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Energy Band in Solids: Fig 2: Valence Band and Conduction Band

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1. Energy band in solids

In the case of a single isolated atom, there are various discrete energy levels, 1s, 2s, 2p ... around each atom.
Electrons cannot occupy space between these levels, Electrons occupy lowest energy level first and not more than
two electrons (with opposite spin) occupy same energy level.
A solid contain large number of atoms packed closely together. So each atom is influenced by its neighbouring
atoms and the valence electrons of adjacent atoms interact Due to this, number of permissible energy levels
increases. Each atomic energy level is split up into a large number of closely spaced energy levels. Hence in the
case of a solid, instead of a single energy level associated with single atom, there will be bands of energy levels.
A set of closely packed energy levels is called an energy band. In an energy band, the allowed energies are almost
continuous. These energy bands are separated by regions which have no allowed energy levels. These regions are
called forbidden bands or energy gap.
If there are N atoms in a solid, there will be N allowed quantum states in each band. Each quantum state can be
occupied by a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins. Thus each energy band can be occupied by 2N
The energy levels of a
single isolated atom of
silicon are shown in Fig
1(a). Each silicon atom
has 14 electrons, 2
occupy K shell, 8 occupy
the L shell and 4 occupy
the M shell. The
electrons in the M shell
are distributed as 2
electrons in the subshell
3s and 2 electrons in the
subshell 3p. This
subshell 3p is partially
filled because it can
accommodate a total of
6 electrons. The Fig 1(a): Energy levels of a single isolated atom Fig 2(b): Energy bands in a solid
completely filled levels
are known as core levels and the electrons filling these levels are called core electrons. The electrons in the
outermost level are called valence electrons. The partially filled outermost level is valence level and the permitted
levels which are vacant are known as conduction levels. The first orbit electrons form a band called first energy
band. Similarly, second orbit electrons form second energy band and so on as shown in Fig b.

2. Valence band, conduction band and forbidden energy gap

Valence band
A band which is occupied by the valence electrons or a band having highest energy is defined as valence band.
The valence band may be partially or completely filled. This band can never be empty.
Conduction band
In some materials, the valence electrons are loosely
attached to the nucleus. Even at room temperature, some
of the valence electrons can leave the valence band.
These are called as free electrons. They are responsible
for conduction of current in a conductor and are called
conduction electrons. The band occupied by these
electrons is called conduction band. Electrons can move
freely in this band and are called 'conduction electrons'.
This band may be an empty band or partially filled band.
Fig 2: Valence band and conduction band
Forbidden energy gap
The separation between valence band and conduction band is known as forbidden energy gap. If an electron is to
be transferred from valence band to conduction band, external energy is required, which is equal to the forbidden
energy gap.

3. Insulators, semiconductors and conductors

Whether a solid is an insulator, conductor or semiconductor is determined by the energy bands structure, the
arrangement of electrons with respect to these bands and the width of forbidden bands.

Semiconductor 3c: Conductor
Fig3: Energy band of solids

In an insulator, the forbidden energy gap is very large (Fig 3a). In general, the forbidden energy gap is more than
3eV and almost no electrons are available for conduction (For a diamond, which is an insulator, the forbidden gap
is about 6eV). Therefore, a very large amount of energy must be supplied to a valence electron to enable it to
move to the conduction band.
In the case of materials like glass, the valence band is completely filled at 0 K. The energy gap between valence
band and conduction band is of the order of 10 eV. Even in the presence of high electric field, the electrons cannot
move from valence band to conduction band.
If the electron is supplied with very high energy, it can jump across the forbidden gap. When the temperature is
increased, some electrons will move to the conduction band. This is the reason, why certain materials, which are
insulators at room temperature become conductors at high temperature. The resistivity of insulator approximately
lies between 1011 and 1016 Ω m.
In conductors, there is no forbidden gap available, the valence and conduction band overlap each other (Fig: 3c).
The electrons from valence band freely enter into the conduction band. Due to the overlapping of the valence and
conduction bands, a very low potential difference can cause the continuous flow of current.
In semiconductors (Fig: 3b), the forbidden gap is very small. Germanium and silicon are the best examples of
semiconductors. The forbidden gap energy is of the order of 0.7eV for Ge and 1.1eV for Si. There are no electrons
in the conduction band. The valence band is completely filled at 0 K. With a small amount of energy that is
supplied, the electrons can easily jump from the valence band to the conduction band. For example, if the
temperature is raised, the forbidden gap is decreased and some electrons are liberated into the conduction band.
The conductivity of a semiconductor is of the order of 102 mho m–1.

What are Semiconductors?

Semiconductors are the materials which have a conductivity and resistivity in between conductors (generally
metals) and non-conductors or insulators.
Properties of Semiconductors
Semiconductors can conduct electricity under preferable conditions. This unique property makes it an excellent
material to conduct electricity in a controlled manner as required.
In semiconductors certain number of valence electrons cross the energy gap and jump into the conduction band,
leaving an equal amount of unoccupied energy states, i.e. holes. Conduction in semiconductor is due to electrons
and holes.
 Resistivity: 10-5 to 10-6 Ωm
 Conductivity: 105 to 106 mho/m
 Temperature coefficient of resistance: Negative
 Current Flow: Due to electrons and holes
 Semiconductor acts like an insulator at Zero Kelvin. On increasing the temperature, it works as a conductor.
 Lesser power losses.
 Their resistivity is higher than conductors but lesser than insulators.
 The resistance of semiconductor materials decreases with the increase in temperatureand vice-versa.

Examples of Semiconductors:
Gallium arsenide, germanium, and silicon are some of the most commonly used semiconductors.

Types of Semiconductors
Semiconductors can be classified as:
 Intrinsic Semiconductor
 Extrinsic Semiconductor

4. Electrons and holes in semiconductors

Holes and electrons are the types of charge carriers for the flow of current in semiconductors. Holes are positively
charged electric charge carrier whereas electrons are the negatively charged particles. Both electrons and holes
are equal in magnitude but opposite in polarity.
The electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor move from valence band to the conduction band at high temperatures.
So in the valence band, a vacancy is created at the place where the electron was present before it had moved in to
the conduction band. This vacancy is called hole.
Consider the case of pure germanium crystal. It has four electrons in its outer or valence orbit. These electrons are
known as valence electrons. When two atoms of germanium are brought close to each other, a covalent bond is
formed between the atoms. If some additional energy is received, one of the electrons contributing to a covalent
bond breaks and it is free to move in the crystal lattice.

While coming out of the bond, a hole is said to be created at its place, which is usually represented by a open
circle. An electron from the neighbouring atom can break the covalent bond and can occupy this hole, creating a
hole at another place. Since an electron has a unit negative charge, the hole is associated with a unit positive
charge. The importance of hole is that, it may serve as a carrier of electricity in the same manner as the free
electron, but in the opposite direction.

5. Intrinsic semiconductor
A semiconductor which is pure and contains no
impurity is known as an intrinsic semiconductor.
In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free
electrons and holes are equal.
Common examples of intrinsic semiconductors
are pure germanium and silicon.
The forbidden energy gap is so small that even at
ordinary room temperature, there are many
electrons which possess sufficient energy to cross
the forbidden energy gap and enter into the
conduction band. Schematic band diagram of an
intrinsic semiconductor at room temperature is
represented in Fig 5.
Fig5: Energy band diagram of an intrinsic semiconductor
6. Doping a semiconductor
The conductivity of semiconductors can be greatly improved by introducing a small number of suitable
replacement atoms called impurities. The process of adding impurity atoms to the pure semiconductor is called
Electrons and holes can be generated in a semiconductor crystal with heat energy or light energy. But in these
cases, the conductivity remains very low. The efficient and convenient method of generating free electrons and
holes is to add very small amount of selected impurity inside the crystal. The impurity to be added is of the order
of 100 ppm (parts per million).
The process of addition of a very small amount of impurity into an intrinsic semiconductor is called doping. The
impurity atoms are called dopants. The semiconductor containing impurity atoms is known as impure or doped or
extrinsic semiconductor.
There are three different methods of doping a semiconductor.
a. The impurity atoms are added to the semiconductor in its molten state.
b. The pure semiconductor is bombarded by ions of impurity atoms.
c. When the semiconductor crystal containing the impurity atoms is heated, the impurity atoms diffuse into
the hot crystal.
Usually, the doping material is either pentavalent atoms (bismuth, antimony, phosphorous, arsenic which have
five valence electrons) or trivalent atoms (aluminium, gallium, indium, boron which have three valence electrons).
The pentavalent doping atom is known as donor atom, since it donates one electron to the conduction band of pure
semiconductor. The trivalent atom is called an acceptor atom, because it accepts one electron from the pure
semiconductor atom.

7. Extrinsic semiconductor
An extrinsic semiconductor is one in which an impurity with a valency higher or lower than the valency of the
pure semiconductor is added, so as to increase the electrical conductivity of the semiconductor.
Depending upon the type of impurity atoms added, an extrinsic semiconductor can be classified as N-type or P-
(a) N-type semiconductor

Fig 7a.1: N-type semiconductor Fig 7a.2: Energy band diagram of N-type semiconductor
When a small amount of pentavalent impurity such as arsenic is added to a pure germanium semiconductor crystal,
the resulting crystal is called N-type semiconductor.

Example: Suppose a pentavalent arsenic impurity is added with pure germanium crystal. The four valence
electrons of arsenic atom form covalent bonds with electrons of neighbouring four germanium atoms. The fifth
electron of arsenic atom is loosely bound. This electron can move about almost as freely as an electron in a
conductor and hence it will be the carrier of current.
In the energy band picture, the energy state corresponding to the fifth valence electron is in the forbidden gap
and lies slightly below the conduction band. This level is known as the donor level. When the fifth valence electron
is transferred to the conduction band, the arsenic atom becomes positively charged immobile ion. Each impurity
atom donates one free electron to the semiconductor. These impurity atoms are called donors.
In N-type semiconductor material, the number of electrons increases, compared to the available number of charge
carriers in the intrinsic semiconductor. Hence, in N-type semiconductor, free electrons are the majority charge
carriers and holes are the minority charge carriers.

(b) P-type semiconductor

7b.1: P-type semiconductor Fig 7b.2: Energy band diagram of a P-type semiconductor

When a small amount of trivalent impurity (such as indium, boron or gallium) is added to a pure semiconductor
crystal, the resulting semiconductor crystal is called P-type semiconductor.
Example: when trivalent boron impurity is added with pure germanium crystal. The three valence electrons of the
boron atom form covalent bonds with valence electrons of three neighbouring germanium atoms. In the fourth
covalent bond, only one valence electron is available from germanium atom and there is deficiency of one electron
which is called as a hole. Hence for each boron atom added, one hole is created.
Since the holes can accept electrons from neighbourhood, the impurity is called acceptor. The hole, may be filled
by the electron from a neighbouring atom, creating a hole in that position from where the electron moves. This
process continues and the hole moves about in a random manner due to thermal effects. Since the hole is
associated with a positive charge moving from one position to another, this is called as P-type semiconductor.
In the P-type semiconductor, the acceptor impurity produces an energy level just above the valence band. Since,
the energy difference between acceptor energy level and the valence band is much smaller, electrons from the
valence band can easily jump into the acceptor level by thermal agitation.
In P-type semiconductors, holes are the majority charge carriers and free electrons are the minority charge carriers.

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