Manish Acts and Rules Mindmap
Manish Acts and Rules Mindmap
Manish Acts and Rules Mindmap
FACTORIES ACT IN INDIA:In India, the First factories Act was passed in FACTORIES ACT INCLUDES:
1881.This Act was basically designed to protect childrenand to provide Health
few measures for health and safety ofthe workers.This law was Safety
Factory Act in india applicable to only those factories, whichemployed 100 or more
OFFENCESA court can take cognizance of the offence only whenthe workers.In 1891 another Factories Act was passed whichextended to Working
Hours Of Adults
complaint is made within 3 months of the date onwhich the alleged the factories employee 50 or more workers. Annual Leave With wages
General penalties for offence
Penalty for the contravention of Provisions Relating toHazardous
Penalty for obstructing Inspector
Penalty for wrongfully Disclosing Results of AnalysisPenalty relating Penalties
to casing of new machinery
Penalties for Offences by workers & Parents
Penalty for offence by a medical practitioner
Penalty for employing child labour