSMEs, training, medical care, framework and expense discount under
Goods (FMCG) Industries Union Budget 2019-20 was required to legitimately affect the FMCG sector. Activities attempted to
in India.” Shanlax expand the extra cash in the possession of average person, particularly from country regions, will
International Journal of be gainful for the sector. Hence, it is being a motivational factor to the researcher to have a study
on the SWOT analysis of FMCG Industries in India.
Commerce, vol. 8, no. 1, Keywords: Growing Demand, Higher Investment, Policy Support, Attractive Opportunities,
2020, pp. 92–100. CPG, Provincial Players and Sustainability.
DOI: Introduction
https://doi.org/10.34293/ Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), in any case called Consumer
commerce.v8i1.3523 Packaged Goods (CPG) are things that have a quick turnover and reasonably
negligible exertion. Purchasers overall put less idea into the purchase of FMCG
than they achieve for various things. The Indian FMCG industry saw basic
changes through the 1990s. Various players had been facing difficult issues by
This work is licensed excellence of extended contention from little and common players and from
under a Creative Commons moderate development over its distinctive thing arrangements. Consequently,
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 by far most of the associations were constrained to re-try their thing, advancing,
International License scattering and customer organization techniques to brace their situation in the
business sector. By the turn of the 20th century, the substance of the Indian
FMCG industry had changed basically.
92 http://www.shanlaxjournals.in
International Journal of Commerce
With the advancement and development of the the Indian economy. This sector has demonstrated
Indian economy, the Indian customer saw a growing a phenomenal development over recent years, truth
introduction to new family unit and outside things be told it has enrolled development during downturn
through particular media, for instance, TV and the period too. The future for FMCG sector is promising
Internet. Beside this, social changes, for instance, because of its intrinsic limit and great changes in the
increment in the amount of nuclear families and environment. This paper talks about on outline of the
the creating number of working couples achieving sector, its basic investigation and future plan.
extended spending power similarly added to the Alex, K et al. (2017) have done a study and concise
increment in the Indian purchasers ‘ near and dear that the advertising grew mostly in 20th century.
use. The acknowledgment of the customer ‘s creating The development of innovation and examination
care and the need to meet changing requirements and acquired complexity publicizing in ongoing many
tendencies as a result of changing lifestyles obliged years. It has grown essentially after Second World
the FMCG. War. After 1950, TV turned into the significant
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector mechanism of publicizing. Promoting business
is India’s fourth biggest sector with family and changed with the business environment. It is once in
individual consideration representing 50% of FMCG a while a steady business. Fast Moving Consumer
deals in India. Developing mindfulness, simpler Goods (FMCG) are more popular and every now and
access and changing ways of life have been the key again bought by clients. These goods incorporate all
development drivers for the sector. The metropolitan Consumable goods (other than heartbeats and grains)
segment (represents an income portion of on 55 and consumers purchase at normal stretches in little
percent) is the biggest supporter of the general amounts. SWOT Analysis applied to measures the
income produced by the FMCG sector in India. Advertising Strategy of FMCG Sector. Both Primary
Nonetheless, over the most recent couple of years, and Secondary wellsprings of information were
the FMCG market has developed at a faster pace in used for the investigation. Essential information was
rustic India contrasted with metropolitan India. Semi- gathered by methods for overseeing a poll to the
metropolitan and country segments are developing clients and promoting chief. Auxiliary information
at a fast movement and FMCG items represent 50% had been gathered from different distributions,
of the complete rustic spending. Considerably, it periodicals, diaries, and so on Comfort examining
is being an obligatory to think about the Strength, procedure was utilized for the review. Survey
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats to the FMCG filled by the chose respondents. The example size
sector in India and the examination has been made. chose is 200. The examination presumed that the
organizations are utilized the media as a method of
Research Objectives advancement for the FMCG items and intense rivalry
The present study has been framed to cover the is being looked by the organization in market, media
following primary and secondary objectives: organizers ought to be more cautious in offering
1. To know about the Fast Moving Consumer message to the clients.
Goods (FMCG) industry in India. S., Jeevananda. (2011) have examined that the
2. To analyse the dimensional attributes of Indian retail business is probably the biggest business in
FMCG Industry in the name of SWOT analysis. India. India is the third-most appealing retail market
for worldwide retailers among the 30 biggest rising
Reviews of Related Literature markets, as per US consulting bunch AT Kearney’s
Patil, Pramod. (2016) have done a study and report distributed in June 2010. The all out retail
summarised that the FMCG item contacts each part of deals in India will develop from US$ 395.96 billion
human life. These items are oftentimes consumed by of every 2011 to US$ 785.12 billion by 2015, as
all segments of the general public and a considerable indicated by the BMI India Retail report for the
part of their pay is spent on these goods. Aside from second from last quarter of 2011. The marking of fast
this, the sector is one of the significant patrons of moving consumer goods has become an indispensable
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aspect of the lives of consumers. Consumers are in 2. Nestle designs to contribute Rs 700 crore (US$
a real sense faced with many brands consistently 100.16 million) to open another plant in Sanand
and are, thusly, spoilt for decision. The target of for Maggi.
leading the exploration was to dissect the degree to 3. ITC to contribute Rs 700 crore (US$ 100 million)
which Indian retail location chiefs recognitions and in food park in Madhya Pradesh.
consumers’ discernments meet to advance brand 4. Patanjali will burn through US$743.72 million
value in regard of fast moving consumer goods in in different food parks in Maharashtra, Madhya
retail chain stores at Bangalore. This was done by Pradesh, Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar
distinguishing the fundamental factors like marking, Pradesh.
bundling, estimating, advancements and quality. A portion of the significant activities taken by the
The examination depended on the effect of these Government to advance the FMCG sector in India
factors on the view of consumers’ and Indian retail are as per the following:
location directors. The examination uncovered that 1. The Government of India has endorsed 100%
the consumers and head supervisors accept that FDI in the money and convey segment and in
consumer buy rely upon marking and the nature of single-brand retail alongside 51 percent FDI in
the items and all different factors have a least effect. multi-brand retail.
2. The Government has drafted another Consumer
FMCG Industry In India Protection Bill with uncommon accentuation
The retail market in India is assessed to arrive on setting up a broad system to guarantee basic,
at US$ 1.1 trillion by 2020 from US$ 840 billion rapid, open, reasonable and ideal conveyance of
of every 2017, with current exchange expected equity to consumers.
to develop at 20-25 percent for each annum, 3. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is
which is probably going to help income of FMCG advantageous for the FMCG business the same
organizations. Income of FMCG sector arrived at Rs number of the FMCG items, for example,
3.4 lakh crore (US$ 52.75 billion) in FY18 and is cleanser, toothpaste and hair oil presently go
assessed to arrive at US$ 103.7 billion of every 2020. under the 18 percent charge section against the
FMCG market is required to develop at 9-10 percent past pace of 23-24 percent. Also, GST on food
in 2020. Ascend in country consumption will drive items and cleanliness items have been diminished
the FMCG market. It contributes on 36 percent to to 0-5 percent and 12-18 percent individually.
the general FMCG spending. FMCG metropolitan 4. GST is relied upon to change co-ordinations
segment saw development pace of 8 percent, though, in the FMCG sector into an advanced and
country segment developed at 5 percent in the effective model as all significant companies are
quarter finished September 2019. The Government redesigning their tasks into bigger co-ordinations
has permitted 100% Foreign Direct Investment and warehousing.
(FDI) in food handling and single-brand retail and 51
percent in multi-brand retail. This would reinforce SWOT Analysis of Indian FMCG Industry
employment, flexibly chain and high perceivability Strength of FMCG Industry
for FMCG brands across sorted out retail markets The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth biggest
accordingly supporting consumer spending and sector in the economy with an expected size of ‘ 1,300
empowering more item dispatches. The sector billion. The sector has indicated a normal yearly
saw sound FDI inflow of US$ 16.28 billion during development of about 11% per annum throughout
April 2000-March 2020. A portion of the ongoing the most recent decade. Not at all like the created
developments in the FMCG sector are as per the markets, which are conspicuously overwhelmed by
following: hardly any enormous players, India’s FMCG market
1. In November 2019, ITC Ltd procured 33.42 is exceptionally fragmented and a considerable
percent stake in Delectable Technologies, which aspect of the market contains chaotic players selling
is a candy machine fire up. worldwide brands. There are on 12-13 million retail
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locations in India, out of which 9 million are FMCG the cost of its cleanser bar Surf Excel (120 g) prior
kirana stores. India FMCG sectors’ huge attributes known as Rin Supreme from Rs 13 to 15. They
can be recorded as solid worldwide presence, have additionally expanded a portion of their latrine
entrenched circulation organization, extreme rivalry cleanser brands. Tea Companies, for example,
between the composed and chaotic players and low Tata Tea and Duncan’s Tea have additionally
operational expense. climbed costs for select brands in their pens. A
Products which have a quick turnover and few organizations have had the option to keep up
generally minimal effort are known as Fast Moving the costs. Parle Agro has not changed the cost of
Consumer Goods (FMCG). FMCG things are those Frooti despite upward tension on costs. It might be
which for the most part get supplanted inside a year. anything but difficult to expand the costs of premium
Instances of FMCG generally incorporate a wide items however if there should be an occurrence of
scope of over and again bought consumer items, for mainstream items, the favored decision is between
example, toiletries, cleanser, beautifying agents, oral decreasing load of units and keeping up a similar
consideration items, shaving items and cleansers, value focuses or acquainting another value point
just as other non-durables, for example, china, with suit consumer pockets.
bulbs, batteries, paper items, and plastic goods, and
so on Infiltration level and per capita consumption Introduction of Lower SKUs
in numerous item classes is low contrasted with To forestall down exchanging, the organizations
world normal guidelines speaking to the unexploited have presented packs with lower Stock Keeping
market potential. Mushrooming Indian populace, Units (SKUs) so that per unit buy doesn’t squeeze
especially the working class and the rustic segments, the consumer’s wallet. With that organizations are
presents the enormous undiscovered occasion to honing their emphasis on the current more modest
FMCG players. FMCG not being capital-escalated, packs and increment their accessibility. Henkel
rising information costs, expansion and expanded Introduced another 400 gm pack of Henko washing
commoditization of items are compelling FMCG powder at Rs 40 and pulled back the 500 gm pack
organizations to receive new systems, to have a that used to sell for Rs 46. As cited by Henkel, “A
suitable business suggestion. Let us enroll not many group of four requires just 400-425 gm of washing
of the techniques which organizations have embraced powder in a month. We pulled back the 500 gm
and the result of the equivalent. packs as they were causing consumers to spend more
and consume more”. The organization once again
Cost Cutting Strategies introduced Pril fluid for Rs 50 (425 gm bottle), down
While organizations depended on value climb, from Rs 55 (500 gm). P&G has scaled down the pack
numerous organizations are investigating approaches size of its leader cleanser brand Tide from 1 kilo to
to reduce down expense. Organizations are occupied 850 gm while keeping up the value point at Rs 62. It
in reinforcing their conveyance and co-ordinations, has also marked down the size of its 500 gm to 480
by acquiring more effectiveness and advancement gm at a similar cost. In the ongoing situation, 25 gm
in the flexibly chain. Organizations are intently and 50 gm packs are selling in higher numbers. As
checking their stock levels and stacking designs. For a result, organizations are enlisting faster off take in
instance, cleanser organizations have moved to less the average sized packs.
expensive choices of crude materials to source their
items at a serious cost. A few organizations have Restructuring to Leverage Synergies
chopped down their spending on advertisement. With the ‘intensity of one’ methodology,
PepsiCo is adjusting its refreshments and snacks
Increase in Price organizations under a typical initiative. This will
Because of increment in crude material costs, assist them with amplifying collaborations of the two
numerous organizations had to build their costs and organizations across key capacities, for example,
give the expense to the consumers. HUL climbed procurement, agribusiness and creation, which will
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prompt creation efficiencies. This will assist them profound costs will start to develop. Also, when a
with limiting the value climb. Antagonistically, portion of this tight reach online retailers develop
on the opposite side Dabur among the main four huge, brands which became stronger of including
FMCG organizations in India with 10 brands with another flavor or scent each quarter will battle as class
deals worth over USD20 million each having wide and reach management for a 500 SKU business will
circulation network covering 2.8 million retailers the be simpler, however merciless for brand proprietors.
nation over having 17 top notch producing plants
obliging requirements of differing markets is as yet Social Media
remained as a fruitful Indian brand. Data now moves at a fast speed. A tweet, FB post
or a YouTube video can become a web sensation in
Weakness of FMCG Industry hours. Presently don’t can an association sell an item
Here are some of the weaknesses in FMCG that was unsaleable in a created market because of
Industry wellbeing worries in another less created market as
Big Data guidelines had not gotten up to speed. Guidelines
Information blast is in progress as the capacity to will set aside the effort to make up for lost time
gain, store, and cycle information keeps on improving however consumer data is only a Google search
exponentially. The FMCG world previously had away. Data scattering will be fast and with no spot to
week after week consumer deals, brand following, cover up. More brilliant brands will utilize inventive
consumer boards, customer information from techniques to utilize this successfully to reach
inviting and all on repaid retailers and another worldwide while restricting brand correspondence
couple of hundred measurements relying upon which costs.
information/examination association you converse
with. 95% of the information being produced and Opportunities of FMCG Industry
offered to energetic marketers and investigators is The Indian and Multinational FMCG players
futile. The more brilliant associations will purchase are utilizing India as a key sourcing center point
just the significant information (oversee data costs), for savvy item development and assembling to
conclude the right linkages to consumer conduct and oblige the worldwide markets. With the ascent in
use it viably to create items, oversee exchange and the discretionary cash flow consumers lately have
convey adequately to consumers. moved their buying from basic to premium items.
Because of this, the organizations have begun
Environment & Sustainability improving its excellent portfolio. As indicated by
Associations that can exhibit supportability a study directed, the FMCG sector will arrive at
over their complete biological system will profit by new statures of USD 103.7 billion by 2020. This
more grounded consumer holding scores. Anyway worth unmistakably expresses that, there is a ton
the capacity to charge a premium to take care of of extension in the FMCG sector for notable just as
expanded costs will stay restricted as consumers will developing organizations and brands.
progressively consider manageability to be a given In the following ten years, the income of the
as opposed to an advantage to be managed by not FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) market
many. The Tesla of the FMCG world is still to be is set to develop at a higher rate. Patterns are an
made – utilizing new advancements and innovations. incredible way, which grandstand the current
happenings and furthermore give a standpoint about
Online Grocery Shopping the future occasions. They additionally have a more
This is filling quickly in most created markets drawn out timeframe of realistic usability and are
yet off a little base. While most significant physical driven by social, social and political elements. This
retailers currently offer internet shopping and portrays the marketing procedures for the FMCG
conveyance, the introduction of more modest online organizations to find out about it every way under the
retailers with tight product offerings and more sun. Staying up with the patterns permits the center
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group to contemplate, comprehend and extemporize in numbers as are their interesting arrangements of
the techniques for gainful results. requests. An ongoing study expresses that they are
more intrigued to realize the encounters to share it on
Eating the Local Goodness different online media stages. Living in an advanced
It is constantly said that eat what develops near world, web based marketing is certainly an approach
you. Each nation has diverse climatic conditions and to connect with the crowd. As everybody today is
the food that fills in one’s nation is most appropriate impacted by web-based media, it certainly gives
for them. Individuals are regularly scared side- a diagram to comprehend or know any particular
effects that look extravagant and are flown down about items. So as to grow, the FMCG organizations
from some nation on the planet. Yet, what they don’t ought to accentuate on experience sharing to draw in
understand is it can effectsly affect their wellbeing. consumer consideration.
In this way, it is in every case better to adhere to
your foundations and eat the nearby produce. The The Customized Approach
FMCG organizations have additionally understood As of late, the consumers have become brand
this and are progressively engaging consumers by conscious as they favor a great way of life and
dispatching items with territorial flavors, fixings, premium reach items. Consumers quickly need to
plans and then some. The enormous brands just as recognize what’s coming up for them and principally
SMEs are associating with consumers by utilizing center on the advantages and points of interest of each
territorial flavors and fixings that meet the local and item. This, thusly has made the FMCG organizations
home nation pride. to underline on enhancing its current item portfolio
and growing new ones. Also, customization and
Health and Wellness personalization is the route forward for FMCG
There is developing mindfulness among the organizations. With an altered help approach, the
consumers with respect to their prosperity. The FMCG organizations add a customized touch to a
worldwide and neighborhood FMCG organizations consumer’s item. This includes a reward point the
are putting significantly in the wellbeing and organization’s name and makes the current consumers
wellbeing sector, as larger part of individuals today to search forward for future joint efforts. It also draws
are into wellness and mean to live and encounter in new consumers to encounter the customization
a solid way of life. The saying Health is Wealth, cycle. This customization system accompanies an
genuinely characterizes the strength of a person, as expense, yet in addition has immense benefits as it
it is the most essential perspective to lead a more offers the FMCG organizations a knowledge into
extended and illness free life. their consumer’s conduct.
Wellbeing and health is a pattern, which is
forming the consumer inclinations. The main Threats of FMCG Industry
worldwide and Indian food and drink organizations The FMCG market in India is required to develop
are grasping this pattern and zeroing in on making at a CAGR of 20.6 percent and is relied upon to arrive
new rising items in the medical services area. The at US$ 103.7 billion by 2020.The development in
market is constantly overwhelmed with items deals of major FMCG organizations like Dabur,
which guarantee the best of wellbeing and an eye- HUL, Marico, is flagging the recovery of consumer
finding name perusing ‘100% Organic’, which on request in India. As the market keeps on developing
occasion are deceiving and vague. With the goal for at a quick movement, Indian Retailer investigates
organizations to have an effect, they have to bring to Porter’s five power dangers that may influence the
the table solid and natural choices on a platter which FMCG business.
are most appropriate for the consumer’s comfort.
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Online Marketing Leads the Way While rising salaries and developing youth
The millennial and Gen Z consumers are filling populace have been key development drivers of
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the sector, brand consciousness has also supported change starting with one item then onto the next.
demand. With low exchanging cost prompting Key choices like value point and quality assume
clients to move to different items, there may be key parts in drawing in consumers. With restricted
more interest for new items. Also, the accessibility item separation under numerous brands, it’s fairly
of same or comparative other options, sponsored by simple for a consumer to change to another brand.
solid impact of marketing procedures will support The danger of substitutes is educated by exchanging
the sector. India’s consumer spending is relied upon costs, both prompt and long haul, just as a purchaser’s
to increment to US$ 3.6 trillion by 2020. tendency to change.
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Author Details
Dr. T.T. Karthik, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre,
Sourashtra College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr.T.P. Ram Prasad, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre,
Sourashtra College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
100 http://www.shanlaxjournals.in