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Digital Marketing and Its Analysis: S Yogesh, N Sharaha, D Shiva Roopan

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S Yogesh , N Sharaha ,D Shiva Roopan

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Technology

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India,641042


This piece of research work aims at understanding the preferred emerging media options used for marketing. In the Internet age many new
methods used for product promotion and marketing. "Desk research" has been turned into "online research", now in the online, market
research has become possible. Many Indian companies are using digital marketing for competitive advantage. Social Media has quickly
gained prominence as it provides people with the opportunity to communicate and share posts and topics. The development of information
technology, followed by the advancement of digital communication tools, has encouraged businesses to change the way of communicating
the product. Digital Marketing communications strategy is a strategy of using digital communication media. The purpose of the undertaken
study is to examine the effectiveness of online digital media advertising and also about emerging media options used for marketing. This
paper mainly studies the development history of digital marketing and existing significance including the difference and contact between
digital marketing and traditional advertising and also the relationship between digital marketing and the Internet industry. This paper
helps small businesses such as start-ups to successfully adopt and implement digital marketing as a strategy in their business plan and to
recognize the usefulness of digital marketing in the competitive market.

Keywords: SEO, AdSense, AdWords, Pay Per Click, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Digital Communication

1.INTRODUCTION: Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM),

Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Online Advertising,
Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services Landing Page Marketing, Smartphone marketing, Affiliate
using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also Marketing, Viral marketing.
including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other
digital medium. Philip Kotler is considered as the “Father of
Modern Marketing” who is the author of over 60 marketing
books, and provides us with important lessons that can be
applied to our digital strategy.The development of digital
marketing is inseparable from technology development.The
advent of digital marketing can be traced back to the days of
the 1980s. This was the time when new innovations were
taking place that made the computer system advanced enough
to store information of the customers. It was in the year 1981
when IBM came out with the first personal computer and the
storing capacity of the computers increased to 100 MB in the
year 1989. Before Digital marketing we had Traditional
Marketing, which is a conventional mode of marketing that
helps to reach out to a semi-targeted audience with various
offline advertising and promotional methods which may have
evolved over the past few decades, but the fundamental Fig1. Share of respondents
aspects remain the same. This Traditional Marketing gave
birth to the Digital marketing. Digital marketing encompasses 2.WHY DIGITAL MARKETING:
all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the
If a business is thriving, it’s growing. Its revenue is increasing
internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search
by leaps and bounds. Company employees are happy, and the
engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect
owner is excited. It feels good to be in charge of a growing
with current and prospective customers. Digital Marketing is
business. The role of digital marketing is absolutely essential
defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to
for business growth in today’s day and age. Are you taking
connect with customers where they spend much of their time
advantage of the Internet and advertising your business
online. There are many types of Digital marketing. Here we
through online strategies. The world of digital marketing
can see about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search
might seem confusing, so let us break it down for you.
According to HubSpot, digital marketing refers to any front page of website to reach till key audiences. It has many
marketing effort that involves the Internet or an electronic ways to be done possible to get traffic for business through
device. If marketing exists online, it’s classified as digital online marketing principles. Online Marketing is the practice
marketing. Digital Marketing has been rising in popularity of leveraging web-based channels to spread a message about a
over the last several years. And there’s a simple reason why: company's brand, products, or services to its potential
the world is online. Technology Review gives us the stats–in customers. The purpose of online marketing is to get people to
2000, the average American spent about 9.4 hours online. visit your website and then convert those visitors into paying
Today, most people spend 24 hours a week on the Internet, customers. That’s what online marketing is all about. It has
most of the time using their smartphones. Internet usage is the same set of objectives like Establish and build brand
growing, and as a business owner, you’ve got to take recognition, Determine Pricing and make offers, Run
advantage of this. Know where the role of digital marketing advertising campaigns, promotions, discounts and specials etc.
stands in your business — or you’ll be left behind. If you have Online marketing media includes Website/Blog, Social Media
a small business or a start-up, you probably don’t have much Marketing, Email Marketing, Search Engine Marketing,
money, time, or manpower to invest into traditional marketing Content Marketing, Video Blogging, Online Classifieds.
techniques. But that’s okay! You don’t need a fancy building
with hundreds of people on staff. You just need a simple but
solid digital marketing strategy.

2.1 Offline Marketing

Offline marketing is the process to create brand awareness and

reach till target customer to satisfy their needs and want. In
many occurrences, individual adopt marketing mix stradegy
for their business promotion. The entire plan behind offline
promotion is to obtain leads, when there is no website for your
business. There are many forms of offline marketing strategies
such as through print media as well as non print media.
Offline marketing media includes Television, Radio,
Brochure, Flyers, Banners, Newspaper, Pamphlets, Posters. Fig2. Model Graph of Websites and their promotion
Offline marketing tools offer varies benefit, Of course the first
benefit is that with offline marketing, a business doesn’t have 2.2.1 Website
to be dependent on an internet connection. If a web server
Your website is the key to a successful digital marketing
goes down and a website is no longer accessible, that’s
strategy because all other digital marketing elements direct
valuable custom and discoverability potentially lost. A smaller
guests to your website, which should effectively convert
business may take a while to get back online during which
guests. Elements of website design that generate conversions
vital customer attention may have been spent elsewhere. With
are using best SEO practices and tools, having a great user
offline media there are no such worries, it exists in the real
experience, and capitalising on the wealth of analytics
world and cannot be taken off the grid. Another benefit may
websites offer. A website without effective SEO will not
be somewhat less tangible but no less important and that’s that
organically appear in the top spots on a Search Engine Results
digital marketing is seen by many customers and clients to be
Page (SERP), and therefore won’t generate many clicks from
throw away. People are so used to seeing advertisements, pop
Google, Bing, and other search engines. These clicks are
ups, and marketing emails that they don’t even notice them
critical to your digital marketing efforts because you need to
drive as much traffic as possible to your site to generate direct
sales. Even the most beautiful website will be mostly
ineffective without the proper use of SEO. Using keywords
2.2 Online Marketing: that guests are likely to search for and optimising your site for
Online marketing is the process to catch the attension of search engines will improve your SEO and push your website
potential customers for business through particular banner, to the top of the organic listings. While Facebook and Twitter
articles, video, images, flash animation etc. Marketing offer limited analytics to track marketing campaigns and
activities or information are planned as an elegant tempt to the tweets, your website has the ability to collect comprehensive
visitors in which particular website of business wants to information on who your guests are, how they find your site,
attract. This information is particularly placed on main page or and what they view while on your site. This information is
invaluable when trying to understand and pinpoint your guests
and can be used to market your resort to a targeted, engaged  Meta Title
population. Websites are able to capture much more
 Meta Description
information about how guests engage with your website and
brand than social media analytics. Aside from data on your  H1-H6
guests, website analytics have the power to track marketing
campaigns so you’ll quickly be able to determine how  Content Optimize
successful a campaign is by using this Analytics. A sitemap is  Internal linking
a structured representation of all pages of a website. Both the
site structure and the individual links between the pages can  Keywords Research
be listed. Two different sitemap types can be distinguished,  Google Analytics
HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps.
 Web master tool


Google Search Console / Google web master:
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine
Optimization. It means creating good place of a website in Google search console is a software tool, offered by Google as
search engine result page on the basis of keywords and a free of cost service for each and every one. By using this
phrases. It comes under Digital marketing category. SEO is tool to monitor your website and optimize organic results,
the process of online visibility in no-paid search engine crawl issues, sitemaps, mobile usability and backlinks. It’s the
results. It basically depends on Keywords. Search engine like leading edge tool wide utilized by associate exponentially
Google, Yahoo, Bing. TRS Tech is offering best digital diversifying cluster of Marketing professionals, Website
marketing services in Toronto, Canada and it is one of the best Designers, App Developers, SEO specialists, and business
companies in Canada. It is the process of creation a web page entrepreneurs. Google webmaster tool is also called a Google
easy to find, easy to crawl, and easy to categorize. It is about search console. Google has changed the Google webmaster
helping your customers find out your business from among tool to Google search console. It is a free software tool by
thousand other companies. SEO is an integral part of any using these tools you can to manage your website of the
digital marketing strategy. In Digital marketing services SEO technical part. For managing the technical part first, you need
is the most important part of digital marketing. to add your website and verify ownership on Google search
There are two types of SEO (i.e) Off page and On page SEO:

3.1 Off page:

Crawling and Indexing:
Off page is basically we can promote our website through
internet. In Off page we have include Crawling is tracking and gathering URLs to prepare for
indexing. By giving them a webpage as a starting point, they
 Social Media will trace all the valid links on those pages. As they go from
 Bookmarking link to what is crawling in digital marketing link, they bring
back data about those web pages back to Google’s servers.
 Forum Submission Indexing is the organization of information that occurs after
 Blog Directory Submission crawling which allows pages to be seen on search engines.
However, your page must be able to be crawled before
 Article Submission indexing, indexing can occur. Therefore, it is important to
have all your website pages available for crawling. When
 Question/ Answer
searching at the most basic level, Google’s algorithms will
 Video Submission analyze your search terms in the index to find appropriate
pages for you. If you are looking for ‘computers’, it is likely
 Image Submission
that you are also searching for pictures, videos, a list of
 Info graphics different brands, etc. Google’s indexing systems will note
many different aspects of pages such as videos, pictures, and
 Document Sharing when they were published to provide potential visitors to your
3.2 On Page: site valuable content.

On page is basically that we do within our website. Such as:

Social Media Marketing:
Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of Internet
marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a
marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that
users will share with their social network to help a company
increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach. One of
the key components of SMM is social media optimization
(SMO). Like search engine optimization (SEO), SMO is a
strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a website.
SMO can be done two ways: adding social media links to
content, such as RSS feeds and sharing buttons -- or
promoting activity through social media by updating statuses
or tweets, or blog posts.SMM helps a company get direct
feedback from customers (and potential customers) while
making the company seem more personable. The interactive Fig3. Social Media Usage Trends
parts of social media give customers the opportunity to ask
questions or voice complaints and feel they are being heard. Google Analytics:
This aspect of SMM is called social customer relationship Google Analytics is a very important digital marketing tool. It
management (social CRM). Social Media represents low-cost allows you to measure the results of individual campaigns in
tools that are used to combine technology and social real-time, compare the data to previous periods, and so much
interaction with the use of words. Social media gives more. Google Analytics allows you to track many important
marketers a voice and a way to communicate with peers, metrics, covering all aspects. You can monitor the
customers, and potential consumers. It personalizes the effectiveness of your online marketing strategies, onsite
"brand" and helps you to spread your message in a relaxed and content, user experience, and device functionality. All these
conversational way. The six Best Social Networks for statistics show you what is working well, and more
Ecommerce Advertising includes Facebook, Instagram, importantly, what isn’t. Once you identify any issues your site
Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat.Social media marketing may have, you can create a solution. Google Analytics allows
involves the use of social networks, consumer's online brand- you the information needed to improve your website, and
related activities (COBRA) and electronic word of mouth make it the best it can be. Google Analytics is implemented
(eWOM) to successfully advertise online. Social networks with "page tags", in this case, called the Google Analytics
such as Facebook and Twitter provide advertisers with Tracking Code, which is a snippet of JavaScript code that the
information about the likes and dislikes of their website owner adds to every page of the website. The
consumers.This technique is crucial, as it provides the tracking code runs in the client browser when the client
businesses with a "target audience".With social networks, browses the page (if JavaScript is enabled in the browser)
information relevant to the user's likes is available to and collects visitor data and sends it to a Google data
businesses; who then advertise accordingly. Activities such as collection server as part of a request for a web beacon.
uploading a picture of your "newConverse sneakers to
Facebook" is an example of a COBRA.Electronic
recommendations and appraisals are a convenient manner to
have a product promoted via "consumer-to-consumer
interactions.An example of eWOM would be an online hotel Google AdWords is a marketplace where companies pay to
review;the hotel company can have two possible outcomes have their website ranked right with the top organic search
based on their service. A good service would result in a results, based on keywords. The basic gist is, you select to
positive review which gets the hotel free advertising via social promote your brand based on keywords. A keyword is a word
media. However, a poor service will result in a negative or phrase the user searches for, who then sees your ad. Your
consumer review which can potentially harm the company's ads will only show up for the keywords you pick. Google
reputation. counts the clicks on your ads and charges you for each click.
They also count impressions, which is simply the number that
tells you how often your ad has already been shown when the
users searched for that keyword. If you divide clicks by
impressions, you get the click-through-rate or CTR. This is the
percentage of users who land on your advertised page,
because they clicked on your ad Consider Google AdWords to
be an auction house. You set a budget and a bid. The bid sets
Social Media Marketers’ Platform Usage Trends: how much you are willing to pay per click. If your maximum
bid is $2, Google will only show your ad to people, if other keyword that is related to their business offering. For example,
aren’t bidding more on average. Google doesn’t just want to if we search for any keyword, our ad might show up in the
show people the ads by the highest bidder – they could still be very top spot on the Google results page. Every time our ad is
horrible ads. They care about their users so much that they’d clicked, sending a visitor to our website, we have to pay the
rather show them a more relevant and better ad by someone search engine a small fee. When PPC is working correctly, the
who pays less. Ad Rank is a metric that Google uses to fee is trivial, because the visit is worth more than what you
determine the order in which paid search ads are displayed on pay for it. In other words, if we pay $3 for a click, but the
the SERP. click results in a $300 sale, then we’ve made a hefty profit. A
lot goes into building a winning PPC campaign: from
Therefore - Quality ads + good bid = win! researching and selecting the right keywords, to organizing
those keywords into well-organized campaigns and ad groups,
to setting up PPC landing pages that are optimized for
AdSense: conversions. Search engines reward advertisers who can
create relevant, intelligently targeted pay-per-click campaigns
Google AdSense is a popular way for websites to make money
by charging them less for ad clicks. If your ads and landing
from advertisements, all the way from part-time bloggers to
pages are useful and satisfying to users, Google charges you
some of the largest publishers on the web. AdWords
less per click, leading to higher profits for your business. So if
advertisers pay Google either by the click (PPC). In turn,
you want to start using PPC, it’s important to learn how to do
Google shares a percentage of that revenue with the AdSense
it right
publishers. Google AdSense serves ads via plain text, as
opposed to graphical content that dominated the advertising 4.DIGITAL MARKET IS FUTURE:
scene when it was introduced in 2003. Google decided to
serve plain text in an effort to minimize the intrusiveness of Digital marketing is huge, and it’s not going away anytime
advertisements, to optimize the page loading speeds, and soon. We’ll prove it to you: $120 billion is the amount the
ultimately, to elicit a more favourable marketing response U.S. will spend on digital marketing in 2020, Boost Ability
from the site visitor. AdSense is a free, simple way to earn says. That number equals almost half of the total amount spent
money by displaying targeted ads next to your online content. on media. The role of digital marketing is rising dramatically.
With AdSense, you can show relevant and engaging ads to Boost Ability lists more stats: from 2016 to 2021, the amount
your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads spent on social ads is expected to double ($15,016 to
to match your website. Google ad sense is a wonderful way $32,977). The amount spent on display ads and online videos
for website owners and bloggers to earn extra income from will increase, too. Before long, digital marketing is expected
clicks that create traffic for Google. This is how Google ad to outperform conventional marketing strategies. People
sense works; the Ad sense spiders will go through your simply prefer online content. Kevin O’Kane, managing
website to see what all your pages are about. They will then director for Google Marketing Solutions of Google Asia
check their list of ads and put related ads next to each of your Pacific, described the Internet as rocket fuel when it comes to
articles. For Example, Someone reading an article on fashion business growth. And he’s right. “Every business needs to be
accessories is much more likely to buy fashion apparels than online and digital,” O’Kane said, according to Business
someone who is reading an article about automobiles. Google World. “To keep growing, SMBs [small and medium
display advertising reaches over 90% of internet users businesses] need to meet consumers where they spend an
worldwide, with about a trillion impressions served to over 1 increasing amount of their time, online. Online, your ‘local’
billion users every month. To start implementing Google Ad market is as big as you want it to be.”
sense and display advertising is relatively easy but you need to
understand about different types and sizes of ads that will
compliment your website and ad campaign. 5.CONCLUSION:

The study started with the aim to analyse the different kinds
related to marketing. Based on the discussion it has been
Pay Per Click (PPC) found that in case of the digital marketing the most important
aspect is to connect with the users. The ladder of engagement
PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in has shown the approaches to attach with the customers. The
which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is study has also revealed that in order to utilise the digital
marketing in an effective way, the companies are required to
clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site,
design an effective platform. It has shown that in the current
rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically. context, it has become important to integrate all the systems
Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of with that of the digital platform. The transition of newspaper
PPC. It allows advertisers to bid for ad placement in a search from the printed version to the online version has been
exemplified the current trends of the digitalisation. The
engine's sponsored links when someone searches on a
research and practice of digital marketing is improving with
the advancement of technology.


We would like to thank Asst. Professor Pamina mam for

guiding us and providing us with the support for helping us in
this paper and give us the necessary guidelines and


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