The Supreme Court disbarred lawyer Manuel Camacho for violating the Code of Professional Responsibility by entering into a compromise agreement without consent from his client and failing to account for docket fees. Camacho's client, Marsman-Drysdale Agribusiness Holdings Inc., had given him 1.3 million pesos for additional docket fees but he did not use the money for its intended legal purpose. The Supreme Court found Camacho's actions reprehensible and an erosion of public trust in the legal profession, warranting his disbarment and an order to return the money.
The Supreme Court disbarred lawyer Manuel Camacho for violating the Code of Professional Responsibility by entering into a compromise agreement without consent from his client and failing to account for docket fees. Camacho's client, Marsman-Drysdale Agribusiness Holdings Inc., had given him 1.3 million pesos for additional docket fees but he did not use the money for its intended legal purpose. The Supreme Court found Camacho's actions reprehensible and an erosion of public trust in the legal profession, warranting his disbarment and an order to return the money.
Original Title
Supreme Court Disbars Lawyer for Dishonesty - Franco
The Supreme Court disbarred lawyer Manuel Camacho for violating the Code of Professional Responsibility by entering into a compromise agreement without consent from his client and failing to account for docket fees. Camacho's client, Marsman-Drysdale Agribusiness Holdings Inc., had given him 1.3 million pesos for additional docket fees but he did not use the money for its intended legal purpose. The Supreme Court found Camacho's actions reprehensible and an erosion of public trust in the legal profession, warranting his disbarment and an order to return the money.
The Supreme Court disbarred lawyer Manuel Camacho for violating the Code of Professional Responsibility by entering into a compromise agreement without consent from his client and failing to account for docket fees. Camacho's client, Marsman-Drysdale Agribusiness Holdings Inc., had given him 1.3 million pesos for additional docket fees but he did not use the money for its intended legal purpose. The Supreme Court found Camacho's actions reprehensible and an erosion of public trust in the legal profession, warranting his disbarment and an order to return the money.
Manuel Camacho is the lawyer of the Marsman-Drysdale Agribusiness Holdings Inc.
(MDAHI) which is the holding firm of all the agribusiness ventures of the Marsman-Drysdale Group. Atty. Antero M. Sison, Jr., president of Marsman-Drysdale Agribusiness Holdings, Inc. (MDAHI), charged Atty Camacho with violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility. In his verified affidavit-complaint, he accused Atty Camacho of violating Rule 1.01, for entering into a compromise agreement without the written consent, and Rule 16.01, for his failure to account for the money which was supposed to be paid as additional docket fees. Camacho denied all the allegations against him. He even alleged that he had the authority to enter into the compromise agreement and claimed that the docket fees in the amount of P1,288,260.00 formed part of his attorney’s fees. Atty Sison asked Camacho regarding the additional docket fees, and the respondent said that he gave it to an officer of the court. The Court finds that Atty. Camacho's acts are so reprehensible, and his violations of the CPR are so flagrant, exhibiting his moral unfitness and inability to discharge his duties as a member of the Bar. His actions erode rather than enhance the public perception of the legal profession. Therefore, in view of the totality of his violations, as well as the damage and prejudice they caused to his client, Atty. Camacho deserves the ultimate penalty of disbarment. The Supreme Court ruled that Atty. Manuel N. Camacho is found guilty of violating Rule 1.01 and Rule 16.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. For reasons above-stated, he is disbarred from the practice of law and his name stricken off the Roll of Attorneys, effective immediately. Furthermore, Atty. Manuel N. Camacho is ordered to return to Marsman- Drysdale, Agribusiness Holdings Inc. the money intended to pay for additional docket fees which he received from the latter in the amount of P1,288,260.00 within ninety (90) days from the finality of this decision. The complainant entrusted to the respondent the amount of P1,288,260.00 to be used as additional docket fees, however, the respondent did not use the money for its intended legal purpose. It is stated in Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility that a lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. Camacho did not only break the trust of his client, but he also failed to preserve the nobility and honor of the legal profession. Under Canon 17, a lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he ought to be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him. Camacho did not inform his client that the Regional Trial Court had already rendered a decision in favor of MDAHI granting its insurance claim plus interests. He accepted the additional docket fees instead of returning them to his client even though the decision has rendered. Under Canon 13, a lawyer shall rely upon the merits of his cause and refrain from any impropriety which tends to influence, or gives the appearance of influencing the court. I find the Supreme Court’s decision justifiable. Every lawyer must observe the rules and ethics of the legal profession. Lawyers shall protect the people’s faith in the legal profession. When a lawyer breaks the trust and confidence of the people, he is also causing dishonor to the legal profession. It’s alarming when people lose their faith in the integrity and dignity of the legal profession because they might take the law into their own hands. Atty. Camacho disregarded his duties as a lawyer. He had shown his unfitness to protect the administration of justice, which justifies his disbarment. Reference: Aning, J. (2018, January 18). SC disbars lawyer for ‘dishonesty,’ orders him to return P1.3M in docket fees to client. Philippine Daily Inquirer. p1-3m-in-docket-fees-to-client#ixzz74fPc8HmN