Mgt211 Final Term Solved Mcqs
Mgt211 Final Term Solved Mcqs
Mgt211 Final Term Solved Mcqs
3) Which of the following business type, has to pay double taxes to the
1. Sole proprietorship
2. Partnership
3. Joint stock company
4. Cooperative Societies
9) Normally some part of Capital is kept for the payment of debts at the time of
winding up, is called as:
1. Reserve capital
2. Un-Issued Capital
3. Un-Called up Capital
4. All of the given option
10) The following person cannot make a petition to the court to get an order for
winding up of a company.
1. Petition by debtor
2. Petition by creditor
3. Petition by contributory
4. All of the above
2) Among different managerial styles, which of the following allows most rapid
decision making?
a. Autocratic styles
b. Democratic styles
c. Free rein style
d. None of the given option
a. Leadership
b. Motivation
c. Free rein style
d. Democratic style
5) The internal environment consists of the insides forces that influence marketing
strategy and decision making is/are as follows:
a. Organization Policies
b. Product Policies
c. Management Structure
d. All of the given option
a. Marketing Mix
b. Advertising objective
c. Market segmentation
d. Marketing process
7) Dividing a market into distance groups of buyers who have distinct needs,
characteristics, or behavior and who might require separate products or
marketing mixes.
a. Market segmentation
b. Marketing Mix
c. Marketing Penetration
d. Marketing control
8) The actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management’s
ability to build and maintain successful relationship with target customers are
called as:
a. Marketing Environment
b. Market segmentation
c. Marketing Mix
d. Marketing Penetration
10) Motor cycle and car are very different from one another, but both fulfill the
need for transport is an example of:
a. Trade Shows
b. Contests
c. Cross-promotion
d. Special-event sponsorship
18) ______________ is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of all
the activities needed to get high-quality goods and services into the
a. Total quality management (TQM)
b. Promotion strategy
c. Sales promotion
d. Management by objective (MBO)
19) A promotional tool in which information about a company or product is
transmitted by general mass media, which is free, but you have little or no
control of the content and delivery.
a. Public relation
b. Trade Promotion
c. Publicity
d. Consumer Promotion
20) Advertising strategy that tries to keep a product's name in the consumer's
a. Persuasive advertising
b. Comparative advertising
c. Informative advertising
d. Reminder advertising