MySpool Long Range Mailbox Alert Instructions
MySpool Long Range Mailbox Alert Instructions
MySpool Long Range Mailbox Alert Instructions
The sensor at the mailbox was changed by replacing the circuit board in the box to one that doesn’t
access Wifi but connects to a long range hub mounted in the garage. Don’t try to connect the sensor to
wifi, it won’t work, the sensor uses some other protocol to communicate with the hub.
To reset sensor, open box and while holding down the clear button, push the test button or open
mailbox door if still attached, for a couple of seconds. That is all that needs to be done for this device if it
isn’t working.
NOTE: When the mailbox door is shut the contacts in magnetic switch are open. Opening the door
causes the switch contacts to close for as long as it is open, which triggers the alert after just a second or
Hold down clear button while plugging hub back in and release clear button once blue light is on steady.
Using a phone or other device such as a tablet near the hub, search for available wifi networks in device
settings and select the network that is being broadcast as SASensor-*******, this will be the hub.
Once this network is selected to connect to, a box with four options will appear. These options are listed
Configure Wifi
Normally you would select “Configure Wifi” then provide SSID and network password for the home wifi
network. If after selecting the SASensor-******* network to connect to nothing happens automatically
after about 5 seconds try a different device. Samsung Galaxy S7s for example just won’t work for this
procedure, Fire Tablet and Iphones don’t have any problem. Also you would normally select the
“Configure Wifi” option but this doesn’t work with some routers so selecting “Configure Wifi (No Scan)”
and entering network SSID manually without scanning for it and then entering the password might need
to be done. Once this is all done properly the blue light in the hub will go out. Some blinking will likely
occur before it goes out but it will eventually go out completely once setup is complete.
Test to make sure devices are talking to each other and that the hub is talking to the home Wifi network
by triggering the mailbox switch by opening the mailbox or pushing the test button inside the sensor box
for a couple of seconds. All should be well and working if not try again.