HDW6 Overall Dimensions HDW6 Overall Dimensions
HDW6 Overall Dimensions HDW6 Overall Dimensions
HDW6 Overall Dimensions HDW6 Overall Dimensions
Low-voltage Distribution
Low-voltage Distribution
HDW6-2000 Volume Volume
HDW6-3200 Drawout
159 160
HDW6 Overall Dimensions HDW6 Technical Parameter
Technnical Parameter
Low-voltage Distribution
Low-voltage Distribution
Common characteristics
Number of poles 3P, 4P
Rated insulation voltage Ui V 800
HDW6-6300 Volume
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp kV 8
Rated operational voltage Ue V 400
Rated current
200 ●•
400 ●•
630 ●• ●•
800 ●• ●•
1000 ●• ●•
1250 ●•
1600 ●•
2000 ●• ●•
2500 ●•
3200 ●•
4000 ●•
5000 ●•
6300 ●•
Breaking capacity
Rated ultimate short circuit 42 80 80 120
breaking capacity lcu (kA)
Rated service short circuit 30 50 80 100
breaking capacity lcs (kA)
Rated Short-Time 30
Withstand Current
Doorframe(Drawout) Icw (0.5s)
Rated short circuit 50 65 85
current lcw (kA/1s)
Service life
Mechanical Life
10000 10000 8000 5000
with Maintenance
Mechanical Life
2500 2500 2500 2500
without Maintenance
Electric Life with
1000 1000 1000 800
Door frame (Fixed)
Electric Life without
500 500 500 500
161 162