The Great Novel: Noli Me Tangere and The First Homecoming
The Great Novel: Noli Me Tangere and The First Homecoming
The Great Novel: Noli Me Tangere and The First Homecoming
Reference: Life and Works of Dr. Jose P. Rizal; A Modular Approach based
on the New CHED Curriculum, M. C. Pangilinan, M. C. Franco-Igloria, E. A. P
asague, 2018, Mindshapers Co., Inc.
At the end of module 5, the student should be able to:
Salvador Fort printed Many Filipinos were forced Noli was also
copies of the Commission's to buy but they did not vociferously attacked
report and Fr. Jose believe these anti-Rizal by the Spanish
Rodriguez printed eight pamphlets. academician, Vicente
pamphlets under general The Noli was also attacked Barrantes, who was
heading “Questions of Supr in the senate of the Spanish once a ranking official
eme Interest (Custiones de Cortes. of the Philippines.
Defenders of Noli Me Tangere