Polar Plot, Nyquist Plot
Polar Plot, Nyquist Plot
Polar Plot, Nyquist Plot
The Polar plot is a plot of a sinusoidal transfer function G(jω), which can be drawn
between the magnitude and the phase angle of G(jω) by varying ω from zero to ∞.
i.e., |G(jω)| Vs angle G(jω) as ω → 0 to ∞.
• The polar graph consists of concentric circles and radial lines.
Concentric circles represents the magnitude. Radial lines represents the phase angles.
•Polar plot is a plot of magnitude versus phase angle in complex plane .
(i.e., locus of magnitude traced by the phasor by varying frequency from 0 to ∞)
•In polar sheet:
•+ve phase angle is measured in ACW from 00
•-ve phase angle is measured in CW from 00.
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Polar plot
Advantages of Polar plots
•It depicts the frequency response characteristics over the entire frequency range in
a single plot.
•Much easier to determine both ωpc and ωgc.
•Here we will have to work with open loop transfer function G(s)H(s)
Disadvantage of Polar plots:
•The plot does not clearly indicate the contribution of each individual factor of the
open loop transfer function.
To sketch the polar plot of G(jω) for the entire range of frequency ω, i.e., from 0 to
infinity, there are four key points that usually need to be known:
(1) the start of plot where ω = 0,
(2) the end of plot where ω = ∞,
(3) where the plot crosses the real axis, i.e., Im(G(jω)) = 0, and
(4) where the plot crosses the imaginary axis, i.e., Re(G(jω)) = 0.
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Polar plot
• Express the given expression of OLTF in (1+sT) form.
• Substitute s = jω in the expression for G(s)H(s) and get G(jω)H(jω).
• Get the expressions for |G(jω)H(jω)| & G(jω)H(jω).
• Tabulate various values of magnitude and phase angles for different values of ω
ranging from 0 to ∞.
• Usually the choice of frequencies will be the corner frequency and around corner
• Choose proper scale for the magnitude circles.
• Fix all the points in the polar graph sheet and join the points by a smooth curve.
• Write the frequency corresponding to each of the point of the plot.
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Polar plot
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Polar plot
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Polar plot
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Polar plot
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Stability on Polar plot
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Stability on Polar plot
Phase Crossover Frequency (ωp) : The frequency where a polar plot intersects the –ve real
axis is called phase crossover frequency
Gain Crossover Frequency (ωg) : The frequency where a polar plot intersects the unit
circle is called gain crossover frequency
So at ωg ,
Gain Margin (GM): The gain margin is the reciprocal of magnitude at the
frequency at which the phase angle is -1800.
In terms of dB
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Stability on Polar plot
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Topic: Nyquist plot and stability criterion
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Nyquist stability criterion
It is conclude that;
1) The poles of 1 + G(s)H(s) are the same as the poles of G(s)H(s), the open-loop system.
2) The zeros of 1 + G(s)H(s) are the same as the poles of T(s), the closed-loop system.
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Nyquist stability criterion
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Nyquist stability criterion
Because stable systems have T(s) with poles only in the left half-plane, we apply the concept of
contour to use the entire right half-plane as contour A (Nyquist contour), as shown in the Figures
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Nyquist stability criterion
We try to construct contour B via F(s) = G(s)H(s) which is the same as that of 1+G(s)H(s), except that
it is shifted to the right by (1, j0). The mapping is called the Nyquist diagram of G(s)H(s).
Assuming that A starts from origin, A is a path traveling up the jω axis, from j0 to j∞, then a
semicircular arc, with radius → ∞, followed by a path traveling up the jω axis, from −j∞ to origin. So
substituting s = jω, with ω changing from 0 to ∞, we obtain part of contour B, which is exactly the
polar plot of G(s)H(s).
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Nyquist stability criterion
If P = 0 (open loop stable system), for a closed systems to be stable (i.e. Z = 0), we should
have N = 0. That is, the contour should not enclose (−1, j0). This is as shown in Figure(a).
On the other hand, another system with P = 0 (open loop stable) has generated two clockwise
encirclement of (−1, j0), (N = −2), as shown in Figure (b) below. Thus Z = P −N =2.
The system is unstable with two closed-loop poles in the right hand plane.
Mapping examples: (a) contour does not enclose closed loop poles; (b) contour does enclose closed loop poles
The Nyquist Stability Criterion establishes the number of zeros of 1 + GH(s) in the right-
half plane directly from the Nyquist Stability Plot of GH(s).
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Nyquist stability criterion
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