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Department of Business Administration: Organizational Behavior

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Department of Business Administration

Organizational Behavior
Course Code – MGT 202

Sharmin Jahan
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration

Daffodil International University

MD. Torikul Islam
ID: 201-11-6549
Section: c

Date of Submission: 14/08/2021

Executive Summary:
This report provides an overview and background of the PRAN-RFL group and an analysis of
Motivational Theories Applied in Pran RFL Group LTD.
To prepare this report we have followed informal questionnaire. In the report we discuss
aboutIntroduction about Motivation, Company overview, literature review,
After the study we have also come up with some suggestion that are noted inside.

 Introduction:

 Origin of the Report

Effective employee motivation has long been one of management’s most difficult and
importantduties. Motivation represent “those psychological process that cause arousal,
direction and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed”
Locke and Latham (2004) identified that motivation influence people’s acquisition of skills
andthe extent to which they use their ability. According to the authors “the concept of
motivation refers to internal factors that impel action and to external factors that can act as
inducements to action. The three aspects of action that motivation can affect are direction
(choice), intensity (effort), and duration (persistence). Motivation can affect both the
acquisition of people’s skillsand abilities; and also, the extent to which they utilize their
skills and abilities” (Locke and Latham, 2004). (Woodman)
In the words of C.B Mamoria (2000), “Motivation is a willingness to expend energy to
achieve agoal or reward. It is a force that activates dormant energies and sets in motion the
action of the people. It is the function that kindles a burning passion for action among the
human beings of anorganization.” (Molden, D. C. (2000). Meaning and Motivation.
Academic Press.)
Motivation drives human being to right path. For this, Motivation is called working force.
For higher productivity and achieving organizational goal, Management must obtain
motivational steps to provide proper motivation to employees. Motivation is an attitude which
is work-related.If proper motivation is given to employees or workers, they intend to work
spontaneously. (Newstrom)
 Objectives of the Study
 Understanding the PRAN-RFL Group structure.
 Merging Theoretical practical knowledge.
 Understanding whole Operation & Supply chain setup of Pran RFL
 Quality & Service setup.
 Obstacles & Challenges.

 Methodology:

In order to conduct the report, we have collected necessary information from two sources.

 Primary Data Collection Method: Face to face conversation with the respective
officers ofPran RFF Group and oral interview of the responsible. (Hasan) (Ovi)

 Secondary Data Collection Method: We have collected necessary relevant

informationfrom Company Website, Journals, Articles and Reference books.

 Limitations of the Study

Like any other articles and thesis, this study is not free from limitation. Highest level
of efforts have been given to overcome these limitations through extensive study. The
majorlimitations are given below:
 Company policy & secrets of not disclosing some data and information
forconfidential reason, which could be very much useful for the report.
 we have hectic schedule daily basis, it’s difficult to complete the report in time.

 Because of the limitation of information, some assumptions were made. So

theremay be some unintentional mistake in the report
 This study completely depended on official records, website information
andannual reports
 Lack of cooperation.
 Time limitation.

 Company Profile

 About Pran RFL

PRAN-RFL Group is one of the largest conglomerates in Bangladesh. It is the largest agro
producer in Bangladesh. PRAN (Programme for Rural Advancement Nationally) was
establishedin 1981 by retired Major General Amjad Khan Chowdhury. IT is leading
internationally compliant consumer brand producing 200 agro-food products in 10 food
categories delivering over 110 countries. It started mainly with Foundry business and
gradually diversified to Light Engineering, PVC Fittings, Plastics, Food and Beverage and
Agro-Processing. Along with catering to the diverse tastes of our global consumer for since
1981, they contributed in developing rural economy, generate employment, export earning,
agriculture and consumer health through our shared values and commitment towards the
society and environment. (linkedin , n.d.) (pranfoods, n.d.)

 Vision
Poverty & Hunger are Curses. The organization thinks that poverty and hunger is a
cursefor nation and they are trying to overcome the poverty. (pranfoods, n.d.)

 Mission
Improving Livelihood. Improving the people living standard in society and create
therespects and prosperity for the nation. (pranfoods, n.d.)

To Generate Employment and Earn Dignity & Self Respect for our Compatriots
throughProfitable Enterprises. (pranfoods, n.d.)

PRAN - RFL believes in providing quality by considering the customers’ demands
and expectations. Continuous innovation and improvement are the motive of this

by focusing customers and tries to maintain fairness and transparency in all segments.
Thecorporate values for PRAN - RFL are-
 Consumer care

 Supplier care

 Employee care

 Trade care. (linkedin , n.d.)

 Employee Motivation of Pran RFL


The analysis of data helps us to draw the following findings

 Hertzberg Two Factor Theory:

 Pran RFL pays attention to the hygiene factors by providing proper salary, good
workingcondition for employees. Pran RFL’s Company policy is also employee
 Pran RFL also concerns to the motivational factors by recognizing career
achievement,personal growth to employees. They also give employees to the
opportunity to be
involved in company’s decision-making process

 Job Characteristics Model

The Job Characteristics Model (also known as Jobs Characteristic Theory) enables you to
improve employee performance and job satisfaction by means of adjusting the job itself. we
mean that the employee will be motivated, perform to a high level, and be satisfied by their
rolein this organization. Here, we related

 Level of autonomy.
Empowering employees to have some decision-making capabilities is a great way to provide
motivation. Offer staff the tools to utilize their talents and want some responsibility. Most
peoplewant to have some independence as they make the day to day decisions that may arise.
Some employees who are micromanaged get frustrated and as a result become demotivated.
By offering some autonomous choices, employees feel some ownership in their jobs and as a
result want to succeed. Remember to always remain a source of support that people can turn
to for advice.

 Specific goals and offer feedback using positive reinforcement.

Employees want to hear they are doing a good job. If they are achieving great results -tell
them.Even if they are having some difficulties, some constructive criticism through
feedback goes a long way.

 Job enrichment
Some staff members bored out of their minds with the redundancy of the same task’s day in
andday out. Provide a little variety by rotating responsibilities or changing the monotony in
the office environment by introducing innovative ways to set about tasks.

 Offer Flex-time benefits

Many employees want Alternative work schedules. Sometimes employees flourish on
differentkinds of work schedules as opposed to the traditional (and often monotonous) 9 to
5 schedule

 Task Significance:
As Pran RFL is a leading company of Bangladesh. Employees feel motivated for being a
part ofit.

 Equity Theory:

As equity theory deals with peer group, Pran RFL largely practices this theory. They keep
their employees motivated by fairness. Employees with same rank are paid equally and are
treated in asame manner.

 Expectancy motivation theory

As Expectancy is the belief that increased effort will lead to increased performance i.e. if I
workharder than this will be better. Pran RFL largely practices this theory.
 Integrate room for growth on the promotion scale
Most people want to do better in job and like to feel as if they are contributing. Those
employeesdeserve personal growth and promotion to continued development.
 Transportation
Nowadays, employees always prefer to work with company or organization that offers
considerable employee benefits. Therefore, if employee transport service is part of your
employee benefit plan, then the chance of retaining your employee is high and you can also
attract other skilled employees to your organization. Pran RFL offer transportation facilities
fortheir employees.


Level of Activity
 Check you understand employee’s needs.
 Ensure employee doesn't work too much.
 Try to fix the right person at the right place
 Avoid unnecessary distractions

 Make sure that the goals for a task are set at a high level, avoiding too much detail
 Try to allow a degree of flexibility in the way they approach tasks provided any
objectives and measures are met.

Competition & Material Reward

 Provide Performance bonus.

 Increase Salary and Promotion scale.
 Check what constitutes ‘fair remuneration’ for each employee
 In as far as is possible, ensure that salary, bonuses and other financial
rewardsare awarded equitably.
Fear of Failure

 Avoid setting objectives that are so unrealistic that employee unlikely to

succeedno matter how hard they try.
 Provide employee’s sufficient support and that they do not feel exposed to
thelikelihood of failure.
 Encourage to overcome any personal problems or issues.
 Ensure Job security.

Personal Growth

 Support and authority to make decision necessary for accomplishing

theirassigned tasks.
 Give opportunity to exchange employee’s views freely in the workplace.

Profit Sharing

 Profit may be too broad an objective to really focus employees on behaviors

thatneed to be changed for the organization’s success.
 Can be demotivating if there is no profit to share. So Pran RFL can provide
profitsharing to their employees.
5.0 Conclusion:
A strong team needs individuals who are dedicated to giving their best at work. Highly self-
motivated, committed, ambitious employees give the most to their company and get the most
from their work. But if you are lacking employee motivation in the workplace the effects can
be dramatic. Low team morale, lack of initiative, lack of energy, mistakes and high staff
turnover are just some of the clues that motivation is an issue. People are the key resource in
any organization. Everyone in every organization – no matter what the product, service or
their position – has to achieve results with and through the efforts of other people. My main
premise isthat in order to work effectively you need to develop insight into what motivates
individuals and teams to maximize their performance. Armed with this fresh perspective, you
can then manage your interaction with others to ensure that they work with a sense of
commitment rather than merely complying with the minimum needed to get by.

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