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30SCC160-610 Air-to-Water Chillers 50Hz Energy-Saving Chillers With Screw Compressor Using Environmentally Friendly Refrigerant R134a

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8/2/2019 30SCC160-2PDE

Energy-saving chillers with Cooling : 160-610kW

screw compressor using environmentally (46-173USRT)

friendly refrigerant R134a


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n   H i g h E ffi ci e n c y a n d W i d e O p e r a t i n g R a n g e
 T he 30SCC air-cooled chiller has high performance twin screw compressor and flooded cooler with
high efficiency in heat tra nsfer. The un it can ru n in a leaving water temperatu re ra nge from 5 to

ar ea .allows
thea uirnit
t oconst ruected
operat in aof alum
wide inum
ran ge offins
nd copper
a ir temt perat
ubes ur
with increa
e, -5 to 43sed
heat tr an sfer

n   E a s y I n s t a l la t i on a n d S t a r t - u p
 T he 30SCC has a compact design, which allows smaller installation space than some competitive
chillers and r equires less inst allation mat erials such as str uctur al steel or concrete. The 30SCC un it
will be ready for start-up by just connecting power wire and water piping. Rigging holes are
provided on t he u nit for ea sy an d quick lifting.

n   Low Noise
 T he 30SCC features low levels of vibration and sound as well as high reliability due to screw
compression and aeroacoustic fan design. The screw compressor is covered by panels to hold their

noise level inside.

n   0 - ODP ( “ Z E R O” Oz o n e De p l e t i o n P o t e n t i a l ) R e f r i g e r a n t , R 1 3 4 a
 H FC-134a is non-toxic and non-flammable refrigerant, and it has no harm on the ozone layer and
less greenhouse effect, 25% lower than that of R22. R134a is single-refrigerant and has no
temperature gradient. Then, in the case of refrigerant leak, it does not cause unbalanced
composition in refrigerant. That means it is not necessary to pull out all refrigerant and refill it
n   B e s t s u i t e d f or E n v i r on m e n t a l P r o t e ct i o n
 E lectrically power-driven 30SCC chillers are developed for HFC-134a refrigerant. They are best
suited for en vironm enta l protection and keeping air clean.
n   W i de r S i ze R a n g e
 Available in 9 differen t sizes with a cooling capacity from 160 to 610kW(46-173USRT). 30SCC can be
used wit h cent ra l air ha ndlin g unit s, fan coils, or r oom ter min als for office buildings, factories, shops,
hospita ls or hotels. This helps you select a un it which could be even closer to th e desired capacity.

n   Mi cr o p r o c e s s or C o n t r o l
 C apacity control is fully automatic. Leaving water temperature is precisely controlled by the
microprocessor for optimum operat ion ba sed on t he leaving wat er t empera tu re different ial between
a cut-in or cut-out temperatu re an d a set point.
 C ooling opera tion is kept sta ble during an inter mediate season due to microprocessor-cont rolled fan
cycling to maintain head pressure.

n   R e m o t e C on t r o l
 T he unit can be controlled in remote by just connecting 24-volt wiring to a wall-mount type indoor
switch package wh ich is available as a n optional accessory.
 I n addition, unit operat ing condition can be monitored by conn ecting to P/C.

n   Accessories (Option)
- P i p e h e a t e r c a b le
Pipe heater cable (2 x 242W, 220V-1ph-50Hz) is available to prevent freezing of the water in
extern ally conn ected piping.

- T h e 2 4 - vo lt i n d o or s w i t c h p a c k a g e
The 24-volt indoor switch package is available for remote ON/OFF operation.

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I n d oor S witc h P a c k a g e (Op t ion a l Acce s s o r y )

Pa rt No. 30SCC900102-21

M od e l N u m b e r N om e n cl a t u r e

30SCC 160 9 1 3 21

Toyo Carrier Product

Screw Chiller

State of Product Design


160 - 46USRT 180 - 51 400V-3Ph-50Hz
212 - 60 265 - 75
315 - 90 355 - 101
425 - 121 500 - 142
610 - 173

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P h y s ica l D a t a

MODEL 30SCC 160 180 212 265 315 355 425 500 610
No. of Circuits 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
R134a Charge (kg) 67 60 68 94 97 108 150 170 192
COMPRESSORS Screw, Semi-hermetic
50Hz 06NA *174NA *209NA *250NA *300NA *300EA *209NA *250NA *300NA *300EA
(Qty) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2)
Type of Start Star Delta
Oil Charge/Compr. (L) 24 24 32 32 32 24 32 32 32
Capacity Control Steps 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
% Capacity 100-83-70-54-45-23-0 100-85-73-50-35-23-0
OUTDOOR COIL Copper Tubes, Aluminum Plate Fins
Rows...Fin Spacing (mm) 4...1.69 4...1.69 4...1.69 4...1.69 4...1.69 4...1.69 4...1.69 4...1.69 4...1.69
Face Area (m ) 8.17 8.17 10.21 12.26 12.26 16.34 20.43 20.43 20.43
OUTDOOR FANS Shrouded Axial Fan, Direct-drive
Qty...Diameter (in) 4...30 4...30 6...30 6...30 6...30 8...30 12...30 12...30 12...30
Total Airflow (L/s) 19,570 19,570 27,250 29,370 29,370 39,150 54,500 54,500 54,500
Qty...Motor Output (kW) 4...0.9 4...0.9 6...0.9 6...0.9 6...0.9 8...0.9 12...0.9 12...0.9 12...0.9
COOLER Flooded shell and tube
No. of Refrigerant Circuit 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
Water Volume (L) 60 70 80 90 90 130 150 170 170
Max Working Press Refrigerant Side......2.02Mpa
Water Side......1.0Mpa
Water Conn.(Inlet & Outlet) 4"Flange 5"Flange
Drain (F.P.T.) 3/8"
Width 2,300 2,300 2,800 3,300 3,300 4,550 5,550 5,550 5,550
Depth 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Height 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400
OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) 2,200 2,220 2,560 2,800 2,800 3,890 4,630 4,790 4,790
* Compressor revision number

3 0 S C C 1 6 0 ,1 8 0 Dime n s io n s

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30SCC212 Dime n s io n s

3 0 S C C 2 6 5 ,3 1 5 Dime n s io n s

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30SCC355 Dime n s io n s

30SCC425,500,610 Dimensions

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O p e r a t i n g L im i t

Water Flow Range Minimum Water Loop Volume

Model OAT (℃ ) LWT (℃ )
(L/s) (L)
30SCC160 5.0 ~ 15.0 641
30SCC180 5.8 ~ 17.5 755
30SCC212 6.7 ~ 20.0 840
30SCC265 8.3 ~ 24.2 1,068
30SCC315 -5 ~ 43 5 ~ 20 10.0 ~ 24.2 1,122
30SCC355 11.7 ~ 31.7 1,513
30SCC425 13.3 ~ 31.7 1,780
30SCC500 15.0 ~ 35.0 2,136
30SCC610 16.7 ~ 35.0 2,172

・ Water management
1.   When inst alling multiple units, minimu m wat er loop volume mu st be kept for ea ch unit to prevent
short cycle opera tion. Minimu m wat er loop volume mu st be valued in t he m inimum water loop in
water piping system.
2.   If you cut off the power of the u nit in winter , it is necessary t o pull water out of the piping system
completely or fill the piping system with brine for freezing protection. If you operate the unit in
winter , do not cut off th e power of th e un it an d th e pump.

C ool e r W a t e r P r e s s u r e D r op



100 30SCC
500, 610
   k 30SCC212
  80 30SCC
  o 265, 315
  r 30SCC180
  u 60
  u 30SCC160
  p 30SCC355
  e 40


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Water Flow Rate(L/s)

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S e le ct ion P r oce d u r e - S I ( wit h E x a m p le )

1.  G iv en
Cooling load ...................................................... 420kW
Leaving chilled water temper at ur e(LWT) ........ 7℃
Chilled wat er temper at ur e rise ........................ 5℃
Outdoor air temperature(OAT) ........................ 35 ℃

2. F r o m 3 0 S C C 42 5 c oo li n g c a p a c i t y t a b l e a t 3 5 ℃ O AT a n d 7 ℃ L W T , r e a d 4 2 5k W w h i c h i s t h e
c l os e s t c a p a c i t y a b ov e t h e r e q u i r e d c a p a c it y . R e a d a p o w e r c on s u m p t i on o f 1 3 2 k W a t t h e s a m e

Water flow rate (L/s)

Cooling Capacty (kW)
4.187 x Temperature rise ( ℃ )
= = 20.3 (L/s)
4.187 x 5
Pressure drop:
From the cooler water pressure drop curve, read a pressure drop of 52kPa at the water flow rate of 

P e r f or m a n c e D a t a

Cap. – Capacity (kW)

Input – Unit Power Input (kW)
LWT – Leaving Water Temper at ur e (oC)

1.  All rat ings ar e based on
-  Refregerant HFC134a
-  Clean wat er (no foulin g factor a llowan ce) in t he cooler
-  Chilled water t emperatur e rise 5oC

2.  Water t empera tu re r ise may be calculated usin g the following form ula:

o Capacity (kW)
  Temperature rise ( C) = 4.187 x Water flow rate (L/s)

3.  Cooler fouling factor used to calculate tabulated no fouling water.

As wat er side fouling factor is increased, both un it capacity an d compressor power decrease.
Sta ndar d ra tings sh ould be corr ected using following mult ipliers.


0.0 (Table) 1.00 1.00
0.00005 0.97 0.99
0.00015 0.95
0.92 0.97
0.00020 0.90 0.94

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25 30 35 40 43
Water Water Water Water Water
Cap. Input Flow  Cap. Input Flow  Cap. Input Flow  Cap. Input Flow  Cap. Input Flow 
(kW) (kW) Rate (kW) (kW) Rate (kW) (kW) Rate (kW) (kW) Rate (kW) (kW) Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
5 170 40.9 8.1 161 43.6 7.7 151 46.8 7.2 140 50.4 6.7 134 52.8 6.4
7 181 42.3 8.6 170 45.0 8.2 160 48.2 7.7 150 51.9 7.2 143 54.2 6.9
30SCC160 9 192 43.7 9.2 181 46.5 8.7 170 49.8 8.1 159 53.4 7.6 152 55.8 7.3
12 205 45.4 9.8 194 48.2 9.3 182 51.5 8.7 169 55.2 8.1 162 57.6 7.7
15 205 45.4 9.8 194 48.2 9.3 182 51.5 8.7 169 55.2 8.1 162 57.6 7.7
20 205 45.4 9.8 194 48.2 9.3 182 51.5 8.7 169 55.2 8.1 162 57.6 7.7
5 191 47.4 9.1 180 50.7 8.6 169 54.4 8.1 157 58.5 7.5 150 61.2 7.2
7 203 49.1 9.7 192 52.4 9.2 180 56.1 8.6 168 60.3 8.0 161 63.0 7.7
30SCC180 9 216 50.8 10.3 204 54.1 9.7 191 58.0 9.1 179 62.2 8.5 171 65.0 8.2
12 229 52.8 11.0 216 56.2 10.3 203 60.1 9.7 189 64.4 9.1 181 67.2 8.7
15 229 52.8 11.0 216 56.2 10.3 203 60.1 9.7 189 64.4 9.1 181 67.2 8.7
20 229 52.8 11.0 216 56.2 10.3 203 60.1 9.7 189 64.4 9.1 181 67.2 8.7
5 224 55.7 10.7 212 59.3 10.2 200 63.5 9.6 187 68.2 8.9 179 71.4 8.6
7 238 57.5 11.4 225 61.2 10.8 212 65.4 10.1 198 70.2 9.5 190 73.4 9.1
30SCC212 9 253 59.4 12.1 239 63.2 11.4 226 67.5 10.8 211 72.3 10.1 202 75.5 9.7
12 269 61.5 12.8 254 65.4 12.2 240 69.7 11.5 224 74.6 10.7 215 77.9 10.3
15 269 61.5 12.9 254 65.4 12.2 239 69.8 11.4 224 74.7 10.7 215 77.9 10.3
20 269 61.5 12.9 254 65.4 12.2 239 69.8 11.4 224 74.7 10.7 215 77.9 10.3
5 278 71.4 13.3 263 75.6 12.6 249 80.5 11.9 234 85.8 11.2 224 89.3 10.7
7 295 73.8 14.1 281 78.1 13.4 265 83.0 12.7 249 88.4 11.9 239 92.0 11.4
30SCC265 9 313 76.3 15.0 298 80.7 14.2 282 85.7 13.5 265 91.2 12.7 254 94.7 12.2
12 332 79.2 15.9 316 83.6 15.1 298 88.6 14.3 280 94.1 13.4 269 97.7 12.9
15 332 79.2 15.9 315 83.7 15.1 298 88.6 14.2 280 94.2 13.4 269 97.7 12.9
20 332 79.2 15.9 315 83.6 15.1 298 88.6 14.2 280 94.2 13.4 269 97.7 12.9
5 318 85.2 15.2 307 92.5 14.7 298 101 14.3 289 110 13.8 283 115 13.5
7 333 88.0 15.9 326 95.4 15.6 315 104 15.1 305 113 14.6 298 119 14.3
30SCC315 9 352 90.8 16.8 342 98.6 16.4 331 107 15.8 321 117 15.3 314 123 15.0
12 372 94.3 17.8 362 102 17.3 350 111 16.7 337 121 16.1 330 128 15.8
15 372 94.3 17.8 362 102 17.3 350 111 16.7 338 121 16.1 330 128 15.8
20 372 94.3 17.8 362 102 17.3 350 111 16.7 337 121 16.1 330 128 15.8
5 376 93.8 18.0 355 100 17.0 333 107 15.9 311 116 14.8 297 121 14.2
7 400 97.0 19.2 378 104 18.0 355 111 17.0 331 119 15.8 317 125 15.1
30SCC355 9 425 100 20.3 402 107 19.2 377 115 18.0 352 123 16.8 337 129 16.1
12 452 104 21.7 427 111 20.3 401 119 19.2 374 127 17.8 357 133 17.0
15 452 104 21.7 427 111 20.3 401 119 19.2 374 127 17.8 357 133 17.0
20 452 104 21.7 427 111 20.3 401 119 19.2 374 127 17.8 357 133 17.0
5 447 112 21.3 423 119 20.2 399 128 19.0 373 137 17.8 358 143 17.2
7 476 116 22.8 451 123 21.5 425 132 20.3 398 141 19.0 382 147 18.2
30SCC425 9 506 119 24.2 479 127 22.8 452 136 21.7 423 145 20.2 406 152 19.3
12 533 123 25.5 504 131 24.2 475 140 22.7 444 149 21.2 426 156 20.3
15 533 123 25.5 504 131 24.2 475 140 22.7 444 149 21.2 426 156 20.3
20 533 123 25.5 504 131 24.2 475 140 22.7 444 149 21.2 426 156 20.3
5 525 138 25.0 498 147 23.8 470 156 22.5 441 167 21.2 421 173 20.2
7 558 143 26.7 529 152 25.3 500 161 23.8 470 172 22.5 451 179 21.5
30SCC500 9 592 148 28.3 562 157 26.8 531 167 25.3 499 177 23.8 479 184 22.8
12 620 153 29.7 588 162 28.2 555 172 26.5 521 182 24.8 499 189 23.8
15 620 153 29.7 588 162 28.2 555 172 26.5 520 182 24.8 499 189 23.8
20 620 153 29.7 588 162 28.2 555 172 26.5 520 182 24.8 499 189 23.8
5 613 170 29.3 596 185 28.5 578 201 27.7 559 219 26.7 547 231 26.2
7 647 176 30.8 629 191 30.0 610 208 29.2 590 226 28.2 577 239 27.5
30SCC610 9 682 182 32.7 663 197 31.7 642 215 30.7 620 234 29.7 606 247 29.0
12 714 188 34.2 693 204 33.2 670 222 32.0 645 242 30.8 630 255 30.0
15 715 188 34.2 693 204 33.2 670 222 32.0 645 242 30.8 630 255 30.0
20 714 188 34.2 693 204 33.2 670 222 32.0 645 242 30.8 630 255 30.2

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P a r t L oa d P e r for m a n c e

30SCC160- 315 Part Load Performanc

Complied with "JRA 4030- 1994 Indication Standard of Part Load Performance for Water- Chilling Packages"



      ) 60


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

30SCC355- 610 Part Load Performanc

Complied with " JRA 4030- 1994 Indication Standard of Part Load Performance for Water- Chilling Packages"




      ( 60



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

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W ir i n g D i a g r a m L e ge n d


BPC Brine Pump Contactor OLc Over Load Relay, Compressor

C Compressor Contactor OLS Oil Level Switch
CD Compressor Contactor (Delta Operation) OS Oil Line Valve Solenoid
COMP Compressor Motor PB1 Start Push Button
CRB Control Relay Board PB2 Stop Push Button
CS Compressor Contactor (Star Operation) PIO Processing (Input Output) Board
CT Current Transducer PLM Pre-Lube Pump Motor
EEV Extended Electric Expansion Valve Board PLPC Pre-Lube Pump Contactor
EIO Extended Input Output Board RB Resistor Board
EXV Electric Expansion Valve RPR Reverse Phase Protection Relay
FS Flow Switch S Switch
FSX Aux. Relay (Flow Switch) TB Terminal Block
GL Green Lamp (RUNNING) TDR Time Delay Relay
HPS High Pressure Switch Trans Transformer
HPSX Aux. Relay (High Pressure Switch) TS Test Switch
IPF Fan Motor Internal Protector U Unloader Valve Solenoid
IPFX Aux. Relay (Fan Motor Internal Protector)
IPP Pre-Lube Pump Internal Protector Connector
OFM Outdoor Fan Motor Terminal
OFR Outdoor Fan Relay Factory Wiring (In The Control Box)
OHC Oil Heater Cable Factory Wiring (Out of Control Box)

OL Orange Lamp (Warning) Field Wiring


DGP Discharge Gas Pressure PIP Pre-Oil Pressure

ECP Economizer Pressure SGP Suction Gas Pressure
OIP Oil Pressure


CCT Compressor Motor Temperature LT Leaving Water Temperature

DGT Discharge Gas Temperature OAT Outdoor Air Temperature
ET Entering Water Temperature

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3 0 S C C 1 6 0 ,1 8 0 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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3 0 S C C 1 6 0 ,1 8 0 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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3 0 S C C 2 1 2 ,2 6 5 ,3 1 5 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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3 0 S C C 2 1 2 ,2 6 5 ,3 1 5 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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30SCC355 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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30SCC355 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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3 0 S C C 3 5 5 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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3 0 S C C 4 2 5 ,5 0 0 ,6 1 0 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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3 0 S C C 4 2 5 ,5 0 0 ,6 1 0 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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3 0 S C C 4 2 5 ,5 0 0 ,6 1 0 W ir in g Dia g r a m

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C on t r o ls a n d S a fe t i e s
M i cr o p r o ce s s or b a s e d con t r ol s y s t e m

Electr ical power t o 30SCC160-610 sha ll be 400V-3PH -50Hz a nd cont rol power sh all be 230 volts, s ingle
phase. The low voltage (24V) control power is supplied through a transformer (100VA) installed in the
cont rol box. The contr ol circuit is protecte d by two 10A fuses.

•  M i c r o p r o c e s s o r - b a s e d w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e c o n t r o l
(To mainta in constan t leaving water tempera tur e)
By comput ing the leaving wat er temp different ial between a set-point an d cut-in or cut-out t empera tu re
based on u nit operat ing conditions (No. of runn ing compr essor, ent ering an d leaving water t empera tu re),
th e microprocessor determ ines optimum capacity cont rol steps.
Factory pre-set leaving water temperature is 7 ℃ .

•  F a n c y c l i n g
The fan cycling cont rol main ta ins the hea d pressure pr imar ily dur ing the inter mediate seasons when the
outdoor temperature is relatively low for cooling. The microprocessor controls the number of fans to
operate by sensing a head pressure which will vary in responding to the change of outdoor air
temp er atu r e.

•  L ow w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e cu t ou t
The t her mostat is mount ed on t he wat er outlet piping. For water freeze-up protection, it activates t o stop
compressor opera tions when chilled water temper at ur e drops to 2 ℃ .
Push PB2 button for manu al reset an d subsequently push PB1 button for r estart of unit.

•  Lo ck o u t cir cu it
Safeties shall include compressor overload relay and compressor discharge thermostat, low water
temper at ur e cut out , high pressur e switches, low pressur e sensors, an d fan m otor protector.
When an y fau lt is indicated, tur n off th e unit operat ion by pushing th e OFF but ton,
(the war ning light goes off) an d identify the cause.
The compr essor will never rest ar t un less this pr ocedure is followed.

•  W a t e r f lo w s w i t c h
A wat er flow switch (field supplied) should be insta lled in th e wat er piping line to prevent th e un it from
starting when water is not circulating through the cooler. The flow switch should be connected to the
ter mina ls 12 and 13 in the cont rol box with pum p interlock in series. These are dr y cont acts, and m ake
sur e ther e is no voltage to these term inals.

•  P u m p i n t e r l oc k  
Never fail to connect the interlock of the water pump to protect the cooler from water freezing. If the
interlock is not u sed, start the wat er pump m ore th an 3 minutes earlier before star ting the u nit an d do
not stop the pu mp at least for 3 minut es after t he un it stops.
The pu mp in ter lock should be conn ected to the ter mina ls 12 and 13 in th e cont rol box with flow switch in
series. No-voltage relay m ust be installed for t he int erlock. If there is voltage, th at causes some dam ages
in microprocessor controller board.

•  M i n i m u m o p e r a t i n g t i m e f or c om p r e s s o r
Once compressor starts, it shall keep running for at least 2 minutes regardless of thermostat setting of 
water t emperatur e unless a safety trips.

•  C om p r e s s o r s t a r t d e l a y t i m e r a n d T im e g u a r d
The starting of each compressor is controlled by the microprocessor. The compressors do not start
immediately after a start button is pushed. The time guard provides 3-minute delay in restart of each
compressor to prevent short cycling.

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•  C o n t r o l s a n d S a f e t i e s
High-pressure switch Cutout:2.01 MPa, Cut-in:1.72 MPa
Low-pressure Cut-out Cutout:0 kPa *1)
Discharge Gas Thermostat Cutout:104℃
Internal Protector, Fan Motor Cutout:135℃
Internal Protector, Compressor Motor Cutout:118℃
Low Water Temp, Cut-out Cutout:2℃
Low Flow Rate Protector Cutout:*2)
Fusible Plug Cutout:Melts at 72℃
*1) The low-pressure cutout shall be bypassed for one minute after compressor starts and for two
minutes after no.of operating fans increases.
*2) When entering and leaving water temperature difference widens over 15℃

S ou n d D a t a
Sound pressure level (dB) Re 0.0002 Microbar
Mid frequency of octave band (Hz)
UNIT 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 A-Scale
30SCC160 59.7 65.3 64.9 59.9 59.0 51.9 40.8 32.0 63.0
30SCC180 58.9 64.3 64.3 59.7 61.2 53.2 41.4 31.8 64.0
30SCC212 59.4 67.9 67.0 61.3 60.2 56.5 43.7 37.3 65.0
30SCC265 58.0 67.2 66.1 60.5 61.5 55.4 46.0 37.7 65.0
30SCC315 56.5 66.5 64.7 60.1 61.6 57.0 45.8 40.2 65.0
30SCC355 60.6 66.0 66.1 61.4 63.4 55.2 42.8 32.9 66.0
30SCC425 60.4 68.9 68.0 62.2 61.1 57.8 44.5 38.2 66.0
30SCC500 59.9 69.5 68.4 62.6 63.4 57.1 47.4 38.8 67.0
30SCC610 58.0 68.4 66.4 61.8 63.7 59.2 47.5 41.8 67.0
Criterion: 1.Microphone position; 1m away from sw.box side of the unit and 1.5m high above the floor.
2.Operating condition for sound level measurement; Chilled water leaving temp. 7 ℃ , outdoor air temp. 35℃ at full load.

E l e ct r i ca l D a t a
MODEL NO. POWER SUPPLY  MODEL × NO. (ea) (ea) (ea) VOLT Ph (ea) (ea)
RANGE [A] [A] [A] [A] FANS
[A] [A] [A] [A] [kW]
30SCC160 126 200 110 236 06NA2174NA× 1 92.6 226 154 4 400 3 2.6 0.9
30SCC180 149 250 125 280 06NA2209NA× 1 111 270 186 4 400 3 2.6 0.9
30SCC212 172 275 150 319 06NA2250NA× 1 126 303 225 6 400 3 2.6 0.9
30SCC265 216 350 200 403 06NA2300NA× 1 161 387 277 6 400 3 2.6 0.9
30SCC315 400V-3Ph- 50Hz 342- 440 269 450 250 416 06NA2300EA× 1 203 400 311 6 400 3 2.6 0.9
30SCC355 270 350 250 402 06NA2209NA× 2 111 270 186 8 400 3 2.6 0.9
30SCC425 314 400 300 460 06NA2250NA× 2 126 303 225 12 400 3 2.6 0.9
30SCC500 392 500 350 579 06NA2300NA× 2 161 387 277 12 400 3 2.6 0.9
30SCC610 494 600 450 637 06NA2300EA× 2 206 400 311 12 400 3 2.6 0.9

FLA  - Full Load Amps (Fan Motors)

ICF - Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow during starting (the point in the stating sequence where the sum of the LRA for the starting
compressor plus the total RLA for all running compressors plus the total FLA for all running fan motors is maximum).
LRA  - Locked Rotor Amps
MCA  - Minimum Circuit Amp (for wire sizing)
MFA  - Maximum Fuse Amps
MTA  - Must Trip Amps (Circuit Breaker)
OUTPUT - Fan Motor Nominal Output
Ph - Phase
RFA  - Recommended Fuse Amps
RLA  - Rated Load Amps (Compressors)

•  E l e c t r i c a l n o t e s :

1. All units have single-point power connection to simplify field-power wiring. Main power must be
supp lied from a field-supplied fused disconn ect.
2. Power to control circuit must be supplied from separate source, through a field-supplied fused

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C e n t e r o f G r a v it y a n d W e i gh t D i s t r i bu t i on
(kg) X Y Z A B C D E F H I
30SCC160 2,200 997 962 937 299 306 245 251 543 557 − −
30SCC180 2,220 996 963 934 356 366 201 207 538 553 − −
30SCC212 2,560 1,274 948 929 377 375 269 267 637 635 − −
30SCC265,315 2,800 1,523 949 935 403 402 301 301 697 696 − −
30SCC355 3,890 2,235 980 965 337 324 296 284 691 664 660 634
30SCC425 4,630 2,731 966 952 411 384 366 342 825 771 792 740
30SCC500,610 4,790 2,731 966 946 425 397 379 354 853 797 819 765



Y Height Z Y Height Z

SW& Control Box X SW & Control Box

30SCC160,180,212,265,315 30SCC355,425,500,610

Installation Space

1.   Location for in sta llation sh ould be level and a ble to support un it operating weight (listed in t he t able

2.   Pr ovide sufficient space for t aking in fresh a ir an d servicing aroun d th e un it as shown in t he figure
an d the t able below. Make sur e th at a space for discha rge air above the u nit (over hea d air flow) is
also kept open.

Installation Space (mm)

SW & Control Box Side Service Space 1,200
Water Inlet/Outlet Side Service Space 1,200

Minimum Space
Space on Coil Sides
between *
Units (Coil Side)
* 1,200
Over Head Air Flow 2,000

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3.   When installing multiple units in parallel, allow sufficient clearance between the units as shown
below to prevent int ake a nd dischar ge air from re-circulating.

4.   If th ere ar e obstacles higher t ha n th e unit in t he vicinity of th e unit , discharge duct mu st be placed

so th at t he discha rge port is higher t ha n t he height of th e obstacles.
The discharge duct must be placed vertically and their maximum height must be less than 2m.
In case of a un it with two circuits, it is r equired t o divide the du ct for each circuit in order to avoid
back-flow of the discharge air to the other circuit.

5.   If the both coil sides or a ny t hr ee sides of th e un it face walls or an y wide obsta cles, provide 2.0m or
more space on t he ea ch coil side as sh own in th e figure below. In th is case it is r ecommen ded to make
an opening par ts a t t he lower side of th e obstacles.

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Installation Foundation

1.   For insta llation, fix the un it on th e foun dat ion by putt ing anchor bolts thr ough t he un it's mount ing
holes. Place vibrat ion-proof pad of 10 to 20mm t hickness un der t he en tire bottom of th e un it fram e
and fix the unit with anchor bolts. Don't make the foundation and support the unit only at the
an chor bolt sect ions. (Refer to th e figur e below.)
2.   Condensa tion-water a nd r ainwa ter falls to the lower side of the un it. Wat erpr oof the sur face of the
foundat ion an d set draina ge cha nn els ar oun d the foun dation so th at t he water will not sta y on/ar oun d
th e foun dation.

UNIT “A” “B” “C”

30SCC160 2,400 1,100 2,300
30SCC180 2,400 1,100 2,300
30SCC212 2,900 1,350 2,800
30SCC265,315 3,400 1,600 3,300


UNIT “A” “B” “C” “D”

30SCC355 4,750 1,450 1,550 4,550
30SCC425 5,750 1,800 1,850 5,550
30SCC500 5,750 1,800 1,850 5,550
30SCC610 5,750 1,800 1,850 5,550


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1.   Electric input at operation starting is much 6.   Minimum water loop volume

larger than the input in the designed Too frequent ON-OFF cycles caused by the
operation. Electric capacity must be more fluctuation of cooling water temperature
than (MCA× Voltage × 3 ). The fluctuation affect the longevity of the unit.
Minimum water loop volume must be held in
of power volta ge mu st be with in 10% of ra tin g.
tank and water piping. And minimum water
within 2%. of voltage between lines should be loop volume must be calculated in the section
of piping tha t h olds minimum water . (like in a
2.   Compressors have oil filter inside. This oil case of bypass pipe between headers or 3-way
filter needs to be replaced periodically. valve for bypassing water an d so on)
Following replacement condition coming,
7.   If ambient t empera tu re is expected under -5℃ ,
contact your local dealer
2.1   The first oil filter replacement is the unit should be modified for year-around
necessary after 1,000 hours u nit operat ion operation model.
or 6 month s after first opera tion. 8.   If a unit is exposed in strong seasonal wind
2.2   Rout ine oil filter r eplacement is necessar y an d operated, wind baffle must be installed on
at every 4,000 hours of compressor air coil side.
operation or every 2 years after above-
9.   If a un it is insta lled in sn ow falling place and
mentioned replacement. operated, anti-snow baffle must be installed
2.3   ”A L t ” flashes on LE D of cont rol pan el.
on the unit. If it is not installed, the unit may
stop operation by failure.
3.   Chilled water flow rate must be within
operating limit to prevent cooler from partial 10.   Frequent ON-OFF operation, more than 3
water freezing, decrease of cooling capacity, tim es in one day sh ould be avoided. If mu ltiple
corr osion on tu bes or sca le on pipes. units are operated as a system for capacity
control or rotational control, each unit needs
4.   Chilled water exit tempera tur e must be under
some modification.
25 ℃ when a unit st art s operation. In case of 
large water loop volume e.g. with thermal 11.   Use the pump opera tion signal of the u nit for
storage system, make sure that water exit the operation of chilled water pump. The
temperature can go down within operation pump interlock works as cooler freezing
limit in one hour. If necessary, bypass the protection by extending pump operation just
water loop with 3-way valve or something. after the unit operation stops, and make
automatic interval operation of pump by
5.   Water pump must be installed in inlet pipe to
sensing low water temperature when the
each chiller. If it is necessary, inst all sh ut -off 
switch of the unit is OFF. And both pump
valve to prevent wa ter from falling out of heat
contactor and flow switch must be connected
exchanger during pump not operating.
in series a s inter lock circuit.
12.   Mana gement of chilled water qua lity
Make sure of checking degradation of chilled
water in routine because that would cause
corrosion or scale, which may result in
deterioration of cooling performance or some
failure. If necessary, adding anti-corrosive
chemical, deaeration or other effective anti-
corr osive pr ocess sh ould be done.

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Guide Specifications

1. General at 1.0MPa in the fluid side for a leak test in

1.1. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION accordance with Japanese high-pressure gas
Microprocessor controlled, air-cooled liquid safety code.
chiller ut ilizing R134a, screw compr essors, a nd 2. Shall be mechanically cleanable flooded
electronic expansion devices. shell-and-tube type with removable heads.
3. Tubes shall be seamless-copper type and
1.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE rolled into tube sheets.
A. Unit sha ll be ra ted in a ccordan ce with J apan ese 4. Shall be equipped with weld-on fluid
Industr ial Stan dards B 8613, latest revision. connections.
B. Unit shall be manufactured in a facility 5. Shell shall be insulated with 20mm closed-
register ed to ISO9001. cell, vinyl-chloride foam .
6. Each compressor shall incorporate
1.3. DELIVERY, STORAGE and HANDLING independent r efrigerant circuits.
A. Unit controls shall be capable of withstanding 7. Shall have a cooler drain and vent.
-20 +45℃ storage temperatu res in th e contr ol F. F in Coil:
compartment. 1. Coil shall be air-cooled with integral
B. Unit shall be stored and handled per unit subcooler, and be constructed of aluminum
manu factu re’s recommen dat ions. fins mechanically bonded to seamless copper
tubes. The tubes are then cleaned,
dehydrated, and sealed
2. Fin coils shall be leak tested and shall be
2. Products
pressure tested at 2.1MPa.
G. Refrigera tion Componen ts:
A. Genera l :
Refrigera nt circuit component s sha ll include oil
Factory assembled, single-piece, air-cooled
separator, high pressure relief device (except
liquid chiller. Contained within the unit cabinet
30SCC160), discharge and liquid line shutoff 
shall be all factory wiring, piping, controls,
valves, filter drier, moisture indicating sight
refrigerant charge (R134a), and special features
glass, electronic expansion device, refrigerant
required prior to field start-up.
economizer (only for 30SCC315 & 610) and
B. Unit Cabinet :
complete operating charge of both refrigerant
Frame and cabinet shall be of galvanized steel
R134a and compressor oil.
with a pre-painted finish. H. Contr ols, Safeties, an d Diagnostics:
C. Fans :
1. Controls:
1. Fans for fin coils shall be direct-driven, 15-
a. Unit contr ols shall include as a minimum:
blade, shrouded-axial type, and shall be
Microprocessor (CM-2),
statically and dynamically balanced with
inherent corrosion resistance. Air shall be
4-char acter diagnostic display.
discharged vertically upward.
b. Shall be capable of performing the following
2. Fans shall be protected by coated steel wire
safety guar ds.
1) Automatic compressor lead/lag switching.
D. Compr essors :
2) Capacity control based on leaving
1. Unit shall have semi-hermetic twin-screw,
chilled fluid temperature with return
gear-driven compressors with internal
fluid temperatu re sensing.
2.mu fflercompressor
Each and check valve.
shall be equipped with a c. Temperature reset shall be capable of 
resetting leaving chilled fluid t emperat ure.
discha rge sh ut off valve.
2. Diagnostics:
3. Capacity control shall be provided by pilot-
Display module sha ll be capable of displaying
operated solenoid valve, capable of reducing
set points, system stat us an d any alarm .
unit capacity to 23% of full load. Compressor
3. Safeties:
shall start in un-loaded condition.
a. Unit shall be equipped with all necessary
4. Motor cooling shall be provided by direct
components, and in conjunction with the
liquid injection and protected internal
control system shall provide the unit with
overload thermistor.
protection again st th e following:
5. Lube oil system shall include pre-filter and
1) Reverse rotation.
internal filter capable of filtration to 3
2) Low chilled fluid temper atur e.
E. Cooler : 3) Low oil pressure (each compressor circuit).
4) Therma l overload.
1. The Cooler shall be pressed at 1.4MPa in the
5) High pressure.
refrigerant-side for maximum pressure test and
6) Low pressur e.

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7) Electrical overload. L. Special Feat ur es:

8) Flow sensor For assistance in amending the specifications,
b. Fan motors shall have inherent cont act your Car rier Sales office.
overcurrent protection. 1. Anti-Corrosion Option:
I. Operating Ch ara cteristics: Unit shall be factory modified for the
1. Unit shall be capable of star ting and ru nning installation near sea or any corrosive
at outdoor ambient temperatures from -5 to environmen t in a ccordan ce with J RA-9002.

43 . 2. Remote Contr ol Option:
2. Unit shall be capable of starting up with 25℃ Unit shall be supplied with a field-installed
entering fluid temperat ure to the cooler. indoor switch pa ckage for ON-OFF contr ol.
J. Motors: 3. Protection Hood Option:
Condenser-fan motors shall be totally enclosed Unit shall be supplied with field-installed
3-phase type with permanently-lubricated protection hoods against snow or wind to keep
bearings and Class F insulation. its optimum operation.
K. Electrical Requirements: 4. Fin Guar d Option:
1. Unit primary electrical power supply shall Unit shall be supplied with factory-installed
enter the unit at a single location (some u nits fin guar ds to protect coils.
ha ve mu ltiple poles). 5. Color Option:
2. Unit shall operate on 3-phase power supply Unit shall be factory modified for the
at the voltage shown in the equipment requ ested color.
schedule. 6. Brine Option:
3. Control voltage shall be 230V or 24V, single- Unit shall be factory modified to start and
phase, separa te power supply. operate at leaving chilled fluid temperature
4. Unit shall be shipped with factory control down t o -10℃.
and power wiring installed. 7. Operat ion Monitoring Option:
Unit operation shall be monitored by field-
wiring to PC with monitoring program field-

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