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NCP Anxiety

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A Nursing Care Plan on Premature Labor

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in NCM 209 RLE


Submitted to:
Trina S. Domanais, RN, MAN
Clinical Instructor

Submitted by:
Raijenne C. Versola
BSN 2G - Group 2

April 08, 2021

Name: AM Age: 30 y/o Gender: Female Room: LR6
Chief Complaint: Uterine Contractions Diagnosis: Physician: Dr. Fuentes

Date/ Cues Need Nursing Diagnosis Patient Outcome Nursing Intervention Implem- Evaluation
Time entation

A Subjective: S Anxiety related to Within my 8-hour span  Assist the client in a semi-fowlers 1
P “Naglaba ra man ko E sudden mild uterine of care, the patient will position
R kaganina nurse L contractions as be able to appear as ® Promotes easy breathing.
I unya ning sakit kalit F evidenced by relaxed specifically by:  Explain the procedures, nursing 3
L akong tiyan - apprehension. a. display interventions, and treatment
makafeel ko ug P maternal vital regimen. Keep communication
8, contraction mao na E Rationale: signs within open; discuss with the client the
worry ko.” R In clinical settings, normal limits possible side effects and outcomes
2 C fear of the unknown,  BP (90/60 while maintaining an optimistic
0 Objective: E unexpected news mmHG – attitude.
2  Mild uterine P about one’s health, 120/80 ® Information and knowledge of the
1 contraction at T and any impairment of mmHg) reasons of these activities can
30 seconds I bodily functions  RR (15 – 21 decrease fear of the unknown.
7 duration in 1 O engender anxiety. bpm)  Observe and monitor the patient’s 4
A hour N Anxiety that escalates  CR (70 – 90 sleep pattern and the amount of
M monitoring & to a near panic state bpm) sleep achieved over the past few
 Minimal S can be incapacitating.  PR (70 – 90 days.
bloody E Different patients bpm) ® Sleep deprivation can
discharge L manifest physiologic, b. absence of worsen anxiety, spurring a
 Initial IE of 1 F emotional, and dyspnea; and negative cycle involving insomnia
cm external - behavioral signs and c. verbalization and anxiety disorders.
os C symptoms of anxiety of anxiety is  Encourage use
 Discomfort O in different ways. reduced of relaxation techniques. 6
 Heart N and/or ® Enables the client to obtain
palpitations C Reference: manageable. maximum benefit from rest periods;
 Dyspnea E Hinkle, J. & Cheever, prevents muscle fatigue and
P K. (2017, November improves uterine blood flow.
T 7). Brunner &  Encourage verbalization of fears or
Suddarth’s Textbook concerns. 5
P of Medical-Surgical ® Can help reduce anxiety and
A Nursing: Volume 1, stimulate identification of coping
T p116. Wolter’s Kluwer behaviors.
T Health. Retrieved  Monitor maternal and fetal vital
E April 9, 2021. signs. 2
R ® Vital signs of client and fetus may
N be altered by anxiety. Stabilization
may reflect reduction anxiety level.
 Assess support systems available
to the client or couple, whether the 10

client remains hospitalized or is to

return home to await delivery.
® The assistance and caring of
significant others, including
caregivers, are extremely important
during this time of uncertainty and
stress. If the client is to return
home, additional support will be
required to meet self-care needs
and homemaker activities as well
as child care, as appropriate.
 Encourage patient to have 7
adequate bed rest and sleep.
® Prioritizing a good
night's sleep isn't just important for
your general health, it can also help
with feelings of anxiety, as your
body is less likely to feel
overwhelmed or on edge when
you've slept well.
 Answer questions honestly,
especially information regarding
contraction pattern and fetal status. 8
® Provision of clear information can
help the client or couple understand
what is happening and may reduce
 Encourage self-nurturing with rest,
assistance with relaxation
techniques, prayer or meditation as 9
related to the woman’s faith, and by
administration of sedatives if
prescribed when other measures
are insufficient.
® When the usual quiescence of
the uterus is interrupted by the
threat of preterm delivery, mother
and family can become severely
stressed. Rest, meditation, prayer,
and focused relaxation improve
physiologic, psychologic, and
spiritual well-being.
Raijenne C.
Versola, St.N

Vera, M. (2019, June 2). 6 Preterm Labor Nursing Care Plans. Retrieved April 08, 2021 from https://nurseslabs.com/preterm-labor-nursing-care


Nursekey. (n.d.). Preterm Labor. Retrieved April 08, 2021 from https://nursekey.com/preterm-labor/.

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