Tugas 10 - Chapter 15
Tugas 10 - Chapter 15
Tugas 10 - Chapter 15
Metalurgi Las – S2 Khusus
1. A reciprocal relationship between the tensile strength of 2219 aluminum (essentially Al–
6.3Cu) weldments and the heat input per unit length of weld per unit thickness has been
observed. Explain why.
Semakin tinggi nilai heat input per satuan panjang dari lasan per satuan ketebalan, maka
semakin besar tingkat overaging, oleh karena itu menurunkan nilai tensile strength.
2. (a) Based on the results of mechanical testing for 2219 aluminum given in Table P15.2,
comment on the effect of postweld heat treatment on the tensile strength
Postweld artificial aging sendiri tidak dapat menghasilkan recovery yang cukup baik dalam
hal kekuatan HAZ. Postweld solid solution ditambah artificial aging akan menghasilkan
hasil yang paling baik, terutama dengan benda kerja yang dilas pada kondisi annealed.
(b) The bend angle (i.e., the maximum angle the specimen can be bent prior to failure) is
an indication of the ductility of the material. Does the weld ductility seem to recover as
effectively as the tensile strength? Explain why or why not.
Keuletan dari hasil lasan, seperti ditunjukkan dengan nilai bend angle maksimum, tidak
dapat kembali sebaik mengembalikan nilai kekuatan dengan menggunakan PWHT.
Pembentukan batas butir eutektik yang getas pada PMZ menghasilkan kerusakan permanen
pada hasil lasan yang tidak dapat dihilangkan menggunakan proses PWHT.
3. A 12.7-mm-thick plate of 6061-T6 aluminum (TL = 652°C) was gas– tungsten arc welded
with DC electrode negative. The welding parameters were I = 222 A, E = 10.4 V, and V =
5.1 mm/s. Microhardness measurements after welding indicated that softening due to
overaging starts about 5.3 mm from the fusion line and gradually increases as the fusion
line is approached. Thermal measurements during welding revealed a peak temperature of
about 300°C at the position where softening started. Calorimetric measurements showed
that the arc efficiency was around 80%. How does the width of the HAZ compare with that
predicted from Adams’s equation (Chapter 2)?
Q = η I E = 0.8 x 222x 10,4 = 1847 W
V = 5,1 x 10-3 m/s
Tp = 300oC
Tm = TL = 652oC
g = 12,7 x 10-3 m
ρC = 2,7 x 106 J/m3K
Perkiraan lebar daerah HAZ akibat pengelasan sangat dekat dengan yang diamati.
4. Figure P15.4 show the hardness distributions measured by Umgeher and Cerjak (27) in
7075 aluminum after natural aging three months at room temperature (pwna), after artificial
aging (pwaa), and after full postweld PROBLEMS 373 TABLE P15.2 2219 Aluminum
Tensile Strength Bend Angle Test Specimen Procedure (N/mm2 ) (deg) Base metal SS 320
180 SS + AA 412 121 Weldment SS + welding 254 64 SS + AA + welding 287 54 SS +
welding + AA 300 44 SS + welding + SS + AA 373 84 AN + welding + SS + AA 403 93
Abbreviations: SS, solid solution; AA, artificial aging; AN, annealing. 0 10 20 30 40 80
120 160 distance from fusion line, mm peak temperature, oC hardness, HV 5 600 400 200
0 pwna pwaa pwsh peak temp Figure P15.4 heat treatment of solutionizing, quenching, and
then artificial aging (pwsh). Indicate the temperature ranges in which overaging and
solutionizing occur during welding. Explain how these hardness distributions compare
with each other.
Overaging paling parah, dimana nilai kekerasannya paling rendah pada kurva pwaa, terjadi
pada suhu sekitar 340oC. Solutionization, diambil sebagai dataran tinggi kekerasan di kurva
pwna dekat fusion line, terjadi pada suhu 410oC. Kurva pwsh memiliki kekerasan yang
tertinggi dan paling seragam karena adanya postweld solutionization dan perlakuan panas.
Kurva pwaa memiliki nilai kekerasan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kurva pwna karena
terjadi overaging saat pwaa.
5. Al–Li–Cu alloy 2095 was welded by LBW, GTAW, and GMAW and the HAZ hardness
profiles of the resultant welds were measured. Rank the welds in the order of increasing
hardness in the HAZ.
Proses pengelasan dari Al-Li-Cu dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kekerasan jika
diurutkan adalah GMAW, GTAW, dan LBW berdasarkan penurunan heat input per satuan
panjang dari lasan.
6. Al–Li–Cu alloy 2090 was welded with various filler metals such as 2319, 2090, 4047, and
4145. Joint efficiencies up to 65% of base-metal strength were obtained in the as-welded
condition. After postweld solution heat treatment and artificial aging, joint efficiencies up
to 98% were obtained. Explain why.
Joint efficiency meningkat dari 65% setelah proses pengelasan (AW) menjadi 98% karena
peningkatan kekuatan setelah proses postweld solution heat treatment dan artificial aging
7. Sketch the hardness profiles in the following aluminum alloys after friction stir welding:
(a) artificially aged 2219; (b) work-hardened 5083.
Kedua profil kekerasan menandakan penghilangan signifikan dari kekuatan pada daerah
HAZ seperti pada busur las.