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English Literature (Ist Semester)

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1 English Lit.

Ist Sem Class IV

English Literature (Ist Semester)

Chapter 1 : The House with the Golden Windows

Word Meaning:

Word : Meaning

Flame : ------------------------------------------------------

Gazing : ------------------------------------------------------

Waving : ------------------------------------------------------

Hurried : ------------------------------------------------------

Wounded : ------------------------------------------------------

Lamplight : ------------------------------------------------------

Disappointment : ------------------------------------------------------

Brightly : ------------------------------------------------------

Make Sentences:

Delighted : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Supper : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Blazing : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Realised : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Glitter : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Choose the right options to answer these questions.

1. What did Stevie usually do in the hour before sunset?
a. He went home for super with his family.
b. He sat down on a rock and dozed off.
c. He worked on the farm with his father.
d. He looked at a house on a distatnt hill/
2 English Lit. Ist Sem Class IV

2. When did the Golden windows usually appear?

a. at noon b. In the morning
c. at sunset d. At night

3. What did Mrs campbell tell Stevie about her family?

a. They were ordinary farming people.
b. They were new to the village.
c. The windows of their house were made of Gold.
d. They owned the farm on which Steive and his family lived.

4. Which of these statements about Paula is not true?

a. She had a black calf.
b. She became Stevie’s friend.
c. She was the same age as Stevie.
d. She went to the same school as Stevie.

5. Which of these statements about Stevie is true?

a. He ate nothing at Paula’s home.
b. He realised that his house also had golden windows.
c. He had a black calf with a white star on its forehead.
d. He told Paula what he had learned about the golden windows.

B. Think and answer.

1. What do you learn about Stevie from the story?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




2. Why were the golden windows only visible at sunset?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________





3. What did Stevie learn on his day off from work?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________



3 English Lit. Ist Sem Class IV

A. Circle the common nouns and underline the proper nouns.

1. Katie, the kitten is sleeping in a hat.

2. The puppy wagged its tail.

3. Brinda is a slim girl.

4. Navven visits Lucknow often.

5. Mr Sen lives in Siliguri.

6. Mrs Yusuf has been our teacher for two years now.

7. New Model High School is a very respected school in our city.

B. Write the pleural forms of these nouns.

1. Watch 2. Garden
3. Stone 4. Match
5. Half 6. Mosquito
7. Wife 8. Bus
9. Fox 10. Bench
11. Monkey 12. Duty
13. Story 14. Dish
15. Way

C. From each group, underline three words that are similar in meaning.

1. afraid, scared, drowsy, frieghtened, annoyed

2. reside, repeate, live, return, dwell

3. brave, timid, courageous, strong, heroic

4. pleasent, absurd, enjoyable, lovely, sleepy

5. closed, effort, shut, grab, locked, unfasten

D. The words in Column A describe the way people walk. These words are all from the story. Match
them with their meanings in Column B.
1. Strolled a. Walked around slowly with no purpose or direction.

2. Hurried b. Walked slowly with a lot of effort.

3. Crept c. Moved quickly.

4. Wandered d. Walked in a slow relaxed manner.

5. Trudged e. Moved slowly and quietly to avoid being noticed.

4 English Lit. Ist Sem Class IV

E. Complete these sentences with the walking words from the previous exercise.

1. He _________________ back up the hill.

2. We __________________ along the beach after dinner.

3. She turned off the light and ________________ out of the room.

4. She __________________ to answer the phone.

5. We ____________________ around the shopping centre without buying anything.

F. Use -ir- or -ur- to complete and spell these words.

1. c __ __ l 2. b __ __ d 3. h __ __ t

4. b __ __ n 5. t __ __ f 6. f __ __ st
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Topsy -Turvy Land

Word- Meaning:

Word : Meaning

Topsy-turvy :____________________________________________________________________

Pleasure Boats :____________________________________________________________________

Grand :____________________________________________________________________

Make sentences:

1. Travel :__________________________________________________________________________

2. Streets :__________________________________________________________________________

A. Answer these questions.

1. When do children go to school in Topsy-turvy land?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




2. If children go to school at night, when do you think they sleep?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




3. Where are the entrances to the houses in such a land?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________



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4. In the poem, if buses travel on the sea, then where do the boat travel?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




5. In the poem if buses travel on the sea, then where do the boats travel?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




6. Why is this land called Topsy-turvy land?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




7. Do you think that a place like Topsy-turvy land would exist, say why?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




Rhyming words:

1. Might :_________________________

2. Feet :_________________________

3. Sand :_________________________

4. Stand :_________________________
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Chapter 2 : My Early Home

A. Choose the right options to answer these questions.

1. What did the colt’s mother do as soon he was able to eat grass?
a. She made him pull a gig.
b. She took him another side of the meadow.
c. She went out to work.
d. She taught him to gallop.

2. What did the master call the colt and his mother?
a. Darkle and Pet b. Darkle and Beauty
c. Black Beauty and Duchess d. Beauty and Pet

B. Answer these questions.

1. How did the colt spend the day with his mother?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




2. What did the colt do in the meadow with the six young colts?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




3. What did the colt have to say about their master?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




C. Give reasons for these statements.

1. The horses liked the master.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________



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2. The master said the colt was well bred.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




3. The master called the colt ‘darkie’.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




4. The horses did not mind Dick much.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




5. The master was angry with Dick.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




D. Think and answer.

1. Describe the surroundings in which Black Beauty lived. Give one word for it.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________


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2. How can we tell that Black Beauty belonged to a good breed of horses?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




D. Rewrite these sentences using personal pronouns inplace of the highlighted words.

1. Mountains is a boy. Mohsin is at home.

2. Halima is a girl. Halima is in class.

3. Mohsin and Halima are siblings. Mohsin and Halima live in Lucknow.

4. Julian is a clever boy. Like Julian.

5. Minnie is our friend. Minnie is twelve years old.

6. The girls won the competition. The principal will give the girls an award.

E. Complete these sentences using suitable possessive pronouns.

1. This house belongs to us. It is _________________________ .

2. This briefcase belongs to my mother. It is _____________ .

3. This book belongs to my brother. It is ____________ .

4. Mina said, “This pencil box belong to me. It is ____________ .

5. The children have a new computer. It is _______________ .

6. This pen belongs to you. It is _______________ .

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F. Match the words in Column A with their suitable antonyms in Column B.

1. Brave a. Artificial

2. Happy b. Dawn

3. Come c. Cowardly

4. Natural d. Go

5. Dusk e. Sad

G. Make new words by adding a suitable prefix to the words in brackets. Then fill in the blanks with
the new words.

1. I am afraid I have to ___________ ( agree ) with you on that issue.

2. She read and ___________ (read) the university offer.

3. She used to _____________ (place) her keys often. Now she hangs them on her neck!

4. He is not as ______________ (friendly) as he seems.

5. It is _______________ (usual) for such a young child to sing so perfectly.

6. I think this plan will _______________ (fire).

H. Choose the right word to answer the questions. Usea dictionary if in doubt.

1. Which is a tree? Beach, Beech

2. Which is a wild animal’s home? Lair, layer

3. Which is part of a horse’s bridle? Rain, Rein, Reign

4. Which means ‘a couple’? Pare, pair, Pear

5. Which means ‘to grasp’? Seas, seize, Sees

6. Which is a coin? Scent, Sent, Cent

I. Listen to some information about horses and fill in the gaps.

A horse has _______________ hooves, a long ___________________ and _________________ growing on

its neck. It has a coat of ____________ . A horse eats ____________ and lives in a ________________ . A

young horse is called a _______________ . A female horse is called a _______________ a male horse is

called a ______________ . A horse ________________ to make itself heard.

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J. Make sentence.

1. Meadow :___________________________________________________________________


2. Gallop :___________________________________________________________________


3. Frequently :___________________________________________________________________


4. Stroke :___________________________________________________________________


K. Word-Meaning:

1. Meadow :___________________________________________________________________


2. Rushes :___________________________________________________________________


3. Brook :___________________________________________________________________

4. Colts :___________________________________________________________________

5. Gallop :___________________________________________________________________

6. Hedge :___________________________________________________________________


7. Plantation :___________________________________________________________________


8. Whinnied :___________________________________________________________________


9. Temper :___________________________________________________________________

10. Will :___________________________________________________________________

11. Trot :___________________________________________________________________

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12. Lodging :___________________________________________________________________


13. Neigh :___________________________________________________________________


14. Stroke :___________________________________________________________________


15. Gig :___________________________________________________________________


16. Plough boy :___________________________________________________________________

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Choosing Their Names

A. Answer these questions.

1. What is the task that the poet is doing?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




2. Why does the poet say that ‘Pepperpot’ would be good name for the tabby cat?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




3. How does the poet describe Sootkin?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




4. Say why the poet thinks that ‘Sootkin’ is a suitable name for the second cat?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




5. Describe the third cat.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________



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B. Read this line from poem and answer the questions that follow.

“and into a temper she quickly flies”

a. Who flies into a temper?
b. Why does she do so?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________





1. Tabby :_____________________________________________________________________

2. Slender :_____________________________________________________________________

3. Offend :_____________________________________________________________________

4. Frill :_____________________________________________________________________

5. Tortoiseshell :_____________________________________________________________________

6. Ne’vr :_____________________________________________________________________

7. Sets up his back :_____________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 3 : The Most Important Day

A. Choose the right options to answer these questions.

1. What did Helen’s mother say when people thought she could not learn anything?
a. She agreed with them and decided to send Helen away.
b. She disagreed with them and said that Helen was smart.
c. She disagreed with them but left Helen alone.
d. She agreed with them and told them to find a good tutor.

2. How did Helen Keller behave before Miss Sullivan came?

a. She was quite and helpful.
b. She was playful and naughty.
c. She was wild and often angry.
d. She was thin and sickly.

B. Answer these questions.

1. When and where was Helen born?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




2. How was Helen different after the illness?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




3. How did Miss Sulivan help Helen?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




4. What did Helen learn when the teacher put her hand into running water?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________

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C. Read these sentences from the text and answer the questions that follow.

1. “Something is very wrong,”

a. Who said these words? _________________________________________________________

b. Whom was she talking about? _________________________________________________________

c. Why did she say that something was ‘wrong’? ________________________________________________


2. She thought about the joys it had, brought her and, for the first time, longed for a new day to come.

a. Who was ‘she’? _____________________________________________________________________

b. What was the ‘it’ she was thinking about? ___________________________________________________


c. Why was she looking forward to a new day? _________________________________________________


D. Think and answer.

1. What kind of a person was Miss Sullivan?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________



2. What was the most important thing that Helen finally understood?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________



3. Why should Helen’s world now ‘blossom’?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________


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Make Sentence:

1. Plenty :__________________________________________________________________________

2. Quarrelsome :__________________________________________________________________________

3. Quirky :__________________________________________________________________________

Word Meaning:

1. Taby :__________________________________________________________________________

2. Slender :__________________________________________________________________________

3. Offend :__________________________________________________________________________

4. Frill :__________________________________________________________________________

5. Tortoise shell:__________________________________________________________________________

6. Ne’re :__________________________________________________________________________

7. Sets up his back :_________________________________________________________________


1. Eyes :______________________________

2. Bur :______________________________

3. Black :______________________________

4. That :______________________________
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Chapter 4. Dragon
A. Choose the right options to answer these questions.

1. How was that summer different in the valley of hazel?

a. It was wet and rainy b. It was hot and dry.
c. It was windy and chilly. d. It was dusty and cool.

2. What was the favourite spot for the children to play?

a. The meadow b. The haystack
c. The hillside d. A large, long rock

B. Answer these questions.

1. Before walking up, how did the dragon rock play a part in the daily life of the village?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________





2. How did the dragon wake up?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




3. What happened to the valley when the dragon sneezed?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




4. Where did the dragon go?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________


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5. How was “water dragon day” celebrated every year in the village?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________




C. Read the sentences from the story and answer the questions that follow.

1. “He must do something,”......

a. Who said this? _________________________________________________________

b. To whom was it said? _________________________________________________________

c. Why was it said? _________________________________________________________

2. “I saw something.”..........
a. Who said this? _________________________________________________________

b. To whom was it said? _________________________________________________________

3. “Look out! Run! Run!”

a. Who said this? _________________________________________________________

b. Why did they say it? _________________________________________________________

c. Whom were they running away from? ________________________________________________

d. Were they scared? _________________________________________________________

D. Explain these sentences in your own words.

1. A dry wind lazily picked up some flower heads and tossed them around.






2. The river carried away the school teacher’s bike shed, but she did not care.

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E. Think and answer.

1. How do you know that people were not scared of the dragon rock?






2. Describe three signs that the dragon was about to wake up?






3. Did the children believe in the rhyme that they always sang? Give reasons for your answer.






Make Sentence:

1. Spick and span : ____________________________________________________________________


2. Twitched : ____________________________________________________________________

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3. Dizzy : ____________________________________________________________________


4. Shrieking : ____________________________________________________________________


5. Monument : ____________________________________________________________________


Word Meaning:

1. Spick and span : ____________________________________________________________________


2. Dropped : ____________________________________________________________________


3. Dizzy : ____________________________________________________________________


4. Twitched : ____________________________________________________________________


5. Monument : ____________________________________________________________________

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Chapter 5 : The Worthy Successor

A. Choose the right options to answer these questions.

1. What kind of a priest did the famous temple on the hill have?

a. Greedy, young and rich b. Greatly respected

c. Young, kind and cunning d. Old

2. What was the request the priest made to the caretaker?

a. After my death, make sure that my son is chosen to be the priest.

b. After my death, I want you to be the priest.
c. After my death, make sure that only a humane person is chosen to be the priest.
d. After my death, tell the king to appoint a priest.

3. What did the caretaker see from the topmost point of the hill?

a. He saw people pushing others and rushing up for the interview.

b. He saw many young men making a steep and dangerous climb.
c. He saw three old men climbing slowly up the hill.
d. He saw one man clearing the thorny bushes along the way.

4. What was the question asked by the people who came for the interview to the caretaker when he choose
the young man as the successor?

a. Why do you choose a person personally known to you?

b. Why do you choose a man whose clothes are torn?
c. Why do you choose a young man who is late for the interview?
d. Why do you choose a man who is limping?

B. Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. The old priest looked for a successor who could take charge of the temple _____
but could not find a single person.

2. The old priest was not concerned about who would take charge of temple after him. ____

3. The need for a new priest became urgent because the old priest died. ____

4. When the caretaker referred to the ‘wise one’ he meant God. ____

5. The young man who came late for the interview was a simple and humble man. ____

C. Make sentence:

1. Worthy Successor :____________________________________________________________________


2. Caretaker :____________________________________________________________________

23 English Lit. Ist Sem Class IV

3. Interview :____________________________________________________________________


4. Limped :____________________________________________________________________


5. Filled with wonder:____________________________________________________________________


D. Word meaning:
1. Worthy successor :____________________________________________________________________


2. Caretaker :____________________________________________________________________


3. Breathed his last :____________________________________________________________________


4. Interview :____________________________________________________________________


5. Limped :____________________________________________________________________


6. Filled with wonder :____________________________________________________________________


E. Complete the sentences using the simple past tense of the words in the brackets.

1. I __________________ (not, see) you in school yesterday. Were you sick?

2. Sorry, I __________________ (not, do) my homework. I had no time.

3. I __________________ (hear) that song last year.

4. Gita __________________ (not, understand) a word of what the lady spoke.

F. These pairs of words are commonly confused. Study their meanings and use them to complete the
1. Accept : agree to receive or do
Except : not including
a. It’s cool and quiet everywhere __________________ in the kitchen.

b. She had gone to Patna to __________________ an award for her latest novel.
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2. Diary : A record of everyday's events or thoughts.

Dairy : A place where milk is processed
a. Don’t forget to enter the date of the meeting in your __________________ .

b. You will find yoghurt in the __________________ section.

3. Weather: temperature, rain, etc.

Whether: is it this or is it that?

a. I wasn’t sure __________________ you’d like it.

b. The __________________ in the mountains can change very quickly, so take suitable clothing.

4. Quite : Used when you are not certain about something

Quiet : Not noisy

a. i didn’t __________________ catch what he said.

b. She spoke in a __________________ voice so as not to wake him.

5. Lose : be unable; set free

Loose : unfasten; set free

a. There were some __________________ wires hanging out of the wall.

b. At least 600 people will __________________ their jobs if the factory closes.

G. Use or, ur or ir to complete and spell these words.

F __ __ st b __ __ d g __ __ l b __ __ th

Bl __ __ c __ __ ry visit __ __ f __ __ get

mot __ __ w __ __ k sh __ __ t th __ __ d

Question / Answer:

1. In this story, you read about how the young man cleared the mountain path. Describe how the path looked
before and after he cleared it.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




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2. Can you say that the old priest and the caretaker were very sincere people and gave a lot of importance to
their jobs? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________





3. Do you think we ought to be sincere in whatever we do? Would you do a task sincerely even if you knew
there were no benefits?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________





4. Name the lesson?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



5. Who said these words to whom?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________


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6. What was the decision made by the speaker?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




7. Why did Gopan appoint him as the main Priest?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________





8. Were the other people happy with this decision?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________




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The Tease

A. Choose the right options to answer these questions.

1. Why does the speaker say that the wind is a nuisance?

a. because it teases her
b. because it makes a loud sound
c. because she can’t catch it
d. because it rocks her boat

2. In the first stanza, what does the wind not do to speaker?

a. blows away her hat b. slams the windows of her house shut
c. messes up her hair d. blows the flowers and leaves off the pear tree

B. Based on the reading of the poem, complete this passage.

The speaker is talking about ________________ . She calls it is a ________________ because she says it

teases her in many ways. It ________________ upon her from everywhere. At times it ________________

her hat and ________________ her hair and ties her cloths in knots. She wishes she had a

________________ to catch it but then ________________ not do that because if there was no wind, she

couldn’t ever ________________ her boat or fly her kite!

C. Say if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. The wind is always annoying. _______

2. The speaker does not really want to catch the wind. _______

3. The speaker cannot sail her boat or fly her kite without the wind. _______

4. She does not understand that the wind is useful. _______

D. Answer these questions.

1. What does the speaker want to do the wind?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________





2. How does the wind help the speaker?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
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3. Name the poem and the poet.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



4. Whom is the poetess talking about?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



5. Why does the speaker call it a nuisance?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________





6. What does the speaker want?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________



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7. How does the wind help the speaker?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________





8. Give meanings of the following.

1. Nuisance

2. Pounce

3. Clutch

4. Snare
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Chapter 6: Irah Becomes a Flower Gardner

Word – Meaning:

1. Invest :___________________________________________________________________________

2. Regretted :___________________________________________________________________________

3. Compulsory:__________________________________________________________________________

4. Illustration :___________________________________________________________________________

5. Unbearable :___________________________________________________________________________

6. Concentrate:___________________________________________________________________________

7. Unique :___________________________________________________________________________

8. Accomplished:_________________________________________________________________________

Make Sentences:

1. Invest :___________________________________________________________________________

2. Regretted :___________________________________________________________________________

3. Compulsory:__________________________________________________________________________

4. Illustration :___________________________________________________________________________

5. Unbearable :___________________________________________________________________________

6. Unique :___________________________________________________________________________

7. Accomplished:_________________________________________________________________________
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A. Choose the right options to answer these questions.

1. What was special about the village from which Irah came?

a. It was famous for its flower gardens.

b. It had the most suitable soil and climate for a flower plantation.
c. It had well-trained gardeners.
d. It had moderate rainfall suitable for flower cultivation.

2. What led to Irah discontinuing her studies?

a. Typhoid fever followed by laziness.

b. Her father moved to another village.
c. She did a lot of housework which left her no time for studies.
d. The high fever made it difficult for her to study.

3. Why did her friend suggest that she should forget about the kite for the time being?

a. Because Irah knew nothing about designing kites.

b. Because she needed to learn to read first.
c. Because he father would design the kite.
d. Because the friend could easily design the kite.

4. Why was Irah grateful to her friends?

a. They helped her with the rose garden.

b. Together they taught her to read and write.
c. They told her how to design the kite.
d. They helped Irah’s father and mother.

B. Answer these questions.

1. What was the purpose of the meeting of investors and farmers from the village?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________

2. Which village did Irah represent?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why was Irah’s family worried the next morning?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________

4. Who helped Irah learn to read and write?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________
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5. What did Irah say as soon as the Cihejo won the kite competition?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________

C. Think and answer.

1. Why did Irah regret having thrown away her chance to study?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________

D. Read these sentences from the story and answer the questions that follow.

1. “----- we only have three month’s time,.........”.

a. Who said this?

b. To whom was this said?

c. What had to be done in three months?

2. “I don’t want to help you,........................?

a. Who said this?

b. To whom was this said?

c. How was the speaker supposed to help?

E. Complete these sentences with prepositions of time.

1. Deepa is arriving _________ 4 o’ clock _________ 31 March.

2. We have lived here _________ 2012.

3. There were no mobile phones _________ the year 1955.

4. Kashmir is beautiful _________ spring.

5. Please wait for me _________ i finish.

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6. What do you usually do _________ the weekends?

7. I’ll meet you _________ tow hours.

8. We left _________ she got home.

E. Irah has a cousin who is very messy. Choose the right options to help him find things in his room.

1. Th teddy bear is (on / under) the chair.

2. There are shirts lying (on / in) the floor.
3. There are books (under / inside) the table.
4. The laptop is (on / below) the bed.
5. There is a shelf (beneath / above) the bed.
6. The clock is (over / next) to the photo frame.
7. The shoes are (in / on) the sofa.
8. There are sheets of paper lying (upon / around).
9. The yellow jacket is hanging (in / on) a hook.
10. There is a poster (on / above) the wall.

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