In Reply Please Quote:: Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection
In Reply Please Quote:: Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection
In Reply Please Quote:: Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Ms Mutiara SADJAD
Komp Perum Dosen Unhas H15
Tamalanrea Jaya
Sulawesi Selatan
Notification of the grant of a VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR (Subclass 600) visa.
I wish to advise that a decision has been made on this application and a visa has been granted
on 14 July 2015 to the applicant(s) listed in the Visa Grant Notice, which contains important
information about your visa. Please keep a copy of this letter and the Visa Grant Notice in a
safe place for your reference.
Yours sincerely
The Australian Embassy, JL. HR Rasuna Said Kav C15-16, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan-12940, INDONESIA
Embassy website: General Website:
Email enquiry form:
Position Number: 60031512
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
The following is important information, including your visa grant number or transaction
reference number. This is the unique number assigned to your visa. Please keep this visa
number with you for the life of your visa, as you may be asked for it.
Details of Application
Application ID IRIS 10263305601
Visa Class VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR (Subclass 600)
Application Lodgement Date 14 July 2015
File Number 01208615
Grant ID 0570112692470K
Payment Receipt Number 170000001782
Decision Date 14 July 2015
Primary Applicant
Name Mutiara SADJAD
Date of Birth 01 April 1995
Application ID 10263305601
Citizenship Indonesia
Passport Number B1508880
Visa Grant Number 0570112692470K
Visa Stream Tourist
Visa Grant Date 14 July 2015
Stay For/Until 3 Month(s)
Entries Single
Last Date to Arrive 14 October 2015
8101 - NO WORK
No visa label required. The Australian Government does not require you to have a visa label
placed into your passport for travel to Australia. However, if you are transiting or exiting
through another country, it is your responsibility to check with the relevant government
authorities regarding requirements to show a visa label in your passport. The Australian
Government cannot advise on other countries' requirements.
More information on travelling without a visa label and visa entitlements verification is
available at
Other Applicants
No Other Applicants Recorded
You can access your visa information at any time using Visa Entitlement Verification
Online (VEVO), a free web-based service available 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week.
You should keep this letter in a safe place as it contains useful information which will assist
you when accessing VEVO. To log into VEVO you will need your passport information and
your visa grant number or transaction reference number (if lodged online) listed above. More
information is available at
Foreign governments have been informed about Australia’s label-free policy and airline staff
will electronically confirm you have a valid visa before you board the plane to travel to
Most countries have specific entry, exit and visa requirements. If you are transiting or exiting
through another country, it is your responsibility to check with the relevant government
authorities. The Australian Government cannot advise on other countries’ requirements.
Polio vaccinations
On 5 May 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director General declared the recent
international spread of wild type polio virus to be a ‘public health emergency of international
concern’ under the International Health Regulations (IHR). Ten countries, listed below, have
been identified as having suffered recent outbreaks of Polio. If you are from one of the
countries listed below, or have spent 28 days or longer in these countries on or after 5 May
2014, we encourage you to have a polio vaccination prior to departing for Australia. Having
the vaccination will also assist in eradicating the spread of polio. To obtain maximum benefit
in assisting with the eradication of the spread of polio, it is advisable to have the vaccination
at least 4 weeks prior to your travel. Countries: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea,
Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria
Position Number: 60031512
Department of Immigration and Border Protection