Oer Contest
Oer Contest
Oer Contest
20. Always place your drawings on its designated folder or envelope to prevent it from being messy.
19. Don't support your elbows or body in the drawing project while doing it.
17. Always clean your hands from any trace of graphite when using pencil sharpener.
18. Try to rest your eyes for 10 minutes in every 30 minutes of work.
13. Make sure to always keep the easer free of graphite and ink.
14. Don't use permanent markers with a close range in you because it may cause irritation to eyes, nose,
and throat.
15. Use brush to wipe away any dirt from the eraser.
11. Always choose alcohol-based ink in using liquid drawing media because it is less toxic.
12. Be aware that permanent felt tip markers used xylene which is highly toxic aromatic compound.
8. Inform your teacher if you have any medications or health conditions that may affect your work.
9. Drawing inks may contain xylene which is a dangerous substance so take precautionary measures.
5. After working, wash your hands thoroughly with baby oil, soap and water.
6. Know where the first aid box and fire extinguishers are located.
2. Be cautious in handling drawing materials that may cause irritation to your eyes or skin.
20. Always place your drawings on its designated folder or envelope to prevent it from being messy.
19. Don't support your elbows or body in the drawing project while doing it.
18. Try to rest your eyes for 10 minutes in every 30 minutes of work.
14. Don't use permanent markers with a close range in you because it may cause irritation to eyes, nose,
and throat.
11. Always choose alcohol-based ink in using liquid drawing media because it is less toxic.
12. Be aware that permanent felt tip markers used xylene which is highly toxic aromatic compound.
8. Inform your teacher if you have any medications or health conditions that may affect your work.
9. Drawing inks may contain xylene which is a dangerous substance so take precautionary measures.
1. Eating or drinking during work should be avoided to prevent accidental ingestion.
2. Be cautious in handling drawing materials that may cause irritation to your eyes or skin.
15. Use brush to wipe away any dirt from the eraser.
10. Have adequate ventilation always.
7. Keep all drawing instruments clean using towel or cloth.
4. Keep the work area in order and always clean.
3. Always keep your hands clean during work.
17. Always clean your hands from any trace of graphite when using pencil sharpener.
16. Have a proper natural light entrance at the workplace.
13. Make sure to always keep the easer free of graphite and ink.
5. After working, wash your hands thoroughly with baby oil, soap and water.
6. Know where the first aid box and fire extinguishers are located.
2. Hatching
It is considered a classic drawing technique. This drawing technique uses “thin lines”.
3. Smudges
It is used to make a hatched area become blurred using the finger, a wipe tool or a smudge tool. It
helps to create a very smooth tone gradients and surfaces.
4. Washes
It is use to make shading or tinting with the help of liquid drawing materials. It comes from the
watercolor painting as a method.
5. Combined Techniques
It is the use of different methods of painting and drawing. It is usually a combination of drawing
techniques, classical painting, use of charcoal, graphite and pastel chalks, ink and pencil drawings.
6. Sgrafitto
It comes from the Italian verb "Sgraffiare" which means "to scratch". It is done by scratching the
surface to reveal a lower layer with a different contrasting color.
2. Extended Tripod Grip is a tripod grip variation. This is when you hod the pencil a bit further at the end
or near the tip where the eraser is.
3. Underhand Grip is a tripod grip’s another variation. It is holding a pencil in a relax way where the
pencil is in a “V” position with the inder and middle fingers that controls the movement.
4. Overhand Grip is for sketching where shading is easier in this relaxed position.
Graphic software are programs that is used to digitallymanipulate images using desktop computers or
Adobe Photoshop
It is used to combine multiple images and remove unwanted objects from the image. It also use for
tarpaulin and invitation layout. It is created by Jhon Knoll and Thomas in 1988 for Adobe System.
Adobe Illustrator
It is used to create original digital artwork like vector images.
Adobe Lightroom
It is used to enhance the images using creative filters.
Adobe In Design
It is used to create clean layouts for online magazines, newspapers, and even e-books.
Microsoft Paint
It is a simple raster graphics editor that can open and save files in format like JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and
It is a used for editing vector graphics. It is one of the most popular and easy to use industry standard
CyberLink’s PhotoDirector
It has the features of Photoshop with new tools like masks, AI filters, adjustment layers and guided edits.
SketchBook Pro
It is also called as SketchBook. It is a raster graphics software used for concept sketching and expressive
It is an open source and free vector graphics editor specifically the scalable vector graphics or SVG
Adobe Sketch
It is the mobile version of Photoshop where digital drawing could be done like in Illustrator.
Adobe Illustrator Workspace Overview
Application bar – found at the top part which includes the menus, workspace switcher, and other
application controls.
Tools panel – includes all the basic tools in Illustrator like the selection tool and eraser.
Control Panel – show the options for the current selected object
Document Window – shows the file you are currently working on. It can be grouped, docked, or tabbed.
Panels – used to monitor and modify the artwork.
Artboard – the actual digital drawing workspace
A. Document Windows
B. Application Bar
C. Control panel
D. Workspace switcher
E. Collapse to icons button
F. Panel group
G. Floating palette
H. Tools panel
I. Status bar
J. Artboard