Learn To Weave On The Inkle Loom
Learn To Weave On The Inkle Loom
Learn To Weave On The Inkle Loom
Inkle Loom
spinning | weaving | carding | felting | knitting | dyeing
Inkle bands are strong and useful braids.
Create colourful belts, bracelets, ties, guitar
front back
upright upright
straps, shoe laces or trims for weaving. You can
sew them together and make bags, placemats,
cushion covers and much more.
The Inkle Loom produces a warp-faced band in washer and
which the warp completely covers the weft. handle
top rear
leash pegs
start and
end here
warping pegs
(9 in total)
tension peg
screw shuttle
start peg
Determine how long you want your weaving to be. You can
weave between 1.3 - 2.8 metre-long (51 - 110") warps. Use a Round 1
piece of scrap yarn to work out the path of the warp.
Round 2
Round 2
Round 2
1. Round 1 - Black 15. Round 1 - Green 29. Round 1 - Blue 43. Round 1 - White 57. Round 1 - Blue
2. Round 2 - Black 16. Round 2 - Green 30. Round 2 - Green 44. Round 2 - White 58. Round 2 - Blue
3. Round 1 - Black 17. Round 1 - Green 31. Round 1 - Blue 45. Round 1 - Black 59. Round 1 - Blue
4. Round 2 - Black 18. Round 2 - Green 32. Round 2 - Green 46. Round 2 - Black 60. Round 2 - Blue
5. Round 1 - Black 19. Round 1 - Green 33. Round 1 - Blue 47. Round 1 - Black 61. Round 1 - Blue
6. Round 2 - Black 20. Round 2 - Green 34. Round 2 - Green 48. Round 2 - Black 62. Round 2 - Green
7. Round 1 - Black 21. Round 1 - Blue 35. Round 1 - Blue 49. Round 1 - Black 63. Round 1 - Blue
8. Round 2 - Black 22. Round 2 - Green 36. Round 2 - Blue 50. Round 2 - Black 64. Round 2 - Green
9. Round 1 - White 23. Round 1 - Blue 37. Round 1 - Blue 51. Round 1 - Black 65. Round 1 - Blue
10. Round 2 - White 24. Round 2 - Green 38. Round 2 - Blue 52. Round 2 - White 66. Round 2 - Green
11. Round 1 - White 25. Round 1 - Blue 39. Round 1 - Blue 53. Round 1 - White 67. Round 1 - Blue
12. Round 2 - White 26. Round 2 - Green 40. Round 2 - Blue 54. Round 2 - White 68. Round 2 - Green
13. Round 1 - Green 27. Round 1 - Blue 41. Round 1 - White 55. Round 1 - White 69. Round 1 - Blue
14. Round 2 - Green 28. Round 2 - Green 42. Round 2 - White 56. Round 2 - Blue 70. Round 2 - Green....
01 02
Round 1
Wrap the beginning warp thread around the starter screw. Round 1. Take the yarn up and over the top front peg and
over top rear peg. Follow the warping pegs, including the
tension peg and bottom peg and return to the starter peg.
03 04
Round 2
Round 2. Take the yarn straight up and over the top rear peg When you need to change colours, cut the first colour just
and around the same warping pegs and back to the starter past the start peg.
peg. Repeat as per your draft.
05 06
Tie on the next colour using a reef knot as shown above. Every time you change colours throughout the warp, tie on
(Reef knot: left over right, right over left). the new colour at the start peg.
07 08
As the warp gets wider slide the threads towards the loom When you have completed the warp, tie the last thread
side so they do not slip off the pegs. to the beginning thread you had wrapped around the
starter screw.
09 10
Finished warp. Now you need to make the leashes. Making leashes. Use string or fine strong cotton. Wind the
string around the two leash pegs as shown until you have
enough leashes for your top (Round 1) threads.
11 12
Cut the string as shown. Be careful not to cut your warp Fold each leash in half and tie a knot 1cm (3/8") from the
threads. end. Each leash should be the same length 12cm (4¾").
13 14
Adding the leashes. Take a leash up and over the first thread Slip the loops onto the leash peg. NOTE: leashes are only
of the warp (Round 1 thread). on top threads (Round 1 threads).
15 16
Continue across the warp adding leashes to all Round 1 Shed 1: Push the threads down to create a space (shed) in
threads. Keeping your threads in order, you should have front of the leashes.
Round 1 with a leash, then the Round 2 thread, then the next
Round 1 with a leash and so on. NOTE: Use the top rear peg
to sort through the threads as you add the leashes.
17 18
Shed 2: Push the threads up to create a space (shed) in front Clamp the loom onto the table.
of the leashes.
19 20
Wind the weft thread onto the shuttle. For tidy edges use a Spread the warp by making Shed 1 and place in a piece
weft thread the same colour as the edge warp threads. of cardboard. Make Shed 2 and place another piece of
cardboard in and gently push into place.
21 22
You are now ready to weave. Make Shed 2 - Up. Put your shuttle between Shed 2 and
Make Shed 1 - Down. Pass the shuttle all the way through the beat the previous weft into place. Continue taking the
space between the threads (threads down, Shed 1). shuttle through Shed 2 (after beating).
Note: Leave about 10cm of weft thread hanging out, this will
be darned in when you have finished.
Pull the weft thread tightly. The warp threads will move together so you cannot see the weft at all through the warp.
Change to Shed 1 - Down. Put your shuttle into Shed 1. Beat the previous weft firmly into place. Continue taking the shuttle through
Shed 1. Pull the weft thread tightly. Change back to Shed 2 - Up.
Repeat this sequence.
24 25
Continue weaving. Winding on. Loosen the nylon knob. Move the tension peg
back to loosen the warp.
26 27
Gently pull the warp forward towards you until the end of Pull the tension peg forward until the warp is tight. Tighten
the woven piece is about 5cm (2") from the front peg. All the the nylon knob. As you move the weaving past the start peg
threads will move around the pegs. you can remove the cardboard spacers. Continue weaving.
28 29
Stop weaving when you can’t weave any longer because the Sewing in weft ends. Sew the weft back three or four sheds
knots in the warp are close to the leashes. to lock it, this is easier to do with the warp under tension.
You are now ready to remove your weaving from the loom
BUT before you do, sew in the weft ends.
To keep the edges straight when weaving follow these
simple rules:
Remove the weaving from the loom by cutting each half of the
warp a few centimetres (inches) behind the leashes. Pull the
threads out off the leashes.
To finish either let the ends hang loose as a fringe, plait them,
twist them, tie knots in them or glue them and cut them close
to the braid.
Apart from the patterns in the warp, there are lots of pick-up
and pick-down patterns, patterns using different colours and
thicknesses of warp and weft and so on. You can even weave
letters and words.
Annie Machale from Soquel, USA sent us this letter chart illustrating how each letter is made up of blocks. NB: In this draft. Each block
consists of 3 consecutive turquoise threads (see draft below). When not needed as part of the letter, you must drop the turquoise out
of the way and lift the black from below. For this to work out, you must consider the black and turquoise threads next to each other as
complementary pairs. Whenever you drop a turquoise thread, you must pick up its corresponding black thread (the one just to its right)
from the lower shed.
For example, the letter A is formed in 3 sheds by the following method:
Row 1: Start the letter by weaving a plain row in the shed with turquoise on top. Pass weft. Change sheds. Beat.
Row 2: All black will be on top. Using your fingers or a pickup stick from left to right, keep the border threads. Next you will pick a
turquoise and drop a black. Repeat two more times so that you now have 3 turquoise. Keep the next 3 black. Pick turquoise and drop
black for the next three. Keep the next six black. Keep the border threads. Hold all of these up as you pass the weft. Change sheds.
Row 3: All turquoise will be on top. Pass the weft. Change sheds. Beat.
Notice in the letter charts that each letter stands 5 blocks tall as you read it. Most letters are 3 blocks (shed rows) wide, although
letters with diagonal lines will take 4-5 blocks (sheds) to complete.
Border = Your Choice Pattern Area = 15 Each of 2 Colours of Same Weight Yarn Border = Your Choice
For more information, helpful hints and inspiration visit www.ashford.co.nz