Bosch Aquastar 125b - LP
Bosch Aquastar 125b - LP
Bosch Aquastar 125b - LP
If the information in this manual is not followed exactly,
a fire or explosion may result causing property
damage, personal injury or death.
6 720 605 297 PT 862 (12.98)
- Copper heating coils for endless supply of hot water. Net Weight 39 LB
- Burner output proportional to hot water flow demand 1.8 GPM at 90° rise
for maximum energy efficiency.
3.7 GPM at 45° rise
- Safety thermocouple at pilot burner.
Min. Water Flow 1/2 gal/min
- Automatic overheating protection shut-off sensor.
LP GAS Supply Pressure inlet. min. 11” W.C.
- Stainless steel burners with stabilized blue flame. max. 14” W.C.*
- Built-in corrosion resistant draft inducer. LP GAS Manifold pressure 9.0” W.C.**
- Compact space saver: mounts on a wall with two hooks. Natural Gas Pressure inlet min.: 7” W.C.
max.: 14” W.C.*
- Easily removable one-piece cover.
Natural Gas Manifold Pressure 4.2 W.C.**
- Easy one person installation.
* Inlet gas pressure must not exceed this value
- Adjustable water flow restrictor to ensure that water flow
demand will not exceed the heating capacity of the ** For purposes of input adjustment
This heater is packed securely. The box includes two water connection fittings, a gas pressure regulator, an incandescent
particle tray, two hooks for hanging the heater, this manual, a personal letter, a warranty statement and a warranty
registration card. Do not lose this manual, as there is a charge for replacement. Please complete and return the
enclosed warranty registration card.
GENERAL RULES TO FOLLOW 2. Carefully plan where you install the heater. Correct
FOR SAFE OPERATION combustion air supply and flue pipe installation are very
important. If not installed correctly, fatal accidents can be
1. You should follow these instructions when you install caused by lack of air, carbon monoxide poisoning or fire.
your heater. In the United States: The installation must
conform with local codes or, in the absence of local codes, 3. The place where you install the heater must have
the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54. enough ventilation. The National Fire Codes do not allow
In Canada: The Installation should conform with CGA water heater installation in bathrooms, bedrooms or any
B149.(1,2) INSTALLATION CODES and /or local occupied rooms normally kept closed. See the section
installation codes. below on locating the heater.
6. Keep water heater area clear and free from WARNING: The water in this water heater is cold and
combustibles and flammable liquids. Do not locate the always remains cold except for the times that hot water is
heater over any material which might burn. being used DO NOT INSTALL IN AN AREA WHERE IT
7. Correct gas pressure is critical for the optimum This heater is neither designed for nor approved for
operation of this heater (see specifications on page 2). outside installation.
Gas piping must be sized to provide the required pressure
at the maximum output of the heater, while all the other WARNING: Flammable materials, gasoline,
gas appliances are in operation. Check with your local gas pressurized containers, or any other items or articles
supplier, and see the section on connecting the gas supply. that are potentially fire hazards must NOT be placed
on or adjacent to the heater. The appliance area must
8. Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to shut be kept free of all combustible materials, gasoline and
off, turn off the gas supply at the manual gas shut off valve other flammable vapors and liquids.
on the gas line.
9. Do not use this appliance if any part has been
underwater. Immediately call a qualified service technician Observe the following instructions concerning combustion
to inspect the appliance and to replace any part of the air.
control system and any gas control which has been
underwater. Appliances located in unconfined spaces:
a) An unconfined space is one whose volume is greater
PROPER LOCATION FOR INSTALLING YOUR than 50 cubic feet per 1000 Btu per hour of the combined
HEATER rating of all appliances installed in the space. That would
be 5850 cubic feet for the AquaStar 125B alone.
Carefully select the location of your new heater. For your b) In unconfined spaces in buildings of conventional frame,
safety and for proper heater operation, you must provide masonry, or metal construction, infiltration is normally
an abundant supply of combustion air and a proper venting adequate to provide air for combustion, ventilation, and
installation. dilution of flue gasses.
The heater may still operate even when improperly vented.
It will, however, be less efficient and could eventually Appliances located in confined spaces:) The confined
damage the heater. It could even result in human sickness space must be provided with two permanent openings,
or death due to oxygen deprivation and carbon monoxide one commencing within 12 inches of the top and one
poisoning. Follow the guidelines below: commencing within 12 inches of the bottom of the
enclosure. Each opening must have a minimum free area
1. Place your heater as close to a vent or chimney as of one square inch per:
possible. - 1000 Btu/hr if all air is taken from inside the building.
- 2000 Btu/hr if all air is taken from the outside by horizontal
2. National building codes require that you do not install ducts.
this appliance in bathrooms, bedrooms, unvented closet - 4000 Btu/hr if all air is taken from the outside by direct
or any occupied rooms normally kept closed. openings or vertical ducts.
Louvers, grills and screens have a blocking effect. If the
3. Simultaneous operation of other appliances such as effective free area is not known, increase the sizes of your
exhaust fans, ventilation systems clothes dryers, fireplaces openings by 75% if your louvers are wood and by 30% if
or wood stoves could create a vacuum effect in your home your louvers are metal. Refer to the National Fuel Gas
which could cause dangerous combustion by-products to Code for complete information. In buildings of tight
spill back into your home rather than venting to the outside construction all air should be taken from outside.
through the flue. Confirm that your Aquastar is venting
properly when all these other appliances are running. See
section on venting.
Although water piping throughout your structure may be Before proceeding with the operation of the heater make
other than copper, we recommend that copper piping be sure that the system is filled with water.
used for at least three feet before and after the heater Make sure the water heater drain plug is closed. See Figure
(follow local codes if more stringent). Keep water inlet pipe 7 below.
to no less than 1/2 inch diameter to allow the full flow
capacity. Remember that water pressure must be sufficient
to activate the heater when drawing hot water from the
top floor. If the hot and cold connections to the heater are
reversed, the heater will not function. The AquaStar 125B
is provided with two elbow type connectors that must be
connected to the inlet and outlet fittings of the water valve
as shown in Fig 5. These fittings seal to the water valve by
means of a union connection with a washer type gasket at
the joint. No pipe dope or thread tape is to be used at
Fig. 7 - Water heater drain plug
these joints. Be certain there are no loose particles or dirt
in the piping. Blow out or flush the lines before connecting Open the cold water inlet supply to the heater fully.
to the AquaStar. A ball valve should be installed on the Open a hot water faucet to permit the water to fill the heater
cold water feed line to facilitate servicing the heater. and the piping and to eliminate the air trapped in the system
For installation on a private well system, be sure that the Close the hot water faucet after the water flows freely and
water pressure is set between 30 and 50 psi. all the air has escaped from the system. The water heater
is now ready to work
Slide the gas valve button to the far left, under the off ( ) MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE
mark and close the gas supply to the heater.
Approximately once a year, the AquaStar should be
SETTING THE WATER TEMPERATURE checked, cleaned and serviced as necessary. To remove
the front cover, first remove the incandescent particle tray,
The AquaStar 125 B LP and 125 B NG water heaters have then pull off the temperature adjustment knob and unscrew
a gas control that modulates burner input in response to and remove the plastic collar. Unscrew the central screw
flow. Its purpose is to ensure that the hot water temperature located at the bottom of the front cover. Pull main cover
will remain steady, although the water flow demand might out toward you and lift up and out. THE FOLLOWING
vary (down to 1/2 gal/minute). To adjust the temperature OPERATIONS SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY A
on your AquaStar, turn on a hot water faucet to its QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSON:
maximum flow. At the water heater, turn the large knob
located beneath the main gas controls on the front of the Vent System: Should be checked annually. Clean and
heater all the way to the right (clockwise). See Fig 8. This repair as needed.
will produce a temperature rise of approximately 90oF at
flow rates between 0.5 and 2.0 gallons per minute. Given Water Valve (Part # 8707002499): The water valve on
that average incoming water temperatures are 50oF, this this heater should be serviced periodically The frequency
heater will produce approximately 140oF water at these will depend on the mineral content of the water and
flow rates. Turning the dial all the way to the left conditions of use or whenever signs of corrosion appear
(counterclockwise) will produce a temperature rise of at the gas and water valve joint. Check that the water inlet
approximately 45oF for flow rates between 1.1 and 3.7 filter (#28 on Figure 12, page 14) is clean.
gallons per minute. It is safest to select a comfortable
temperature and not have to mix in cold water. Pilot Flame: The pilot flame should burn with a clean sharp
blue flame and should resemble the diagram in Fig 9. If
the flame is yellow, or if the pilot knob has to remain
depressed for a long time in order to keep the pilot lighted,
The AquaStar 125 burners are activated by a water flow
Fig. 9 - Characteristic Pilot Flame Problems are stated in upper case, bold face. Most
common causes for the problems follow in order of
To clean the pilot burner and/ or the pilot orifice : Turn
likelihood. The suggested solutions require that the cover
off the gas at the unit. Remove the cover of the heater. To
be taken off. To do this, remove incandescent particle tray,
do so, pull off the temperature adjustment knob and
pull off the temperature adjustment knob and unscrew and
unscrew and remove the plastic collar and unscrew the
remove the plastic collar and unscrew the central screw
central screw located at the bottom of the front cover. Pull
located at the bottom of the front cover. Pull main cover
main cover out toward you and lift up and out . Pull the air
out toward you and lift up and out.
screen off, wash it and blow any lint off (See Fig 10). The
pilot orifices should also be cleaned or replaced. Do not
enlarge the orifice. Do not use any wire or sharp object
to clean orifices. Natural gas orifices are large enough
1. No gas to the AquaStar
that you can usually clean them by blowing through them.
A. Gas cock on gas line may not be open.
LP orifices, on the other hand, are too small to clean and
B. Gas valve button has not been moved to “PILOT”
should be replaced. See #3 in Trouble Shooting Section.
position ( ). Slide button to right to PILOT.
To access the pilot orifice, remove 2 screws holding pilot
C. Gas regulator may be shut or damaged.
assembly in place. Then loosen compression fittings to
expose pilot orifice. 2. In-line AquaStar gas regulator jammed (usually on
LP gas)
Replace or unjam the regulator. Note: The regulator
furnished with the heater is designed for low gas pressure.
Excessive pressure will lock it up (propane only). Jamming
AIR SCREEN usually happens if the gas pressure between the gas tank
(propane) and the water heater’s gas regulator has not
been reduced. See page 2 for recommended correct gas
pressure. To unjam a regulator, consult your gas supplier.
PILOT LIGHTS BUT FLAME GOES OUT WHEN 2. Gas valve button not positioned on Burner Position
BUTTON IS RELEASED Be sure pilot flame is on. Slide gas valve control to burner
position ( ).
1. Pilot push button was not pushed in far enough or
was not held in long enough 3. Cold incoming water connection made to wrong
Once pilot flame has been lighted. Hold button pushed in side of heater
for at least 15 seconds to give time for the pilot flame to Make sure cold water inlet connection is on the right side
properly heat the tip of the thermocouple. of heater when you are facing heater.
2. Pilot flame improperly aimed or is too weak so it is 4. Water flow rate at hot water tap is too low.
not properly heating the tip of the thermocouple. Note: When the flow control is turned all the way clockwise,
The Pilot flame should be a sharp blue flame and aimed the AquaStar models 125B require 1/2 gallon per minute
at the tip of the thermocouple so that it envelops 10 mm flow to activate the burners. This is a flow which would fill
(3/8 “) of the thermocouple tip. Pilot flame has to be properly a quart jar in 30 seconds. If the flow control knob is turned
aimed at the thermocouple. See Fig 9. fully counterclockwise, a flow rate of 1.1 gpm is required
to activate the burners.
3. Poor thermocouple connection at the
electromagnet 5. Cold water inlet filter on heater is dirty.
Note: Electromagnet is part #8707201012 located on the Remove filter and clean. This screen filter is located at
right side of the gas valve behind the piezo push-button the inlet side of the brass water valve (fig. 12, #28). Check
assembly. Check the tightness of the thermocouple and clean faucet aerators too.
connection nut at the electromagnet: The Electro-magnet
connection is a large aluminum 17mm hex head nut. The 6. Crossover in household plumbing
thermocouple end is a 5 mm brass nut which screws into The AquaStar burner activates when there is sufficient
the 17 mm nut. Tighten the thermocouple nut snugly but water pressure drop in the AquaStar water valve assembly
not too tight. — i.e. when a hot water faucet is opened. If there is a
crossover in the plumbing, the necessary pressure drop
4. Poor circuit connections at the ECO. (Energy Cut- in the AquaStar will be insufficient, or totally eliminated. A
Off overheat protection) plumbing crossover can be caused by a bad washer at a
Oxidation or looseness of the ECO terminal connections single lever faucet or incorrect plumbing or a mixing valve
can result in millivolt current loss through the thermocouple in the line, etc. which permits hot and cold water to mix in
safety circuit. Clean terminals with very fine sand paper or the plumbing. The crossover will create a back pressure
an eraser and reconnect ECO leads. in the system preventing the pressure drop in the Aquastar
— i.e. cold water is entering the water heater from both
5. Faulty ECO (part #8707206040) sides and the burners will not come on. To confirm there
If cleaning the terminals attached to the ECO did not fix is no crossover in the plumbing, shut off the cold water
the problem, connect a jumper wire between the two wires supply to the AquaStar. Open your hot water taps. There
and try to relight the pilot. If the pilot flame now remains should not be any water flowing. If there is water flowing,
on, replace the ECO. If the flame still goes out when the there is a crossover in the plumbing. This is a plumbing
button is released, the ECO is not defective. Go to next problem, not an Aquastar problem. Please contact your
step. plumber.
3. Burners are not shutting down immediately when 6. Parts in water flow valve are corroded so that the
hot water is turned off gas passage is not fully opening.
Note: If burners don’t shut down immediately when the Contact your service person or Controlled Energy.
hot water is turned off, the heater will overheat and the
ECO will shut-off the gas. Rebuild the water valve assembly
using the repair kit from CEC (part #8 703 406 178). HOT WATER TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATES
5 4
8 9
5 inches 6 feet**
* NOTE: Vent size must not be restricted. Installation must comply with national fuel gas code venting requirements
for a 117,000 Btu Category I appliance and any applicable local codes.
** NOTE: Minimum vent height must be 6 feet, provided there are no elbows. Termination of the vent must be 2
feet above any obstruction within a 10 foot radius of vent pipe. Consult your gas utility or National Fuel Gas Code
if vent will have elbows or share venting with another appliance. The vent connector should have as much vertical
rise as possible (minimum 12") before any horizontal run.
Water Pressure
For installation on well systems, insure that your water pressure is between 30 - 50 psi.
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