Welcome To: Divine Space
Welcome To: Divine Space
Welcome To: Divine Space
Welcome to
Hall of Silence
Along with Spiritual Education and Research, School for Music and Yoga,
In the world of many existing therapies and therapists, professional trainers and Plantation is one among the most important objective of the trust in order to make
counselors, we as human still are in need of many to come in. Not because there is the planet green.
presence of ignorance, it is simply because we all as humans are here to inspire
and uplift each other in various aspects of life. For Arpitha, purpose is born out of life and
Enlightenment is not about realizing self. It is about actualizing the self as it is, Life is not out of purpose.
physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Journey begins to continue.
Arpitha as a simple minded being began to walk in life in search of answers to many Witness Silence.
questions sprouting within her. Being a very playful being, Arpitha walked the path divinespace6@gmail.com
of life with laughter lled within and she was recognized by her smile that made her www.divinespaceglobal.com
touched many hearts.
Learning many techniques and therapies from various masters helped her make
her own path of wisdom. She trusts that to awaken the wisdom within, one must be
knocked with knowledge. She began to spread meditation beginning from villagers,
schools and colleges and many women from various sides of life with various
issues. Sometimes she taught all of them as teacher, held them as mother and for
some she played as child. Her motto was always to make people smile, come what
may. She taught many men and women how to smile in spite of storms in life.
About the Projects
School of Trans-generational Healing
School of Breath
Any query in life has taken its place due to reasons or issues unclear. Every incident
in life has its own past which becomes the present and affects our future. It’s
We arrive, exist and will leave with our breath. Breath is always connected to the life
Important to have clarity in all walks of life we all live. Past-life Regression therapy is
force. Breath is the medium of communication between the conscious self and the
one of the most important tool which makes an individual lead a joyful life with
truth about you.
complete clarity.
Breath is the bridge between our past and present worlds to the higher worlds, and
What you are now is the result of your past.. Design your tomorrow now. Clarity of
along the bridge travels our thoughts. Knowledge of this language clears the path
the past ensures a clear tomorrow. Given that we are the sum total of all our
you travel, so that the faster becomes the manifestation.
experiences of all our past lives, one can well imagine the vast range of thoughts,
perceptions, beliefs, feelings and emotions that we are carrying now.
Because, you create your own reality.
Breath work is not restricted only to spiritual seekers. Breath work is a fundamental
knowledge, which if everyone had, would make the universe such a beautiful place.
Anyone can learn breath work. Spiritual practitioners can integrate their elds of
Hall of Silence
expertise with breath to make their practices more powerful.
At times we have nothing to say, yet silence says it all. The one we miss, the one we
When you know to breathe right…
are with, the one that is along with, is all speaking behind the smile of silence. No
You live your potential…
words needed to realize it, know it or to live it yet all is happening together. All that is
smiling in silence can be heard while in the depth of silence itself.