PG Program in AI & Machine Learning: Work Integrated Learning Programmes
PG Program in AI & Machine Learning: Work Integrated Learning Programmes
PG Program in AI & Machine Learning: Work Integrated Learning Programmes
Learning Programmes
PG Program in
AI & Machine Learning Call:+91-80-48767777
Who Should Apply ............................................................................... 3
Programme Highlights.......................................................................... 6
Programme Objectives......................................................................... 7
Learning Outcomes.............................................................................. 7
Eligibility ............................................................................................... 8
Online Proctored Examinations............................................................ 9
Fee Structure...................................................................................... 10
Course 1: Regression........................................................................ 11
Course 3: Classification.................................................................... 15
FAQs................................................................................................... 27
Post Graduate Programme in
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
According to a World Economic Forum’s report, AI-enabled
automation will generate 133 million new jobs globally by 2022.
And in India itself, the demand for AI talent pool is expected to
skyrocket with the government’s steps towards digitization, and
multiple organizations accelerating their digital transformation
initiatives. Are you ready to ride the wave?
According to Gartner,
deployment of cloud-based
AI is likely to grow 5x between
2019 and 2023.
The AI & ML
market is expected to grow
globally at a CAGR of
37.95% in 2020-26
Organisations where participants are employed at the time of joining the programme
11-month Post Graduate certificate programme for working professionals that can be
pursued online.
An 8-week Capstone project where you will work towards solving a Data Science related
business problem under the mentorship of BITS Pilani faculty members and senior industry
Two Immersion modules of 2-days each at a BITS Pilani Campus or Online, during which
participants will visit the Campus to interact with their peers and learn together from
BITS faculty.
Access to BITS Pilani instructors through online live lectures, Q&A support and
discussion forums.
Participants who successfully complete the programme will become members of an elite &
global community of BITS Pilani Alumni.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this program the student will be able to
Decide whether AI&ML techniques are applicable for a given business problem
and articulate its benefits thereof.
The 11-month online Post Graduate Programme in Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning consists of 6 Courses and a Capstone Project.
In addition to the Curriculum above, participants will have the option of taking an optional course on
Python at the beginning of the Programme. This will allow participants to revisit essential concepts that
will help in all other courses during the programme. Topics covered include Introduction to Python
programming and installation, Data Types, Program constructs, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and
Debugging python programs.
Employed professionals holding BE/ B.Tech. or equivalent, and working in relevant fields
are eligible to apply. Candidates holding M.Sc. in Mathematics or Statistics, and working in relevant
roles are also eligible to apply to this programme. A working knowledge of languages such as
Python is recommended.
Applicants without sufficient exposure to Python programming language will have to complete
a refresher course in Python as a part of the programme before the start of Course 1.
1. Online Examinations: Students choosing this option can take the examinations online from any
location e.g. office or home. To take an online examination, student must possess a laptop or
desktop with a web cam, a smart phone and good internet connectivity. As per the examination
schedule, the student is expected to login to the institution’s online examination platform and take
the examinations in compliance with institution’s defined guidelines and rules announced before the
examinations. For full details about hardware, software and connectivity requirements to take
online examination, click here.
2. Examinations at Designated Examination Centers: Students choosing this option will need to
appear in person for taking the examinations at institution’s designated examination centers. These
designated examination centers are at the following locations: Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Pune, Mumbai, Goa, Delhi NCR, Pilani and Kolkata. In addition to these locations, Institution also has
a designated examination center at Dubai. Please note that offering of examinations at designated
examination centers is subject to institution’s assessment of the safety conditions as per prevailing
pandemic conditions and also subject to a required minimum number of students preferring this
option. The institution may choose to not offer this option, if as per its own assessment the safety
situation due to pandemic conditions is not conducive to conduct examinations at designated
examination centers or also if as per its assessment adequate no of students have not preferred for
this option. In circumstances as explained, Institute will then conduct the examinations only in the
online mode.
Important: In case a student chooses to take a break in the programme, the options on the mode of
examination available will be as prevailing at the time the student resume the programme.
Programme Fee INR 2,45,000 (including GST) (No cost EMI option available)
Regression is a widely used statistical learning method, and this course will enable participants to have a
deeper understanding of regression models both from theoretical and implementation perspective.
The course covers concepts such as lasso regression, ridge regression and the interpretability of the
predicted models.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to
1. Build appropriate regression model for a given real life business problem
2. Demonstrate the capability to select suitable degree of the polynomial regression and
performance measures
3. Suggest appropriate methods to combat overfitting
4. Interpret the regression model
Topics Covered
1. Introduction to six modules of the programme
Overview of 2. Programme Objectives & Learning outcomes
certificate programme 3. Evaluation of the courses (Quizzes/Assignments/Tests)
in ML & AI 4. ML&AI in today’s world
5. A real life ML&AI project and value of it to the business
1. Introduction to Overfitting
2. Reasons for overfitting
3. Counters to control overfitting – Ridge Regression
Overfitting 4. Implementation in Python (Ridge)
5. Counters to control overfitting – Lasso Regression
6. Implementation in Python (Lasso)
7. Compare Ridge vs Lasso vs Model without Regularization with a case study
Feature Engineering is an important step to develop and improve performance of Machine Learning
models. In this course, students will learn different data wrangling techniques that help transforming the
raw data to an appropriate form on which learning algorithms can be applied.
This course enables students to identify and implement appropriate feature extraction and
pre-processing techniques. The Visualization techniques will also be taught in this course.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
1. Understand the importance of dimension reduction and apply appropriate techniques given a
real world application.
2. Compare the use of different similarity measures and Identify the appropriate similarity measure
to be used between 2 or more items, concepts, etc
3. Find and select appropriate visualization technique that answers a particular research question.
Topics Covered
1. Introduction to Feature Engineering
Overview of 2. Types of data and its sources
Feature Engineering 3. Data quality (Missing values, Noisy data)
4. Implementing a Scrapper using Python
1. Summary Statistics
2. Histograms
3. Bar Charts / Pie charts
4. Box / scatter plots
5. Contour plots
(Industry Expert) 6. Heat maps
7. Parallel Coordinates
9. Industry talk on Visualization
The course on Classification lays down a strong foundation on the algorithmic perspective of popular
classification algorithms - k-NN, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression and SVM. The
implementation details of these models along with tuning of parameters will be illustrated. The course
also covers concepts such as ensemble methods like bagging, boosting, Random Forest, and
interpretability of the predicted models.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
1. Build appropriate classifier for a given real life business problem
2. Demonstrate the capability to understand classification algorithms deeply and fine tuning the
parameters therein to enhance performance of the classifier
3. Build ensemble classifier using well known techniques
4. Interpret the regression model
Topics Covered
1. Introduction to Classification
2. Types of classification algorithms - Discriminant Functions, Probabilistic
Overview of the Generative models and Probabilistic Discriminative models, Tree based models
Classification Module 3. Classification Algorithms covered in the course and type of these algorithms
4. Applications of classification and case study
1. kNN Classifier
Nearest-neighbour 2. Measures of prediction accuracies of classifiers – precision, recall, AUC of ROC etc.
Methods 3. Finding optimal k
4. Python Implementation of kNN
Topics Covered
1. Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization
2. Primal and Dual of an optimization problem
3. Quadratic Programming
for Support Vector 4. KKT conditions
Machines 5. Lagrange Multiplier
The course on Unsupervised Learning & Association Rule Mining focuses in finding natural groups or
clusters that are present in the data. The course will cover lustering algorithms like K-means, Hierarchical
& DBSCAN algorithms, Hidden Markov Models for time series prediction, and market basket analysis to
generate the interesting rules from a transactional database.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
1. Understand various algorithms for clustering, association rule mining and the role of HMM in
time series prediction tasks
2. Analyse the problem and provide learning solutions using the algorithms covered in this course
3. Apply the learning algorithms suitably to solve various tasks including anomaly detection,
parameter estimation, segmentation etc.
4. Analyse the given problem, decide the suitability of association rule learning technique to solve
this and provide a solution
5. Apply the HMM suitably to solve problems involving time series data
Topics Covered
Introduction to 1. Unsupervised Learning - Introduction - Applications- Clustering as a unsupervised
Unsupervised learning task - Defining clustering
Learning, 2. Introducing Various ways to solve clustering problem ( similarity based, density
Clustering based, hierarchical, graph theoretic based) - Notion of quality of clustering
3. Overview of clustering algorithms
Case Study 1. Introducing the clustering case study (to be identified) to be used throughout the
course for assignments -
i. overview of the data set to be used -
ii. Exploring this data using Python
K-Means - Variations 1. Online stochastic version of k-means (with sequential update) - Discussions on
quality of clustering / convergence - Applications
2. Mini-Batch K-Means - Discussions on quality of clustering / convergence - Applications
Clustering for
Topics Covered
Hierarchical 1. Introduction to hierarchical clustering
Clustering 2. Agglomerative Clustering Vs Divisive Clustering
3. Distance Measures (Minimum distance, Maximum Distance, Mean Distance,
Average Distance)
4. Algorithms
i. Single linkage, Complete Linkage algorithm
ii. Demonstration in python
iii. Discussion on Termination, efficiency, applications
Assessing Quality 1. Cluster Validity Evaluation (measuring compactness, separation, cluster overlap, etc)
of Clustering 2. Stability of Results from clustering algorithms
3. Determining number of clusters
Significance of
Clustering - Interpreting/
summarizing Clusters
by businesses
2. Case Study: Introduce a problem from an application domain- solution using HMM -
Python Implementation / Demonstration
Text mining is the process of deriving high-quality information from text and this is the fifth course of the
program. This course aims to equip students with adequate knowledge in extracting the relevant text
data and skills to identify patterns therein. This course covers topics like converting documents to
vectors, Parts of Speech Tagging, Topic modelling, sentiment analysis and recommender systems.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will have:
1. Students should have gained knowledge of basic pipeline of Information retrieval and vectorising the
documents using TD-IDF and its implementation.
2. Students should have gained a mathematical foundation on modelling Parts of speech (POS)
tagging using Hidden Markov Model and hands on experience of implementing POS tagging.
3. Students should have gained a mathematical foundation on modelling Latent Dirichlet Analysis (LDA)
for topic modelling and hands on experience of implementing it.
4. Students should have gained knowledge on sentiment analysis and its applications.
5. Students should have gained a mathematical foundation of Recommender Systems and hands on
experience of implementing it.
Topics Covered
1. Introduction to Text Mining
2. Binary term incidence matrix
Document 3. Information Retrieval Pipeline
vectorization 4. Inverted Index Construction
and Parts of 5. Merge Algorithm and Query Optimization
Speech Tagging 6. Tolerant Retrieval using Normalization, Query expansion, Stemming,
Lemmatization, Wild card query using K-Gram index
7. Ranked Retrieval using TF-IDF and Cosine score
1. Sentiment Analysis
2. Subjectivity Analysis
3. Topic Extraction
Introduction to
4. Product Reviews
Sentiment Analysis 5. Opinion Retrieval and Spam
6. Opinion Summarization
7. Implementing Sentiment Analysis in Python
Deep learning is an evolving subfield of Machine Learning and this course starts with traditional Neural
Networks followed by sequential networks, Convolution Networks, Autoencoders and Generative deep
learning models. The implementation details of these deep learning models along with tuning of the
parameters will be illustrated in this course.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
1. Design a multilayer ANN for an appropriate learning problem
2. Design multilayer neural network architecture for text/voice/video or any sequence data
3. Appreciate the concept of end-to-end learning and feature abstraction
4. Apply convolution and highlight useful parts in a scene for computer vision applications
5. Apply generative approach to solve ML problems
Topics Covered
1. Introduction and Background
2. Discrimination power of single neuron
3. Training a single perceptron (delta rule)
Artificial Neural
4. Multilayer Neural Networks
Network 5. Activation functions and Loss functions
6. Backpropogation -1
7. Backpropogation -2
1. Architecture of RNN
2. Unfolding of RNN
Sequence Modeling 3. Training RNN
in Neural Network 4. LSTM (1)
5. LSTM (2) and its applications
1. CNN
2. Pooling
Convolution Networks 3. Variants of pooling functions
with Deep Learning 4. CNN with Fully connected Networks
6. Faster RCNN
1. Boltzmann Machine
2. Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Generative deep
3. Deep Belief Machines
learning models 4. GAN
5. Applications of GAN
During the 8-week Capstone Project, participants will work in teams to design and solve a real-world
business problem encompassing data science pipeline using AI&ML techniques. Participants will be
required to identify applicable AI and ML solutions, and apply these solutions to arrive at outcomes.
Through each phase of the project, participants will be mentored by BITS Pilani faculty members and
senior Industry practitioners using a rigourous and structured framework, and will receive regular
feedback on their progress.
1. Click here to visit the BITS Pilani Online Application Center. Create your login at the
Application Center by entering your unique Email id and create a password of your
choice. Once your login has been created, you can anytime access the Online Application
Center using your email id and password.
2. You will receive a Provisional Admission Offer Letter within 2 days of receipt of your Application Form.
3. Upon receiving the Provisional Admission Offer Letter, you will need to submit the following within 7
days using the Online Application Center:
4. Within 7 days of receiving the Block amount and other supporting documents, you will receive a Final
Admission Offer Letter. You will need to submit the Remainder programme fee (INR 2,20,000) within
15 days of receipt of this letter. For details on No-cost EMI option with 0% interest, click here.
5. Upon receipt of the remaining Remainder fee, you will receive your BITS Student ID, detailed
programme schedule and access to the learning platform.
Ever since it was declared as a Deemed to be University in 1964, BITS Pilani has
been offering higher education programmes in science and technology, and has
earned an enviable reputation for its innovations in this sphere. The Work Integrated
Learning Programmes (WILP) of BITS Pilani constitutes a unique set of educational
offerings for working professionals. These programmes, which BITS began to offer in
1979, have, over the years, evolved along the lines envisaged in the National Policy
on Education, 1986.
The WILP are rigorous higher education programmes in technology areas, designed
keeping the evolving needs of industry in view, and meant for working professionals
in their respective domains. The very intent is to deliver the education at the
workplace, in order that the greatest degree of work integration of the education is
achieved, and thus the WILP are very distinct in philosophy and pedagogy from open,
distance learning programmes. Though it is incorrect and improper, at times the WILP
are compared to ODL programmes. Accordingly, it has been our constant endeavor
to engage with the regulator, and provide all necessary information about these
The WILP have been well received, and accepted by industry, because of the high
quality of the programmes in terms of the curriculum and the instruction, and also
because of the high degree of work integration, which results not only in up gradation
of knowledge, but also in up skilling, and productivity increase.