Object Oriented Programming Lab: Experiement 1: Java Versions
Object Oriented Programming Lab: Experiement 1: Java Versions
Object Oriented Programming Lab: Experiement 1: Java Versions
QUESTION: Write in your own words your understanding about today’s lab covering:
1. Java Versions
2. JDK and JRE
3. Setting Path
4. Code Editors
5. Sample Hello World Program.
Java Versions:
With the upgrade in Java versions, they bring more enhanced features to make
programming easier. Some of the java versions are oak, playground, kestrel, merlin,
mustang, dolphin, spider, etc. The one we are using is dolphin.
A more detailed overlook on java versions:
JDK Alpha and Beta: was released in 1995 and had unstable API’s and
JDK 1.0: also known as Oak was released in 1996, and was the first stable version of java.
JDK 1.1: was released in 1997, and included features like inner classes, JavaBeans, JDBC,
RMI, Reflection, just in time compiler, and Internationalization and Unicode support
originating from Taligent.
J2SE 1.2: also known as Playground was released in 1998, and was a very important update
as it tripled the size of Java platform with 1520 classes in 59 packages. It included features
like Java plug-in, Java IDL, collections framework, swing graphical API integrated into core
classes, and JVM was equipped with JIT compiler.
J2SE 1.3: also known as Kestrel was released in 2000, and included features like Hot Spot
JVM, RMI was modified to be compatible with COBRA, JNDI, JPDA, Java Sound and synthetic
proxy classes.
J2SE 1.4: also known as Merlin was released in 2002, and was the first Java platform to be
released by Java community. It included features like improved libraries, Perl regular
expressions, provided expressions chaining, IPv6 support, logging API, image I/O API, XML
parser and XSLT integrated, and security and cryptography extensions.
J2SE 5.0: also known as Tiger was released in 2004, its updates include compile-time type
safety and the elimination of most typecasts, metadata or annotation, unboxing/auto
boxing, enumerations, enhanced loops, improved semantics for the execution of
multithreaded java programs, and static imports.
JAVA SE 6: also known as Mustang was released in2006. Its features included support for
older Win9x versions, scripting language support, Generic API for tight integration and
scripting languages, improved web support services, JDBC 4.0 support, and Java compiler
API to invoke compiler programmatically.
JAVA SE7: also known as Dolphin was released in 2011. Its features included JVM support
for dynamic languages, compressed 64bit pointer, strings in switch, automatic resource
management in try statement, binary integer literals, underscore allowed in numeric literals,
diamond operator, improved catching and throwing, provided Java development rule set.
JAVA SE8: also known as Spider was released in 2014. It included Language support for
lambda expressions, allowed developers to embed java code in applications, annotations of
java types, provided data and time API, repeating annotations, launching java FX
applications, and removal of permanent generation.
JAVA SE9: was released in 2017 and its features included modularization of JDK under
Project Jigsaw, provided money and currency API, tight integration with Java FX, Java
implementation of reactive streams, more concurrency updates, provided Java linkers and
automatic scaling and sizes
JAVA SE10: was released in 2018, and it included local variable type inference, experimental
Java based JIT compiler, application class data sharing, time based released versioning,
parallel full GC for G1, garbage collector interface, additional Unicode language-tag
suggestion, root certificates, thread loaded languages, heap allocation on alternative
memory devices, removal of Javah, and consolidate JDK forest into single repositories. JAVA
SE11: not released yet.
Setting Path:
Path is an environment variable which specifies the directories to search in order to use a
command. By setting the path, we can specify at which location a particular class file or
library is placed in our system. So when the program runs, it knows where it can find all the
resources needed.
The path can also be set temporarily by the command: set path=”path”
Code editors:
Code editor or source code editor is a compiler, interpreter and debugger all together used
to make programming easier. They highlight and differentiate the different parts of a
program and also make finding errors easier.
Some of the source code editors for Java are VS Code, Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, Kite, etc.