Celiac Disease Management Through Gluten-Free Diets
Celiac Disease Management Through Gluten-Free Diets
Celiac Disease Management Through Gluten-Free Diets
In recent times, there had been an increase in the consumption of food products
made from cereals other than wheat flour. This is partly due to the surge or rise in
wheat importation thereby led to a high foreign exchange spending for countries
with comparative disadvantage in the cultivation and production of wheat grain.
Aside from this, there had been a major concern on the health challenges emanating
as a result of the consumption of food made from wheat flour. This health challenge
is called celiac disease; an immune-mediated disease arising from the inability of
the consumer to ingest gluten-containing products. This book chapter intends to
write on the management of celiac disease using gluten-free diets.
1. Introduction
In the last decade, there had been a rapid change in the dietary lifestyle among the
world populace owing to increased globalization, urbanization and rapid economic
development [1]. The rapid changes had also resulted in a large number of people suf-
fering from poor health conditions due to the food they consume. Owing to this, there
had been an increase in people’s awareness about the role in which foods play in the
emergence of these diseases [2–4]. One of such diseases resulting from food consump-
tion is celiac disease (CD). Celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder, triggers when a
genetically pre-disposed person or individual is exposed to dietary gluten resulting
in the inflammation or damage of the lining of the small intestine. Celiac disease had
become a global health challenge in which its prevalence is approximately 1% of the
total world population with variation among regions, age, and sex [5]. However, there
had been an increase in the prevalence of celiac disease in the US; a reason which was
unclear but attributed to environmental component of celiac disease such as changes
in the pattern of feeding, quality of ingested gluten, the spectrum of gastrointestinal
infestation as well as the colonization of the gut microbiota. Symptoms associated with
individuals suffering from celiac disease include retardation of growth, malnutrition,
anemia, diarrhea as well as fatigue [6]. Currently, the only proven remedy for the
treatment of celiac disease is the strict elimination of gluten from diets.
Generally, gluten is the term used to describe the alcohol-soluble fraction of
storage protein in grain wheat which made up of most diet in western countries
[7]. The storage proteins include prolamins (glutenin and gliadins) found in
Celiac Disease
wheat grain, secalin found in rye, hordeins found in barley and avenins found
in oats. These storage proteins had been found to contain glutamine and proline
residues which are resistant to digestion in the gastrointestinal tract and encourage
the deaminization by tissue trans-glutaminase [8]. These proteins when ingested by
a genetically susceptible person caused a toxic effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.
The proteins activate the response by cellular immune leading to the injury of the
intestinal mucosa which ranges from villous atrophy to infiltration of the lympho-
cytes. Villous atrophy in human leukocyte antigen (HLA) pre-disposed patient
resulted in malabsorption of micro and macronutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins
(A, D, E, K), folate, B complex vitamin (Niacin, riboflavin and thiamine), calcium,
and iron. To revolve the menace, individuals suffering from a celiac disease needs to
strictly adhere to gluten-free diets.
Gluten-free (GF) diets/foods are defined by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration as a food completely devoid of gluten or does not contain a gluten-
containing grain (wheat, barley, oat and rye), flours made from gluten-containing
grain in which the gluten had been removed or not removed (wheat flour or starch)
and finally, if any of the above-mentioned products contain at least 20 ppm of
gluten in food [9]. However, the Commission Regulation of European Union defines
a gluten-free diet as a foodstuff that contains a gluten level not exceeding 20 ppm
for people who are intolerance to gluten. It was further regulated that food not
exceeding 100 ppm in gluten content should be tagged as very low gluten. There
is a wide range of palatable and attractive gluten-free diets specifically manufac-
tured for individuals suffering from celiac disease and this include but not limited
to GFD baked products, beverage drinks, wines, beers, sourdough etc. [10, 11].
These products are cereal-based food and had gained wide visibility in North and
South America, Europe, North Africa and some part of Asia. Gluten-free products’
marketability is estimated to increase in value from US$ 4.18 billion in 2017 to US$
6.47 billion by 2023 in which gluten-free bread and cookie are estimated to be the
most consumed cereal-based GF-food globally [9]. During the production of food
products made from gluten, gluten present in the food products is responsible for
the elasticity, extensivity and texture resistant if the dough [2, 12]. However, to
improve the quality (texture and specific volume) of gluten-free diet/products,
hydrocolloids such as hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, xanthan gum, pectin, car-
boxymethylcellulose are commonly used to improve the baking quality, imparting
texture and appearance as well as stability in the gluten-free dough.
Though gluten-free products are ideal for consumption by patients living with
the celiac disease, it is however low in protein due to the utilization of flour and
starches with higher starch to protein content. When flours from pulses are blended
with gluten-free cereals, it results in a meal with the complementary amino acid
profiles and likewise provides high-quality proteins for bakery purposes. C-ertain
species of pseudocereals have been reported to have significant nutritional constitu-
ents such as micronutrients, polyphenols, proteins, and dietary fibers when com-
pared with flour produced from cereals [13]. Significant higher mineral content has
been reported in gluten-free foods produced from quinoa, millet, oat, amaranth,
and buckwheat when compared with those made from rice, maize, and potato
starch [13].
Some method which had been reported to improve nutritional values and
bioavailability of gluten-free bakery goods includes malting and sprouting as these
processes help in activating enzymes responsible for the starch, proteins, and lipids
Celiac Disease Management through Gluten-Free Diets
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95762
breakdown [14, 15]. It has been suggested that gluten-free bakery products should
be incorporated with pulses and pseudocereals rather than the use of starches and
gluten-free cereals only.
2.2.1 GF-dough/sourdough
Celiac Disease
A diet which is free of gluten is the most effective therapy for ailment such as
celiac disease. Aside from its beneficial roles in patients with celiac disease, it also
has some perceived health benefits such as the regulation weight loss regulation and
prevention of gastrointestinal disease. The gluten-free industry was reported to
experience a growth of 136% between 2013 and 2015 [42]. Aside from the conven-
tional production of noodles from wheat, noodles are also produced from other
uncommon sources such as starches derived from corn, cassava, potatoes, mung
beans, and konjac. Grains of rice, oats, and buckwheat are other unconventional
Several grain varieties were also used in the production of gluten-free noodles
with good nutritional and health values. Gluten-free noodles are most suitable for
consumption by patients with intolerance to gluten as found in patients with celiac
disease. This type of noodles is mostly recommended for anyone who needs to avoid
the health challenges posed by the consumption of gluten foods.
Noodles made from rice grains are the second most common products after
cooked rice grains. Noodles are mostly produced from Indica rice variety and very
common in Asia countries like the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand,
and Sri Lanka. Fu [43] classified rice noodles into instant, frozen, dried products
of shapes and thickness of differing types. With an amylose content of over 22%,
Indica rice is most suitable for noodles production. The starch properties determine
the structural characteristics of rice noodles as its constituent protein does not play
any role in the formation of a stable network structure [44].
Rice noodles are not prone to breaking apart when pan-fried. They also have an
elastic and flexible texture when pan-fried. Majority of consumers preferred rice
noodles which are boiled, pan-fried or soup with several ingredients as this noodle
products have a smooth taste when eaten and improved eating qualities. Aside from
its amylose which is viewed as a possible reason for its suitability in rice noodles
production, the exact mechanism is not understood fully.
Oat grain is a herb plant grown annually. The consumer market for this plant
is small. The two major types of oats are Avena nuda L. (naked oats) and Avena
sativa L. (Avena sativa). Avena nuda L. is the most commonly cultivated oat in the
Celiac Disease Management through Gluten-Free Diets
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95762
Gansu, Hebei, Jilin, and Inner Mongolia Provinces in China. Oats are highly nutri-
tious, high-energy and low-sugar food. Oats are usually referred to as healthy foods
because of their ability to regulate the metabolism of cholesterol, thereby impeding
the onset of certain ailment such as cardiovascular disease, aside its other health
benefits [45].
Buckwheat flour has protein content within the range of 7–13%, which is sig-
nificantly higher than the values present in wheat and rice flour. Buckwheat flour is
also rich in linoleic and oleic acid with a fat content of about 3%. Rutin, a bioactive
compound with hypertensive and hypolipidemic effects, is present in buckwheat
flour. Buckwheat noodles are majorly produced in northeast China, Korea, and Japan.
Buckwheat noodles processing can be either slit buckwheat noodles or extruded
buckwheat noodles. Just like in wheat noodles production, buckwheat noodles are
also produced manually or mechanically. In studies by Alamprese et al. [46], pasta
product was developed from a combination of eggs, rice flour, and buckwheat flour.
This study demonstrates the potential of buckwheat use for noodles production
without incorporating wheat flour which is gluten carrying constituent.
Cassava noodles, potato noodles, konjac noodles, corn noodles, mung bean
noodles etc. are some other types of noodles product which are gluten-free. These
noodles are rich in nutritional and functional values [47–51]. Figure 1 shows the
flowchart for noodle processing.
Figure 1.
Potato noodles processing flowchart.
Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease Management through Gluten-Free Diets
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95762
4. Conclusion
An approximately 1% of the people living in the world today suffers from celiac
disease. However, there had been an uprise in the prevalence of the disease due to
the underestimation of the disease as it is often left undiagnosed. The only proven
remedy to the treatment and management of the disease is the exclusion of wheat
or gluten-containing products from their diet and through adherence to gluten-
free products/foods. One constrains being perceived by patient suffering from
celiac disease is the nutritional imbalance of the diets as a result of the exclusion of
gluten and other major gluten-related protein from their diets. Owing to this, it is
important that when developing gluten-free diets for patients suffering from celiac
disease, the GF-food should be of high nutritional composition, available, and
avoidable economically.
Celiac Disease
Author details
© 2021 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Celiac Disease Management through Gluten-Free Diets
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95762
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