Vamp Stuff
Vamp Stuff
Vamp Stuff
Damien Daville, Founder of the Vampire Church and President of the Darkfear Network
THE BLACK VEIL 2.0 The Black Veil is a code of ethics written for the Sanguinarium movement and has been adopted
by many individuals, households and organizations within the vampyre/vampire community. Originally it was written in
1997 by Father Sebastian of House Sahjaza as a code of conduct for patrons of the vampyre haven Long Black Veil in
New York City. It was then amended by Lady Melanie in 1998 and 1999. The Black Veil has been since revised and
evolved by Michelle Belanger of House Kheperu with input and suggestions by the greater vampyre/vampire subculture.
In March 2000 COVICA, a council of collected elders from different traditions revised the Black Veil 1.0. It was then at
the BV gained popularity and was translated in to Portuguese, German and Spanish. Although not indented it was also
distributed as the “13 Rules of the Community.” Now in late 2002 Michelle Belanger, with the input of Father Sebastian
and others, presents the BV 2.0 as a philosophy and tradition of ethics, not rules. This code is voluntary and is meant
only to set an example for, not dictate or govern the scene. This updated and simplified version of the Black Veil is NOT
a set of laws or rules and is no longer the “13 rules of the community,” but was written as an example set of ethics and
ideas. It is your individual or group’s choice to adopt the Black Veil. This document may be printed out for personal or
non-commercial or community use, only if proper credit and no alternations to the original text are made. Amendments
for each household, court or community made be freely added as long as the original test is not altered. Please respect
I. DISCRETION Respect yourself and present yourself so that others also respect you. Take care in who you reveal
yourself to. Explain what you are, not to shock, but to teach and to inform. Do not flaunt what you are, and know that
whether you want them to or not, your actions will reflect upon the rest of the community. Share your nature only with
those with the wisdom to understand and accept it, and learn to recognize these people.
I. DIVEIRSITY Among us, there are many different practices and many points of view. No single one of us has all the
answers to who and what we are. Respect each person's individual choices and beliefs. Learn about them and share
what you know. Our diversity is our strength, and we should not allow misunderstanding to weaken our community. Find
the path that is right for you and uphold this freedom for others.
III. CONTROL Do not allow your darkness to consume you. You are more than just your hunger, and you can exercise
conscious control. Do not be reckless. Always act with a mind toward safety. Never feed because you think this makes
you powerful; feed because this is what you must do. Be true to your nature, but never use it as an excuse to endanger
IV. ELDERS Give respect to those who have earned it. Anyone can claim a title, but a true leader will prove him or
herself through dedication, hard work, and great deeds. Even so, leaders should be guides and not dictators. Look to
them as examples, but always decide for yourself what you must do. Respect the person, not the position, and
Educate yourself about risky behaviours, then always act with wisdom and common sense. Do not allow others to
abuse you, but also, do not selfishly abuse. Respect the rights of others and treat them as you would be treated.
VI. DONORS Feeding should occur between consenting adults. Allow donors to make an informed decision before they
give of themselves to you. Do not take rapaciously from others, but seek to have an exchange that is pleasant and
beneficial for all. Respect the life that you feed upon and do not abuse those who provide for you.
VII. COMMUNITY Reach out to others in your community. Exchange ideas, information, and support. Be hospitable to
others, and appreciate hospitality when it is extended to you. Do not engage in illegal activity, for this can endanger us
all. Seek to nurture our community and support all those who do the same.
Feeding Techniques
Now I will discuss the common techniques that are utilized when feeding; The First method is Contact feeding. The
Second method is directional feeding or the "head, heart, hands method; No doubt most have you already know this
technique if your newly awakened. The Third technique is more advanced and focuses more on using psy-tendrils.
Again I shall show you an interpretation, and how to feed via this method.
Besides learning how to feed, it is important to know that there are different types or levels of feeding; Ambient feeding,
Surface feeding- Feeding off the energy of a specific persons, astral or etheric energy.
Contact Feeding
Feeding By Touch is one of the easiest ways to feed. This can be something as casual as a hug or holding hands,or
Also, one thing seldomly mentioned is left or right hand dominance. Everyone seems to have a hand that sends and a
hand that takes energy. .. But since most of the population is right hand dominant, in most of the books you will find, that
they say that your left hand is the energy taking hand and the right hand is the sending energy hand.. I have noticed that
for me personally (since i am left -handed) and a few other psi's , my taking hand is my right hand and my sending is my
left. Many psi-vamps don't particularly like shaking hands for this reason,.
Contact by line of sight or "eye contact" is another common way to feed by touch, and remote view (of course only with
Directional Feeding
Directional feeding is usually one of the first methods of feeding you usually learn , and often times unintentional's /unawakends use
this method, but obviously aren't aware of it. Some people prefer to call this method the head heart hand method, but its pretty much
all semantics. Aside from the feeding techniques I've also included some other positions.. that are relevant...Only use this method on
fig 1 fig 2
This is one of two typical methods you will learn to use, in order to feed in this manner. See Fig 1. Notice you are forming an arrow,
you would point at "preferably a donor" or above a crowd to take in the ambient energy.. It not just point and click...bam! you have
energy.. Most of the people forget to mention the breath. As you breath in, focus on drawing in, with mouth open to begin with, As
Now see Fig 2. Notice aside from a kind of arrow you are forming a pentagram (use a lil imagination to fill in the lines) .. Use the
After a while it will become second nature to use either of these intentionally ...and you can progress to the second type of feeding.
One of the main problems with this type of feeding is it is very obvious...even to the outside community.
Hence , why it is important for you to know that the hands only serve as a focus for tendril feeding. Though some may prefer one
NOW, here are some other hand positions connections you might see in the community at large, And I will attempt to translate them
for you, though really they are very simple ...But sometimes finding the information is hard .... Hence why I'm posting it.
fig 3
This hand position in Fig 3, Generally means you are receiving energy from a person.. Or if a person has their hands in that position
fig 4
This hand position in fig 4 , is a way of sending energy. When or if you send energy to another psivamp, they often respond with the
hand position in fig 3.... Though not always. there are exceptions to every rule and teaching.
fig 5
This Hand position in Fig 5 means the person is "omni present"... Or "on to what your doing"...generally a back off sign if you just
psi'd them, or were talking about probably did something you weren't supposed to, and lucky you... YOU just got caught!
Tendril Feeding
This technique of feeding is more advanced and is what most psychic vampires use, because it is less readily
detectible. (This comes in especially handy if the culture you psi from is aware of psychic vampires)... I will attempt to
From what I've experienced all Psychic vampires have psi-tendrils... Some have chosen to develop the skill, others
remain with the head heart hand technique.. They are generally grayish in appearance, though some see it as other
colors (perception). Of Course once moving on to this level, you realize that the hands and the directional feeding
This Takes some developed sight, and familiarization with energy manipulation.. Focus on a donor from across the
room.. Reach out with your mind, envision a long tendril extending from your subtle body to the donors.. Attach your
tendril so that it penetrates, if it does not the first time...Try again.. Now envision your tendril is hollow, and suck in the
energy like a vortex , using your will....As you inhale, draw in the energy. Use figure 1. as a reference.
Another method is to Draw in from your Chakra... Ussaully either the navel or the third eye chakra, and draw in the
Inevitably you will come across other psivamps or psychically draining people that might try to take energy from you.
The way to counteract this is by Shielding, or creating a psychic barrier so that no one can steal your energy or harm
Good shielding techniques are some of the essentials you should first learn.
One common practice though frowned upon (never the less it still happens) is for psivamps to test other
I want to first begin with a form of shielding that utilizes the same symbolism as the head-heart-hands method of
directional feeding. It is really a basic, beginner shield; but nonetheless is effective. I’m asking you to use your hands in
the beginning to create the same kind of Magickal response, a Magickal worker utilizes when using particular scents,
oils or incense. (same basic principle). This Shield is intended for even those who do not work with energy...(i.e.
Basic shield 1
Hold your hands in the following form (see fig 1). While doing so, envision a solid
impenetrable wall, or white light forming around you like an egg or cocoon. With your mind,
envision your astral shell hardening, becoming rigid.
fig 1
Believe it is working…Belief might not seem important on this plane but it is everything in
the spiritual planes. (also see “magickal formula “in the Glossary)
fig 2
Another form of this shielding is the finger inter-lock technique... Exactly the same thing but
using your thumb and middle fingers and interlocking them together (pic coming soon).
when you have mastered this...Now do it without using your hands as a reference..
Once your comfortable with basic shielding, now move on to this type of shield....Instead of
an egg shape, I want you to form a Sphere. A shield in an egg shape, can be penetrated, a
sphere is less apt to be penetrated as quickly, though the draw back of this shield is that it
does consume a bit of energy.
Moving shields
There are several types of shielding when you move beyond the first type of shielding. These
shields focus on movement, as solid shields can be broken with psi-tendrils, and repeated
psychic attacks. These shields vary in motion, energy modulation, as well as energy
consumption. It is also important not to put crazy energy into “Active” shielding, as such
energy output in shielding can raise too many eyebrows, and invite the curiosity of other
psivamps.. who would perhaps try to penetrate your shield just for fun or just to test it. It is
far better to have a “Reactive” shield, protective nonetheless, but reactive.
Waterfall/River shielding
I have found This type of shielding to be very effective, as it is hard to penetrate the
same spot twice because the shield is in constant motion. The principle of this shield
once you have the hard shell method down is to circulate the shielding letting it flow
around you like “a waterfall” different areas flowing at different speeds modulating
themselves…once you get this method down…its really low maintenance.
Chaotic shielding
Fire Shield
The fire shield encompases the user like "the human torch" from the fantastic four...
It burns off attacks, as its one of those elemental shields. Acommon external source would be
the sun of course, or the earths core.
Spikey shield
Is exactly how it sounds, it may be a hard shell shield or a moving spike shield.
These nice cool looking shields look impressive but depending on the size they attract
way to much curiosity…(I call it the menacing mouse shield). Since they are an active
shield they do expend a lot of energy, and need attention in maintenance. I mostly see
a lot of newly awakends use this type of shield to be all big evil bad-assy… Most
other Psi’s…really aren’t that impressed.
A mirror shield is commonly used among the pagan community, what it does is
reflect the attacks back on the attacker, or reflects back negative a mirror...
(Comically known as the"I'm rubber you're glue" shield )
Empathic Shielding- Empathic shielding is typically not a direct assault on you (although it
can be) it can be caused by traumatic events or people emoting to much on you.. In order for
you not to be consumed by other peoples emotions it is necessary to be able to shield yourself
this way also…This way you can differentiate your emotions from the ones you are around.
Cloaking- Cloaking is a technique that’s not easily explained how to do… It is a process by
which one masks ones own energy signature.
In Conclusion This is just the beginning, eventually you will learn that shielding types are
only limited by your imagination, and energy resources...If you learn these well, you will
even discover you can power your shield externally.