Seismic Crosshole Measurements in Crystalline Rock
Seismic Crosshole Measurements in Crystalline Rock
Seismic Crosshole Measurements in Crystalline Rock
The project includes the development of the most appropriate source and
field procedure. Furthermore, software for data-processing with a microcom-
puter has been prepared. Examples of the main problems of the practical inter-
pretation of the processed seismic sections are given.
Division of Applied Seismology, National Defence Research Institute, Box 27322, S-102 54
Stockholm (Sweden)
Norges Geotekniske Institutt, Postboks 40 Tmsen, 0801 Oslo 8 (Norway,J
In rock blasting, seismic waves are generated. The explosive charges are
initiated by delayed detonators with intervals of 25-500 ms. The duration of a
round is 500-600 ms at surface blasting, 5-6 s at underground blasting.
From experience and theoretical considerations there are criteria for vibra-
tions levels that can be tolerated without damage to buildings, defects in
instrumentations and complaints from people. Several proposals to standards
are made (i.e. DIN 4150, ISO/DIS 2631/2) concerning vibrations of buildings
and the influence on people. Producers of sensitive equipment (i.e. EDB) rec-
ommend limits of environmental vibrations.
For buildings and structures peak particle velocity (ppv - mm/s) and peak
particle displacements (A - ,um ) are recommended parameters to be measured.
Limiting values are in the order of 2-100 mm/s and lo-200 pm. The frequen-
cies vary from 4-5 up to 400-500 Hz.
Concerning sensitive equipment (EDB etc.) acceleration measurements are
often recommended. An acceleration limit of 0.25 g has been widely used. In
Sweden a limit of 20 mm/s ppv is proposed.
Estimation of vibration levels, is based on the relation:
v=kQ”.@se -yR