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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide: Product Version 20.12 September 2020

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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide

Product Version 20.12

September 2020
© 2020 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Table of Contents

About This Manual 8
Innovus Stylus Common UI Product Documentation 10
1 11
Overview 11
Introduction to Foundation Flow 11
Foundation Flow Overview Diagram 12
Before You Begin 12
Input for Running Foundation Flows 13
Additional Inputs for Running Foundation Flows 13
Flow Variations 14
About the Flow Documentation 15
2 16
TCL Variables 16
Installing Foundation Flows 16
Starting Foundation Flows 16
Describing setup.tcl 18
Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer 19
Defining Hierarchical Partition Information 20
Defining Library and Technology File 22
Example of Library and Technology File 23
Defining RC Corner Information 23
Example of RC Corner Information 26
Defining Delay Corner Information 26
Example of Delay Corner Information 30
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views 30
Example of Constraint Modes and Analysis Views 31
Defining OpenAccess 33
Mailing Results and Updates 34
Miscellaneous Variables 35
Defining Extraction Options 36
Describing innovus_config.tcl 37
Defining Noise Settings 38

September 2020 3 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Table of Contents

Defining Power and Ground Nets 38

Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing 39
Defining CCOpt Variables 40
Example of Distributed Processing 41
Defining LP Flow Variables 42
Defining Optional Variables 44
Defining Tie and Filler Cells 48
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications 49
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis) 50
Reporting Power 51
Defining Hier ILMs 52
Defining Flow Control 53
Defining Command Mode Variables 55
Defining ccopt_design for Clock Tree Construction 58
Defining CCOpt Top and Bottom Layers 59
Example Settings for Each Script 60
3 62
Plug-in Variables and Tags 62
Defining Plug-in Variables 62
Commands that can be Tagged 65
Tags for Innovus Flow 65
Example 1: 66
Example 2: 67
Example 3: 67
4 69
Using the Wizard 69
Starting the Flow Wizard 70
View and Save Scripts 73
Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard 74
Adding Library to the Flow - Summary 74
Setting Up the Library Information 76
Designing the Flow 78
Adding Design to the Flow - Summary 79
Designing the Flow - Clock Tree 80
Designing the Flow - Netlist 82
Timing the Flow 86

September 2020 4 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Table of Contents

Timing the Flow - Timing 86

Timing the Flow - Library Set 88
Timing the Flow - RC Corner 90
Timing the Flow - Delay Corner 92
Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode 94
Timing the Flow - Analysis View 96
Reviewing the Timing Setup 98
Adding Power to the Flow 100
Adding Power to the Flow - Summary 103
Setting up the Tool 104
Setting up the Tool - Setup 105
Setting up the Tool - Placement 107
Setting up the Tool - Optimization 110
Setting up the Tool - CTS 113
Setting up the Tool - Route 115
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity 117
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM) 120
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU 122
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing 124
Reviewing the Tool Setup 125
Setting up Plug-in Scripts 127
Completing Setup 130
5 133
Code Generator 133
Introduction to Code Generator 133
Advantages 134
TCL Command 136
Command Line Options 136
Examples: 137
Usage 139
Execution Tips 140
Makefile Options - Script Updates 141
Makefile Options - Single Process Execution 141
Example Scripts 141

September 2020 5 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Table of Contents


HIERARCHICAL FLOW - Example Scripts 144
Results 147
Flat Mode (all steps) 147
Hierarchical Mode (all steps) 148
Error.Warning Messages 151
Warning on Missing Required Data 152
Warning to Replace Old Variables 152
6 154
CPF-Based Low Power Flow 154
Introduction to CPF-based Low Power Implementation 154
Flow Overview of CPF-based Low Power Flow 155
Before you Begin Implementing CPF-based Low Power Flow 156
Input for CPF-based Low Power Flow 156
Additional Input 157
Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes 158
Describing lp_config.tcl 159
Timing Environment Initialization 163
MMMC Timing and SI Setup for Low Power P_R Implementation 163
Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow 166
Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow 166
Create Library Sets 166
Create Delay Corners 167
Create Constraint Modes 168
Create Analysis Views 169
Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners 170
Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined 170
Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views 172
Results for CPF-based Low Power Flow 172
Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow 173
Plug-in scripts usage in the reference design: 173
CPF File_3a 175
post_cts_tcl_3a 201
post_init_tcl_3a 202
post_place_tcl_3a 207
post_prects_tcl_3a 209

September 2020 6 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Table of Contents

pre_cts_tcl_3a 209
pre_init_tcl_3a 209
pre_place_tcl_3a 210
7 217
Hierarchical Flow 217
Introduction to Hierarchical Implementation Flow 217
Overview of Hierarchical Implementation Flow 218
One-Pass and Two -Pass Hierarchical Flows 218
Before You Begin - Hierarchical Implementation Flow 218
Inputs for Hierarchical Implementation Flow 219
Hierarchical Partition Flow 220
Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently 221
Using Interface Logic Models 221
Using the Flattened and Unflattened ILM States 222
Performing Multi-Mode Multi-Corner Timing Analysis and Optimization 223
Managing Clock Latencies 223
Deriving Clock Tree Estimation for Budgeting and CTS 224
Preventing Hierarchical Signal Integrity Issues 228
About the Hierarchical One-Pass ILM Flow and Diagram 228
Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM 229
Setting Up the Flow 230
Single Pass Hierarchical Flow 231
FlexILM Generation and Top preCTS Optimization with FlexILM 231
Reassigning PTN Pin and Rebudgeting Timing 232
Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation 232
8 234
Tags for Flow 234
9 249
Sample Script - Code Generator 249
Executing the Flow 249
Sample Single Script Flow 258

September 2020 7 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
About This Manual

About This Manual

This manual describes the tasks in the recommended Foundation Flow using the
Cadence® Innovus™ Implementation System software to implement a block or flat chip from a
completed floorplan, while meeting timing and physical design requirements and resolving signal
integrity (SI) problems.
The Innovus family encompasses the following products:
Innovus Implementation System L
Innovus Implementation System XL
NanoRoute® Ultra SoC Routing Solution
Virtuoso® Digital Implementation
Innovus Timing System L
Innovus Timing System XL
Innovus Power System L
Innovus Power System XL
First Innovus™ L
First Innovus XL
First Innovus GXL
Note: This document applies to the Innovus user interface.
For information about these products, see the “Getting Started” chapter of the Innovus User Guide.
For more information about the Innovus family of products, see the following documents. You can
access these and other Cadence documents with the Cadence Help documentation system.

Innovus Product Documentation

What's New in Innovus
Provides information about new and changed features in this release of the Innovus family of
Innovus Text Command Reference
Describes the Innovus text commands, including syntax and examples.
Innovus Menu Reference

September 2020 8 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
About This Manual

Provides information specific to the forms and commands available from the
Innovus graphical user interface.
Innovus Database Access Command Reference
Lists all of the Innovus database access commands and provides a brief description of
syntax and usage.
Innovus User Guide
Describes how to install and configure the Innovus software, and provides strategies for
implementing digital integrated circuits.
Mixed Signal Interoperability Guide
Describes the digital mixed-signal flow.
Contains installation, compatibility, and other prerequisite information, including a list of
Cadence Change Requests (CCRs) that were resolved in this release. You can read this file
online at downloads.cadence.com.

September 2020 9 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
About This Manual--Innovus Stylus Common UI Product Documentation

Innovus Stylus Common UI Product Documentation

Innovus Stylus Common UI Quick Start Guide
Provides information on starting with the Stylus Common User Interface.
What's New in Innovus Stylus Common UI
Provides information about new and changed features in this release of the Innovus family of
Innovus Stylus Common UI User Guide
Describes how to install and configure the Innovus Stylus Common UI software, and
provides strategies for implementing digital integrated circuits.
Innovus Stylus Common UI Text Reference Manual
Describes the Innovus Stylus Common UI text commands, including syntax and examples.
Innovus Stylus Common UI Menu Reference
Provides information specific to the forms and commands available from the Innovus Stylus
Common UI graphical user interface.
Stylus Common UI Database Object Information
Provides information about Stylus Common UI database objects.
Innovus Stylus Common UI Mixed Signal (MS) Interoperability Guide
Describes the digital mixed-signal flow using Innovus Stylus Common UI.
For a complete list of documents provided with this release, see the Cadence Help online
documentation system.

September 2020 10 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide


In this section we cover a basic introduction to how foundation flows are implemented in Innovus.
Introduction to Foundation Flow
Foundation Flow Overview Diagram
Before You Begin
Input for Running Foundation Flows
Additional Inputs for Running Foundation Flows
Flow Variations
About the Flow Documentation

Introduction to Foundation Flow

This guide describes the tasks in the recommended flow using the Innovus Implementation System
(Innovus) software to implement a block or a flat chip from a completed floorplan, while meeting
timing and physical design requirements and resolving signal integrity (SI) problems. The guide
also includes Low Power and Hierarchical flows.
For designs with multiple operating modes or corners that require optimization, and for more
accurate timing, the flow supports multi-mode multi-corner (MMMC) timing analysis and on-chip
variation (OCV). From EDI 10.1, the flow takes advantage of the Innovus software multiple-CPU
processing capabilities to accelerate the design process and runs features in a multi-thread or
distributed process-mode.
For the main design tasks the flow uses the Innovus super commands. For example,
place_opt_design, routeDesign, and optDesign with as few non-default options as possible.

When the tasks described in this guide are complete, you should have a flat design that is ready for
DRC and LVS checks and other sign-off tasks.
This flow is a recommended starting point for you to work with designs for a block or a flat chip.
Ultimately, your design might have a different final set of commands, owing to your specific
customization for your design or technology needs.

September 2020 11 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Overview--Foundation Flow Overview Diagram

Foundation Flow Overview Diagram

A completed floorplan is a prerequisite for a flat implementation flow. At the end of each main task
you optimize the step and the task is complete when violations are fixed and the timing is
acceptable. The flow is complete and the design is ready for sign-off tasks when the design meets
timing and physical design requirements.

Before You Begin

Make sure the following tasks are complete before starting this flow:
Floorplanning, including the following tasks:
Hard block placement
Region definition
I/O pad placement
Creation of placement and routing blockages
Creating the Clock Tree specification file
Creating the RC scale factors

September 2020 12 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Overview--Input for Running Foundation Flows

For more information, see the following sections of the Innovus User Guide
Floorplanning the Design
Synthesizing Clock Trees
RC Extraction

Input for Running Foundation Flows

The foundation flows are driven by a combination of TCL scripts and Makefiles. The command
scripts are provided in the software when you install the tool. The user provides library data and
options to customise the flow by means of TCL variables. The flow expects the library data to be in
a file called setup.tcl. A full description of the required and optional variables is provided later in this
Specify the Innovus configuration file (setup.tcl) with the following information:
Timing libraries (*.lib)
LEF libraries (*.lef)
Timing constraints (*.sdc)
Capacitance table or QRC technology file
SI libraries (*.cdb or *.udn) (this is recommended but not required)
User-defined ILMs
Verilog netlist (*.v)
Floorplan file (*.fp or *.def)
Clock Tree Specification file
Scan Chain information (*.tcl or *.def)
GDS Layer map file (*.gds)
Note: The Flat Implementation Flow assumes that timing and routing constraints are feasible.

Additional Inputs for Running Foundation Flows

In addition, depending on the design and technology, you may need to supply values for the
following items:

September 2020 13 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Overview--Flow Variations

RC scaling factors
OCV derating factors
Metal fill parameters
Filler cell names
Tie cell names
Welltaps and Endcaps
Clock gating cell names
Spare instance names
JTAG instance names
JTAG rows
LSF queue
Dont Use Cells
Delay Cells
CTS Cells

Flow Variations
Based on the timing model you use, there are three variations of the flat implementation flow:
MMMC: the flow uses the MMMC timing throughout the flow. You may use the MMMC flow in
designs that require optimization at multiple operating modes or at multiple corners.
The following two are supported for backward compatibility but are not recommended:
Default: the flow uses the default timing model until the final Timing Analysis step, when it
changes to MMMC timing. Though the default flow is a non-MMMC flow, it changing to MMMC
timing for the final timing analysis step gives the most accurate sign-off timing.
Postroute MMMC: the flow uses the default timing model for the Preroute portion of the flow
and MMMC timing after Routing. You may use the Postroute MMMC flow in designs that
require improved co-relation with third-party tools.
Note: Because MMMC timing incorporates timing information for more modes and corners, the
postroute MMMC and MMMC flows may incur memory and run-time degradation.

September 2020 14 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Overview--About the Flow Documentation

About the Flow Documentation

This guide includes flow charts for the overall Flat Implementation Flow and for each of the major
design tasks, along with brief explanations. It also includes the following additional information in
the Cadence Innovus documentation:
Command syntax and parameter descriptions in the Innovus Text Command
Reference document.
Task information in the Innovus User Guide

September 2020 15 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables

TCL Variables
In this section we cover the Tool Command Language (Tcl) variables and descriptions for foundation
The section covers:
Installing Foundation Flows
Starting Foundation Flows

Installing Foundation Flows

All of the Innovus Foundation Flows rely on the Tcl scripts to keep the flows free from errors and easy
to manage. These Tcl scripts are sourced from the main flow script.
You can download the scripts from the software by using one of the following methods:
On the main Innovus menu, select Tools - Foundation Flow Templates on the main Innovus
Use the following text command:
writeFlowTemplate [-directory directoryName]

This will create the following directories:

SCRIPTS (the Foundation Flow scripts)
TEMPLATES (Configuration File templates)
EXAMPLES (working design example and sample configuration files)

Starting Foundation Flows

The Foundation Flow requires a configuration file (setup.tcl) that defines the necessary information to
execute the flow including pointers to design data and command option information. The full list of
variables used to control the flow can be found in the documentation or in the examples in the
TEMPLATES directory in the software.
In addition, some of the variable values can be quickly populated from an existing design in the
following way:

September 2020 16 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Installing Foundation Flows

1. Load a design (initial netlist, constraints, floorplan)

2. Run the flow wizard (Flows > Foundation Flow Wizard) OR enter the command:

3. This will generate the following files: setup.auto.tcl and innovus_config.auto.tcl

4. Respectively copy to setup.tcl and innovus_config.tcl.
5. (optional) Review and edit the files, if necessary.
Or: Copy the template files from TEMPLATES/Innovus and edit them manually.
The following Tcl scripts are described in this guide:
Describing setup.tcl
Defines the variables to use in the flow. This script is unique for each design and is the only script
you must edit. It is the source of all flow input, and is a superset of the configuration file that
includes design data, library information, and flow control.
Describing innovus_config.tcl
This is the Innovus Foundation Flow configuration file. It contains the necessary flow options to
drive the Flat and/or Hierarchical implementation flows. This file is optional and is intended to
support design projects where the setup.tcl is shared between team members and defines
common design data such as library, timing, and technology information and
the innovus_config.tcl is a local file that contains flow related information that is unique to a
particular block or run.
Example Settings for Each Script
Contains the Metal Fill rules.
See also,
Describing setup.tcl
Defining Extraction Options
Describing innovus_config.tcl
Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 17 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Describing setup.tcl
Defines the variables to use in the flow. This script is unique for each design and is the only script that
is required. It contains variable settings that define the necessary information to drive the foundation
flow; including design data, library information, and flow control.
The following variables are defined in setup.tcl. They are put into an array named vars.
To use them enter:
set vars variable_name value

Note: The vars in the column Variable Name in italics are actually placeholders and can be substituted
with your own values. For example in rc_max,cap_table the value rc_max is a placeholder and can be
a value you want to specify in cap_table.

You can also specify a view_definition_tcl file in place of the MMMC vars. For this, you must define
either of the following:

vars(library_sets), vars(rc_corners), vars(delay_corners), vars(constraint_modes) and
vars(setup/hold_analysis_view) variables.

Note: The selections mentioned above cannot be mixed.

The following types of variables are covered in this section:

Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer
Defining Hierarchical Partition Information
Defining Library and Technology File
Example of Library and Technology File
Defining RC Corner Information
Example of RC Corner Information
Defining Delay Corner Information
Example of Delay Corner Information
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Example of Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Defining OpenAccess

September 2020 18 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Mailing Results and Updates

Miscellaneous Variables

Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing

Variable Name Value Usage Description
fp_file string Specify the name and location of the Innovus floorplan file. Do not
use the variable if specifying the def_files variable.

def_files name Specify the name of the initial DEF file. The fp_file is the alternate
recommended file.
cts_spec list This file is optional. If omitted Innovus will use the SDC to build the
clock tree.
max_route_layer integer Specify the number of routing layers
process integer Specify the process node between min=10, max=250 (nm)
scan_def name This is optional, specify the name of the Scan DEF file
dbs_dir string Specify the string of the database directory (the default is DBS)
fp_tcl_file text script to build floorplan (overrides fp_file)
fp_tcl_proc text TCL procedure to build floorplan (overrides fp_file, fp_tcl_file)
rpt_dir string Specify the string of the report directory (the default is RPT)
<step>,rpt_dir string Specify the report directory for a specific step. If this is not set,
vars(rpt_dir) is used.

script_root string Specify the location of SCRIPTS directory (the default is SCRIPTS)
design name Name of the design (required)
add_tracks boolean Re-generate tracks as against using what is in the incoming
floorplan. The default value is false.

netlist string Pointer to netlist file (required)

September 2020 19 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

version integer Innovus version (9.1.2, 9.1.3, 10.1.0, ...)

cell_check_early float Specify for derate cell library checks
cell_check_late float Specify for derate cell library checks
honor_pitch boolean An option for addTracks command (enabled by vars (add_tracks)
design_root name Name of the root directory of the design (required)
critical_range float Specify critical range for TNS optimization

For other setup.tcl variables, see:

Defining Library and Technology File
Defining RC Corner Information
Defining Delay Corner Information
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Mailing Results and Updates
Miscellaneous Variables
For Innovus_config.tcl variables see Describing Innovus_config.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 20 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Defining Hierarchical Partition Information

Defining Hierarchical Partition Information

Varible Name Value Usage Description

set vars(placement_based_ptn) 1 float Specify the option to run placement based partition
flow (feed through insertion/pin assignment).
Default: 0 (to run route based partition flow)
set vars(insert_feedthrough) 1 float Specify the option to run feedthrough buffer
Default: 1

set vars(abutted_design) 1 float Specify the option to support channelless design.

Default: 0
set float Specify the option to use pico-second per micro
vars(use_proto_net_delay_model) model for quick timing estimation.
Default: 0
set vars(use_flexmodels) 1 float Specify this variable to enable FlexModel flow to
reduce netlist size.
Default: 0
set vars(flexmodel_as_ptn) 1 float Specify the option to specify one FlexModel per
partition in a design.
Default: 1

set vars(budget_mode) giga_opt float Specify this variable to enable timing budgeting with
Possible values are giga_opt and

Default: giga_opt

For other setup.tcl variables, see:

September 2020 21 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer

Defining Library and Technology File
Defining RC Corner Information
Defining Delay Corner Information
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Defining OpenAccess
Mailing Results and Updates
Miscellaneous Variables
For edi_config.tcl variables see Describing innovus_config.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining Library and Technology File

Variable Name Value Usage Description
lef_files list Specify the list name of the LEF file
library_sets list Specify one or more library set names for slow and fast processes.
The library_sets must be one of the Constraint Modes and a list
enable_ldb list Pre-compiles .lib to .ldb.
library_set,timing list Specify the .lib files
library_set,si list Specify the .cdb files (optional)
library_set,aocv list Points to the AOCV tables which are required for AOCV analysis

Also see Example of Library and Technology File

For other setup.tcl variables, see:
Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer
Defining RC Corner Information
Defining Delay Corner Information
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views

September 2020 22 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Defining OpenAccess
Mailing Results and Updates
Miscellaneous Variables
For edi_config.tcl variables see Describing innovus_config.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Example of Library and Technology File

Example of Library and Technology File

Variable Name Value Type

set vars(library_sets) slow fast

set vars(slow,timing) libs/slow.lib libs/rams_slow.lib

set vars(fast,timing) libs/fast.lib libs/rams_fast.lib

set vars(slow,si) libs/slow.cdb

set vars(fast,si) libs/fast.cdb

Defining RC Corner Information

Variable Name Value Usage Description
rc_corners list Specify the RC corner names
rc_corner,cap_table list Specify the cap table per RC corner
rc_corner,T list Specify the temperature
rc_corner,qx_tech_file list Specify the QRC technology file
rc_corner,qx_lib_file list Specify the QRC library file
rc_corner,qx_conf_file list Specify the QRC configuration file

September 2020 23 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

rc_corner,xcap_factor list Specify the scaling factor for coupling

capacitance (post-route)
rc_corner,scale_factor float* Specify scaling factors; valid factors are:
pre_route_res_factor, pre_route_clk_res_factor

Note: *post_route* factors can take a triplet for

low medium high effort scale factors.
rc_corner,pre_route_res_factor float Specify the scaling factor for resistance (pre-

Note: Has replaced variable def_res_factor **

rc_corner,pre_route_clk_res_factor float Specify the scaling factor for clock resistance


Note: Has replaced variable def_clk_res_factor

rc_corner,pre_route_cap_factor float Specify the capacitance scaling factor (pre-

Note: Has replaced variable def_cap_factor **

rc_corner,pre_route_clk_cap_factor float Specify the scaling factor for clock capacitance

Note: Has replaced variable def_clk_cap_factor

rc_corner,post_route_res_factor float Specify the scaling factor for resistance (post-

Note: Has replaced variable det_res_factor **

September 2020 24 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

rc_corner,post_route_clk_res_factor float Specify the scaling factor for clock resistance


Note: Has replaced variable det_cap_factor **

rc_corner,post_route_cap_factor float Specify the capacitance scaling factor (post-

Note: Has replaced variable det_cap_factor **

rc_corner,post_route_clk_cap_factor float Specify the scaling factor for clock capacitance

Note: Has replaced variable det_clk_cap_factor

rc_corner,post_route_clk_res_factor float Specify the resistance scaling factor (post-route)

Note: Has replaced variable det_clk_res_factor

rc_corner,post_route_xcap_factor float Specify the scaling factor for coupling
capacitance (post-route)

Note: Has replaced variable xcap_factor **

rc_corner,scale_tcl file Pointer to a file with update_rc_corner
command that sets the scale factors
appropriately for the RC corner.

Note: ** For backward compatibility, the script retains both the variables.
Also see Example of RC Corner Information
For other setup.tcl variables, see:
Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer
Defining Library and Technology File
Defining Delay Corner Information
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Defining OpenAccess
Mailing Results and Updates
Miscellaneous Variables

September 2020 25 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

For edi_config.tcl variables see Describing innovus_config.tcl

For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Example of RC Corner Information

Variable Name Value Type
set vars(rc_corners) worst best

set vars(worst,cap_table) tech/worst/capTable

set vars(worst,T) 125

set vars(best,cap_table) tech/best/capTable

set vars(best,T) 0

Defining Delay Corner Information

Variable Name Value Usage Description
delay_corners list Specify the delay corner names
delay_corner,library_set string Delay corner library set name
delay_corner,rc_corner string Delay corner RC corner name
delay_corner,derate_factor float Specify derating factors*.

Note: The valid factors are listed below this

delay_corner,cell_worst_late float Specify the setup for derating of cells
delay_corner,cell_worst_early float Specify the hold derating for cells
delay_corner,cell_best_late float Specify the setup for derating of cells
delay_corner,cell_best_early float Specify the hold derating for cells
delay_corner,wire_worst_late float Specify the setup derating for nets

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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

delay_corner,wire_worst_early float Specify the hold derating for nets

delay_corner,wire_best_late float Specify the setup derating for nets
delay_corner,wire_best_early float Specify the hold derating for nets
delay_corner,derate_tcl float Allows the user to have a
delay_corner.derate.tcl file for each delay
corner instead of having to set one file per
delay in the setup.tcl.

Foundation flow also has an analogous

rc,scale_tcl variable for RC corners called
delay_corner,cell_check_early float Specify the check early for cells
delay_corner,cell_check_late float Specify the check late for cells
set list Specify the internal library name for the
vars(delay_corner,late_opcond_library) library in which the late operating condition
is defined. This is not the library file name.
set list Specify the internal library name for the
vars(delay_corner,early_opcond_library) library in which the early operating
condition is defined. This is not the library
file name.
set vars(delay_corner,late_opcond) list Specify the operating condition to use for
calculating late arrival times at a single
delay corner.
set vars(delay_corner,early_opcond) list Specify the operating condition to use for
calculating early arrival times at a single
delay corner.

*Derating Factors
The valid derating factors are described below:

Variable Name Usage Description

data_cell_late Specify setup derating of cell

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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

data_cell_early Specify hold derating of cell

data_net_late Specify setup derating of net
data_net_early Specify hold derating of net
clock_cell_late Specify hold derating of clock cell
clock_cell_early Specify setup derating of clock cell
clock_net_late Specify hold derating of clock net
clock_net_early Specify setup derating of clock net
set_timing_derate Specify after CTS in case you did not define derating on initialization

Support for Power Domain - Delay Corner Binding Via

Variable Name Usage Description
set vars(library_sets) List of library sets
set vars(delay_corners) List of delay corners
set vars(power_domains) List of power domains to bind
set vars(dc,power_domains) List of power domains

set List of power domains. This allows bind to a specify delay corner
vars(dc,ls,power_domains) AND library set

September 2020 28 Product Version 20.12

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TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Support for Power Domain - Per Delay Corner AND Per Library Set
Variable Name Usage Description
set vars(library_sets) List of library sets
set vars(delay_corners) List of delay corners
set vars(power_domains) List of power domains to bind
set vars(dc1,pd1,early_library_set) List of delay corners, power domains, and early library
set vars(dc1,pd1,late_library_set) List of delay corners, power domains, and late library

set vars(dc2,pd2,library_set) List of delay corners, power domains, and library sets

Also see Example of Delay Corner Information

For other setup.tcl variables, see:
Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer
Defining Library and Technology File
Defining RC Corner Information
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Defining OpenAccess
Mailing Results and Updates
Miscellaneous Variables
For edi_config.tcl variables see Describing innovus_config.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 29 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Example of Delay Corner Information

Variable Name Value Type
set vars(worst,pre_route_cap_factor) 1.08
set vars(worst,pre_route_res_factor) 1.12

Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views

Variable Name Value Usage Description
constraints_modes list Specify the constraint mode names
constraint_mode,pre_cts_sdc list Specify the Pre CTS SDCs
constraints_mode,post_cts_sdc list Specify the Replacement Post CTS SDCs
constraints_mode,incr_cts_sdc list Specify the Incremental Post CTS SDCs
analysis_views list Specify the analysis view names
analysis_view,delay_corner string Specify the delay corners
analysis_view,constraint_mode setup_func Specify the constraint mode
setup_analysis_views list Specify the setup analysis views
hold_analysis_views list Specify the hold analysis views
default_setup_view list Specify the default setup views
default_hold_view list Specify the default hold views
step,active_setup_views list Specify the active setup views
step,active_hold_views list Specify the active hold views
step,setup_analysis_views list Specify the setup analysis views
step,hold_analysis_views list Specify the hold analysis views

September 2020 30 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

See also Example of Constraint Modes and Analysis Views

For other setup.tcl variables, see:
Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer
Defining Library and Technology File
Defining RC Corner Information
Defining Delay Corner Information
Defining OpenAccess
Mailing Results and Updates
Miscellaneous Variables
For edi_config.tcl variables see Describing edi_config.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Example of Constraint Modes and Analysis Views

Variable Name Value Type
set vars(constraint_modes) func_mode test_mode

set vars(func_mode,pre_cts_sdc) sdc/functional.sdc

set vars(test_mode,pre_cts_sdc) sdc/test_mode.sdc

set vars(func_mode,post_cts_sdc) sdc/postcts.sdc

set vars(delay_corners) slow_worst fast_best

set vars(slow_worst,library_set) slow

set vars(slow_worst,rc_corner) worst

set vars(fast_best,library_set) fast

set vars(fast_best,rc_corner) best

set vars(slow_worst,clock_cell_early) 0.95

set vars(fast_worst,clock_cell_late) 1.05

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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

set vars(analysis_views) func_slow_worst func_fast_best test_slow_worst


set slow_worst

set func_mode

set vars(func_fast_best,delay_corner) fast_best

set func_mode

set slow_worst

set test_mode

set vars(test_fast_best,delay_corner) fast_best

set test_mode

set vars(setup_analysis_view) func_slow_worst test_slow_worst

set vars(hold_analysis_view) func_fast_best test_fast_best

set vars(active_setup_views) func_slow_worst

set vars(active_hold_views) func_fast_best test_fast_best

set vars(default_setup_view) func_slow_worst

set vars(default_hold_view) func_fast_best

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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Defining OpenAccess

Defining OpenAccess

Varible Name Value Usage Description

oa_ref_lib string Specify the list of OpenAccess reference libraries
oa_abstract_name name Specify the list of OpenAccess abstract name(s) for the libraries
oa_layout_name string Specify the list of OpenAccess layout view(s) for the libraries
dbs_format string Specify the format for the intermediate database saves. Use the
value oa for OpenAccess.
oa_design_lib and oa_design_cell are also required in this
netlist_type string Specify the format of the initial database. Valid options are verilog
(default) or oa.
If oa is specified the following three oa_design_* variables are also
oa_design_lib string Specify the OpenAccess design library
oa_design_cell strings Specify the OpenAccess design cell to read and write
oa_design_view strings Specify the OpenAccess design view to import at the start of the

oa_fp string Specify the OpenAccess floorplan support.

When running the flow using OpenAccess libraries there are two ways in which to initalise the flow.
With a netlist and floorplan or with an already initialised OA view.
If the design database needs to interoperable with virtuoso it may be necessary to use the setOaxMode
command. This should be included in a plug script.
For other setup.tcl variables, see:
Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer
Defining Library and Technology File
Defining RC Corner Information

September 2020 33 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Defining Delay Corner Information

Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Mailing Results and Updates
Miscellaneous Variables
For edi_config.tcl variables see Describing innovus_config.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Mailing Results and Updates

Variable Name Value Type Usage Description
mail,to text Specify the address
mail,steps text Specify the procedure

For other setup.tcl variables, see:

Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer
Defining Library and Technology File
Defining RC Corner Information
Defining Delay Corner Information
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Defining OpenAccess
Miscellaneous Variables
For edi_config.tcl variables see Describing edi_config.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 34 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing setup.tcl

Miscellaneous Variables
Variable Name Value Type Usage Description
flat [off, partial, Controls the level of script unrolling
verbose boolean Adds comments when true
tags,verbose boolean Adds tag comments when true
tags,verbosity_level [low | high] When high adds comments for ALL possible tags in each
flow script
log_dir name Directory for log files
plug_dir string Directory for plug-ins
skew_buffers list Specify list of buffers to use during useful skew
set boolean Supports FlexILM for preCTS top-level timing closure.
Default: ILM based flow

For other setup.tcl variables, see:

Defining Floorplanning, Scan, CTS, SDC, and Routing Layer
Defining Library and Technology File
Defining RC Corner Information
Defining Delay Corner Information
Defining Constraint Modes and Analysis Views
Defining OpenAccess
Mailing Results and Updates
For edi_config.tcl variables see Describing innovus_config.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 35 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Defining Extraction Options

Defining Extraction Options

Variable Name Value Type Usage Description
relative_c_thresh float Ratio of coupling cap to total cap
total_c_thresh float Total cap threshold for coupling
coupling_c_thresh float Coupling cap threshold
qrc_config_file file Specify configuration files for QRC extraction
qrc_layer_map file Specify layer map for QRC extraction
qrc_library directory Specify library for QRC extraction

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 36 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

Describing innovus_config.tcl
This is an optional configuration file intended to support design projects where the setup.tcl is shared
between team members and defines common design data such as library, timing, and technology
information and the innovus_config.tcl is a local file that contains flow related information that is
unique to a particular block or run.
The following variables are put in an array named vars and defined in innovus_config.tcl.
To use them enter:
set vars variable_name value

Note: The vars in the column Variable Name in italics are actually placeholders and can be substituted
with your own values. For example in rc_max,cap_table the value rc_max is a placeholder and can be
a value you want to specify in cap_table.
The following types of variables are covered in this section:
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining CCOpt Variables
Example of Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
Defining ccopt_design for Clock Tree Construction
Defining CCOpt Top and Bottom Layers

September 2020 37 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

Defining Noise Settings

Variable Name Value Type Usage Description
delta_delay_threshold float Noise delay threshold

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining Power and Ground Nets

Variable Name Value Type Usage Description
power_nets list List of power nets
ground_nets list List of ground nets

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings

September 2020 38 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing

Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing

The variables can be one of the following: lsf, rsh, local, or custom. Depending on the value of the
distribution, additional variables might be required.

Variable Name Value Type Usage Description

distribute - Specify the distribution style [local, custom, rsh, lsf]
custom,script script Specify the custom grid submission script
distribute,queue string Specify the LSF Queue (lsf)
distribute,resource string Specify the LSF Resources (lsf)
distribute,args string Specify the LSF Args (lsf)
distribute,host_list list Specify the list of hosts (rsh)
distribute_timeout seconds Tells how long to wait for a distributed host before it fails
local_cpus integer Specify the number of threads
remote_hosts integer Specify the number of hosts

September 2020 39 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

cpus_per_remote_host integer Specify the number of CPUs per remote host

See also Example of Distributed Processing

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see
Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining CCOpt Variables

The following variables are added to Foundation Flow to enable Clock Current Optimization. CCOpt
runs clock tree synthesis (CTS) concurrently with placement and physical optimization and uses a
timing window driven engine to optimize timing paths and clocks simultaneously.

Variable Name Description

cts_engine Enables Clock Tree Synthesis, Clock Current Optimization and Clock
Current Optimization enabled CTS (cts, ccopt, and ccopt_cts).
ccopt_executable Enables the path to the CCOpt executable. This is optional.
cts_buffer_cells List of usable buffers (required).

September 2020 40 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

cts_inverter_cells List of usable inverters (required).

cts_use_inverters Enables the use of inverters (true or false).
cts_target_slew Enables maximum clock tree transition time
cts_target_skew Enables initial skew target.
cts_io_opt Enables IO timing optimization (on, off, secondary).
ccopt_effort Defines the effort level (low, medium, high).
pre_ccopt_tcl Enables the native pre-ccopt plug-in.
post_ccopt_tcl Enables the native post-ccopt plug-in.
clk_tree_top_layer Enables the top tree preferred layer.
clk_tree_bottom_layer Enables the bottom tree preferred layer.
clk_tree_ndr Enables the NDR for tree nets.
clk_leaf_top_layer Enables the top leaf preferred layer.
clk_leaf_bottom_layer Enables the bottom leaf preferred layer
cts_leaf_ndr Enables the NDR for leaf nets.
clk_tree_shield_net Enables the shielding net (ccopt only).
clock_gate_cells This is an existing variable for CTS but is also used for ccopt_design
update_io_latency This is an existing variable for CTS but is also used for ccopt_design

Example of Distributed Processing

Example of Distributed Processing

Example 1

Variable Name Example Value

set vars(distribute) custom

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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

set vars(local_cpus) 4
set vars(remote_hosts) 4
set vars(custom,script) /grid/sfi/farm/bin/bsub <run limit>
<project name> <resource string> <queue name>

Example 2

Variable Name Example Value

set vars(distribute) lsf
set vars(local_cpus) 2
set vars(remote_hosts) 4
set vars(lsf,queue) nx64
set vars(lsf,resource) <resource string>
The execution host on which you want to run the job.
set vars(lsf,args) <run limit> <project name>

Defining LP Flow Variables

Variable Name Value Type Usage Description
cpf_timing boolean Specifies the CPF timing.
cpf_file cpf_file_name Specifies the name of the CPF file.
IEEE1801 Mapping: vars(ieee1801_file)

resize_shifter_and_iso_insts boolean Allows level shifter and resizing of isolation

opconds list Specifies the conditionals list.
opcond,voltage voltage Specifies the voltage.
opcond,temperature temp Specifies the temperature.
opcond,process process scale Specifies the process.

September 2020 42 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

opcond,library_file file Specifies the library file.

cpf_isolation boolean Specifies the CPF isolation cells.
IEEE1801 Mapping:

cpf_keep_rows boolean Specifies the CPF rows to keep.

IEEE1801 Mapping:

cpf_level_shifter boolean Specifies the CPF level shifters.

Mapping: vars(ieee1801_level_shifter)

cpf_power_domain boolean Specifies the CPF power domains.

Mapping: vars(ieee1801_power_domain)

cpf_power_switch boolean Specifies the CPF power switches.

Mapping: vars(ieee1801_power_switch)

cpf_state_retention boolean Specifies the CPF state retentions.

Mapping: vars(ieee1801_state_retention)

Foundation Flow supports the following scenarios:

Using the variable cpf_file displays the results in FF/view_definition.tcl
1. Variables vars(cpf_file)+ vars(cpf_timing) will set the init_cpf_file but not the init_mmmc_file.
The variable init_design will be executed which means that the timing will be derived from CPF.
read_power_intent -cpf will be executed.

commit_power_intent will be executed.

The tcl file view_definition.tcl will be created to define RC Corners and to update the
Delay Corners.

2. Variables vars(cpf_file) + !vars(cpf_timing) will not set the init_cpf_file but will set
the init_mmmc_file. The variable init_design will be executed which means that the timing will be

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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

derived from mmmc_file.

read_power_intent -cpf will be executed.

commit_power_intent will be executed.

3. No CPF file. init_cpf_file will not be set but init_mmmc_file will be set and init_design will be
executed which means that timing will be derived from mmmc_file.
So, when cpf_file is set and cpf_timing is NOT defined, we default to (1) (assuming the CPF has full
timing). The user must specify vars(cpf_timing) false to get flow (2)
For other edi_config.tcl variables, see
Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining Optional Variables

Variable Name Value Usage Description Command/Option
Type Affected
assign_buffer boolean Adds buffers for assign statements. None
The default is False.

September 2020 44 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

buffer_name list Specifies the list of assigned None

buffer_tie_assign boolean Specifies buffer tie high/low to None
assign nets
clock_buffer_cells list Specifies the list of clock buffer setCCOptMode -
cells. cts_buffer_cells
during cts step
clock_inverter_cells list Specifies the list of clock inverter setCCOptMode -
cells. cts_inverter_cells
during cts step
clock_gating_cells list Specifies the list of clock gating setCCOptMode -
cells. cts_clock_gating_cells
during cts step
cts_cells list Specifies the CTS buffer cells. specifyClockTree -
buffer (legacy CTS)
during cts step
delay_cells list Specifies the list of delay cell setDontUse <cell>
names. This variable ensures that <false> during hold
these cells are set to 'setDontUse' fixing steps
false during hold fixing.

dont_use_list list Specifies the list of dont use cells This file is sourced
during the init step, so it
should contain
setDontuse commands.

dont_use_file file Specifies the file of setDontUse setDontUse <cell>

commands created by the user. <true> during the init
filler_cells list Specifies the list of filler cell setFillerMode -core
names. during route step
gds_files list Specifies the GDS file name streamOut -merge
during the signoff step
gds_layer_map file Specifies GDSII to LEF layer None
mapping file

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Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

jtag_cells list Specifies the list of JTAG specifyJtag -inst

instances. during place step
jtag_rows integer Specifies the number of rows for specifyJtag -inst
JTAG placement. during place step
size_only_file list Specify instances that can be re- setOptMode -
sized only during optimization. sizeOnlyFile <file>
during the placement
step, when
place_opt_design is
enabled. Otherwise, it is
during the prects step.

spare_cells list Specifies the list of spare cells specifySpareGate -inst

instances. during place step
tie_cells list Specifies the list of tie cells [tiehi setTieHiLoMode -cells
tielo] during the placement
time_design_options list Specifies the list of following timeDesign
additional valid timeDesign

use_list list Specifies the list of cells to use setDontUse <cell>

regardless of whether they are set <false> during the init
dont use in the library step

The variable vars (power_analysis_view) is the analysis_view that is used for power optimization. It is
one of the defined views in the setup.tcl. It is used in the init step:
set_power_analysis_mode -analysis_view $vars(power_analysis_view)

Following is an example where report power is called at the end of each step and when vars
(report_power) is true:
report_power -view $vars(power_analysis_view) -outfile

September 2020 46 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see:
Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For more examples, see Example Settings for Each Script
valid timeDesign options

Defining Tie and Filler Cells

Variable Name Value Usage Description
tie_cells list Specify the list of tie cells
filler_cells list Specify the list of filler cells
tie_cells, vars Specify the distance between tie-cell and tie-pins less than given
max_distance value. A float value (microns).
tie_cells, vars Specify the number of tie-pins a tie-net can drive. Zero means no-
max_fanout limit (integer)

September 2020 47 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications

The max_gap and cell_interval parameters are mutually exclusive, the user has to define any one of
these parameters to add welltap cells.

Variable Name Value Type Usage Description

welltaps name Specify the well tap cells
welltaps,checkerboard boolean Specify true or false in the checkerboard
in well tap cells.
welltaps,max_gap float Specify the maximum distance from the right
edge of one well-tap cell to the left edge of
the following well-tap cell in the same row
welltaps,cell_interval float Specify the maximum distance from the center
of one well-tap cell to the center of the following
well-tap cell in the same row

September 2020 48 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

welltaps,verify_rule float Specify the verify rules between welltap cells

pre_endcap cell_name Specify the Pre Endcap cells
post_endcap cell_name Specify the Post Endcap cells

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power

domain basis)

Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)

Note: This is optional.

Variable Name Value Usage Description


September 2020 49 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

domain,welltaps name Specify the well tap cells in the domain

domain,checkerboard boolean Specify true or false in the checkerboard in well tap cells
domain,max_gap float Specify the maximum distance from the right edge of one
well-tap cell to the left edge of the following well-tap cell in
the same row
domain,cell_interval float Specify the maximum distance from the center of one well-
tap cell to the center of the following well-tap cell in the same
domain,pre_endcap cell_name Specify the Pre Endcap cells
domain,post_endcap cell_name Specify the Post Endcap cells

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 50 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

Reporting Power

Reporting Power

Variable Name Value Usage Description

activity_file string Specify the name of the activity file
activity_file_format enum Specify the format of the activity file TCF | SAF | VCD
report_power boolean Choose True or False depending upon whether you want
power reported
power_analysis_view list Specifies the default setup view

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 51 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

Defining Hier ILMs

Variable Name Value Usage Description
ilm_non_sdc_file ilm Allows support for interactive Non-SDC constraint support in
ilm_list ilm Specifies ILMs for bottom up hierarchical design
lef_file ilm Specifies ILMs for bottom up hierarchical design
ilm_dir ilm Specifies ILMs for bottom up hierarchical design
pre_cts_ilm_sdc mode Specifies ILMs for bottom up hierarchical design

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Flow Control
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

September 2020 52 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

Defining Flow Control

These variables are optional and are specific to the design.

Variable Name Value Usage Description

activity_file string Specify the name of the activity file
activity_file_format enum Select the format of the activity type TCF | SAF | VCD
report_power boolean Choose True or False depending upon whether you
want power reported
power_analysis_view list Specifies the default setup view
enable_ocv enum Specify when to enable OCV (list of enum values). The
options are: {false | pre_postcts | pre_postroute |
pre_postroute_si | pre_prects | pre_signoff}
enable_cppr enum Specify during enable CPPR. The options are: {setup,
hold, both, none}
enable_ss enum Specify if/when to enable signalStorm delay
calculation. The options are: {pre_place | pre_prects |
pre_postcts, | pre_postroute | pre_postroute_si |
pre_signoff | false}
enable_si_aware boolean Specify whether to enable si-aware postroute

Note: This will disable the postroute_si and

postroute_si_hold steps as the are unnecessary when
this is enabled)
fix_hold enum Controls the points of the flow where hold optimization
is enabled. The options are: false | postcts | postroute |

catch_errors string Specify to save an immediate database on errors in

save_on_catch string Saves the Innovus database when the catch is
activated because of an error

September 2020 53 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

antenna_diode string Cell for antenna fixing

save_constraints string Save constraints along with design database
abort boolean Abort the codegen if an error is found. The default is
report_run_time boolean Specify to track and report CPU time for each step
useful_skew boolean Specify to enable useful skew optimization
postroute_spread_wires boolean Enable postroute wire spreading
signoff_extraction_effort string Specify the signoff extraction effort
postroute_extraction_effort enum Specify level of extraction effort. The default is medium.
This variable is a flow control variable related to the
type of extraction post route.
hier_flow_type Enables the new two pass hierarchical flow. The valid
types are 1pass (default) and 2pass

enable_aocv Enables the new AOCV timing

feature setAnalysisMode -aocv

rc_corner,atf_file A CCOpt technology file (atf) needed for the new

command ccopt_design

delay_corner,power_domains Defines the binding between delay corner and power

domains. It is used with the vars(cpf_timing)
false flow.

absolute_lib_path Saves absolute paths to library files and is an option

to saveDesign
relative_path Saves relative paths to data files and is is an option
to saveDesign
cts_engine Switches on ccopt features. The valid values are [cts,
ccopt, and ccopt_cts]

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options

September 2020 54 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

Defining Noise Settings

Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Command Mode Variables
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining Command Mode Variables

In this section we provide a list of recommendations for the Command Mode variables. The placement
variables assume that all I/Os are placed in legal locations, as they are not moved by default.
The set optimization options should be persistent throughout the flow. Preserve the assertions on
hierarchical ports (enable for hierarchical flows so that module ports that are constrained are not
Note: Values in italic text are recommended but are not default values.
For congested designs, set the congestion effort to high instead of to medium.

Variable Name Default

place_io_pins false
clock_gate_aware true
congestion_effort auto

in_place_opt false
no_pre_place_opt false

September 2020 55 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

place_opt_design true

For timing effort:

Variable Name Default

high_timing_effort false

In hierarchical flow, the final full flat timing analysis is done with the original constraints and it
does not take into account the block level constraint files (that may have been modified). Use -
preserveAssertions {true | false} to avoid issues related to buffer removal. It may be beneficial to
run the first pass of hold fixing with setup degradation disallowed to see how many hold violations
are left, and then check if the violations are real and decide how to proceed.
To enable leakage power optimization throughout the flow, use ‑leakagePowerEffort
{low | high}. An high effort may impact timing and will have an impact on run-time.
For pre-route optimization, set critical range to the percentage of sub-critical paths to be
optimized, for example, 0.2 or 0.5.

Variable Name Default

preserve_assertions false
leakage_power_effort none
dynamic_power_effort none
fix_hold true
fix_hold_ignore_ios false
fix_hold_allow_tns_degradation true

The high effort hold fixing should improve the quality of results at the expense of runtime.
Set CTS options; the recommendation is to route the clock nets during CTS. If some signals
should not be routed, set the clock nets option to false and use RouteClkNet true in the spec file.

Variable Name Default Usage Description

route_clock_nets true Route all clock nets during CTS
clock_eco false Run ckECO [postcts, postroute, both, none]

September 2020 56 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

clock_gate_clone false Choose True or False depending upon whether you want to clone
the gates

Set the routing options. The recommended options for multicut via insertion and litho driven
routing incur run-time penalties but yield advantages so they are included here. The
‑routeWithLithoDriven option is recommended for 45 nm but may also be used at 65 nm.

The -drouteUseMultiCutViaEffort option can be set to high if needed; expect an average of 5

percent coverage improvement. Expect an average 10 percent run-time degradation as compared
to the medium effort. Setting the value to high also affects TNS. Consider disabling this option
during early trials.

The flow default is to disable multi-cut via insertion. For 90nm and below, it is recommended to
insert multi-cut vias using set vars(multi_cut_effort) medium. This will come with a runtime
and memory penalty and will also affect QoR. The set vars(multi_cut_effort) can be set to
high if needed; expect an average of 5 percent coverage improvement with an average 10
percent runtime hit versus medium and will also affect TNS.

Variable Name Default Usage Description

multi_cut_effort low Insert multi-cut vias during routing
litho_driven_routing false Litho-driven routing option
in_route_opt false Performs timing optimization after track assignment

Set the noise analysis options. Existing CeltIC users should preserve existing settings if
applicable. Consult the SI Analysis application note for more information on these settings. You
can get the application note from your Cadence Support Representative.

Variable Name Default Usage Description

delta_delay_threshold undefined Specify the delay noise threshold
celtic_settings undefined Specify the Celtic settings
total_c_thresh undefined Specify the total cap threshold filter
relative_c_thresh undefined Specify the relative threshold filter
coupling_c_thresh undefined Specify the coupling threshold filter

September 2020 57 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

si_analysis_type enum Specify the analysis type (default or pessimistic)

acceptable_wns float Specify to define the target slack for SI optimization

For other edi_config.tcl variables, see

Defining Extraction Options
Defining Noise Settings
Defining Power and Ground Nets
Defining Multi-Threading or Distributed Processing
Defining LP Flow Variables
Defining Optional Variables
Defining Tie and Filler Cells
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications
Defining Welltap and Endcap Specifications (Per power domain basis)
Reporting Power
Defining Hier ILMs
Defining Flow Control
For setup.tcl variables see Describing setup.tcl
For examples see Example Settings for Each Script

Defining ccopt_design for Clock Tree Construction

The following vars are used for defining ccopt_design for Clock Tree Construction.

Variable Name Value Type Usage Description

cts_inverter_cells list Specify the CTS inverter cells
cts_buffer_cells list Specify the CTS buffer cells
clock_gate_cells list Specify the clock gate cells
cts_use_inverters boolean Specify true or false

September 2020 58 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Describing innovus_config.tcl

update_io_latency boolean Specify true or false

cts_target_skew float Specify the skew
cts_target_slew float Specify the slew
cts_io_opt enum Specify on | off | secondary
ccopt_effort enum Specify low | medium | high

Defining CCOpt Top and Bottom Layers

The following vars define top and bottom layers for clock tree and leaf nets, non default rules, and clock
shielding net (ccopt only).

Variable Name Value Usage Description

clk_tree_top_layer string setCTSMode | Specifies the preferred top routing layer for
set_ccopt_mode non-leaf clock nets.
clk_tree_bottom_layer string setCTSMode | Specifies the preferred bottom routing layer
set_ccopt_mode for non-leaf clock nets.
clk_leaf_top_layer string setCTSMode | Specifies the preferred top routing layer for
set_ccopt_mode leaf clock nets.
clk_leaf_bottom_layer string setCTSMode | Specifies the preferred bottom routing layer
set_ccopt_mode for leaf clock nets.
clk_tree_ndr string setCTSMode | Specifies the non default rule for non-leaf
set_ccopt_mode clock nets.
clk_leaf_ndr string setCTSMode | Specifies the non default rule for leaf clock
set_ccopt_mode nets.
clk_tree_shield_net string setCTSMode | Specifies the global net to use for shielding
set_ccopt_mode the clock network.

Note: Leaf nets are the nets connected to the clock pins of the leaf cell (flop/latches). Non-leaf nets are
the nets that are not leaf nets; and they form the main part of the clock tree from the root down till the
leaf nets.

September 2020 59 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Example Settings for Each Script

Example Settings for Each Script

Each step of the script has settings as shown in the example below which tells the user which variables
affect the script generation.
set vars(step) place
These variables affect this step:
- vars(congestion_effort)

- vars(clock_gate_aware)

- vars(place_io_pins)

- vars(in_place_opt)

- vars(preserve_assertions)

- vars(leakage_power_effort)

- vars(dynamic_power_effort)

- vars(clock_gate_aware)

- vars(critical_range)

set vars(step) prects
These variables affect this step:
- vars(process)

- vars(preserve_assertions)

- vars(leakage_power_effort)

- vars(dynamic_power_effort)

- vars(clock_gate_aware)

- vars(critical_range)

- vars(useful_skew)

- vars(skew_buffers)

set vars(step) cts

September 2020 60 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
TCL Variables--Example Settings for Each Script

These variables affect this step:

- vars(process)

- vars(route_clock_nets)

- vars(litho_driven_routing)

- vars(multi_cut_effort)

set vars(step) postcts
These variables affect this step:
- vars(process)

- vars(enable_cppr)

- vars(clock_gate_clone)
See Sample Single Script Flow for an example implementation.

September 2020 61 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Plug-in Variables and Tags

Plug-in Variables and Tags

Tags and plug-ins provide an easy method to both expand upon and customise the basic flows. In
this section we describe the pre-defined variables for plug-ins and tags. The section covers:
Defining Plug-in Variables
Commands that can be Tagged

Defining Plug-in Variables

Plug-in variables are included to allow you to customize the flow. For each step in the flow, there
are plug-ins before and after the main step command. For example, in the placement step, there is a
plug-in before and after the place_opt_design command. The plug-ins are called pre_step_tcl and

So, in the case of the placement step, the plug-in would be

called vars(pre_place_tcl) and vars(post_place_tcl).
These variables point to a user generated TCL file containing Innovus commands which are run in
addition to the basic flow commands. The following plug-ins are supported.
Keep in mind that there is no error checking but errors that occur will be caught and the tool will exit
gracefully and save databases, where appropriate.
Note: The plug-in script should not include the restoreDesign command. The foundation flow
automatically restores the design from the previous step.

Plug-in Variable Name Value Usage Description

always_source_tcl string The contents of the file will be sourced at the start of
each stage of the flow
pre_init_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced before loading the

September 2020 62 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Plug-in Variables and Tags--Defining Plug-in Variables

post_init_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after loading the

pre_place_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after loading the
design but before running the placement step. Before
running the command place_opt_design

place_tcl string When specified, this file will replace the default
placement commands
post_place_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after running the
placement step but before exiting the script. After
running the command place_opt_design

pre_prects_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced before loading the
post_prects_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after pre-CTS
cts_tcl string When specified, this file will replace the default
ccopt_design command

pre_cts_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after placing the
design but before running designing the clock. Before
running the command ccopt_design

post_cts_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after designing
the clock. After running the command ccopt_design
Specify the directory PLUG/post_cts.tcl

pre_postcts_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced before post-CTS
post_postcts_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after post-CTS

pre_postcts_hold_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced before post-CTS
Hold Fixing
post_postcts_hold_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after before post-
CTS Hold Fixing

September 2020 63 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Plug-in Variables and Tags--Defining Plug-in Variables

pre_route_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after loading the
CTS but before routing. Before running the command

post_route_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after routing. After
running the command routeDesign

pre_postroute_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced before postRoute
Hold Fixing
post_postroute_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after postRoute
Hold Fixing

postroute_spread_wires boolean The content of the file will be sourced after loading the
post routing design and spreading the wires

pre_signoff_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced before final static
timing analysis (STA)

post_signoff_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced after before final
static timing analysis (STA)

metal_fill_tcl string An example is provided in the TEMPLATES directory

final_always_source_tcl string Specify the path to plug-in file. Runs after every flow.

metalfill_tcl string When specified, this file will replace the default metal fill
metalfill string Specify variable to define if and when to insertion
metalfill (pre_postroute, pre_postroute_si,

pre_model_gen_tcl string The content of the file will be sourced before running
FlexModel model generation

pre_assign_pin_tcl string The content of the file will sourced before running
partition pin assignment

Plug-in Usage:
To enable a plug-in, define the appropriate plug-in variable in the setup.tcl file. The software
sources the plug-in automatically at the appropriate time in the flow. For example:
set vars(post_cts_tcl) PLUG/post_cts.tcl

September 2020 64 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Plug-in Variables and Tags--Commands that can be Tagged

To use the post_cts_tcl plug-in to adjust clock latencies after CTS.

Commands that can be Tagged

Below is a list of commands that can be tagged with the following tags:
-pre_tcl filename => Script to be run before the tagged command

-post_tcl filename => Script to be run after the tagged command

-replace_tcl filename => Script to be run to replace the tagged command

-skip true | false => Skip the tagged command

These variables are structure step,commmand,tag

They should be added to your setup.tcl or edi_config.tcl
See Also,
Tags for Innovus Flow

Tags for Innovus Flow

Tags provides a more granular approach to flow customization for customers who need it. Each
step of the flow has a list of tags and they are generated by gen_setup.tcl in a file called
edi_tags.auto.tcl. Each command has four tags that you need to define. The types of tags are:

A variable to skip the command entirely

A script to completely replace the command
Scripts to run before the command
Scripts to run after the command
The following list lists the tags for the Innovus foundation flow Tags for Flow
This section also contains these examples:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:

September 2020 65 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Plug-in Variables and Tags--Commands that can be Tagged

Example 1:
set vars(prects,opt_design,post_tcl) file

set var(flat) full

Where file contains:

saveDesign $vars(dbs_dir)/prects1.enc

setClockDomains -fromType register -toType register

optDesign -preCTS incr


optDesign -preCTS -outDir RPT -prefix prects

# <begin tag prects,opt_design,post_tcl>

saveDesign $vars(dbs_dir)/prects1.enc

setClockDomains -fromType register -toType register

optDesign -preCTS incr

# <end tag prects,opt_design,post_tcl>


By setting, vars(flat) to full, the contents of the tag script get imported into the run script to create
a fully flattened script. Otherwise, there would simply be source file.

September 2020 66 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Plug-in Variables and Tags--Commands that can be Tagged

Example 2:
By default, time_design for place, cts, and route are skipped. If you want to enable timing reports for
any of them, just set vars(step,time_design,skip) true.

set vars(cts,time_design,skip) true


setCTSMode -routeClkNet true

setNanoRouteMode -routeWithLithoDriven true


specifyClockTree -update "AutoCTSRootPin * RouteClkNet YES"

ccopt_design -skipTimeDesign -outDir RPT


# <begin tag cts,time_design,skip>

# timeDesign -postcts -prefix cts -outDir RPT

# <end tag cts,time_design,skip>

Example 3:
Steps to create directories inside the RPT directory where reports can be appended while running
the flow:
Create a final_always_source_tcl plug-in:
set vars(final_always_source_tcl) file

Where file:
Creates the directory you want.

September 2020 67 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Plug-in Variables and Tags--Commands that can be Tagged

For Example:
file mkdir $vars(rpt_dir)/$vars(step)

Moves all relevant reports into this directory

For Example:
foreach file glob $vars(rpt_dir) $vars step*
file move $file $vars(rpt_dir) $vars(step)

Add a final timeDesign --reportOnly

For Example:
timeDesign --reportOnly --prefix $vars(step) --outDir $vars(rpt_dir)/$vars(step)

This has the advantage of being able to easily change the prefix as well.

See also, Plug-in Variables and Tags

September 2020 68 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard

Using the Wizard

Innovus provides a foundation flow wizard and code generator to enable you to quickly generate
scripts to load design data, setup timing environment, and execute the recommended
implementation flow from Placement through Signoff.
The Innovus wizard allows you to define all information necessary to generate a setup.tcl file to
drive the foundation flows. This GUI walks the customer through library definition in such a way the
required information can be obtained while hiding the underlying complexities of the MMMC timing
infrastructure. It also provides the user all the necessary foundation flow variable settings. The user
can also re-enter the wizard and restore the current settings.
Note: You can supplement the generated setup.tcl with additional variables from the documentation
or TEMPLATE directory. The wizard does not split the variables
between setup.tcl in edi_config.tcl or support the Low Power and Hierarchical flows
The Wizard can be enabled from the last tab on the tool menu.
Note: All *fields in the wizard are mandatory. All fields without * are optional. The Wizard facilitates
your enteries and shows you a summary at the end of each stage. The files you need for the wizard
to run are placed in the folder ../FF and its sub folders. The system adds the variables you do not
In this section we discuss the following:
In this section, we discuss:
Starting the Flow Wizard
View and Save Scripts
Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard
Designing the Flow
Timing the Flow
Adding Power to the Flow
Adding Power to the Flow - Summary
Setting up the Tool

September 2020 69 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Starting the Flow Wizard

Setting up Plug-in Scripts

Completing Setup

Starting the Flow Wizard

Change to the directory ff_workshop/wizard and enter this command to start the software:


This command will start the Innovus Implementation System in the graphical mode.
Choose Flow - Foundation Flow Wizard.
Note: The wizard allows you to start from scratch, from the current design in memory, or from an
existing setup.tcl. In this section we will discuss starting from scratch.

September 2020 70 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Starting the Flow Wizard

Welcome to Wizard - Basic Fields and Options

How Do You want to Start

September 2020 71 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Starting the Flow Wizard

Start from Choose this option to automatically configure the Wizard. You will still need to
Scratch select files and enter names of files but the background process will take care of
most of the configurations. In this section we will discuss starting from scratch.

Load the Choose this option if you have already created a setup.tcl file or the system has it
Design in memory. Click Load.
Setup from

Load Click the icon on the field to select a file from the system and to modify it as you go
Previously along creating the configurations to save in setup.tcl.

Foundation Flow Install Select the install directory by browsing the system and click
Directory Install.

Save Foundation Flow Select where you want to save the database.
Database At

Save Foundation Flow Reports Select where you want to save the database.

Continue Click to move to next screen

For other Wizard forms, click link below:

Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard
Designing the Flow
Timing the Flow
Adding Power to the Flow
Setting up the Tool
Setting up Plug-in Scripts
Completing Setup

September 2020 72 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--View and Save Scripts

View and Save Scripts

As you complete your setup you can now View your Foundation Flow scripts. Click the View button
on top right to view the script:

You can also save the script by clicking the Save button top right. Choose where you want to save
the different scripts: Setup, Innovus Configure and LP Configure.

Choose the folder and click Apply.

September 2020 73 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard

Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard

In this section we cover:
Setting Up the Library Information
Adding Library to the Flow - Summary

For other Wizard forms, click link below:

Starting the Flow Wizard
Designing the Flow
Timing the Flow
Adding Power to the Flow
Setting up the Tool
Setting up Plug-in Scripts
Completing Setup

Adding Library to the Flow - Summary

The Library summary display.

September 2020 74 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard

Setup Library Summary - Basic Fields and Options

Specify Process Displays the type of node you specified. Click Edit to go back to the Library
Node form and change value.

Technology LEF Displays the LEF file you specified. Click Edit to go back to the Library form
and change value.

September 2020 75 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard

Physical LEF Displays the LEF file you specified. Click Edit to go back to the Library form
and change value.

See also,
Setting Up the Library Information

September 2020 76 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard

Setting Up the Library Information

The following screen appears:

September 2020 77 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Designing the Flow

Setting Up the Wizard - Basic Fields and Options

Setting Up the Process Node of Your Sets up the process node. This is pre-populated,
Design change it to the value you want.

Specify the Technology LEF File for your Select the LEF file directory by browsing the
Design system.

Use the File Browser to select Additional Select additional LEF libraries, if any. See
LEF Libraries for your File Designing the Flow - Netlist

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change

any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Adding Library to the Flow - Summary

Designing the Flow

In this section we cover the following
Adding Design to the Flow - Summary
Designing the Flow - Clock Tree
Designing the Flow - Netlist
For other Wizard forms, click link below:
Starting the Flow Wizard
Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard
Timing the Flow
Adding Power to the Flow
Setting up the Tool
Setting up Plug-in Scripts
Completing Setup

September 2020 78 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Designing the Flow

Adding Design to the Flow - Summary

The Design summary display.

Setup Design Summary - Basic Fields and Options

September 2020 79 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Designing the Flow

Netlist Displays the netlist you specified. Click Edit to go back to the Library form and
change value.

Floorplan Displays the floorplan you specified. Click Edit to go back to the Library form and
change value.

Clock Displays the clock tree you specified. Click Edit to go back to the Library form
Tree and change value.

See also,
Designing the Flow - Netlist
Designing the Flow - Clock Tree

Designing the Flow - Clock Tree

The following screen appears:

September 2020 80 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Designing the Flow

September 2020 81 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Designing the Flow

Setup Your Clock Tree Synthesis Constraints - Basic Fields and

Automatically by Innovus Using Allows the wizard to generate the clock tree automatically.
the Following Clock Cells

Use my Clock Tree Spec File Select to use your own clock tree specification file from the
system. See Designing the Flow - Netlist.

By My User Defined Script Browse and select your own script

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry,
if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

Reviewing the Clock Tree Setup

In the next screen you can review the configurations you have entered. You can edit them or, if
satisfied, click Continue.
See also,
Designing the Flow - Netlist
Adding Design to the Flow - Summary

Designing the Flow - Netlist

The following screen appears:

September 2020 82 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Designing the Flow

September 2020 83 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Designing the Flow

Setup Your Netlist and Floorplan - Basic Fields and Options

Choose the Verilog Select the Verilog netlist
Netlist for your by browsing the system

Design Name Name of the design.

Choose the
Floorplan File for
your Design

Yes: Choose the Select the Floorplan file by browsing the

Floorplan File system and additionally, Use the DEF file

No Select to use a Script to Generate the

Complete Floorplan in User Plug-in

Specify Power and Ground Net Name

Power Net Name Enter value of power net name.

Ground Net Name Enter value of power net name

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

September 2020 84 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Designing the Flow

During the course of this wizard you may need to find files from your system. When you click ... the
following type of screen will show up.

Double Pane Selection Form - Fields and Options

Right Displays the relevant files and folders in the system. You can browse and select the
Pane other directories.

Add Select the file that you need and click Add. The right pane opens. Select the file and
click <<. The file is added to the left pane.

Delete Select the file that you need and click Delete.

Filter Specifies a filter pattern for selecting the files.

September 2020 85 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

See also,
Designing the Flow - Clock Tree
Adding Design to the Flow - Summary

Timing the Flow

In this section we cover:
Timing the Flow - Timing
Timing the Flow - Library Set
Timing the Flow - RC Corner
Timing the Flow - Delay Corner
Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode
Timing the Flow - Analysis View
Reviewing the Timing Setup
For other Wizard forms, click link below:
Starting the Flow Wizard
Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard
Designing the Flow
Adding Power to the Flow
Setting up the Tool
Setting up Plug-in Scripts
Completing Setup

Timing the Flow - Timing

The following screen appears:

September 2020 86 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

September 2020 87 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

Timing the Flow - Timing - Basic Fields and Options

Are you Timing Libraries ECSM or Select Yes or No
CCS Model?

Do you want to Enable SignalStorm Select Yes or No. If you select Yes then choose at what
Delay Calculation? stage from the drop down menu.

Do you want to enable Select Yes or No. If you select Yes then choose at what
onChipVariation? stage from the drop down menu.

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any

entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Timing the Flow - Library Set
Timing the Flow - RC Corner
Timing the Flow - Delay Corner
Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode
Timing the Flow - Analysis View
Reviewing the Timing Setup

Timing the Flow - Library Set

The following screen appears:

September 2020 88 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

September 2020 89 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

Create Timing Library Sets - Basic Fields and Options

Create Use right mouse click to Add and once added, to Edit or Delete. The following
Library Sets form opens File Menu > Add Library Set. This form will take you to further forms
Using the where you make selections and then come back to the Wizard.
Tree Browser

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Timing the Flow - Timing
Timing the Flow - RC Corner
Timing the Flow - Delay Corner
Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode
Timing the Flow - Analysis View
Reviewing the Timing Setup

Timing the Flow - RC Corner

The following screen appears:

September 2020 90 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

September 2020 91 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

Create RC Extraction Corners - Basic Fields and Options

Specify the RC Use right mouse click to Add and once added, to Edit or Delete. The following
Corner Using form opens File Menu > Add RC Corner. This form will take you to further
the Tree forms where you make selections and then come back to the Wizard.

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Timing the Flow - Timing
Timing the Flow - Library Set
Timing the Flow - Delay Corner
Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode
Timing the Flow - Analysis View
Reviewing the Timing Setup

Timing the Flow - Delay Corner

The following screen appears:

September 2020 92 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

Create Delay Corner Sets - Basic Fields and Options

Do you want to Enable Clock Path Pessimism Removal?

Enable CPPR Select the stage from the drop-down menu


September 2020 93 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

Specify Delay Select the button to turn it On or OFF. When you click OFF the following form
Corner(s) opens File Menu > Add Delay Corner. This form will take you to further forms
Using the where you make selections and then come back to the Wizard.
Matrix Table

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Timing the Flow - Timing
Timing the Flow - Library Set
Timing the Flow - RC Corner
Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode
Timing the Flow - Analysis View
Reviewing the Timing Setup

Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode

The following screen appears:

September 2020 94 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

September 2020 95 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

Create Constraint Modes - Basic Fields and Options

Display and Edit the Use mouse right-click Add Constraint Mode and the form will take
Constraint Modes Using you to File Menu > Add Constraint Mode where you make selections
the Tree Browser and then come back to the Wizard.

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Timing the Flow - Timing
Timing the Flow - Library Set
Timing the Flow - RC Corner
Timing the Flow - Delay Corner
Timing the Flow - Analysis View
Reviewing the Timing Setup

Timing the Flow - Analysis View

The following screen appears:

September 2020 96 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

September 2020 97 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

Create Analysis Views - Basic Fields and Options

Specify Analysis View(s) using the Select the button to turn it On or OFF
Matrix Table

Specify Default Setup Analysis Views Specify the view you want. Choose from the drop-down

Specify Default Hold Analysis Views Specify the view you want. Choose from the drop-down

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any

entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Timing the Flow - Timing
Timing the Flow - Library Set
Timing the Flow - RC Corner
Timing the Flow - Delay Corner
Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode
Reviewing the Timing Setup

Reviewing the Timing Setup

In the next screen you can review the configurations you have entered. You can edit them or, if
satisfied, click Continue. Depending on your entries, the summary will look like this.

September 2020 98 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Timing the Flow

See also,
Timing the Flow - Timing
Timing the Flow - Library Set
Timing the Flow - RC Corner

September 2020 99 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Adding Power to the Flow

Timing the Flow - Delay Corner

Timing the Flow - Constraint Mode
Timing the Flow - Analysis View

Adding Power to the Flow

The following screen appears:

September 2020 100 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Adding Power to the Flow

September 2020 101 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Adding Power to the Flow

Setup Your Power - Basic Fields and Options

Specify Default Power The name of the file appears in a drop-down list, choose it or any
Analysis View other.

Do You Want to Select Leakage Power or Dynamic Power to use if you want to
Optimize Power optimize power. Each of the options comes in three flavours: High,
Medium, and Low. This is optional.

Do you have an Specify the activity file if you have one and select it from the system.
Activity File? Else, select No. (Default)

Do you want to Select Yes if you want to generate reports. Else, select No. (Default)
Generate Power

Does your Power have Specify the CPF file if you have MSO or PSV requirements and you
MSO or PSV can additionally keep DEF rows. Else, select No. (Default)

Do you want to Select from options if you want to commit certain sections of the CPF
Commit Certain files. This option is active if you specify a CPF file in the previous
Portion of the CPF option.

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

Reviewing the Power Setup

In the next screen you can review the configurations you have entered. You can edit them or, if
satisfied, click Continue.
For other Wizard forms, click link below:
Starting the Flow Wizard
Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard
Designing the Flow
Timing the Flow
Setting up the Tool

September 2020 102 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Adding Power to the Flow - Summary

Setting up Plug-in Scripts

Completing Setup

Adding Power to the Flow - Summary

The Power summary display.

September 2020 103 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Setup Power Summary - Basic Fields and Options

Power Analysis View Displays the name you specified for the power analysis view.

Optimize Power Lists your selections.

Activity File Lists your selections.

Report Power Lists your selections.

CPF File Lists your selections.

Edit Click to go back to the previous screen and make changes.

Setting up the Tool

In this section we cover:
Setting up the Tool - Setup
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing
Reviewing the Tool Setup
For other Wizard forms, click link below:
Starting the Flow Wizard
Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard
Designing the Flow
Timing the Flow

September 2020 104 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Adding Power to the Flow

Setting up Plug-in Scripts
Completing Setup

Setting up the Tool - Setup

The following screen appears:

September 2020 105 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

September 2020 106 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Setup Tool Specific Options Basic Fields and Option

Do you want to Skip the Yes Select if you want to skip. No Select if you want to overwrite
Tool Setup the default tool options

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing
Reviewing the Tool Setup

Setting up the Tool - Placement

If you choose to set up the tool, the following screen appears:

September 2020 107 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

September 2020 108 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Set up Placement Options - Basic Fields and Option

Do Not Run Pre-Place Check the box to not run Pre-Placement optimization

Run In-place Optimization Check the box to run in-place optimization

Place IO Pins Check the box to place IO pins

Enable Clock Gate Aware Check the box to enable clock gate aware if you have clock gating
If You Have Clock Gating cells in your design
Cells in Your Design

Specify Congestion Effort Select from drop-down list.

Specify Number Of Rows Enter value to specify number of rows for JTAG placement
For JTAG Placement

Specify Tie Hi/Lo Cells Select the file from a new screen that shows you the selected
Hi/Lo Cells cells in right hand folder. You can Add or Delete cells
to the left hand folder. Then click Apply

Specify Filler Cells Select the file from a new screen that shows you the selected
Filler Cells cells in right hand folder. You can Add or Delete cells
to the left hand folder. Then click Apply

Specify Well Taps Select the file from a new screen that shows you the selected Well
Tap cells in right hand folder. You can Add or Delete cells to the
left hand folder. Then click Apply

Specify JTAG Cells Select the file from a new screen that shows you the selected
JTAG Cells in right hand folder. You can Add or Delete cells to the
left hand folder. Then click Apply

Select Click to select the required file from a new screen that shows you
the selected cells in right hand folder. You can Add or Delete cells
to the left hand folder. Then click Apply.

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route

September 2020 109 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity

Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing
Reviewing the Tool Setup

Setting up the Tool - Optimization

The following screen appears:

September 2020 110 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

September 2020 111 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Set up Optimization Options - Basic Fields and Option

Assign Buffer Check box to assign buffer

Preserve Constraints on IO Port Check box to preserve constraints on IO ports

Specify critical range of TNS Optimization Enter value for critical range of TNS optimization

High Timing Effort Check box for High Timing effort

Enable Clock Gate Aware If You Have Check box to enable clock gating aware if you
Clock Gating Cells in Your Design have clock gating cells in your design

Enable Clock Gating Check box to enable clock gating

Enable useful Skew and Select Skew Select value from drop-down to enable useful
Buffers skew and select skew buffers

Enable Hold Fixing Check box to enable hold fixing

Disable Hold Fixing for IO Check box to disable hold fixing for IO

Enable Hold Fixing allow TNS degradation Check box to enable hold fixing allowing TNS

Resize Shifter and Isolation Instances Check box to resize shifter and isolation instances

Specify Dont Use List Enter value for dont use list

Specify Use List Enter value for use list

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change

any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)

September 2020 112 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU

Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing
Reviewing the Tool Setup

Setting up the Tool - CTS

The following screen appears:

September 2020 113 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

September 2020 114 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Set up CTS Options - Basic Fields and Option

Disable Routing Clock Nets During Check box to disable routing

Enable Clock ECO Select Post-CTS or Post-Route, or both

Back To move to the previous screen and change any entry, if


Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing
Reviewing the Tool Setup

Setting up the Tool - Route

The following screen appears:

September 2020 115 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

September 2020 116 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Set up NanoRoute Options - Basic Fields and Option

Generate Tracks Check box to generate tracks

Enable Litho Driven Routing Check box to enable litho driven routing

Enable Wire Spreading at Post-Route Check box to enable wire spreading at post-route
Optimization optimization

Specify Top Routing Layer Select options from drop-down

Set Concurrent via Optimization Effort Select Low, Medium, or High

Set Post-Route Effort Select Low, Medium, or High

Back To move to the previous screen and change any

entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing
Reviewing the Tool Setup

Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity

Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity

The following screen appears:

September 2020 117 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

September 2020 118 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Set Up SI Options - Basic Fields and Option

How Do You Want to Set Up Select radio button if you want to use system defaults
Extraction Thresholds? or if you want to customize the thresholds, enter,
Coupling Capacitance Threshold
Relative Capacitance Threshold
Total Capacitance Threshold |

How Do You want to Set Noise Select radio button if you want to use system defaults
Thresholds? or if you want to customize the thresholds, enter,
Delta Delay Threshold
Celtic Settings |

How Will You Be Running Signoff Select use Innovus/ETS or 3rd party Tool

What Effort Level of Extraction Do Select High, Medium, Low effort

You want for the Signoff Step?

Back To move to the previous screen and change any entry,

if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing
Reviewing the Tool Setup

September 2020 119 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)

Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)

The following screen appears:

September 2020 120 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Set Up DFM Options - Basic Fields and Option

Insert Metal Fill Before Select where you want to insert metalfill from drop-down menu

Specify Custom Tcl to Select the file from a Windows Explorer format which shows the files
Add Metalfill in directories

Open Access Abstract Select the file from a Windows Explorer format which shows the files
View Name in directories

Open Access Layout Select the file from a Windows Explorer format which shows the files
View Name in directories

Open Access Select the file from a Windows Explorer format which shows the files
Referance Library in directories

GDS Map File Select the file from a Windows Explorer format which shows the files
in directories

List of GDS Files List of GDS Files opens. Click >> to open right pane for you to browse
the exact file, select and Add.
The file and path shows up on the left pane. Provide a name for the
GDS File and click Close.

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing
Reviewing the Tool Setup

September 2020 121 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU

The following screen appears:

September 2020 122 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Tool Setup - Multi-CPU Options - Basic Fields and Option

Number of Local Enter value for number of local CPUs

Number of Remote Enter value for number of remote machines


Number of CPUs per Enter value for number of CPUs per remote machine
Remote Machine

Setup Distribute Click to setup distribued processing. the following screen opens:
Processing Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing.

Back Click to move to the previous screen and change any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Reviewing the Tool Setup

September 2020 123 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed

The following screen appears:

Tool Setup - Multi-CPU Options - Distributed Processing - Basic

Fields and Option
LSF Select and enter values for Queue, Resource, Arguments

Custom Select and enter script path

Local Select if CPUs are local

September 2020 124 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

RSH Select and provide Host Name

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Reviewing the Tool Setup

Reviewing the Tool Setup

In the next screen you can review the configurations you have entered. You can edit them or, if
satisfied, click Continue. Depending on your entries, the summary will look like this.

September 2020 125 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up the Tool

September 2020 126 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up Plug-in Scripts

Set up Summary Options - Basic Fields and Option

Place Lists your Power selections

Optimize Lists your Optimization selections

CTS Lists your CTS selections

Route Lists your Route selections

SI Lists your SI selections

DFM Lists your DFM selections

Multi-CPU Lists your multi-CPU selections

Edit Click to go back to screen and make changes

See also,
Setting up the Tool - Placement
Setting up the Tool - Optimization
Setting up the Tool - CTS
Setting up the Tool - Route
Setting up the Tool - Signal Intergrity
Setting up the Tool - Design For Manufacture (DFM)
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU
Setting up the Tool - Multi-CPU - Distributed Processing

Setting up Plug-in Scripts

The following screen appears:

September 2020 127 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up Plug-in Scripts

Setup User Plug-in Scripts - Basic Fields and Options

Do you want to Skip User Plug-in? Yes. No Specify entries if you want to run
your own scripts at specific stages of the

September 2020 128 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Setting up Plug-in Scripts

Always Source at Beginning of Each Step Check box and select file

Initialization - Before Installation or After Installation Check box and select file

Placement - Before Placement or During Placement Check box and select file
or After Placement

Pre-CTS Optimization - Before Pre-CTS Check box and select file

Optimization or After pre-CTS Optimization

Clock Tree Synthesis - Before CTS or During CTS Check box and select file
or After CTS

Post CTS Optimization - Before post-CTS Check box and select file
Optimization or After post-CTS Optimization

Routing - Before Routing or After Routing Check box and select file

Post-Route Optimization - Before Post-Route Check box and select file

Optimization or After Post-Route Optimization

Post-Route Optimization + Hold Fixing - Before Check box and select file
Post-Route Optimization or After Post-Route

Post-Route Optimization + Hold Fixing + SI - Before Check box and select file
Post-Route Optimization or After Post-Route

Post-Route Signoff - Before Post-Route Signoff or Check box and select file
After Post-Route Signoff

Sign-off - Before Signoff or After Signoff Check box and select file

Back Click to move to the previous screen and

change any entry, if needed.

Continue Click to move to next screen.

For other Wizard forms, click link below:

Starting the Flow Wizard

September 2020 129 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Completing Setup

Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard

Designing the Flow
Timing the Flow
Adding Power to the Flow
Setting up the Tool
Completing Setup

Completing Setup
The following screen appears:

September 2020 130 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Completing Setup

Completing - Basic Fields and Options

The final screen shows the wizard is now set up and can save entries in a setup.tcl file.
For other Wizard forms, click link below:
Starting the Flow Wizard

September 2020 131 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Using the Wizard--Completing Setup

Setting Up the Library for the Flow Wizard

Designing the Flow
Timing the Flow
Adding Power to the Flow
Setting up the Tool
Setting up Plug-in Scripts

September 2020 132 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator

Code Generator

From this release, Innovus provides a code generator to enable users to quickly generate scripts to
load their design data, setup their timing environment, and execute the recommended
implementation flow from placement through signoff.
Note: Foundation Flow code generator generates EDI 11.1 based scripts automatically. No
changes to setup.tcl are required. With this release, the design import command init_design
replaces the command loadConfig.
In this section we cover:
Introduction to Code Generator
Example Scripts
Error.Warning Messages

Introduction to Code Generator

From this release, Innovus provides a code generator to enable users to quickly generate scripts to
load their design data, setup their timing environment, and execute the recommended
implementation flow from placement through signoff. The feature helps the users overcome the
earlier difficult to read and debug scripts. This feature helps those customers who would like to use
the scripts as a reference flow as well as for auditing purposes where readability is important.
The following diagram depicts how the Code Generator fits into the Foundation Flow.

September 2020 133 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Introduction to Code Generator

The foundation flow is in the SCRIPTS directory and the code generator is SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl
(symbolic link to gen_edi_flow.tcl).
To learn more on Innovus Code Generator follow these links:
TCL Command
Command Line Options

The following are the advantages of the Code Generator:
Through the Code Generator the scripts will be generated instead of being executed.
All flow will have the command sequence based on the user settings. A clean, flat script will
be generated for conditional code that is based on static user settings (for example,

All conditional code branches that require run time specific data will be generated as
conditionals (that is, they cannot be flattened).
For example, since analysis view can be altered via user plug-ins, checks must be made to
determine which corners are active:

September 2020 134 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Introduction to Code Generator

set vars(active_rc_corners) [list]

foreach view [concat [all_setup_analysis_views] [all_hold_analysis_views]] {
set corner [get_delay_corner [get_analysis_view $view -delay_corner] -rc_corner]
if {[lsearch $vars(active_rc_corners) $corner] == -1 } {
lappend vars(active_rc_corners) $corner

The following procedures will be covered in procs.tcl.

Procedure Type Description

system_info Reports system info of the host machine vars(report_system_info)

source_file file Wrapper around source to catch syntax errors

source_plug plug_in Loads one or more plug-in scripts, catch errors, etc.

report_time Reported elapsed CPU time vars(report_run_time)

The code generator is backwards compatible (it will work with existing code).
For the LP flow, there are these additional procedures:

Procedure Description

get_power_domains Returns a list of power domains

modify_power_domains Modifies power domains*

add_power_switches Adds power switches*

route_secondary_pg_nets Routes secondary power/ground nets*

insert_welltaps_endcaps Inserts welltaps and endcaps cells

Note: * operates based on user variable settings in the lp_config.tcl file

These procedures are used by the foundation flow at various points in the scripts. They are also
available for the user to call in plug-in scripts. To access use the following syntax:

FF_EDI::proc_name [option]

Note: Once the scripts have been generated, the use model will be identical to previous releases
When the scripts are generated, the code generator will check for data consistency; i.e. all
required variables are properly defined, necessary files exists, etc.

September 2020 135 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Introduction to Code Generator

TCL Command
Usage: tclsh SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl options steps

Step Description

a Execute step a only

a-b Execute all steps between step a and b, inclusive

a- Execute all steps in the flow from step a, inclusive

all Execute all steps in the flow

Note: "a" and "b" should be valid steps for the specific mode.

Command Line Options

The following are the command line options:

Command Description

-h | -help Provides verbose help on the support variables.

-m | -mode Sets the script mode. Default is "flat".

Valid modes are: flat and hier

-f | -flat Flattens/unrolls levels.

- full Unrolls plug-ins and tags (include contents in the main flow script)

- none References plug-ins and tags as procedures.

-d | -dir The code generator creates a design specific set of run scripts in a FF directory in
the local user directory. You can optionally change the name of the output
directory using this option.

-s | -setup Provide the directory containing the setup.tcl setup file required to run the
Foundation Flow.

Default is “.”.

September 2020 136 Product Version 20.12
Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Introduction to Code Generator

gen_flow -H route

The above command returns a list of variables related to the route step, as shown below:
variable (command) : values
--------------------------------------------------- route -----------------------------
in_route_opt (route_design) : FALSE true
route_secondary_pg_nets (route_pg_pin_use_signal_route) : true FALSE
secondary_pg_nets (route_pg_pin_use_signal_route) : List of global nets for
secondary power/ground
route_clock_nets (set_cts_mode) : TRUE false
litho_driven_routing (set_nanoroute_mode) : true FALSE
multi_cut_effort (set_nanoroute_mode) : MEDIUM high
postroute_spread_wires (set_nanoroute_mode) : true FALSE
secondary_pg,cell_pin_pairs (set_pg_pin_use_signal_route) : List of cell:pin pairs
---------------------------------------------------- dbs ------------------------------
dbs_dir (none) : Database directory
dbs_format (save_design) : FE oa
oa_abstract_name (save_design) : OA Abstract view name
oa_layout_name (save_design) : OA Layout view name
save_constraints (save_design) : true FALSE (Save
constraints with DBS?)
save_rc (save_design) : true FALSE (Save RCDB with
-------------------------------------------------- report -----------------------------
capture_metrics (none) : true FALSE
check_setup (none) : TRUE false
html_summary (none) : HTML summary file
report_power (none) : TRUE false
report_run_time (none) : TRUE false
report_system_info (none) : true FALSE
rpt_dir (none) : Reports directory
time_info_db (none) : Time info DB file
time_info_rpt (none) : Time info report file

September 2020 137 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Introduction to Code Generator

Note: Default values are in uppercase (all capitals). Valid categories include:

See also,
Example Scripts
Error.Warning Messages

September 2020 138 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Usage

Below are the steps to use the Code Generator:
1. Dump the foundation flow code generator from the Innovus interface (GUI or TUI) or download
from the download manager.
GUI: Flows > Create Foundation Flow Template
TUI: writeFlowTemplate --directory directory
2. Create a setup.tcl through either Using the Wizard or using gen_setup.tcl.
To create using wizard, simply invoke the wizard and follow the on screen instructions.
When finished, save as setup.tcl.
To create using gen_setup.tcl,
load an existing Innovus database
and source directory/SCRIPTS/gen_setup.tcl (the existing data base should be
the starting point for the foundation flow)
Edit the resulting setup.auto.tcl and edi_config.auto.tcl files (if necessary)
Rename the files to setup.tcl and edi _config.tcl, respectively.
3. Run the code generator: tclsh directory/SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl options
4. Execute the flow: make

Note: See the "Makefile Options - Script Updates" and "Makefile Options - Single Process
Execution" sections of this page for more information.
To learn more on Innovus Code Generator Usage see:

Execution Tips
Makefile Options - Script Updates
Makefile Options - Single Process Execution

September 2020 139 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Usage

Execution Tips
Once the flow scripts are generated the use model for the flow execution differs from earlier in these
The generated scripts are expaned (unrolled) based on the variables in the setup.tcl, so any
change in the setup.tcl will only affect the scripts if they are regenerated.

- make init

The code generator runs again automatically. This is intended to keep the generated scripts
synchronized with setup.tcl. This can be disabled by running one of the following three

make UPDATE=no
gen_flow.tcl –n
set vars(make_update) no

Makefile generation can be disabled entirely using the -n option to gen_edi_flow.tcl

make prects

The flow will run the steps from <last completed> to prects
The flow can be executed either in a single process or in multi-process; the default is multi-
process (i.e. each step runs a separate Innovus process). This is more deterministic but also
increases runtime due to re-loading and re-timing the step databases. To run a single process
flow, use

make single FF_STOP=prects

Any completed step in the flow can be checked for logical equivalence (against
vars(netlist)) by running:

make lec_<step>

Any completed step in the flow loaded into an Innovus GUI session by running:

make debug_<step>

September 2020 140 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Example Scripts

Makefile Options - Script Updates

Since the script are now dynamic (generated) vs static, a change in the configuration files say
setup.tcl will only take effect when scripts are re-generated. So, the default behavior of the Makefile
is to update the scripts automatically anytime one of the input configuration files change. This
behavior can be disabled, by:

make UPDATE=no

Note: A new option ?u|-rundir allows the scripts/Makefile to be generated elsewhere than
the current work directory ".".

Makefile Options - Single Process Execution

The foundation flow defaults to executing each step using different Innovus process (a new Innovus
session is invoked for each step). To invoke the foundation flow using a single process, use:
make single
Additionally, to invoke a selected set of steps using a single process, use:
make single FF_STOP=end_step
This will start at the current step and stop at the step FF_STOP.
Note: To force the FF to re-run previously executed steps, use FF_START=begin_step or simply
remove the make semaphore files for the steps you want to re-run. The make protected variable or
abstract data type (semaphore) is the step file in the make directory (i.e. make/place, make/prects)
which denotes which steps have completed successfully.
See also,
Introduction to Code Generator
Example Scripts
Error.Warning Messages

Example Scripts
Following are the examples of the code generation:

September 2020 141 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Example Scripts

See also,
Introduction to Code Generator
Error.Warning Messages

% tclsh SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl init

<FF> Finished loading setup.tcl





% tclsh SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl route-signoff

<FF> Finished loading setup.tcl



September 2020 142 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Example Scripts

<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_hold

<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_si_hold

<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_si






% tclsh SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl -d MYFF all


<FF> Finished loading setup.tcl


<FF> Generating scripts for dtmf_recvr_core


w/setup.tcl located in another directory (-s MYSETUPDIR) and plug-ins/tags imported (-f full)

% tclsh SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl -s MYSETUPDIR -f full all

September 2020 143 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Example Scripts



% tclsh SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl -m hier al


<FF> Generating scripts for dtmf_recvr_core



<FF> Finished loading Innovus configuration file



<FF> Generating scripts for dtmf_recvr_core







September 2020 144 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Example Scripts

<FF> GENERATING STEP postcts_hold



<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_hold

<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_si_hold

<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_si



<FF> GENERATING flat Makefile ...




<FF> Generating scripts for tdsp_core






September 2020 145 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Example Scripts


<FF> GENERATING STEP postcts_hold



<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_hold

<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_si_hold

<FF> GENERATING STEP postroute_si



<FF> GENERATING flat Makefile ...




<FF> GENERATING hier Makefile ...





September 2020 146 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Results


See Sample Script - Code Generator for an example implementation.

The code generator default to creating an instance of the foundation flow in a FF directory in the
local user directory. The user can optionally override this using the option
-d directory.
Here is an example of the files created by the code generator:
Flat Mode (all steps)
Hierarchical Mode (all steps)
See also,
Introduction to Code Generator
Example Scripts
Error.Warning Messages

Flat Mode (all steps)

Flat Mode (all steps):






September 2020 147 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Results














Hierarchical Mode (all steps)

Hierarchical Mode (all steps):



September 2020 148 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Results



















September 2020 149 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Results



















September 2020 150 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Error.Warning Messages











Error.Warning Messages
The following are the most frequent error and warning messages.
Warning on Missing Required Data
Warning to Replace Old Variables
See also,
Introduction to Code Generator
Example Scripts

September 2020 151 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Error.Warning Messages

Warning on Missing Required Data

When (required) data is missing or there are syntax errors in the setup.tcl, code generator will abort
with an error message. You can override the error messages by using
set vars(abort) 0
when you set this, an error message will still be issued but the code generator will complete.
A sample error message:

tclsh SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl all


<FF> Generating scripts for dtmf_recvr_core


# -----------------------------------------------------

# Error Summary

# -----------------------------------------------------

# (1) A verilog netlist file must be defined

# ---------------------------------------

Warning to Replace Old Variables

Warning to Replace Old Variables

When old variables that have changed are being used the system displays this error message so
that the user can update their setup.tcl accordingly.
A sample error message:
Warning Summary

Variable xcap_factor has been changed to post_route_xcap_factor ... please update

September 2020 152 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Code Generator--Error.Warning Messages

September 2020 153 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow

CPF-Based Low Power Flow

CPF-Based Low Power Flow is one of the important implementation of the foundation flow.

In this section we cover:

Introduction to CPF-based Low Power Implementation
Flow Overview of CPF-based Low Power Flow
Before you Begin Implementing CPF-based Low Power Flow
Input for CPF-based Low Power Flow
Additional Input

Introduction to CPF-based Low Power

This guide describes the sequence and details of the tasks in the default and recommended
Innovus Implementation System (Innovus) software flow to implement a block or flat chip using low
power techniques such as multiple-supply voltage (MSV) and power shutoff. This flow assumes
that the floorplan is complete (though it does allow the flexibility to implement floorplanning tasks
through plug-in which can be called in the flow). The flow lets you finish the implementation while,
meeting the timing and physical design requirements,
resolving signal integrity (SI) problems,
and considering on-chip variation (OCV).
The flow also takes advantage of the Innovus software multiple-CPU processing capabilities to
accelerate the design process and, where appropriate, runs features in the multi-threading or
distributed processing mode. As input, you provide a Common Power Format (CPF) file that
captures design and technology-related power constraints. CPF lets you define those rules that
Innovus implements for those objects that the low power design uses. These objects could be:

September 2020 154 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Flow Overview of CPF-based Low Power Flow

level shifters, isolation cells, power domains, and power switches. CPF also includes the
information Innovus needs for multi-mode multi-corner (MMMC) timing analysis. With the CPF-
Based Low Power Implementation Flow design, you do not need Innovus commands to define
views, corners, and modes for MMMC.
For the main design tasks the flow uses the Innovus supercommands with as few nondefault
options as possible.
For a block or a flat chip, these commands are the starting point for the low power design.
Ultimately, each design that you implement might have a different final set of commands, but this
flow is the recommended starting point before customizing a specific design or technology. When
you have completed the tasks described in this guide, you will have a flat MSV design that is
ready for DRC and LVS checks and other sign-off tasks.

Flow Overview of CPF-based Low Power Flow

The CPF-Based low power implementation flow starts with a completed floorplan (you also have
the flexibility to implement floorplanning tasks through plug-in called in the flow). At the end of
each main task, there is an optimization step, and the task is complete when violations are fixed
and the timing is acceptable. The CPF-Based Low Power flow is complete and the design is
ready for sign-off tasks when the design meets the timing, the CPF-based low power checks are in
place, and the physical design requirements are met.

September 2020 155 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Before you Begin Implementing CPF-based Low Power Flow

Before you Begin Implementing CPF-based Low

Power Flow
The CPF-Based low power implementation flow assumes that timing and routing constraints are
feasible. Make sure the following tasks are complete before starting this flow:
Floorplanning. The information is optional. If you have the floorplan file, you can use it as
an input, or you can perform the floorplanning tasks through the plug-ins in the flow.
Hard block placement
Region definition
I/O pad placement
Creation of placement and routing blockages
Creation of the clock tree specification file
Creation of RC scale factors
Creation of CPF file
Layer map file for the QRC and GDS export
Config. file for the QRC extraction
For more information, see the following sections of the Innovus User Guide
In the Data Preparation chapter Data Preparation
In the Synthesizing Clock Trees chapter Synthesizing Clock Trees
In the RC Extraction chapter RC Extraction

Input for CPF-based Low Power Flow

The following list specifies the input for the CPF-Based low power implementation flow:
Innovus configuration file (setup.tcl) with the following information specified:
Timing libraries (*.lib)
LEF libraries (*.lef)
Timing constraints (*.sdc)
Capacitance table or QRC technology file

September 2020 156 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Before you Begin Implementing CPF-based Low Power Flow

SI libraries (*.cdb or *.udn) (recommended but not required)

Verilog netlist (*.v)
Floorplan file (*.fp or *.def)
Clock tree specification file
Scan chain information (*.tcl or *.def)
GDS Layer map file (*.gds)
CPF files (*.cpf)
For more information, see Data Preparation chapter in the Innovus User Guide

Additional Input
In addition, depending on the design and technology, you may need to supply values for the
following items:
RC scaling factors
OCV derating factors
Metal fill parameters
Filler cell names
Tie cell names
Welltap cells
Endcap cells
Secondary power cell:pin pair
Clock gating cell names
Spare instance names
JTAG instance names
JTAG rows
LSF queue
Dont Use Cells
Delay Cells

September 2020 157 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes

CTS Cells
See also,
Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes
Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow
Results for CPF-based Low Power Flow
Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

Defining Variables and Specifying Values for

Command Modes
The CPF-Based Low Power implementation flow uses a set of Tcl scripts that defines the flow
variables and specifies the timing environment, command modes, and metal fill rules. All of the
Innovus Foundation Flows rely on these scripts to keep the flows clean and easy to manage. The
scripts are sourced from the main flow script.
Describing lp_config.tcl
This file is unique for each low power design. For Low Power design, the user must edit this
file along with the setup.tcl and edi_config.tcl. This file contains Low Power variables such as:
TIE cells for PD
FILLER cells for PD
ENDCAP and WELLTAP implementation
Secondary PG Routing
AON Net synthesis
Modify Power Domains (size, clearance, etc)
Power switch planning
In this section we also cover:
Timing Environment Initialization
MMMC Timing and SI Setup for Low Power P_R Implementation
See also,

September 2020 158 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes

Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow

Results for CPF-based Low Power Flow
Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow
MMMC Timing and SI Setup for Low Power

Describing lp_config.tcl

Describing lp_config.tcl
Low power configuration file overlay. This file contains foundation flow variables that are specific to
the LP/CPF flow and should be used in addition to the setup.tcl and edi_config.tcl.

set vars(cpf_keep_rows) true | false

The vars(power_domains) is optional. If not defined, the power domain list will be picked up

set vars(power_domains) power domain list

TIE cell information

The variable vars(tie_cells) is defined in the setup.tcl and is used to define a global tie cell list.
This list will be used by default for each power domain. It can be overridden for a given power
domain by setting:

set {{vars(power domain,tie_cells)}} <tie cells for power domain>

FILLER cell information

The variable vars(filler_cells) is defined in the setup.tcl and is used to define a global filler cell
list. This list will be used by default for each power domain. It can be overridden for a given power
domain by setting:

set vars(power domain,filler_cells) <fillers cells for <power domain>>

Welltap cell information

The variable vars(welltaps) is defined in the setup.tcl and is used to define a global welltap cell
list. This list will be used by default for each power domain. It can be overridden for a given power
domain by setting:

September 2020 159 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes

set vars(power_domain,welltaps) <welltap cell list for power_domain>

set vars(power_domain, welltaps,checkerboard) true or false
set vars(power_domain,welltaps,max_gap) max gap in microns
set vars(power_domain,welltaps,cell_interval) cell interval in microns
set vars(power_domain,welltaps,row_offset) row offset in microns
set vars(power_domain, welltaps,verify_rule) verify rule distance

Endcap cell information

The variables vars(pre_endcap) and vars(post_endcap) are set in the setup.tcl file and are used to
define global endcap cells. These used by default for each power domain. They can be overridden
for a given power domain setting:

set vars(power_domain,pre_endcap) <pre endcap cell for power_domain>

set vars(power_domain,post_endcap) <post endcap cell for power_domain>

Always on net buffering

By default SOCE does always-on-net synthesis for SRPG control signal and PSO enable signals
as part of optDesign -preCTS, but this can be manually done for specific nets if necessary. To do
this, define the following variables and uncomment the buffer_always_on_nets proc.

set vars(always_on_buffers) list of always on buffers

set vars(always_on_nets) list of always on nets
set vars(always_on_nets,max_fanout) max fanout limit for always on nets
set vars(always_on_nets,max_tran) max transition on always on nets
set vars(always_on_nets,max_skew) max skew for always on nets
set vars(always_on_nets,max_delay) max delay for always on nets
set vars(power_domain,always_on_buffers) <buffers for power domain>

Secondary power/ground routing

Automatic secondary power routing can be enabled during the foundation flows by setting
vars(route_secondary_pg_nets) to true and providing cell pin pair information to identify the
connections requiring routing (Example: AONBUFFD1:TVDD LSL2HCD4:VDDL).

set vars(route_secondary_pg_nets) [true | false]

set vars(secondary_pg,cell_pin_pairs) secondary power cell pin pair list

In addition, the following can optionally defined either globally or per p/g net

set vars(secondary_pg,max_fanout) max fanout for secondary power routing

set vars(secondary_pg,pattern) secondary power routing pattern trunk | steiner
set vars(secondary_pg,non_default_rule) non-default rule for secondary p/g/

September 2020 160 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes

To optionally override for a given p/g net(s), use vars(route_secondary_pg_nets) to define the list
of nets to be overridden and then override vars(<p/g net>,<option>)

set vars(secondary_pg,nets) list of power/ground nets

set vars(p/g_net,max_fanout) max fanout
set vars(p/g_net,pattern) trunk | steiner
set vars(p/g_net,non_default_rule) non default rule

runCLP options

set vars(clp_options) options for runCLP

Ex: set vars(clp_options) " -cmd ../DATA/chip_top_backend_clp.do extraVlog\../DATA/dummy.v"

Modify power domain

The foundation flow contains set of utilities in utils.tcl, it has modify_power_domains procedure
for implementing the power domain bonding box clearance surrounding to the domain and route
search extensions. For doing power domain modifications user has to define below variables and
can call modify_power_domains procedure through plug-in:

set vars(power_domain,bbox) llx lly urx ury; bondary coordinates in microns

set vars(power_domain,rs_exts) top bot left right; distance in microns
set vars(power_domain,min_gaps) top bot left right; distance in microns

Power Shut-off Planning

The foundation flow contains set of utilities in utils.tcl, it has add_power_switches procedure for
implementing the power switch insertion. User has to define below variables and can call
add_power_switches procedure through plug-in:

set vars(power_domain,switchable) true | false

set vars(power_domain,switch_type) column | ring
set vars(power_domain,switch_cell) PSO cell name
set vars(power_domain,input_enable_pin) PSO cell input enable pin
set vars(power_domain,output_enable_pin) PSO cell output enable pin
set vars(power_domain,input_enable_net) PSO cell input enable net
set vars(power_domain,output_enable_net) PSO cell output enable net
set vars(power_domain,switch_instance) switchModuleInstance
set vars(power_domain,top_offset) top offset in microns
set vars(power_domain,bottom_offset) bottom offset in microns
set vars(power_domain,right_offset) right offset in microns
set vars(power_domain,left_offset) left offset in microns

Below variables are for column based PSO implementation

September 2020 161 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes

set vars(power_domain,checker_board) true | false

set vars(power_domain,horizonal_pitch) in microns
set vars(power_domain,column_height) Switch cell column height in microns
set vars(power_domain,skip_rows) Number of rows to skip
set vars(power_domain,back_to_back_chain) true|false

Connects the enableNetOut at the top of a column to the enableNetIn at the top of the next column,
and connects the enableNetOut at the bottom of the column to the enableNetIn at the bottom of the
next column. Below variables are for ring based PSO implementation:

set vars(power_domain,top_ring) 1|0

set vars(power_domain,bottom_ring) 1|0
set vars(power_domain,right_ring) 1|0
set vars(power_domain,left_ring) 1|0

... defines which side of the power domain to insert switches:

set vars(power_domain,top_switch_cell) pso cell name

set vars(power_domain,bottom_switch_cell) pso cell name
set vars(power_domain,left_switch_cell) pso cell name
set vars(power_domain,right_switch_cell) pso cell name

... define pso cell name for each side of the power domain

set vars(power_domain,top_filler_cell) filler cell name

set vars(power_domain,bottom_filler_cell) filler cell name
set vars(power_domain,left_filler_cell) filler cell name
set vars(power_domain,right_filler_cell) filler cell name
set vars(power_domain,corner_cell_list) corner cell name

... define filler cell name for each side of the power domain

set vars(power_domain,top_switches) <"number -distribute">

set vars(power_domain,bottom_switches) <"number -distribute">
set vars(power_domain,left_switches) <"number -distribute">
set vars(power_domain,right_switches) <"number -distribute">

... define the number of switches for each side of the power domain
See also,
Timing Environment Initialization
MMMC Timing and SI Setup for Low Power P_R Implementation

September 2020 162 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes

Timing Environment Initialization

This is done through the procedure ff_initialize_timing {minmax | mmmc} defined inside
Innovus/procs.tcl. Depending on the variation of the flow you are using default, postroute MMMC,
or MMMC the timing environment is initialized to either minmax or mmmc timing. The MMMC timing
environment is required for accurate sign-off timing and is enabled as follows:
In the default flow, it is enabled for the final timing analysis step.
In the postroute MMMC flow, it is enabled after routing.
In the MMMC flow, it is enabled throughout the flow.
See also,
Describing lp_config.tcl
MMMC Timing and SI Setup for Low Power P_R Implementation

MMMC Timing and SI Setup for Low Power P_R

MMMC Timing and SI Setup for Low Power P&R Implementation

September 2020 163 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes

Create RC Corners

create_rc_corner -name $rc_corner -cap_table\

$vars($rc_corner,cap_table) \

-preRoute_res $vars($rc_corner,pre_route_res_factor)\

-preRoute_cap $vars($rc_corner,pre_route_cap_factor)\

-preRoute_clkres\ $vars($rc_corner,pre_route_clk_res_factor)\

-preRoute_clkcap\ $vars($rc_corner,pre_route_clk_cap_factor)\

-postRoute_res\ $vars($rc_corner,post_route_res_factor)\

-postRoute_cap\ $vars($rc_corner,post_route_cap_factor)\

-postRoute_clkres\ $vars($rc_corner,post_route_clk_res_factor)\

-postRoute_clkcap\ $vars($rc_corner,post_route_clk_cap_factor)\

-postRoute_xcap\ $vars($rc_corner,post_route_xcap_factor)\

-T $vars($rc_corner,T)\

-qx_tech_file $vars($rc_corner, qx_tech_file)\

-qx_conf_file $vars($rc_corner, qx_conf_file) }

September 2020 164 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes

Note: If the low power P&R implementation is not CPF-based or the CPF file does not have its
analysis-views defined, then the user has to create library sets, delay corners, constraint mode and
analysis views.
Please refer to the following section in this guide for these:
Describing setup.tcl
Describing edi_config.tcl
Example Settings for Each Script
See also,
Describing lp_config.tcl
Timing Environment Initialization

September 2020 165 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow

Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power


Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow

This section covers the following:
Create Library Sets
Create Delay Corners
Create Constraint Modes
Create Analysis Views
Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners
Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined
Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views
See also,
Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes
Results for CPF-based Low Power Flow
Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

Create Library Sets

foreach library_set $vars(library_sets) {

if {[info exists vars($library_set,si)] && ($vars($library_set,si) != "")} {

create_library_set -name $library_set \

-timing $vars($library_set,timing) \

September 2020 166 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow

-si $vars($library_set,si)

} else {

create_library_set -name $library_set -timing $vars($library_set,timing)

See also,
Create Delay Corners
Create Constraint Modes
Create Analysis Views
Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners
Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined
Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views

Create Delay Corners

Create Delay Corners

foreach delay_corner $vars(delay_corners) {

set command "create_delay_corner -name $delay_corner "

append command "-library_set $vars($delay_corner,library_set) "

append command "-rc_corner $vars($delay_corner,rc_corner) "

if {[info exists vars($delay_corner,opcond)] && [info exists \

vars($delay_corner,opcond_library)]} {

September 2020 167 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow

append command "-opcond_library $vars($delay_corner,opcond_library) "

append command "-opcond $vars($delay_corner,opcond) "

eval $command

See also,
Create Library Sets
Create Constraint Modes
Create Analysis Views
Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners
Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined
Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views

Create Constraint Modes

Puts "<FF> Creating constraint modes: $vars(constraint_modes)..."

foreach constraint_mode $vars(constraint_modes) {

create_constraint_mode -name $constraint_mode \

-sdc_files $vars($constraint_mode,pre_cts_sdc)

See also,
Create Library Sets

September 2020 168 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow

Create Delay Corners

Create Analysis Views
Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners
Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined
Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views

Create Analysis Views

set vars(all_analysis_views) [concat $vars(setup_analysis_views) \

Puts "<FF> Creating analysis views: $vars(all_analysis_views) ..."

foreach analysis_view $vars(all_analysis_views) {

if {[lsearch [all_analysis_views] $analysis_view] == -1} {

create_analysis_view -name $analysis_view \

-constraint_mode \ $vars($analysis_view,constraint_mode) \

-delay_corner $vars($analysis_view,delay_corner)

Note: The steps mentioned below are common for CPF and non-CPF based low power P&R
See also,
Create Library Sets
Create Delay Corners
Create Constraint Modes

September 2020 169 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow

Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners

Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined
Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views

Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners

foreach corner $vars(delay_corners) {

Puts "Updating delay corner $corner with RC Corner $vars($corner,rc_corner)\


update_delay_corner -name $corner -rc_corner $vars($corner,rc_corner)

See also,
Create Library Sets
Create Delay Corners
Create Constraint Modes
Create Analysis Views
Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined
Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views

Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined

foreach library_set $vars(library_sets) {

if {[info exists vars($library_set,si)] && ($vars($library_set,si) != "")} {

update_library_set -name $library_set \

-si $vars($library_set,si)

September 2020 170 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow

Set derating factors for delay corners and enable CPPR. CPPR should only be enabled for designs
using derating or designs with specific requirements

set_timing_derate -delay_corner $corner -data -cell_delay -late \


set_timing_derate -delay_corner $corner -data -cell_delay -early \


set_timing_derate -delay_corner $corner -data -net_delay -late \


set_timing_derate -delay_corner $corner -data -net_delay -early \


set_timing_derate -delay_corner $corner -clock -cell_delay -late \


set_timing_derate -delay_corner $corner -clock -cell_delay -early \


set_timing_derate -delay_corner $corner -clock -net_delay -late \


set_timing_derate -delay_corner $corner -clock -net_delay -early \


See also,
Create Library Sets
Create Delay Corners
Create Constraint Modes
Create Analysis Views
Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners
Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views

September 2020 171 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Results for CPF-based Low Power Flow

Define setup and hold Analysis Views and Enable the

Default Views

Define setup/hold Analysis Views and Enable the Default Views

set_analysis_view -setup $vars(active_setup_views) -hold $vars(active_hold_views)

set_default_view -setup $vars(default_setup_view) -hold $vars(default_hold_view)

See also,
Create Library Sets
Create Delay Corners
Create Constraint Modes
Create Analysis Views
Attach RC Corners to Delay Corners
Update library_sets with SI Libraries, if defined

Results for CPF-based Low Power Flow

The design is now ready for sign-off physical and timing verification. The output would be:
Design data
Verilog netlist
SPEF file
GDS file
Innovus log file
Command file
Timing reports

September 2020 172 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

Clock tree reports

Verify connectivity
Verify DRC
Verify metal density
Verify process antenna
Power report
Conformal Low Power report
See also,
Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes
Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow
Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation


Plug-in scripts usage in the reference design:

The following (optional) plug-ins are supported by the flow. They allow for design specific
requirements to be included but allow for flow scripts to remain unchanged. To enable a plug-in,
simply define the appropriate plug-in variable in the setup.tcl, and it will be sourced automatically in
the flow at the appropriate time.

Plugin Description
always_source_tcl Sourced at the beginning of every script
pre_partition_tcl Before partitioning

post_partition After partitioning

pre_init_tcl Before design initialization

September 2020 173 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

post_init_tcl After design initialization

pre_place_tcl Before place_opt_design

place_tcl Replaces call to place_opt_design

post_place_tcl After place_opt_design

pre_cts_tcl Before ccopt_design

cts_tcl​ Replaces call to ccopt_design

post_cts_tcl After ccopt_design

pre_route_tcl Before routeDesign

post_route_tcl After routeDesign

pre_si_tcl Before SI fixing

post_si_tcl After SI fixing

pre_signoff_tcl Before final STA

post_signoff_tcl After final STA

The sections below describe some of the plug-in enabled in the reference design.
See also,
Defining Variables and Specifying Values for Command Modes
Creating Variables for CPF-based Low Power Flow
Results for CPF-based Low Power Flow

September 2020 174 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

CPF File_3a

CPF File:

Define Library Sets and Low Power Cells

set_cpf_version 1.0e

define_library_set -name 0v864 -libraries " \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtwc0d720d72.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtwc0d720d72.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpwc0d720d72.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtwc0d72.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtwc0d72.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpwc0d72.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT_CG/tcbn65lphvtcgwc0d72.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT_CG/tcbn65lplvtcgwc0d72.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT_CG/tcbn65lpcgwc0d72.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/WORST_0864/ulp_dp_512x36cm4sw1bk1.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/WORST_0864/ulp_rom_512x32cm16.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/WORST_0864/ulp_sp_2kx32cm8sw1bk2.lib \

September 2020 175 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/WORST_0864/ulp_sp_4kx32cm8sw1bk4.lib \

../LIBS/IO/LIBERTY/tpzn65lpgv2wc_0864.lib \

../LIBS/ANALOG/LVDS/LIBERTY/lvds_wc_0864.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/pso_wc_0864.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_A_wc_0864.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_B_wc_0864.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_U_wc_0864.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_W_wc_0864.lib \

define_library_set -name 1v080 -libraries \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtwc0d720d9.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtwc0d720d9.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpwc0d720d9.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtwc0d90d9.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtwc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtwc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtwc0d90d9.lib \

September 2020 176 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpwc0d90d9.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpwc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT_CG/tcbn65lphvtcgwc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT_CG/tcbn65lplvtcgwc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT_CG/tcbn65lpcgwc.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/WORST_1080/ulp_dp_512x36cm4sw1bk1.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/WORST_1080/ulp_rom_512x32cm16.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/WORST_1080/ulp_sp_2kx32cm8sw1bk2.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/WORST_1080/ulp_sp_4kx32cm8sw1bk4.lib \

../LIBS/IO/LIBERTY/tpzn65lpgv2wc.lib \

../LIBS/ANALOG/PLL/LIBERTY/PL0042.scx3_tsmc_cln80gt_hvt_ss_1p08v_125c.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/pso_wc_1080.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_A_wc_1080.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_B_wc_1080.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_U_wc_1080.lib \

define_library_set -name 1v320 -libraries " \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtbc0d881d1.lib \

September 2020 177 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtbc0d881d1.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpbc0d881d1.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtbc1d11d1.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtbc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtbc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtbc1d11d1.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpbc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpbc1d11d1.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT_CG/tcbn65lphvtcgbc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT_CG/tcbn65lplvtcgbc.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT_CG/tcbn65lpcgbc.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/BEST_1320/ulp_dp_512x36cm4sw1bk1.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/BEST_1320/ulp_rom_512x32cm16.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/BEST_1320/ulp_sp_2kx32cm8sw1bk2.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/BEST_1320/ulp_sp_4kx32cm8sw1bk4.lib \

../LIBS/IO/LIBERTY/tpzn65lpgv2bc.lib \

../LIBS/ANALOG/PLL/LIBERTY/PL0042.scx3_tsmc_cln80gt_hvt_ff_1p32v_0c.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/pso_bc_1320.lib \

September 2020 178 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_A_bc_1320.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_B_bc_1320.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_U_bc_1320.lib \


define_library_set -name 1v056 -libraries " \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtbc0d880d88.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtbc0d880d88.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpbc0d880d88.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT/tcbn65lphvtbc0d88.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT/tcbn65lplvtbc0d88.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpbc0d88.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/HVT_CG/tcbn65lphvtcgbc0d88.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/LVT_CG/tcbn65lplvtcgbc0d88.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT_CG/tcbn65lpcgbc0d88.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/BEST_1056/ulp_dp_512x36cm4sw1bk1.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/BEST_1056/ulp_rom_512x32cm16.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/BEST_1056/ulp_sp_2kx32cm8sw1bk2.lib \

../LIBS/RAMS_ROMS/LIBERTY/BEST_1056/ulp_sp_4kx32cm8sw1bk4.lib \

September 2020 179 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

../LIBS/IO/LIBERTY/tpzn65lpgv2bc_1056.lib \

../LIBS/ANALOG/LVDS/LIBERTY/lvds_bc_1056.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/pso_bc_1056.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_A_bc_1056.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_B_bc_1056.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_U_bc_1056.lib \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_W_bc_1056.lib \


define_library_set -name 2v5 -libraries " \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_U.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpwc.lib \


define_library_set -name 3v3 -libraries " \

../LIBS/IP/LIBERTY/Module_U.lib \

../LIBS/STDCELL/LIBERTY/NVT/tcbn65lpwc.lib \


define_always_on_cell -cells { PTBUFFD8 PTBUFFD4 PTBUFFD2 PTBUFFD1 \

September 2020 180 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow



-power_switchable VDD -power TVDD -ground VSS

define_isolation_cell -cells { ISOLOD8 ISOLOD4 ISOLOD2 ISOLOD1 ISOHID8 ISOHID4 \




-enable ISO -valid_location to

define_isolation_cell -cells { LVLLHCD8LVT LVLLHCD4LVT LVLLHCD2LVT LVLLHCD1LVT \



NSLEEP -valid_location to

define_level_shifter_cell -cells { LVLLHCD8LVT LVLLHCD4LVT LVLLHCD2LVT \



0.864:1.08:0.216 -output_voltage_range 0.864:1.08:0.216 -direction up \

September 2020 181 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-input_power_pin VDDL -output_power_pin VDD -ground VSS -enable NSLEEP \

-valid_location to

define_level_shifter_cell -cells { LVLLHD8LVT LVLLHD4LVT LVLLHD2LVT LVLLHD1LVT \


LVLLHD2HVT LVLLHD1HVT } -input_voltage_range 0.864:1.08:0.216 \

-output_voltage_range 0.864:1.08:0.216 -direction up -input_power_pin VDDL \

-output_power_pin VDD -ground VSS -valid_location to

define_power_switch_cell -cells { CDN_RING_SW HDRSID2 HDRSID0 } \

-stage_1_enable NSLEEPIN -stage_1_output NSLEEPOUT -type header \

-power_switchable VDD -power TVDD

define_state_retention_cell -cells { RSDFCSD4 RSDFCSD2 RSDFCSD1 RSDFCRD4 \






September 2020 182 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-restore_function !NRESTORE -save_function SAVE \

-power_switchable VDD -power TVDD -ground VSS

set_hierarchy_separator /

set_design chip_top

Macro Models

set_macro_model Module_U

create_nominal_condition -name norm_1v080 -voltage 1.08

create_nominal_condition -name norm_0v864 -voltage 0.864

create_nominal_condition -name ana_2p5 -voltage 2.5

create_nominal_condition -name ana_3p3 -voltage 3.3

create_nominal_condition -name off -voltage 0

create_power_domain -name PD_3p3v

create_power_domain -name PD_2p5v

create_power_domain -name PDdvfs -boundary_ports { Module_U_1* Module_U_2* \

Module_U_3* Module_U_4* Module_U_5* Module_U_6* Module_U_7* Module_U_8* \

September 2020 183 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

Module_U_9* Module_U_10* Module_U_11* Module_U_12* Module_U_13* \

Module_U_14* Module_U_15* Module_U_16* Module_U_17* Module_U_18* \

Module_U_19* Module_U_20* Module_U_21* Module_U_22* Module_U_23* \

Module_U_24* Module_U_25* dp dn rrefext Module_U_29* Module_U_30* } \

-default -external_controlled_shutoff

create_power_mode -name PMdvfs_mode1 -default -domain_conditions { \

PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 PDdvfs@norm_1v080 }

create_power_mode -name PMdvfs_mode2 -domain_conditions { PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 \

PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 PDdvfs@norm_0v864 }

create_power_mode -name PM_socoff -domain_conditions { PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 \

PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 PDdvfs@off }

update_power_domain -name PD_3p3v -primary_power_net vdda33 \

-primary_ground_net vssa

update_power_domain -name PD_2p5v -primary_power_net vdda25 \

-primary_ground_net vssa

update_power_domain -name PDdvfs -primary_power_net VDDdvfs \

-primary_ground_net VSSsoc

September 2020 184 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow


Create Power Domains

create_power_domain -name PDdvfs -boundary_ports { GPIO_pad[*] SMC_addr_pad[*] \

SMC_data_pad[*] SMC_n_CS_pad[*] SMC_n_be_pad[*] SMC_n_we_pad[*] \

TTC_ext_clk_pad[*] TTC_wfrm_pad[*] spi_N_ss_out_pad[*] } -default \

-external_controlled_shutoff -shutoff_condition !power_on_pin

create_power_domain -name PDpll -instances { i_pll_controller i_PLL \

i_pad_frame/i_pin_12M i_pad_frame/i_pll_clk i_pad_frame/*PLL_AGND1_H \

i_pad_frame/*PLL_AVDD1_H \

i_pad_frame/*PLL_DGND_i* \

i_pad_frame/*PLL_DVDD_i* \

i_pad_frame/*PLL_AGND0_H \

i_pad_frame/*PLL_AVDD0_H \

*FILLER_PDpll_*} -boundary_ports { \

pin_12M_pad pin_pllclk_pad } -external_controlled_shutoff \

-shutoff_condition !power_on_pin

create_power_domain -name PDw -instances { i_Module_W i_pad_frame/i_lvds \

September 2020 185 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

i_pad_frame/i_rf_rstn i_pad_frame/i_rf_EN i_pad_frame/rf_SW[0].i_rf_SW \

i_pad_frame/rf_SW[1].i_rf_SW i_pad_frame/rf_SW[2].i_rf_SW \

i_pad_frame/rf_SW[3].i_rf_SW i_pad_frame/*VDDw_i*} -boundary_ports { hissrxip hissrxin \

hissclkp hissclkn hissrxqp hissrxqn rf_resetn_pad rf_en_pad hisstxip \

hisstxin hisstxqp hisstxqn rf_sw_pad[*] } -external_controlled_shutoff \

-shutoff_condition !power_on_pin

create_power_domain -name PDrom -instances { \

i_rom_subsystem/i_rom_wrap/i_rom_core } -shutoff_condition \

!i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/pwr1_on_rom -secondary_domains { PDdvfs }

create_power_domain -name PDsmc -instances { i_apb_subsystem/i_smc *FILLER_PDsmc_*} \

-shutoff_condition !i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/pwr1_on_smc \

-secondary_domains { PDdvfs }

create_power_domain -name PDwakeup -instances { i_wakeup \

i_pad_frame/i_shift_en i_pad_frame/i_scan_mode i_pad_frame/i_pin_rst \

i_pad_frame/i_pin_32K i_pad_frame/i_ext_wakeup i_pad_frame/i_wkup_done \

i_pad_frame/i_power_on i_pad_frame/*VDDwakeup_i* *FILLER_PDwakeup_*} -boundary_ports {

scan_mode_pad pin_32k_pad \

pin_reset_pad ext_wakeup_pin wkup_done_pin power_on_pin shift_en_pad }

create_power_domain -name PD_3p3v

September 2020 186 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

create_power_domain -name PD_2p5v

create_power_domain -name i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW -instances { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_uart1 *FILLER_i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW_*} -shutoff_condition \

!i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/pwr1_on_urt -secondary_domains { PDdvfs }

update_power_domain -name PDdvfs -primary_power_net VDDdvfs \

-primary_ground_net VSSsoc

update_power_domain -name PDpll -primary_power_net VDDpll -primary_ground_net \


update_power_domain -name PDw -primary_power_net VDDw -primary_ground_net \


update_power_domain -name PDrom -primary_power_net VDDrom -primary_ground_net \


update_power_domain -name PDsmc -primary_power_net VDDsmc -primary_ground_net \


update_power_domain -name PDwakeup -primary_power_net VDDwake \

-primary_ground_net VSSsoc

update_power_domain -name PD_3p3v -primary_power_net vdda33 \

September 2020 187 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-primary_ground_net vssa

update_power_domain -name PD_2p5v -primary_power_net vdda25 \

-primary_ground_net vssa

update_power_domain -name i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW -primary_power_net \

VDDuart -primary_ground_net VSSsoc

Macro Model Mapping

set_instance i_Module_U -model Module_U -domain_mapping { {PDdvfs PDdvfs} \

{PD_3p3v PD_3p3v} {PD_2p5v PD_2p5v} }

Create Power and Ground Nets

create_power_nets -nets VDDdvfs -voltage { 0.864:1.080:0.216 } \

-external_shutoff_condition { !power_on_pin } -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets VDDpll -voltage 1.08 -external_shutoff_condition { \

!power_on_pin } -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 -average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets VDDsmc -voltage { 0.864:1.080:0.216 } -internal \

-peak_ir_drop_limit 0 -average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets VDDrom -voltage { 0.864:1.080:0.216 } -internal \

September 2020 188 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-peak_ir_drop_limit 0 -average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets VDDw -voltage 0.864 -external_shutoff_condition { \

!power_on_pin } -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 -average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets VDDwake -voltage 1.08 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets AVDD0_H -voltage 2.5 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets AVDD1_H -voltage 2.5 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets vdda33 -voltage 3.3 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets vdda25 -voltage 2.5 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_power_nets -nets VDDuart -voltage { \

0.864:1.080:0.216 } -internal -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 -average_ir_drop_limit \

create_power_nets -nets DUMMY_ESD_VDD -voltage 2.5 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

September 2020 189 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

create_ground_nets -nets AGND0_H -voltage 0.0 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_ground_nets -nets AGND1_H -voltage 0.0 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_ground_nets -nets GUARD -voltage 0.0 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_ground_nets -nets VSSsoc -voltage 0.00 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_ground_nets -nets vssa -voltage 0.00 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

create_ground_nets -nets DUMMY_ESD_VSS -voltage 0.0 -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 \

-average_ir_drop_limit 0

Create Operating Corners

create_operating_corner -name PDw_wc -voltage 0.864 -process 1 -temperature \

125 -library_set 0v864

create_operating_corner -name PDw_bc -voltage 1.056 -process 1 -temperature 0 \

-library_set 1v056

September 2020 190 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

create_operating_corner -name PDdvfs1_wc -voltage 1.08 -process 1 -temperature \

125 -library_set 1v080

create_operating_corner -name PDdvfs1_bc -voltage 1.320 -process 1 \

-temperature 0 -library_set 1v320

create_operating_corner -name PDdvfs2_wc -voltage 0.864 -process 1 \

-temperature 125 -library_set 0v864

create_operating_corner -name PDdvfs2_bc -voltage 1.056 -process 1 \

-temperature 0 -library_set 1v056

create_operating_corner -name PDoff_dvfs1_wc -voltage 0 -process 1 \

-temperature 125 -library_set 1v080

create_operating_corner -name PDoff_dvfs1_bc -voltage 0 -process 1 \

-temperature 125 -library_set 1v320

create_operating_corner -name PDoff_dvfs2_wc -voltage 0 -process 1 \

-temperature 125 -library_set 0v864

create_operating_corner -name PDoff_dvfs2_bc -voltage 0 -process 1 \

-temperature 125 -library_set 1v056

September 2020 191 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

Create Nominal Condition

create_nominal_condition -name norm_1v080 -voltage 1.08

create_nominal_condition -name norm_0v864 -voltage 0.864

create_nominal_condition -name off -voltage 0

create_nominal_condition -name ana_2p5 -voltage 2.5

create_nominal_condition -name ana_3p3 -voltage 3.3

update_nominal_condition -name norm_1v080 -library_set 1v080

update_nominal_condition -name norm_0v864 -library_set 0v864

update_nominal_condition -name ana_2p5 -library_set 2v5

update_nominal_condition -name ana_3p3 -library_set 3v3

Create Power Modes

create_power_mode -name PMdefault -default -domain_conditions { \

PDpll@norm_1v080 PDwakeup@norm_1v080 PDdvfs@norm_1v080 PDw@norm_0v864 \

PDrom@norm_1v080 PDsmc@norm_1v080 \

i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@norm_1v080 PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 \

PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 }

create_power_mode -name PMdvfs1_smc_off -domain_conditions { PDpll@norm_1v080 \

September 2020 192 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

PDwakeup@norm_1v080 PDdvfs@norm_1v080 PDw@norm_0v864 PDrom@norm_1v080 \

i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@norm_1v080 PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 \

PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 }

create_power_mode -name PMdvfs1_uart_off -domain_conditions { PDpll@norm_1v080 \

PDwakeup@norm_1v080 PDdvfs@norm_1v080 PDw@norm_0v864 PDsmc@norm_1v080 \

PDrom@norm_1v080 i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@off PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 \

PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 }

create_power_mode -name PMdvfs1_rom_off -domain_conditions { PDpll@norm_1v080 \

PDwakeup@norm_1v080 PDdvfs@norm_1v080 PDw@norm_0v864 PDsmc@norm_1v080 \

i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@norm_1v080 PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 \

PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 }

create_power_mode -name PMdvfs2 -domain_conditions { PDpll@norm_1v080 \

PDwakeup@norm_1v080 PDdvfs@norm_0v864 PDw@norm_0v864 PDrom@norm_0v864 \

PDsmc@norm_0v864 i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@norm_0v864 \

PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 }

create_power_mode -name PMsocoff -domain_conditions { PDwakeup@norm_1v080 \

i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@off PD_3p3v@ana_3p3 PD_2p5v@ana_2p5 }

September 2020 193 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

update_power_mode -name PMdefault -sdc_files \


update_power_mode -name PMdvfs2 -sdc_files \


Create Analysis Views

create_analysis_view -name AVdefault_BC -mode PMdefault -domain_corners { \

PDdvfs@PDdvfs1_bc PDpll@PDdvfs1_bc PDw@PDw_bc PDrom@PDdvfs1_bc \

PDsmc@PDdvfs1_bc i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@PDdvfs1_bc \

PDwakeup@PDdvfs1_bc }

create_analysis_view -name AVdefault_WC -mode PMdefault -domain_corners { \

PDdvfs@PDdvfs1_wc PDpll@PDdvfs1_wc PDw@PDw_wc PDrom@PDdvfs1_wc \

PDsmc@PDdvfs1_wc i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@PDdvfs1_wc \

PDwakeup@PDdvfs1_wc }

create_analysis_view -name AVdvfs2_BC -mode PMdvfs2 -domain_corners { \

PDdvfs@PDdvfs2_bc PDpll@PDdvfs1_bc PDw@PDw_bc PDrom@PDdvfs2_bc \

PDsmc@PDdvfs2_bc i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@PDdvfs2_bc \

PDwakeup@PDdvfs1_bc }

September 2020 194 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

create_analysis_view -name AVdvfs2_WC -mode PMdvfs2 -domain_corners { \

PDdvfs@PDdvfs2_wc PDpll@PDdvfs1_wc PDw@PDw_wc PDrom@PDdvfs2_wc \

PDsmc@PDdvfs2_wc i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW@PDdvfs2_wc \

PDwakeup@PDdvfs1_wc }

Create Global Connections

create_global_connection -net VDDw -pins { VDD } -domain PDw

create_global_connection -net VSSsoc -pins { VSS } -domain PDw

create_global_connection -net VDDw -pins { VDDw } -domain PDw

create_global_connection -net VSSsoc -pins { VSSsoc } -domain PDw

create_global_connection -net VDDdvfs -pins { VDD } -domain PDdvfs

create_global_connection -net VSSsoc -pins { VSS } -domain PDdvfs

create_global_connection -net VDDw -pins { VDDL } -domain PDdvfs

create_global_connection -net VDDdvfs -pins { VDD_STATE } -domain PDdvfs

create_global_connection -net VDDdvfs -pins { VDDA } -domain PDdvfs

create_global_connection -net VDDdvfs -pins { TVDD } -domain PDdvfs

create_global_connection -net VDDwake -pins { VDD } -domain PDwakeup

create_global_connection -net VSSsoc -pins { VSS } -domain PDwakeup

September 2020 195 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

create_global_connection -net VDDdvfs -pins { VDDL } -domain PDwakeup

create_global_connection -net VDDpll -pins { VDD } -domain PDpll

create_global_connection -net VSSsoc -pins { VSS } -domain PDpll

create_global_connection -net VDDdvfs -pins { VDDL } -domain PDpll

create_global_connection -net VDDrom -pins { VDD } -domain PDrom

create_global_connection -net VSSsoc -pins { VSS } -domain PDrom

create_global_connection -net VDDdvfs -pins { TVDD } -domain PDrom

create_global_connection -net VDDsmc -pins { VDD } -domain PDsmc

create_global_connection -net VDDdvfs -pins { TVDD } -domain PDsmc

create_global_connection -net VSSsoc -pins { VSS } -domain PDsmc

Create Low Power Rules

create_power_switch_rule -name pwr_smc_rule -domain PDsmc -external_power_net \


create_power_switch_rule -name pwr_rom_rule -domain PDrom -external_power_net \


create_power_switch_rule -name i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__pwr_uart_rule -domain \

i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW -external_power_net VDDdvfs

September 2020 196 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

create_isolation_rule -name i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__iso_uart_hi \

-isolation_condition { i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/isolate_urt } -pins { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_uart1/ua_nrts } -from { \

i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW } -isolation_target from \

-isolation_output high

create_isolation_rule -name i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__iso_uart_lo \

-isolation_condition { i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/isolate_urt } -from { \

i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW } -exclude { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_uart1/ua_nrts } -isolation_target from -isolation_output \


create_isolation_rule -name iso_rom -isolation_condition { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/isolate_rom } -from { PDrom } \

-isolation_target from -isolation_output low

create_isolation_rule -name iso_smc_hi -isolation_condition { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/isolate_smc } -pins { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_be[0] i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_be[1] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_be[2] i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_be[3] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs[0] i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs[1] \

September 2020 197 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs[2] i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs[3] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs[4] i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs[5] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs[6] i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs[7] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_hready i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_hresp[0] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_ext_oe i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_rd \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_we[3] i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_we[2] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_we[1] i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_we[0] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_wr } -from { PDsmc } -isolation_target from \

-isolation_output high

create_isolation_rule -name iso_smc_lo -isolation_condition { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/isolate_smc } -from { PDsmc } -exclude { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_hready i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_hresp[0] \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_be* i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_cs* \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_wr i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_we* \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_rd i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/smc_n_ext_oe } \

-isolation_target from -isolation_output low

create_isolation_rule -name iso_towakeup_hi -isolation_condition { \

i_wakeup/isolate_wkup } -to { PDwakeup } -isolation_target from \

September 2020 198 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-isolation_output high

create_level_shifter_rule -name DvfsToPll -from { PDdvfs } -to { PDpll }

create_level_shifter_rule -name DvfsToWakeup -from { PDdvfs } -to { PDwakeup }

create_level_shifter_rule -name Module_WToDvfs -from { PDw } -to { PDdvfs }

create_state_retention_rule -name retn_smc -instances { \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/i_apb/i_cfreg0 i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/i_apb/i_cfreg1 \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/i_apb/i_cfreg2 i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/i_apb/i_cfreg3 \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/i_apb/i_cfreg4 i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/i_apb/i_cfreg5 \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/i_apb/i_cfreg6 i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/i_apb/i_cfreg7 \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/eco_logic_type4[0].smc_eco_type4 \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/eco_logic_type4[1].smc_eco_type4 \

i_apb_subsystem/i_smc/eco_logic_type4[2].smc_eco_type4 } -restore_edge \

!i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/nrestore_smc -save_edge \

i_apb_subsystem/i_power_ctrl/save_smc -target_type flop

update_power_switch_rule -name pwr_smc_rule -prefix FE_CPF_PS \

-peak_ir_drop_limit 0 -average_ir_drop_limit 0

update_power_switch_rule -name pwr_rom_rule -prefix FE_CPF_PS \

September 2020 199 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-peak_ir_drop_limit 0 -average_ir_drop_limit 0

update_power_switch_rule -name i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__pwr_uart_rule -prefix \

FE_CPF_PS -peak_ir_drop_limit 0 -average_ir_drop_limit 0

update_isolation_rules -names i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__iso_uart_hi -location to \

-prefix CPF_ISO_

update_isolation_rules -names i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__iso_uart_lo -location to \

-prefix CPF_ISO_

update_isolation_rules -names iso_rom -location to -prefix CPF_ISO_

update_isolation_rules -names iso_smc_hi -location to -prefix CPF_ISO_

update_isolation_rules -names iso_smc_lo -location to -prefix CPF_ISO_

update_isolation_rules -names iso_towakeup_hi -location to -prefix CPF_ISO_

update_level_shifter_rules -names DvfsToPll -location to -prefix CPF_LS_

update_level_shifter_rules -names DvfsToWakeup -location to -prefix CPF_LS_

update_level_shifter_rules -names Module_WToDvfs -location to -prefix CPF_LS_

September 2020 200 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow


This plug-in is called after CTS inside the run_cts.tcl flow script. You can use this plug-in to adjust
IO timings based on clock insertion delays. The sample commands mentioned below are
incorporated in the post_cts plug-in. You can modify these commands according to your design

set_interactive_constraint_modes [all_constraint_modes -active]

set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]

set_clock_propagation propagated

set_interactive_constraint_modes {}

set_interactive_constraint_modes {PMdefault}

source ../DATA/chip_top_propagated.sdc

set_interactive_constraint_modes {}

set_interactive_constraint_modes {PMdvfs2}

source ../DATA/chip_top_dvfs2_propagated.sdc

set_interactive_constraint_modes {}

September 2020 201 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow


This plug-in is called after importing the database and CPF inside the run_init.tcl flow script. You
can use this plug-in for floorplan related tasks, which cover:
Die/core boundary creation
Placement of hard macros/blocks
Power domain sizing and clearance surrounding to it
Placement and routing blockages in the floorplan
IO ring creation
And PSO planning
Below are some of the sample commands incorporated in the post_init plug-in. You can
modify these commands according to your design needs:

Define Core Boundary

floorPlan -site core -d 3000 3000 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0

Relative Placement of Hard Macros/Blocks

relativePlace \

i_sram_subsystem/i_1_sram_voltage_island/i_0_SRAM_2kx32_wrap/i_sram_core \

CORE -orientation R90 -relation L -alignedBy B \

-xSpace 18.0000 -ySpace 20.0000

relativePlace \

September 2020 202 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

i_sram_subsystem/i_2_sram_voltage_island/i_0_SRAM_2kx32_wrap/i_sram_core \

i_sram_subsystem/i_1_sram_voltage_island/i_0_SRAM_2kx32_wrap/i_sram_core \

-orientation R270 -relation R -alignedBy B -xSpace 18.0000 -ySpace 0.0000

Power Domain Size and Clearance Information Surrounding it

modifyPowerDomainAttr PDsmc -box 280 1325 440 1550 \

-rsExts 15 15 15 15 -minGaps 15 15 15 15

Column and Ring-based Power Switch Cell Adding

addPowerSwitch -checkerBoard \

-column \

-powerDomain i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW \

-backToBackChain \

-bottomOffset 60 \

-enableNetIn $n \

-enableNetOut pduart_powered_off \

-enablePinIn NSLEEPIN \

-enablePinOut NSLEEPOUT \

-globalSwitchCellName HDRSID2 \

September 2020 203 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-leftOffset 20 \

-reportFile $vars(rpt_dir)/PDurt_pso.rpt \

-switchModuleInstance i_apb_subsystem/i_uart1 \

-topOffset 2 \

-rightOffset 2 \

-horizontalPitch 70 \

-height 125 \

-skipRows 5

addPowerSwitch -powerDomain PDsmc -ring \

-switchModuleInstance i_apb_subsystem/i_smc \

-enableNetIn $n \

-enableNetOut pdsmc_powered_off \

-enablePinIn NSLEEPIN \

-enablePinOut NSLEEPOUT \

-reportFile $vars(rpt_dir)/PDsmc_pso.rpt \

-cornerCellList CDN_RING_CORNER_UL \

-fillerCellNameBottom CDN_RING_FILLER \

September 2020 204 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-fillerCellNameLeft CDN_RING_FILLER \

-fillerCellNameRight CDN_RING_FILLER \

-fillerCellNameTop CDN_RING_FILLER \

-bottomSide 1 \

-leftSide 1 \

-rightSide 1 \

-topSide 1 \

-leftOffset 2 \

-rightOffset 2 \

-topOffset 2 \

-bottomOffset 2 \

-bottomNumSwitch 4 -distribute \

-leftNumSwitch 3 -distribute \

-topNumSwitch 4 -distribute \

-rightNumSwitch 3 -distribute \

-switchCellNameLeft CDN_RING_SW \

-switchCellNameRight CDN_RING_SW \

-switchCellNameTop CDN_RING_SW \

September 2020 205 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-switchCellNameBottom CDN_RING_SW

Create Halo for Macros

deleteHaloFromBlock -allBlock

addHaloToBlock 2 2 2 2 i_D0TCM/i_sram_core_1

addHaloToBlock 2 2 2 2 i_D1TCM/i_sram_core_1

addHaloToBlock 2 2 2 2 i_D0TCM/i_sram_core_0

addHaloToBlock 2 2 2 2 i_ITCM/i_sram_core

Add IO fillers, these are Inserted from Largest to Smallest

addIoFiller -cell PFILLER20

addIoFiller -cell PFILLER10

addIoFiller -cell PFILLER5

addIoFiller -cell PFILLER1

addIoFiller -cell PFILLER05

addIoFiller -cell PFILLER0005

September 2020 206 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow


This plug-in is called after cell placement inside the run_place.tcl flow script. You can use this plug-
in for standard cell rail creation and check the connectivity and geometry on power nets.

Standard Cell Rail Creation for Power Domains

Rail Creation for uart Power Domain

sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings -noPadPins -noStripes \

-straightConnections { straightWithDrcClean straightWithChanges } \

-nets { VDDuart VSSsoc } -powerDomains {i_apb_subsystem__i_uart1__PDuart_SW} \

-targetViaTopLayer 4 \

-crossoverViaTopLayer 4 -verbose

Rail Creation for PDdvfs Power Domain

sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings -noPadPins -noStripes \

-straightConnections { straightWithDrcClean straightWithChanges } \

-nets { VDDdvfs VSSsoc } -powerDomains { PDdvfs } \

-targetViaTopLayer 4 -crossoverViaTopLayer 4 -verbose

September 2020 207 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

Rail Creation for PDsmc Power Domain

sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings -noPadPins -noStripes \

-straightConnections { straightWithDrcClean straightWithChanges } \

-nets { VDDsmcVSSsoc } -powerDomains { PDsmc } -targetViaTopLayer 4 \

-crossoverViaTopLayer 4 -layerChangeTopLayer 4

Rail Creation for PDwakeup Power Domain

sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings -noPadPins -noStripes \

-straightConnections { straightWithDrcClean straightWithChanges } \

-nets { VDDwake VSSsoc } -powerDomains { PDwakeup } \

-targetViaTopLayer 4 -crossoverViaTopLayer 4 -layerChangeTopLayer 4

Check Connectivity and Geometry on Special Nets

verifyConnectivity -type special -nets { VSSsoc VDDdvfs VDDw \


vdda33 vdda25 vssa}

verifyGeometry -allowPadFillerCellsOverlap \

-allowRoutingBlkgPinOverlap -allowRoutingCellBlkgOverlap

September 2020 208 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow


This plug-in is called after the prects optimization is completed inside the run_prects.tcl flow script.
You can use this plug-in for secondary power pin routing for low power cells (State retention
flops/always-on-buffers/level-shifters) and check the connectivity and geometry on power nets. The
sample commands below are incorporated in the post_prects plug-in. You can modify these
commands according to your design needs.
Note: route_secondary_pg_nets is a procedure implemented in utils.tcl, it does secondary pg
route_secondary_pg_nets is part of utils.tcl and it internally calls for setPGPinUseSignalRoute
and routePGPinUseSignalRoute commands for routing secondary PG nets.


This plug-in is called before CTS inside the run_cts.tcl flow script. You can use this plug-in to define
non-default CTS mode settings. The sample below displays commands incorporated in the pre_cts
plug-in. You can modify these commands according to your design needs.

setCTSMode -topPreferredLayer 9 -bottomPreferredLayer 3 -preferredExtraSpace 2


This plug-in is called before importing the database, inside the run_init.tcl flow script. You can use
this plug-in for tasks which can be done before importing the design. For example, use this plug-in
to insert buffers on tie-high/tie-low assign statements. The sample commands mentioned below are
incorporated in the pre_init plug-in. You can modify these commands according to your design

September 2020 209 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

setImportMode -bufferTieAssign $vars(buffer_tie_assign)


This plug-in is called before doing cell placement inside the run_place.tcl flow script.
User can use this plug-in for:
Power planning related tasks which includes:
Power planning for power domains (ring/stripe creations)
Power Shut-off cell power hookup
Welltap/Bias cell power hookup
And commands for enabling always-on-net synthesis as part of preCTS optimization.
Below are some of the sample commands incorporated in the pre_place plug-in. You can
modify these commands according to your design needs.

Rings Creations for Blocks and for Power Domains

Ring Around PDw Power Domain

selectObject Group PDw

addRing -spacing_bottom 1.0 -width_left 4 -width_bottom 4 \

-width_top 4 -spacing_top 1.0 -layer_bottom M5 \

-stacked_via_top_layer M9 -width_right 4 -around power_domain \

-jog_distance 0.1 -offset_bottom 2 -layer_top M5 -threshold 0.1 \

September 2020 210 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-offset_left 4 -spacing_right 1.0 -spacing_left 1.0 \

-type block_rings -offset_right 4 -offset_top 4 -layer_right M4 \

-nets { VDDw VSSsoc VDDdvfs} -stacked_via_bottom_layer M1 \

-layer_left M4 -snap_wire_center_to_grid Grid

Ring Around PLL Macro

selectInst i_PLL

addRing -spacing_bottom 1.5 -width_left 4 -width_bottom 4 \

-width_top 10 -spacing_top 3.0 -layer_bottom M5 \

-stacked_via_top_layer M9 -width_right 4 -around selected \

-jog_distance 0.1 -offset_bottom 56 -layer_top M5 \

-threshold 0.1 -offset_left 60 -spacing_right 1.5 \

-spacing_left 1.5 -type block_rings -offset_right 4 \

-offset_top 20 -layer_right M4 -nets {VDDpll VSSsoc} \

-stacked_via_bottom_layer M1 -layer_left M4 \

-snap_wire_center_to_grid Grid

addRing -spacing_bottom 1.5 -width_left 5 -width_bottom 5 \

-snap_wire_center_to_grid Grid -width_top 5 -left 0 -top 0 \

September 2020 211 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-spacing_top 1.5 -layer_bottom M5 -stacked_via_top_layer M5 \

-width_right 5 -around selected -jog_distance 0.1 -offset_bottom 70 \

-layer_top M5 -threshold 0.1 -right 0 -offset_left 78 \

-spacing_right 1.5 -spacing_left 1.5 -type block_rings \

-offset_right 78 -offset_top 78 -layer_right M4 -nets VDDdvfs \

-stacked_via_bottom_layer M1 -layer_left M4

PLL Pad to PLL Ring Connection

sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings -noCorePins -noStripes \

-padPinAllGeomsConnect -padPinMaxLayer 2 \

-straightConnections { straightWithDrcClean straightWithChanges } \

-nets {VDDpll} -area { 185 185 2815 2815 }

PLL Pins to PLL Ring Connection

sroute -blockPinRouteWithPinWidth -noPadRings -noCorePins \

-noPadPins -noStripes -straightConnections { straightWithDrcClean }\

-blockPinTarget { routeToRingOnly } -nets { VDDpll VSSsoc } \

-blocks named -blockNames { i_PLL }

September 2020 212 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

Stripe Creations for Power Domains

PDsmc Power Domain Stripe Creation

selectObject Group PDsmc

addStripe -block_ring_top_layer_limit M5 \

-max_same_layer_jog_length 0.8 -over_power_domain 1 \

-padcore_ring_bottom_layer_limit M1 -set_to_set_distance 70 \

-skip_via_on_pin {} -stacked_via_top_layer M5 \

-padcore_ring_top_layer_limit M5 -spacing 1.6 -xleft_offset 0.905 \

-xright_offset 10 -merge_stripes_value 0.1 -layer M4 \

-block_ring_bottom_layer_limit M1 -width 6.4 -nets \

{VSSsoc VDDdvfs VDDsmc} -stacked_via_bottom_layer M1 \

-snap_wire_center_to_grid Grid

addStripe -block_ring_top_layer_limit M5 \

-max_same_layer_jog_length 0.8 -over_power_domain 1 \

-padcore_ring_bottom_layer_limit M1 -set_to_set_distance 35 \

-skip_via_on_pin {} -stacked_via_top_layer M5 \

-padcore_ring_top_layer_limit M5 -spacing 1.6 -merge_stripes_value \

September 2020 213 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

0.1 -direction horizontal -layer M5 -block_ring_bottom_layer_limit M1 \

-width 6.4 -nets {VSSsoc VDDdvfs VDDsmc} -stacked_via_bottom_layer M1 \

-ytop_offset 2 -ybottom_offset 6 -snap_wire_center_to_grid Grid

Full-Chip/Top Level Ring and Stripe Creation

addRing -spacing_bottom 2 -width_left 11 -width_bottom 11 \

-width_top 11 -spacing_top 2 -layer_bottom M9 \

-stacked_via_top_layer M9 -width_right 11 -around core \

-jog_distance 0.1 -offset_bottom 2.5 -layer_top M9 -threshold 0.1 \

-offset_left 2.5 -spacing_right 2 -spacing_left 2 -offset_right 2.5 \

-offset_top 2.5 -layer_right M8 -nets {VSSsoc VDDdvfs} \

-stacked_via_bottom_layer M8 -layer_leftM8

addRing -spacing_bottom 2 -width_left 11 -width_bottom 11 \

-width_top 11 -spacing_top 2 -layer_bottom M9 \

-stacked_via_top_layer M9 -width_right 11 -around core \

-jog_distance 0.1 -offset_bottom 28.5 -layer_top M9 \

-threshold 0.1 -offset_left 28.5 -spacing_right 2 -spacing_left 2 \

-offset_right 28.5 -offset_top 28.5 -layer_right M8 -nets \

September 2020 214 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

{VSSsoc VDDdvfs} -stacked_via_bottom_layer M8 -layer_left M8

addStripe -block_ring_top_layer_limit M9 \

-max_same_layer_jog_length 0.8 -over_power_domain 1 \

-snap_wire_center_to_grid Grid -padcore_ring_bottom_layer_limit M5 \

-set_to_set_distance 35 -stacked_via_top_layer M9 \

-padcore_ring_top_layer_limit M9 -spacing 1.6 -xleft_offset 54 \

-xright_offset 25 -merge_stripes_value 0.1 -layer M8 \

-block_ring_bottom_layer_limit M5 \

-width 6.4 -nets {VSSsoc VDDdvfs} -stacked_via_bottom_layer M5 \

-allow_jog_block_ring 0

addStripe -area { 193 245 2807 2755 } -block_ring_top_layer_limit M9 \

-max_same_layer_jog_length 0.8 -snap_wire_center_to_grid Grid \

-padcore_ring_bottom_layer_limit M5 -set_to_set_distance 35 \

-stacked_via_top_layer M9 -padcore_ring_top_layer_limit M9 \

-spacing 1.6 -merge_stripes_value 0.1 -direction horizontal -layer M9 \

-block_ring_bottom_layer_limit M5 -width 6.4 -nets {VSSsoc VDDdvfs} \

-stacked_via_bottom_layer M5 -allow_jog_block_ring 0 -ytop_offset 18 \

September 2020 215 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
CPF-Based Low Power Flow--Example - CPF-Based Low Power Foundation Flow

-ybottom_offset 18

For welltap/Bias/Power-Switch cells PG pin connection, you can run strap over/off-set with regard to
these cells so that the PG connection is established easily. For example, in the below stripe
creation command, the stripe is created over welltap cells (FILLBIAS2A9TH) so that PG connection
is easily established.

addStripe -nets {VDDcpu} -layer ME4 -direction vertical -width 0.2 \

-spacing 1 -over_pins 1 -pin_layer ME1 -master FILLBIAS2A9TH \

-over_power_domain1 -block_ring_top_layer_limit ME7 \

-block_ring_bottom_layer_limit ME4 -stacked_via_top_layer ME7 \

-stacked_via_bottom_layer ME1 -skip_via_on_pin {} \

-switch_layer_over_obs 1

To handle always-on net synthesis as part of preCTS optimization, you have to enable these:

setDontUse PTBUFFD* false

setOptMode -resizeShifterAndIsoInsts true

setvar dpgOptSupportAOFeedThru 1

Add Placement Blockages

createObstruct 2727.626 1098.3065 2755.178 1143.1175

createObstruct 1992.592 245.018 2012.6265 437.8765

createObstruct 2748.0225 2132.4865 2755.371 2192.543

createObstruct 2750.585 1827.1725 2755.96 1886.794

September 2020 216 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow

Hierarchical Flow

Innovus Implementation System Hierarchical Flow is a more complex implementation of the flat
foundation flow.
In this section we cover:
Using Interface Logic Models
About the Hierarchical One-Pass ILM Flow and Diagram
Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM
Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

Introduction to Hierarchical Implementation Flow

This chapter describes the tasks in the recommended flow using the Innovus Implementation
System (Innovus) software to implement a hierarchical flat chip from a completed floorplan, while
meeting timing and physical design requirements and resolving signal integrity (SI) problems. In
addition, for designs with multiple operating modes or corners that require optimization, and for
more accurate timing, the flow supports multi-mode multi-corner (MMMC) timing analysis and on-
chip variation (OCV) mode. The flow also takes advantage of the Innovus software’s multiple-CPU
processing capabilities to accelerate the design process and runs features in multi-threading or
distributed processing mode where appropriate.
The flow uses the Innovus super commands. For example, place_opt_design, routeDesign,
and optDesign with as few non-default options as possible for the main design tasks. It is a starting
point for you to use with designs for a hierarchical chip. Ultimately, your design might have a
different final set of commands, but this flow is the recommended starting point, before
customization for your specific design or technology needs.
When the tasks described in this guide are complete, you should have a design that is ready for
DRC and LVS checks and other sign-off tasks.

September 2020 217 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Overview of Hierarchical Implementation Flow

Overview of Hierarchical Implementation Flow

The hierarchical implementation flow starts with a completed floorplan, including partitions. For the
top level and for each block, clock tree estimation is performed for budgeting and CTS.
When implementing a hierarchical flow where the design is divided into partitions, you can treat the
partitions as blackboxes and derive timing estimations for these blackboxes. For a more accurate
representation, instead of using a blackbox at the top level, you can create an Interface Logic Model
(ILM) at the block level and use an ILM as you would use a blackbox.
This flow uses ILM’s for the top-level implementation. Steps for using the blackbox flow are noted
as comments but not actually used in the flow.
At the end of each main task, there is an optimization step, and the task is complete when
violations are fixed and the timing is acceptable. The flow is complete and the design is ready for
sign-off tasks when the design meets timing and physical design requirements.

One-Pass and Two -Pass Hierarchical Flows

The hierarchical one-pass ILM flow assumes a single iteration of top-level budgeting. This flow can
be used for designs that do not have complex inter-partition timing flows.
For complex inter-partition timing flows, a single iteration of top-level budgeting might not be
sufficient. In such cases, you can use the hierarchical two-pass ILM flow, which uses a two‑step
iteration of top-level budgeting. The two-step flow results in more accurate budgeting and ensures
high accuracy block closure. The two-pass hierarchical flow is provided as reference. The
Foundation Flow kits do not currently provide automation to execute this flow.

Before You Begin - Hierarchical Implementation Flow

The hierarchical implementation flow assumes that timing and routing constraints are feasible.
Make sure the following tasks are complete before starting this flow:
Floorplanning, including the following tasks:
Partition definition
Hard block placement
Power grid creation
Region definition

September 2020 218 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Inputs for Hierarchical Implementation Flow

I/O pad placement

Creation of placement and routing blockages
Note: Leakage power and dynamic power optimization are outside the scope of this flow.

Inputs for Hierarchical Implementation Flow

Innovus configuration file (setup.tcl) with the following information specified:
Timing libraries (*.lib)
LEF libraries (*.lef)
Timing constraints (*.sdc)
Capacitance table or QRC technology file
SI libraries (*.cdb or *.udn) (recommended but not required)
Verilog netlist (*.v)
Floorplan file (*.fp or *.def)
Clock tree specification file
Scan chain information (*.tcl or *.def)In addition, depending on the design and technology,
you may need to supply values for the following items:
RC scaling factors
OCV derating factors
Metal fill parameters
Filler cell names
Tie cell names
Clock gating cell names
Spare instance names
JTAG instance names
JTAG rows
LSF queue
Don’t Use Cells

September 2020 219 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Hierarchical Partition Flow

Delay Cells
CTS Cells

Hierarchical Partition Flow

With the hierarchical partition flow, standard cell placement, feedthrough insertion, pin
assignment, timing budgeting, and partition steps are performed. It provides capabilities for
defining and handling partition blocks, blackboxes, various orientations, rectilinear shapes,
multiply-instantiated partitions, multiple-levels of partitions, partition guard-bands, and so on. It
creates different directories for the top-level and the blocks – which can then be independently
implemented by different design teams.
The following capabilities are supported:
Placement or route based partition (feedthrough insertion/pin assignment) flow. You also
have the option to disable feedthrough buffer insertion step.
Channelless and/or design with master/clones.
Option to use prototyping net delay (pico-second per micron) model for quick timing
estimation during partition flow.
FlexModel based hierarchical partition flow for reducing netlist size.
Different virtual optimization engines for timing budgeting
Trial IPO
Pico-second per micron model (psPM)

September 2020 220 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently

Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently

The hierarchical flow lets you implement the top-level design and the blocks concurrently.
When you partition a design, the Innovus software creates LEF files and budgeted timing
models for the blocks. You can treat the blocks as blackboxes from the top-level perspective—
and thus implement the top-level and the blocks concurrently.

During the flow, as the block implementation progresses, the budgeted timing models for the
blocks are often replaced with Interface Logic Models (ILM’s) or with more accurate budgeted
timing models. You can also add new LEF files that contain the antenna information for the

See also,
Using Interface Logic Models
About the Hierarchical One-Pass ILM Flow and Diagram
Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM
Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

Using Interface Logic Models

An Interface Logic Model (ILM) is a structural representation of the timing characteristics of a block,
specifically a subset of the block’s structure including instances along the I/O timing paths, clock-
tree instances, and instances or net coupling affecting the signal integrity (SI) on I/O timing paths.
Instead of using a blackbox to represent a block at the top level, you create an ILM at the block level
and use it as you would use a blackbox. Using ILM’s to represent the timing characteristics of a
block provides more accurate analysis than using the blackbox flow.
The flow described in this document uses ILM’s for representing the partition blocks during the top-
level implementation.
See also,
Hierarchical Flow
About the Hierarchical One-Pass ILM Flow and Diagram
Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM
Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

September 2020 221 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently

Using the Flattened and Unflattened ILM States

ILM’s can be in either of the following two states:
Flattened state
In this state, the spef file or the Verilog netlist for the ILM is flattened and merged into the top
level. The flattened state is used for accurate delay calculation and Static Timing Analysis.
The flattened state is required by the CTE commands such as report_timing.
Unflattened state
In this state, the spef file or the Verilog netlist of the ILM model is not visible at the top level.
The ILM appears as a blackbox. The unflattened state is used for physical implementation
tasks such as routing.
Here are some commonly used commands that require an unflattened state:
power routing commands such as addStripe
physical cell insertion commands such as addFiller
scan commands such as scanReorder
The Innovus super commands place_opt_design, routeDesign, and optDesign
automatically manage the flattened and unflattened ILM states. For other commands,
you should flatten or unflatten the design as required with the flattenIlm and the
unflattenIlm commands.

See also,
Performing Multi-Mode Multi-Corner Timing Analysis and Optimization
Managing Clock Latencies
Deriving Clock Tree Estimation for Budgeting and CTS
Preventing Hierarchical Signal Integrity Issues

September 2020 222 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently

Performing Multi-Mode Multi-Corner Timing Analysis

and Optimization
For designs that contain multiple modes and/or corners, it becomes necessary to configure the
software to support multiple combinations of modes and corners and to evaluate them concurrently.
Multi-Mode Multi-Corner (MMMC) Timing Analysis provides the ability to determine and validate the
timing requirements for such designs.
Multi-Mode Multi-Corner (MMMC) Timing Analysis and Optimization is also recommended for better
timing correlation.
Using MMMC timing analysis, you can concurrently perform the following activities:
Minimum and maximum analysis for each library corner
On-chip variation specification
Push-out and pull-in SDF annotation
Setup analysis uses push-out for launch, pull-in for capture
Hold analysis uses pull-in for launch, and push-out for capture
Note: defineRCCorner flows are not supported with MMMC
Note: For the ILM flow, temperature scaling for resistance must be done using MMMC.

See also,
Using the Flattened and Unflattened ILM States
Managing Clock Latencies
Deriving Clock Tree Estimation for Budgeting and CTS
Preventing Hierarchical Signal Integrity Issues

Managing Clock Latencies

The ILM models can be used during pre-CTS and post-CTS stages without modification. However,
for blackboxes, the following considerations related to clock latency apply:
Clock latency is reflected directly in the timing arcs. Any included latency is not calculated.
During the pre-CTS stage, the delays of the clock tree are assumed to be 0. To specify clock
latency, create SDC constraints with the set_clock_latency command.

September 2020 223 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently

If the delays of the clock tree are included, during pre-CTS optimization, the latency of the
clock pins should be included in the SDC file to account for the top-level clock latency (source
During the post-CTS stage, the delays of the clock tree are calculated and latencies asserted
on pins or with -source are retained.
The deriveTimingBudget command and savePartitioncommand will generate a budgeted
library for use at the top level:
This model assumes zero delay on the clock tree
For pre-CTS optimization, any clock latencies applied to the clock pins of the model
should represent the full clock insertion (top and block)
This model cannot be used in the post-CTS stage. Use the saveModel command to
create new models for each partition in the post-CTS stage.

See also,
Using the Flattened and Unflattened ILM States
Performing Multi-Mode Multi-Corner Timing Analysis and Optimization
Deriving Clock Tree Estimation for Budgeting and CTS
Preventing Hierarchical Signal Integrity Issues

Deriving Clock Tree Estimation for Budgeting and

You need to derive the clock tree estimation for the blocks in the design for timing budgeting and for
Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS). Derive the CTS files and the clock latencies for the top level and for
each block separately as follows:
1. For each block and for the top-level:
create a CTS specification file with the appropriate minimum delay and maximum delay
based on the achievable insertion delays
use the set_clock_latency command to create a latency SDC with for each clock. The
latency should match the minimum- and maximum-delays set in the CTS specification
2. At the top level, specify the latency SDC’s with the setPtnUserCnsFile command.

September 2020 224 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently

When you perform timing budgeting, latencies in the block- and top-level will be adjusted
based on the latency SDC’s. MacroModels for top-level CTS will be used in a .lib flow.
3. Control the latency manually in the following cases:
when the design contains clock feedthroughs
when clocks are generated within a partition
4. Derive the budgeted latencies by performing a prototyping pass through the flow including

The following example illustrates the use flow for deriving CTS files and latencies separately for the
top level and for each block.

For this example, assume a single clock FCLK that attaches to pin pll/clk at the top level and enters
partitions A and B at port clk
The insertion delay target for flat full chip insertion 5 ns. The insertion delay target for partition A is 3
ns and that for partition B is 2 ns.

CTS Specification File

# Ptn A

AutoCTSRootPin clk

MinDelay 3ns

MaxDelay 3ns

September 2020 225 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently

# Ptn B

AutoCTSRootPin clk

MinDelay 2ns

MaxDelay 2ns

# Top Level

# Only required for Black Box flow

# MacroModel port PtnA/clk 3ns 3ns 3ns 3ns 10ff

# MacroModel port PtnB/clk 2ns 2ns 2ns 2ns 10ff

AutoCTSRootPin pll/clk

MinDelay 5ns

MaxDelay 5ns

Latency SDC File

# Ptn A

set_clock_latency 3 [get_clocks {FCLK}]

# Ptn B

set_clock_latency 2 [get_clocks {FCLK}]

# Full Chip

September 2020 226 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Implementing Top-Level and Blocks Concurrently

set_clock_latency 5 [get_clocks {FCLK}]

Note: MacroModels are not required in the ILM flow because CTS automatically calculates the
latency based on the spef file. The saveModel command produces the MacroModels automatically

Latencies for the Full Chip and the Partitions

Before you specify partitions and perform timing budgeting and partitions, the full chip latencies
must either be in the original timing constraints or loaded in a separate SDC
The latency SDC’s for each partition are applied using the setPtnUserCnsFile command as follows

setPtnUserCnsFile \

-fileName PartitionLatencySDCFile

-ptnName PartitionName

In the budgeted SDC’s for each partition, the IO arrival and departure times reflect the assigned
latencies. The source and network latencies are also assigned
For this example, the source latency will be 2 ns for partition A (5 ns – 3 ns) and 3 ns for partition B
(5 ns -2 ns)
The same budgeted SDC’s can be used for pre-CTS and post-CTS optimization. The network
latencies will be ignored once the tree is synthesized
Related Topics:
Creating a Clock Tree Specification File in the "Synthesizing Clock Trees” chapter in the
Innovus User Guide
Timing Budgeting chapter in the Innovus User Guide

See also,
Using the Flattened and Unflattened ILM States
Performing Multi-Mode Multi-Corner Timing Analysis and Optimization
Managing Clock Latencies
Preventing Hierarchical Signal Integrity Issues

September 2020 227 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--About the Hierarchical One-Pass ILM Flow and Diagram

Preventing Hierarchical Signal Integrity Issues

When working on hierarchical designs, preventing hierarchical signal integrity (SI) issues between
partitions and the top level can become important. You can use many strategies to prevent
hierarchical SI issues. Most of these strategies are performed during floorplanning.
These strategies are not specifically covered in this guide, but include the following:
adding placement halos to the partitions to limit the need for routing close to the partition
adding routing halos to the partition to limit cross-coupling between routes in the partitions
and top level
Some methodologies such as routing over, or through, partitions using partition feedthroughs
can increase the SI sensitivity. In such cases, you can reduce the SI sensitivity by attaching
buffers to the I/O ports of each partition—this reduces SI sensitivity by limiting the I/O nets to
short routes and filtering injected noise.
See also,
Using the Flattened and Unflattened ILM States
Performing Multi-Mode Multi-Corner Timing Analysis and Optimization
Managing Clock Latencies
Deriving Clock Tree Estimation for Budgeting and CTS

About the Hierarchical One-Pass ILM Flow and

The hierarchical one-pass ILM flow documented in this chapter utilizes a single iteration of top-level
budgeting. This flow is useful for designs that do not have complex inter-partition timing.
For designs that have more complex inter-partition flows, you can use the hierarchical two-pass ILM
flow, which utilizes a two-step iteration of top-level budgeting to generate more accurate budgets
after clock insertion.
The following figure illustrates the hierarchical one-pass ILM flow.

September 2020 228 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM

See also,
Hierarchical Flow
Using Interface Logic Models
Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM
Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM

The hierarchical foundation flow with FlexILM (preCTS) creates reduced netlist and physical model
from each partition. With automatic netlist and placement ECO after top-level paths optimization,
memory reduction is done in both timing graph and physical data. With this, the need for strict timing
budget accuracy is reduced, resulting in no requirement for using flattenILM or unflattenILM during
the flow.

September 2020 229 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM

Setting Up the Flow

To enable the FlexILM (preCTS) hierarchical flow, set vars(enable_flexilm) true
The files and folders listed below are created after tclsh SCRIPTS/gen_flow.tcl –m hier all:
DBS/ FF/ LOG/ make/ Makefile PARTITION/ PARTITION_PRECTS/ RPT/ setup.tcl

September 2020 230 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM

Single Pass Hierarchical Flow

Make –f Makefile
Initial partitioning and budgeting
Run block to preCTS and generate FlexILM
Top FlexILM prectsopt , re-assign ptn pin , timing rebudget and FlexILM-ECO
Assemble updated preCTS DB and check timing
Block implementation from CCOPT/CTS to signoff , generate ILM
Top implementation from CCOPT/CTS to signoff with ILM
Final chip assembly

FlexILM Generation and Top preCTS Optimization with FlexILM

Block FlexILM Generation After preCTS-opt

optDesign -preCTS -outDir RPT -prefix prects
createInterfaceLogic -dir block.flexilm -useType flexIlm -optStage preCTS

Top preCTS Optimization with FlexILM

###commit flexIlm####
set dirs ""
foreach name $vars(partition_list) { append dirs " -flex_ilm
{${name} ../${name}/${name}.flexilm}" }
eval commit_module_model $dirs -mmmc_file ../../FF/view_definition.tcl

###optDesign ####
setTrialRouteMode -honorPin false -handlePartitionComplex true
setHierMode -optStage preCTS
setOptMode -handlePartitionComplex true
optDesign -preCTS -outDir RPT -prefix flexilm

September 2020 231 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

Reassigning PTN Pin and Rebudgeting Timing

###reassign ptn pin and rebudget###
setTrialRouteMode -honorPin true

###flexIlm ECO to update block DB####

set dirs ""
foreach block $vars(partition_list) { append dirs " -goldenBlockDir
../${block}/DBS/prects.enc.dat" }
eval update_partition -flexIlmECO $dirs -flexIlmDir ../../PARTITION_FLEXILM -
postECOSuffix postECO -pinLocation

See also,
Hierarchical Flow
Using Interface Logic Models
About the Hierarchical One-Pass ILM Flow and Diagram
Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

The design is now ready for sign-off physical and timing verification. The flow outputs the following
Design data
Verilog netlist
SPEF file
GDS file
Innovus log file
Use the viewLog command to open the log file in a new window.
Timing reports

September 2020 232 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Hierarchical Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

Clock tree reports

Verify connectivity
Verify geometry
Verify metal density
Verify process antenna
See also,
Hierarchical Flow
Using Interface Logic Models
About the Hierarchical One-Pass ILM Flow and Diagram
Hierarchical Foundation Flow with FlexILM

September 2020 233 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow

Tags for Flow

The following list depicts the tags for the Innovus foundation flow.

vars(init,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(init,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(init,set_rc_factor,tag) value

vars(init,derate_timing,tag) value

vars(init,create_rc_corner,tag) value

vars(init,create_library_set,tag) value

vars(init,create_delay_corner,tag) value

vars(init,create_constraint_mode,tag) value

vars(init,create_analysis_view,tag) value

vars(init,update_delay_corner,tag) value

vars(init,update_library_set,tag) value

vars(init,set_default_view,tag) value

vars(init,set_power_analysis_mode,tag) value

vars(init,load_config,tag) value

September 2020 234 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(init,load_floorplan,tag) value

vars(init,add_tracks,tag) value

vars(init,load_cpf,tag) value

vars(init,commit_cpf,tag) value

vars(init,read_activity_file,tag) value

vars(init,specify_ilm,tag) value

vars(init,load_ilm_non_sdc_file,tag) value

vars(init,initialize_timing,tag) value

vars(init,load_scan,tag) value

vars(init,specify_spare_gates,tag) value

vars(init,set_dont_use,tag) value

vars(init,set_max_route_layer,tag) value

vars(init,set_design_mode,tag) value

vars(init,insert_welltaps_endcaps,tag) value

vars(init,load_config,tag) value

vars(init,time_design,tag) value

vars(init,check_design,tag) value

vars(init,check_timing,tag) value

September 2020 235 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(init,report_power_domains,tag) value

vars(place,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(place,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(place,restore_design,tag) value

vars(place,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(place,set_design_mode,tag) value

vars(place,set_delay_cal_mode,tag) value

vars(place,set_place_mode,tag) value

vars(place,set_opt_mode,tag) value

vars(place,cleanup_specify_clock_tree,tag) value

vars(place,specify_clock_tree,tag) value

vars(place,specify_jtag,tag) value

vars(place,place_jtag,tag) value

vars(place,place_design,tag) value

vars(place,add_tie_cells,tag) value

vars(place,time_design,tag) value

vars(place,save_design,tag) value

vars(place,report_power,tag) value

September 2020 236 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(place,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(place,run_clp,tag) value

vars(prects,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(prects,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(prects,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(prects,set_design_mode,tag) value

vars(prects,set_ilm_type,tag) value

vars(prects,cleanup_specify_clock_tree,tag) value

vars(prects,create_clock_tree_spec,tag) value

vars(prects,specify_clock_tree,tag) value

vars(prects,set_useful_skew_mode,tag) value

vars(prects,set_opt_mode,tag) value

vars(prects,set_design_mode,tag) value

vars(prects,set_delay_cal_mode,tag) value

vars(prects,set_dont_use,tag) value

vars(prects,opt_design,tag) value

vars(prects,ck_clone_gate,tag) value

vars(prects,save_design,tag) value

September 2020 237 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(prects,report_power,tag) value

vars(prects,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(prects,run_clp,tag) value

vars(cts,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(cts,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(cts,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(cts,set_design_mode,tag) value

vars(cts,set_cts_mode,tag) value

vars(cts,set_nanoroute_mode,tag) value

vars(cts,enable_clock_gate_cells,tag) value

vars(cts,clock_design,tag) value

vars(cts,disable_clock_gate_cells,tag) value

vars(cts,run_clock_eco,tag) value

vars(cts,update_timing,tag) value

vars(cts,time_design,tag) value

vars(cts,save_design,tag) value

vars(cts,report_power,tag) value

vars(cts,verify_power_domain,tag) value

September 2020 238 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(cts,run_clp,tag) value

vars(postcts,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(postcts,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(postcts,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(postcts,set_design_mode,tag) value

vars(postcts,set_delay_cal_mode,tag) value

vars(postcts,set_analysis_mode,tag) value

vars(postcts,set_opt_mode,tag) value

vars(postcts,opt_design,tag) value

vars(postcts,save_design,tag) value

vars(postcts,report_power,tag) value

vars(postcts,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(postcts,run_clp,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,set_dont_use,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,set_opt_mode,tag) value

September 2020 239 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(postcts_hold,opt_design,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,save_design,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,report_power,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(postcts_hold,run_clp,tag) value

vars(route,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(route,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(route,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(route,set_nanoroute_mode,tag) value

vars(route,add_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(route,route_secondary_pg_nets,tag) value

vars(route,check_place,tag) value

vars(route,route_design,tag) value

vars(route,run_clock_eco,tag) value

vars(route,spread_wires,tag) value

vars(route,initialize_timing,tag) value

vars(route,time_design,tag) value

vars(route,save_design,tag) value

September 2020 240 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(route,report_power,tag) value

vars(route,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(route,run_clp,tag) value

vars(postroute,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(postroute,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(postroute,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(postroute,set_design_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute,set_extract_rc_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute,set_analysis_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute,set_delay_cal_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute,add_metalfill,tag) value

vars(postroute,delete_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(postroute,opt_design,tag) value

vars(postroute,add_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(postroute,trim_metalfill,tag) value

vars(postroute,save_design,tag) value

vars(postroute,report_power,tag) value

vars(postroute,verify_power_domain,tag) value

September 2020 241 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(postroute,run_clp,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,set_dont_use_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,set_opt_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,delete_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,opt_design,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,add_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,trim_metalfill,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,save_design,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,report_power,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(postroute_hold,run_clp,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,initialize_step,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_design_mode,tag) value

September 2020 242 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_dont_use,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_opt_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_extract_rc_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_si_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_delay_cal_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,set_analysis_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,add_metalfill,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,delete_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,opt_design,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,add_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,trim_metalfill,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,save_design,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,report_power,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(postroute_si_hold,run_clp,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,initialize_step,tag) value

September 2020 243 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(postroute_si,set_design_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,set_extract_rc_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,set_si_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,set_analysis_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,set_delay_cal_mode,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,add_metalfill,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,delete_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,opt_design,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,add_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,trim_metalfill,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,save_design,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,report_power,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(postroute_si,run_clp,tag) value

vars(signoff,set_distribute_host,tag) value

vars(signoff,set_multi_cpu_usage,tag) value

vars(signoff,initialize_timing,tag) value

vars(signoff,initialize_step,tag) value

September 2020 244 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(signoff,set_analysis_mode,tag) value

vars(signoff,set_extract_rc_mode,tag) value

vars(signoff,extract_rc,tag) value

vars(signoff,dump_spef,tag) value

vars(signoff,time_design_setup,tag) value

vars(signoff,time_design_hold,tag) value

vars(signoff,stream_out,tag) value

vars(signoff,save_oa_design,tag) value

vars(signoff,create_ilm,tag) value

vars(signoff,summary_report,tag) value

vars(signoff,verify_connectivity,tag) value

vars(signoff,verify_geometry,tag) value

vars(signoff,verify_metal_density,tag) value

vars(signoff,verify_process_antenna,tag) value

vars(signoff,save_design,tag) value

vars(signoff,report_power,tag) value

vars(signoff,verify_power_domain,tag) value

vars(signoff,ru_clp,tag) value

September 2020 245 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(partition_list) value

vars(partition,initialize_timing,tag) value

vars(partition,load_cpf,tag) value

vars(partition,commit_cpf,tag) value

vars(partition,run_clp_init,tag) value

vars(partition,save_init_dbs,tag) value

vars(partition,set_budgeting_mode,tag) value

vars(partition,update_constraint_mode,tag) value

vars(partition,set_ptn_user_cns_file,tag) value

vars(partition,set_place_mode,tag) value

vars(partition,place_design,tag) value

vars(partition,save_place_dbs,tag) value

vars(partition,trial_route,tag) value

vars(partition,assign_ptn_pins,tag) value

vars(partition,check_pin_assignment,tag) value

vars(partition,report_unaligned_nets,tag) value

vars(partition,set_ptn_pin_status,tag) value

vars(partition,derive_timing_budget,tag) value

September 2020 246 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(partition,save_budget_dbs,tag) value

vars(partition,run_clp,tag) value

vars(partition,partition,tag) value

vars(partition,save_partition,tag) value

vars(assemble,assemble_design,tag) value

vars(assemble,specify_ilm,tag) value

vars(assemble,load_ilm_non_sdc_file,tag) value

vars(assemble,load_cpf,tag) value

vars(assemble,commit_cpf,tag) value

vars(assemble,initialize_timing,tag) value

vars(assemble,update_timing,tag) value

vars(assemble,pre_pac_verify_connectivity,tag) value

vars(assemble,pre_pac_verify_geometry,tag) value

vars(assemble,set_module_view,tag) value

vars(assemble,delete_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(assemble,opt_design,tag) value

vars(assemble,add_filler_cells,tag) value

vars(assemble,post_pac_verify_connectivity,tag) value

September 2020 247 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Tags for Flow--Results for Hierarchical Flow Implementation

vars(assemble,post_pac_verify_geometry,tag) value

September 2020 248 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator

Sample Script - Code Generator

Executing the Flow

Sample Single Script Flow

Executing the Flow

init_design FF/run.conf


readActivityFile -format TCF $vars(activity_file)

create_rc_corner -name rc_min \

-cap_table $vars(rc_min,cap_table) \

-preRoute_res $vars(rc_min,pre_route_res_factor) \

-preRoute_cap $vars(rc_min,pre_route_cap_factor) \

-preRoute_clkres $vars(rc_min,pre_route_clk_res_factor) \

-preRoute_clkcap $vars(rc_min,pre_route_clk_cap_factor) \

-postRoute_res $vars(rc_min,post_route_res_factor) \

-postRoute_cap $vars(rc_min,post_route_cap_factor) \

-postRoute_clkres $vars(rc_min,post_route_clk_res_factor) \

September 2020 249 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Executing the Flow

-postRoute_clkcap $vars(rc_min,post_route_clk_cap_factor) \

-postRoute_xcap $vars(rc_min,post_route_xcap_factor) \

-T $vars(rc_min,T) \

-qx_tech_file $vars(rc_min,qx_tech_file)

create_rc_corner -name rc_max \

-cap_table $vars(rc_max,cap_table) \

-preRoute_res $vars(rc_max,pre_route_res_factor) \

-preRoute_cap $vars(rc_max,pre_route_cap_factor) \

-preRoute_clkres $vars(rc_max,pre_route_clk_res_factor) \

-preRoute_clkcap $vars(rc_max,pre_route_clk_cap_factor) \

-postRoute_res $vars(rc_max,pre_route_res_factor) \

-postRoute_cap $vars(rc_max,pre_route_cap_factor) \

-postRoute_clkres $vars(rc_max,pre_route_clk_res_factor) \

-postRoute_clkcap $vars(rc_max,pre_route_clk_cap_factor) \

-postRoute_xcap $vars(rc_max,pre_route_xcap_factor) \

-T $vars(rc_max,T) \

-qx_tech_file $vars(rc_max,qx_tech_file)

create_library_set \

September 2020 250 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Executing the Flow

-name fast \

-timing [list {$vars(fast,timing)} ]

create_library_set \

-name slow \

-timing [list {$vars(slow,timing)} ]

create_delay_corner -name fast_min -library_set fast \

-rc_corner rc_min

create_delay_corner -name slow_max -library_set slow \

-rc_corner rc_max

create_constraint_mode -name mode1 \

-sdc_files [list {$vars(mode1,pre_cts_sdc)}]

create_constraint_mode -name mode2 \

-sdc_files [list {$vars(mode2,post_cts_sdc)}]

if {[lsearch [all_analysis_views] hold_view] == -1} {

create_analysis_view -name hold_view \

-constraint_mode $vars(hold_view,constraint_mode) \

-delay_corner fast_min

September 2020 251 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Executing the Flow

if {[lsearch [all_analysis_views] setup_view] == -1} {

create_analysis_view -name setup_view \

-constraint_mode $vars(setup_view,constraint_mode) \

-delay_corner slow_max

update_library_set -name fast -si [list $vars(fast,si)]

update_library_set -name slow -si [list $vars(slow,si)]

set active_corners [all_delay_corners]

if {[lsearch $active_corners slow_max] != -1} {

# begin derate.tcl

set_timing_derate -clock \

-cell_delay \

-early \

-delay_corner fast_min $vars(fast_min,clock_cell_early)

set_timing_derate -clock \

-cell_delay \

-late \

-delay_corner slow_max $vars(slow_max,clock_cell_late)

September 2020 252 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Executing the Flow

# <end derate.tcl>

set_analysis_view \

-setup [list setup_view] \

-hold [list hold_view]

set_default_view -setup setup_view -hold hold_view

set_power_analysis_mode -analysis_view setup_view

exec /bin/touch make/init

saveDesign DBS/init.enc -compress -def

report_power -outfile RPT/init.power.rpt

setDontUse $vars(dont_use_list) true

setDontUse $vars(use_list) false

setMaxRouteLayer 6

setDesignMode -process 90

addWellTap -cell [list $vars(welltaps)] \

-prefix WELLTAP \

-maxGap $vars(welltaps,max_gap) \

-inRowOffset $vars(welltaps,row_offset) \

September 2020 253 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Executing the Flow


timeDesign -preplace -prefix preplace -outDir RPT

checkDesign -all check_timing

set vars(step) place

Variables affecting this step are listed under the "Place" section on the Example Settings for Each
Script page.

setDesignMode -process 90

setPlaceMode -congEffort $vars(congestion_effort) \

-clkGateAware $vars(clock_gate_aware) \

-placeIoPins $vars(place_io_pins)

setOptMode -preserveAssertions false \

-powerEffort $vars(power_effort) \

-leakageToDynamicRatio medium$vars(leakage_to_dynamic_ratio) \

-clkGateAware $vars(clock_gate_aware) \

-criticalRange $vars(critical_range)

setTieHiLoMode -cell {$vars(tie_cells)} \

-maxDistance $vars(tie_cells,max_distance) \

-maxFanout $vars(tie_cells,max_fanout) cleanupSpecifyClockTree\ specifyClockTree -file

$vars(cts_spec) specifyJtag -inst $vars(jtag_cells)\ placeJtag -nrRow $vars(jtag_rows)
place_opt_design -inPlaceOpt foreach cell\ {$vars(tie_cells)} {

September 2020 254 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Executing the Flow

setDontUse $cell false


foreach cell {$vars(tie_cells)} {

setDontUse $cell true

exec /bin/touch make/place

saveDesign DBS/place.enc -compress

report_power -outfile RPT/place.power.rpt

set vars(step) prects

The variables affecting this step are: PreCTS on page 49

setDesignMode -process 90


specifyClockTree -file $vars(cts_spec)

specifyClockTree -update "AutoCTSRootPin * RouteClkNet YES

setUsefulSkewMode -delayPreCTS true \

-useCells [list $vars(skew_buffers)]

September 2020 255 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Executing the Flow

setOptMode -preserveAssertions false \

-powerEffort $vars(power_effort) \

-leakageToDynamicRatio medium$vars(leakage_to_dynamic_ratio) \

-clkGateAware $vars(clock_gate_aware) \

-criticalRange $vars(critical_range) \

-usefulSkew false

optDesign -preCTS -outDir RPT -prefix prects

exec /bin/touch make/prects

saveDesign DBS/prects.enc -compress

report_power -outfile RPT/prects.power.rpt

set vars(step) cts

The variables affecting this step are listed under the "CTS" section on the Example Settings for
Each Script page.

setDesignMode -process 90

setCTSMode -routeClkNet true

setNanoRouteMode \

-routeWithLithoDriven $vars(litho_driven_routing) \

-drouteMultiCutViaEffort $vars(multi_cut_effort)

setOptMode -preserveAssertions false \

September 2020 256 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Executing the Flow

-powerEffort $vars(power_effort) \

-leakageToDynamicRatio medium$vars(leakage_to_dynamic_ratio) \

-clkGateAware $vars(clock_gate_aware) \

-criticalRange $vars(critical_range) \

-usefulSkew false

optDesign -preCTS -outDir RPT -prefix prects

exec /bin/touch make/prects

saveDesign DBS/prects.enc -compress

report_power -outfile RPT/prects.power.rpt

setDesignMode -process 90

setCTSMode -routeClkNet true

setNanoRouteMode \

-routeWithLithoDriven $vars(litho_driven_routing) \

-drouteMultiCutViaEffort $vars(multi_cut_effort)

set vars(step) postcts

The variables affecting this step are listed under the "PostCTS" section on the Example Settings for
Each Script page.

setOptMode -postCtsClkGateCloning true

setAnalysisMode -cppr both

September 2020 257 Product Version 20.12

Innovus Foundation Flows Guide
Sample Script - Code Generator--Sample Single Script Flow

optDesign -postCTS -outDir RPT -prefix postcts

exec /bin/touch make/postcts

saveDesign DBS/postcts.enc -compress

report_power -outfile RPT/postcts.power.rpt

Sample Single Script Flow

source FF/vars.tcl

source FF/procs.tcl

setDistributeHost -local

setMultiCpuUsage -localCpu max

set vars(step) init

exec mkdir -p $env(VPATH)

See also,
Executing the Flow

September 2020 258 Product Version 20.12

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