Chapter 2 Meetings of The Board and Its Powers
Chapter 2 Meetings of The Board and Its Powers
Chapter 2 Meetings of The Board and Its Powers
Chapter 2
Chapter XII of Companies Act, 2013 Companies (Meetings of Board and its
“Meetings of Board and its Powers” Powers) Rules, 2014
12 Register
13 Special resolution
– Sec. 2(49)
5. Daughter
6. Daughter’s husband
7. Brother (the term “Brother” includes the step-brother)
8. Sister (term “Sister” includes the step-sister).
Frequency of First Board Every company shall hold the first meeting of the
Board Meeting BOD within 30 days of the date of its incorporation.
Meetings –
Subsequent Every Company shall hold a minimum number of 4
Sec. 173(1)
Board meetings of its BOD every year in such a manner
Meetings that not more than 120 days shall intervene
between two consecutive meetings of the Board.
Points to remember
• Every Year implies calendar year.
• In case of Sec. 8 companies which has not committed a default
in filing of its financial statements u/s 137 or annual return
u/s 92 with the Registrar, Sec. 173(1)shall apply only to the
extent that the BOD of such companies shall hold at least one
meeting within every six calendar months.
Points to remember
Points to remember
Notice of • A meeting of the Board shall be called by giving not less than 7
Board days’ notice in writing to every director at his address registered
Meeting – with the company and such notice shall be sent by hand delivery
Sec. 173(3) or by post or by electronic means.
• A meeting of the Board may be called at shorter notice to
transact urgent business subject to the condition that at least
one independent director, if any, shall be present at the meeting.
Penalty for • Every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice under
failure to this section
give notice and
– Sec. 173(4)
• who fails to do so
Points to remember
Validity of • Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Meetings of the Board
meeting if and its Powers) Rules, 2014 does not lay down any specific
notice not provision regarding the validity of a resolution passed by the
given to any Board in case notice was not served to all the directors as
director stipulated in the Act.
• Supreme Court, in case of Parmeshwari Prasad vs. Union of
India has held that the resolutions passed in the board meeting
shall not be valid, since notice to all the Directors was not given
in writing. Notice must be given to each director in writing.
Hence, even though the directors concerned knew about the
meeting, the meeting shall not be valid and resolutions passed at
the meeting also shall not be valid.
Important Questions
Q. No. 1: ABC Limited, a public limited company was incorporated on 1st April,
2018. The company has conducted four Board meetings during the
financial year 2018-19 i.e. on 6th April, 2018, 28th August, 2018, 30th
September, 2018 and 30th March, 2019.
Q. No. 4: Mr. P and Mr. Q who are the directors of the Company informed the
Company their inability to attend the meeting because the notice of
the meeting was not served on them. Discuss whether there is any
default on the part of the Company and the consequences thereof.
HINT: Refer Sec. 173(3) and 173(4). Resolutions passed in the meeting
will be considered invalid.
Q. No. 5: A director goes abroad for a period of more than 3 months and an
alternate director has been appointed in his place under section
161(2). During the period of absence of the original director, a board
meeting was called. In this connection, with reference to the
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, advise whom should the
notice of Board meeting be given to the “original director” or to the
“alternate director”?
HINT: Refer Section 161(2) and 173(3). No specific provisions in the law
regarding the person to whom the notice is to be given in such a case. In
such a situation, notice may be served on both.
Q. No. 6: ABC Ltd. has 12 directors on its Board and has the following clause in
its Articles of Association:
Q. No. 7: Examine with reference to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
whether notice of a Board Meeting is required to be sent to the
following persons:
Q. No. 9: What are the conditions to be fulfilled for calling meetings at shorter
notice than as prescribed by Companies Act, 2013.
Q. No. 10: Examine the following with reference to the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013:
Q. No. 11: Moonlight Limited, held its Board meeting through video
conferencing. Due to technical problems, the video recording which
was done could not be retrieved. The company seeks your advice for
the preparation and recording of the minutes of the board meeting in
the above situation, under the provisions of the companies Act, 2013
and Rules made there under. [May 18 – Old Syllabus (4 Marks)]
Q. No. 12: M/s OBC Limited, at its forthcoming Board meeting decide that it
will not provide the directors with the facility of participation in the
said meeting through electronic mode; can the directors insist on
attending the meeting through such mode? Decide as per the
HINT: Refer Sec. 173(2) and Rule 3 of the Companies (Meetings of Board
and its Powers) Rules, 2014. Directors can insist the company on attending
the meeting through electronic mode. It is provided in Rule 3 that every
company shall follow the procedure and make necessary arrangements for
convening and conducting the Board meetings through video conferencing
or other audio-visual means. Hence the demand of the question in a
situation when the company does not provide such facility is of no
HINT: Refer 2nd Proviso to Sec. 173(2) and Rule 4 of Companies (Meetings
of the Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014. As there is Quorum in a meeting
through physical presence of directors, any other director may participate
through video conferencing. Hence the financial statements are approved
Points to remember
Points to remember
Adjournment Where a meeting of the Board could not be held for want of
of Meeting – quorum, then, unless the articles of the company otherwise
Sec. 174(4) provide,
Points to remember
• Provisions of Sec. 174 are not applicable to One Person Company in which
there is only one director on its BOD.
Important Questions
Q. No. 14: Discuss the following situations with respect to the quorum.
HINT: (a) Refer Sec. 174(1) -Quorum Required 3 (b) Refer Sec. 174(3) –
Quorum required 2
Q. No. 15: A meeting of the Board of ‘No Holiday Ltd’ was held on a national
holiday on account of Ganesh Chaturthi, the day being Sunday.
However due to lack of quorum, the proceedings of the meeting
could not be held and therefore the Chairman of the meeting
decided with the consent of the majority that the Board meeting be
adjourned to next week on the same day. Whether the meeting of
the Board can be held on a Sunday.
Q. No. 18: The Board of directors of ABC Ltd. met thrice in the year 2017 and
the 4th Meeting, though called, could not be held for want of
PQR Limited held 3 board meetings till 30th Sep. 2018 during the
calendar year 2018. The next board meeting was due to be held on
27th December, 2018 but for want of quorum the meeting could not
be held. A group of shareholders complained that the Company has
violated the provisions of section 173 of the Companies Act, 2013 in
not holding the required number of board meetings. State whether
PQR limited has violated the provisions given in Sec. 173 of the Act.
previous year and will therefore not count in the meetings held in the
next year but in the previous year.
Q. No. 19: The board meeting of MNO Ltd. was held on 10th May,2019 at
Chennai at 11a.m. At the time of starting the board meeting the
number of director’s present were 7. The total number of directors
were 10. The board transacted ten items in the board meeting. At 12
noon after the completion of four items in the agenda 4 directors left
the meeting. Examine the validity of these transactions explaining
the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
[Nov. 08 (5 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Sec. 174(1). First four transactions have been validly
transacted. Resolutions passed in respect of remaining 6 agenda items
are void.
Points to remember
Important Questions
Some urgent items are left over in the agenda of Board meeting
which concluded and decision cannot be deferred till its next
meeting. Advice the company about how the resolution shall be
passed now.
[May 09 (5 Marks)]
In the course of administration of the affairs of a limited company,
Chairman of the Board of directors came across a matter which
required the approval by way of a board resolution. In the
prevailing circumstances, it is not possible to convene and hold a
Board meeting. The chairman approaches you to advise him of the
way and the relevant procedure to obtain such approval without
holding the Board meeting. Advise the chairman, taking into
account the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
[May 12 (8 Marks)]
Important Questions
Q. No. 22: Mr. M was appointed as a director at the AGM of a limited company
held on 30th Sep., 2018 and he carried on his duties and functions
as a director. In the month of August, 2019, it was found out that
there were certain irregularities in his appointment and on 31st
August, 2019, his appointment was declared invalid. But Mr. M
continued to act as director even after 31st August, 2019. Whether
the acts done by Mr. MTP are valid and binding upon the company?
HINT: Refer Sec. 176, acts done upto 31st Aug. 2019 are considered valid
and after 31st Aug. 2019 renders invalid.
Requirement Every listed public company and such other class of classes of
of companies as may be prescribed shall constitute an Audit
Constitution Committee.
(i) Public companies having paid up share capital > Rs. 10 Cr;
Points to remember
Functions of Every Audit Committee shall act in accordance with the terms of
Audit reference specified in writing by the Board which shall, inter alia,
Committee – include:
Sec. 177(4) (i) the recommendation for appointment, remuneration and
terms of appointment of auditors;
(viii) monitoring the end use of funds raised through public offers
and related matters.
Points to remember
(c) may also discuss any related issues with the internal and
statutory auditors and the management of the company.
Auditor’s The auditors of a company and the key managerial personnel shall
right to be have a right to be heard in the meetings of the Audit Committee
heard when it considers the auditor’s report but shall not have the right
– Sec. 177(7) to vote.
Disclosures in The Board’s report u/s 134(3) shall disclose the composition of an
Board Report Audit Committee and where the Board had not accepted any
– Sec. 177(8) recommendation of the Audit Committee, the same shall be
disclosed in such report along with the reasons therefor.
Vigil (i) Every listed company and such class of companies as may
mechanism – be prescribed shall establish a vigil mechanism for their
Sec. 177(9) & directors and employees to report their genuine concerns
177(10) or grievances.
Points to remember
Important Questions
Q. No. 23: MNC Ltd., a company, whose paid-up capital was ₹4 Crores, has
issued rights shares in the ratio of 1:1. The said company is listed
with Mumbai Stock Exchange. Whether the company is required to
appoint any Audit Committee and if yes, draft a suitable Board
Resolution to appoint an Audit committee covering the aspects as
provided in the Companies Act, 2013. [MTP-April 19]
HINT: (a) Refer Sec. 177(1) and Rule 6. (b) Refer Sec. 177(5).
Q. No. 26: Explain how the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 relating to
Audit Committee will help in achieving some of the objectives of
Corporate Governance.
Q. No. 27: Explain briefly the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
regarding constitution of "Audit Committee". MNC Ltd. constituted
an audit committee as required by the said Act. The committee in
its report dated 30th April 2019 has pointed out various
irregularities in the financial transactions entered into by the
company. The management of the company does not agree with the
contents of the audit committee report. Explain the action that can
be taken in this regard. [May 12 (8 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Sec. 177(1), 177(8) of Companies Act, 2013 & Rule 6.
Q. No. 28: Referring to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, examine
the following: XYZ Limited, a listed company has constituted an
audit committee consisting of 5 members out of whom 2 are
independent directors. Subsequently, the company increased the
composition of audit committee to six members with three
independent directors. [Nov. 16 (2 Marks)]
Point to remember
Point to remember
Point to remember
- Sec. 178(7) committee authorised by him in this behalf shall attend the
general meetings of the company.
• with fine which shall not be less than ₹25,000 but which
may extend to ₹1 lakh,
• with both.
Important Questions
Q. No. 29: Referring to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, answer the
Q. No. 30: M/s DreamWorks Limited (an unlisted company) without any
public deposits as per the audited financial statements of the
company as at March, 31st 2019 given you the following
HINT: Refer Sec. 177 along with Rule 7 of Companies (Meeting of Board
and Its Power) Rules, 2014 and Sec. 178.
Exception The Board shall not exercise any power or do any act
or thing which is directed or required, whether
under this Act or by the memorandum or articles of
the company or otherwise, to be exercised or done
by the company in general meeting.
Right of Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the right of the
company to company in general meeting to impose restrictions and conditions
imposes on the exercise by the Board of any of the powers specified in this
restrictions section.
– Sec.
Important Questions
Q. No. 31: A is the Director of M & Co. Ltd. A has borrowed ₹50 lacs on
reasonable terms from X for company's benefit and business. A has
no power to borrow. What will be the legal position? Please
explain. [Nov. 10 (5 Marks)]
Q. No. 32: Out of the powers exercisable by the Board u/s 179, the board
wants to delegate to the Managing Director of the company the
power to borrow monies otherwise than on debentures. Advise
whether such a delegation is possible? Would your answer be
different, if the delegation is given to the manager or any other
principal officer including a branch officer of the company?
[MTP-April 18]
Q. No. 33: Advise the Board of Director of Spectra Papers Ltd. regarding
validity and extent of their powers, under the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013 in relation to the following matters:
(i) Buy-back of the shares of the Company, for the first time, upto
10% of the paid-up equity share capital without passing a
special resolution.
(i) Buy back upto 10% of paid up equity capital is allowed without
special resolution provided it is authorised by the Board by means of
a resolution passed at its meeting.
(ii) Delegation of power to the Managing Director to invest surplus funds
of the company in the shares of some other companies, is not in
HINT: Refer Sec. 175 & 179. Resolution for Joint venture agreement may
be passed through circular resolution.
Points to remember
– Sec.
(b) the sale or lease of any property of the company where the
ordinary business of the company consists of, or comprises,
such selling or leasing.
- Sec. 180(4) reduction in its capital except in accordance with the provisions
contained in this Act.
Points to remember
Sec. 180 shall not apply to a private company which has not committed a
default in filing of its financial statements u/s 137 or annual return u/s 92
with the Registrar.
Important Questions
HINT: Refer Sec. 180(1). Proposed borrowing of ₹15 crores will exceed
the prescribed limit, so the management should take steps to convene
the general meeting and pass a special resolution.
Q. No. 36: The paid-up share capital and free reserves of XYZ Co. Limited, a
public company is ₹100 crore as on 1st April 2019. The
shareholders of the company at a general meeting held on 4th April
2019 by a special resolution authorise the board of directors of the
(a) Borrowings made by BOD (₹130 Cr. - ₹25 Cr.) is in violation of Sec.
180(1)(c) as it exceeds ₹100 Cr.
(b) Borrowings made by BOD (₹140 Cr.) is within the limits prescribed
by Sec. 180(1)(c), i.e. aggregate of paid up capital and free reserves.
Q. No. 37: Big Ben Ltd., a reputed public company, had advanced certain sum
of money to one of its Directors, namely, Mr. Tanmay on certain
terms and conditions and fixing the time limit for repayment
thereof. Now, Mr. Tanmay has approached the Company with a
₹ in Crores
Current Liabilities 70
Preference Share 50 50 50
Capital (Paid-up)
Securities Premium 50 50 50
Free Reserves 20 20 20
Working Capital 50 50 50
Loan (repayable on
demand Existing)
from Sigma Capital
HINT: Board Resolution (Case I & Case II) and Special resolution (Case
2.10 - Company to contribute to bona fide and charitable funds, etc. (Sec. 181)
Points to remember
Important Questions
Q. No. 42: The last three years’ Balance Sheet of PTL Ltd., contains the
following information and figures:
As at As at As at
31.03.2017 31.03.2018 31.03.2019
(₹) (₹) (₹)
As at As at As at
31.03.2017 31.03.2018 31.03.2019
(₹) (₹) (₹)
HINT: Refer Section 180 and 181. Amount that can be borrowed –
Q. No. 43: The Board of directors of Very Well Ltd., are contributing every year
to a charitable organization a sum of ₹60,000. In a particular year,
the company suffered losses and the directors are contemplating to
contribute the said amount in spite of the losses. In this connection,
state whether the directors can do so?
HINT: Refer Sec. 181. Company may contribute upto 5% of average net
profit of preceding 3 years.
HINT: Refer Sec. 181 & 182. Donation to a school exclusively for benefit
of children of employees will not amount to donation to a charitable
fund. Hence restriction of Sec. 181 will not be applicable and Board is
empowered to make the proposed donation.
Q. No. 45: M/s Jai Industries Limited earned net profit for the last three years
as under:
2015-16 30
2016-17 40
2017-18 50
- Sec. 182 (2) knowledge, is carrying on any activity which, at the time at
which such donation or subscription or payment was given or
made, can reasonably be regarded as likely to affect public
support for a political party shall also be deemed to be
contribution of the amount of such donation, subscription or
payment to such person for a political purpose.
(b) the amount of expenditure incurred, directly or indirectly, by a
company on an advertisement in any publication, being a
publication in the nature of a souvenir, brochure, tract,
pamphlet or the like, shall also be deemed, -
(i) where such publication is by or on behalf of a political
party, to be a contribution of such amount to such political
party, and
(ii) where such publication is not by or on behalf of, but for the
advantage of a political party, to be a contribution for a
political purpose.
Disclosure in Every company shall disclose in its profit and loss account the
P & L Account total amount contributed by it under this section during the
- Sec. 182(4) fine which may extend to five times the amount so contributed
Important Questions
Q. No. 46: M/s XYZ Ltd. was incorporated on 1st January, 2016. On 1st Nov.,
2018 a political party approaches the company for a contribution
of Rupees Ten lakhs for political purpose. Advise in respect of the
HINT: Refer Sec. 181 & 182. Donation to a school exclusively for benefit
Q. No. 48: X Ltd. was registered in the year 2018 under the Companies Act
2013. The management of the company decides to make donation
in the year 2019-20 to recognized political party. Advise the
management about the restrictions and the extent up to which such
donation can be made under the said Act. Will it make any
difference if X Ltd. was registered in the year 2015?
[May 11 (8 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Sec. 182. As company was in existence for period less than
3 financial years, donation is not allowed. If company was registered in
the year 2015, company may contribute any amount subject to
satisfaction of prescribed conditions.
Q. No. 49: Win Ltd. is a company incorporated 15 years ago and during the
last 3 consecutive financial years it earned profits, of Rs. 5.00 lakhs,
8.00 lakhs and 11.00 lakhs. In order to augment its business
prospects, it wants to make donations to political parties. State
with reference to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
whether the company can make such donations and if yes to what
extent. [May 12 (8 Marks)]
[May 15 (4 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Sec. 182. Proposed donation is within the powers of the
BOD, subject to prescribed conditions.
Q. No. 50: Srajan Ltd., a company incorporated in July 2012. The Board of
Directors of Srajan Ltd., proposed to donate Rs. 2,00,000 to a school
established exclusively for the benefit of the employees of the
company. Besides, also proposed to donate Rs.1 lac to a political
party during the financial year ending March 31, 2019. The net
profit during the financial year 2018 -2019, was Rs.35,00,000.
Evaluate the given below situations in the light of the stated facts
under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013-
Q. No. 51: State with reference to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
whether the following companies can make donations to political
parties and if so the conditions to be complied with in this regard.
HINT: Refer Sec. 182. (i) Not Allowed being a government company (ii)
Allowed (iii) Allowed (iv) contribution in cash not allowed.
Disclosures Every company shall disclose in its profits and loss account the
in P & L A/c total amount or amounts contributed by it to the Fund referred to
in sub-section (1) during the financial year to which the amount
Important Questions
2018-19 45
2017-18 25
2016-17 20
2015-16 15
2014-15 10
exercising the
powers of the
Board of
Directors of a
company, or of
the company in
general meeting.
Sec. 184(1) or
Points to remember
• with both.
Important Questions
Q. No. 53: Directors of ABC Ltd. are not holding any shares in MDJ Co Ltd.
shares in ABC Ltd. But wife of director “A” of ABC Ltd. hold 40% of
Limited for the purchase of goods and director did not disclose his
violated any of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and also
HINT: Refer Sec. 184(2). Provisions of Sec. 184 has been violated and
Q. No. 54: X Limited enter into a contract with M and Co. Ltd. for purchase of
raw material of ₹2,50,000 at the prevailing market rate. The
directors of X Ltd. Mr. B was holding shares of the value of 1% of
the paid-up capital of M and Co. Ltd. Another director of X Ltd., Mr.
C was holding shares of the value of 1.5% of the paid-up capital of
M and Co. Ltd. Mr. B at the beginning of the year give a general
notice to X Ltd. that he was interested in M and Co. Ltd.
HINT: Refer Sec. 184(1) and 184(2). Provisions of Sec. 184 has been
violated and contract is voidable at the option of X Ltd.
Q. No. 55: Examine the validity of the following with reference to the relevant
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013:
HINT: Refer Sec. 184. Mr. G can vote in the general meeting as scope of
Sec. 184 is limited to Board meetings only.
Q. No. 56: Company Y with a paid-up capital of ₹50 lakhs entered into a
contract with company Z in which a director of Y is holding equity
shares of the nominal value of ₹50, 000. The director did not
disclose his interest at the Board meeting u/s 184 of the Companies
Act, 2013. Is the director liable for his act?
Note: Refer Sec. 184(2). Director is not liable as holding is less than 2%.
(It is assumed that paid up capital of Z is also ₹ 50 Lakhs)
Q. No. 58: When does a Director required to disclose his/her interest to the
company as per section 184 of the Companies Act, 2013? What are
the consequences of non-disclosure?
directors & (a) any director of company, or of a company which is its holding
others company or any partner or relative of any such director; or
– Sec. 185(1) (b) any firm in which any such director or relative is a partner.
Conditions A company may advance any loan including any loan represented
subject to by a book debt, or give any guarantee or provide any security in
which loan connection with any loan taken by any person in whom any of the
may be given director of the company is interested, subject to the condition
– Sec. 185(2) that—
(b) the loans are utilised by the borrowing company for its
principal business activities.
Points to remember
Exception Nothing contained in Sec. 185(1) and 185(2) shall apply to-
– Sec. 185(3) (a) the giving of any loan to a managing or whole-time director-
(i) as a part of the conditions of service extended by the
company to all its employees; or
(ii) pursuant to any scheme approved by the members by a
special resolution; or
(b) a company which in the ordinary course of its business
provides loans or gives guarantees or securities for the due
repayment of any loan and in respect of such loans an
interest is charged at a rate not less than the rate of
prevailing yield of one year, three years, five years or ten
years Government security closest to the tenor of the loan; or
(c) any loan made by a holding company to its wholly owned
subsidiary company or any guarantee given or security
provided by a holding company in respect of any loan made
to its wholly owned subsidiary company; or
(d) any guarantee given or security provided by a holding
company in respect of loan made by any bank or financial
institution to its subsidiary company.
Provided that the loans made under clauses (c) and (d) are
utilised by the subsidiary company for its principal business
• with both.
Points to remember
Important Questions
Q. No. 59: In the light of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 examine
whether the following transactions in case of a public company can
be termed as loan to directors:
Q. No. 60: Mr. X is the director of several companies he has approached the
following companies in which he is a director for financial help to
start his own personal business:
The first name company has agreed to grant a loan of ₹50 lakh. The
second company also offered another loan of ₹50 lakh. Third
company has agreed to provide guarantee for the repayment of the
loan sanction to Mr. X by a private bank to the tune of ₹1 crore.
Advise Mr. X about the legal provisions that should be complied
with under the Companies Act, 2013.
Q. No. 61: Mr. DRT is a director of PCS Ltd. The said company is having
sufficient liquid funds and Mr. DRT is in dire need of funds. In order
to mitigate the hardship of Mr. DRT the board of directors of PCS
Ltd. wants to lend Rs. 5 lakhs to him and Rs. 2 lakhs to his wife.
State whether such loans can be given and if so under what
conditions. What would be your answer if the company PCS LTD
would have been PCS Private Ltd. [Nov. 12 (4 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Sec. 185. Loans cannot be given. However, in case of private
limited company sec. 185 is not applicable subject to certain conditions.
[May 14 (4 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Sec. 185. Guarantee by Company VRS Ltd. of which Mr. OK
is a director, for repayment of the loan and interest as per the terms of
the proposed agreement is not allowed.
Q. No. 63: Queen Construction Company Ltd. acquired 60% of the equity paid
up share capital of ABC Ltd. Queen Construction Ltd. has planned to
expand its operation for which additional fund is required. The
Board of Directors decided to avail additional exposure of Rs. 10
crore from the Bank.
Rs. in Crores
Capital reserve 2
Revaluation reserve 1
General reserve 3
The two loans (25 lakhs plus 10 lakhs) will be utilized by ABC Ltd.
for its principal business activities.
You being the financial advisor of the company, advise the board of
directors about the procedure to be followed to avail additional
exposure of Rs. 10 crore from the Bank. Also evaluate whether the
loan/ guarantee given by Queen Construction Ltd. to ABC Ltd. is
valid according to section 185 of the companies Act, 2013.
(a) Loan given by Queen Construction Ltd. to ABC Ltd is not valid as
restricted u/s 185.
(b) Guarantee given by Queen Construction Ltd to ABC Ltd. is valid as
restriction u/s 185 shall not apply.
Q. No. 64: ASP Limited, a listed company secured residential accommodation
for the use of its Managing Director by entering into a lease
arrangement with the landlord. As per the terms of the agreement,
ASP Limited deposited a sum of ₹ 10,00,000 as rental advance with
landlord. Referring to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013,
decide whether the said deposit amount be considered as a loan
given to the Managing Director.
[Nov. 19 – Old Syllabus (4 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Sec. 185. Deposit made by the company cannot be
considered as a loan given to the Managing Director.
Points to remember
Explanation given at the end of Sec. 186 defines the term
investment company as:
“the term investment company means a company whose
principal business is the acquisition of shares, debentures or
other securities and a company will be deemed to be
principally engaged in the business of acquisition of shares,
debentures or other securities, if its assets in the form of
investment in shares, debentures or other securities
constitute not less than fifty per cent. of its total assets, or if its
income derived from investment business constitutes not less
than 50% as a proportion of its gross income.".
-Sec. 186 (2) a loan to any other body corporate or person; and
(c) acquire by way of subscription, purchase or otherwise, the
securities of any other body corporate, exceeding -
• 60% of its paid-up share capital, free reserves and securities
premium account
Points to remember
Requirement • Where the aggregate of the loans and investment so far made,
of prior the amount for which guarantee or security so far provided to or
approval by in all other bodies corporate along with the investment, loan,
Special guarantee or security proposed to be made or given by the
resolution Board, exceed the limits specified under sub-section (2), no
- Sec. 186(6) • Such companies are required to furnish in its F.S. the details of
the loan or deposits.
Rate of No loan shall be given under this section at a rate of interest lower
Interest than the prevailing yield of one year, three-year, five years or ten
-Sec. 186(7) year Government Security closest to the tenor of the loan.
Points to remember
shall give any loan or give any guarantee or provide any security or
make an acquisition till such default is subsisting.
For the purposes of clause (a) of sub-section (11) of Sec. 186, the
Powers of The Central Government may make rules for the purposes of this
C.G. to make section.
- Sec. 186
extend to ₹5 lakhs.
default extend to 2 years and with fine which shall not be less
Points to remember
Exemption is subject to the condition that the company has not committed a
default in filing of its financial statements u/s 137 or annual return u/s 92 with
the Registrar.
Important Questions
[May 12 (8 Marks)]
Q. No. 66: Soft and Secure Lenders Limited, has convened a Board Meeting on
25th October, 2018. One of the items of the agenda is to approve the
grant of loan of ₹20 crore to Easy Going Industries Limited, for
expansion of its business activities. At the Board Meeting, out of the
total of 6 Directors of the lending company, 5 directors were
present and except 1 director, the remaining 4 directors approved
the grant of loan of ₹20 crores to Easy Going Industries Limited.
The borrowing company has taken loans from a public financial
institution and also deposits from public. Examine the loan
proposal with reference to the provisions of the Companies Act,
2013. [Nov. 16 (4 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Sec. 186(2) and 186(5). Since the approval for the grant of
loan has not been sanctioned by passing of unanimous resolution at
board meeting, loan proposal is not in compliance with the Companies
Act, 2013.
Q. No. 67: Star Limited proposes to acquire 15% equity shares of Gain
Investments (P) Limited for 45 lakhs which has a face value of ₹35
lakhs. Star Limited has an outstanding loan of ₹15 lakhs to a public
financial institution and had not defaulted in the repayment of loan
instalments stipulated in the loan agreements. Based on the
following financial data. Advise Star Limited about the legal
position regarding the allowability of the proposed investment
(Rs. In Crores)
As on the date of proposition, Star Ltd. does not hold any shares of
any company. [Nov. 17 (4 Marks)]
Q. No. 68: ASK Housing Finance Company Limited is prepared to give housing
loans to the employees of M/s NEWS Pharmacy Limited subject to
the condition that the loans are guaranteed by M/s News Pharmacy
Limited. M/s NEWS Pharmacy Limited is not a listed company and
the company will be exceeding the limits prescribed under the
Companies Act, 2013 by providing the guarantees. Advise the
company about this legal requirement under the Companies Act,
2013 to give effect to the above proposal. What would be your advice
if the company was required to provide security instead of
guarantee? [May 18 – Old Syllabus (4 Marks), RTP-Nov. 18]
Q. No. 69: Vogue Limited has an Authorised Capital of Rs. 250 lakhs and paid
up capital of Rs. 200 lakhs. The free reserves are there to the tune of
Rs. 150 Lakhs. The company has advanced a loan of Rs. 160 lakhs to
other companies as on 30th November, 2018. Now the company
proposes to advance an interest free loan of Rs. 60 Lakhs to its
wholly owned subsidiary Fashion Limited.
HINT: Refer Sec. 186(2), 186(3) and 186(7). Aggregate of proposed loan
and existing loan (₹220 Lacs) exceeds the 60% of aggregate of paid up
share capital and free reserves (₹210 Lacs, i.e. 60% of 350 Lacs). Special
resolution is not required as the loan is provided to wholly owned
subsidiary. But the proposed transaction is not valid as interest free loan
are not allowed by virtue of provisions as stated in Sec. 186(7).
– Sec. 187(3) not held by it in its own name, the company shall maintain a
register which shall contain such particulars as may be prescribed
and such register shall be open to inspection by any member or
debenture-holder of the company without any charge during
business hours subject to such reasonable restrictions as the
company may by its articles or in general meeting impose.
(1) Every company shall, from the date of its registration, maintain
a register in Form MBP 3 and enter therein, chronologically, the
particulars of investments in shares or other securities
beneficially held by the company but which are not held in its
own name and the company shall also record the reasons for
not holding the investments in its own name and the
relationship or contract under which the investment is held in
the name of any other person.
(2) The company shall also record whether such investments are
held in a third party’s name for the time being or otherwise.
(3) The register shall be maintained at the registered office of the
company. The register shall be preserved permanently and
shall be kept in the custody of the company secretary of the
company or if there is no company secretary, any director or
any other officer authorised by the Board for the purpose.
(4) The entries in the register shall be authenticated by the
company secretary of the company or by any other person
authorised by the Board for the purpose.
- 1st Proviso
to Sec. 188(1)
Points to remember
Points to remember
- 4thProviso to
Sec. 188(1)
Exception to The requirement of passing the resolution under 1st proviso shall
1st proviso not be applicable for transactions entered into between a holding
Points to remember
-Sec. 188(2) the justification for entering into such contract or arrangement.
• if it is not ratified by the Board or, as the case may be, by the
shareholders at a meeting within 3 months from the date on
which such contract or arrangement was entered into,
Penalty for Any director or any other employee of a company, who had
contravention entered into or authorised the contract or arrangement in
– Sec. 188(5) violation of the provisions of this section shall-
Points to remember
Important Questions
Q. No. 70: M/s Kith and Kin Consultants Private Limited seeks your legal
advice regarding the following appointments relating to directors
and their relatives:
HINT: Refer Sec. 188. Provisions of Sec. 188 need to be complied with in
case of (a) and (b).
Q. No. 71: Reliable Casting Ltd. is a subsidiary of Unique Machinery Ltd. The
board of directors of the respective companies have made the
following appointments on a consolidated monthly salary of
₹2,52,000 with effect from 1st June 2019.
HINT: Refer Sec 188. Provisions of Sec. 188 need to be complied with in
case of (a) and (c).
Q. No. 72: Sweet Tea Limited wants to sell its tea by entering into contract
with the following parties:
Advise the steps that should be taken by Sweet Tea Limited taking
into account the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 for
entering into contracts in which the directors are interested.
[May 14 (8 Marks)]
HINT: Refer Section 188 and 2(76) of Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 15
of The Companies (Meeting of Board and its Powers) Rules,2015.
Q. No. 73: Discuss “Related Party Transactions” under the Companies Act,
2013, with specific reference to the nature of transactions which fall
under the purview of the Companies Act, 2013. [Nov. 16 (4 Marks)]
Q. No. 74: The Board of Directors of M/s ABC Motors Ltd. made the following
appointments at its meeting held on 1st January, 2018:
HINT: Refer Sec. 188 and Rule 15 of the Companies (Meetings of Board
and its Powers) Rules, 2014.
(ii) Appointment of Mr. Y as Sales Manager of ABC Motors Ltd. does not
fall under the provisions of Sec. 188 as at the time of appointment as
Mr. Y is not related to any directors of the company. However,
continuation of Mr. Y as a sales manager will lead to conflict of
interest and will affect the continuation unless ratified by the Board.
Q. No. 75: M/s. Tristar Ltd. (an unlisted public limited company) with the
annual turnover of ₹700 crores entered into a contract of
purchasing of raw material from M/s. PTC Pvt. Ltd. during the year
2018. M/s. Tristar Ltd. appointed Mr. Sudhir, a Director of the
Company, to act in this deal of transaction on behalf of the company.
Mr. Sudhir is also one of the member of M/s. PTC Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Sudhir
settled the said transaction of purchase for ₹85 crores and entered
into the contract. After a few transactions executed under the
contract, the Board of M/s. Tristar Ltd. finds degradation in the
quality of the raw material supplied. Further, in a board meeting
this contract was challenged considering it as a related party
transaction and in contravention to Sec. 188(1) of the Companies
Act, 2013 read with rules framed thereunder. During the period Mr.
Sudhir was appointed as director in a newly incorporated company
M/s Raaga Limited.
In the light of the given facts, examine the following situations as per
the Companies Act, 2013.
(i) What is the legal position of the contract entered between M/s.
Tristar Ltd. through its director Mr. Sudhir, and M/s. PTC Pvt.
(ii) Is there any contravention of section 188 (1)? If yes, then state
the liability of the wrongdoer.
HINT: Refer Sec. 188 and Rule 15 of the Companies (Meetings of Board
and its Powers) Rules, 2014.
(i) Contract is voidable at the option of the Board or as the case may be
of shareholders.
(ii) Company may proceed against the director to recover the loss and
Penalty provisions will be applied over the director.
(iii) There is no issue in appointment of Mr. Khurana as a director in
Raaga Ltd.
Registers • Every company shall keep one or more registers giving separately
to be the particulars of all contracts or arrangements to which Sec.
maintained 184(2) or Sec. 188 applies.
Register to • The register to be kept under this section shall also be produced at
be the commencement of every AGM of the company
produced and
at AGM
• shall remain open and accessible during the continuance of the
– Sec.
meeting to any person having the right to attend the meeting.
Penalty – Every director who fails to comply with the provisions of this section
Sec. 189(6) and the rules made thereunder shall be liable to a penalty of ₹25,000.
Points to remember
Important Questions
Q. No. 76: Broadway Infrastructure Limited entered into a contract with Royal
forgings, in which wife of Mr. Patrick, a director of the company is a
partner. The contract is for supply of certain components by the firm
for a period of three years with effect from 1st September, 2019 on
credit basis. Explain the requirements under the Companies Act,
2013, which should have been complied with by Broadway
Infrastructure Limited before entering into contract with Royal
[RTP-Nov. 19]
HINT: Refer Sec. 184, 188 and 189. If the value of the contract or
transaction is exceeded than limit specified, prior approval of
shareholders is required to be obtained. Assuming that it is within limits
specified under the Act, consent of shareholders is not required.
Inspection The copies of the contract or the memorandum kept u/s 190(1) shall
of contract be open to inspection by any member of the company without
– Sec. payment of fee.
Penalty – Over the If any default is made in complying with the provisions
Sec. 190(3) company of Sec. 190(1) or 190(2), the company shall be liable to a
penalty of ₹25,000.
Exception – The provisions of this section shall not apply to a private company.
Sec. 190(4)
2.20 - Payment to director for loss of office, etc. in connection with transfer of
undertaking, property or shares (Sec. 191)
Requirement If the payment u/s 191(1) or 191(2) is not approved for want of
of Quorum – quorum either in a meeting or an adjourned meeting, the proposal
Sec. 191(3) shall not be deemed to have been approved.
– Sec. 191(4)
– Sec. with the provisions of this section, such director shall be liable
191(5)* to a penalty of ₹1 lakh.
Important Questions
Q. No. 77: The register of contracts or arrangement u/s 189 of the companies
Act, 2013 is maintained at the registered office of Fortune Ltd.
under the custody of the Company Secretary. The AGM was held in
different place but in the same town where the registered office is
situated. Mr. Semar, a shareholder of the company and Mr. Raj,
proxy of a shareholder insisted for producing the said register at
the commencement of the AGM for inspection. The Company
Secretary refused to produce the register stating that being the
statutory register it has to be maintained at the registered office
only. Examine whether Mr. Semar and Mr. Raj will succeed in their
attempt under the provisions of the companies act, 2013?
Points to remember
(b) any rights are acquired bona fide for value and without notice
of the contravention of the provisions of this section by any
other person.
Important Question
Q. No. 78: In what way does the Companies Act, 2013 restricts the non-cash
transactions involving directors of a public limited company?
Explain. [Nov. 14 (8 Marks)]
– Sec. in writing, ensure that the terms of the contract or offer are
Intimation Company shall inform the Registrar about every contract entered
to ROC – into by the company and recorded in the minutes of the meeting of
Sec. 193(2) its BOD u/s 193(1) within a period of 15 days of the date of
approval by the BOD.
May 19# 1(b) Practical Illustration on Sec. 185 & Refer Q. No. 75 6
Rule 15
May 20
Nov. 20
May 21
Nov. 21
Appendix I
Exceptions – The provisions of this rule shall not apply to the following classes
Rule 2(2) of companies, namely: -
– Rule 2(5) company and every officer of the company who is in default
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to ₹10,000 and
• where the contravention is a continuing one, with a further
fine which may extend to ₹1,000 for every day after the first
during which such contravention continues.