This document provides information about a rural road project in Mahidpur to Nageshwar Road, Cantt Jhadol Block, Ujjain District of Madhya Pradesh. The 13.75 km project involves construction of a flexible pavement from km 0-32.7 km and a rigid/semi-rigid pavement from 32.7-12.05 km. The quality monitor will inspect the ongoing/completed work. Key details include the estimated cost of Rs. 26.81 crore, technical sanction cost of Rs. 26.31 crore, awarded cost of Rs. 24.05 crore and expenditure of Rs. 6.74 crore if the work is ongoing.
This document provides information about a rural road project in Mahidpur to Nageshwar Road, Cantt Jhadol Block, Ujjain District of Madhya Pradesh. The 13.75 km project involves construction of a flexible pavement from km 0-32.7 km and a rigid/semi-rigid pavement from 32.7-12.05 km. The quality monitor will inspect the ongoing/completed work. Key details include the estimated cost of Rs. 26.81 crore, technical sanction cost of Rs. 26.31 crore, awarded cost of Rs. 24.05 crore and expenditure of Rs. 6.74 crore if the work is ongoing.
This document provides information about a rural road project in Mahidpur to Nageshwar Road, Cantt Jhadol Block, Ujjain District of Madhya Pradesh. The 13.75 km project involves construction of a flexible pavement from km 0-32.7 km and a rigid/semi-rigid pavement from 32.7-12.05 km. The quality monitor will inspect the ongoing/completed work. Key details include the estimated cost of Rs. 26.81 crore, technical sanction cost of Rs. 26.31 crore, awarded cost of Rs. 24.05 crore and expenditure of Rs. 6.74 crore if the work is ongoing.
This document provides information about a rural road project in Mahidpur to Nageshwar Road, Cantt Jhadol Block, Ujjain District of Madhya Pradesh. The 13.75 km project involves construction of a flexible pavement from km 0-32.7 km and a rigid/semi-rigid pavement from 32.7-12.05 km. The quality monitor will inspect the ongoing/completed work. Key details include the estimated cost of Rs. 26.81 crore, technical sanction cost of Rs. 26.31 crore, awarded cost of Rs. 24.05 crore and expenditure of Rs. 6.74 crore if the work is ongoing.
Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India
Format QR Version 2021.0- Part I
Format for information to QM for Inspection of Ongoing/Completed Work
PART-Work Information (To be filled-up by PIU
Work is (checkany one box)
I. Onging Completed 1!. Current stage of work: (checkv any one box) Stage- I. Date of inspection: Stage-11 Compos I5. o8. 2021 IV. Name of Quality Monitor (QM): SHRI R.P. KHARE NOM H Code (checkrelevant box and fill code) sOM HCode V. State: MAJHAYA PRAD ESH District: UTJA1N Block: MA HID PUR VI. Name of Road: MAH IO PUR To NAGESH WAR RoAD CANTHJAR1) VII. Package number.: MP- 43 7o3 VIII. Sanctioned length: |3y.75 |km, Flexible pavement: 32.7 km, Rigid/Semi-Rigid pavement: |2. ostkm IX. Executed length: km, Flexible pavement:| km, Rigid/Semi-Rigid pavement: (in case of completed works onl) km X. Reasons for deviation (if any):
XI. Name of new technology (if used)
ZycHOTHERN RDfrom|9.0 km to4. km XI. Estimated cost (as cleared by GOI): Rs. 26 81. 6 Lakh XIII. Technical sanction cost: Rs. 2631 63 Lakh XIV. Awarded cost: Rs. 2405.6 Lakh XV. Expenditure: (if work is ongoing) a. Expenditure done: Rs. 67417 Lakh b. Bills pending: Rs. Lakh Total expenditure (a+b) Rs. 74. 47 Lakh XVI. Completion cost: (if work is completed)| Rs. Lakh