Business Law 1st Exam K Liye.
Business Law 1st Exam K Liye.
Business Law 1st Exam K Liye.
British mercantile law, Indian culture and society. Leading cases Indian
decision in supreme court.
Types of Offer.
Sec 2(b) Acceptance - When the offeree gives his assent to the offer
made to him, it means he has accepted the offer. If the offer is
accepted offerer becomes promiser and offeree becomes Promisee.
Types of acceptance.
Express - When acceptance is written or spoken it is express.
Implied offer - When it is to be understood by the conduct of the party
it is an implied acceptance.
a. Service contract Employer puts on restriction on the employee
that during the time of his employment he can't work anywhere
b. Trade combinations/Trade associations e.g. MCC1A putting a
restriction an trading on a particular day
c. Sale of Goodwill e.g. Distribution of movies, Franchisees.
d. Partnership A partner can't do another business competing with
existing business.
* Performance of Contract
i) who can perform the promise? – Promiser must fulfil the
promise First (See 40) when nature of contract says so. In such
cases, death of promisor puts an end to contract
ii) (Ser 40) By the agent of the promiser - When it does not require
any skill on the part of the promisor, the promise can be
performed by an agent appointed by promisor.
iii) Legal Representative - Promise can be fulfilled by the legal
representative of the promiser when it does not involve require
any skill of labour on the part of the promiser
iv) when the performance of a promise is accepted by a third party
it is accepted as a good performance
v) Joint Promisors - When there are more than one promises to
fulfil the promise they are known as joint promisers. In case of
Joint Promisors, following rules will apply (Sea 42).
a. If any joint promisor dies, his legal representative must,
jointly with surviving promisors Fulfil the promise. If all
them die, legal representatives of all of them must fulfil
pop the promise jointly.
b. Any one of the joint promisors may be compelled to
perform the promise
c. In this case, the compelled promisor may compel every
other joint promisor to contribute: equally with himself to
perform the promise
d. Sharing of loss arising from default of joining promisors If
any one of the JP makes default in such contribution, the
remaining JP must hear the loss arising from such default
in equal shares.
Release of Joint Promisor - When two or more persons have
made a joint promise, a release of one of the JP does not
discharge the other joint promisor (Sec 44) But it does reduce
the lability.
Appropriation of Payment.
When the debtor has taken a no. of loans from one creditor and now,
he makes a payment which is not the total amount of all loans taken
together, in such a case, loan payment is to be adjusted towards the
loan under following Provisions:
i) (See 59) when the debtor has given some express instruction for
the adjustment of payment, the creditor has to adjust as per the
instructions of the debtor
ii) (Sec 59) When the debtor fails or doesn't give any instruction to
adjust the payment, the creditor has to adjust the payment
towards that loan as per the circumstances.
iii) (Sec 60) When the debtor hasn't given any instruction neither
the circumstances make the picture clear, in such a case
payment is to be adjusted at the discretion of the creditor
iv) (Sec 61) when debtor has not given any instruction and the
circumstances do not make the picture clear and the creditor
does not want to use his discretion, in such a. case the payment
must be adjusted to the loan Serially it in order in which they
were created
v) Appropriation between principal and interest Payments to made
first to the interest & then to the principal.
Rules (Sec51)
i) In case of reciprocal promises, it must be performed
ii) Order of performance is to be decided by the parties
iii) When the 1st party fails to perform his promise, he can't
complete 2nd party to fulfil their promise
Assignment of contract.
In a contract, there are contractual rights and obligations for bath the
parties Such contractual rights & obligations can be assigned
/transferred when it does not involve any amt of personal skill or
labour for its performance (Sec 40)
Discharge of Contract
A contract creases certain obligations Discharge of contract happens
when these allegations come to an end. Discharge scenario:
i) By Agreement or consent
a. Novation (Sec 62) - Replacing an old contract with a new
contract by mutual agreement (explain)
b. Remission (Sec63) - Remission is said to be done where a
party to contrast agrees to
i. dispense/waive the performance
ii. Accept a lesser amount or lesser degree of the
iii. Extends time and performance
c. By Waiver - Waiver means ‘abandoning’ the rights When a
party to the contract abandons or waives his right, the
Contract is discharged. Here, both the parties mutually
agree that they shall no longer be bound by the contract
*Supervening- Subsequent
d. By Merger - When a contract of inferior right merges with
a contract of superior right, contact of inferior right is
dropped because superior right takes over e.g. tenant
buying a house
ii) Discharge of contract by performance - When both the parties
to the contract have performed their part, the contract is said to
have been completed and comes to an end.
iii) Discharge of contract by lapse of time (limitation Act,1963)As
per the limitation Act 19 63, every Contract is required to be
performed within the prescribed time limit. If the Contract is not
performed within that time limit, the contract comes to an end
iv) Breach of contract - if a party to a contract fails to perform his
obligation ate to the time and place specified, then be is said to
have committed a breach of contract Breach is of 2 types. Actual
beach and anticipatory breach.
a. actual - If a party, fails to perform the promise on the date
of performance or during performance, as so actual breach
of contract.
b. anticipatory - If a party, before the date of performance
informs the other party regarding his inability to perform
the premise it is known as anticipatory breach of contract.
v) By impossibility in performance - It is impossible for any of the
parties to the contract in perform their promises then
impossibility of performance leads to a discharge of the contract
an agreement to do an impossible act is void. Discharge of
contract by subsequent impossibility (sec 56) - In situations
when a contrast becomes a void contract
a. Destruction of subject matter.
b. Outbreak of war
c. change in law.
d. Non-existence of the same state of things