WSI DRS8000 Series Field Update Procedure Ver9
WSI DRS8000 Series Field Update Procedure Ver9
WSI DRS8000 Series Field Update Procedure Ver9
1. Copy the self-extracting SB-XXX.exe update file to a device that will be accessible to the recorder
being updated. This can be a USB memory stick or network drive.
2. Double-click the .exe update file to automatically extract and create the SB-XXX update folder
(default is to extract on the same root directory as SB-XXX.exe resides). Be sure there is only one
SB-XXX folder that contains the update files and folders when the extraction step is complete.
Note: In some environments USB media and network shares are not permitted, in this case the
extracted SB-XXX folder can be copied to a CD/DVD media.
3. Attach a keyboard via the rear USB port of the DRS and boot up the recorder.
4. Shut down the UIC program, this will expose the Windows desktop.
5. Attach the device containing the update folder (or connect to it if on a network).
6. Open the SB-XXX folder on the media attached/connected to the DRS.
7. Double click the file named FieldInstall.cmd (or highlight it and press Enter) to execute the
update script which opens a command window (see below). Note: If the extracted SB-XXX folder
was copied to a non-writable media (CD or DVD) click the FieldInstall-NW.cmd. Observe no
errors reported. The update script will display the UIC and Embedded System versions. Make a note
of the user interface and embedded system versions, this information will be used in step 10 and 14.
At this point the operator will be prompted to continue the update, press any key on the keyboard to