ISSN : 2347 - 9817 (Print) Vol. 5, Issue 4 (Oct. - Dec. 2017) Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2017)
University College of Anuradhapura, University of Vocational Technology, Sri Lanka
In this paper the electronic circuit which is activated or turn on by the external sound is like claps or any other sound more than
2200Hz to 2800Hz frequency. When the remote point received the very first sound once the electronic circuit is switch on. If another
one sound received by the system as a second input automatically system is going to off stage. The fundamental concept of the clap
switch is microphone received the sound of the clap or any other sound, the circuit will be activated This kind of system has been
helpful of the day to day activity example person can switch on and off the light any place in the room although lying in bed just
clapping hands light is activated. This kind of switches mechanism were implemented with the different technology out of that we
were analysed efficiency and effectiveness mechanism based on the NE 555 Clap Switch and Arduino Clap Switch. The NE 555 based
clap switch is cost efficiency Arduino based Clap Switch is generating accuracy signals effective manner.
Clap switch, Arduino Mega2560, NE 555
I. Introduction the 2nd timer triggers the relay a conducting path is established
The fundamental concept of a ‘Clap Switch’ it’s in the title itself. between terminals of the load and hence the device is turned
The clap sounds were overseer if the switch were turns on stage on. The time interval between the claps is judged with the
until received the second input clap sound. When the second clap time constant established with the RC configuration which is
sound arrived to the circuit automatically goes to turn off stage. T=1.1R7*C3 [3].
The fundamental design of the NE 555 based clap switch is a
Microphone received the sound more than 25 dBA and convert 2. Approach
the sound signal as the electrical energy then amplifier were • The microphone will pick the hand clap sound and converted
enlarge the signal with the help of integrate circuit NE 555 timer as an electro signal.
to recognized the clap sound finally activate the circuit this is the • Human hand clap sound are normally within the 2200Hz to
general design of the clap switch. The Arduino based clap switch 2800Hz array.
also carry out the same mechanism NE 555 is replaced with the In the circuit the second stage amplifier will amplify the
Arduino ATmega2560 but the implementation part is easier than signal that has to be helpful the NE 555 timer to Identify the
the NE 555 based clap switch. hand first clap sound.
The clap switch mechanism is helpful of the human daily activity • Switch will trigger the device and move to ON state.
like switch on/off the light in the home from any location. Switch • The second hand clap is Identify by the NE 555 timer within
on and off any peripherals inside the vehicles, activate the security an interval then the switch will trigger the device and move
cameras for the general purpose and the military purpose. Totally to OFF state.
the advantages of clap switch circuit are Energy efficient system,
normal cost and reliable circuit, High Accuracy and Complete II. Material and methodology
elimination of manpower. The implementation of the clap switch Mechanism has following
stages showed in the Figure 1. Initial the received signal through
1. Related Work the microphone is passed to the circuit then the system will be
Olokede, S.S were proposed clap activated switch device that will activated with the first input. Until received the second signal
serve well in different phono-controlled applications, providing circuit is in the activated stage. After received second output to
inexpensive key and at the same time flee from false triggering the circuit its goes to knock off stage.
Jeneeth Subashini et al. designed sound activated system by used
Triac(BT136). In this system the condenser microphone is fitted
to monitor and generates AC signal. The AC signal which passes
through DC blocking capacitor to base transistor (BC549). When
TRIAC fires, it activates the Bulb glows [2].
Somangshu Bagchi et al. presented a method for clap switch with
555 timer chips, working of clocks and the relay. This type of
device provides us with the working of NE555 timer
chips and the relay. The relay is a type of switch which provides
a conducting path only when current flows it. In
component or compound, that can conduct electricity under some converts the high frequency voltage into variety. There will be a
circumstances but not others, making it a good medium for the highest signal within the Analog to Digital converter reading of
control of electrical power. the ATmega2560. This highest signal finding can toggle a light-
Alternating current is electric current that reverses its direction emitting diode on the circuit, on every interval clap[4].
many times a second at regular intervals, typically used in power Arduino Micro controller is a multipurpose tool that can be used for
supplies. many electronic circuits implementation it’s simply provide many
Microphone is the formally defined as an acoustic to electronic function to a particular circuit. In the implementation of the clap
transducer or simply a sensor that can convert audio format switch module Arduino based mechanism were developed with
signal to the electronic energy in this design of the clap switch the usage of the Arduino microcontroller. Technical specification
microphone is used to detect the clap audio as the basic input to of the system showed in the Table 2 [5, 6].
activate and deactivate the circuit.
Diode is an electronic device that controls current flow mainly Table. 2: Technical specification of the Arduino clap switch
to one direction. Electronic Components Specification
Transistor is a small electronic device containing a semiconductor Microcontroller ATmega2560
and having at least three electrical contacts, used in a circuit as Operating Voltage 5V
an amplifier, detector, or switch. Input Voltage (Recommended 7-12V
LED is a semiconductor diode that converts applied voltage to Input Voltage (Limited) 6-20V
light and is used in lamps and digital displays. Digital I/O Pins 54 (of which 15
Transformer is an electrical device that used to transfer the provide Pulse Width
electric energy from one circuit to another, especially a set of Modulation output)
multiply wound, inductively coupled wire coils that affect such a Analog Input Pins 16
transfer with a change in voltage, current, phase, or other electric DC Current per I/O Pin 20mA
characteristic. DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50mA
Wire is a commonly flexible metal filament or rod made in many Flash Memory 256 kb which 8 kb
lengths and diameters, sometimes covered and often electrically used by boot loader
insulated, used chiefly for structural support or to pass the SRAM 8 kb
electricity. EEPROM 8 KB
Relay is a device that responds to changes in voltage to voltage by Clock Speed 16 MHz
activating switches or other devices in an electrical circuit. LED Build in 13
Condenser microphone consisting of a capacitor with one plate Capacitors 100nF
fixed and the other forming the diaphragm moved by sound Resistor (R1) 1M ohm
waves. Resistor (R2) 1k ohm
Resistor (R3) 15k ohm
2. Arduino based clap switch mechanism Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Arduino based Clap Switch Mechanism (Figure 5) circuit
consuming the concept of Analog to Digital Conversion in Arduino
ATmega2560. The Microphone and ATmega2560 to sense the
sound and activate a response based on that basically turns ON
or OFF the device.
to Digital Conversion because of that after filtration with the usage cheaper than the Arduino based system.
of transistor simply can amplifier signal voltage then is feed to
Analog to Digital Conversion channel to converter the analog IV. Conclusions
signal to digital formation[7]. Assembling the circuit on the breadboard and having tested
in multiple times with different test cases we could build our
analogRead(pin); autonomous clapping switches with these two mechanism NE
analogReference(); 555 clap switch and Arduino clap switch both were worked with
const int analogInPin = A0; // Analog input pin 0 efficiency and effectively.
int sensorValue = 0;
void setup() References
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DDRD = 0xFF; Leonardo Journal of Sciences, 7(13), pp.44-58.
} [2] Jeneeth Subashini, S., Krishnan, R.G., Karthick, S and
void loop() ArunKumar, V., 2014. Sound Heard Dimming Light Circuit
{ with Three States used for Domestic alerts, Roofings in
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin); //read Analog to Hotels, Kids corner. International Journal of Electrical and
Digital Conversion(ADC) value on channel 0 Electronics Research, 2(3), pp.290-300.
if(sensorValue>60) [3] Bagchi, S., Ghosh, S. and Nandi, D., 2013. Clap Switching.
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PORTD ^= (1<<7); //If there is a peak toggle the LED on and 4(11), pp.1356-1367
OFF on pin7. [4] Wilcher, D., 2012. Learn electronics with Arduino. Apress.,
delay(250); pp. 1-205
} [5] Amariei, C., 2015. Arduino Development Cookbook. Packt
Publishing Ltd., pp. 31-152
To the Arduino based clap switch mechanism above mentation [6] Margolis, M., 2011. Arduino Cookbook: Recipes to Begin,
codes needs to be feed to the ATmega2560. In here analog pin 0 Expand, and Enhance Your Projects. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".,
assigned as a input then reading the analog to digital conversion pp. 27-154.
value on the channel 0 if there any peak toggle occur to the circuit [7]
LED automatically on and off connected with the pin 7. switch-using-arduino Access on 5 July 2017. Temp123
[8] Ojeleke B., & Olawale S. 2014. Design and Construction of
III. Result and discussion Clap Activated Switch. National Diploma Project Report,
To measure the efficiency of the both system acoustic measurements Federal Polytechnic, Electrical Electronics Engineering,
is very important. The Acoustic Measurements result is mostly Offa.
depending on the internal components of the microphone such as
springy clamping, ring capillary tube, gold-plated contact, disc Author’s Profile
spring, quartz isolation disc, backplate electrode and membrane.
The efficiency of the system is determining the sound velocity Jeyaperatha Thiruthanigesan is a
also. The NE 555 based clap switch and Arduino based clap switch National Vocational Qualification
were analysis with acoustic and sound velocity measurements. (NVQ) Level 5 High National Diploma
Finally, Arduino based systems were providing more efficient holder in the field of Information
than the NE 555 based clap switch circuit. and Communication Technology,
at College of Technology Jaffna,
Sri Lanka. Her engaged research
areas are Software programming,
Database Management System and
Embedded system design.
Kanagasabai Thiruthanigesan
presently as an Instructor attached
to the University College of Jaffna,
University of Vocational Technology,
Fig. 7: Oscilloscope signal reading NE 555 based clap switch Jaffna, Sri Lanka. And Visiting
Lecturer College of Technology
Simply can measure the cost efficiency of the both system. The Jaffna, Sri Lanka. He is graduate
minimum cost is required to implement the NE 555 based clap from the Loyola College Chennai,
switch but implementing Arduino based clap switch module is India. Affiliated University of
expensive. Arduino based clap switch module is working technical Madras, and at present M.Sc.
efficient manner. The power consuming of the both systems are Computer Science at University of
similar. Maintenance of the system NE 555 based clap switch is Peradeniya. His engaged research
Nagarathnam Thiruchchelvan
presently as a Lecturer attached
to the Department of Post-Harvest
Technology, University College
of Anuradhapura, University
of Vocational Technology,
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. He is
graduated from University of Jaffna
and at present M.Phil. Scholar in same
University in the field of Biological
control. His engaged research areas
are Entomopathogenic nematodes,
Biological control of insect pests,
Plant pathology, Nature conservation, Integrated Pest Management,
Aquaponics, Storage pest control and Biotechnology.